Diagenespirso,v enanacnedr eservqouiarl ity of Triassasnidcs tTo nAeGsI fromO urhoufide ldB,e rkin(eG hadameBsa)s inA,l geria C ROS S0!' * a,0 Ka"Il llb,O J rAno ba sa, A orTt osa a o 0 0 0 "DepartamednePt eot roloyg Gieao quimiUcnai,v ersiCdoamdp lutednesM ea drid2,8 04M0ad ridS,p ain bDepartamednetP oa leontoloUgn[iav,e rsiCdoamdp luten2s8e0,4 M0ad ridS,p ain Abstract TheT riassTiAcG I( TriAarsg ilo-GreIsnefuexr ifleuuvri)a sla ndstoanreets h em aino irle servoiintr hseB erkinBea sinA,l geriNao.n e theletshse,ip rr ovenanacnedd iageneasnidst ,h eiirm pacotn r eservqouiarl iatrye,v irtuaulnlkyn ownS.a mplefsr omt heO urhoufide ld, representthieLn ogw erM,i ddlaen dU ppeTrA GIs ubuniwtesr,es tudiuesdi nagc ombinatoifop ne trographic, minaenrdga eloocghiecmailc al techniqTuheesL .o werT AGIs andstohnaevsea na verafgrea mewocrokm positoifoQ n9 8.3aFnod9. 56%oR flt h.eql u artgzr aianrse m ono crystalBlyic noen.t ratshteM, i ddle-UpTpAeGrl s andstohnaevsea na verafgrea mewocrokm positoifQo nS SJFa9n8d7R 9I.79o% f t heq uartz graianrse m onocrystalTlhieLn oew.e rT AGIq uartazr enidteersi vferdo mP aleozosiicl icicrloacsktwsih,ce reatsh eM iddle-UppTeArG I subarkoosreisg inamtaeidn lfyr omm etamorptheirc raiTnhsic.sh angienp rovenainsca ep otentcirailt erfioorcn o rrelawtiitohnit nh eT AG!. Alsot,h icsh anghea sc ontribtuott ehdes ignificadnitffleyr ednita geneptaitchf so llowbeydt heL owerT AG!q uaratrze niatnedst heM iddle UpperT AGIs ubarkoses. Grain-coaitlilnigct liacy asr ea bundainntt heL owerT A Gl,w heret heye xerat c riticcoanlt roonlr eservqouiarl iTthye.s ec layasr e interpraestp eedd ogenaincd /oirn filtraitnoe rdi gainnd t oh aveh adi,n p arts,m ectiptriecc ursSohrasl.l obwu riFael- dolomcietmee ntation wasf avoriendt hed ownthrobwlno cokf t hefi eld-bounfdaiunlgwt h,e rei tc ontributtote hdep oorr eservqouiarl iMtayg.n esite-siderite cementasr em ultiphaTsheee. a rligeesnte ratiisco onm poseodfF e-rimcahg nesittheap tr ecipitdautreidns gh allbouwr ifarlo mh ypersaline fluidwsi thhi gMhg /Car atiporso,b abrleyfl uxerde sidburailn aesss ociawtietdth h eL iasseivca poriLtaetse.mr a gnesite-sigdeenreirtaet ions precipitdautreidnd ge epebru rifarlo mw aterwsi thp rogressihvieglhyeF re lMg ratAiuotsh.i gevneircm icuklaaorl ilna rgecloyn sisotfs dickitthear te placperde vioufsolrym ekda olinDiitcek.i tizwaatsif oonl lowbeydl ate-sitlalgiet izraetliaottneot d h ed issoluotfid oent riatnadl authigeKn-ifce ldsQpuaarr.t tzh,em osta bundacnetm enwta,s m ainlsyo urcbeydt hep ressuorrec -lay-indduicsesdo luotfid oent riqtuaalr tz andi sa critifcaaclt coorn troltlhienr ge servqouiarl iOtvye.r alqlu,a rtcze menits m orea bundainntt heL owerT AGIt hainn t heM iddle UpperT AGI,a ndt hiisn creacsoer relawtietsha decreaisnea veragpeo rosiWtiyt.h itnh eL owerT AGI,q uartcze menatb undanicse stratigrapvheircyav lalryi abwlhei,c hi si np arrte latteodf aciceosn trolvlaerdi atiiongn rsa in-coactlianyrg,e sultiinnm ga jovre rtical variatiionrn ess ervqouiarl iAtnyh.y driatnedb aricteem entpso stdaqtuea rotvze rgrowTthhes. u lfanteec essfaortry h efiorr matiwoansl ikely sourcbeydd eeps ubsurfdaicses oluotfiL oant Ter iassic-Lieavsaspiocr ites. KeywordSsa:n dstodniea geneRseisse;r voqiura liBteyr;k ibnaes iTnr;i assic; Algeria 1. Introduction changeisnp rovenantcheuh sa sg reapto tentfioaril m prov ings tratigrraepshoilcu toino nra e gionsacla laen dh,e nce, Detrictoamlp ositciaoncn r iticianlflluye ntcheer eservoirr eservcooirrre latTihoinis.s e speciaulsleyfi unln on-marine qualiotfys andstobnyec so nditiotnhiepn agt hwaoyf b oth sandstotnheast typilcaaclkal gye -diagnofsostsiic(l es. g. physicaanldc hemicdaila gene(sei.sBg l.o ch1,9 94)I.n tra Morto&n Hurst1,9 95). formatiovnaarli atiinod