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German Visual Phrase Book PDF

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eyewitness travel GERMAN V I S U A L PHRASE BOOK die Kirche dee kir-khe church die Wiener dee vee-ner frankfurters der Hut ein Bier dair hoot ine beer hat beer · · SEE IT SAY IT LIVE IT! eyewitness travel GERMAN V I S U A L PHRASE BOOK DK Publishing 0U0S1__0V0i1su_aVliPsuharalPsehbraosoekb_oGoek__EGDe6_3E9D.6in911 . in1dd 1 53/1/32//0088 1102::2127::5122 LONDON, NEW YORK, MELBOURNE, CONTENTS MUNICH, DELHI Senior Editor Angela Wilkes 4 INTRODUCTION 5 PPrroMPoMdrdauaoPnucnduAacAtaubiegrorgctldit inni tsE nDi gfhodCgoi enri ArotEer ornE Ddct rtdt Jio roEto ioortSdrnollriiilal nrtekB to gehrJ rur P ay SKlhI nninpLeii nldoi MW nOdSeugeeaeruiisjtlrerigclegtsssah elB Dletafohyincnu tkbllya r 4ITNlithkshAieerseye mcl Tlwomymobpt IuieNotohotNAe eaoR nrnoronoasldmdraT lupo, kefsrnGu si GnRe l, aee utbtOeu egopnewmo hstOnenneleIrsuorrr(ihs’ueardok “odmm srdafi TDmw,oa ndlAeIe h - vi sv fthDnikwraAw nasee ilmsU”ioceoaenyEdieen“g,n nos,muTa mlnn c snsepyC Ysisd tl–blouehylnwahi ,onieo igus oiUs s aTnn opvEatnnebiyfo“ moi ldtotnhcnouieInoeacheohnYoirsiuswhrOninreeec.llroc.,u” mdeehkrgud lll y gefa)raoo ntICYf unlNaao o … natid,ie wr soaowrobh f srs asynwrrd oaboem.mlhn enuu et e bleIpeymiphrTysyrA(iocn a i s oid lw dal ttcekihn“thdredsr igastuwha u ndyaaeyiihoaiIiot a ac bl rssetn .lt”hnb sobayteevu putsh rsOceyGo e.Ni e 5d o e ieo ojal us ew wlwb naeAw,(eto sw 0out twrnlahbcnurr’io io lriaoskoomn0aotd“EarfikmehaesNertro” y aktnrerkeh endject eeudsrbyof nnrhfabes tn k osugd etd t a ebvpe”.nteonho ae aflf olp hm n aoaro useIä:S ft exartattsd im rdnd iof)r oentnStilrvpits io i es.eehn hoda tss pea“tgdisaynorhmDreet ei nt ew y.ss Nlnyotsehgfe p eenfr hd i, eicT caoemunnr( grebeuaoh aopohr uah/pkby er g”rota ttrcff Eaiteusaeoheleeii:oao n noqiucosuh ,srn“non p eu rsd lok dterurinygiseg aaoetegmpte eg weekheo hieeamnndole cs teld l sriroeufasl)onäo:qttdo fknsi oao eho y htl,w(”onu dri u nk tia/srn or dnaeemasohafmuteideyewne’nnt tc ut scsrnre o wrsa sf2eedi act ,eght u eknd a e tasooai sor,bco isnessr0si de odinac rsfehr.i ntoern oe d0du…bn huud dbnsafowa w eil0osius siaencnis nke(n uabi. ul-de ltgg.f igoisi heanaitnd.se Stu) wl) tm tarl e ootwl,yeea h: m imsfrhlgeio saeae airrntn )n gyd. oIenur .P tBhwEretishsinoGllhto lag aenofiwtlki rnusei mut hedl d in na as a aoc nlnic ohst pedänsti reGo u alooyynu,en oft aana erutäuihmuo dunog cbo ssucahawh n idnnilaaedilo kil rd ittkili eweeuqkileiihg kielosö kiepj lm uekoeldac dnaeilu rrekeil s hrn ookili i ßlodkilfebm giu ebikiledfwnünipkiley w enuedkitlev ockil eoti adfkirer z icf eaitkhelidoore ugeuanylietn iikrlet inerei entl kilnpn s n tnyilkile hii ttunekhilhe.natne ttdhck khileo behkileidr t etRod e svkiefern eyi tiskeihrbere anv s ehnwiedo roh o eniab ily sesesyn e ea to gfbm o ta, eve,ts ae w i ntd b iwoisnet oesnst ogStans iid hupi oe s nnetr nt tiircit isnht h a negret hdfne o iot nehovrbn eroa t ahr,e, teiabh fd eoeoapnst oiks ebs n iseaiae n spbteees hsop uiisgpucn nwhbfa rt trw t kbssiildio c e inoltnt.s wreosok n goe fe Sow E orsoiofymoaendof hnkerou t fnmda,ihgw eru nptei ylemnhwiceol,oso geeo rhtobucd h dr,ohrte rh.dszfor r o aaoin t aw tz,oo rod SP Creative Design Editor Heather Thomas Introduction Designer RolandoUgolino