Selbyana 25(2): 179-181. 2005. GESNERIACEAE IN THE 21sT CENTURY LAURENCE E. SKOG Department of Botany, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution; Marie Selby Botanical Gardens. Mailing address: MRC-166, P.O. Box 37012, Washington, DC 20013-7012 USA. Email: [email protected] INTRODUCTION cies-rich treatment of the Gesneriaceae for the Flora of China (Wang et al. 1998), which in Since the founding of the Marie Selby Botan cludes ca. 116 of the species in the family. Un ical Gardens (MSBG) more than 30 years ago, fortunately, fewer specialists are encouraged to the study and display of Gesneriaceae have been undertake large projects, however valuable they an integral part of the institution. On the original are for conservation (Skog 2005) and ecological Selby Gardens seal, gesneriads, as one of the monitoring (Kvist et al. 2004). three plant families in the design, are represent ed by Columnea. Although there have been pe GESNERIAD FAMILY MEMBERS riods of less activity on Gesneriaceae at Selby Gardens and in the world of research in general, For the ca. 3200 species in ca. 159 genera in recent research before and since the turn of the Gesneriaceae listed in the World Checklist of 21st century has made the Gesneriaceae an ac Gesneriaceae (Skog & Boggan 2005a), the ten tive area of study. The three articles on Gesner largest genera are the following: iaceae presented in this issue of Selbyana are Cyrtandra ±600 species evidence of the continuing commitment to re Columnea ::1::200 species search on Gesneriaceae at Selby Gardens. These Aeschynanthus ± 180 species articles are good examples of current research in Chirita ± 180 species the family. Henckelia ± 155 species Gesneriaceae research is being undertaken in Streptocarpus ± 155 species a range of studies in many parts of the world. A Besleria ± 150 species symposium at Edinburgh, Scotland, in 2002 and Didymocarpus ± 100 species the symposium at the 2005 XVII International Agalmyla ±95 species Botanical Congress in Vienna, Austria, revealed Paraboea ±90 species the various activities and the many individuals who are now active in research in Gesneriaceae All of these genera have received or are re in Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, as well as ceiving attention to some degree, some through North and South America. MSBG and The Ges out their range, and some as topics for single neriad Society (formerly the American Gloxinia country floras. Much remains to be done. Ac & Gesneriad Society) have established an asso cording to the Checklist, there are ±75 genera ciation to underwrite and encourage gesneriad (nearly half of the genera in the gesneriad fam research and publication at Selby Gardens. ily) that have only one or two species. All of Funding, not only from MSBG, but also from these small genera need to be examined more the research endowment fund of The Gesneriad closely, using molecular techniques coupled Society, the U.S. National Science Foundation, with morphological examination, to identify and many other sources has moved research for their affinities. Anyone who visits herbaria to ward on many fronts. examine Gesneriaceae can find dozens to thou Classical floristic and revisionary studies, sands of unidentified specimens, a sign that there along with discovery and description of new are yet many genera and species to be discov genera and species, have continued unabated, ered. In the neotropics alone, some medium exemplified by the article included here on Ne sized genera with numerous named species and matanthus by Chautems et al. In addition, other unidentified specimens, such as Drymonia, Par noteworthy revisions in the past 10 years include adrymonia, Nautilocalyx, Diastema, Monopyle, among many, the generic revisions of, e.g., etc., all beg for attention. Some areas of study Agalmyla (Hilliard & Burtt 2002) and the Di currently are less emphasized, i.e., anatomy, cy dymocarpus complex (Weber & Burtt 1998) in tology, carpology, pollen and seeds, and embry the Old World and Pearcea (Kvist & Skog ology; yet these and other areas are revealing 1996), Gasteranthus (Skog & Kvist 2000), and useful characters and information. For example, Solenophora (Weigend & Forther 2002) in the cytological research is being undertaken in Ed New World. Floristic treatments include the spe- inburgh and Vienna (Moller & Kiehn 2004), flo- 179 180 SELBYANA Volume 25(2) 2005 ral arrangement (Citerne et al. 2000), evolution alignment of the tribes, as can be seen in the (Denduangboripant et al. 2001); and pollination revival of tribe Sinningieae (Perret et al. 2003), ecology currently is under study by several stu and the description of the new tribe, Sphaeror dents. The large number of publications that rhizeae. This latter tribe, described in the Roal have appeared during the past decade prevents son et al. article, necessitates the ongoing and review here of all the areas of research in Ges forthcoming revision of the classification of the neriaceae, but a search in the online Bibliogra Gesneriaceae by Burtt and Wiehler (1995). phy of Gesneriaceae (Skog & Boggan 200Sb) These are just a few examples that can be drawn shows the vast number of papers and directions from recent literature. of research. As with many other families of plants, the ad CONCLUSION vent of molecular studies, particularly system atics, has ushered in new techniques and a closer Research in Gesneriaceae is underpinned by examination of taxa. The gesneriad family still fieldwork, including field observations and spec comprises two or three subfamilies, Cyrtandro imen gathering for herbarium research. The re ideae, Gesnerioideae, and Coronantheroideae. cent acquisition by Selby Gardens of the valu Fortunately the family is not split up like the able herbarium of the Gesneriad Research Foun Scrophulariaceae (Olmstead et al. 2001) or other dation, amassed by the late Hans Wiehler, will related families in the Lamiales. Several recent provide valuable specimens for floristic and re papers (e.g., Olmstead & Reeves 1995, Oxelman visionary research by students. Fieldwork still et al. 1999, Spangler & Olmstead 1999, Wag forms the basis of all types of research in Ges staff & Olmstead 1997) suggest that the Ges neriaceae, including molecular and morpholog neriaceae is one of the oldest families in the ical investigations. More recent examples of Lamiales and may provide insights into the or fieldwork include the work of John R. Clark on igin and early diversification of the Lamiales. Cyrtandra in the South Pacific, Silvana Martens The article in this issue by Roalson et al. in on the pollination ecology in the Gesnerieae on cludes name changes resulting from a combi the Caribbean islands, the search for Gesneri nation of molecular and morphological research, aceae in the unexplored mountains in Indonesia which found that molecular characters could be by the New England Tropical Conservatory and correlated with morphological differences. From their colleagues at the Bogor Botanical Garden, this, it became clear that generic concepts and and fieldwork by two of the authors of the arti placement of genera in certain tribes have been cles included here: John L. Clark on Alloplectus incorrect. Placement and relationships become in the neotropics and Alain Chautems on Ne obvious in closer examination of the morpho matanthus in Brazil. logical characters, when preliminary clues are Another fortunate result of fieldwork is the revealed by molecular studies. The article by discovery of new species in the wild, species J.L. Clark is the result of molecular and mor useful in horticulture for ornamental display and phological studies of the genus Alloplectus. Dur hybridization. ing fieldwork, Clark discovered that upside During the last two decades, the use of com down flowers serve to distinguish the resurrect puters for data basing, word processing, and data ed genus Glossoloma, within the large Alloplec analysis has increased productivity in all areas tus s.l. of research. Available online are the following In recent years, molecular systematics has resources: the World Checklist of Gesneriaceae been used in many parts of the family, in many (Skog & Boggan 2005a) and the Bibliography genera, to give us a clearer picture of the generic of Gesneriaceae (Skog & Boggan 2005b), both and tribal limits. Startling examples of possible mentioned above; the Genera of Gesneriaceae resorting and combining of genera can be seen (Weber & Skog 2003); Selby Gardens research in the close relationship and nesting of Saint in Gesneriaceae (; and the web paulia within Streptocarpus (Moller & Cronk site of The Gesneriad Society ( 1997), Capanea within Kohleria (Roalson et al. All of these websites list additional URLs (Uni 2005), Anodiscus and Koellikeria within Glox form Resource Locators) that provide links to inia s.s. (Roalson et al. this issue), and the close other websites on research in Gesneriaceae. relationship of the genera Achimenes, a low ter restrial herb, with Solenophora, a genus of often LITERATURE CITED large shrubs or small trees (Roalson et al. 2005). Poorly defined and heterogeneous genera are be Burtt, B.L. and H. Wiehler. 