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GHOSTS SALTMARSH. OF CREDITS lead Designers: Mike Mearls, Kate Welch Producer: Dan Tovar Designers: Wolfgang Baur, James lntrocaso, Joseph A. McCullough, Project Managers: Bill Benham, Stan!, Matt Warren Jon Sawatsky. Steve Winter Product Engineer: Cynda Calloway Design Consultants: Will Ansell, Myke Cole Imaging Technician: Kevin Yee Art Administration: David Gershman Developers: Jeremy Crawford, Ben Petrisor, F. Wesley Schneider Prepress Specialist: Jefferson Dunlap Playtest Coordinators: Bill Benham, Christopher Lindsay Playtest Analyst: Ben Petri~or Senior Director Global Brand Strategy: Nathan Stewart Director licensing & Publishing: Liz Schuh lead Editor: Kim Mohan Licensing Manager: Hilary Ross Editors: Michele Carter, Scott Fitzgerald Gray, F. Wesley Schneider Digital Marketing Manager: Bart Carroll Senior Communications Manager: Greg Tito Art Direction: Kate Irwin Manager Global Brand Marketing: Anna Vo Graphic Design: Emi Tanji, Trish Yochum Brand Manager: Shelly Mazzanoble Concept Artist: Shawn Wood Associate Brand Manager: Pelham Greene Senior Art Director: Richard Whitters Principal Game Designer. Chris Perkins Senior Creative Art Director: Shauna Narciso Narrative Designers: Adam Lee, Ari Levitch Cover Illustrator: Grzegorz Rutkowski Pbytesters: Adam Howard, Adrian Farmor, Alan Or<h. Ale• D'Am1co. Ale• Forsyth Cartographers: Dyson Logos, Mike Schley Alex Kammer. Alex McClead. Afex Wilson, Alexander l<retov, Alicia Cisneros, Ahcia Graham, Amanda Stone, Amber Spova, Andre Battrick, Andrew Corneio, Andrew Epps, Interior Illustrators: Even Amundsen, Joachim Barrum, Mark Andrew Ku1awa, Andy Baker, Anthony V1c1n1, Ari Gonulu, Ariel H•rsh, Arthur Wright, Behm, Eric Belisle, Zoltan Boros, Sam Burley, Sidharth Chaurvedi, Ashleigh Bishop, Austin Fields, Austin H•fflie, Austin Sanders, Beau Coker. Ben1omin Conceptopolis, Olga Drebas, Wayne England, Justin Gerard, Leesha Shlndewolfe. Beverly Stauffer. Biii Kerney, Boyd Bennrn. Brenda Hopper, Brendan Barr, Hannigan, Lake Hurwitz, Tyler Jacobson, Sam Keiser, Julian Kok, Broderick Jones. Bruce laClair, Call Davis. C•mcron Scruggs, CasS1dy Schenley. Charles Wri&ht. Chase Louviere. Chene Bruce, Cheryl Pierce, Chloe M1tzay1. Chris Davis. Chris Michael Komarek, Slawomir Maniak, Brynn Metheney, Christopher Kens ta. Chns McGovern. Chns Wood, Christian Franz, Chflstian Hancock, Chr1s11an Moeller, Scott Murphy, Jim Nelson, Vincent Proce, Chris Rallis, Zoltaf Bellomo, Chust1ne Weidenbach, Chnstophtt Hac~ler~ Christopher Scoggin, Chris Seaman, Rudy Siswanto, David Sladek, Francis Tsai, Franz Christopher Wood. Chuck Benscoter. Cindy Moort. Clayton Embrey. 01ff H•nger. Cody Vohwinkel, Richard Whitters, Shawn Wood, Mark Zug Helms. Collin Wh ..l tr. Connor S<htnck. Connor Self. C,.1g Domres, Dace Mcfadden. 01n Beam. Dan DeHun. Oan Harsh, Dan Harsh. Dan krinesttwr. Oamel E. Chapman II. Daniel 'KBhn' Oliveira, Daniel Kl1nest•vtr, Daniel Tye. Otlno Berto. Dave Sacker, Dave Knighton, David •cameron• Gidcumb. Oav1d Mon1s. Oav1d SchnoH, OaVld Woods. Oerek Gray, Oerek Myers, Oevon Argo. Doug Oavos. Oylan Cole. Ed kr•ft. Em1eCih•ngir. Enc Kooistra Enk Grentet, Evan Jackson. Evan Rodarte, Evan Schulz, Flo Velasquez, C•bnel Soares Machado, Gabrielle Zulask1, CentSls Martinez. Greg Lyman. Greg Smith, Gugory Pa.rov1chn1kov, Gvs Reyer. Haig Morrison, Heather Coleman, H~ctor Ramirez. How•rd Hubbard, Hugo Mendieli, Ian Hawthorne. l•n Kimmel, Ian R1<k. Jackson Thomas. Jacob Benscoter, Jacob Dalton, Jacob DelMauro, Jamal AH, James Armstead, James Endicott. James Hazel, lames Holland, James Kirtley. l•m« Schweiss, Jamie Shepperson. )•red Fegan. Jason Conwell, rason )orosz. Jason Lopez, Jason Maneson, joson Thomas. Jawsh Murdock, jay Africa, jay Elmore. Jay )•n•. Junette Wiiey. Jeffery "Jj" Zielinski, Jeffery Barnes, JenniferCourvre-Swarner, Jeramie Coopef, jerem1iih Gaddis, Jeremiah Pop•. Jernn Chambers. Jesse Smoth. Jessoca Goff, J1a l,.n Tin. J•m Berner. Jim Quirk, )oao Eduardo D•ntas. joDee Murch. Jc>e Boergies, loe G1over. fc>e Mor•nd•. Joel Gonulez. lc>el Thompson, John Amann, John Fulmer lohn Horan, john Mangrum, lohn Stockles. John W Mangrum. Jon l•mk1n, Jonathan Connor Self lonathan Longstaff. jo•dan Brass. Jorge Sepulveda, Joseph Kauffman Ill, Joseph Schonck Ill, foseph Sompson Ph 0, Joshua Frtdrtckson. Joshua Hart, Joshua Lt••n. lul•t Wright. Jul•us Sm1th, lusttn Faris, Kalani Jasmine Vernon. K411fan1 Vernon. Kar~ Rader, Karl Resch, Kate Tollefson, k•ttlyn Pop•. Kathy Ounn, Kelly Lewis, Ken Beckman, Ken Breese, Kenneth M•han. K1rs1en Thomas, Krupal Desai, Kurt Waldkirch, Kyle Jackson. lance Schantz. laura Wol~. Logan Ruggaber. Logan Thomas Ruggaber, Lou Mochell1. Luca Andreolli, Lucas Thode. Luke Absolum Reid, Lyza