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Gheranda Samhita Sanskrit - English Srisa Chandra Vasu The Gheranda Samhita l TranslatedintoEnglishby RAl(BAHADUR SRISA CHANDRA VASU SRI SATGURU PUBLICATIONS 40/5.;Sbakti NaaP •.Dcla;.110007, (India) Distributed by INDIAN BOOKS CENTRE 40/5, Shaktt Nagar, Delhl-ll0007 (India) First Published 1914-1S SSPEdition 1979 Published by Sri Satguru Publications, 40/5, Shakti Nagar, Delbi-llO007 &Printed at A. K. Press, Delbi·ll0035 TABLE OF CONTENTS. LBSSONFIRST. P.AGI-. ONTHE TRAININGOF TUB The VajrAsana, or the A4amut PHYSICALBODY. Po~tnre 14 PAOB, TheSwaatlkl1sl'\& l' Salntation 1 TheblmhAsana 16 The Gomukhllsana 14 TheBevenExercises 2 TheSixPuri6catory Proc_tIII II The VirAaana Iii TheIi'0II4'Internal Dilantis I 'lhe Dbanuraisana 1/i Antar-Dhauti .•• 8 The MritA8&1111 Iii VAt.asAra-Dhanti 4 TheGupUsana 16 TheMatsyasana 16 Yt.rldra-Dhanti 4 The MatsyendrAsana 10 Agnlalr&,orFire Pnrillcation ( ThePaschimottlln..-Aaana 1. Bahilll:rlta-Dliauti 6 'I'h~Gorai.shaaana 10 Danta.dhautl, orTeeth parilioation 5 The Uti.a~6aanll 10 Danta·Mnla-Dbauti G TbeSankata8llna 17 .Thhl lSodbana,orTongue.Phaat! ... IS The MayfirAaluia 17 Karua-Dhanti, orEar-Oleaning 7 The Ku"utAsana 17 Hrid-Dhant! '" 7 'I'heKQrmasana 17 Panda·Dhauti 7 The Utt6na KQrmAAila... 17 • Vamana-Dhauti 7 The.bl.a!l~uk4Bana 1~ Yastra·Dhauti .., ... S The Vtt4na Ma!l~ukAsana 18 Mnla SodhanR,orPurification ot tbe The VrlhbAsana 18 Rectum S TheGarllllAsana 18 Endof Dbautia II The VrisbAsana 18 Bastls 9 ThebalabbAuna 18 .Tala-Bast! 9 TbelIlakar488na 18 8thala-Basti ... 9 TheVshtrAaana 18 o£ndof Buti·Karma 8 TbeBhuJangAeana 18 Netl 9 The YogAsanB 18 Lauklki-YogIL... 10 TrAtaka,orGazing 10 TWRnLBSSOIf. KapAlabhAtl ... to OnMudrAs to YAma-bm. '" 11 'l'be Advantages of PraotlslDg V,Qt-Krama ... 11 MudrAs to Sit-Krama 11 Endof the Firat Lesson II MahAmndri ...... 21 It&Benefits 21 SBOONDLESSON. Nabho-UlldrA... 21 TheAsanas,o. Postures... U 1l~~jy4na.Bandha 21 DifferentKinds of Posturea 12 Its Benents 21 The Siddb4aana 18 lAlaudhara '.".. 22 ThePadmbana 18 Its Benellta is TheBhadrAsana 18 MQlabandha... U ... TheMuktA8ana 14 ItaBenellts " .. 11 P.101l. r.-. P.l81. FooB'l'II Mah&budha ... 21 Ita Denellta ... U Pratylhlra, orBeatraln1Dgthe Mln4 18 Mabi\ve<lha U J'DTs LI8eOIC. Its Benellts .•• 21 Prlpl,.e.ma, orRestralnt ofBreath...... IT Khecbari Mud.r.A. 2-i Place 17 Ita Benellts U Time II .. Viparit&t&ra~l 26 8b.Seaaons II ... or Its UeQellts U TheBxperlenomg 8euoDa It ... YonJmlldrA ... 20 Moderation ofJ>le~ eo Ita Benellta is Prohibited :Joo4I Vajro!li Mudra 27 PurlAoatlon orNI~" d .. Ita Benellta 1'1 KiDde ofKumbllak. " .. Saktl OUlanl 11 &abIta " Ita Benellta ... sa 8f1ryabbeda-Kumbllab ... d Ta~.gl-Hlldr& t9 It.. Denetta JUndukl-Mudrl 18 The V,J1UI 48 It..Benellts II ThelrBeati d .. S&mbhavi-Hudrl t8 UJj&yl .7 Ita Benellts ... Ii 8ltall " Tho rlvo Ph&ra~A-Madrle 10 Db_rib PArthlvf 80 Bbrlmari (or Beetle-DroIlIDg Ka.. ItIJBenestts SO bbab) If 1mbhui 81 MQrcbh& .8 Ita Benellta 11 KenO 10 .Agneyl 11 11m!r.