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= 1 7 0 Getting N super Yang-Mills 0 2 from strings n a J 2 Paolo Merlatti 1 1 v 0 Departamento de Fisi a de Parti ulas, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela 2 E-15782, Santiago de Compostela, Spain 1 merlattifpaxp1.us .es 1 0 7 0 / Abstra t h t - In the ontext of the gauge-string orresponden e, we dis uss the p e spontaneousS5partial breaking of supersymmetry. Starting from the h orbifold of , supersymmetry breaking leads us to onsider the (re- v: solved) onifold ba kground and some of the gauge dynami s en oded Xi in that geometry. Using this gravity=d1ual, we ompute the low energy e(cid:27)e tive superpotential for su h N theories. We are naturally led r a to extend the Veneziano-Yankielowi z one: glueball (cid:28)elds appear. Contents 1 Introdu tion 1 2 Partial supersymmetry breaking and a new path to the oni- fold 3 2.1 Probe analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.2 Away from the orbifold limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3 E(cid:27)e tive superpotentials from supergravity 11 3.1 An extension of the Veneziano-Yankielowi z superpotential . . 12 4 Con lusions 14 1 Introdu tion Even if the most elebrated example of the gauge/string orresponden e is = 4 theN AdS-CFTduality[1℄(see[2℄forareview), manyinterestingresults have been also found for less (super)-symmetri theories (see [3, 4℄ for some extensive reviews). = 1 For the ase of N super Yang-Mills theories in four dimensions (i.e. 4 real super harges) the relevant ba kground geometry is a warped prod- u t of four-dimensional Minkowski spa e times the onifold, in presen e of ba kground (cid:29)uxes. There are two known expli it supergravity solutions or- responding to this ase, the MN solution [5℄ and the KS one [6℄. Both the solutions preserve the same amount of supersymmetry but they orrespond to two di(cid:27)erent dual gauge theories, at least in the ultraviolet. It seems also that, despite des ribing similar infrared dynami s, they orrespond to two di(cid:27)erent universality lasses of on(cid:28)ning theories. It is then important to understand how duality works ase by ase. In thistalkwe make onta t witha ni e andfruitfulway oflookingatthis duality. Su h perspe tive hasbeenintrodu edin[7℄forthetopologi alstring. There, it has been shownNthat in topologi al striSng3 theory the deformSed3 onifold ba kground, with 3-brane wrapped on (equivalent to the Chern-Simon theory [8℄), is dual to the same topologi al string but without string modes and on a di(cid:27)erent ba kground. The new ba kground is the N resolved onifold,whoseparametersdependnowon . Su hgauge/geometry orresponden e has been su essfully embedded in superstring theory in [9℄. 1 The entral idea is the on ept of geometri transition. The (cid:28)eld theory D has to be engineered via -branes wrapped over ertain y les of a non- trivial Calabi-Yau geometry. The low energy dual arises from a geometri transition of the Calabi-Yau, where the branes have disappeared and have = 1 been repla ed by (cid:29)uxes. The simplest example [9, 10℄ is pure N super N DYa5ng-Mills theory. Before the transitionS2the (cid:28)eld theory is engineered on branes wrapped on the blown-Nup of a resolved onifold. AfSte3r the transition we are instead left with units of R-R (cid:29)ux through the of a deformed onifold [6℄. = 1 Another way to make onta t with the N onifold theory is to start = 2 from a moresupersymmetri theory, namely a quiver NS5/Z (cid:28)eld theory [11℄. 