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SOLUTIONS TO GEOMETRY,TOPOLOGY,PHYSICS BY MIKIO NAKAHARA, 2003. ERNESTYEUNG PermanenthomeofthisNakahara GTP-solutions.texand.pdffilesongithub,https://github.com/ernestyalumni/ mathphysics/blob/master/LaTeX_and_pdfs/Nakahara_GTP-solutions.tex. Go here for the latest version; if youcameherefromanywhereelse(suchasGoogleDrive),thentheversionofsolutionsmostlikelywillbeoutdated. Fromthebeginningof2016,Idecidedtoceaseallexplicitcrowdfundingforanyofmymaterialsonphysics,math. I failed to raise any funds from previous crowdfunding efforts. I decided that if I was going to live in abundance, I must lose a scarcity attitude. I am committed to keeping all of my material open-sourced. I give all my stuff for free. In the beginning of 2017, I received a very generous donation from a reader from Norway who found these notes useful, throughPayPal. Ifyoufindthesenotesuseful, feelfreetodonatedirectlyandeasilythroughPayPal, which won’t go through a 3rd. party such as indiegogo, kickstarter, patreon. Otherwise, under the open-source MIT license, feel free to copy, edit, paste, make your own versions, share, use as you wish. gmail : ernestyalumni linkedin : ernestyalumni tumblr : ernestyalumni twitter : ernestyalumni youtube : ernestyalumni Solutions for Geometry, Topology, and Physics. Mikio Nakahara. Institute of Physics Publishing. 2003. ISBN 0 7503 0606 8 1. Quantum Physics 1.1. Analytical mechanics. 1.1.1. Newtonian mechanics. 1.1.2. Lagrangian formalism. L independent of coordinate q ; q cyclic. k k q (t)→q (t)+δq (t) k k k (cid:90) tf (1) S[q(t),q˙(t)]= L(q,q˙)dt (1.3) ti (cid:90) tf (cid:88) (cid:18)∂L d ∂L(cid:19) (cid:88)(cid:20) ∂L(cid:21)tf δS = δq − + δ =0 k ∂q dt∂q˙ k∂q˙ ti k k k k k ti Note that (cid:90) d ∂L ∂L(cid:12)(cid:12)tf (cid:90) ∂L − δqkdt∂q˙ +δqk ∂q˙ (cid:12)(cid:12) = δq˙k∂q˙ k k ti k with p = ∂L. k ∂q˙k (2) =⇒δq (t )pk(t )=δq (t )pk(t ) k i i k f f since t ,t arbitrary, δq (t)pk(t) independent of t and hence conserved. i f k Date:zima2012. 1 1.1.3. Hamiltonian formalism. Exercise 1.1. A=A(q,p),B(q,p) defined on phase space of H =H(q,p) [A,c B +c B ]=∂ A∂ (c B +c B )−∂ A∂ (c B +c B )= 1 1 2 2 qk pk 1 1 2 2 pk qk 1 1 2 2 =c ∂ A∂ B −c ∂ A∂ B +c ∂ A∂ B −c ∂ A∂ B = 1 qk pk 1 1 pk qk 1 2 qk pk 2 2 pk qk 2 =c [A,B ]+c [A,B ] 1 1 2 2 [A,B]=∂ A∂ B−∂ A∂ B =−(∂ B∂ A−∂ B∂ A)=−[B,A] qk pk pk qk qk pk pk qk [[A,B],C]=∂ (∂ A∂ B−∂ A∂ B)∂ C−∂ (∂ A∂ B−∂ A∂ B)∂ C = qk ql pl pl ql pk pk ql pl pl ql qk =∂2 A∂ B∂ C−∂2 B∂ C∂ A+ qkql pl pk qkql pk pl +∂2 B∂ A∂ C−∂2 A∂ B∂ C+ qkpl ql pk qkpl ql pk +∂2 A∂ C∂ B−∂2 B∂ C∂ A+ pkpl qk ql pkpl qk ql +∂2 B∂ C∂ A−∂2 A∂ C∂ B qlpk qk pl qlpk qk pl =⇒[[A,B],C]+[[C,A],B]+[[B,C],A]=0 (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) (3) dA =(cid:88) dA dq + dA dpk =(cid:88) dA ∂H − dA ∂H =[A,H] (1.23) dt dq dt dp dt dq ∂p dp ∂q k k k k k k k k 1.2. Canonical quantization. 1.2.1. Hilbert space, bras, and kets. 1.2.2. Axioms of canonical quantization. A3. Poisson bracket in classical mechanics is replaced by commutator. (4) [A(cid:98),B(cid:98)]≡A(cid:98)B(cid:98)−B(cid:98)A(cid:98) (1.31) Problems. Problem 1.1. H =(cid:82) dnx(cid:20)1(cid:16)∂φ(cid:17)2+ 1(∇φ)2+V(φ)(cid:21) 2 ∂t 2 If φ time independent, H[φ]=H [φ]+H [φ] 1 2 1(cid:90) H [φ]≡ dnx(∇x)2 1 2 (cid:90) H [φ]≡ dnxV(φ) 2 (1) φ(x)→φ(λx) (∇φ)2 =∂ φ∂jφ=λ−2∂ φ∂iφ=λ−2(∇φ)2 j i ∂ ∂yi ∂ ∂ = =λ ∂xi ∂xi∂yi ∂yi dny =λndnx H [φ]→λn−2H [φ] 1 1 (2) H [φ]→λnH [φ] 2 2 =⇒∂ H =(n−2)H +nH =0 or (2−n)H −nH =0 λ 1 2 1 2 (3) 1.2.3. Heisenberg equation, Heisenberg picture and Schr¨odinger picture. 1.2.4. Wavefunction. 1.2.5. Harmonic oscillator. 1.3. Path integral quantization of a Bose particle. 1.3.1. Path integral quantization. 1.3.2. Imaginary time and partition function. 1.3.3. Time-ordered product and generating functional. 1.4. Harmonic oscillator. 2 1.4.1. Transition amplitude. 1.4.2. Partition function. 1.5. Path integral quantization of a Fermi particle. 1.6. Quantization of a scalar field. 1.7. Quantization of a Dirac field. 1.8. Gauge theories. 1.8.1. Abelian gauge theories. (5) ∇·B =0 (1.241a) ∂B (6) +∇×E =0 (1.241b) ∂t (7) ∇·E =ρ (1.241c) ∂E (8) −∇×B =−j (1.241d) ∂t A =(−φ,A) µ B =∇×A ∂A E = −∇φ (1.242) ∂t Exercise 1.11. ∇·B =0=∂ B =∂ (∇×A) =∂ (cid:15) ∂ A =(cid:15) ∂ ∂ A = i i i i i ijk j k ijk i j k =∂ ∂ A −∂ ∂ A +∂ ∂ A −∂ ∂ A +∂ ∂ A −∂ ∂ A =∂ F +∂ F +∂ F =0 1 2 3 1 3 2 2 3 1 2 1 3 3 1 2 3 2 1 1 23 2 31 3 12 Watch out for convention. (cid:18) (cid:19) ∂ ∂ = ,∇ µ ∂t ∂B +∇×E =∂ (cid:15) ∂ A +(cid:15) ∂ E =(cid:15) ∂ ∂ A +(cid:15) ∂ (∂ A −∂ φ)=(cid:15) ∂ ∂ A +(cid:15) ∂ ∂ A +(cid:15) ∂ ∂ A = ∂t 0 ijk j k ijk j k ijk 0 j k ijk j 0 k k ikj 0 k j ijk j 0 k ijk j k 0 =(cid:15) ∂ ∂ A +(cid:15) ∂ ∂ A +(cid:15) ∂ ∂ A = ikj 0 k j ijk j 0 k ikj j k 0 Fix i. =⇒=∂ ∂ A −∂ ∂ A +∂ ∂ A −∂ ∂ A +∂ ∂ A −∂ ∂ A 0 k j 0 j k j 0 k k 0 j j k 0 k j 0 Exercise 1.12. L=(Dµφ)†(D φ)+m2φ†φ µ φ(cid:48) =e−ieα(x)φ (φ(cid:48))† =φ†eieα(x) A(cid:48) =A −∂ α(x) (1.257) µ µ µ Now easily φ†eieα(x)e−ieα(x)φ=φ†φ D =∂ −ieA µ µ µ D φ=∂ φ−ieA φ µ µ µ ∂ (e−ieαφ)−ie(A −∂ α)e−ieαφ=−e∂ αφe−ieα+e−ieα∂ φ−ieA e−ieαφ+ie∂ αe−ieαφ=e−ieα(x)(D φ) µ µ µ µ µ µ µ µ Dµφ=∂µφ−ieAµφ (Dµφ)† =∂µφ†+ieAµφ† (Dµφ)† →∂µ(φ†eieα)+ie(Aµ−∂µα)φ†eieα =∂µφ†eieα+φ†(ie∂µα)eieα+ieAµφ†eieα−ie∂µαφ†eieα =(Dµφ)†eieα Clearly L is invariant. 