-oK. Ita Benellts It nhylna-Yop ... 51 Vlya'fl 81 Sthflla Dh1Aaa 61 Its Beneftts 8t Another Prooeu 61 ltAiIDUranA 82 l:rotlr Dh7&aa lit ... Its Benellts 88 Another Proae I lit Alivlui-MudrA 88 SQuhma Phyw 54 .. Ita Benellts , 8B 'BIVD'rB L-. PMini-Mudd... 8B aamAWYop ... It Ita Benelltl ... U Dhytaa-Yop IImAdbJ M Kald-MuclrA... II N&cla-Yop1aa114td 17 ... Ita Benellta U Ru&naDda Yelp BuaI4hl 67 MitauglDJ-Muclr& u- La:ya-8ldclclhlYop, a.m&cIbl ... 18 It.. Benellta ... U BbakUYop~ U BIthauBjaeDnegfllntla-M.u.d.ri Isat BP&rajlal-eYoorp8aBmlm&cWWbl 1188 TheBoDell. orIrl'lldrb ... II TheeD4 II THE GH.ERANDA SAMHITA LESSON FIRST ON THE TRAINING OF THE PHYSICAL BODY. SALUTATION. I bow to that Lord Primeval who taught in the beginning the eeienee ofthe Training in Hardiness (Hatha Yoga~-a science that stands out as the first rung Onthe ladder that leads to the supreme heights of Roya\Training (Raja Yoga). NOTII.--TheTralnlnr of the body IBthe IIrststep tothe tralnln, ofthe mind. A healthy mindClanexllt onlyIna healthy body. Renos the Hatha Yop or training ot the bodylB the first step tothe training otthemIndorRajaYoga. Hathamaybetlaulatecl I .... hard" orthe training oforinHardiness. Raja Inthis connection may be translated .. royal orIOrtn888,or training Inroyal graces ormental dlsclpllne. ~~'.ICfi'qit~ I ~ ~""cnftrI1<'fT tR:~{1l I ~ fif"cU'i(fi4i ~ q~ • t II 1. Once ChaJ,l.4aKipAli going to the cottageof GheraJ;.l4asaluted himwithreverence and devotion. fft4iQli!fiJQif&iSECi:q- 1I'!(iIl~i.i ~ ~~ IIimIIlI smr • ~ eft~~1ir ~(q It II ChaJ'}.4aKAp!li said :- 2. 0 MasterofYoga! 0 best ofthe Yogins!0 Lord! I wish now tolearn thePhysical Discipline (Yl)ga),which leads to the knowledge of truth (orTattva-jiiADa). iRq :ftN- ~ltr ~ ~ ~(iillji(i ~~. I 'liEiCiilil It ~ ~ (1iEi\i4'''''t'4i<tl" __" I'HE GHERANDA SAMHITA. GR~nA~J)A REPLIED. . 3. Well asked, indeed, 0 mighty armed, I shall tell thee, 0 child, what thou askest me. Attend to it with diligence. . ~ ~Tm(: qy,jt ~Tfta~~ '1m:(,I ~tfta""l~T "~~!,~1{'{. ~t ~: " VII 4. There are no fetters like those of lllusion (MayA), no strength like that which comes from discipline (Yoga), there is no friend higher than knowledge (}iil1na), and no greater ,e"n,.e,llfllYut~han Egoism (Ahar;Jkira). ~~~~uMif ~'QT I ~ ~ ~iue,u (I'~~ V5¥f..., II~ II 5. As hy learning the alphabets one can, through practice, master all the sciences, so by thoroughly practising first the (physical) training, one acquires the Knowledge of the True. ~'li~i'ti~: ~~ snfirr..t 'Q'l':, ~~ ~ ~ ~'QT ~U~II 6. On account of good find bad deeds, the bodies of all animated beings are produced, and the bodies give rise to works (Karma which lead.. to rebirth) and thus the circle is continued like that of a Persian Wbe:e1. ~,,\\n rm V~ 41l4f.!,4...,.