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Holmstrom (2014): Siderophore production by microorganisms isolated from a podzol soil profile, Geomicrobiology Journal To link to this article: Disclaimer: This is a version of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. As a service to authors and researchers we are providing this version of the accepted manuscript (AM). Copyediting, typesetting, and review of the resulting proof will be undertaken on this manuscript before final publication of the Version of Record (VoR). During production and pre-press, errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal relate to this version also. PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in the publications on our platform. 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Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at http:// ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT Title: Siderophore production by microorganisms isolated from a podzol soil profile Author names and affiliations: Engy Ahmed (Corresponding author) Postal address: Department of Geological Sciences, Stockholm University, SE-10691 Stockholm, Sweden 4 E-mail: [email protected] 1 0 2 r e b m Phone: +46 (0)8 674 7725 e c e D 7 0 Fax: +46 (0)8 674 7897 3 4 7: 0 ] at Sara J. M. Holmstrom y r a r b Li Postal address: Department of Geological Sciences, Stockholm University, SE-10691 y sit r Stockholm, Sweden e v ni U m ol E-mail: [email protected] h k c o St y [ Phone: +46 (0)8 16 4751 b d e d a o Fax: +46 (0)8 674 7897 nl w o D 1 ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT Abstract Siderophore producing bacteria/actinobacteria and fungi were isolated from O- (organic), E- (eluvial), B- (upper illuvial), and C- (parent material) horizons of podzol soil. Siderophores were isolated and hydroxamate type siderophores were detected and quantitated by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. The molecular 4 1 0 2 identification of siderophore producing isolates showed that there was a high diversity of fungal r e b m e and bacterial/actinobacterial species throughout the soil profile. The isolated c e D 07 bacteria/actinobacteria showed different abilities in the production of ferrioxamines (E, B, G and 3 4 7: 0 D). Moreover, the isolated fungal species showed great variety in the production of ferrichromes, at ] y ar coprogens and fusarinines. r b Li y sit r e v ni Keywords: Bacteria, Fungi, Hydroxamates U m hol k c o St [ y b d e d a o nl w o D 2 ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT 1. Introduction Iron (Fe) is an essential element for the growth of almost all living microorganisms since it acts as a catalyst in enzymatic processes, oxygen metabolism, electron transfer, and DNA and RNA synthesis (Hayat et al., 2010; Aguado-Santacruz et al., 2012). Due to the low bioavailability of Fe in the environment, microorganisms have developed specific uptake strategies like production 4 1 0 2 of siderophores (Ahmed and Holmström, 2014a). Siderophores are metal chelating agents with r e b m e low molecular masses (200 to 2000 Daltons), which provide the microorganisms with an c e D 07 efficient Fe-acquisition system due to their high affinity for Fe(III) complexation (Schwyn and 3 4 7: 0 Neilands, 1987; Kraemer, 2004). Although the role of siderophores is primarily to scavenge at ] y ar Fe(III) and make it available to the microbial cell, siderophores could also have other functions. r b Li y The production of the siderophores could help the microorganisms in their competition for sit r e v ni mineral nutrients, in addition to function as a virulence factor to protect the microorganisms U m ol against other harmful microorganisms inhabiting in their environment (Lamont et al., 2002; h k c o St Hibbing et al., 2010; Ahmed and Holmström, 2014a). [ y b d e d a Soil microorganisms produce a wide range of siderophores. Bacteria mainly produce three o nl w o D groups of siderophores (catecholates, hydroxamates, and carboxylates) (Matzanke, 1991). Catecholate or phenolate siderophores are cyclic tri-ester