1995. Classification of the ing divided, such as Gloxinia s.l., or Alloplectus, family Gesneriaceae. Gesneriana 1 (1): 1-4. as a result of the combination of molecular and Citerne, H.L., M. Moller, and Q.C.B. Cronk. 2000. Di morphological studies. As a result, there is a re- versity of cycloidea-like genes in Gesneriaceae in SKOG: GESNERIACEAE 181 relation to floral symmetry. Ann. Bot. 86: 167~ mer. 2005. Untangling Gloxinieae (Gesneriaceae). 176. I. Phylogenetic patterns and generic boundaries Denduangboripant, J., M. Mendum, and Q.C.B. Cronk. inferred from nuclear, chloroplast, and morpho 2001. Evolution in Aeschynanthus (Gesneriaceae) logical cladistic datasets. Taxon 54: 380~41O. inferred from ITS sequences. Plant Syst. Evol. Skog, L.E. 2005, African violets: Gesneriaceae. Pp. 228: 181~197. 124~127 in G.A. Krupnick and W.J. Kress, eds. Hilliard, O.M. and B.L. Burtt. 2002. The genus Agal Plant Conservation, A Natural History Approach. myla (Gesneriaceae-Cyrtandroideae). Edinburgh Univ. Chicago Press, Chicago. J. Bot. 59: 1~21O. Skog, L.E. and J.K. Boggan. 2005a. World Checklist K vist, L.P. and L.E. Skog. 1996. Revision of Pearcea of Gesneriaceae. URL: (Gesneriaceae). Smithsonian Contr. Bot. 84: 1~47. gesneriaceae!checklist. Access date: 1 March Kvist, L.P., L.E. Skog, J.L. Clark, and RW. Dunn. 2005. 2004. The family Gesneriaceae as example for the ---. 2005b. Bibliography of Gesneriaceae. URL: biological extinction in Western Ecuador. Lyonia http://persoon. si.cdu!g es neriaceae!bibliography. 6: 127~151. Access date: 3 January 2005. Skog, L.E. and L.P. Kvist. 2000. Revision of Gaster Moller, M. and Q.C.B. Cronk. 1997. Origin and rela tionships of Saintpaulia (Gesneriaceae) based on anthus (Gesneriaceae). Syst. Bot. Monogr. 59: 1~ 118. ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) Spangler, R.E. and RG. Olmstead. 1999. Phylogenetic sequences. Amer. J. Bot. 84: 956~965. analysis of Bignoniaceae based on the cpDNA Moller, M. and M. Kiehn. 2004. A synopsis of cyto gene sequences rbcL and ndhF. Ann. Missouri logical studies in Gesneriaceae. Edinburgh J. Bot. 60: 425~447. WagsBtaoftf. , GSa.Jr.d .a n8d6 :R 3G3~.4 O6.lm stead. 1997. Phylogeny of Olmstead, RG. and P.A. Reeves. 1995. Evidence for Labiatae and Verbenaceae inferred from rbcL se polyphyly of the Scrophulariaceae based on chlo quences. Syst. Bot. 22: 165~179. roplast rbcL and ndhF sequences. Ann. Missouri Wang, W.T., K.Y. Pan, Z.Y. Li, A.L. Weitzman, and Bot. Gard. 82: 176~193. L.E. Skog. 1998. Gesneriaceae. Pp. 244~401 in Olmstead, RG., C.W. de Pamphilis, A.D. Wolfe, N.D. Z.Y. Wu and P.H. Raven, co-chairs. Flora of Chi Young, W.J. Elisons, and P.A. Reeves. 2001. Dis na, Vol. 18. Scrophulariaceae through Gesneri integration of the Scrophulariaceae. Amer. J. Bot. aceae. Science Press, Beijing and Missouri Botan 88: 348~361. ical Garden Press, St. Louis. Oxelman, B., M. Backlund, and B. Bremer. 1999. Re Weber, A. and B.L. Burtt. 1998. Remodeling of Di lationships of the Buddlejaceae s.1. investigated dymocarpus and associated genera (Gesneri using jackknife and branch support analysis of aceae). Beitr. BioI. Pflanzen 70: 293~363. chloroplast ndhF and rbcL sequence data. Syst. Weber, A. and L.E. Skog. 2003. Genera of Gesneri Bot. 24: 164~182. aceae. Basic information with illustration of se Perret, M., A. Chautems, R Spichiger, G. Kite, and V. lected species. URL: http://www.botanik.univie. Savolainen. 2003. Systematics and evolution of ac.atlmorphology!genera..gesneriaceae!index.htm. tribe Sinningieae (Gesneriaceae): evidence from Access date: 1 September 2005. phylogenetic analyses of six plastid DNA regions Weigend, M. and H. Farther. 2002. A revision of the and nuclcar ncpGS. Amer. 1. Bot. 90: 445~460. Central American genus Solenophora (Gesneri Roalson, E.H., 1.K. Boggan, L.E. Skog, and E.A. Zim- aceae). Harvard Pap. Bot. 7: 37~78.