Language content by First Edition 40 Translations Ltd, Cambridge, UK Translator Ingrid Price-Gschlossl Editor Tamara Benscheidt Typesetting Essential Typesetting US Editor Margaret Parrish First American Edition, 2009 Published in the United States by DK Publishing 375 Hudson Street Eating out New York, New York 10014 09 10 11 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ED691—May 2009 108 Copyright © DorlingKindersley Ltd 2008 All rights reserved Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the Sightseeing prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book. 146 Published in Great Britain by Dorling Kindersley Limited A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress ISBN 978-0-7566-3712-5 Printed by Leo Paper Products, China Discover more at www.dk.com Emergencies 0U0S2_-000023-_0V0i3su_aVliPsuharalPsehbraosoekb_oDoek__EDDe6_3E2D 6 921.indd 2 150/1/32//0088 1107::4452::5048 CONTENTS 3 6 18 Essentials Getting around 60 78 Places to stay Shopping 118 134 Sports and leisure Health 156 164 English–German Dictionary 178 German–English Dictionary 192 Menu guide Acknowledgments 0U0S2_-000023-_0V0i3su_aVliPsuharalPsehbraosoekb_oDoek__EDDe6_3E3D 6 931.indd 3 150/1/32//0088 1107::4462::1009 4 INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION This book provides all the key words and phrases you are likely to need in everyday situations. It is grouped into themes, and key phrases are broken down into short sections, to help you build a wide variety of sentences. A lot of the vocabulary is illustrated to make it easy to remember, and “You may hear” boxes feature questions you are likely to hear. At the back of the book there is a menu guide, listing about 500 food terms, and a 2,000- word two-way dictionary. Numbers and the most useful phrases are listed on the jacket flaps for quick reference. Nouns All German nouns (words for things, people, and ideas) are masculine, feminine, or neuter. The gender of singular nouns is shown by the word for “the”: der (masculine), die(feminine), or das (neuter). Die is also used with plural nouns. You can look up the gender of words in the German–English dictionary at the back of the book. Some nouns, such as people’s jobs or nationalities, change endings according to whether you are talking about a man or woman. In this book the masculine form is usually shown, followed by the feminine form: I’m American Ich bin Amerikaner/ Amerikanerin “A” The word for “a” or “an” also changes according to gender. It is ein for masculine and neuter words and eine for feminine words. Alternatives are shown as below: Another…please Noch ein/eine…bitte “You” There are two ways of saying “you” when addressing someone in German: Sie (polite) and du (familiar). In this book we have used Sie throughout as this is what you normally use with people you don’t know. 0U0S4_-000045-_0V0i5su_aVliPsuharalPsehbraosoekb_oDoek__EDDe6_3E4D 6 941.indd 4 150/1/32//0088 1102::4186::4333 INTRODUCTION 5 Pronunciation guide Below each German word or phrase in this book, you will find a pronunciation guide. Read it as if it were English and you should be understood, but remember that it is only a guide and for the best results you should listen to and mimic native speakers. Some German sounds are different from those in English, so take note of how the letters below are