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ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PHYSICS EDITED BY s. FLOGGE VO LUME XLIXj2 GEOPHYSICS III PART II GROUP EDITOR J. BARTELS t WITH 369 FIGURES S P RI N G E R -V E R LA G BERLIN· HEIDELBERG· NEW YORK 1967 HANDBUCH DER PHYSIK HERAUSGEGEBEN VON S. FLUGGE BAND XLIX/2 GEOPHYSIK III TElL II REDAKTION J. BARTELS t MIT 369 FIGUREN SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN· HEIDELBERG· NEW YORK 1967 ISBN-13: 978-3-642-46084-5 e-ISBN-13: 978-3-642-46082-1 DOl: 10.1007/978-3-642-46082-1 Aile Rechte, insbesondere das der Dbersetzung in fremde Sprachen, vorbehalten Ohne ausdriickliche Genehmigung des Verlages ist es auch nicht gestattet, dieses Buch oder Teile daraus auf photomechanischem Wege (Photokopie, Mikrokopie) oder auf andere Art zu vervieIfiiltigen © by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1967 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1967 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number A 56-2942 Die Wiedergabe von Gebrauchsnamen, Handelsnamen, Warenbezeichnungen usw. in diesem Buche berechtigt auch ohne besondere Kennzeichnung nicht zu der Annahme, daB solche Namen im Sinne der Warenzeichen- und Markenschutz Gesetzgebung als frei zu betrachten waren und daher von jedermann benutzt werden dilrften Titel-Nr_ 5799 Contents. Radio-Observations of the Ionosphere. By Professor Dr. KARL RAWER, Ionospharen institut, BreisachjRhein (Germany) and Dozent Dr. KURT SUCHY, Institut fUr theoretische Physik der Universitat, Marburg (Germany). (With 342 Figures) A. Theory of wave propagation ..... . I. Conductivity tensor. . . . . . . . II. Basic equations for geometric optics. 22 III. Polarization and refractive index . 42 IV. Group propagation and refraction. 100 V. Wave optics . 145 B. Sounding technique 199 I. Transmitting . 199 II. Receiving . . 206 III. Other techniques 215 C. Interpretation and reduction 220 I. Routine analysis . . . 220 II. Height distribution of electron density. 252 III. Special measurements 262 D. Sounding results 267 I. General remarks 267 II. Normal (thick) layers 278 III. Sporadic (thin) layers 332 IV. Disturbed conditions 350 E. Other investigations from ground 380 I. Special absorption measurements 380 II. Irregularities and drifts . . . . 400 F. Space research and terrestrial ionosphere. 442 1. Phase methods . . . . . 443 II. Other methods and results . 475 General references 531 Appendix Systems of units for electromagnetic quantities 535 List of symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537 Lunar Tides in the Ionosphere. By SAD AMI MATSUSHITA, High Altitude Observatory of National Center for Atmospheric Research; Professor Adjoint, Department of Astro-Geophysics, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado (United States of America). (With 27 Figures) 547 A. Introduction . . . . . . 547 B. Observations of lunar variations in the ionosphere. 548 I. Lunar tide analysis of ionospheric data obtained with vertical incidence ionosondes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 548 II. Observations of tidal wind in the ionosphere by radio methods . . . . . . 567 VI Contents. C. Theory of lunar variations in the ionosphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 568 I. Lunar tidal variations in the surface atmosphere . . . . . . . . . . . . 568 II. Lunar tidal winds and electric fields in the upper atmosphere deduced from geomagnetic lunar variations. . . . . . . 570 III. Cause of lunar variations in the ionosphere . 579 D. Conclusion . 589 E. Supplement 590 References. . . 596 Sachverzeichnis (Deutsch-Englisch) 603 Subject Index (English-German). . 617 Radio-Observations of the Ionosphere. By K. RAWER*) and K. SUCHY**). With 342 Figures. A. Theory of wave propagation. I. Conductivity tensor. 