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GERT: Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique - RAND PDF

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Preview GERT: Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique - RAND

MEMORANDUM RM-4973:- NASA APRIL 1968 GERT: GRAPHICAL EVALUATION AND REVIEW TECHNIQUE Pailsker AS Ant FOR, NATIONAL ABRONAUTICS AND SPACK ADMINISTHALION - _ 7 RAT D core Nase. 21108) MEMORANDUM RM-4073-NASA GERT: GRAPHICAL EVALUATION AND REVIEW TECHNIQUE ALAR. Priteker “hiv ceagh apo hy he Rational Am acs al Spor Admit wd Cemurct es NUSe 31" Th report dove nt nests sept een ef [evonsl Aerngstine sn Span? Admisiarton RAN Derertne ore Pata The Rast Pane PREECE This Meworondim, one of a caring done by Toe RAND Corporation on she Apolto Checkovt Study ior Hendquartere, fatLona? Aevenwutice end Space Admiptstration under Coateact HASY~21(08), evolved Sram a study fof the teminel countdown of am Apelic space nystea, That atuly, to he reported on separately, developed che concept thet ¢ cerminal cine fom can be supresented zs + nelwork; thie concept in tem crentot a seed for a procedure for (1) atutlyting networks that ocnteized acttvic thes ciot bad a probability of occurrence associated with thet, and (@) trenting the plaueability Unt the tiae tn perfora an activity vos not @ constant, but «1 Tandon variable, Networks contatmius these cho cleuunts were deccribed by the term “ctachastte networie." the verwlt of the research on this problen, presented in thie Memoranduh, is GERD (Grapaical Evnlustion and Review Techaiqne), a procedure for the anlysas of stochastic netwoul GENT oan be s powerful tsi for the aysteus analyst sines Lt ha AIT The adventayes accosinted with network smi provides an exact aludtion of cerusin Gypes oL networks, CURD isu wide application possibilities, ae ‘adtested by the mumerous swurples given in thie Mawoceudum, and ola bes charssteriatice which sake ft vaelai as @ reaching aushantan Teo author of this tenorandua Se 4 conewlLent to The RAND Coxparation. Bis primary etsucistion fe wiat Arirona State Veiversicy, where he is a rrenhcr of Lue faculty in the Deparenent of Imiustris} Eepinseriag. GRRL, 20 vezunym for Grazhieal Evalustion ead Review Tochatque, 5 £ procedure for che stacy uf stochaetde networks remprsed of exéunsrn OF, IMCLOSEVE-OR, and AND nocen (vertiota) ead moltiparaneter prancher (eracunittimres or edges), Ta GPRT, Sranches 2b the network she desurined hy exo or sure parnnetere: (1) ¥ prabahility that ehe beench 1s treverveds und (2) the time (oF ether eteribels) to treveree the branch Lf it is taken. & Leancformating fa developed that combiaes these ino prcansters into » single yeesaetet, Tur FRCLUSIVE-OR nedea, E nathod te cerivsd for the wrshustin of networks in Lerns of she vrobabLiity of rea“tetag an output node, and ty comect conerating wresica of tne tine to veeliee Ute enipet node. the LotaT enmzept of stochastic networks, the eransformatiog, ant the evaluscion nethed ag Seen Iubeled CURT, Tor SECLUSIVE-DK logic nedee, even if the timee associated wlth the branches are saulon varisblea, GERT x£i11 yLelds en wuxet aolucton, A enmputer progtun nas been uritten eo obtata such solutions, Fer the other Logie nodes. conceptus! and emmputatcena] problems st2Ll exist These prosens ara éiseussed tn thie Memoranduc and apzroaclies sul apprevtnatioos eve outlined, ax pert of thw evnluttion ané review pronees associeLec with scoctartic netuesun, 9 oeneitiviey anatveba of suuchastis netweree te dncivdad wit GERD, Ts performing the cevearch ta dezive GEOE, te was fouuc chat many system could be degerthod tn terms 92 atachuatLe netuorse gad chat inacy probleme cmd he setver using CLM, Tris Meworaudn presenta the menerel coucepts ane fundamantals of GERI, Te ae decided eo peenent the Tesearch {a the nanasr fn whith ££ proceuded hremuse the alesenative approach of prucort ing the tranefemnacian derived exe chee ‘shoving sat te ds em appropriate erarsformstion would tend to lose the organic development vhteh Zed te the thecry, ‘Thromghewt the Wenorandur, aany exeaplee denocetvate the goncra] epplicabiLity of GENT. Nowever, GAZ ae prusented 22 viewed ae a stovtiey piace from vhfch weny aveuus of reseerch axe goseible, This is adequetely {lluecreted ie the discussion of future xescarch reac The spplicction for which GRRL was originully anycloped—evaluation ond vevles of covetdenns vriDl de dlvumeeel in n eeparste menerandes, ont acoorouengarars, Jn the formulation stages, Dr, W, M, Happ of Arizona State Uai- versity contributed idess and concepes whizh were inetrmental £2 che development of the theory of GUET, Mr. Stepiiea U, Dresner of Tie RAKD Corporation aul Hr. Gary €. Mrktehocan of Aviron State Universiey ave sigmificant eagletanen to the author chraugh Alscusttons of the developrent aud appLicotion of CERT, ‘The program presuated in Appendix A we Lovrmlated and developed ly Mr, ALfreé #. welson of The RAID Corporation,

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