pronounced. a like a in father ä like e in get au like ow in how äu, eu like oy in toy b like b at the beginning of a word like p at the end of a word ch pronounced at the back of the throat, like ch in the Scottish word loch d like d in dog at the beginning of a word like t in tin at the end of a word ei like y in by, or i in pile i like i in hit, or ee in see ie like ee in see j like y in yes ö like ur in burn qu like kv r rolled at the back of the throat s like s in see, sh in ship, or z in zoo sch like sh in shop ß like ss in grass u like oo in boot ü like ew in dew v like f in foot w like v in van z like ts in pets 0U0S4_-000045-_0V0i5su_aVliPsuharalPsehbraosoekb_oDoek__EDDe6_3E5D 6 951.indd 5 150/1/32//0088 1102::4186::4344 6 ESSENTIALS ESSENTIALS In this section, you will find the essential words and phrases you will need for basic everyday talk and situations. Be aware of cultural differences when you are addressing native German speakers, and remember that they tend to be very formal when greeting each other. There are two ways of saying “you” in German. Sie is used for older people or ones you don’t know very well, whereas the more familiardu is used with family and friends. Y W W T 0U0S6__000067__0V0i7su_aVliPsuharalPsehbraosoekb_oDoek__EDDe6_3E6D 6 961.indd 6 258/1/22//0088 1102::2106::1224 ESSENTIALS 7 GREETINGS d Hello Guten Tag! goo-ten tahk Good evening Guten Abend goo-ten ah-bent Good night Gute Nacht goo-te nakht Goodbye Auf Wiedersehen owf vee-der-zay-en Hi/bye! Tschüss! tshews Pleased to meet you Sehr erfreut zair air-froyt How are you? Wie geht es Ihnen? vee gayt es ee-nen Fine, thanks Danke, gut dun-ke goot You’re welcome Nichts zu danken nikhts tsoo dun-ken My name is… Ich heiße… ikh hye-se What’s your name? Wie heißen Sie? vee hye-sen zee What’s his/her name? Wie heißt er/sie? vee hyst air/zee This is… Das ist… dus ist Nice to meet you Freut mich froyt mikh See you tomorrow Bis morgen bis mor-gen See you soon Bis bald bis bahlt 0U0S6__000067__0V0i7su_aVliPsuharalPsehbraosoekb_oDoek__EDDe6_3E7D 6 971.indd 7 258/1/22//0088 1102::2106::1255 8 ESSENTIALS SMALL TALK Yes/no Ja/Nein yah/nine Please Bitte bit-te Thank you (very much) Danke (vielen Dank) dun-ke (vee-len dunk) You’re welcome Gern geschehen gairn ge-shay-en OK/fine OK/prima o-kay/pree-ma Pardon? Wie bitte? vee bit-te Excuse me Entschuldigung ent-shool-dee-gung Sorry Tut mir leid toot mir lite I don’t know Ich weiß es nicht ikh vice es nikht I don’t understand Ich verstehe Sie nicht ikh fair-shtay-ye zee nikht Could you repeat that? Könnten Sie das wiederholen? kurn-ten zee dus vee-der- ho-len I don’t speak German Ich spreche nicht Deutsch ikh shpray-khe nikht doytsh Do you speak English? Sprechen Sie Englisch? shpray-ken zee eng-lish What is the German Was heißt…auf Deutsch? for…? vus hyst…owf doytsh What’s that? Was ist das? vus ist dus What’s that called? Wie heißt das? vee hyst dus Can you tell me… Können Sie mir sagen… kurnen zee mir zah-gen 0U0S8__000089__0V0i9su_aVliPsuharalPsehbraosoekb_oDoek__EDDe6_3E8D 6 981.indd 8 258/1/22//0088 1102::1196::4104

Combining the best of DK's visual and audio approaches to learning languages, the Eyewitness Travel Visual Phrasebooks with CDs teach the phrases that are essential for navigating successfully in a foreign country.
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