of 2,3-dihydroxybenzoylserine, which is characterized by extremely high stability constants (Pollack et al., 1970; Patel et al., 2009). The main catecholate type siderophores, enterobactin, is produced by Escherichia coli and Enterobacter, which are commonly associated with plants (Crowley, 2006). There are also various catecholate siderophores produced by soil bacteria like agrobactin, which is produced by 3 ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT Agrobacterium tumefaciens; dihydroxybenzoic acid by Erwinia sp. and Bacillus subtilis; mycobactins by Mycobacterium, Nocardia, and Rhodococcus, and pyochelins by Pseudomonas spp. (Ratledge, 1987). The second major group of bacterial siderophores is hydroxamates, which have both linear and cyclic compounds containing 1-amino-5-hydroxyaminopentane (Dhungana et al., 2001). Hydroxamates are resistant to hydrolysis and enzymatic degradation in the natural environment due to their hexadentate structure (Winkelmann, 2007). Bacterial hydroxamates 4 1 0 2 such as schizokinen, aerobactin, and ferrioxamines are produced for example by Streptomyces r e b m e spp., Enterobacteriaceae, and Arthrobacter spp. (Lee et al., 2012). The third group of bacterial c e D 07 siderophores is carboxylates (e.g. rhizobactin) which consist of citrate linked by ornithine. 3 4 7: 0 Rhizobactin is mainly produced by Rhizobium sp. and is considered an effective Fe source for at ] y ar plants (Hider and Kong, 2010). There are also certain types of bacterial siderophores containing r b Li y a mix of hydroxamate and carboxylate groups like pyoverdines, which are commonly produced sit r e v ni by Pseudomonas spp. and Azotobacter (Cornelis, 2010). One bacterial strain can produce more U m ol than one type of siderophore (Budzikiewicz, 2010). For instance, Pseudomonas spp. produce h k c o St over 50 types of different pyoverdines besides a variety of other siderophore types, such as [ y b d e pyochelin, salicylic acid, cepabactin, corrugatin, ferribactin, ferricrocin, ornibactin, pyridine-2-6- d a o nl w di-monothyocarboxylic acid and quinolobactin (Cornelis, 2010). o D Soil fungi mainly produce four different groups of siderophores included in the hydroxamate family, i.e. ferrichromes, coprogens, fusarinines, and rhodotorulic acids (Winkelmann, 2007). Ferrichromes, the most common type of siderophores produced by soil fungi, are based on a cyclic hexapeptide structure (Leong and Nielands, 1982; Deml et al., 1984). Ferrichromes are further divided into five groups depending on the side chain of the hydroxamate functional 4 ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT group: acetyl (ferrichrome, ferrichrome C, ferricrocin, and ferrichrysin), malonyl (malonichrome), trans-b-methylglutaconyl (ferrichrome A), trans-anhydromevalonyl (ferrirubin), and cis-anhydromevalonyl (ferrirhodin) (Renshaw et al., 2002; Winkelmann, 2007). Common soil fungi that produce ferrichrome type siderophores are U. sphaerogena for ferrichrome (Emery, 1971), Aspergillus fumigatus for ferricrocin (Wallner et al., 2009), Neurospora crassa for tetraglycylferrichrome (Winkelmann, 2007) and Cenococcum geophilum and Hebeloma 4 1 0 2 crustuliniforme for ferrichrysin (Martino and Perotto, 2010). Coprogens consist of a r e b m e diketopiperazine ring formed by two N5-acyl-N5-hydroxy-L-Orn units (Budzikiewicz, 2010). c e D 07 Coprogens are mainly produced by Trichoderma spp. and N. crassa (Zähner et al., 1963). 3 4 7: 0 Fusarinines consist of acyl unit (5- hydroxy-3-methyl-pent-2-enoic acid) that bounds to N5- at ] y ar hydroxy L-ornithine and they are commonly produced by Fusarium spp. (Neilands, 1973; Barry r b Li y and Challis, 2009). Rhodotorulic acid contains two acetyl groups and has previously been sit r e v ni isolated from Rhodotorula pilimanae (Atkin et al., 1970). Some fungi have been observed to U m ol produce carboxylate type siderophores such as rhizoferrin (Drechsel et al., 1991, 1992). h k c o St Rhizoferrin seems to be a characteristic siderophore of a variety of fungal species like Rhizopus, [ y b d e Mucor, Phycomyces, Chaetostylum, Absidia, Cokeromyces, Cunninghamella, Mycotypha, and d a o nl w Mortierella (Winkelmann, 1992; Thieken and Winkelmann, 1992). o D Given the great impact of siderophore producing soil microorganisms in mineral weathering, soil formation and plant growth promotion, the present study aims to: a) study the diversity of siderophore producing microorganisms within the horizons of podzol soil, and b) determine the types and concentrations of hydroxamates produced by the isolated microorganisms. 