nest rictoamlp ositciaontn h ucsa use The fluviasla ndstonoefs thTeA GI (TriaAsr gilo significhaentte rogenienis tayn dstornees ervqouiarl ity.G reseuIxn fericeounrs)t ittuhteme a ino irle servoiintr hse Compositiocnhaaln gerse spontdo v ariatiionnc sl imate, BerkiBnaes i(nA lgerTihai)bs. a sihno stsso meo ft hem ost depositifoancailae ns d,e speciaplrloyv,e nanRceec.o gni importarnetc entdliys covehryeddr ocarabcocnu mulations tiono f verticcahla ngeisn c ompositrieosnu ltfirnogm inN ortAhf ric(aC ochr&a nP eters2e0n0,0 M;a cGregor, 1998a,Abl)t.h ouTgAhG !s andstohnaevser elatihvieglhy * Corresponaduitnhgo Tre.1 .+:3 4-91-394fa-x5+:03 144-;9 1-544-25p3o5r.o sitaineds p ermeabiliitni measn y fieldsr,e servoir E-maiald dre:[email protected](C . Rossi). qualivtayr igerse atalcyr otshse B asiann dw ithiinn dividual ALGERIA . . o ELBOR�A FIELD \ Q STo" 17iOj?t R , ................................ ,. , :4 04 40.3. .0 •....1. . \() BERKI�·/ r'-'-'.' Y I j ...� .......................................................... .. � � OURHOUD , Co FIELD /7-�"1I"I 'l> \Z �\cn \ m 'l> 4068 -:o\ ........._._.. . ........................................._... . ...... 303°0 ' EEL 'l> ' • WADI .l... ...T...-H.-.- . :. ,; TESSEKHA �C) ELMERK 50 km . ... 405 2012809 LIBYA 8°00' 00' 9° Fig1..L ocatmiaopon f t hOel Uhoud inft ihBeeel rdki nBea siAnl,g ersihao,-wi ntgh mea ioni fli ealnddfs a uilntt sh aer ea. fieldTsh.ih sa sb eepnr imaartitrliyb tuott ehdce o mplext hefsaec toonrr se serqvuolaiirtI ynp. a rtictuhlisastr u,d y depositional(E cahrick1hhi9,t9 e8Tch)te.ur reef ore, croenvseitadhlastt h eT AGIs uccescsoinotna ai snisg nificant erabrlees eaerffcohr tb eheamnsa doen t hsee dirnentoliongtyr aforcmhaatniigonend aeltr ictoamlp osictaiuosbney d ansdt ratiogfr atpdhheeyps oes( iCtarnsey e ta I1.9,9 S9c;o ll a changienp rovenaTnhciecs.h angienc omposition Whell1e9r9,W9 h;e lleetar I 1.9,9 T9u;rn era Ie2.t0, 10 ). proviad peost enctriiatlef roisrot nr atigcroarprheilca tion & Howevleirtt,il ske n owonft hper ovenaannddci ea geneswiist htihneT AGLT hipsa pearl siol lusttrhaattthe es of tshaensdes taonntdeh sie,m plicaotfi otfnhasec stefo orrs reservoir ofqt uhaeTl AiGt!ys andstiosnl easr gely reservoir(E chqiuka1hl9,i9 t8Wyi) t.th h aei mof h elption g controlblyte hdde i stpiantchtw oafyd si agenfeoslilso wed clotsheig sa pt,h ipsa pdeers crtihbceeo srn positainodn ably t hsea ndstooftn heLeso wearn dM iddle-Uppapretrs diagenfeetaitcuo rfte hsTe A GIs andstiontn weosw ells oft heT AG!T.h ivsa riaitnid oina geniessm iasi nly fromt hOeu rhofiuedl (Fdi g1.) a ndd iscutshseepisrr o vrelattoed di ffeenrceisni nitfiealld scpoanrt eanntdi n enanacnedd i ageneevtoilcu taiswo enla,lst hien flueonfc e syndeposgirtaiionn-aclio laltciiltnaigyc s . Geologbiaccaklg round faubllto cdkusr itnhgeL atTer iasLsiiacs-esxitce nsion 2. phaasen dso moef t hewme rlea tmeord ifibeytd h Aep tian Thei ntracrGahtaodnairnBcea ss icno ntauiptn os6 transprdeesfsoirvmea(B toiootenet a l1..9 9C8o;c hran km & ofP aleozaonidMc e sozoseidci rneanntdss t retocvheers Peter2s0e0n0E.;c hi1k9h.9l 8a;c kseotan l 1.9.9 6). partosfe asteArnl gerwieas,t eLrinb ya saonudt hern LoweSri lurainadUn p peDre voni(Farna snibalna)c k Tuni(Fsiiga1. )( A checMh'eR.a b.Ge htariOaunaich.h i. shalaerste h per irmyap etrolseouumr ce arcorcotkshsse & Montgom2e0r10y)T..h et er'mB erkBianseir ne'f teorts h e wholSea harPalna tfoirnmc.l udtihneBg e rkiBnaes in westeArlng.e rpiaarontft hGeh adarneBsa s(iCno chran (MakhouGsa.l ushkLionp.a t1i9n9.Y7 a;h Sic.h aefer. & & & Peter2s0e0n)0..In thes ubsurtfhaBece er.k iBnaes iins Litt2k0e0.1In ) t.h neo rthwestoefrnt hbpeaa srittn h.e se limittoet dhw ee satn dn orbtyht hHea sMseis saoud asnodu rrcoec skusb