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Geophysik III / Geophysics III: Teil V / Part V PDF

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Preview Geophysik III / Geophysics III: Teil V / Part V

ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PHYSICS CHIEF EDITOR S. FLOGGE VO LUME XLIXI5 GEOPHYSICS III PART V BY JA.L.AL'PERT T.K.BREUS K.I.GRINGAUZ W. L. JONES A. T. VASSY E. VASSY W. L. WEBB EDITOR K. RAWER WITH 236 FIGURES SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN HEIDELBERG NEW YORK 1976 HANDBUCH DER PHYSIK HERAUSGEGEBEN VON S. FUJGGE BAND XLIXI5 GEOPHYSIK III TElL V VON JA.L.AL'PERT T.K.BREUS K.I.GRINGAUZ W.L.JONES A.T.VASSY E.VASSY W.L.WEBB BANDHERAUSGEBER K. RAWER MIT 236 FIGUREN SPRINGER -VERLAG BERLIN HEIDELBERG NEW YORK 1976 Professor Dr. SIEGFRIED FLt'rGGE Physikalisches Institut der Universitat, D-7800 Freiburg i.Br. Professor Dr. KARL RAWER Institut fiir Physikalische Weltraumforschung (Fraunhofer-Ges.)' D-7800 Freiburg i.Br. ISBN-13: 978-3-642-80990-3 e-ISBN-13: 978-3-642-80988-0 DOl: 10.1007/ 978-3-642-80988-0 Das Werk ist urheberrechtlich geschiitzt. Die dadurch begriindeten Rechte, insbesondere die der Uber setzung, des Nachdruckes, der Entnahme von Abbildungen, der Funksendung, der Wiedergabe auf photomechanischem oder ahnlichem ''Vege und der Speicherung in Datenverarbeitungsanlagen bleiben, auch bei nur auszugsweiser Verwertung, vorbehalten. Bei Vervielfaltigungen fiir gewerbliche Zwecke ist gemaJ3 § 54 UrhG eine Vergiitung an den Verlag zu zahlen, deren Hahe mit dem Verlag zu verein- baren ist. © by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1976. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number A 56-2942. Softcover reprint ofthe hardcover 1st edition 1976 Die Wiedergabe von Gebrauchsnamen, Handelsnamen, \Varenbezeichnungen usw. in diesem \Verk berechtigt auch ohne besondere Kennzeichnung nicht zu der Annahme, daJ3 solche Namen im Sinne der Warenzeichen- und Markenschutz-Gesetzgebung als frei zu betrachten waren und daher von jeder- mann benutzt werden diirften. Satz : Universitatsdruckerei H. Stiirtz AG, Wiirzburg. Contents. Introductory Remarks. By Professor KARL RAWER ............... . La luminescence nocturne. (The Nightglow.) Par Dr. ARLETTE T. VASSY et Professeur Dr. ETIENNE VASSyt, Universite de Paris, Faculte de Sciences de Paris, Laboratoire de Physique de l'Atmosphere, Paris (France). (Avec 75 figures). 5 A. Luminance du ciel nocturne 13 B. Couleur de la luminescence nocturne . 24 C. Etude spectrale . . . . . . . . . . 25 D. Polarisation de la lumiere du ciel nocturne 44 E. Variations dans Ie temps de la luminescence nocturne 46 F. Variations dans l'espace; altitude des couches emissives 57 G. Correlations avec d'autres phenomenes. . . . . . . 75 H. Origines de la lumiere du ciel nocturne. . . . . . . 83 a J. Applications la connaissance de la haute atmosphere 95 K. Lueur crepusculaire et diurne . 104 Annexe: Valeurs de sec ex 114 Bibliographie .... 115 Dynamic Structure of the Stratosphere and Mesosphere. By Dr. WILLIS L. WEBB, Atmospheric Sciences Laboratory, White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico and Lecturer in Physics, University of Texas, EI Paso, Texas (USA). (With 43 Figures) 117 A. Introduction 117 B. Structure 120 I. Ozonospheric structure . 120 II. Detailed structure . . . 124 III. General thermal structure 129 C. Motions 135 I. The stratospheric circulation 135 II. Stratopause thermal tides 150 III. Upper atmospheric clouds 162 D. Other features 166 I. Atmospheric acoustical structure 166 II. Electrical structure 169 E. Summary 173 General references 175 Linear Internal Gravity Waves in the Atmosphere. By Professor WALTER L. JONES, University of Canterbury, Christchurch (New Zealand). (With 7 Figures) . 177 A. The linear wave equations in an atmosphere at rest 179 1. General considerations . . . . . . . . . . . 179 VI Contents. II. Approximations in the horizontal wave equation. 182 III. Approximations in the vertical wave equation 185 B. The isothermal atmosphere . . . . . 186 I. Generalities 186 II. Limiting characteristics of waves 187 III. Special modes ....... . 189 C. Internal gravity waves in fluids with mean flow 191 D. Approximate techniques for solving the wave equations 194 E. Wave reflection and ducting 196 F. The generation and dissipation of waves 202 G. Linear theory of mountain waves 206 H. Wave energy and momentum 209 General references 216 Wave-Like Phenomena in the Near-Earth Plasma and Interactions with Man-Made Bodies. Professor Dr. JAKOV L. AL'PERT, IZMIRAN, Academy of Sciences of USSR, Moscow (USSR). (With 89 Figures) 217 Introduction. . . 