3 1.8.2. Non-Abelian gauge theories. 1.8.3. Higgs fields. 1.9. Magnetic monopoles. 1.10. Instantons. 1.10.1. Introduction. 1.10.2. The (anti-)self-dual solution. 2. Mathematical Preliminaries 2.1. Maps. 2.1.1. Definitions. Exercise 2.1. D =[−π/2,π/2], R=[−1.1] f(x)=sin(x) is bijective on D to R Exercise 2.2. f :x→x2, g :→expx f ◦g(x)=exp(2x) g◦f(x)=expx2 Exercise 2.3. Consider f(x)=f(y) gf(x)=x=gf(y)=y =⇒x=y f injective. ∀x∈X, x=g◦f(x)=g(f(x))=g(y) since f :X →Y. so ∃y ∈Y, s.t. g(y)=x g surjective. Exercise 2.4. a−1 :En →En R−1(x)=RTxR−1R(x)=RTRx=1x=x a−1(x)=x−a RR−1(x)=RRTx=1x=x a−1a(x)=(x+a)−a=x (RTR) =RTR =R R =δ ij ik kj ki kj ij aa−1(x)=(x−a)+a=x (RRT) =R RT =R R =RTRT =δ ij ik kj ik jk ki kj ij 20120306 check above. (R,a)(x)=Rx+a (R,a)−1(x)=RT(x−a) (Ra)−1Ra(x)=RT(Rx+a−a)=x (Ra)(Ra)−1(x)=R(RT(x−a))+a=x 2.1.2. Equivalence relation and equivalence class. Exercise 2.5. m∼m since m = m 2 2 m∼n. Then n∼m since remainder of n by 2 is the same as the remainder of m divided by 2. m∼n, n∼p. m∼p since remainder of m by 2 is the same as the remainder of m by 2 which is the same as the remainder of p by 2. Exercise 2.6. H ={τ ∈C|Imτ ≥0} (cid:18) (cid:19) a b SL(2,Z)≡{ |a,b,c,d∈Z, ad−bc=1} c d (cid:18) (cid:19) a b τ ∼τ(cid:48) if ∃A= ∈SL(2,Z) s.t. τ(cid:48) = aτ+b c d cτ+d Note that (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) a b τ aτ +b = c d 1 cτ +d (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 τ τ τ ∼τ since = 1 1 1 4 (cid:18) (cid:19) d −b If τ ∼τ(cid:48) s.t. τ(cid:48) = aτ+b. Consider cτ+d −c a τ(cid:48) ∼τ since (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:18) d −b(cid:19)(cid:18)τ(cid:48)(cid:19) (cid:18) dτ(cid:48)−b (cid:19) dτ(cid:48)−b d acττ++db −b adτ −bcτ = = = =τ −c a 1 −cτ(cid:48)+a −cτ(cid:48)+a −c(cid:16)aτ+b(cid:17)+a ad−bc cτ+d Given τ ∼τ(cid:48), τ(cid:48) ∼τ(cid:48)(cid:48) (cid:18)a b(cid:19)(cid:18)τ(cid:19) (cid:18)τ(cid:48)(cid:19) = c d 1 1 (cid:18)e f(cid:19)(cid:18)a b(cid:19)(cid:18)τ(cid:19) (cid:18)τ(cid:48)(cid:48)(cid:19) (cid:18)ae+cf be+df(cid:19)(cid:18)τ(cid:19) =⇒ = = (cid:18)e f(cid:19)(cid:18)τ(cid:48)(cid:19) (cid:18)τ(cid:48)(cid:48)(cid:19) g h c d 1 1 ag+ch bg+dh 1 = g h 1 1 (ae+cf)(bg−dh)−(ag+ch)(be+df)=abeg+adeh+bcfg+cdfh−abeg−adfg−bceh−cdfh=1 Example 2.6. g ∼g(cid:48) if ∃h∈H s.t. g(cid:48) =gh [g]={gh|h∈H}≡gH (left) coset. quotient space ≡G/H if H normal subgroup of G, ghg−1 ∈H, ∀g ∈G, h∈H, then G/H quotient group. Since (g(cid:48))−1hg(cid:48) =h(cid:48)(cid:48) ∈H =⇒hg(cid:48) =g(cid:48)h(cid:48)(cid:48) =⇒ghg(cid:48)h(cid:48) =gg(cid:48)h(cid:48)(cid:48)h(cid:48) =gg(cid:48)h(cid:48)(cid:48)(cid:48) [g][g(cid:48)]=[gg(cid:48)] well-defined. Note [e], [g]−1 =[g−1] Exercise 2.7. a,b∈G conjugate to each other, a(cid:39)b, if ∃g ∈G s.t. b=gag−1 a(cid:39)a since a=eae−1 =a If a(cid:39)b, g−1bg =a and g−1 ∈G, so b(cid:39)a. If a(cid:39)b and b(cid:39)c, then c=hbh−1, so c=hgag−1h−1 and (hg)−1 =g−1h−1. 2.2. Vector spaces. 2.2.1. Vectors and vector spaces. 2.2.2. Linear maps, images and kernels. Theorem 1 (2.1). If linear f :V →W, dimV =dim(kerf)+dim(imf) Proof. kerf, imf vector spaces. Let basis of kerf be {g ...g } 1 r basis of imf be {h(cid:48) ...h(cid:48)} 1 s ∀i(1≤i≤s), h ∈V s.t. f(h )=h(cid:48) i i i Consider {g ...g ,h ...h } 1 r 1 s Let arbitrary v ∈V f(v)∈imf, so f(v)=cih(cid:48) =cif(h ) i i by linearity f(v−cih )=0, i so v−cih ∈kerf i so ∀ arbitrary v ∈V, v linear combination of {g ...g ,h ...h } (cid:3) 1 r 1 s Exercise 2.8. 5 (1) If x ,x ∈kerf, then for x +x 1 2 1 2 by linearity of f, f(x +x )=f(x )+f(x )=0+0=0 =⇒x +x ∈kerf 1 2 1 2 1 2 f(cx )=cf(x )=0 =⇒cx ∈kerf 1 1 1 Under closure of addition and multiplication, kerf is a vector space. If w , w ∈imf, 1 2 w =f(x ) 1 1 for some x ,x ∈V 1 2 w =f(x ) 2 2 w +w =f(x )+f(x )=f(x +x )∈imf since f linear and since x +x ∈V 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 cw =cf(x )=f(cx )∈imf since cx ∈V 1 1 1 1 (2) If f :V →V isomorphism, f bijective. f(0)=0 always for a linear map. Consider x∈kerf. So f(x)=0. f(x)=f(0), so x=0. Since f linear, if f(x)=f(y), f(x)−f(y)=f(x−y)=0. Since kerf =0, x−y =0 so x=y. f bijective so f an isomorphism. 2.2.3. Dual vector space. f(v)=f αi(vje )=f vjαi(e )=f vi (2.12) i j i j i Use notation (cid:104),(cid:105):V∗×V →K f :V →W g :W →K g ∈W∗ g◦f :V →K (Note g◦f on V, key observation) g◦f ≡h∈V∗ h(v)≡g(f(v)) v∈V (2.13) Given g ∈W∗, f :V →W induces map h∈V∗ f∗ :W∗ →V∗ f∗ :g (cid:55)→h=f∗(g)=g◦f h is the pullback of g by f∗ Exercise 2.9. Given f =Ake , i i k αjf =Akαje =Aj i i k i βjAi =βjαif =αi =⇒αi =βjAi j j j 2.2.4. Inner product and adjoint. isomorphism g :V →V∗, g ∈GL(m,K) g :vj →g vj (2.14) ij g(v ,v )≡(cid:104)gv ,v (cid:105) 1 2 1 2 g(v ,v )=vig vj (2.16) 1 2 1 ji 2 W =W(n,R), {f } basis G:W →W∗ α Given f :V →W adjoint of f, f(cid:101) G(w,fv)=g(v,f(cid:101)w) (2.17) where v ∈V, w ∈W wαGαβfβivi =vigijf(cid:101)jαwα (2.18) Gαβfβi =gijf(cid:101)jα f(cid:101)=g−1ftGt (2.19) Exercise 2.10. (cf. wikipedia, “Rank”) Consider a m×n matrix A with column rank A (maximum number of linearly independent column vectors of A). dim. of column space of A=r. Then let c ...c basis. 1 r Place c ’s as column vectors to form m×r matrix C =[c ...c ] i 1 r 6 ∃r×m matrix R s.t. A=CR. r i=1...r ij j =1...m A = CR, so ∀ row vector of A is a linear combination of row vectors of R, so row space of A contained in row space of R. row rank A≤ row rank R. R has r rows, a =c r j =1...n. row rank R≤r = column rank A ij ik kj row rank A≤ column rank A row rank AT ≤ column rank AT =⇒ row rank A= column rank A or rank(A)=rank(AT) Likewise for NfM by following the same arguments. Exercise 2.11. (a) g(v ,v )=vig vj 1 2 1 ij 2 g(v ,v )=vig vj =vig vj =vjg vi =g(v ,v ) 2 1 2 ij 1 2 ij 1 1 ji 2 1 2 g(v,f(cid:101)w)=vigijf(cid:101)jkwk =G(w,fv)=wαGαβfβγvγ =wαGαβfβγvγ =Gkβfβiviwk =⇒gijf(cid:101)jk =Gkβfβi =fi†βG†βk =⇒f(cid:101)=g−1f†G† (b) 2.2.5. Tensors. tensor T of type (p,q) maps p dual vectors and q vectors to R p q (cid:79) (cid:79) (9) T : V∗ V →R Exercise 2.12. f :V →W, so f(v)∈W. f(v)=w Then tensor identified with dual vector of W∗. Since f :V, Then (1,1). 2.3. Topological spaces. 2.3.1. Definitions. Exercise 2.13. τR ={(a,b)|a,b∈{R,±∞}} (cid:84)∞n=1(a,b+ n1)=(a,b]. Then {b}∈τR, ∀b∈R. So then ∀ subset Y ⊂X is open. Discrete topology. 2.3.2. Continuous maps. Exercise 2.14. If f :R→R then (−(cid:15),+(cid:15))(cid:55)→[0,(cid:15)2] f(x)=x2 2.3.3. Neighborhoods and Hausdorff spaces. Exercise 2.15. Let X ={John,Paul,Ringo,George}. U =∅ 0 (cid:91) U U =U U ={John} 1 2 2 1 U U =U U ={John,Paul} 1 2 1 2 U =X 3 Consider John and Ringo. Only neighborhood with open set is X for Ringo. Then XU (cid:54)=∅ John Exercise 2.16. ∀a,b, consider (cid:0)3a−b,a+b(cid:1), (cid:0)b+a,3b−a(cid:1) 2 2 2 2 7 2.3.4. Closed set. 2.3.5. Compactness. 2.3.6. Connectedness. 2.4. Homeomorphisms and topological invariants. 2.4.1. Homeomorphisms. 2.4.2. Topological invariants. Exercise 2.18. f :S1 →E f(x,y)=(ax,by) ff−1 =f−1f =1 bijective and cont. (cid:16)x y(cid:17) f−1(x,y)= , a b 2.4.3. Homotopy type. 2.4.4. Euler characteristic: an example. 3. Homology Groups 3.1. Abelian groups. 