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PHYSIOLOGICAL ECOLOGY A Series of Monographs, Texts, and Treatises EDITED BY T. T. KOZLOWSKI University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin T. T. KOZLOWSKI. Growth and Development of Trees, Volumes I and II - 1971 DANIEL HILLEL. Soil and Water: Physical Principles and Processes, 1971 J. LEVITT. Responses of Plants to Environmental Stresses, 1972 V. B. YOUNGNER AND C. M. MCKELL (Eds.). The Biology and Utilization of Grasses, 1972 T. T. KOZLOWSKI (Ed.). Seed Biology, Volumes I and II - 1972; Volume III — in preparation YOAV WAISEL. The Biology of Halophytes, 1972 SEED BIOLOGY Edited by T. T. KOZLOWSKI DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN MADISON, WISCONSIN VOLUME II Germination Control, Metabolism, and Pathology ACADEMIC PRESS New York and London 1972 COPYRIGHT © 1972, BY ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED NO PART OF THIS BOOK MAY BE REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM, BY PHOTOSTAT, MICROFILM, RETRIEVAL SYSTEM, OR ANY OTHER MEANS, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE PUBLISHERS. ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. Ill Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10003 United Kingdom Edition published by ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. (LONDON) LTD. 24/28 Oval Road, London NW1 7DD LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOG CARD NUMBER: 71-182641 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS Numbers in parentheses indicate the pages on which the authors' contributions begin AREF A. ABDUL-BAKI (283), Seed Quality Investigations, Market Quality Research Division, Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture, Plant Industry Station, Beltsville, Maryland JAMES D. ANDERSON (283), Seed Quality Investigations, Market Quality Research Division, Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture, Plant Industry Station, Beltsville, Maryland KENNETH F. BAKER (317), Department of Plant Pathology, University of California, Berkeley, California TE MAY CHING (103), Department of Farm Crops, Oregon State Uni­ versity, Corvallis, Oregon Dov KOLLER (1), Department of Agricultural Botany, The Hebrew Uni­ versity of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel T. A. VILLIERS (220), Department of Plant Biology, University of Natal, Durban, South Africa vii PREFACE Man's existence and health are directly or indirectly dependent on seeds. This fact has for many years pointed out the urgent need for a comprehensive coverage of information on seed biology. The importance of this work became even greater during the recent years of rapid popu­ lation increases throughout the world. It was with these thoughts in mind that this three-volume treatise was planned to bring together a large body of important new information on seed biology. The subject matter is wide ranging. The opening chapter outlines man's dependency on seeds as sources of food and fiber, spices, beverages, edible and industrial oils, vitamins, and drugs. Harmful effects of seeds are also mentioned. Separate chapters follow on seed development, dis­ semination, germination (including metabolism, environmental control, internal control, dormancy, and seed and seedling vigor), protection from diseases and insects, collection, storage, longevity, deterioration, testing, and certification. These books were planned to be readable and inter­ disciplinary so as to serve the widest possible audience. They will be useful to various groups of research biologists and teachers, including agronomists, plant anatomists, biochemists, ecologists, entomologists, foresters, horticulturists, plant pathologists, and plant physiologists. The work has many practical overtones and will also be of value to seed producers and users. These volumes are authoritative, well-documented, and international in scope. They represent the distillate of experience and knowledge of a group of authors of demonstrated competence from universities and government laboratories in England, India, Israel, South Africa, and the United States. I would like to express my deep personal appreciation to each of the authors for his contribution and patience during the produc­ tion phases. The assistance of Mr. W. J. Davies and Mr. P. E. Marshall in index preparation is also acknowledged. T. T. KOZLOWSKI ix CONTENTS OF OTHER VOLUMES Volume I Importance, Development, and Germination 1. Importance and Characteristics of Seeds T. T. Kozlowski and C. R. Gunn 2. Development of Gymnosperm Seeds H. Singh and Β. M. John 3. Development of Angiosperm Seeds S. P. Bhatnagar and Β. M. John 4. Anatomical Mechanisms of Seed Dispersal Abraham Fahn and Ella Werker 5. Seed Germination and Morphogenious Graeme P. Berlyn 6. Seed and Seedling Vigor Bruce M. Pollock and Eric E. Roos Author Index —Subject Index Volume III