5 ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT 2. Materials and Methods 2.1 Sampling site Soils were sampled in September 2011 near the village Bispgården, central Sweden (63°07′N, 16°70′E). The site is located on a slope (angle 2°) at an altitude of 258 m above sea level and is forested with 80-yr-old Norway spruce (Picea abies) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris). The 4 annual average precipitation is 700 mm. The annual average temperature is +2 °C. The bedrock 1 0 2 er in the area is granite and gneiss. The soil is a typical haplic podzol (FAO, 1990). The soil b m e c e horizons in the studied soil profile have the following depths: 12 cm for O (organic horizon), 10 D 7 0 3 cm for E (elluvial horizon), 9 cm for B (upper illuvial horizon) and finally C (parent material). 4 7: 0 at The soil samples for this study were taken from the bulk soil of each specific soil horizon for the ] y r a r b whole profile and kept cold (+4 °C) until further analysis. The characteristics of the soil samples Li y rsit such as exchangeable cations, carbon, nitrogen, and moisture content were determined (Table 1). e v ni U m ol h k 2.2 Isolation and enumeration of siderophore producing microorganisms from soil c o St [ y b ed The aerobic and facultative anaerobic siderophore producing microorganisms were isolated from d a o nl w soil solution. Soil solutions were obtained by shaking 5 g of soil in 15 ml of Milli-Q water with o D glass pearls for 4 h and then centrifuged for 15 min at 5000 rpm. Then the supernatant were serially diluted to minimize the transfer of Fe from the soil solution to the growth plates. 0.1 ml of the 1/1000 and 1/10000 dilutions of the soil solution were plated using the spread plate technique onto two replicates of the appropriate media containing diluted chrome azurol S (CAS) indicator in order to be selective for the isolation of siderophore producing microorganisms. The 6 ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT CAS was diluted in order to avoid a possible growth inhibition caused by its toxicity for some microbial species (Milagres et al., 1999). Fungi were isolated using modified ½MMN (Melin Norkans agar): Glucose 5 g/l, Malt extract 3 g/l, (NH ) HPO 0.25 g/l, KH PO 0.5 g/l, NaCl 4 2 4 2 4 0.025 g/l, Agar 15 g/l; the inoculated plates were incubated at 28°C for 4-6 days. Bacteria and actinobacteria were isolated using soybroth agar (Bacto Tryptone 17 g/l, Bacto soytone 3 g/l, Glucose 2.5 g/l, NaCl 5g/l, Agar 15g/l) and the inoculated plates were incubated at 28-37°C for 4 1 0 2 3-7 days. The color change from blue to orange was an indicator of the production of r e b m e siderophores. When the microorganisms secrete siderophores in the blue colored CAS media, the c e D 07 Fe-siderophore complex is formed. The formation of this complex leads to the release of the free 3 4 7: 0 CAS, which is accompanied by a color change from blue to orange (Schwyn and Neilands, at ] y ar 1987). The most effective siderophore producing isolates were selected by choosing those that r b Li y formed hallows with the greatest width of the orange colored zone around the cultures on the sit r e v ni plates. U m ol h k c o St [ y b d de 2.3 Molecular identification of the isolated siderophore producing microorganisms a o nl w o D The isolated microorganisms were individually inoculated into 25 ml of different broth medium according to the microbial type and were incubated on a rotary shaker (200 rpm) for 2-4 days. The biomass was harvested by centrifugation at 3000 rpm for 10 min, then