1. Description of the material properties of the ionospheric plasma. a) MAX WELL'S equations and the Lorentz expression for the force density in an electro magnetic field are the basic equations by which (like all other electromagnetic phenomena) wave propagation in the ionospheric plasma must be studied. The first describe the field due to charges (moved and at rest), the latter gives its reaction on the charges. MAXWELL'S equations in vacuo may be replaced by those for a refractive medium if its influence can be described by phenomenological coefficients like dielectric susceptibility, conductivity and permeability. This lumps together the influence of the charges while - with averaged data of the charges - the Lorentz expression may be used to deduce these coefficients from the structure of the medium. Bound charges in atoms and molecules have no bearing upon the propagation of waves with frequencies below the microwave range which are considered here. We may therefore neglect true dielectric effects and put E = EO' Also as long as most of the free charges have velocities small compared to the vacuum velocity of light, co' we may neglect the influence of the magnetic wave field on the charges as compared with that of the electric wave field. This is justified as long as both fields are of the same order of magnitude (d. Sect. 8y) because then the velocity ratio referred to describes the force ratio of both fields in the Lorentz expression. However, we must take account of the terrestrial magnetic field Bt, ***. Causing orbits of gyration, this field has a similar effect on the charges as the elliptically polarized wave field. On the other side, the diamagnetic effect due to the gyration orbits, being proportional to the ratio of kinetic energy to magnetic field energy, is quite negligible in the ionosphere (but not in the van Allen belt). Therefore we put fl=flo' fJ) Let us first resume the problems arising in the deduction ot a conductivity tensor by a rough method using a mean collision frequency y to describe the influence of collisions with charged particles and with neutral ones. A straightforward calcu lation!) shows that *) Principal author of Chapters B to F. **) Principal author of Chapter A. This part was partially written at the Institute for Fluid Dynamics and Applied Mathematics of the University of Maryland (USA) under support from Grant NsG 220-62 from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. ***) Equations are written in a form that any system of units can be used, see appendix p. 535. Almost all letters used are explained in the list of symbols p. 537. 1) BURKHARDT, G.: Ann. Physik 5,373-380 (1950), Eq. (5). Handbuch der Physik, Bd. XLIXj2. 2 K. RAWER and K. SUCHY: Radio-Observations of the Ionosphere. Sect. 1. The mean velocity is v=r, the mean acceleration is r=v+v v and by multi plication with mass m and number density N of the charges q the force density is obtained. It should be equal to the Lorentz expression for the force density N mr= Nm(v+vv) =N q{E+v xBo/(co Vso,uol}. (1.1) l It is preferable to replace Nand Bo by the corresponding pulsations which are plasma pUlsation WN and gyropulsation WB (numerical values for electrons): wF,r= uq2N = (2:n:)2·80.62 ~3 Hz2= (2:n:)2·80.62 N_ kHz2; 130m m cm 3 (1.2) WB---~ Bo =(2:n:).2.800· GBI; MHz. 'In Co Veo,uo a uss (The factors u and coVEo,uo are unity in the International System of Units. Their val ues in other systems are given in the Appendix.) With the negative sign 2) in the definition of WB the orbit of any charge is described as a right-hand turn about negative charge the vector WB (Fig. 1). The conductivity is obtained if the current density J_ q N v is expressed with the electrical field i strength, E. From Eq. (1.1) follows I ltjr>o • 13 J+vJ-wB xJ=wF,r-" E. (1. 3) positive charge u I : : The occurrence of the vector product W B X J makes this a tensorial relation between J and E. Hence the conductivity I is a tensor, S. The physical reason for i this is the anisotropy introduced into the plasma by the earth's magnetic field Bo; Fig. 1. Gyropulsation vectors WB [Eq. (1.2)Jfor opposite charges q~O and their relation to the earth's magnetic as in crystal optics the anisotropy is de fieldB/;. scribed by a tensor. We may remember that in the context of Eq. (1.3) the mag netic field is essentially described by an antisymmetric tensor. Using (in a car tesian coordinate system with basis vectors i,j, k) the unit-tensor 10 0 ) ( U=ii+jj+kkA 0 1 0 (1.4) 001 we obtain this antisymmetric tensor and its corresponding matrix in the form 3) -B. By) 0 UXB=BXUA ( B. 0 -B~ . (1.5) -By Bx 0 Since wB X U is an antisymmetric tensor we may replace the vector product wB X J by the scalar product of WB X U with J (because scalar multiplication of J and the unit-tensor gives again J) : wBXJ=(WBx U).J. 2) ALLIS, W. P.: This Encyclopedia, Vol. 21, p. 383-444, Eq. (1.4). 