Insects, and Seed Collection, Storage, Testing, and Certification 1. Seed Insects G. E. Bohart and T. W. Koerber 2. Seed Collection and Identification Charles R. Gunn 3. Seed Storage and Longevity James F. Harrington 4. Insects Attacking Seeds During Storage R. W. Howe 5. Essentials of Seed Testing Oren L. Justice 6. Seed Certification J. Ritchie Cowan Author Index — Subject Index xi 1 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL OF SEED GERMINATION Dov Roller I. Environmental Control of Germination and Its Biological Significance 2 A. The Dormant State and Its Biological Implication 2 B. Termination of the Dormant State 3 C. Environmental Control 4 7 D. Dormancy and Survival 6 II. Environmental Indicators and Plant Perception lz A. Requirements and Indicators 7 4 1 B. Perception - 5 1 III. Immediate Responses A. Temperature Regime 2 5 B. Radiation Regime ^5 C. Water Relations 8 6 D. Chemical Environment 59 E. Time F. Interactions and Conditioning 71 IV. Postmaturation Conditioning 76 A. Effects of Dispersal Mechanisms 80 B. Temperature 82 C. Radiation 84 D. Water Relations 86 E. Biotic Influences 88 F. Fire 90 V. Prematuration Conditioning 91 References 93 1 2 DOV KOLLER I. Environmental Control of Germination and Its Biological Significance A. The Dormant State and Its Biological Implication One of the most universal characteristics of practically all existing plant species is that at least once, and in many instances several times, during their life cycle they produce specialized cells, or multicellular bodies, that exhibit the phenomenon which has become known as dor­ mancy. With few exceptions, these dormant structures are a develop­ mental antithesis of the tissues from which they develop. The latter are at the peak of differentiation and at their lowest potential for resuming active growth. On the other hand, the former are at their highest potential for resuming active growth, to the extent of initiating an entirely new life cycle, or a new phase of the existing cycle. At the same time, they are essentially at their most undifferentiated state, although they may be encapsuled in structures and tissues of the highest degree of complexity and differentiation. There is a dramatic quality to this dormancy, since formation of the dormant structures is commonly associated with a remarkable intensifica­ tion of metabolic, synthetic, and morphogenetic activities, all of which come to an abrupt and almost simultaneous end. Onset of dormancy nevertheless appears to be much more than a mere cessation of the afore­ mentioned activities. It apparently involves a sequence of events as orderly as that which is encountered in the formation of the dormant structures. It is tempting to visualize the operation of sequential gene activity as postulated by Heslop-Harrison (1963) for the process of differentiation of a floral apex. However, our understanding of the mech­ anism which controls the sudden cessation in all these activities is both fragmentary and elusive, and will be dealt with in other chapters of the present volume. The remarkable fact about this onset of dormancy is that it takes place at a time when the external environment to which the plant is exposed is in no apparent way unfavorable for continued metabolic, synthetic, or morphogenetic activities. The imposition of dormancy is therefore most likely to be controlled endogenously. The ultimate control is probably located in the tissues of the mother plant. Nevertheless, there is ample evidence that in many if not most plants the formation of the dormant structures is initiated under a more or less specific combination of en­ vironmental variables. Thus, even when the morphological development of these structures and their physiological transition to the dormant state are under endogenous control, the primary timing mechanism which initiates these events depends on perception of and response to environ- 1. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL OF SEED GERMINATION 3 mental signals, such as photoperiod or cold in the case of many flowering plants, availability of minerals or light in many algae, etc. The drastic reduction in physiological activities which is integrated in the dormant state is commonly associated with development of external protective tissues and (at least in seed plants) with a drastic reduction in hydration of the cytoplasm. All these combine to make the dormant structure much more resistant to unfavorable environments than the plant which produced them. Dormancy thus becomes associated with resistance against, or tolerance of adverse environmental conditions. Dormancy must therefore have evolved primarily as a solution to the periodic, as well as nonperiodic, changes in the environment, which makes it difficult if not impossible for the plant to function properly, or even exist, during certain periods. The life span of most higher