2 In that ase one starts from the orbifold ba kground , that is dual to = 2 U(N) U(N) the N super- onforma(lNY,aN¯ng)-Mi(lNl¯s,N) × the=ory1 with hyper- multiplets transforming in ⊕ . From an N perspe tive, the hypermultiplets orrespond to hiral multiplets and other hiral multi- U(N) plets in the adjoint representations of the two 's are present. There is also a non-trivial superpotential for the multiplets in the bi-fundamental representations of the gauge group. One an add now a relevant term to this superpotential. To integrate outthe adjoint multipletsinpresen e of thSis5/rZel- 2 evant perturbation orresponds to blow up the orbifold singularity of [11℄. Remarkably, in [11℄ it has also been shown that su h blown-up spa e is T1,1 topologi ally equivalent to the oset spa e , the base of the onifold. We will des ribe the (cid:29)ow to the onifold theory in a di(cid:27)erent way [12℄, hoping to ontribute to larify some of its intri ate aspe ts. We start from = 2 the N super onformal Yang-Mills theory. When onformal invarian e is broken introdu ing fra tional branes, we (cid:28)nd how partial supersymme- try breaking an be des ribed on the supergravity side. Within this purely ten dimensional superstring ontext, we see then how the resolved onifold = 1 ba kground emerges naturally as the proper one to engineer N super- Yang-Mills theory, with no matter and just one gauge group. We follow all the steps in terms of expli it supergravity solutions. Having eventually at our disposal a proper gravitational dual des ription = 1 of pure N super-Yang-Millstheory, many results an be obtained for the latter. Some of them are he ks of previously known (cid:28)eld theoreti al ompu- tations. Othersarenewpredi tions. Theinterplaybetween gaugetheory and gravity has indeed a quite ri h stru ture. Among many, we will des ribe one of the possible appli ations. We will see how the dual gravitational des rip- tion an be used to determine the low energy e(cid:27)e tive superpotential of the 2 (cid:28)eld theory under onsideration, namely the Veneziano-Yankielowi z [13℄ su- 1 perpotential . The same gravitational des ription seems also to suggest that other degrees of freedom, with the same quantum number of a glueball, are relevant at low energy. We (cid:28)nally determine the form of the generalized Veneziano-Yankielowi z superpotential, with the in lusion of su h glueball states [16℄. Some physi al impli ations are dis ussed. 2 Partial supersymmetry breaking and a new path to the onifold WestartfromthesimplestgeneralizationoftheoriginalAdS/CFT orrespon- den e, nSa5mely we will onsideSr5t/hZe ase in whi h the internal manifold is not 2 simply , but the orbifold [17℄. As dis ussed in the introdu tion, = 2 U(N) U(N) the dual gauge theory is N super- onform(Nal,NY¯a)ng-M(N¯il,lsN) × theory with hypermultiplets transforming in ⊕ . As for the = 4 original N ase, on the string side we know the expli it supergravity solution onne ting the UV geometry (the relevant one for the engineering of the gauge theory) and the IR one.SI5f/wZe parameterize the six dimensional 2 transverse spa e, (i.e. the one over ), in terms of the oordinates X = rsinξcosτ 4 (1) X = rsinξsinτ 5 (2) θ β +θ X = rcosξcos cos 6 2 2 (3) θ β +θ X = rcosξcos sin 7 2 2 (4) θ β θ X = rcosξsin cos − 8 2 2 (5) θ β θ X = rcosξsin sin − , 9 2 2 (6) 0 < β < 2π 0 < ξ < π 0 < θ < π the ri0gh<t pτres< ri2pπtion for the orbifoldingis Z , , 2 and . It is easy to see the a ts just on the oordinates 1 Inpresen eof(cid:29)avors,alsotheA(cid:31)e k-Dine-Seiberg[14℄superpotential anbederived in an analogous way [15℄ 3 X , X , X , X 6 7 8 9 . The metri of the solitoni solution we are dis ussing is: 3 ds2 = H(r)−1/2dx2 +H(r)1/2 dr2 +r2 cos2ξ σ2 +sin2ξdτ2 +dξ2 , 1,3 i ! (cid:16) Xi=1 (cid:17) (7) σ i where the are de(cid:28)ned as 2σ = sinβdθ+cosβsinθdφ, 1 − (8) 2σ = cosβdθ+sinβsinθdφ, 2 (9) 2σ = dβ +cosθdφ 3 (10) dσ = ε σ σ H(r) i ijk j k and they satisfy ∧ . The expli it expression for is: N H(r) = 1+ . r4 (11) r M 1,3 We sSee5/tZhat for → ∞ wer re over thAedSUV gSe5o/mZetry times the one 2 5 2 over , while for small the dual × geometry is found. The AdS fa tor implies the dual gauge theory is onformal. It is well known that in orbifold spa es a way to break onformal invarian e is to add fra tional branes. Su h branes are harged under the twisted (cid:28)elds that appear in the orbifold spe trum. As we want to break onformal invarian e, we try now to swit h on the proper twisted (cid:28)elds (the ones that ouple to fra tional D3-branes in su h ba kground). We start perturbing the same UV geometry and we hope to be able to (cid:28)nd a new solution. Before doing this, we make the following hange of oordinates in the six dimensional transverse spa e: ρ r = ρ2 +R2 , tanξ = . R (12) p S5/Z 2 We see that the metri on the one over be omes 3 ds2 = dR2 +R2 σ2 + dρ2 +ρ2dτ2. 