3.1.1. Elementary group theory. e.g. f :Z→Z ={0,1} 2 f(2n)=0 f(2n+1)=1 homomorphism f(2m+1+2n)=f(2(m+n)+1)=1=1+0=f(2m+1)+f(2n) kZ≡{kn|n∈Z}, k ∈N subgroup of Z, Z ={0,1} not a subgroup. 2 Let H subgroup of G, ∀x,y ∈G, x∼y if x−y ∈H group operation in G/H naturally induced: [x]+[y]=[x+y] G/H group since H always a normal subgroup of G. aH =Ha∀a∈G if aH =Ha ∀a∈G, normal indeed. aH =a+x−y =x−y+a=Ha (since G abelian) If H =G, 0−x∈G, ∀x∈G, G/G={0} If H ={0}, G/H =G since x−y =0 iff x=y Ex. 3.1. Let us work out the quotient group Z/kZ. km−kn=k(m−n)∈kZ [km]=[kn] ∀j, 1≤j ≤k−1, (km+j)−(kn+j)=k(m−n)∈kZ. [km+j]=[kn+j] ∀j,l,0≤j,l≤k−1,j (cid:54)=l,(km+j)−(kn+l)=k(m−n)+(j−l)∈/ kZ. Neverbelongtothesameequivalenceclass. =⇒Z.kZ={[0],...,[k−1]}. Define isomorphism ϕ:Z/kZ→Zk, then Z/kZ(cid:39)Zk ϕ([j])=j Lemma 1 (3.1). Let f :G →G homomorphism. Then 1 2 (a) kerf ={x|x∈G ,f(x)=} subgroup of G. Note: kerf normal subgroup of G , 1 1 f(gxg−1)=f(g)f(x)f(g−1)=1∀g ∈G, x∈kerf =⇒kerf normal subgroup (b) imf ={x|x∈f(G )⊂G } subgroup of G 1 2 2 Proof. (a) Let x,y ∈kerf xy ∈kerf since f(xy)=f(x)f(y)=1·1=1 Note 1∈kerf since f(1)=f(1·1)=f(1)f(1)=⇒f(1)=1 x−1 ∈kerf since f(x−1·x)=f(x−1)f(x)=f(x−1)1=f(1)=1 f(x−1)=1 8 (b) Let y1 =f(x1) y1,y2 ∈im(f) y =f(x ) x ,x ∈G 2 2 1 2 1 y y =f(x )f(x )=f(x x ) x x ∈G y y ∈imf 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1∈imf since f(1)=1(or f(x )=f(x ·1)=f(x )f(1); so f(1)=1 and 1∈imf) 1 1 1 1=f(xx−1)=f(x)f(x−1)=yf(x−1)=⇒f(x−1)=y−1 and y−1 ∈imf since x−1 ∈G (cid:3) Theorem 2 (3.1). (Fundamental Thm. of homomorphism) G /kerf (cid:39)imf 1 Proof. By Lemma 3.1, both sides are groups. (cid:3) x(cid:48) =x+h Define. ϕ:G1/kerf →imf. ϕ well-defined since ∀x(cid:48) ∈[x], ∃h∈kerf s.t. f(x(cid:48))=f(x)f(h)=f(x) ϕ([x])=f(x) ϕ([x]+[u])=ϕ([x+y])=f(x+y)=f(x)+f(y)=ϕ([x])+ϕ([y]) ϕ 1-to-1: if ϕ([x])=ϕ([y]), then f(x)=f(y) or f(x)−f(y)=f(x−y)=0. x−y ∈kerf so [x]=[y] ϕ onto: if y ∈imf, ∃x∈G s.t. f(x)=y =ϕ([x]) 1 3.1.2. Finitely generated Abelian groups and free Abelian groups. Lemma 2 (3.2). Let G be free Abelian group of rank r, G={n x +···+n x |n ∈Z, 1≤i≤r, n x +···+n x =0 only if n =···=n =0}≡ free Abelian group of rank r 1 1 r r i 1 1 r r 1 r Let subgroup H. Choose p generators x ...x of r generators of G so generate H. 1 p H (cid:39)k Z⊕···⊕k Z and H rank p 1 p Proof. f :Z⊕···⊕Z→G (cid:124) (cid:123)(cid:122) (cid:125) m f(n ...n )=n x +···+n x (surjective homomorphism) 1 m 1 1 m m From Thm. 3.1. Z⊕···⊕Z/kerf (cid:39)G (cid:124) (cid:123)(cid:122) (cid:125) m kerf subgroup of Z⊕···⊕Z, so Lemma 3.2, kerf (cid:39)k ZZ⊕···⊕k Z 1 p (cid:124) (cid:123)(cid:122) (cid:125) m G(cid:39)Z⊕···⊕Z/kerf (cid:39)Z⊕···⊕Z/(k Z⊕···⊕k Z)(cid:39)Z⊕···⊕Z⊕Z ⊕···⊕Z (cid:124) (cid:123)(cid:122) (cid:125) (cid:124) (cid:123)(cid:122) (cid:125) 1 p (cid:124) (cid:123)(cid:122) (cid:125) k1 kp m m m−p (cid:3) 3.2. Simplexes and simplicial complexes. 