crtohHpee rcynuinacno nfoarnmdai rtey Dahasrt ructruirdagler se.s pectSiovuetlhyw.a trhde. thuisnd irceocntt waictTthr iasssaincd st(Foing2e.)sT . h is BerkiBnaes iinss eparfraotmet dh eI llBiazis ibnyt he facilliattaetuerpdad mlii pgr attioot nhse o utheast. charging MoleD 'A harwah.i cahc teadsa contilnp eanlteaohigThr iasssaincd stionsn tersu cttruarspaesla lbeyTd r iassic duritnhge MesaonzdCo einco z(oGiacu thBioeurd,j ernaL,i asmsuidcs toannedes v aporTihteeo sifi.le ldosft he Louni1s9.9 5). centpraaroltf t hBee rkiBnaes ianr e loacr aetleadt ively & TheP aleo(zCoaimcb rtioEa anr Clayr boniffielrilon u ss)h odrits taunpcdeio pft hDee vonsiuabnc raonpdt hutsh e the Berkicnoen sBioasfsat ip snr edominsainltilcyi c1aFsrtaiscns ihaanl ceosn stitthuemt oes lti kehlyyd rocarbon successionu prt eo3a .c5h iinnt gh ick(nAesskser tai l ., sour(Fciegs2. ) I.nf acttw.od ·i mensiboansamilon d eling km 199(F5i)g 2.) T.h eH ercynian coaruosgueepdnl yai nftd anmda turdiatt(yaY aehtia l2.00.1 s)u pptohrhety pothesis parteiraols ailoonnt ghb ea smianr giDnusr.i tnhgee a rly ofa F rasnsioaunrf coetr h oei losfO RDa nnde arfibeyl ds. Mesozoainec x,t ensbiaosnwiaanls s uperimopnot sheed Accordtiotn hgse a maeu thionrt shc,ee ntrBaelr kBiansei n pre-exPisatlienogbz aosiicTn h.e Mesobzaosiricen c ordsp etrolgeeunme rafrtoimto hnFe r asnsioaunrb ceedp se aked sedimentoanta i soonu thceornn tinmeanrtgaiolnf t he duritnhgLe a tCer etaceus-aTnetdrh teissaoeru yrr,co ec ks Tetbysaenaa n dc ontauiptn os4 ofs edirne(Bnotost e, arceu rreinnat m layt utrole a mtaet usrtea ge. km Clark·LoTwresa.u1 t9.9 8) 3(F)Ci.og n.t inTernitaasls ic & deposwietrdsee posoivteearHd e rcynuinacno nfoirnarni ty 2.1T.A Gs!t ratigraphy serioefns o rtheast-gtrraebnetdnhisaon tpg e netdot he proto·Tteotwhatyrhsdne o rth(Beoausdtj e1m98a7.l; a ckson.T heC arniaTnA GIs andstaornpeer se soevnetar l arge MooreQ.u ar1esB.e ll1i9s.9 6P)r.e valmeanrtg inapla rotft hBee rkiBnaes icno,v ertihnHege rcynuinacno n & maricnoen ditsiionnctseh eL atTer iasrseiscu litnae d form(Fiitgy2. ) T.h ecya nex ce1e0dm0 int hickanneds s thiscukc cesosfUi popneT rr iasasnidLci asesviacp oritpeass,ts ot hNeW intsoh alaensdv olcarnoicc(Bk osu jdema, whicahr oev erlbayLi ant Jeu rastsoEi acr Clrye taceo1us97 8)In. thec entarnadlS W parotfst heb asin. most carbonaantdsei sl ici(cAlsasketrtaii lc 1.s9. 9 (F5i)g 2.) . TAG!s andstwoenredese posiitnfle udv ibarla idplains earAlpyt ian opfdh eafsoer marteisounli tns etdr iket·h adtr aiNnEe( dC ochrPaent er2s0e0n0W.;h elleetar l .. An & slifpat uilnlgo,c altiezcetdoi nnivce rasniduo pnl (Biofto te 1999S)ttr.ia graphiucpawlaalrndytd o waNrEd.t hber aided· eta l1.9. 9E8c;h ik1h9.9l 8a;c kseotan l 1.9. 96R)e.n ewed rivesra ndstgornaedsie n tmoe anderriinvged re posits, laAtpet itaoSn e onnisaunb sidreenscueil ntt ehsdee dimenwhicihnt urnp asisnt hEel B ormaar ea tiindteo- influenced tatioofan c arbonaantdee v-aporite-sduocmciensastieoddn e,l tsaeidci me(BnetnsT aha1r9.9 E1c;h ik1h9.9 8T)h.e upt o1 thi(cFki 3g).E. o cetnoMe i ocecnoem pressioonvaelr traalnls gressive ocfth haeTr AaGcItc eurl minated km tectoancitci cvaiutsyse udb tfloel diunpgl,ia fntde, r osionw,i tthh dee posiotfti hoceno asttosa hla lmlaorwi snhea les especitaotl hlneyo r(Btoh oteeta l1..9 98T)e.r tisaerdyi · ancda rbonoaftt he'esT riaCsasribco nuanti(Beto' u jdema, mentasrp er eseornvleiydn ctehnet raolf pbtaahrsetai snn d 1978). consoifas rt e lattihvie«nl2 y0 0m )M iocetnoPe l ioceneT heT AGIc ontasienvsel raatle reaxltleynm suidvset one succesusnicoonn foromvaebrllyy UipnpgeC rr etaceoiunst er(vAaclhse ectah le2. 