Bryandinskaya, Mackenzie hoffman, Magnus Morgan, Marc Soucy, Marcello De Velazquez, Mark Detwiler, Martin Lennartz, Mary Hershey, Matt Sulton, Matt Maranda, Mau Warwick. Matteo La Rosa, Matthew Austin, Matthew Rodertck. Matthew Stanford, Ma!lhew Talley, Manhew Warwick, Max Leu, Melissa ON THE COVER Bassett, Michael Ande,.on, Michael Campfield, M1ch•el Dunn, Michael Obermeier, M1ch. .1 Patrtck Campfield, Mike Kelly. Mike Olson, Mike Thom.,, Miranda McFadden, A group of desperate adventurers confronts a deadly sahuagin warrior Nllahe Tabor. Nathaniel l. Arons, Neil Hamamoto. Nie Tollefson. Nick LaCla1r, Nina on rough seas. Meanwhile. unbeknownst to the heroes, a monstrosity Wong. Olga Shvedova, Patrick la• Rick. P•ul Aparoc10, Paul Thomas. Philip Koop, Rachel from the deep breaks the surface to assault their ship. This piece Aubrecht. Ralph Bohn Jr. Ramitl Lou1e, Randall H•ms. Richard Nunn, Rob Parker. Robert D•tsch. Robert Qu•llen II, Robert Scon. Rod Ehrman, Roy Adam Lentz. Russ Paulsen, marks Grzegorz Rutkowski's debut as a cover artist for D&D. R)an Hagan. Samuel Brett~ Sc.ou Moore, Stan Freeland, Sun Payne, Sergey Gv1ld1s, Shani kn11hton, Stacy McGovern. Stephen M1hon, Sttrf1n1 Hershey. Steve Townshend, D1sclo1m11: After hauling dragons. cJem1fltol culfisu, vomprrts. dtmom. 01td gionrs. )'0&1 Tab•tt-ia "muel, Tuhfecn 8h1md1. Thelem Eys•er. Thomas Kocantt'. Thomas WhHney dtstrvt o ttloxmg ocea.11 c1u1st. Please kttp oil 111tol l1mbs \ltltlt w11hm the Jh1p's eon.fines. Wt T1.,, Langen. Tom Bfaclcmon. ToM Duchaine, Tony lovttl Tony Stremanos, TonyV1c1n1, Oft nor rt$pons1blt for vol'1obles. h11 po111U, or l1vti lost dur;ng "JOur ...o yogt In foef, pethaps Tor. Backer, Travis Fuller. Tnstan Andrews. Tristan Htndm:, Troy SandlJn. Tyler Urbanski, ~u 'd prefer o more ttloxmg vocoeron opt;on. Con we se111eu a '"P to tl-e Nine Hells? Thcy'rt V.inusa Ftrnandes P1f'lht1to, Victor Barros Pimentel, W.aynt ChJng. Wayne Fuller, W-111 qv1tt balmy rim time of year Hoffman. Woll Vaughn, W11io Burger, Xavier S1tpn1ak, Zach"y Pockett 620C6297000001 EN ISBN: 978-0-7869-6675·2 CE First Printing: May 2019 987654321 DUNGEONS & DRAGONS. O&D. W1urds of the Coast. Forgo11cn Realms. the dragon ampersand, Plortr• Hondbook Monsru Manual. Dungton Mouu·s c,.dt. all other Wozards of the Coast product names, a..nd their tesptctive toaos are trademarks o(W1zards of the Cont 1n the USA and other countr:ts. A! chatacters and 1he1r d•St1nct1ve likenesses ~fe p1opetty of Wizards of tht Coast This matenal is proteettd under the copyrig"lt laws of the Un11ed States of Amenu Any reproduction or t.inivthonztd ust of che m.-tenal or artwork con1a1ned herein'' prohibited without the express written pttm1ss1on of Wizards of the Coast Printed on the USA ()2019 W1,.rds of the Co.st LLC. PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98037-0707, USA Manufoctured by Hasbro SA. Rue Em1lt-Bofchat 31, 2800 Deltmont. CH. Rcorcscntcd by Hasbro Europe 4 The Square Sto<kfty Park Uxb(tdgt Middlesex lJBll JET UK CONTENTS lntroduction. ................................................................................... 4 Cb. 7: Tammeraut's Fate ......................................................... 141 Using This Book ............................................................................. 5 Background .................................................................................. 141 Adventure Summary ................................................................. 141 Cb. 1: Saltmarsh. ........................................................................... 7 Adventure Hooks ........................................................................ 141 Politics and Factions ..................................................................... 7 Harpy Attack ............................................................................... 142 Saltmarsh Overview .................................................................... 11 The Village ofUskarn. .............................................................. 143 Downtime Activities. .................................................................... 18 Firewatch lsland ........................................................................ 144 Saltmarsh Region ....................................................................... 20 The Hermitage ........................................................................... 146 Adventures in Saltmarsh ........................................................... 27 Last Stand ................................................................................... 156 Saltmarsh Backgrounds ............................................................ 29 Preparing for the Drowned Ones .......................................... 