6 i (13) i=1 X It is thus easy to see thCat2/tZhis spa e fa torizes inS3t/hZe produ t of a four- 2 2 Rdi,mβen,sθional AφLE spa e ( , i.e. the one ovRe2r , parameterizρed by and ) and a two dimensional plane ( , parameterized by and 4 τ S5/Z 2 ). In this way we re Rov2er Cth2e/Zisomorphism between the one over 2 and the orbifold spa e × . This isomorphism makes all the pi ture D3 onsistent. The (cid:28)eld theory on the -branes is indeed engineered on the latter orbifold [18℄. D3 We an now disregard the bulk -branes originating the metri (7) and try to (cid:28)nd an analogous solution just for tRhe2 frCa 2t/iZonal branes. This has 22 been done expli itely in [19℄ for the orbifold × and we an borrow N their results. They dRes1 ,5ribeCa/Zsta k of fra tional D3-branes in the =IIB2 2 2 orbifold ba kground ( × ) [19, 21℄. On their world volume a N SU(N) supersymmetri Yang-Mills theory lives. The solution an be written in term˜s of the metri , a R-R four form C b c 4 potential ( ), a NS-NS twisted s alar ( ) and a R-R twisted one ( ): ds2 = H(r,ρ)−1/2η dxαdxβ + H(r,ρ)1/2δ dxidxj, αβ ij C = H(r,ρ)−1 1 dx0 ... dx3, 4 − ∧ ∧ (14) ρ ˜ c = (cid:0)NK τ ,(cid:1) b = NKlog , ǫ α,β = 0,...,3; i,j = 4,...,9; r = δ xixj; K = 4πg α′; ǫ ij s where is a ρ τ x4, x5 regulator; and are polar oordinates in thepplane . The self-duality onstraint on the R-R (cid:28)ve-form (cid:28)eld strength has to be imposed by hand. H(r,ρ) The pre ise fun tional form of the fun tion has also been deter- mined [19℄ but it is not relevant for our purposes. It is enough for us to note that the spa etime (14) has a naked singularity. We are thus not able to follow our program ompletely and we are prevented to (cid:28)nd the dual ge- ometry in the deep IR. This is a quite general feature of those gravitational ba kgrounds that are dualtonon- onformalgauge theories. Lu kily, inmany ases the singularities are not a tually present but they are removed by var- = 2 ious me hanisms. In theories N supersymmetri , like this one or the similar (cid:16)wrapped branes(cid:17) example [22℄, the relevant me hanism is the en- hançon [23℄. It removes a family of time-like singularities by forming a shell of (massless) branes on whi h the exterior geometry terminates. As a result, the interior singularitiesare (cid:16)ex ised(cid:17) and the spa etime be omes a eptable, even if the geometry inside the shell has still to be determined. For the ase at hand, the appearan e of su h shell, its (cid:28)eld-theoreti interpretation and its onsisten y at the supergravity level have been dis ussed in [19, 21, 24℄. 2 see [20℄ for more general orbifolds 5 (ρ,τ) It turns out that the enhançon shell is simply a ring in the -plane. Its radius is ρ = ǫ e−π/(2Ngs). e (15) ρ ρ e The geometry (14) is thus valid outside the enhançon shell, i. e. for ≥ . On the gauge theory side the enhançon lo us orresponds to the lo us where the Yang-Mills oupling onstant diverges [19, 21℄. 