· 'fUT~ I (fJlm~1ftTT~T V"~ ~q~fu'" \9 I 7. As the Persian Wheel in drawing water from a well goes up and 'down, moved by the bullocks (filling and exhausting tbe buckets again and again), so the soul passes through life and death moved by its Deeds. ~ {'{Imm il~m~:~~1i~I~~,~" q,~ ~1Jl ~:It Ii 8. Like unto an unbaked earthen pot thrown in water, the body is soon decayed (in this world). Bake it liard in the fire of Training in order to strengthen and purify the body. \If'! ~~i(1l. I ~~ffi~~~~ ~, U((l"~ ~aA 'el!~~ ~m:ml~1I..U , n THE SEVEN EXERCISE~. fl. The seven exercises which appertain tothis Training of the body are the following :--Purificatory, strengthening, steadying, calming, and those leading to lightness, perception, and isolation. LESSON FIRST. 3 V'l\1'9~1 ~dUJt ~~ ~"' ~III.I ~ e 91{~t f\1{(ti ,,~ SR~!n~~ ~"t 0 II smDT~mTftN~ 'aUilli'Sf~'umiit I UII'~iI' ~~ ~~ '" ~~q: II~t II 10-11. lst.-The purification is acquiredby the regular perform anee of sir practices (to be mentioned shortly); 2nd·-Asana or posture gives Driddhats or strength; 3rd-Mudl'a. give~Sthirata or steadi ness; 4th-Pratyahara gives Dhairyati\ or calmness ; 5th:_'PraQayam3 gives lightneas or Laghims ; 6th-Ohyana gives perception (Pratyak shatwa) of Self; and 7th-Samadhi gives isolaticn (Nirliptata), which is verily the Freedom. ~~I{I ~ ~9~r ~~~~ ~ om I ~~miUJ "'~r~'mlif ~l1n~ IIt~II THillSIX l'UR!FlCATORY PROCESSES. 12. (1) Dhauti ; (2) Basti; (3) Neti ; (4)Laukiki ;(5)Tl'a~ka; (6) Kapatabhati are tho Shatkarmas or six practices, known asSadhana: PART 1. mta-: vu I ~~ttai=il1fmi~itNilli. I ~~ OOIgftNt ~ ~ ~rn iit~~1I.1I t~" TH.EFOUR INTERNAL J>HAUTIB. 13. The Dhautis areof Iour kinds, and they clear away the impu rities of the body. They are:-(aJ Antardhauti (internal washing); (b) Dantadhauti (cleaning theteeth); (e)Hriddhuuti (cleaning theheart); (d) Mulaabodhana .cleaning the rectum), ~~:I 'Il~t ~nfteri ~~ "~'tld'lI ~ Wl!n~ ~~~'e(t II \~ II (a) ANTAR--nHAUTI. 14. Antardhauti is again sub-divided into four parts: - VataBllra (wind purification), Vurisu.:-a(water purification), Vahniaara (fire purifica tion), and Bahiakrita, THE GHERANDA SAMHI1iA. ft 4Id'9l(& I I 'liT1lfi1ffS~R:ir.r ~. ~ "": m..t: ~~ qraqfilin IIt'-\ • (111) vl.TASARA-DBAUTI. 15. Contract the mouth like the beak of a crow and drink air slowly, and filliDg the stomach slowly with it, moveit therein, and then slowlyforce it out through the lower passage. Eiid91( ~ ~ _~."1<4Il1 ~ Q:1"i\lSfq".