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A quantitative analysis of MRI images using commercial software for the assessment of radiotherapy-induced anatomical changes of parotid glands Gerlinde Logghe Supervisors: Prof. Dirk Verellen, Prof. Giovanna Rizzo (University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy) Counsellor: Prof. Claudio Fiorino (Servizio Fisica Sanitaria - Ospedale San Raffaele IRCCS) Master's dissertation submitted in order to obtain the academic degree of Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering Faculty of Engineering and Architecture Academic year 2014-2015 Permission  for  usage     “The   author(s)   gives   (give)   permission   to   make   this   master   dissertation   available   for   consultation  and  to  copy  parts  of  this  master  dissertation  for  personal  use.   In  the  case  of  any  other  use,  the  copyright  terms  have  to  be  respected,  in  particular  with   regard  to  the  obligation  to  state  expressly  the  source  when  quoting  results  from  this  master   dissertation”       Gerlinde  Logghe               21/05/2015     i Preface     Writing  this  thesis  is  the  final  chapter  of  my  life  as  a  student  and  I  would  like  to  thank  some   people  that  have  made  this  experience  possible  for  me.     My  parents,  who  gave  me  the  opportunity  to  study  for  all  these  years  and  who  supported   me  in  all  my  decisions.     My  brother  Barteld,  who  has  always  believed  in  me.   Professor  Verellen,  who  has  helped  me  finding  a  thesis  subject  abroad  and  who  agreed  to  be   my  supervisor.   Claudio  Fiorino  and  dr.  Giovanna  Rizzo  for  guiding  and  helping  me  to  write  this  thesis  and  for   welcoming  me  in  Milan.     Maria-­‐Luisa  Belli  and  Sara  Broggi  for  helping  me  with  the  project  and  answering  my  many   questions.     My   colleagues   in   the   San   Raffaele   Hospital   and   LITA.   You   made   my   stay   in   Milan   unforgettable.   ii Abstract   A  quantitative  analysis  of  MRI  images  using  commercial  software  for   the   assessment   of   radiotherapy-­‐induced   anatomical   changes   of   parotid  glands     Gerlinde  Logghe     Supervisors:  Prof.  Dirk  Verellen,  Prof.  Giovanna  Rizzo  (University  of  Milano-­‐Bicocca,  Italy)   Counsellors:  Prof.  Claudio  Fiorino  (Servizio  Fisica  Sanitaria  –  Ospedale  San  Raffaele  IRCCS)     Master's  dissertation  submitted  in  order  to  obtain  the  academic  degree  of  Master  of  Science   in  Biomedical  Engineering     Faculty  of  Engineering  and  Architecture,  Academic  year  2014  -­‐  1015     Summary   Radiotherapy  is  one  of  the  main  therapies  to  treat  head  and  neck  cancer  (HNC).  However,   one  of  the  consequences  of  radiation  therapy  is  the  radiation-­‐induced  damage  to  normal   tissue  and  cells.  In  HNC  patients,  one  of  the  main  side  effects  is  xerostomia,  which  is  the   result  of  a  change  of  saliva  composition  or  reduced  saliva  flow.  Image  analysis,  and  in   particular  deformable  image  registration  (DIR),  is  used  to  investigate  parotid  shrinkage,   which  can  lead  to  xerostomia,  and  can  be  used  to  investigate  certain  clinical  and  dosimetric   parameters  that  could  predict  this  shrinkage.  In  this  Masters  dissertation,  MIM  software,  will   be  used  for  MRI/MRI  monomodality  deformable  registration  and  contour  propagation.     After  the  accuracy  of  the  deformable  registration  and  contour  propagation  is  validated   (correct  for  all  but  one  parotid  gland),  MIM  software  is  used  for  a  clinical  application:  the   determination   of   radiation-­‐induced   parotid   shrinkage   and   correlation   with   clinical   and   dosimetric   parameters.   Significant   changes   in   parotid   gland   volume   in     the   acute   (2-­‐3   months)  and  late  phase  (6-­‐18  months),  compared  with  the  pre-­‐RT  scan  are  noticed  and   initial   volume   seems   to   be   correlated   with   volume   loss   in   the   acute   phase.   Also   2   subpopulations  were  found  to  be  present,  which  could  be  explained  by  a  difference  in  mean   planned  dose  to  the  parotid.  Mean  planned  dose  seems  to  be  correlated  with  volume  loss  in   the  late  phase,  especially  for  the  high-­‐dose  group.  The  contour-­‐propagation  tool  included  in   MIM  software  reduces  the  contouring  time  with  50  %   iii A quantitative analysis of MRI images using commercial software for the assessment of radiotherapy-induced anatomical changes of parotid glands Gerlinde Logghe Supervisor(s): Giovanna Rizzo, Claudio Fiorino the region of the oropharynx, 5 in the nasopharynx. In 7 of Abstract In this research, the use of MIM software for these patients, the tumour was located bilaterally, while in 5 MRI/MRI deformable registration and contour propagation is of them the tumour was located at the right side, and in other investigated and validated. As an application of MIM software, 2 patients at the left side. There were 8 males and 6 female the predictive value of some clinical and anatomical parameters patients. The PTV1 – dose ranged from 61,5 Gy to 67 Gy with for parotid shrinkage is investigated. 