217 A. Properties and parameters of the near-Earth and interplanetary plasma. Basic equations . . . . . . . . . . 219 B. Flow around solid bodies moving in a plasma. . . . . . 252 I. Disturbed conditions in the vicinity of moving bodies 253 II. Electric fields in the disturbed vicinity 260 III. Scattering of radio waves from the trail of a rapidly moYing body. 286 IV. Remarks concerning the excitation of waves and the instability of the plasma around a rapidly moving body ............... . 295 C. Waves and oscillations in the near-Earth plasma and in the ionosphere 300 I. Investigations of ELF waves 302 II. Investigations of VLF waves 316 III. Investigations of LF waves. 329 IV. Investigations of HF waves 335 Notations and symbols 344 General references. 348 Some Characteristic Features of the Ionospheres of Near-Earth Planets. By Professor Dr. KONSTANTIN I. GRINGAUZ and Dr. TAMARA K. BREUS, Space Research Institute of the Academy of Sciences of USSR, Moscow (USSR). (With 22 Figures) 351 1. Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351 I. Methods for investigating planetary ionospheres by means of spacecraft 352 2. General characteristics 352 3. Charged-particle traps 353 4. Radio methods. . . . 353 5. Analysis of radio data. 357 6. Difficulties and limitations of the different methods . 358 II. Experimental results of the exploration of the ionospheres of Mars and Venus 360 7. The ionosphere of Mars . . .. ................ 360 8. The ionosphere of Venus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 365 9. Comparison of electron density and temperature profiles in the Martian, terrestrial and Venusian ionospheres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370 Contents. VII ITT. Models of the Martian and Venusian ionospheres ........ . 371 10. Generalities: the influence of neutral composition .... . . 371 11. Problems involving the range near the main peak of the profile . 373 12. The upper ionosphere of Venus 376 13. The upper ionosphere of Mars 381 Conclusions . . . . . 381 General references . 381 Sachverzeichnis (Deutsch-Englisch) . 383 Subject Index (English-German) 395 Index (Fran\·ais-Allemand). . . 405 Introductory Remarks. Volume 49/5 deals with typical phenomena of the upper atmosphere. Natural optical emissions occurring under magnetically quiet conditions are analyzed by VASSY and V ASSY. The much stronger auroral emissions were described by AKAsoFu, CHAPMAN and MEINEL in Vol. 49/1. My dear friend ETIENNE VASSY died suddenly on October 30, 1969. The first version of his manuscript was just ready at that time; it was later finalized by his co-author and wife ARLETTE VASSY. The two following contributions deal with the dynamic structure of the upper atmosphere in general and with internal gravity waves in particular. The contri bution by AL'PERT mainly considers phenomena which appear in the vicinity of vehicles flying through space plasma-a new subject of mutual interest to space flight and geophysics. In the same contribution plasma waves and oscillations are also discussed. In order to allow comparison with the more detailed discussion by GINZBURG and RUHADZE in Vol. 49/4 an effort was made to have equations written in compatible shape in both papers. The last contribution of this volume summarizes the findings on planetary ionospheres obtained during the last years with space research methods-a subject which is in rather quick development. SI-units (SI = Systeme International) are now rather generally used and are the only legal units in quite a few countries (in the Federal Republic of Germany since 1970). However, since the earlier volumes of the Part Geophysics should remain comparable and since the elder literature is mainly written in c.g.s. units, we preferred to continue writing equations in the more general system which was first used in Vol. 49/2. Such equations are valid in all commonly used systems of units. This generalized way of writing equations precludes the use of the simplifica tions typical of c.g.s. systems. In these systems the permittivity of free space, eo, and the permeability of free space, flo, are chosen to be dimensionless (and made unity). Now we have to introduce eo and flo as physical quantities, which may in fact correspond to their nature. The three most generally used c.g.s. systems are obtained by specializing the numerical values of quantities as in dicated in the following table where Co is the velocity of light in free space. Electrostatic Electromagnetic GAUSS eo = 1 1/C5 flo = l/cij 1 So that the product: c~ eo flo = 1 In SI units, too, which are basically electromagnetic, we have c5 eo flo = 1. Unfortunately, there