157 Ch. 2: The Sinister Secret ofS altmarsh ............................. 37 Death from the Deep ................................................................ 157 Background. .................................................................................. 37 Safe by Day ................................................................................. 158 Adventure Summary .................................................................. 38 The Wreck ................................................................................... 158 Adventure Hooks ......................................................................... 38 Conclusion ................................................................................... 160 The Haunted House .................................................................... 39 Extending the Adventure ......................................................... 161 The Sea Ghost.. ............................................................................ 50 Ch. 8: The Styes. ....................................................................... 163 Ch. 3: Danger at Dunwater. ...................................................... 61 Background ................................................................................. 163 Background. ................................................................................... 61 Adventure Summary ................................................................ 164 Rules of Engagement .................................................................. 62 Adventure Hooks ....................................................................... 164 Roleplaying Lizardfolk ............................................................... 64 Part l: A Dying District.. .......................................................... 165 Adventure Summary .................................................................. 65 Part 2: Murder Mystery ............................................................ 169 Traveling to the Lair ................................................................... 65 Part 3: Hemlock Pit. .................................................................. 172 Lizard folk Lair ............................................................................. 66 Part 4: The Lamp's Shadow. ................................................... 179 Conclusion ..................................................................................... 84 Part 5: Tharizdun's Progeny ................................................... 182 Epilogue: Croc Hunt ................................................................... 84 Aftermath .................................................................................... 185 Cb. 4: Salvage Operation ......................................................... 87 App. A: Of Ships and the Sea ............................................... 186 Background ................................................................................... 87 Ship Stat Blocks ........................................................................ 186 Adventure Summary .................................................................. 87 Sample Ships ............................................................................. 187 Adventure Hooks ......................................................................... 88 Officers and Crew ...................................................................... 194 State of the Ship .......................................................................... 89 Superior Ship Upgrades .......................................................... 196 Death of the Emperor ................................................................. 93 Ships in Combat ........................................................................ 198 Conclusion ..................................................................................... 95 Travel at Sea ............................................................................... 199 Ch. 5: Isle of the Abbey ............................................................. 97 Ocean Environs ......................................................................... 202 Background. .................................................................................. 97 Encounters at Sea ..................................................................... 207 Adventure Hooks ......................................................................... 97 Random Ships ............................................................................ 208 Adventure Summary .................................................................. 97 Mysterious Islands .................................................................... 