plants is limited by their very nature (monocarpic species), by limitations in their environmental resources, or by pathogenic agents. The investment in dormant cells or seeds which possess the highest potential for resuming growth and forming a fresh individual is in the nature of general insurance for survival of the species. Dormancy also appears to be a natural evolu­ tionary consequence of most forms of plant dispersal, with the exception of fragmentation and the like, since the environments through which dis­ persal takes place are almost invariably hostile to active growth. More­ over, the time passed in transit through the hostile environment is rela­ tively indeterminate. B. Termination of the Dormant State The state of dormancy is overtly terminated when active metabolism, synthesis, and finally growth are resumed. In seeds (and spores) the re­ sumption of these activities is identified with the term germination. Such postgerminative activities can only take place in environments within which the parent plant could function properly. The requirement for photosynthetically active radiation and for external mineral supply may be deferred for a length of time which depends on the size of the organic and mineral reserves within the seed. This leaves the immediate post­ germinative growth activity with virtually few and simple requirements from the environments. One of these is an adequate moisture supply, yet which would not interfere with the gaseous exchange which is essential for aerobic respiration and adequate supply of metabolic energy. Another such requirement is for "normal" temperature, i.e., within the range which is suitable for normal growth of the more mature seedling. Ostensibly, therefore, exposure of the seeds to environments consisting of adequate moisture, aeration and "normal" temperature, should suffice also for germination to take place. However, experience of foresters, horti- 4 DOV KOLLER culturists, and agronomists through the years has shown that germination under such conditions can turn out to be negligible or is at best a slow process and erratic to the point of unpredictability. Rapid, simultaneous germination in high percentages under such conditions is the exception rather than the rule. By far most exceptions occur among species which have been longest under cultivation, such as cereals which originated in the Old World (e.g., Tang and Chiang, 1955; Takahashi and Oka, 1957), for the obvious reason that they had been continuously selected for high, rapid, and simultaneous germination. The phenomenon of erratic, in­ complete, or otherwise unsatisfactory germination presented consider­ able difficulties for agriculture and therefore resulted in the establishment of "seed testing" or "seed analysis," which was primarily aimed at certifying seed quality in terms of expectancy of maximal potential field performance. The vast amounts of experimental data which were gathered by the efforts of numerous seed analysts showed that in a great number of species germination can be hastened, its rates increased and its final per­ centages improved by a variety of means. The capacity for germination was in many instances lowest soon after harvest and afterward improved with time. As a result, the failure of apparently mature seeds to germin­ ate when provided with the moisture and temperature which are normally adequate for growth was treated as a manifestation of dormancy, with the idea that it was most probably a direct continuation of the primary dor­ mancy which the seeds enter in the normal course of their maturation, as described above. Out of these studies also grew the realization that the dormancy which is involved in preventing germination from taking place readily under apparently "normal" conditions may be an evolutionary safeguard against the uncertainty of the plant's environment. Catastrophies which may occur will involve only a fraction of the seeds which had been produced, and since the risk of annihilation is minimized, their effect on the population of the species as a whole will therefore be temporary. C. Environmental Control The proceedings of various national seed testing associations, and of the International Association (Comptes Rendus, Association Inter­ nationale d'Essais des Semences) provide a wealth of detailed informa­ tion on the different methods which were found most effective in obtaining the maximal germination response in the different plant species. Some of the treatments which were successful in inducing germination of such dor­ mant seed were clearly agrotechnical, in the sense that they were entirely unavailable to the seed without man's technical assistance. Such was the case, for instance, with seeds which responded to pretreatment in con­ centrated sulfuric acid, or in boiling water, or to mechanical damage to

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