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GEOTHERMAL HEATING FEASIBILITY STUDY Oregon EconomiC & Community Development Department Project # A08l0 OWNER: TOWN OF LAKEVIEW 525 NORTH 1ST STREET LAKEVIEW, OREGON 97630 541-947-2029 FAX 541-947-2952 ENGINEER: ANDERSON ENGINEERING & SURVEYING, INC. 17681 HWY 395 PO BOX 28 LAKEVIEW, OREGON 97630 (541) 947-4407 FAX (541) 947-2321 CONSULTING HYDO-GEOLOGIST: DALE BUGENIG ECO:LOGIC 10381 DOUBLE R BOULEVARD RENO, NV 89521 CONSULTING GEOTHERMAL ENGINEER: KEVIN RAFFERTY, PE PO BOX 1935 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 97601 JANUARY 2009 EXPIRES DEC. 31, 2009 This report was funded in part with Oregon State Lottery Funds administered by the Oregon Economic and Community Development Department. TABLE OF CONTENTS GEOTHERMAL HEATING FEASIBILITY STUDY Oregon Economic & Community Development Department Project # A0810 Executive Summary Lakeview’s Geothermal Resources Page 1 Barry Wells Source Page 2 Barry Wells Testing Page 4 WELL TESTING Well B Pumping Test and Well A Injection Test Figure 1. Drawdown data Figure 2 Water-level data Figure 3. Comparison of drawdown and recovery data 8/07 Well A Pumping Test Figure 4. Comparison of drawdown and recovery data 9/07 PUMPING TEST DATA ANALYSIS Page 7 Analysis of the step test data from Well B Figure 5 Analysis 8/2007 Step Test Analysis of the constant-discharge test data from Well B Figure 6 Analysis of drawdown data Figure 7 Analysis of 8/2007 test Analysis of the injection test date for well A Figure 8 Analysis 8/2007 injection test and 9/2007 constant discharge test Figure 9 Analysis of 9/2007 injection test Analysis of the pumping test date for Well A Figure 10 Analysis of drawdown data Figure 11 Analysis of 9/2007 test WATER TEMPERATURE Page 14 Figure 12 Temperature & Electrical Conductivity Well A Figure 13 Temperature Profiles Figure 14 Temperature & Electrical Conductivity Well B WATER CHEMISTRY Page 16 SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS Page 16 2008 BARRY WELLS TESTING Page 18 Temperature Graph for Well B Temperature Graph Spring Spring Flows Graph RESULTS OF THE 2008 TESTING Page 21 FINAL BARRY WELLS SOURCES TEST RESULTS Page 22 School and Hospital Requirements Page 23 Table 1 Summary of Findings LAKEVIEW HIGH SCHOOL Page 26 Geothermal Retrofit Figure 15 Lakeview High School and Ag Shop Geothermal Retrofit Existing Heating Energy Use Retrofit Costs AGRICULTURAL AND WOOD SHOP BUILDING Page 30 Existing Heating Energy Use Retrofit Costs FREMONT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Page 32 Geothermal Retrofit Figure 16 Fremont Elementary Retrofit Existing Heating Energy Use Retrofit Costs DALY MIDDLE SCHOOL Page 35 Geothermal Retrofit Figure 17 Daly Middle Scholl Retrofit Flow Structure Existing Heating Energy Use Retrofit Costs Daly Middle School Geothermal Retrofit Costs HAY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Page 40 Geothermal Retrofit Figure 18 A D Hay Elementary Retrofit Existing Heating Energy Use Retrofit Costs Bin Analysis Page 45 Table 2 Total Water Use/Well B Lake County Industrial Park Page 46 Table 3 Industrial Park Buildings Re-Injection of Return Water Page 47 System Description Page 48 Figure 18 Schematic Diagram of the Geothermal System Figure 19 Typical Trench Section Financial Analysis Page 53 Table 4 Construction Cost Estimate Hospital & School Savings Analysis Page 53 Table 5 Savings Analysis Table 6 School Savings over a 30 Year Period Table 7 Hospital Savings over 30 Year Period Funding Options Page 57 OREGON ECONOMIC & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT USDA RURAL DEVELOPMENT USDA LOAN / SURPRISE VALLEY ELECTRIC BUSINESS ENERGY TAX CREDITS ENERGY LOAN PROGRAM PUBLIC PURPOSE FUNDS ENERGY TRUST OF OREGON Page 58 CLIMATE TRUST REVENUE BONDS GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS CONGRESSIONAL APPROPRIATION Ownership of the System Page 59 TOWN OF LAKEVIEW SEPARATE DISTRICT PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT Water Rights Page 59 Permits Page 60 Table 8 - Permits Conclusion Page 60 References Page 61 Executive Summary The attached report explores the possibility of using a known geothermal resource site south of Lakeview for heating of the local schools and hospital. In addition, geothermal heating can also be provided to the Lake County Industrial Park for existing businesses and new future business. Heating will be accomplished by pumping 183º water from the supply well and transporting the water to the schools and hospital to supply approximately 5 million BTU’s of heat energy per hour. After heating these facilities the return water, at 130º, will be available for the Lake County Industrial Park before being re-injected back into the groundwater aquifer. Lakeview has existing geothermal resources. In this time of energy costs and economic uncertainties, using the available sustainable