~1fiI{II t, II 16. The VA.tasarais a very secret process, it caUQ6Qthe purification 01the body, it destroys all diseases and increases the gastric-fire. VQ qlltih<: I Ff."-I ~ '{(qadi: 11ft". .. I 'lIiiq!i«'- '1,,<li.4i(litl II t\l I (a') V.1RIBAJu-DRAUTI. 11. Fill the mouth with water down to the throat, and then drink it slowly; and then moveit through the stomach, forcing it downwards expelling itthrough the rectum. qlltEci( ~ ~. "flti4.'ii'~ I srm '9,,,,4't1CUqj.. ~ U( • ]8. This process should be kept very secret. It purifies the body. And by practising it with care, one gets a luminous or sbining body. !!;thli q{t ~. et"4'Q1Q'QRlI ~ Q)Nfq~1 ~ ~ U ~~ • 19. The VarisAra is the highest Dhauti. He whopractises itwith ease,purifies his filthy body and turns it into a shining one. '1M 'lIIi1aQI<s I ~ ~ "I!",,,SC ~ I "IIftI",<""" ~rtmIt q,.rlt:tf.ili(1.~ •• (a') AGNIBARA OR FIRE PURIFICATION. 20. Press in the naval knot or intestiuea towarda the spine lor one hundred times. This is Agnisara 01'fireprocess. This gives SUCCetlB in the practice of Yoga,it cures all the diseases of thestomach (gastric juice) and increases the internal fire. ~~~q:a~&;<M1q~,~R~tftf_~q~,.,nt~ I Fhn, ~ ~mQ ~ ~t • ~DJ'fJI1i LESSON FIRST. 5 21. This form of Dhauti should be kept very secret, and it.is hardly to be attained even by the gods. By this Dhauti alone one aertainly gets aluminous body. ""1id'lftI: I 'Glf lWiNftUS(1 ~q~"'1 ~W· Q( I ql~q:i~ ~~I I('iI1'~, 'RI~'12t1" Sf~ ~ • ~~ I (0') BAHISKRITA-nHAUTI. 22. By Kakachanchu or crow-bill Mudra.fillthe stomach with air, hold i,there for onehour and a.half. and then force it down towards the intestines. This Dhauti must bo kept a great secret, and must Dotbe reveaJed to anybody. .. ",,1&5"1( I ...~r ~ ft!rRr Uf,)sii,¥t fQriiR{ I ~ 1Q1l!5~"lci~1I~riont i outrs.. ~ _~~: dliiidCl(t'~ U~\ N 23. 'fher. standing in navel-deep water, draw out the Saktinadl (long intestines), washthe Nadi with hand, a~nd 80l~ong asIitsIfil~th is ~not . all washed away, wash it, with care, and then draw it in again into the abdomen. ~ SI\1IiriI ~~ ~fq ~ I ~. ~ftnn'5l""tU~", 24. This process should be kept secret. It is not easily to be attained evenby the gods. Simply by this Dhauti one gets Deva-dehs <Godlike body.) " ifft~{1'lilStQI'j: I ~ \1roJJt ~ tmAr 91...~"(J I ..".'tid JUs:itfthdIEl.... ;r ~ II ~~ II 25. As long as a person bas not thepower ofretaining the breath for an hour lind ahalf (orretaining wind in the stomach for that period), so long he cannot achieve this grand Dhauti or purification, known as Bahiskritadhauti. 1N~~: I ~. ~~. ~ rigtqq(: ~~ ~ ~ "'i:lT~ I II,~ " (b).-DANTA-nHAU'fl, OR TEETH PURII!'ICATION. 26. Denta-Dhauti is of fivekinds: purification ofthe teeth, ofthe root ofthe tongue, of the twoholesof the ear. and of the frontal-siauses.

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