211 Traveling to the Isle. .................................................................... 98 Underwater Locations. ............................................................. 214 The Island ..................................................................................... 99 Cove Reef. ............................................................................... 214 The Abbey Ruins ....................................................................... 101 Wreck of the Marshal... ........................................................ 218 Locations in the Ruins ............................................................. 104 Warthalkeel Ruins ................................................................ 223 Conclusion. .................................................................................. 109 App. B: Magic Items ................................................................ 229 Cb. 6: The Final Enemy. ......................................................... 111 App. C: Monsters and NPCs ................................................. 230 Background ................................................................................. 111 Council of War ............................................................................ 111 Sahuagin Stronghold ............................................................... 112 The Mission Begins .................................................................. 114 Conclusion ................................................................................... 137 INTRODUCTION EL.COME TO GHOSTS OF SALTMARSH. THIS In addition Lo the adventures themselves, chapter 1, book collects seven D&D adventures, each "Saltmarsh," provides an in-depth look at the town, its famous for their unique challenges, for their various inhabitants, the nearby coasts, and what dan deadly threats, and for embracing the danger gers threaten the region. A variety of new backgrounds and wonder of the high seas. Some of these also help make new characters part of the Saltmarsh adventures initially charted their courses community, giving them personal stakes in the town's in the earliest days of D&o·s history. while opportunities and hardships. others set sail in more recent years. In each The sea and its threats aren't unique to Saltmarsh. case, these tales of plunder and peril have been updated To help launch explorations across the wild waves. ap for the current edition of the game. revealing deadly pendix A. "Of Ships and the Sea." presents a toolbox for shores for brave crews to explore anew. ocean-bound adventures. New rules for various ships, Along with these adventures returns one of D&D's how to crew and captain them, and how to pit them most famous seaside settings: the port town of Salt against each other provide adventurers with new modes marsh. The original backdrop of three of this collec of exploration. Beyond this, details on a variety of nauti tion's tales (The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh. Danger at cal dangers and oceanic hazards- from magical storms Dunwater, and The Final Enemy), this fishing commu to whirlpools- make the seas even deadlier than ever nity has a tradition of being a starting point for incredi before. A spectrum of tables also helps generate encoun ble adventures. Historically, Saltmarsh and the dangers ters upon the waves, be they deadly sea monsters; ran facing its people provided a widening sphere of adven dom vessels. theirs crews. and cargo; or islands brim ture, with increasingly dire threats drawing heroes to ming with untold mysteries. Concluding the appendix explore more of the coast of the Azure Sea. Ghosts of are a variety of underwater locations-like deadly reefs Saltmarsh continues that tradition. presenting a portion and sunken ruins ready to be customized and explored of the coastal lands of Keoland, a kingdom in the Grey as your campaign demands. hawk setting. Each adventure notes where that story The book's remaining appendices present magical might unfold in the region around Saltmarsh. providing treasures perfectly suited to seafarers and a robust col a shared setting for them all. Although these seven ad lection of fearsome aquatic foes. ventures weren·t designed to create a single overarching New horizons of adventure now lie before you. What narrative, the tools provided herein make it easy to link wonders and terrors will you discover across the waves? these stories into a wider Saltmarsh campaign. Set sail and find out! USING THIS BOOK CREDITS FROM THE ORIGINALS Ghosts of Saltmarsh features seven tales of adventure As every Dungeon Master knows, considerable work that take place upon the waves, on brine-battered goes into the creation of a DUNGEONS & DRAGONS ad shores, and