natural resource is wise planning for the future. It will not only put the heating costs under local control and bring revenue into the local area; but allow the users to spend the savings for better education opportunities and continuing to utilize the technological advancements in health care. Lake Health District has planned for a geothermal heating system in the current hospital upgrade project schedule to begin in the summer of 2009 so the facility will be equipped when the geothermal line is installed to the site. The School District has conversion work to do to several buildings. However, the existing mechanical systems are 40 to 100 years old, so an upgrade would be needed soon. The savings for Lake Health District and Lake County School District #7 total 2.4 million dollars over the life of the system. This savings alone makes the project viable. However, this project also has other benefits. By not using the current boilers 800 tons of carbon per year will be removed from the Lakeview air shed (and the worlds). New business may be attracted to the industrial park to take advantage of the return water. The Town will benefit from geothermal system operation income, and increased jobs from users putting their money into different expenditures other than energy. The multiplier benefits will continue throughout the life of the system. Once this system is operational more areas of Lakeview may begin utilizing the resource, making expansion of the system to include more users. Construction and operation will utilize proven technology. Geothermal water will be re- injected making no consumptive use of the hot water resource other than heat. Current conditions also make funding of the project easier than at any time before. This project is feasible and should be immediately undertaken during this time of geothermal related opportunities. This report examines the feasibility of bringing geothermal heating water from a known source south of Lakeview, Oregon to the local Schools, the Hospital, and the Lake County Industrial Park. High energy prices, concerns for carbon fuel usage, and air quality issues have made sustainable and green energy sources more attractive. During the spring of 2008 diesel and heating fuel costs of over $4.00 per gallon made the search for less expensive energy not only feasible but a necessity. This report analyzes a known geothermal resource and how it could benefit our community. Lakeview’s Geothermal Resource Geothermal resources in Lakeview have been known since the early settlement of the area. The hot spring areas north and south of Town were an indication that hot geothermal water was available. Early plans for heating go as far back as the early 1900’s. The Hunter Hot Springs area north of Town was developed for space heating and therapeutic mineral baths in the 1930’s and 1940’s. Also some home heating systems were developed in the immediate Hunter’s Hot Spring area. Currently there are still some homes on independent wells and a greenhouse using the geothermal resource. Corrosiveness of the water, maintenance costs, and other problems lead to geothermal system failures of these older systems. In 2004 the Town of Lakeview, in conjunction with the Oregon Department of Corrections developed a new well for geothermal heating water, a transport system and a re-injection well for the Warner Creek Correctional Facility. The savings to the State of Oregon has been $10,000 a month in heating fuel costs. This system is the first major use of the geothermal resources being constructed with the benefit of modern engineering design to carefully address geothermal water handling issues. The success of this project has encouraged the Town to look at other possibilities to help make Lakeview a sustainable community. The location of Lakeview’s geothermal resource is along the base of the Warner Mountains extending to Highway 140 on the north and nearly to the California border to the south. Existing wells in these areas indicate that the resource is available in locations along the fault line of the Warner Mountain Range. The conceptual model for the geothermal resource in the Lakeview area assumes that the hot water originates deep within the volcanic rocks and migrates upward along permeable zones associated with faults until it discharges to the alluvial deposits. Once in the alluvium, it mixes with the cooler groundwater of the alluvial aquifer as it moves laterally toward the west to southwest. In general groundwater is being heated along the fault, migrating upward and flowing westerly mixing with colder groundwater in the alluvial deposits of the valley floor. Where the hot water migrates further upward and can be intersected with a well, it provides a good source of hot water for energy needs. In general wells 2000 feet west of the base of the mountains have colder temperatures due to the mixing; hotter water is found directly west or within 1000 feet of the mountain base. Anderson Engineering & Surveying, Inc. 1 In January of 2006 a report by Kevin Rafferty which was funded by South Central Oregon Economic Development District examines several of our local sites for geothermal potential. One of the sites reviewed by Mr. Rafferty was the Barry Well Site. The Barry Well Site is a known source, so no exploration is needed, and the site is relatively close to Lakeview. The scope of this feasibility report will look at the Barry wells source to provide space heating to the Hospital, Schools, and Lake County Industrial Park. Barry Wells Source The Barry wells source is located on land owned by Jere Barry in the NW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 27, Township 39 South, Range 20 East, Willamette Meridian. The site is directly next to Highway 395, about one mile south of Lakeview. Please see the attached Exhibit 1 Vicinity Map in the Appendix. This site has several advantages: 1. The wells already exist and produce hot water. Therefore, the wells will not requiring exploratory expenses. 2. The hot springs directly west of the site and a geothermal spring to the northeast of the site indicate the geothermal resource close to the surface. 3. No geothermal development has been done in this area resulting in no prior water rights or conflicting geothermal rights. 4. The landowner is interested in working with the Town, and agreed to a Geothermal Well Development Agreement with the Town, a copy of which is Exhibit 2 in the Appendix. The wells at the Barry site were drilled in 1980 by Northwest Geothermal. Two 8 inch wells were drilled. A shallow well (Well A for this report) of 235 feet and a deeper well (Well B for this report) drilled to 1,355 feet. The Oregon Water Resources Department log references are Lake 2610 for the shallow Well A and Lake 2611 for the deeper Well B. Please see the attached Exhibit 3 and 4 – Geothermal Line Drawings and Exhibit 5 - Well Logs. In 1980 only drilling work was completed with very little testing to determine well hydraulic characteristics. No further work was done with these wells by Northwest Geothermal, and the wells reverted back to the landowner. Well A was drilled to a depth of 235 feet. It was constructed with 8-inch diameter steel well casing to a depth of 199 feet below the land surface. Below the casing, the well was completed as an open borehole. The annulus surrounding the casing was sealed with neat-cement grout. The well was drilled in and derives groundwater from alluvial deposits. Work on Well A was completed in July 1980. Well B was drilled to a depth of 1,355 feet. The borehole penetrated alluvial deposits to a depth of 115 feet. The alluvium was underlain or in fault contact with a series of volcanic rocks, primarily tuffs and breccias, with intervening andesite, basalt and dacite lava flows below the alluvium. Well B was constructed with 8-inch diameter casing to a depth of 179 feet. Below the casing, the well was completed as an open borehole. The annulus surrounding the casing was sealed with neat-cement grout as per the Well Logs. The geothermal water from Well B is derived from the volcanic rocks. Work on Well B Anderson Engineering & Surveying, Inc. 2 was completed in September 1980. A comparison of well construction and the subsurface lithology of the Well A and Well B is also attached as Exhibit 6 of the Appendix. In March of 2007 the Town of Lakeview awarded a bid to Western Water Development Corporation for cleaning and test pumping of Well A and Well B. In August of 2007 the wells were cleaned to the well log indicated depths by Western Water Development, using an air-rotary drilling rig prior to the test program Once cleaned a test pump plan was compiled for the pumping of the two wells. In addition a temperature log of the complete well depth was completed by the Geo-Heat Center of Oregon Institute of Technology in Klamath Falls, Oregon. Testing was required to determine if the geothermal resource was viable and usable for energy needs. The test pumping was completed as follows:  A short step test of Well B on August 28, 2007  A 23 hour constant discharge test of Well B on August 29 through August 30, 2007 followed by a four hour injection test of Well A  A 24 hour constant discharge test of Well A on September 4th and 5th of 2007. Please see the results of the above test in the Appendix – Exhibit 7. The test program to evaluate the heat energy (well yield and temperature) available from the wells was developed by Anderson Engineering & Surveying, Inc. and the test equipment was provided by Western Water Development. Dale Bugenig of Eco:Logic Engineering, LLC of Reno Nevada, provided analysis of the pumping test data. The well analysis deals with the ability of the aquifer to produce water and the movement of water through the aquifer. Movement of water through the aquifer is generally quite slow along the lines of feet per year or feet per day. Determination of these characteristics shows how much pumping can be sustained. In general, basic hydraulic characteristics are defined by Q=PIA as explained below. Q = flow in gallons per day P = permeability in gallons/day-square foot I = hydraulic gradient in foot per foot A = cross sectional area of the aquifer in square feet Permeability is sometimes called Hydraulic Conductivity. Also a similar term Transmissivity refers to the flow rate in gallons per day through a vertical section of the aquifer where height is the thickness of the aquifer and the width is one foot under a gradient of 1.00. Transmissivity is determined from pump test and is used for predicting aquifer performance. 2007 water quality testing was performed by Neilson Research Corporation on the Barry Wells. Please see Exhibit 8 for a detailed breakdown of the water sample results. Anderson Engineering & Surveying, Inc. 3 Barry Wells Testing WELL TESTING Well B Pumping Tests & Well A Injection Test Well B was pumped at rates of 96, 136 and 160 gpm on August 28, 2007. Please see the drawdown data below in Figure 1. Barry Well B Step Test 8/28/07 0 10 20 30 Step I T) Q = 96 gpm EE 40 F s ( WN, 50 O Step II D Q = 136 gpm W A 60 R D 70 80 Step III Q = 160 gpm 90 100 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 TIME SINCE PUMPING STARTED, t (MINUTES) Figure 1. Drawdown data from the August 28, 2007 step test of Barry Well B. The step test was followed by a constant-discharge pumping test on August 29 and 30, 2007. The water level in Well B was initially 14 feet below the top of the well casing and 19.5 feet in Well A. The pumping rate for the test was approximately 110 gallons per minute (GPM). After approximately 23 hours, the pumping level in Well B was 93.6 feet and the water level in Well A declined to 20.75 feet. At this time, the pump in Well B was shut off in order to connect piping to Well A. The pump was restarted after approximately one-half hour and a 4-hour injection test was performed on Well A. Anderson Engineering & Surveying, Inc. 4 The water-level data from these tests are provided in Figure 2. Barry Well B Constant-Discharge Test 8/29-30/07 and Well A Injection Test 8/30/07 0 injection at 110 gpm into Well A 20 Well A responds to pumping Well B T) E 40 E F R ( Well B shut off for approx. E 30 minutes prior to resuming T A 60 pumping and injecting at W O Well A T H T Pumping Well B P 80 E at 110 +/- gpm D 100 120 8/29/07 0:00 8/29/07 6:00 8/29/07 12:00 8/29/07 18:00 8/30/07 0:00 8/30/07 6:00 8/30/07 12:00 8/30/07 18:00 8/31/07 0:00 TIME SINCE PUMPING STARTED, t (MINUTES) Figure 2. Water-level data for the August 29-30, 2007 constant-discharge test of Barry Well B and August 30, 2007 injection test of Well A. From Figure 2, it is apparent that Well A responded to pumping Well B, indicating a good hydraulic connection between the source of the geothermal fluids in the volcanic rocks and the alluvial deposits, consistent with the conceptual model of the resource at Lakeview. Figure 2 also shows that after four hours of injection, the water level in Well A (the injection well) water level in the well was at the land surface. Once that occurred, the test was terminated. Anderson Engineering & Surveying, Inc. 5 Figure 3 compares a plot of drawdown versus logarithm of time since pumping started (s vs. log t) with a plot for recovery versus logarithm of time since pumping stopped (s-s’ vs log t’). Under ideal conditions, the two plots should plot on top of each other if the analytical model used to analyze the data is consistent with the conditions in the aquifer. The two plots are similar in appearance to each other and offset by a small amount indicating the response of the aquifer to pumping conforms reasonably well to the analytical models used to analyze the data. Barry Well B Constant-Discharge Test 8/29-30/07 0 0 Q = 110 +/- gpm 10 10 20 20 EET) 30 30 EET) s (F 40 40 s' (F WN, Y, s- O R D 50 50 E W V O DRA 60 s-s' vs. t' s vs t 60 REC 70 70 80 80 90 90 1 10 100 1000 10000 TIME SINCE PUMPING STARTED, t (MINUTES) TIME SINCE PUMPING STOPPED, t' (MINUTES) Figure 3. Comparison of drawdown and recovery data from the August 29-30, 2007 constant-discharge test of Barry Well B. Well A Pumping Test Well A was pumped at a rate of approximately 154 GPM for 24 hours September 4 and 5, 2007. Figure 4 compares the drawdown (s vs. log t) and recovery (s-s’ vs. log t’) data for Well A. The two data plots are similar, indicating the response can be explained by the analytical models used to analyze the data. Anderson Engineering & Surveying, Inc. 6

Jan 1, 2009 This report was funded in part with Oregon State Lottery Funds . This report examines the feasibility of bringing geothermal heating water from
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