is yet another difference between the systems of units. The c.g.s. systems most frequently used in the literature are non-rationalized while SI .2 introductory Remarks. is rationalized (as is the special c.g.s. system introduced by H. A. LORENTZ). In a rationalized system of units the factor 4n appears only in spherical problems, for example, in COULOMB'S law. In non-rationalized systems the natural factor 4n has been artifically eliminated from COULOMB'S law, although it appears in planar problems. There are thus two alternatives, regardless of the choice of the constants eo, flo and Co. The two alternatives may be allowed for by a dimen sionless numerical constant u, which assumes the values: u = 1 in rationalized systems, u = 4n in non-rationalized systems. These rules for writing equations in a generalized way were used by RAWER and SUCHY in Vol. 49/2 of this Encyclopedia in the contribution entitled" Radio Observations of the Ionosphere". Detailed explanations are given in an appendix (pp. 535 and 536 of Vol. 49/2), in which the' transformations' between two systems of units and the relevant' invariants' (e.g. energy quantities) are also discussed. Numerical values for the different constants are given in the following sum mary table: System u [10 SI = m.k.s.A. 8.854 . 10-12 1.257' 10-6 Ay-l sm-1 A-I Y sm-1 GAUSS = "symmetric" 4:n: Co = 9 . 1020 c.g.s. cm2 S-2 1 el.magn. c.g.s. 4:n: 2 = 1.11 3 . 10-21 Co S2 cm-2 el.stat. c.g.s. 4:n: = 1. 11 3 . 10-21 C~ S2 cm-2 LORENTZ = rat. GAUSS C~ = 9' 1020 cm2 S-2 It may be helpful to repeat the most important equations of electromagnetic theory. With the definitions electric electric magnetic magnetic current field intensity flux density field intensity flux density density (field strength) (displacement) (field strength) (induction) E D H B J there is D=eE; B=flH; J=aE, and in vacuum e=eo; fl = flo, a=O. Introductory Remarks. 3 MAXWELL'S equations connecting the different field quantities are now written: 0_ xH I7xH= _1_~ D+ u J ot Of' Co Veo,uo Co Veollo o .e;..' D= 17· D=ue -a x E == 17 x E = - - ! B ot Of' Co Veollo o -or . B == 17 . B = o. The two systems of units most used in geomagnetism are that of GAUSS and SI. With regard to these two systems, we may say that in SI units C~80,uo= 1 and u=1, so that the factors in MAXWELL'S equations can be disregarded. In the GAUSS system the constants 80 and ,uo can be omitted, but Co remains and we have the additional constant u=4n. All equations are, of course, usable in any system of units because they are written in physical quantities. The accepted definition of a physical quantity is (numerical value) . (dimension) such that by dividing each term through the dimension a purely numerical equation can be obtained. We tend to write such equations, if at all, so that each physical quantity individually is divided by its own dimension. Where other units are to be used, the numerical change follows from an algebraic substitution, e.g. co=3 '108ms-1; 1 (nt.mile)=1.853 km; 1 m= -10--(3 nt.mIl. e) 1.853 ' 10-3 Co = 3 . 108 8 (nt.mile) S-1 = 1.619 . 105 (nt.mile) S-I. 1. 53 A few remarks on mathematical signs may be in order. Bar or stroke may be used to express division. According to IUPAP rules, a! . the stroke I has priority over multiplication such that a· blc . d= It is worth noting that this is not so in computer languages like ALGOL. C It is a special convention in this Encyclopedia that the natural logarithm is denoted by log (not by In). Differential operations in vector fields are normally expressed by means of the symbolic vector (or ' vector operator') o == 17 Of' which in cartesian coordinates Xl> X2, X3 reads (at, -/;;, at)· IUPA P proposes two different ways of denoting tensors: use of sanserif letters as symbols (e.g. T), or analytical expression with reference to cartesian coordinates (e.g. I';k)' In the latter case the summation rule is to be applied. Though symbolic writing is preferred, we give both presentations in most cases. The unit tensor is written as U or IJ,k' The tensorial product of two vectors ab must be distin guished from the vector product a X b and the scalar product a . b. Freiburg, 22 July 1976 KARL RAWER a b Fig. 1 a et b. Photographic nocturne d'un paysage. Appareil Leica; objectif Boyer t/O,9; Film Kodak Ektachrome EF, developp6 a (AI) ASA. Dli 11 la durce de l'exposition les etoiles aparaissent comme de petits traits. a) Duree d'exposition: 10 min. b) Duree d'exposition: 5 min. Cette photographie obtenue plus t6t que la preccdente, avec un ciel encore cr6pusculaire montre Ie passage clu satellite Echo [I.

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