in the sea's deadliest depths. Each of these venture. Presented below are the credits from the clas adventures comes from across the tides of D&D history, sic adventures that inspired the updated tales found in returning to test heroes grown used to the predictable this book. For more on each adventure's origin and its threats and reliable footing of dry land. place in D&D history, see the "About the Original" sec Along with each adventure appear notes for setting tion featured near the begining of each adventure. the adventure in the Saltmarsh region or adapting it to a The Sinister Secret ofS altmarsh (1981) variety of D&D settings. Use that information to place it Design: Dave J. Browne in your campaign or on the shores of your choice. Development: Don Turnbull These adventures make perfect side quests for Editing and Production: Tom Kirby, Sally Meadows, Graeme Morris, ongoing campaigns. If you run published D&D cam Don Turnbull Art: Jim Holloway, Dave de Leuw. Harry Quinn, Stephen D. Sullivan paigns, like Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, the higher-level Playtesting: Jim Bambra, Michael W. Brunton, Chris Hall, Bill adventures presented here are an ideal way to extend Howard, Steve Mote, Allen Ovens, Martin Pickering, Chris Rick, the campaign. Dave Tant, Patrick Thompson, Don Turnbull, Mark Valentine, Pat The adventures in Ghosts of Saltmarsh also perfectly Whitehead complement those in Tales from the Yawning Porta/ Cartography: Graeme Morris which collects another seven famous (albeit landlocked) Danger at Dunwater (1982) adventures. By picking and choosing your favorite en Design: Dave J. Browne tires in each compilation, you'll be on your way to creat Development: Don Turnbull ing a customized campaign all your own. Editing and Production: Penny Bogg, Tom Kirby, Carole Morris. Graeme Morris, Don Turnbull Art: Dave de Leuw, Jim Holloway, Harry Quinn, Tim Truman RUNNING THE ADVENTURES Playtesting: Jackie Apps, Steve Buckalow, Mike Ferguson, Bill To run each of these adventures, you need the fifth Francis, Andrew Geer, Bill Jones, Tom Kirby, Martin Pickering, Matt Quartermain, Tony Ross, Phil Spivey, Dave Tant, Nick edition Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide, Thornley, Simon Thornley, Jim Ward, Guy Williamson and Monster Manual. Before you sit down with your Cartography: Graeme Morris players, read the text of the adventure and familiarize yourself with the maps as well, perhaps making notes Salvage Operation (2005) Design: Mike Mearls about complex areas or places where the characters Editing and Production: Sean Glenn, James Jacobs, Erik Mona, are certain to go, so you're well prepared before the ac Sarah Robinson, Mike Schley, Jeremy Walker tion starts. Artwork: Attila Adorjany Cartography: Kyle Hunter Text that appears in a box like this is meant to be read Isle oft he Abbey (1992) Design: Randy Maxwell aloud or paraphrased for the players when their charac· Editing and Production: Wolfgang H Baur, Dale A. Donovan, Roger ters first arrive at a location or under a specific circum· E. Moore, Larry W. Smith, Barbara G. Young Artwork: Peter Clarke stance, as described in the text. Cartography: Diesel The Final Enemy (1983) The Monster Manual contains stat blocks for most Story: Dave J. Browne of the monsters and N PCs found in this book. When Development: Don Turnbull a creature's name appears in bold type, that's a visual Editing and Production: Paul Cockburn, Tom Kirby, Graeme Morris, cue pointing you to its stat block in appendix C or in the Don Turnbull Cover Art: Dave de Leuw Monster Manual. If a stat block appears in appendix C of Cartography: Graeme Morris, Philip Kaye this book, the text tells you so. Playtesting: Bill Black, Bob Collman, Thomas Haas, Bill Howard, Spells and nonmagical equip· Allan Owens, Dawn Poole, Gina Poole, Chris Rick, Dave Tant, ment mentioned in the book Mark Valentine are described in the Player's Tammeraut's Fate (2004) Handbook. Magic items are Design: Greg A. Vaughn described in the Dungeon Editing and Production: Sean Glenn, James Jacobs, Erik Mona Master's Guide, unless the Artwork: Peter Bergting Cartography: Rob Lazzaretti adventure's text directs you to an item's description in The Styes (2005) appendix B. Design: Richard Pett Editing and Production: Sean Glenn, James Jacobs. Erik Mona, Sarah Robinson, Mike Schley, Jeremy Walker Artwork: Joachim Barrum Cartography: Jason Engle INTRODUCTION 1: CHAPTER SALTMARSH ALTMARSH IS A NONDESCRIPT FISHING VILLAGE POLITICS AND FACTIONS tucked away on the southern coast of the Kingdom of Keoland. For several generations, Saltmarsh's future rests in the hands of three factions Keoland was a formidable military power. that compete for supremacy. Two of the factions repre Its superior cavalry and bold knights pushed sent the opposing sentiments that have grown in town the kingdom's borders outward to the north. in recent years. The third is a secret group that seeks to west. and east. Each successful campaign undermine Saltmarsh and seize control of the region. increased both the crown's wealth and power, These factions' struggles play out in the day-to-day lives and each one in turn drew the kingdom's attention even of the townsfolk and the political maneuvering of Salt farther north. The southern coastal regions of Keoland marsh·s town council. remained a backwater. TRADITIONALISTS The crown's benign neglect allowed piracy and ban ditry to flourish. Saltmarsh and similar towns kept to The traditionalist faction is an alliance of the prominent fishing, content to maintain a low profile and avoid gov fishing families and merchants in town, along with the ernmental entanglements. Decades ago, the pirates who workers who rely on those industries for a living. The prowled the waters off Saltmarsh grew strong enough traditionalists remember the terrible times during the to create their own realm, a loose confederacy known as Sea Princes' raids and have no desire to see the crown's the Hold of the Sea Princes. With the rise of that nation ambitions lead to open war. The smugglers who operate came increased raids on Saltmarsh and its neighbors. in the area tend to be traditionalists. Most pose as mer The Sea Princes' raiding ships pillaged the coast for chants and rely on their local contacts to move goods more slaves to support their growing realm. and Salt through the region without interference from the town marsh suffered heavily. The memories of those times guard or royal agents. Smuggling has long been an easy loom heavily over the area, and the locals' hatred of the way to make money in Saltmarsh, and locals generally Sea Princes runs deep. look the other way, seeing it as a victimless crime. In time, Keoland's victories in the north gave way to The traditionalists would like to see the dwarves' min a string of defeats in which its neighbors pushed the ing efforts fail and interest from the north wane, so that kingdom back to its original boundaries. With the world Saltmarsh's dependable fishing trade can thrive and closing in, King Kimbertos Skotti looked to the south the smugglers in the area are left alone. They resent the and saw unchecked banditry and a rising pirate nation. intrusion of outsiders seeking to transform Saltmarsh The crown struck peace treaties with its former foes to and undoubtedly drain power from the fishing families the north, raised a navy, and dealt a sharp check to the to give to dwarves and merchants. ambitions of the Sea Princes- but the conflict is by no This faction relies on two council members for repre means over. sentation. Eda Oweland leads the faction and can count King Skotti has decreed that the pirates must be put on Gellan Primewater to back her up. Anders Solmor is down, the sea lanes secured, and trade cultivated. If young and unpredictable. but he has supported the tradi Keoland cannot prosper as a military force, it must grow tionalists' viewpoint on most issues. mightier as a center of trade. At their best, traditionalists are community-minded Saltmarsh. remote though it might be from the center folk who want Saltmarsh to return to its old way of of power in Keoland, is entering a new phase of its life doing things, arguing that the town has survived for a as it reacts to the king's plans. The crown's agents want century by sticking to its original priorities. They suf to expand the village's port and make it a prime location fered mightily due to the Sea Princes' depredations and for trade with the world beyond. In another recent devel remember the days when the crown turned a blind eye opment, a band of dwarves bearing a decree from the to their troubles. Their loyalty to the king runs second to king himself- have arrived and begun LO excavate the their desire for peace and quiet. hills and seaside cliffs near town, looking for precious metals. If their work bears fruit as expected, the mine EDA 0WELAND stands to become a major factor in the village's-and. Eda (CG female human noble) is the current senior indeed, the entire region's prosperity. member of the town council, as well as the owner of Naturally, not all of Saltniarsh's residems feel the three large fishing boats. She has lived in Saltmarsh all same way about the recent developments in and around her life and has been elected to the council three times. their community, which is the key issue that affects their She is a gruff, pragmatic woman whose graying hair is lives and livelihood. Although the recent changes stand cut short and whose face bears