0.10 ;Bo udje1m98a7.)w .h icahr e strata. interpirnpe atretdtob,, e l acusitrnio nrei g(iCna meeyta l., TheO urho(uOdR Do)i file lsdu.jb ecotft hep resent1 99W9h;e lleetar l 1..9 99In) t.h cee ntral·wpeasrottfe rn studiysl. o cated twhiect ehnitpnra arlot ft heB erkinet heB erkiBnaes itnh,ep reseonfct eh esien tervals has Basin. mHoesortfe t ,h oei file lddiss covleiraeel do nag allowtehdes ubdivistihoeTn A Go!if n ttoh remea in SW-NEo rientrteendd(F ig1.) T.h itsr encdo ntaaitn s sandstone/umnuid(tsist.L oeon.we e Mri.d dalned U pper; leassitfix e lwdhsi chha vree serevxecse ed2i5n0mg i llionF ig3.;F oradn dS col1l9.9 7C;o chraPne ter2s0e0n0.; & barroefol isel q uiva(lMMeBnOtE )a.n dt hroefet he(Eml ScollH owel2l0s0.)0 .A ccordtionD ga nieHloso.k . & BormaH,a ssBie rkiSnoeu tahn,d ORD) rehsaevrev eSso rensaenndE. rnrn e (199t4h)e. lToAwGe!ri st rans· > 100MM0B OE (Carneetay l 1.9.9 C9o;c hraPne terseng.r essainvdre e presae tnhtisr d-order Inst ehqeu ence. & 2000M;a cGreg1o9r9.8 aS.hibr;l e20y0.)0 .M osotf t his ORD fieltdh.Le o weTrA G!c anb ef urtshuebrd ivided oiils r eservioniT rAeGdIs andstionsn treu ctturraapls inttoh rseueb unrietfse rtroie,nd tfhoel lowaisTn Lgl, , sealbeyLd i asesviacp orTihtete rsa.op rsi ginated aTsL 2at.ni TdlL t3e(Fd i g3.) . N�NI�CW� ��E�N��E==-====P==l====l==== ================�==�B�IR��B�E�RHK�AI�NS�E1=B�SEfBR'�KRI�R�EEI�B A� N�RA�E:L�HHURR���OU:FD==OK==EE�1M �ELR�K��================�======�=======-__--S-- �SE :J � 0 m CRETACEOUS ........•...· . '_"_ ,_ H' er,n. Gi" .Yna' . UR.n .e.O_o.'nf .U O .TS...'ir1 ,. ·; 1t0y0 0 ,C, I\'.�,O \3 N>I \''.I;.'.. .. .... ' . / 2000 JURASSIC · .'. OURHOUD ",,'+ . + + 3000 • • TFUA.SSIC • • • • • . . • • • • • • • • • 4000 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , PRECAMBRI• •A • N• • • • • • • • .... • • • • • · 1•0 •0k •m '• • • • • 5000 • • • • • • • • • • • • • BASEMEN•T • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 6000 Fig2..NN W-SSW generaclriozsseesdc titohnr otuhgBehe rkinBea sisnh,o witnhgle o catioofmn aj oori fli eolfdt shc ee ntrpaalro tft hbea siMno.d iffireodBm o oteeta l(.1 998). om��-AGE • � MIOTCOE NECl) SALT � LIMESTONE PLlOCENer E � --- If)::;)o w[iJ�a: : ANHYDRITE D------------------------ MUISD HSATLOEN E w U � � w a:: DOLOSTONE u a:: w a. a. j i ::;) 1000- �::�NN4I����·--'�.:��� ��A .� . II , : ..: .. � .�. ... --' .� II �B ARR:.-<E��:M:::I :-�: AN II I UPPERT AGI I I 5�a::N EOC.:-.O�:/�._ :-M:/ I AN II I I > -I :�-�-:-''--',-,- ::� II I rl---=:...::�. .:=:• •= =,',�I>.---·" BB·'"' ' "'= I I MALM II .. M IDDLTEA GI I 2000 --- -=- II I :. .'..':: - DOG----G.=---E-----R---- /II I I I I I I -i'.'. ..:''.:::':.·.. ::. :·: :1 : ��="c>.-�' 1 1 TL3 1 / LlAS =::g.::::�= �t=-1 �:.-.:!::::--�:- .0:�::= =�TL�2 // .. :.:--.: 0 3000->-: ITA GI :.:• -'.'': :�c:.•... :. .:. -... :-•-. 1 --- :-.•:. :•. : ...J TL1 - - VIS-E---A-- N- - - - - - - ----- - - - --=-=-- • • • • •• • MUDSTONE 1l .. * INTERVALS DEIVA:O.N...-N.: .... LL=::J:�::.-.::.-.. .::::_ :d Fig3..G eneralsitrzaetidg roafpt hhyOe l Uhofuide alrde sah,O\vi ngt hleo catiooftn h mea ihny drocarrebsoenrv oainrdas s cheomfet hsetr atigraphic subdivoifst ihToeAn G I. Them udstobneedt haste partahteeM si ddlTeA GI unconforrnliotciaemlsal,ry k ebdy p aleosooclcsua,rt fromt heU ppeTrA GI,k nowans t he' A-Bs haliesa' , thte oopf t hmea jomru dstounnei( tBse Tna ha1r9,9 1). regiosntarla tigrmaaprhkieTcro .w artdhsen ortheiats tT,h iss uggetshtasst o meo ft hes andstone-mudstone contamianrsi nfeo ss(iBlesTn aha1r9,9 1s)u,g gestisnegq uenmcaeyhs a vfeo rmiendr espotnocs yec lvicaarli a that rnudstone depoisnt ihtiissot nrg,ar taipa hti ctl ieoainsnbst a slee vel,t olb ierk eellaytto re edl ative sea-level levemla,yb er elattoer de latsievae- lreivseMeli. n or changes. Table I Modaclo mpositisoenlse crotefep dr esesnatnadtisvteo nes Sampdleep (tmh) 3306.6353 