2.1 Probe analysis 3 To understand better what is going on we an perform a probe analysis in terms of the (cid:28)elds appearing in (14) [12℄. We should thus onsider the following boundary a tion T 1 S = 3 d4x det G +2πα′F 1+ ˜b bdy −√2k − αβ αβ 2π2α′ (16) orb Z (cid:18) (cid:19) T p 1 T α′ 3 ˜ 3 + C 1+ b + c F F. √2k 4 2π2α′ √2k 2 ∧ orb Z (cid:18) (cid:19) orb Z T = √π k = (2π)7/2g α′2 3 orb s where , and we have also in lxuad=ed2tπhαe′Φwaorld- volume ve tor (cid:28)elds (cid:29)u tuations. As usual, the oordinates are identi(cid:28)ed with the hiral s alar (cid:28)elds of the Yang-Mills theory living on the world-volume of the brane. Writing now the boundary a tion (16) in terms of the lassi al solution (14), we get: T (2πα′)2 1 1 S = 3 d4x δ ∂αΦa∂ Φb + FαβFa probe −√2k 2 2 ab α 4 a αβ · (17) orb(cid:26)Z (cid:18) (cid:19) ′ NK ρ NK ρ α 1+ log +V 1+ log KNτ F F . · 2π2α′ ǫ 4 2π2α′ ǫ − 2 ∧ (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) Z (cid:27) We note that a non trivial potential is generated, namely: T NK ρ 1 3 V(Φ) = 1+ log = τ √2k 2π2α′ ǫ (2π)3α′2 Y2 (18) orb (cid:18) (cid:19) τ τ +iτ 4πi + θY where we have de(cid:28)ned Y ≡ Y1 Y2 ≡ gY2 2π as the holographi om- plexi(cid:28)ed Yang-Mills oupling [26℄: 1 τ = c+i 2π2α′ +˜b . Y (2π√α′)2g (19) s (cid:16) (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:17) 3 for a review of this method see, for example, [25℄ 6 This omputation shows that this system violates the no-for e ondition. = 2 This ould seem quite surprising as the on(cid:28)guration is still N super- symmetri and usually the no-for e ondition is respe ted with su h amount of supersymmetry (on the (cid:28)eld theory side su h onditionre(cid:29)e ts the (cid:29)atness of the Coulomb bran h). Nevertheless, at leastfrom a purely (cid:28)eld theoreti al pointofview, we know thatsu h (cid:29)atness anbe violatedbyele tri -magneti = 2 Fayet-Iliopoulosterms[27℄, thatpreserve N supersymmetrybutgenerate a non-trivial potential: e + mτ 2 + ξ2 V = | | , τ (20) 2 e, m ξ where and are free parameters. Lu kily, it turns out the potential (18) is just a spe i(cid:28) ase of (20), namely with mθ 1 e = Y , ξ = 0 m2 = . − 2π and (2π)3α′2 (21) We see in this way that the violation of the no-for e ondition does not ontradi t supersymmetry, but it orresponds to the generation of a purely magneti FI term. We all it purely magneti be ause a dyon with quantum (e,m) e+ mθ numbers has an e(cid:27)e tive ele tri harge equal to 2π [28℄ and with the values in (21) it vanishes identi ally. Su h values ensure also that the τˆ probe-brane is in a proper va uum in the dire tion, but for generi values ρ ρ = ρ e of it is not and it moves toward . This situation holographi ally orresponds to va ua preserving all the supersymmetries but signaling a sin- gularity. This ontinues to be in perfe t agreement with the gravity pi ture we just got: the probe-brane is pushed to the enhançon and there stays. From the gauge theory it is moreover possible to argue [27℄ at that point of the moduli spa e extra massless states appear (i.e. monopoles) and to give a physi al interpretation of the singularity. On the gravity side it orresponds to the well known fa t that at the enhançon extra massless obje ts appear [23℄ and it enfor es the interpretation of the enhançon lo us as the (cid:28)eld the- oreti urve of marginal stability [12℄ (we mean the urve in moduli spa e where extra massless obje ts, typi ally dyons, appear [29℄). 2.2 Away from the orbifold limit We are now going tosoften the orbifoldsingularityand onsider the resulting (smooth) Egu hi-Hanson spa e [30℄. We generalize the probe analysis that 7 we have done in the orbifold and (cid:28)nd partial supersymmetry breaking. We = 1 are then led to onsider N supersymmetri Yang-Mills theory and the 4 resolved onifold geometry [31℄ . The dual (cid:28)eld theory analysis of the previous se tion has been entirely performed in an orbifold ba kground and we have found purely magneti FI terms. It is well known [18℄ that a way to introdu e standard (i.e. ele tri ) FI terms is via the blow up of the orbifold singularity. In su h ase the resulting spa e is no longer an orbifold but it is a (smooth) Egu hi-Hanson EH ( ) spa e [30℄. This is an ALE spa e. It is hara terized by three moduli that orrespond to three di(cid:27)erent ways of blowing-up the relevant two y le when going away