3.2.1. Simplexes. number of q-faces in r-simplex is (cid:0)r+1(cid:1) q+1 r+1 p ...p pts., choose p ...p pts. 0 r i0 iq 3.2.2. Simplicial complexes and polyhedra. Example 3.5. Fig. 3.5(b) not a triangulation of a cylinder. σ =(cid:104)p p p (cid:105) 2 0 1 2 σ(cid:48) =(cid:104)p p p (cid:105) 2 2 3 0 σ σ(cid:48) (cid:54)=∅ 2 2 σ σ(cid:48) =(cid:104)p (cid:105)(cid:83)(cid:104)p (cid:105) σ σ(cid:48) is not an actual face. 2 2 0 2 2 2 3.3. Homology groups of simplicial complexes. 3.3.1. Oriented simplexes. 9 3.3.2. Chain group, Cycle group and boundary group. Definition 1 (3.2). r-chain group C (K) of simplicial complex K is free Abelian group generated by oriented r r-simplexes of K element of C (K) is r-chain. r Let I r- simplexes in K, σ (1≤i≤I ) r r,i r (cid:88)Ir (10) c= c σ c ∈Z, coefficients of c (3.15) i r,i i i=1 (cid:88) c= c σ addition of 2 r-chains i r,i c+c(cid:48) =(cid:80) (c +c(cid:48))σ (3.16) i i i i r,i (cid:88) c(cid:48) = c(cid:48)σ i r,i i (cid:80) inverse −c= (−c )σ i i r,i (11) C (K)(cid:39)Z⊕···⊕Z (3.17) free Abelian group of rank I r r (cid:124) (cid:123)(cid:122) (cid:125) Ir 0-simplex has no boundary: ∂ p =0 (3.18) 0 0 Fig. 3.7(a) oriented 1 simplex. ∂ (p p )+∂ (p p )=p −p +p −p =p −p =∂ (p p ) 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 0 2 1 2 0 1 2 0 Fig. 3.7(b) triangle. ∂ (p p )+∂ (p p )+∂ (p p )=p −p +p −p +p −p =0 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 2 Let σ (p ...p ) oriented r-simplex. r 0 r r (cid:88) (12) ∂ σ ≡ (−1)i(p p ...p ...p ) (3.20) r r 0 1 (cid:98)i r i=0 K ≡n-dim. simplicial complex. chain complex C(K). i inclusion map i:0(cid:44)→C (K) n (13) 0→−i C (K)−∂→n C (K)−∂−n−−→1 ...−∂→2 C (K)−∂→1 C (K)−∂→0 0 (3.23) n n−1 1 0 Definition 2 (3.3). If c∈C (K), ∂ c=0, c r-cycle. r r Z (K)={c|∂ c=0}=ker∂ ≡r−cycle group r r r if r =0, ∂ c=0, Z (K)=C (K) 0 0 0 Definition 3 (3.4). If ∃d∈C (K), c=∂ d (3.25), c r-boundary r+1 r+1 B (K)=im∂ ≡r−boundary group B (K)=0 r r+1 n Theorem 3 (3.3). (14) B (K)⊂Z (K) (⊂C (K)) (3.27) r r r Proof. ∀c∈B (K), ∃d∈c (K) s.t. c=∂ d ∂ c=∂ ∂ d=0(Lemma 3.3, ∂2d=0) c∈Z (K) r r+1 r+1 r r r+1 r (cid:3) 10

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