04.453 293.53 290.7352 71.1322 61.7352 56.753 253.7 3249.453 241.7 3239.673 228.86 Unit 1L1 TU 1L1 TU TL3 TL3 :Middle Middle Middle Upper Upper Upper (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) Quarmtozn octystlaUllldiunl<e o5,s° i ty 43.5 40.5 57.3 40.5 54.0 43.3 35.0 39.5 31.3 25.3 36.8 27.8 Quarmtozn octystlaUllldiunl>eo5,s° i ty 17.3 17.0 9.3 22.0 14.8 12.5 14.0 9.8 18.0 14.8 14.8 9.5 Quarptozl yctys2t-a3sl ulbignrea ins 1.3 2.8 3.3 4.5 3.5 2.3 6.3 4.8 5.0 5.5 6.0 4.8 Quarptozl yctys>t3as lulbicntey stals 0.8 1.5 1.0 0.8 0.3 0.0 6.3 8.5 6.0 8.0 8.5 5.0 Carbonraetpel aceomfqe unatr tz 0.0 0.5 0.3 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 2.8 5.0 0.0 0.8 Anhydrite/rbeaprliatcee mqeunatr tozf 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 0.5 K-feldssipnagcrlt,ey stals 0.0 0.0 1.5 0.0 0.5 0.8 2.8 5.3 3.5 2.5 3.8 7.3 Carbonate/rseupllpahcaeotmfKee - nfte ldspa0r. 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.5 0.0 0.5 Plagiocsliansgcelr,ey stals 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.3 Kaolriepnl,a cemoeffn etl dspar 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 1.0 1.5 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.3 Metamorrpohcikc fragments 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.5 0.8 Plutornoicfckr agments 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 Sandstrooncfekr agments 4.0 8.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 0.5 0.0 0.3 0.0 :Mica 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 Stabhleea vym iner(aZlisr crount,it lOleu,m. ,). 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 Argillaicnetroaucsl asts 3.0 0.5 0.3 2.3 0.0 0.8 5.3 3.0 6.8 3.3 3.0 14.5 Siderreiptlea acrignigl laicnetroaucsl asts 0.8 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.8 0.0 1.3 3.5 0.0 1.0 Pyritree plaacrignigl laicnetroaucsl asts 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.0 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.5 Argillalcarerrinoaues 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.5 Framework total 70.5 72.5 73.3 70.0 73.5 61.5 75.3 74.0 77.3 71.3 75.3 82.8 Oayc oatings 1.5 1.3 13.0 14.0 11.3 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.0 0.3 0.5 K-feldosvpearrg rowths 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.8 0.3 0.8 0.3 1.8 Vermicuklaaorl cienm ent 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.5 1.8 2.0 1.3 1.8 0.8 0.0 0.5 0.0 Fe-dolocmeimteen t 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Quarotvze rgrowths 12.5 10.3 1.8 4.8 1.5 24.8 9.3 8.8 7.5 6.5 5.3 5.0 Siderite-mcaegmneensti te 1.0 1.3 3.3 0.0 2.3 1.8 3.5 0.0 2.8 10.5 0.3 2.5 Baricteem ent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.8 0.3 Anhydrcietmee nt 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.8 Bitumen 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pyritcee ment 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 1bisne ctpioorno s(ittoyt al) 14.0 14.3 5.5 10.8 9.8 3.5 9.5 14.3 10.8 10.5 12.3 6.3 Primaproyr osity 11.5 11.5 4.0 9.3 8.0 1.8 7.3 10.0 7.8 8.5 7.5 4.3 Secondpaorryo saifttfyee rl dspar 2.5 2.8 1.5 1.5 1.8 1.8 1.8 3.0 2.3 1.5 3.5 1.5 Secondpaorryo saifttcyee rmf eldspar 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.3 0.8 0.5 1.3 0.5 Helipuomr osity 14.9 13.9 18.8 19.1 16.8 6.1 19.0 19.5 17.3 17.8 18.9 15.5 Penneab(Midl)i ty 960.0 341.0 12.0 12.0 8.2 0.1 1082.0 591.0 520.0 2573.0 716.0 91.0 Graisniz e mU-crsL mU mL mL mL mL mL fU fU fU fU fU Sorting w, mw, P' Origipnoarlo s(ietsyti mated) 39.0 39.0 34.0 39.0 39.0 42.4 30.7 39.0 39.0 39.0 40.8 39.0 mtergravnoulluamre 27.0 24.8 25.3 28.5 24.8 36.8 23.1 23.0 20.5 27.3 21.3 17.2 3.M ateriaalnsdm ethods chemiccoamlp action. Icnltaeiyrsa