from the orbifold limit (via the triplet of massless NS-NS = 2 twisted s alars). Analogously to the (cid:28)eld theory des ription of N FI SU(2) R terms, it is possible to use the global symmetry and to redu e to the ase of just one modulus. The one-parameter family of metri s we get in this way an be written as: −1 a 4 a 4 ds2 = 1 dr2 + r2 1 σ2 + r2(σ2 +σ2), EH − r − r 3 1 2 (22) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) a r a2 wσhere ≤ ≤ ∞, is propoSr3tional to the sizθe, oφf,tβhe blown-up y le, the i are de(cid:28)ned in terms of the Euler angles ( ) as in (9). The solution orresponding to fra tional branes in the Egu hi-Hanson ba kground has been found in [33℄ and it is very similar to the orbifold one. It an be written in terms of a metri ds2 = H(r,ρ)−1/2η dxαdxβ + H(r,ρ)1/2 dρ2 +ρ2dτ2 + H(r,ρ)1/2ds2 , αβ EH (cid:0) (cid:1) (23) a self dual R-R (cid:28)ve-form F = d H(r,ρ)−1 dx0 ... dx3 + ⋆d H(r,ρ)−1 dx0 ... dx3 , 5 ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ (24) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) and a omplex three form (a linear ombination of the NS-NS one and the R-R one) valued only in the transverse spa e: FNS +iFR = dγ(ρ,τ) ω, H ≡ 3 3 ∧ (25) γ(ρ,τ) R2 ω where is an analyti fun tion on the transverse , is the har- r moni anti-self-dualformon the Egu hi-Hanson spa e and isnow the radial Egu hi-Hanson oordinate. 4 see also [32℄ for a way to embed the non-supersymmetri solution of [31℄ in a super- symmetri set-up 8 Evenifthemi ros opi interpretationofthissolutionisquiteobs ure[33℄, we assume that it orresponds to the standard geometri al interpretation of D3 D5 fra tional -branes as -branes wrapped on the non-trivial y le that shrinks to zero size in the orbifold limit [34℄. The form of the solution is indeed onsistent with the interpretation of twisted (cid:28)elds as (cid:28)elds oming from wrapping of higher degree forms[34℄, as it was already on(cid:28)rmed in [35℄ byexpli it omputationsofstrings atteringamplitudes. Themaindi(cid:27)eren e with respe t to the orbifold solution is the expli it fun tional form of the H(r,ρ) warp fa tor , whose physi al impli ation is that there is still a naked singularitys reened by an enhançon me hanism, but ontrary to the orbifold ase, in the internal dire tions (those along the ALE spa e) the singularity is ured by the blowing-up of the y le and there is no enhançon there [33℄. Unlu kily, the Egu hi-Hanson ba kground la ks of a onformal (cid:28)eld the- ory des ription. This makes it di(cid:30) ult to determine the orre t form of the boundary a tions one would need to get gauge theory information. It looks nevertheless quite reasonable to assume the proper boundary a tion is the same as the orbifoldone with the in lusion of the new FI term orresponding to having blown up the y le. This an be motivated by the knowledge of the expli it solution in the Egu hi-Hanson ase, that makes it lear the lose similarity to its orbifold limit. Besides, this is very analogous in spirit to the su essful assumption made in [36℄. The potential the brane (cid:28)lls will be thus the same we omputed in the orbifold (we refer to the magneti ase (18)) ξ = 0 but now with an extra term orresponding to have 6 and proportional a2 to the size of the blown-up y le ( ): ξ2 V(Φ) = m2τ + 2 τ (26) 2 We see again that the no-for e ondition is violated but now there is an interesting minimum where the probe-brane an sit, i.e. at π ξ ρ∗ = ρeeNm, (27) ρe ρ∗ > ρe ρ = ρ∗ where the enhançon radius has been de(cid:28)ned in (15). As , de(cid:28)nesaregularspa e-timelo us. Fromthe(cid:28)eldtheoryanalysis[27℄weknow this kind of va uum preserves just half of the supersymmetry. This implies = 1 that [12℄ the gauge theory living on the probe is N supersymmetri with M a massless ve tor multiplet and a massive hiral one, with mass given by: m2 ′ M = τ . 2ξ h i (28) 9

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