3} GIBBS, J. W., and E. B. WILSON: Vector analysis, 2nd. Ed. New York: Dover Publ. 1909, § 126. Sect. 1. Description of the material properties of the ionospheric plasma. 3 Introducing harmonic variation with time as exp ( - iw t), we finally obtain from the equation of motion (1.3) the conductivity relation [(-iw+v) U-WBX UJ-J=w~ ~ E. (1.6) u The time-dependent factor exp (-i OJ t) appears on both sides. Therefore equations of this form might be considered as describing directly the space dependent parts J". and E". of J and E. In this interpretation Eq. (1.6) describes the amplitude and phase relation between the spatial components of J and E; therefore J". and E". are complex. The following dimensionless parameters are standard in ionospheric physics: 1i Z-==-. (1.7) OJ For negative/positive charges the vector Y is paralleljantiparallel to the magnetic field Bo' see Fig. 1 above. Denoting the normalized resistivity tensor on the left hand side of Eq. (1.6) by capital greek rho: 1+iZ i~ ii , -iY) P-==(1+iZ)U-iYx UA ( -i~ 1+iZ (1.8) iy'; 1+iZ we finally have for the conductivity-tensor S=iw ~XP-l. (1.9) u The tensor P takes account of the influences of collisions (in the diagonal terms) and of the earth's magnetic field (in the off-diagonal terms). If Yvanishes P becomes a diagonal tensor and the conductivity is isotropic; if Z also vanishes, P becomes simply the unit-tensor U. The most important quantity, the density of the free charges, N, is not contained in P but only in X. In order to compute p-l we start with Eq. (1.6) in the form P·J=(i+iZ)J-iYxJ=iw ~ XE, u scalar-multiply it and vector-multiply it by Y, eliminate from these three equa tions the products Y·J and YxJ and obtain finally: P-l {1+iZ)2U-{1+iZ)iYXU-YY (1.10) (1 +iZ) [(1 +iZ)C YSJ i.e. in Cartesian coordinates: -(1+iZ)iY,;-~~) (1+iZ)i~-~y'; ) (i .10a) y,; y,; (1 +iZ)2 - (1+iZ)i~-y';~ . - (1+iZ)i~-~y,; (1+iZ)2 -~~ This result is considerably more involved than Eq. (1.8) for P. y) A more suitable expression for the tensor P-l can be obtained by an eigen value-representation 4). Quite generally a tensor of the form T=AU+,ucc+vicx U has the eigenvalues5) 't"O=A+,uC2; 't"±l=A±VC ') BAILEY, V. A.: Phil. Mag. 23,774-791 (1937), Eqs. (i) ... (4). 5) SUCHY, K.: [03J, Eq. (A3.8). 1" 4 K. RAWER and K. SUCHY: Radio-Observations of the Ionosphere. Sect. 1. as is easily derived if one coordinate axis is taken parallel to c. Introducing the unit vector CO in this direction (c°:=c/c), the tensor T can be expressed by the eigenvalues in the following form : T=T+U+(To-T+)COco+-cicox U with T±=!(T+1±-Cl)' (1.11) This form is advantageous because the eigenvalues (T-1). of the reciprocal tensor T-l are the reciprocal eigenvalues T;-1 of the tensor T. Hence Eq. (1.11) is valid for T-l if only To, T+1' T-l are replaced by 1/To,1/T+1,1/T_1: T-l= (c1)+ U+ [(T-1)o-(T-1)+J CO co+ (c1)_ ico xU (1.11 a) with _± _ ± (c1) _ ~ (T-1) ~ T± (1.11 b) .- T. ' ±- T+IT-1 - T~-T~' The three eigenvalues of P, Eq. (1.8), are 6) l?=1+iZ-sY with s=O, +1, -1, (1.12) if we put cO=YO=~. Thus we have and l?+ _:(l?+1+l?-l)=l?o=1+iZ} (1.13) l?-="2(l?+1-l?-I)--Y, and the reciprocal values of the l? are valid for P-l. However, this simple con nection holds only as long as the collision influence can simply be described by a vv. "friction term" In the following Sects. 2, 3,4 we shall find that Eq. (1.13) v is only valid if the" mean collision frequency" remains small compared to W - SWB , see Eq. (4.6). More complicated relations will occur when collisions are relatively frequent, see Eqs. (4.3) to (4.5). <5) Effect of ions. Some of the preceding equations are not valid if there is more than one species of charges, as q and m have been considered only for electrons. The effective electrical current must therefore be composed by addition of the current J of electrons and the currents J of the different positive ions present. e i Thus, instead of Eq. (1.9) we obtain the total conductivity tensor by a summation over the contributions of all species of charged particles c: S=iw~X p-l+ ""'iw~ X.P;-l=iw~ "'" X p-l (c=e, i), (1.14) u ee L...J U 11 u..L.J CC i c with the eigenvalues (1.14 a) where ecs=1+~.Z c+sc yc W'It h Sc-Vqcc rS' ( 1.14 