washed twice with sterilized MilliQ water and again centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 10 min to collect the microbial cells. The microbial genomic DNA was extracted by using Genomic DNA Miniprep Kit (Axygen Biosciences, USA) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The quantity of DNA 7 ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT was measured using a NanoDrop spectrophotometer (ND-1000, Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA) at 260 nm. The molecular identification was carried out by amplification of a set of universal primers. For bacteria and actinomycetes, 518F (5’- CCA GCA GCC GCG GTA ATA CG -3’) and 800R (5’- TAC CAG GGT ATC TAA TCC -3’) primers were used. For fungi, ITS1f (5’- CTT GGT CAT TTA GAG GAA GTA A -3’) and ITS4 (5’- TCC TCC GCT TAT TGA TAT GC -3’) primers were used. The PCR reaction was performed by adding 1µl of template DNA in 4 1 0 2 50µl of PCR reaction solution (10X MGTM Taq-HF buffer 10µl; 2mM MGTM dNTP mixture r e b m e 10µl; 10pmol Primer 5µl; MGTM Taq-HF polymerase 1µl; Distilled water). The thermal cycling c e D 07 conditions were as follows: initial denaturation at 95℃ for 5 min, followed by 30 cycles at 94℃ 3 4 7: 0 for 1min, 55°C for 1min and 72°C for 1 min and then a final elongation step at 72°C for 10 min. at ] y ar The PCR products were verified by agarose gel electrophoresis. The DNA sequencing was done r b Li sity by the sequencing service Macrogen inc. ( The obtained sequences r e v ni were compared to sequences in the NCBI GenBank database using the BlastN (Altschul et al., U m hol 1990). The recovered sequences as well as the closest identified relatives were aligned in k c o [St Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis (MEGA) Software ver. 5.0 using MUSCLE. The y b d e phylogenetic trees were generated from the distance matrixes using a neighbor-joining tree- d a o nl w building algorithm (Saitou and Nei, 1987). The robustness of inferred tree topologies was o D evaluated by using the bootstrap test (1000 bootstrap replication) (Felfenstein, 1985). All the sequences were submitted to the GeneBank and were got accession numbers. 8 ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT 2.4 Screening for Fe accumulation by the isolated siderophore producing microorganisms In order to screen the different abilities of the isolated microorganisms for Fe accumulation as a microbial activity, the isolated microorganisms were inoculated in TSA media plates (Tryptone 15 g/l, Soya peptone 5 g/l, NaCl 5 g/l, agar 15 g/l) amended with a wide range of Fe (FeCl ) 3 concentrations (40, 60, 80, 100, 140, 160, 180, 200 mg/l) and were incubated for 3-7 days at 4 28°C. The accumulation of Fe was indicated by the formation of dark haloes around the cultures 1 0 2 r be as a result of the diffusion of dissolved Fe towards the microorganisms (Pümpel et al., 1995). m e c De Thus, the more Fe diffusion towards the microorganism the darker and wider halos form. In the 7 0 3 4 evaluation of the result, the detection of the different Fe accumulation capabilities were 7: 0 at ] represented by a scale of one to three cross signs depending on the width and darkness of the y r a r b Li zone formed around the cultures. y sit r e v ni U m ol h k c 2.5 Isolation of the siderophores from the isolated microorganisms o St [ y b ed In order to isolate the siderophores produced by the isolated microorganisms, all the cultures d a o nl w were inoculated into 10 ml Fe limited glucose broth medium and were incubated on a rotary o D shaker (200 rpm) for 7 days. Centrifugation at 3000 rpm for 10 min was used to collect the biomass. A low concentration (1%) of FeCl was added to the microbial filtrates during stirring. 3 Then the brown microbial filtrates were filtrated through 0.45 μm filters (Filtropur S, Sarstedt, Germany). The filtrates were pre-concentrated by freeze-drying (Scanvac cool Safe, 100-9 Pro). The remaining yellow-brown solid dust was dissolved in 1 ml of MilliQ-water after the freeze- 9 ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT