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ALCHEMY FINANCE READING THE MIND OF THE MARKET GEORGE SOROS NEW PREFACE * FOREWORD RYPSUL TUDOR JONPS 1 ® Joon Wey & Sons, oe Newark © Chichester + Brisbene ¢ Toronto * Singapore TO SUSAN, pithout whom this book wontd hive been ready much sooner ACKNOWLEDGMENTS A number af people have vead all or part of the manuscript st vari- tous stages of its development. Thay are toa numerous to be listed, but 1 want to thank them all for their help and criticksm. Byron ‘Wien ln particular. has gone bend the eal of duty la reading and ‘convrcating 00, the manuscript at three different stages of devel _menl, Spceiai thanks are due to Antoni Foglia, who generated the ‘raphics that iustrate the real time experiment, Lazry Chiarello supplies the figures UUaiso want 19 thar flu team tha! coalsibuted to the perform ‘ance of Quantuan Fund dusing the experiment: Jil Ehrman, Gary Gladstein, Tom Larkin, Rebert Mlet, Steven Okin, Jor Oroline, Stephen Plant, Allan Raphael, and Apne § i: CONTENTS: Foreword 1 ~ Prelace 4 Introduction 1 Part ‘THEORY The Theory of Refleinity Antl-eguilibrian 27 ‘The Problem of Impecfact Understanding 3h ‘The Problem of the Social Sciences 34 The Porticipanis’ Bias 40 ‘The Concept of Reflexivity 42 Reflexivity versus Bguilibrium 44 [eflerinty mn the Stock Market eflexiny inthe Curtenry darker Phe Crate and Regulatory Cycle Part HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE The Calletae System of fending Rexgien's Irperia Circe Teafution othe Baking Syotens ‘The “Oligupsarization” of America 2ok o 10 ho ie Bs Appendix batt IIT ‘THE REAL-TIME EXPERIMENT ‘the Staring tint: Auguat 1285 Phase 1 August 7935—Decennber 1965 Corte Peri: Jrnuary 2986-July 1986 Phase 2: Jaly 1326. Nowember 1956 The Conebven: November 1385 Fact 1V EVALUATION The Scope fr Financial Alchemy: Am Teubuation the Experiment ‘The Quandary ofthe Sot Sciences Fut V PRESCRIPTION roe Markets Versus Regulation Tonsard an eternatnal Cental Bank Tachange Rates 328 International Debt 329 on 383 ‘An Internationa! Cumvency 338 ‘The Parade of Systemic Reforma ‘The Crash of 97 Epilogue 261 Noles 36% Appendix. 6h my) He 198 236 288 299 508 a maa 3H FOREWORD Four hundred seventy-three million to one. Those are the adds against Ceorge Soros compiling the investanent record he did as the mutter ofthe Quantum Fund from 1968 theough 1993. Tis invest= ing record is the moet unimpeachable refulation of the random ‘walk hypothesis wer! Awa trader cxming of age In Ue latter half of tw frenetic 1970s 1d the 19808, The Alchemy of Finanor was porsewhal ofa revoluticn- book, Rememiver, this was the period when trend following. find infexation were the vogue in inwesting. Ilasas a Hime when fuchnical analysia (the study of price movement as a forecasting tool) reached ite zenith, Traders of my generation armed Ue selves with charta and eaxyputer-generated graphics that predicted rare prive directiot, We sal day after day m front of sereens, res mmerized by blinking lights and aeercnaryieag numbers tn x deafen- {ng encophony a) ielonimation exerlaad. With the possible exception, ‘of Ellit Wave Theory, an intellectuaé fremewark for understand ing the course af social, political, and eeanamie events was notice athly Jonpatien in favor of just making sure (nat one was part of the ever quickening pracess, The Alchemy uf Finrece was a shol out of the duck for me, It let ne take 2 giant step forward by lirst taking a step backwards, Clarifying events that appeared so complax antl 20 averwhelming. Turing an era when so much money was made in larger than lite events, from the Hurt brothers’ squecze of the aijeer market in 1979 to KKR’s labeaver of RI Nabisco in 1989, Mz. Soras's theory of reflexivity is Ihe first modem, nontecluical effort to describe 1 2 Foreword and forecas! the dynamic interplay between the paticipants in the process. Phat is tne brilliance of this book, It describes the dy- antics of the path between points of extzeme valuation and equ librium in the marketplace, This is pazticularly important fur the average investor, How many’ Limes have we bean corzuctly tong, near the bottoms or shavt near the tap of a major market move? But car Htaying, power with these positions has heen weak (as well as our returns) because of a lack af understanding of the path ol big. price moves. Sorus gives us critical insight into that path and thus more confidence in our investments. This comatitutes 70% of ane sncuessful investing campaign. Wien J euler he inevitibie fosing streak that hufatis every a vyestor, 1 pick up The Alcheny and revisit Mr. Soren’s campaigns: Smidying hiaw be coped with adversity provides an exellent tu tori for breaking the sting of negative behaviors that occasion ally berets any investor. Winning is infectious, And this book in replete sith examples of trading behaviors all would want to exe Tate, Importantly, Mr. Sorcs’s intellect gives him (he confidence and strength of his owen convictions to stay with his positions even dur- ing trying periods. In that sense, The Alchemy joins Fabwin Lefhre's Reminiscences of a Stock Operatay ay aamneless instructional guide of lhe marketplace, And as such, Soros should beware! In the World War Il movie Paton, ny favorife scene is when US. Gener] George 8. Patton hos just spent weeks stuslying the Weiting of his Germany adversary Field Marshall Erwin Rommel and is cevshing hiza in an epic tank battle in ‘nisi Patton, sensing victory as he peers onto the battle Field from his cormmand poat, gras, “Rasmmel, you Bg sificent bastard. read your fk!” Knaagh said. ‘Tre Alchemy is ager an excellant ecanenic and palities! hisiory of recent tinws, From unknowingly providing a blueprint 9a 19 hex? ‘the savings and loan fiasco in the United Staées would he resolved sbx years in advance (page 124) to predicting the stock market eragh of 1987 two years in advance (page 181), Soros reveals himmsef as the sgreat market visionary of our ime, History will probably roumember Mi, Soros asthe speculator whe tilted against the Bank of England in 1992 {and froed the English people from recession). His billion dollar score is simply tov vom pelling a story for scribes to overlook, Ma. Sevas himself would ‘probably like ta be remembered as a great economis| of even scien fist. But Lam going'to remember him for something even more iat ‘portant for which he does not receive the credit he deserves, He is Fireverl 3 semene who genuinely cazes aboot the state ofthe mmr cunt thon and tres lo berier i. His myriad and morumental phllan- Buopical atforls will quatify him as one of history's great Tbenufactors, Even lodsy at age 62, he pursuus the activities of his six foundations with the vigor and work ethic of a young turk an ‘the way up the financial ladder, working 18-hour dags around the globe cn Rebalf of His rauses. He does ant just write checks, which Arg wealthy person can do, Heis a hands-on workaholic who mate- tially impacts the quality of the lives of people less fortrmate than. he. New this, this is a sign of greatness, Paul Tdi Jones ET PREFACE ‘Seven eventful yenrs have passed since The Alchemy of Fumcr was asst published. My investment fund, the Quantum Fund, has cnn nued to (ourish: Shareholders have enjayed average annual gains ‘of 35.8% in the Inst seven years in splte af a setback in che crash oF Y8H7. Quantum Hund has also spawned a number of alispring, same of which are doing even better than the goose that is laying the goldan agg. Starting in 199%, we decided to dieiribole @ por tion of our camings to shareholders, either in caah or in shares the newly created funds. As a result, we new manage seven hinds ‘with combined equity of over $10 billion. Thave become progressively less active In the managoanent of the fonda. | was fortunate in meeting Stanley Druickenmuller through ‘The Alchemy of Finance. He was managing anoller Lund atthe tine, and he sought me out because he was intrigued by me beak, We started talking and, eventually, he joined my firm. AU she bepin- ring, he found it difficult ta work with me. Atthough } gave hima & {real deal of autlarity, he was inhibited by my presence and felt that he was not doing as well as he had before joining my firm. For= imately, [was becoming increasingly involved m the revolutionary process that led lo the collapse of communisan, 1 was establishing a netwark of oundations throughout the communist world and itin- vwolved travelling in places where comuntimications were rather poor. Tr the suramer of 3988, J Lold Sian that he ans take full dharge of running the Fund. Since then we have ad no difficulties Thecame the enaeh, and he became the competilor. Our perfor mance improved and we embarked on a period of sustained prow In wach of the last three vears, we challed up gaing int cxcess of 4 Pre 5 Siri. Although we have had ran similar peviads of prosperily pre- viously this qualifies as an exceptional performance in view of Our outlandish size. Drockenmiller isnat only a goed fund manager, he {salsa a gond partner. Under his leadership, we have been abe 10 cenlange and improve our management team so that i now hes & dept which 1 sever liad before. So st happened that I found the reward for my philajtlvepie activites in the prosperity of mny busi- ress. That prosperity enabled mie to expand the foundation net ‘work at Deeakneek speed, My participation in the collapse of communism is a different tory which has to be tld ina different place. in fac, Shave alzeady “written two books on the subi, Opening day Siet Syston in 1980, and Underuritigs Demacracy in 1981. The point that needs to be made here i that I was guided by exactly the same phiasophy in zy philantheopic activities in Eastern Turope ac in the financial markets, As the rower sill leaen, I tecat developments in finane! markets as a hislotical process. That makes my theory eminentiy applicable ta o historical process such as the collapse of comuna- nism. I did apply may theory and on the whale it enabled me lo an ticipate events butter than meet people. An discovered, there isa great deal of similarity between a bewsm-bust process in the finan ‘lal magkets and the rise and fal of the Soviet aystera, Nis ionic that I became famous, aot because of my activities in astern Hurape, but hecouse af the profit we made on sterling whee, [Britain left the Pachange Rate Mechanism on September 16, 1992 L became an instant ealebrity, first in Britain, then in the rest of the ‘world. When it bucame known that the Quantum group of funds hhad boughs a large Hock of Newment Mines, the price of gold soared. Although Texpecasetd no uponion on gold, all kinds of epin- Ions were attributed to me, I made some attempts to rebut them, but too aval, Although 1 had not sought guru status, could not Jgnore it when 1 was thrust upon me. bn fac, welcomed it because [thought that it-would be useful in having my voice heard on palit- ial ismues. But that wasnt as simapleas it seemed. When I said that the Bundesbank’ high interest rate policy was becoming, eaumter= prodhctive, the markets responded by pushing down the German ‘Mark But when T inveighed agairst European policy on Bosmia, I ‘wav either ignored or told te stick to the field of «ny expertise. 1 fared particularly poorly in France, where [rofraired from specu: Tating against Ue fran because I did net aul to be sespousiDle for ‘the collapse of what remialned of the European Exchange Rate

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