g bruannduialnna tr subunTiLt2r .a ngifrnogm 1 4t o2 6v ol%B.y contrast. Thirsteyl eccotreed- spalnudgs staomnpelw eersse t udiedm ossta ndstfroonmse usb lTlLll1c iotn t<a5i%no fd etrital froma w(ewlelAl )li nw hicrhe serqvuoailirisr te yp resenotraa uthigcelnaiyDcse .t riqtuaalrg trza ianrseu sually tivoefn ormfiaell cdo ndit(iio.pneos.r osaintdpy e nneverwye lrlo undientd h Leo weTrA G!. exceptiiso n An abilviatlyuc elso tsoefi eladv eraJgoer;Ng aev arpreor,s . thcel ay-sraincdhs tionsn uebsu TnLi2tw, h erneu merous cornm.T)e.na dditciuotntasilan mgp lweesra en alyfzreodm quargtrza isnhsoc wo rroesmiboany ments. as ecownedl( lw eBl,lw herneoc orweesr tea kelno)c,a ted Int hMei ddle-UTpApGe!sr a ndsttohnaeev se.r gargaei n clotsote h mea jNoEr- trenfideilndg- boufnaduzilontng Ie n. siziesu ppfienre s an(dr anlgoew:fie nre t ou ppemre dium) welBl.t hTeA Gs!a ndsthoanvees garmavmyaa l useism ilaarn dm ossta mplaerswe e ltlov erwye lslo rtaenddl ack tow elAl.b ulto g-depdourcoesdai rtseii egsn ifilcoawntelry.s ignifidceatnrctil tamayla tr(iTxa b1l)e. Howdeevterri.t al suggestingd ipaogsesndieibtfflieecr ebnectewse en thec ltaowyco c uarsls o ccaoln centraaltoinsogtn ysl owlhiitcehs , wellTsh.es amplreesp resiensn itm,i plraorp orttihoen sa,r em orceo mmoinn t heU ppeTrA GIa,n da lsaol ong LoweTrA G!( 21sa mpl�e3s2m. ofs andstaonndte h)e. lamindaeefi nebydc oncentroafat rigoinlsl aicnetoruas Middle-UTpApGe!(r 1 9s ampl�e3s2m. ofs andstonec)l.a sTthse.sa er gillagcreaoiaunrssue s uadlelfyo rbmye d Afterre movoiinulgs iancge topnleus,gl iwceersie m pregcompacatnidlo anr gceolnyv eirnttepods eudomatrix. natweidt dhy erde sainngd r oudnede pelnyo utgorh e move anyp otenatritailpf oarcots( ictPfyi. t tr1u9a9n2T.)w .os ets 4.2D.e trictoamlp osition ofd ouble-ptohlisines chteidoo nnoesf t. h esmt aifnoeKrd felds(puasris nogd icuomb altnaintdcr airtbeo)n ates (uTshiesn agn dstooftn heLeso wearn dM iddle-UTpApGe!r alizarreidna-ens dp otassfieurmr icywaenripedr ee)p,a rehda vdei fferdeentrtic toamlp osition. fopre trogrsatpuhdQiyuc.a ntificoafmt iinoenr aalnodg y poroswiatsay c hiebvyec do unt4i0n0pg oinptesrt hin 4.2L.o1w.e TrA G! sectiBounl.ak n dc lamyi neralwoagscy o nfirmed anTdh eL oweTrA GIs andstaornqeeu sa ratrze niwtiettshh, e determined. rbeysX p-ercadtyii ffvrealcy(t.Xi RoDn) . framewocrokn sisptriendgo minoafnm tolnyo crystalline Fresbhrloyk aenndp olisshaemdp sluer fawceersset udiedq uargtrza i(Fnisg 4.. T abl1e)T .h ea veracgoem position usinag J EOLJ SM6 400s canneilnegc tmriocnr oscopiesQ 983Fo6(RFui 4gA.) K.- feldtsyppairc raelplrye sents (SEMe)q uipwpietdah n e nerdgiys perXs-irva(EeyD X) < 1 o%f t hefr amewoPrlka.g ioicsla abssee Dnett.r ital rnicroanailnys zeecro,n dealreyc tarnodbn a ckscatterfeedl dswpaaspr a rtdliys soalnvedd/r oerp labcyek da olin elect(BrSoEn)m odeCsa.t hodolumi(nCeLsp)ce etnrcoe duridniga genNeesviesr.t hreelsetsofsre,el dd scpoanrt ent grapwhays c arroiueutds inaT ge chnoMsKy4nl uminoisr emarklaobwlQ:y( r),7,F(r(F)iLg47.BR )(R.re )sut ored scopTeh.ec hemiccoamlp osiotfci aornb ocneamteenw tass feldscpoanrt eanrtoesb taibnyae ddd itnoag c tucaoln tents determbiynw eadv elength-dXi-srpaseypr escitvreo metthrpeye rcenotfsa egceosn pdoarroysf iotrymb eydd issolution usianJ gE OLJ XA-8900 electro(n1 k5mV ia ccrcoeplroofbf ee ldsgpraaria nnsdo fa uthigmeinniecri anltse rptroe ted eratvionlgt a2g1e.n.5A b eamc urre5fn Ltm.b eams ize).h aver eplafceeldd spTahresc .o nteonfts and-grade Detectliiomniw tesr aep proxim1a0tp0ep lmyf orM g. mudstoinnet racilsva asrtisac bolmem,o n<l5yv ol%b,u t 15p0p mf oCra .2 50p pmf oMrn and3 00p pmf oFre . highienlr a minastaemdp lMeusd.s tocnlea satrmsea inly Ther esuwletrsne o rmaltio1z 0em0do l%C aC0M3g•C