2,05 to 2,3 Gy per fraction (30 fractions) and the PTV2- from Keywords MIM software, MRI, DIR, parotid gland shrinkage 54 Gy to 56 Gy with 1,8 to 1,9 Gy per fraction (30 fractions). The mean dose to the parotid glands was 32,6 Gy and ranged from 21,8 Gy to 51,6 Gy. I. INTRODUCTION The MRI scans are performed with a THRIVE sequence Cancer of the head and neck region (HNC) is the seventh using a Philips machine (Achieva 1.5 and Philips Interna for leading cancer worldwide. Radiotherapy is one of the main patient 5). This is T1-weighted high-resolution isotropic therapies to treat HNC; Ionizing radiation is used to introduce volume examination sequence (THRIVE) with 3D ultra-fast damage in the DNA, which will lead to cell death and spoiled gradient, useful for soft-tissue imaging as it provides impaired cell division. However, one of the consequences of more detailed anatomical information while retaining a good radiation therapy is the radiation-induced damage to normal spatial resolution and having an acceptable acquisition time. tissue. In HNC patients, one of the main side effects is dryness of the mouth, also known as xerostomia, which is the result of B. MIM Software a change of saliva composition or reduced saliva flow. The Version 6.3 of MIM software (Cleveland, Ohio) is used in parotid glands are the mayor contributor to the saliva this thesis project. MIM offers a great flexibility and production, and shrinkage has been suggested to be an efficiency for its users and its design philosophy was based on indicator of xerostomia. Image analysis, and in particular offering the user an intuitive and friendly interface. However, deformable image registration (DIR), is used to investigate details regarding the implementation of the algorithms behind parotid shrinkage and certain clinical and dosimetric these tools are not available to users. parameters that could predict this shrinkage in the parotid Rigid and deformable registration in combination with glands. contour propagation, are the main tools used in this thesis project. Contour propagation is linked to registration by using MIM software has been used extensively for CT/CT DIR, the registration field to propagate the contours from one image but there is not much information available on MRI/MRI DIR. to the other. DICE Coefficients and Hausdorff distance values Therefore the aim of this thesis is also to find a protocol in will be used to evaluate the propagation/registration. Several MIM software for MRI/MRI DIR of HNC patients that will settings are possible for registration (rigid and deformable), give adequate and acceptable results in terms of accuracy. and the most optimal setting will be investigated and In a second part, selected parameters that could be validated. For this step a subset of 10 patients is used. correlated with parotid gland shrinkage are investigated by the use of MIM software. C. Statistical Tests SPSS (IBM ® SPSS ® Statistics) Version 21 is used for II. EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH statistical analysis. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test is used for the comparison of means in repeated measurements (pre-RT A. Patient Data-set vs. acute/late phase scan). The independent-Samples Mann- Whitney U test is used for the comparison of means in two 14 patients were selected from a database containing HNC patients. These 14 patients all had a pre-treatment MRI scan, independent samples. an acute phase MRI scan (2-3 months after treatments) and a late phase MRI scan (6-18 months later). The ages of the patients ranged from 33 to 78 years with a median value of 55,4 years. 9 of them had a tumour located in III. RESULTS smaller group (group 2), consisting of only 6 parotid glands, shows a decline in the acute phase (from ± 23 ml to ± 20ml), followed by a further decline in the late phase (to ±16,5 ml). A. Parameter settings and validation in MIM Software The volume changes in the second group are smaller when The combination of a rigid registration with a region that compared to the first group as well as the pre-RT volume. includes the parotid glands (‘Box Based Assisted Alignment’) The correlation between volume loss and certain parameters together with a deformable registration that focuses on the (initial volume, mean planned dose, %overlap between PTV whole image, gave the best results (maximum DICE and parotid gland, age, and gender) was investigated, see coefficient and minimum Hausdorff distance values). Table I. However, the differences with the other registration approaches are small and no statistical significance is Table I Correlation between certain parameters and volume loss of determined. parotid glands