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Gerard and Antoinette de Vaucouleurs: A Life for Astronomy (Advanced Astrophysics and Cosmology) PDF

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Advanced Series in Astrophysics and Cosmology - Volume 4 GERARD AND ANTOINETTE DE VAUCOULEURS: A LIFE FOR ASTRONOMY ADVANCED SERIES IN ASTROPHYSICS AND COSMOLOGY series editors: Fang Ll Zhi and Remo Ruffini Volume 1 Cosmology of the Early Universe ·edited by Fang U Zhi and Remo Ruffini Volume 2 Galaxies, Quasars and Cosmology edited by Fang U Zhi and Remo Ruffini Volume 3 Quantum Cosmology edited by Fang U Zhi and Remo Ruffini Forthcoming Volume 5 Accretion-A Connection oflnfluential Papers edited by A Treves, L Maraschi, and M Abramowicz Advanced Series in Astrophysics and Cosmology - Volume 4 GERARD AND ANTOINETTE DE VAUCOULEURS: A LIFE FOR ASTRONOMY Editors M. Capaccioli Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova Vicolo dell'Osservatorio 5 35122 Padova Italy H. G. Corwin, Jr. Department of Astronomy University of Texas Austin Texas 78712 USA ''h World Scientific W Singapore • New Jersey • London • Hong Kong Published by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., P 0 Box 128, Farrer Road, Singapore 9128 USA office: 687 Hartwell Street, Teaneck, NJ 07666 UK office: 73 Lynton Mead, Totteridge, London N20 8DH The publisher and editors wish to thank the authors and publishers who have given permission to reproduce published papers in this volume. While every effort has been made to contact the publishers of reprinted papers prior to publication, we have not been successful in a few cases. Where we could not contact the publishers, we have acknowledged the source of the material. Proper credit will be given to these publishers in future editions of this work after permission Is granted. GERARD AND ANTOINETIE DE VAUCOULEURS: A LIFE FOR ASTRONOMY Copyright © 1989 by World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd. All rlght1 reseTlled. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any forms or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photo copying, recording or any information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, without written permi1don from the Publisher. ISBN 9971-50-636-X Printed in Singapore by JBW Printers & Binders Pte. Ltd. to the memory of Antoinette de Vaucnuleurs November 14, 1921 - August 29, 1987 This page is intentionally left blank Foreword by the Book Editors The idea for this book first came to us in December of 1986. One Friday after noon, the two of us were seated, together with Ron Buta, in the 'back room' of the de Vaucouleura comer at Austin, fixing a pot of coffee and (probably) waiting for the computer to come back to life. While the water was boiling, we began discussing once more what else we cou14 do, besides the already-planned Paris Symposium, to honor our masters and friends Gerard and Antoinette de Vau couleurs on the occasion of his 10th birthday and consequent retirement from his chair at UT. The first and obvious proposal - a reprinting of the 'opu' of the de Vaucouleurs - was readily discarded. A glance through the 'list of publica tions' printed at the end of this volume will immediately make the reason obvious to the reader, too; in line with the tradition of many major French scientists, such as Cauchy or Poincare, the de Vaucouleurs have been quite prolific! While the coffee was cooling to a drinkable temperature, we slowly converged on a reduced scheme: a reprinting of a sample of articles representative of the numerous fields of astronomy explored by Gerard and Antoinette. This seemed like a good idea in theory, but practical difficulties remained. Who would take the responsibility of choosing the articles to be reprinted! If nothing else, each of us was (is still!) biased by his own interests and unique experiences. In addition, how could we link the chosen subsample in a logical way to the totality of the de Vaucouleurs work! The coffee was really cold by the time we worked out the solution: we would ask a number of friends and colleagues to make the choice for us, as well as to contribute an introduction to each reprinted article, in which they could combine science with personal memories. We also agreed to keep this operation 'classified' in order to be able to present this volume to the de Vaucouleurs as an unexpected gift. But our plans were to be upset by destiny. Now that the book is ready, vii vili Book Editors' Foreword Antoinette is no longer with us to enjoy our gift. The only thing left to us - symbolic since human beings can do little against the whims of nature - is to dedicate the book to her memory. The outline of the project was further refined after discussions with Frank Bash and Harlan Smith. We made a list of possible topics and possible contrib utors, and then we cross-correlated the two. For obvious reasons of space, we were unable to consider every colleague who could and/ or would have liked to participate in this expression of appreciation. We are also aware that this book cannot do full justice to all of the work of the de Vaucouleurs and their many collaborators. The response from the various colleagues whom we contacted was enthusias tic. Most even delivered their manuscripts on time - highly unusual behavior for astronomers! The contributed introductions written in French were left in the language that Gerard and Antoinette de Vaucouleurs learned first. At least in three cases this was requested by the authors, who had "thought" their papers in French. For all introductory contributions, the references to Gerard de Vau couleurs' papers have been coded by the serial numbers (in square brackets) with which they appear in the appended List of Publications. Those of Antoinette alone or in collaboration with others are in a separate list. In closing, we wish to thank all those who have made this work possible: our colleagues who contributed their memories, the publishing houses who permitted us to reproduce some of the de Vaucouleura articles, and also '!EX (or Il.'JEX), the new toy (or, possibly, the latest bite noire) of scientists, as well as the Padova '!EX 'guru', Massimo Calvani. We must also especially thank Ron Buta, Steve Odewahn, and Annalisa Palacios-Odewahn for the countless hours that they spent working with us on the preparation of the manuscript. N~ther of us calls Gerard de Vaucouleurs by his first name (a respectful habit toward our master). But now, the time has come for one exception. From the two of us, from the other colleagues who contributed to this book, and from all of your friends and 'fans', Happy Birthda11, Gerard! Massimo Capaccioli and Harold G. Corwin, Jr. Austin, Texas - February 18, 1988 Table of Contents Foreword by the Book Editors vii 1. Introduction Frank N. Baah . 1 2. Les Debuts: Astronome Amateur Jean Drageaco . 5 Reprint of "Sur la Concordance de la Penode de Transformation Massive des Materiaux de la Calotte Polaire Australe de la Planete Mars et de celle d'Existence de sa Bordure Sombre en 1939" [106] . 11 3. Au Planetarium de Paris en 1937 Armand H. Delaemme ..•. 15 4. Etude des Planetes en France A udouin Dollfua . . . . 19 Reprint of part of Introduction to "Physique de la Planete Mars" [7J 25 5. Planetary Studies and U. S. Space Program A. T. Young ........... . 31 Reprint of "On the Opposition Effect of Mars" [145] 37

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