O,. composoefid l lwihtiec.ih sa lstoh per edominant detrital FeCO,. MannCdS0 r3C• 03. claiyn t hei nterbemduddesdt onMeisc.aa ndh eavy miner(azlisr tcoounr,m aalnirdnu et ialpep)ei anar c cessory quanti«t0i.e5vs o l%)S.e dimenrtoacrkyfr agments (quartzatroes nuibtairck soasnidcs toanreecs o)m mon 4.R esnJts towartdhsbe a sTeh.e r elaatbiuvned aonfqc uea rttyzp es 4.1D.ep osittieoxntaulr e isQ m947Qp2-3>4 ,3uQ•pw herQem ism onocrystalline quarQpt2z-.3 p olycrysqtuaalrwltiizt2n h-e 3 s ubcrystals. Thes andstoofnt ehseL oweTrA G!s howa no veralla ndQ p> 3p olycrysqtuaalrlwtiiznt >eh3 subcrystals fining-uptwraer(ndTdsa b1l)eIn. t hbea spaalr tth.ea yr e (Fig4.C )U.n deCrL .t heq uargtrza isnhso wb otrhe d typicmaoldleyr awteelltlyov erwye lslo rtaenddl ower browann db luceo lowrist,th h eo ccasiporneasle onfc e finet-ol ower coarsSet-rgartaiignreahdpi.hg ihucePar.l lbyr igrhetgd r aiAn sl.a rnguem beorfq uargtrza isnhso w sandstaornteey sp icmaoldleyr awteellslyo rtaenddu pper inherited abradwehdi caohrv meeor rgoerb ovwitoihunss , finet ou ppemre diugrma ineInd t.h uep permpoosrtt ionm atrixs-arnidcsht ones. oft hLeo wer TsAaGn!d.s taorneeex st remweellsylo rted andfi neg rainMeadn.yL oweTrA G!s andstsohnoews 4.2M.i2d.d le-UTpApGe!r laminationb yvd aerfiinaetidin gro anissn i zTeh.efi ner TheM iddle-UTpApGe!rs andstaornese usb arkoses. grailnaemdi ntayep icallya bclolnltg1ardiaanin nt- coawtiitnthgh frea mewodrokm inabtyqe uda rKt-zf.e ldasnpda r claayn ds hoawd enspearc kiansag r ,e suolfet n hancedm udi ntracl(Faisgt4.s. T abl1e) . Sitmoti hleLa orw er Q Q(r) A B TL2& LOWERT AGI TL3 'tI (TL2-TL3) MIDDL&E UPPETRA GI 80 \\ MIDDL&E UPPETRA GI 70 F F(r) R(r) Qm Qt C D LOWERTAGI LOWER (TL2-TL3)Go v TAGI( TL1) LOWER TAGI( TL1) \ 90 -90 3 () L 80 MIDDLE QP>3 "CratIonnt erior" UPPER&T AGI 2 "Transitional Continental" 70 QP2-3 70 3 "RecyclOerdo gen" Fig4..T riangpulloaotrfsc ompositpiaornaamle At earnsBd.: Q FR( quarftezl,d sapnadrr o cfrka gmendtisa)g ruasmisna gc tu(aAl)a ndr esto(Br)e d composiCti:or nesl.a atibvlel llodfqa unacrtety zp( esse tee xftoe rx planaDt:Qi toFnpL)r .o vendainacger( aDmi ckin1s9o8n5,) . TAGId,e trfietladls wpaaspr a rtieallilmyi ndautreidn gT AGIt hainnt hUep peTrA GIa)n dd arrke dlbrown (more diagenAecstiusaa.nl d r estoarveedr acgoem positiocnosm moinn t hUep peTrA GIt hainnt hMei ddTlAeG I) areQ S,SP9SRL9a ndQ (lr,s,F(rhs,,R(rrehs7p,e ctivqeulayrg trza ins. (Fig4.A ,BP)l.a giogcrlaai(sn0es- 4.o4ft% h frea mework) arlee scso mmotnh aKn- feldgsrpaaiIrnl sl.ii nttirea c1a4s.t3Ds.i a genpehtaisce s armei nobru cto mmocno mponeenstpse,c itoawlalrtydh se toopf t hUep peTrA G!T.h etyy picoaclclcuyor n centratSeidg nifidciaangte npehtaiscie nst heT AGIs andstones inl aminlaoec,a flalvyo rsitnygl olitOitzhaemtrii noonr. incliuldleki atoel,pi ynr,i Kt-fee,l dsdpoalro,m miatgen,e framewocrokm poneinntcsl muidcea mse,t amorrpohcikc site-siqduearraitntzhe,y, d rbiatreai,ntb dei tnrne(Fni g5.) . fragmen(tqsu artzose-rnisccahciesgotrusas)n ,i rtoicck fragmenhtesa,vm yi ner(azlisr ctoonu,r maalnidrn uet ile4).,3 G.r1a.i n-coialtlicinltgai yc chearntd,i n trac1oafms itcsr ocryssitdaelrlTiihtneree e. l a Thec oaticnognss oifsi tl lictliapcyl atealrertasn ged tivaeb nndaonfqc uea rttyzp iesQs m 797Qp2-p>3 n31Q1.1 tangenttioaa,ln ldiy n p lacpeasr tidaeltlayc frhoemd, (Fig4.C )C.Ls howbso tbhl u(em orceo mmoinnt hMei ddle graisnu rfa(Fciegs6. ) U.s ualtlhyce,o aatrste h icikne r VERMICULAR AUTHIGENIC MAGNESITE QUARTZ CLAYC OATS KAOLIN K-FELDSPAR -SIDERITE CEMENT ANHYDRITE BARITE m 0 10 20% 0 2 4 6% 0 1 2 3% 0 10 20% 0 10 20% 0 1 2% 0 2 4% 3220 ..,: .� WD:: ;>- ? -..-- >- 3230 n. n. � I-' 3240 Z W ( .....I C 3250 -- , , C , 11> :ii 3260 -,-JT �, -0 --- BIT ....., ......... , , � Cl 3270 /' , -- i! "': ,· ············· ······· ...p ....B .I.T·.