in acute an late phase It was found that a deformable smoothness factor (DSF) of Total Group 1 Group 2 0,5 is the optimal setting when working with MRI/MRI image registration. However, in the cases where the images are Para- Acute Late Acute Late Acute Late subjected to some degree of artefacts and/or noise or where meters: the volumes differ too much between the 2 images, it is better to use a deformable smoothness factor of 2. When these 2 Initial 0,669 deformable smoothness factors are being considered, it can be volume ** 0,267 0,711 concluded that all patients (with the exception of one parotid in patient 7) have a median error (Hausdorff distance median) that falls within the voxel size, see Figure I This means that Mean the registration protocol can be used for further MRI/MRI planned -0,054 0,365 0,241 0,249 -0,257 0,429 dose registrations. % overlap -0,031 0,112 0,139 0,132 -0,329 0,188 with PTV Age 0,034- 0,132 There is a difference in volume between man and female patients. Gender However, this does not translate into a significant difference in relative volume loss between man and female. Figure I Validation results C. Reduction in contouring time B. Clinical and dosimetric parameters that can predict From the volume extraction experiment, it was concluded parotid shrinkage that the deformable registration process/contour propagation tool in MIM is not sufficient enough to produce propagated It was found that there are significant changes in parotid contours that don’t need manual adjustment. However, it was gland volume when going from the pre-treatment to the acute noticed that when the propagation tool was used, the (2-3 months) and late phase (6-18 months). Two contouring phase goes much faster. In order to assess the gain subpopulations were found to be present, see Figure II. in time due to the combination of propagation+manual adjustment vs. manual contouring, the last 4 patients of the volume extraction protocol were used, together with 5 other patients that only had an acute or late phase scan (and thus were not included in the volume extraction experiment). The average time needed for manually contouring both parotid glands is about 62,11 minutes, while when the contour propagation tool is used there is a reduction to 31,63 min in acute phase and 31,40 min in late phase, which equals a reduction of about 50%, see table Table II Table II Time reduction for contouring Figure II Volume changes for 2 subpopulations Contouring time (in minutes) Acute Scan Late Scan The large majority of parotids (n=22 parotid glands, group Pre- (propagated (propagated treatment 1) are characterized by an initial decline of volume in the contours + contours + scan acute phase (from ± 28 ml to ±20 ml), followed by a plateau adjustment) adjustment) 1 1 73 40 29 or even an increase in the late phase (from ±20 ml to ± 23,5 12 53 25 27 ml). However, the original volume is never reached again. A 13 67 35 35 V. CONCLUSION 14 68 34 32 15 54 30 / It was found that MIM software is able perform a MRI/MRI 16 57 25 / deformable registration and contour propagation with enough 17 61 / 34 accuracy (less than max. voxel error). However, the 18 61 30 / performance of MIM software should be compared with open- 19 65 34 / source software programs that already have been used to Average 62,11 31,63 31,40 Average/gland 31,06 15,81 15,70 explore and optimize MRI/MRI registration, such as Elastix. %reduction 49,08 49,45 As these programs are open-source software systems and the user itself creates the algorithm, it is expected that these results will be more accurate but will be more time- IV. DISCUSSION consuming. It was shown in this thesis, that the DIR tool of MIM has enough accuracy to be used, so it has to be A. Parameter settings and validation in MIM Software investigated whether a higher accuracy will result in noticeably better clinical and practical outcome. For the analysis of MRI images, it was found that the best Concerning the found correlations between volume loss and deformable registration is obtained when using ‘Box Based certain clinical and dosimetric parameters, it needs to be Assisted Alignment’ focused on the parotid glands, a investigated if the conclusions from this research still hold in deformable registration without focusing on a specific ROI a larger population. If so, it should also be investigated and a deformable smoothness of 0,5 and 2. whether or not a linear regression model can be build with The observations about the DSF were later confirmed these parameters. This model could than be used as a during a webinar organized by Jonathan W. Piper (MIM predictive model for parotid shrinkage. software) about ‘Deformable Image Registration and Quality Also data about toxicity and xerostomia in the patients are Assurance’ using MIM software [1]. necessary to draw any valid conclusion about radiation- By comparing the Hausdorff distances between the manual induced xerostomia. and propagated contours with the maximum voxel size, the accuracy of the