the marks of a life lived to bring new prosperity to the area. many locals don't outdoors. Eda is keenly interested in expanding Salt want to see their home changed. At the same time. as marsh's fishing industry. her sights set on a wild section an undercurrent through all the goings-on, agents of the of the coast where she hopes to build a new dock. She is secretive and mysterious Scarlet Brotherhood work to suspicious of the dwarves' mining enterprise and doubts thwart Keoland's ambitions while advancing their own. it will amount to much. C 1-IAPTf RI S>\LI \I \11~11 7 Pe.rsonality Traits. Eda swears like a sailor when she THE TRADITlONALISTS IN PLAY is frustrated or angry. and the folk in town who support The traditionalists simply want things to remain the her appreciate her wi II ingness to stick up for them. same. If they had their way, the dwarves would go home, Despite her temper. she respects those who keep their the guard would stick to dealing with monsters rather cool. Anyone who stands up to her wins her respect. than hassling honest traders, and the crown would go Those who try to flatter her earn her contempt. back to dreaming of conquests in the north. The more Ideal. If anyone in town needs help. Eda is the first things change. the more this faction resorts to open pro lo volunteer. She believes community binds people to test and resistance. gether and allows the1n to ride out che fiercest storm. Bond. Saltmarsh is Eda's home. She would protect it TRADITIONALIST SAMPLE EVENTS to her dying breath and wants its people to prosper. d20 Event Flaw. Eda is suspicious of outsiders. and she is too 1-6 A group of fishers accosts dwarves and other out quick to trust those familiar to her. siders, demanding they leave town or else. GELLAN PRIMEWATER 7-10 Gellan Primewater rm ports a variety of exotic flow Gellan (NE male human noble) is a well-spoken, dap ers that he uses to decorate the town, while also per older gentleman with a neatly trimmed beard and a distributing fresh tropical fruit free of charge to the fancy wardrobe. With his cunning instincts, he has po townsfolk. sitioned his family to become the most prominent mer 11-12 A fire breaks out in town, and Eda Oweland raises chants in town. but he now faces an intractable problem. funds to support those who lost their homes. Gellan made his fortune through smuggling, his textile 13-14 A fishing boat goes missing with its crew. They and lumber exports serving as a cover for his illegal were smuggling a haul of black pearls, and Gellan activities. When Saltmarsh was a sleepy backwater, he wants his treasure back without risking his cover. could operate with impunity. Now that Saltmarsh has 1S-16 A bountiful catch leads to a day of feasting and attracted attention from the outside world, he sees busi ness growing more difficult and less profitable. reconciliation, giving the factions a chance to make Over the years, Gellan has cultivated relationships amends. with a number of contacts among the Sea Princes. His 17-18 A bungled smuggling operation lands a few re ships move illicit goods, including slaves, between their spected people in jail, leading to near riots as fish realm and Keoland. Gellan takes care to keep this side ers gather in a huge mob to effect a breakout. of his business quiet, since any hint of involvement with 19 A horrible sea creature has been sighted. keeping slave traders would mean the end of his days in Salt many crews at the docks until rt disappears. Any marsh, if not his life. one who tracks it down and slays it would be a Gellan seeks to keep his smuggling cartel functioning hero. Gellan pledges a magic weapon to its slayer. with as little interference as possible. Having a seat on 20 Several fishing crews have gone missing. The locals the council puts him in a perfect position to maintain his demand that Keoland dispatch a squadron of ships business while supporting all aspects of the traditional ists' agenda. His popularity in the faction is second only to track down the slavers from the Sea Princes who to that of Eda Oweland. surely kidnapped them. Because Gellan is the wealthiest man in town, be garners a great deal of popular support from the many LOYALISTS feasts, entertainments, and other diversions he supports The loyalists consist of newcomers who arrived from with expenditures and donations. He pretends to care the northern reaches of Keoland, loyal to King Kim little for the daily functions of the council. defaulting to bertos Skotti. They feel that the town should focus on throw his support behind Eda's position. Tn truth, this becoming a useful asset to the crown and value the good deference is a ruse he uses to mask his efforts to shield of the kingdom before the good of the region. The