b) (We have chosen CO of Eq. (1.11) as equal to Bg=Ya°=-ljo=-nY.,°, d. Fig. 1, Subsect. p, p. 2). qc The ions now being much heavier than the electrons, roughly by a factor 104, we have Xi'~::Xe and Y;~Y.;; thus the motion of the ions is only important at very low frequencies. Therefore, in the following calculations, we shall normally neglect the ion contribution except for particular low frequency problems. Consequently we usually write N for the electron density. Since for the majority of ionospheric levels negative ions are negligible there holds Ni. = Ne= N because of the quasi neutrality of the plasma. In later chapters sometimes Ne is specified, particularly when lower layers are concerned where negative ions use to be present. 6) WESTFOLD, K. C.: Austral. J. Sci. Res. A 2,169-183 (1949), Eq. (3.5). Sect. 1. Description of the material properties of the ionospheric plasma. 5 8) If the electric field of the radio wave is strong enough it may influence the energy balance of the plasma by Joule heating. We thus expect an increase of temperature in these cases. Now the mean collision frequency is a product of three terms, namely the number density of the colliding particles, the collision cross section, and the mean value of the relative velocity. The latter increases with increasing temperature such that v and finally the conductivity are influenced. A phenomenological description of the energy balance, similar to the momentum balance Eq. (1.1), can be given in the following form 7) : a ( aT) _ d (3 ) +_. 3 - -NkT -;t- +vG-Nk(T-I;,)=J.E=P (1.15) dt 2 0'1' 0'1' 2 ! kT being the mean energy of the heated electrons and 1h the unchanged tem perature of the heavier particles, i.e. molecules and ions; J. E is the Joule heating, x is the coefficient of the thermal conductivity of the electrons. G is an efficiency factor describing the mean energy loss by collisions of electrons with heavier parti cles. For elastic collisions8) G=8 mmJ3 (m+11tj,)2~8 m/3mh. However, we have to take account of inelastic collisions too; experimental values have been found in the interval9) 3 ... 10.10-3 and also10) at 2.10-3 with limits 1 ... 5 .10-3• The balance equation (1.15) is normally used when dealing with the" Luxembourg effect", i.e. with the modulation transfer by heating of the ionospheric plasma, see Sects.3'YJ and 48. Both the fundamental equations of this section, viz. the momentum balance (1.1) and the energy balance (1.15) are based on simplified and rather crude considerations. Of course, the most important phenomena are well described by these equations, however, they are not valid under all conditions. As long as the attenuation effect on the wave remains small, a more precise computation is certainly not needed and the above "mean collision frequency" method may be applied. (It is also called "mean free path" method.) However, the collision interaction between the electrons and the heavier particles should nevertheless be treated in more detail, because for the physical interpretation of absorption lata precise numerical relations between the observed attenuation and the characteris tic parameters of the plasma are needed. The adequate tool is kinetic gas theory. In the following Sects. 2, 3, 4 it will be considered as far as we need it here with respect to the rough approximation of Eqs. (1.1) and (1.15). C) In the Joule heating term P=J·E of Eq. (1.15) we can eliminate the current density by using the conductivity S, Eq. (1.9); in this equation complex vectors have been used to express S (with other words: the tensor gives the relation between the Fourier transforms Ew and Jw in the w-space). In order to obtain the real power density P we must write P= ReE· Re J = ReE· (Re S· ReE-ImS· ImE). (1.16) For our harmonic time variation exp(-iwt), we have (see Sect. 7oc) + } E(T, t) =E. . exp (-iwt) = ReE. . coswt+ ImE sin wt r (1 .17) +i[ImE. . cos wt-ReE. . sin wt]. ------ 7) BAILEY, V. A., and D. F. MARTYN: Phil. Mag. 18, 369-386 (1934), Eqs. (11) and (14). 8) SOMMERFELD, A.: Thermodynamik und Statistik, 2nd Ed. Leipzig: Akad. Verlags gesellschaft 1962, Last page. 9) DALGARNO, A.: Ann. Geophys. 17, 16-49 (1961), Table 1. 10) BARRINGTON, R. E., and E. THRANE: J. Atmosph. Terr. Phys. 24, 31-42 (1962), § 4.

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