deformable registration and contour propagation in MIM software was validated. REFERENCES B. Clinical and dosimetric parameters that can predict parotid shrinkage [1] J. (MIM software I. . Piper, “Deformable Image Registration and A large, positive and significant correlation was found Quality Assurance,” 2015. between the initial parotid gland volume and the volume loss [2] S. Broggi, C. Fiorino, I. Dell’Oca, N. Dinapoli, M. Paiusco, A. after 2-3 months. The same conclusion was also reached in Muraglia, E. Maggiulli, F. Ricchetti, V. Valentini, G. Sanguineti, G. research performed by Broggi et al. (2010) [2]. In the same M. Cattaneo, N. Di Muzio, and R. Calandrino, “A two-variable study other parameters predicting the parotid shrinkage in linear model of parotid shrinkage during IMRT for head and neck acute phase are: mean planned dose to parotid gland and age. cancer,” Radiother. Oncol., vol. 94, no. 2, pp. 206–212, 2010. In this thesis however, no correlation between age and relative volume loss in acute phase is found. In terms of planned mean dose to the parotid glands, there seems to be no correlation with the acute phase relative volume loss and a positive correlation with the late phase relative volume loss. Correlation between mean dose and absolute volume loss, gives the same conclusion. It was also found that there was a significant difference between the planned mean doses in the 2 subpopulations; this could be one of the reasons for the existence of the 2 subpopulations as the correlation of group 2 (higher mean planned dose) with the relative late phase volume loss is larger than the correlation with group 1. It was found that gender and subpopulation are independent from each other. From the data it was also concluded that there was a significant difference in age between the man (64,9 years) and woman (46,6 years); the women are younger than the man. Furthermore, parotid glands of female patients seem to be more ‘rigid’: there is less initial volume loss, but also less recovery later on. However, no significant differences are found between volume losses in man vs. women. C. Reduction in contouring time The use of the contour propagation tool will reduce the time needed for contouring with about 50%. This saves a lot of time, which can be an important factor in clinical practice. Table  of  contents     PERMISSION  FOR  USAGE   I   PREFACE   II   ABSTRACT   III   EXTENDED  ABSTRACT   IV   TABLE  OF  CONTENTS   VII   LIST  OF  FIGURES   X   LIST  OF  TABLES   XII   LIST  OF  ABBREVIATIONS   XIII   CHAPTER  1   1   INTRODUCTION   1   1   BACKGROUND   1   2   GOAL  OF  THIS  THESIS   2   3   OUTLINE  OF  THIS  THESIS   2   CHAPTER  2   4   LITERATURE  STUDY   4   1   ONCOLOGY   4   1.1   Oncology:  facts  and  figures   4   1.2   Tumour  development  and  progression   5   1.3   Prevention  and  treatment  of  cancers   6   1.3.1   Types  of  treatment  therapies   7   1.4   Cancers  of  the  head  and  neck  region   9   1.4.1   Head  and  neck  cancer   9   1.4.2   Treatment  of  HNC   10   2   RADIATION  ONCOLOGY   12   2.1   Ionizing  radiation   12   2.2   Interactions  with  matter   13   2.3   The  use  of  radiation  therapy  in  clinical  practice   18   2.3.1   Internal  radiation  therapy   18   2.3.2   External  beam  therapy   18   vii 2.4   Side-­‐effects  of  radiation  therapy   25   2.4.1   Stochastic  effects  vs.  tissue  reactions   25   2.4.2   Early  vs.  late  responding  tissues   25   2.4.3   Effects  in  HNC   26   3   IMAGING  TECHNIQUES   29   3.1   Overview  and  incentive   29   3.1.1   X-­‐ray  imaging  and  CT   29   3.1.2   PET  and  SPECT   30   3.1.3   Ultrasound   31   3.2   MRI   31   3.2.1   Principle   32   3.2.2   Use  in  radiotherapy   35   3.3   Image  analysis  in  radiotherapy   36   3.3.1   Registration   36   3.3.2   Contour  propagation   39   CHAPTER  3   41   SOFTWARE  FOR  REGISTRATION   41   1   USER-­‐DEPENDENT  SOFTWARE   42   2   COMMERCIAL  SOFTWARE   43   2.1   About  MIM   43   2.2   Registration  Algorithms  in  MIM   43   2.2.1   Rigid  Registration   44   2.2.2   Deformable  registration   46   2.2.3   Contour  propagation   49   2.3   Evaluation  tools  in  MIM   49   2.3.1   Evaluation  tools  for  registration   49   2.3.2   Evaluation  tools  for  contour  propagation   50   CHAPTER  4   53   EXPERIMENTAL  RESEARCH   53   1   INTRODUCTION   53   2   PATIENT-­‐DATABASE   54   3   MIM  SOFTWARE   56   3.1   Determination  of  useful  parameters   56   3.1.1   Patient  subset   56   3.1.2   Rigid  Registration   57   3.1.3   Deformable  registration   59   3.1.4   Conclusions   67   3.2   Validation  of  parameter  setting   68   viii

radiotherapy-induced anatomical changes of parotid glands. Gerlinde Logghe. Supervisor(s): Giovanna Rizzo, Claudio Fiorino. Abstract In this research, the use of MIM software for. MRI/MRI deformable registration and contour propagation is investigated and validated. As an application of MIM softwar
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