town his smuggling operation. guard. the dwarves. and the local farmers are generally Personality Traits. Gcllan loves to play che role of the loyalists. foppish dandy. He enjoys fine wine. good food. and the The loyalists care about security. They want to keep latest fashions. He is a patron of the arts and spends lav Keoland's enemies at bay while ensuring law and order. ishly to support festivals. plays. and concerts. They see smuggling as a key problem, as it enriches the Ideal. For Gellan. beauty and elegance are everything. Sea Princes at the cost of the royal treasury and the ef He derives great enjoyment from watching the town en forts of honest merchants. joy his events. Above all else. the members of this faction put their Bond. Gellan values his reputation above all else. He faith in law. They exert influence through the town wants to be admired by the people of Saltmarsh. guard, though they remain within their legal authority. Flaw. Greed colors every action Gellan takes. He can't At their best. the loyalists want to grow Saltmarsh into turn down a chance lo turn a profit. even if it means a trading hub with a higher standard of living and im breaking the law. Gellan secretly believes that even if proved security. If the Sea Princes are held in check and he is caught, he can spend his way back into the town's the sea lanes cleared of threats, Saltmarsh can grow to good graces by throwing the biggest. most extravagant become the envy of the world. festival Saltmarsh has ever seen. Gii ·\i' IL I! l I SAi I ~11\l<Sll At their worst. the loyalists see the people of Salt Ideal. Eliander is a faithful servant of the crown. The marsh as a barrier to growth. The locals are little more law must be obeyed. as faithful service and iron disci than allies of the Sea Princes, traitors who for too long pline arc the surest ways to maintain peace and order. have evaded the crown's notice. If they were to do as the Bond. Once he gives his word, Eliander keeps it to the loyalists tell them, then perhaps this fish-reeking pile of death. Honor is his life. and treachery earns his wrath. a town could become something respectable. Flaw. Eliander is stubborn to a fault. Once he sets his mind to a belief or a course of action, little can ELIANDER FlREBORN dissuade him. Eliander (LN male human gladiator) fought in the royal army of Keoland. where he earned a name driving the MANISTRAD COPPERLOCKS wild th in gs of the Dreadwood away from the settled The leader of the newly established mining operation lands. Eliandcr suffered a tremendous injury to his leg in Saltmarsh is an iron-willed dwarven woman named in a battle against an owlbear and now walks upon a Manistrad (LN female dwarf veteran). She runs the finely carved wooden peg. Despite his injury and ad mining outfit from a small office near the edge of town. vancing age. the burly captain of the Saltmarsh town Manistrad is a competent leader, as well as a savvy guard remains an imposing figure. Eliander is a local miner with a knack for pulling off impossible jobs. She's celebrity thanks to his facility with languages, and he is convinced that the veins of silver found in the cliffs near often called upon by the town's various organizations to Saltmarsh are indicative of more valuable stones deeper assist with translations. He is fully literate in Common, in the rock. She was once a fearsome warrior, and she's Dwarvish, Gnomish, Elvish. and Halfling: he can also not above delivering a few well-placed blows to ensure speak and understand Ore and Draconic. her orders are followed. In a crisis, Eliander Fireborn might put the good of Manistrad occupies an awkward place on the coun the crown above local rule. He possesses a royal writ cil. She was placed in her position by royal decree: the that allows him to seize authority over the town guard in crown decided that if Saltmarsh is 10 support a mining case of an emergency. He is loath to use it, as the locals operation. the miners would need a political voice. A might react to his seizure of power with an open revolt. more diplomatic figure might have smoothed over the Personality Traits. Caution guides Eliander·s tension. but Manistrad has little patience and sees the thoughts and his every action. He recognizes that rest of the council, save for Eliander. as rustic dullards. Saltmarsh is on the verge of tremendous growth, but Personality Traits. Manistrad is a woman of few he sees the influence of the Sea Princes behind every words. She is curt and quick, yet she gives every person stroke of misfortune. Slow and steady wins the day, as who comes before the council a fair accounting. She's he likes to say. nobody's fool. < It \Pl IR I S.\IT\iAR"ll q

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