· .:..rJ..... . ... ........ ....B.I.T.. .... . D:W: 3280 -uP "----;-0 ,f � 0 r 3290 { .....I 3300 � MUDSTONE Fig5..V ertidcials tribustieolne cditoagefe dn etiphca sienst hceo rseedc tisotnu disehdo,w itnhlgeo catoifmo und stionntee ravnaldts h bei tumen-cienmteenrv(BtaeITld) . Fig6..P etrogroafgp rhayi n-ciolaltciiltnaiigyncL oweTrA GIs andstAo:cn reso.s s-polaprhiozteodm-ilcirgsohhgtor wairpnehgl atitvheiilnly l ciotiact ionng s quargtrza iTnhsec. o ahtasv ien hibqiutaerodtv ze rgrporwetshe,r svoimnpegr impaorryo s(Pi)t,by u hta vfea vocrheedm iccoamlp acatisor ne veablyte hde predominoafin nctee rgrsauntluulceaodrn ta(catrsr oBw:sc )r.o ss-polarpihzoetdo-mliicgrshohtgo rwaitpnhhgi iclkl ciotiactw sh,o sfeo nnatpiroend ated compacNtiootnte.h per eseonfic neh eraibtreadod veedgr r owtohnds e trqiutaargltr za ibnesn eialtlhci otiac(t asr roCw:sc )r.o ss-polaprhiozteodm-liicgrhot graopfh tay piLcoawleT rA GIs andstTohnepe r.e seonftc heii nl lgirtiacci ona htasfs a voirnetde cnhseem iccoamlp actiroens,u litintin ggh pta cki(nlgo wer parotft hiem agPeo)r.o s(pi,bt lya cmka)i ncloyn soifso tvse rspiozrepedrs o barbellyat tote hdde i ssolouffti eolnd sgpraariA nlst.h opuogrhae rsge e nerally bordebryge rda in-ciolalatiinntdtge h upsr otefrcotmeq du arctezm entastioomnqe,u arotuzt gro(watrhrsoh wasvf)eo rmwehde rcel acyo awtesr teh ilDl ller. anEd: S EMi magsehso witnhgii clkl ciotiacti ngs bporridmeparoriryno gs Tihtecy o.a atrspe a rtidaeltlaycfr hoemgd r asilnU faacnsedso mqeu arotuzt grov.rths (Q)h avfeo nnwehde rdee tristmafla cweesrn eo cto mplectoevleyrb eyid l lPiotree.- fkialoll(iiKnn)ig s l ocaplrleys eFn:St E.M i magseh owianugt higenic fibriolulsoi vteer groawd ientrgic toaalti (ntgto h rei gahntdb) e ipnagr tieanlcllyoi snqe uda rctezm e(nttto h lee ft). sandstcoonnetsa ianbilnlgl m1uddai nntt ract1haasintn s Middle-UpTpAeGrI ,gr ain-coaitlilnicgtl iacy asr e sandstwointefhse wm udi ntraacs1tIns .l aminastaendd lll1coamnmdco ona,at rsue s uatlhliaynn ddi scontinuous. stonceosa,t ipnrgesf ereonctciuairlnt l hyefi ner-grained laminTahee.st ee xtcuhraarla ctearrcieos ntsiicsswt ietnht ani nfiltr(ualtteidm daettreilatyna dl/ poerd ogeonriicg)i n4 .3G.r2a.i n-coating kaolin fotrh grea in-coialtli(inctgfMe .o raesD eR os1,9 90; In samplfreosms ubuTnLi2tk, a ol(iin.d ei.c kaintde/ or & PittrnaLna,r eseM,e ald1,9 92W;a lkeWra,u gh, kaolisneintseEu,h renbAeargga,a Wridl,l sForna,s er, & & & Cron1e9,7 8X)R.D r evetahlasit l liista es sociwaittehd Duth1i9e9,f3 o)r ms fmealttos-fp lliakctery y satrarlasn ged traceosf m ixed-laiylelrietde /s(mientc hteLi otwee r tangenatrioaulgnlrdya ilnosc,a olclcyl udiinntge rgranular TAGIa)n dc hlor(iittnhe Me i ddle-UTpApGeIrI) n.t he porosTihtiyts.y poef k aoliiscn o mmonmliyx ewdi th LoweTra gsio,m iel lciotaitci anrgtese xtusriamliltlyoa r illciltaiaycns id,n t hciass CeLh elipnts h ediirs crimination. smectsiutgeg,e sats imnegc tpirteiccu (rcsMfoo.rr aBde,n Simitloai rl lictoiactt sh,ef ormatoifko ano lciona tings IsmaDielR ,o sA,I -AasmS,e rri1h9i9n4it,)h awto uld predactoemsp actLioocna.lt lhyke,a olmians saersre e d & havbee en patroct oimapllleyt elyd uirlidlniigat giezneeds sitsa.i dnueetd o a dsorFbee-do xiXdReDsi .n dictahtateths e Thep reseonfcm ei xed-laiylelrietde /ssmuepcptoirttkesa olmiinn eirasml o sttlhyde i ckpiotley tSyapned.s tones thihsy pothGersaiisn.- ciolaltciiltnaigayc rs ae b undiann t contaignrianign -ckoaaotlaiirnrnege latfriivaeblwlyhe i,t e theL oweTrA GIt,h ouwgiht ahn i rregsutlraart igratpohr iecd ditsyhp,i ccaolnltyar ionot tr acaensdh, a vleo w distrib(Fuitgi.5o )nt haits f aciceosn trolInl etdh.e macroporaonsdvie trlyyo wp ermeability.