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Geometry - Intuitive, Discrete, and Convex: A Tribute to László Fejes Tóth PDF

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BOLYAI SOCIETY 24 MATHEMATICAL STUDIES BOLYYYAI SOCIETY MATHEMATICAL STUDIES Editor-in-Chieef: Series Editor: Gábor Fejes Tóth Dezső˝˝ Miklós Publication Boarrrd: Gyula O. H. Katona · László Lovász · Péter Pál Pálfffyy András Recski · András Stipsicz · Domokos Szász 1. Combinatorics, Paul Erdős is Eightyyy, Vol.1 D. Miklós, V.T. Sós, T. Szőnyi (Eds.) 2. Combinatorics, Paul Erdős is Eighty, Vol.2 D. Miklós, V.T. Sós, T. Szőnyi (Eds.) 3. Extremal Problems fffor Finite Sets P. Frankl, Z. Füredi, G. O. H. Katona, D. Miklós (Eds.) 4. Topology with Applications A. Császár (Ed.) 5. Approximation Theory and Function Series PPP. Vértesi, L. Leindler, Sz. Révész, J. Szabados, V. Totik (Eds.) 6. IntuitiveGeometry I. Bárányyy, K. Böröczkkkyy (Eds.) 7. Graph Theory and Combinatorial Biology L. Lovász, A. Gyárfás, G. Katona, A. Recski (Eds.) 8. Low Dimensional Topology K. Böröczkyyy, Jr., W. Neumann, A. Stipsicz (Eds.) 9. Random Walks P. Révész, B. Tóth(Eds.) 10. Contemporaryy Combinatorics B. Bollobás (Ed.) 11. Paul Erdős and His Mathematics I+II G. Halász, L. Lovász, M. Simonovits, V. T. Sós(Eds.) 12. Higher Dimensional Varieties and Rational Points K. Böröczky, Jr., J. Kollár, T. Szamuely (Eds.) 13. Surgery on Contact 3-Manifffolds and Stein Surfffaces B. Ozbagci, A. I. Stipsicz 14. A Panorama of Hungarian Mathematics in the Twentieth Century, Vol. 1 J. Horváth (Ed.) 15. More Sets, Graphs and Numbers E.Győri, G.O. H. Katona,, L. Lovász (Eds.) 16. Entropy, Search, Complexity I. Csiszár, G. O. H. Katona,, G. Tardos (Eds.) 17. Horizons off Combinatorics E. Győri, G.O. H. Katona,, L. Lovász (Eds.) 18. Handbook of Large-Scale Random Networks B. Bollobás, R. Kozma, D. Miklós(Eds.) 19. Building Bridges M. Grötschel, G. O. H. Katona(Eds.) 20. Fete of Combinatorics and Computer Science G.O.H. Katona, A. Schriijver, T. Szőnyi (Eds.) 21. An Irregular Mind, Szemerédi is 70 I.Bárányyy, J.Solymosi (Eds.) 22. Cylindric-like Algebras and Algebraic Logic H. Andréka, M. Ferenczi, I. Németi (Eds.) 23. Deformations of Surface Singularities A.Némethi, Á. Szilárd (Eds.) Imre Bárány Károly J.Böröczky Gábor FejesTTTóth János Pach (Eds.) Geometry – Intuitive, Discrete, and Convex ATTTribute to LászlóFeejesTóth (cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:5) JJJÁNOS BOLYYYAI MATHEMATICCCAL SOCIETTTY Imre Bárány KárolyyJ. Böröczky Gábor Fejes Tóth János Pach Alfffréd Rényi Institute off Mathematics Hungarian Academy of Sciences Reáltanoda u. 13-15 Budapest 1053 Hungary E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Mathematics Subject Classifffication (2010): 05-06, 52-06 Libraryyof Congress Control Number: 2013950614 ISSN 1217-4696 ISBN 978-3-642-41497-8 Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York ISBN 978-963-9453-17-3 János Bolyai Mathematical Society, Budapest This workk is subject to copyright. Allrights are reserved, whether the whole or part off the material is concerned, speciffficallyy therights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broad- casting, reproduction on microfffilm or in anyy other waaayyy, and storage indata banks. Duplication off this publication or parts thereof is permitted onlyy under the provisions of the GermanCopyright Law of September 9,1965, inits currentt version, and permission fffor use must always be obtainedfffrom Springer. Violations areliablefffor prosecution under the German Copyright Law. Springer is a part off Springer Science+Business Media springer.com © 2013 János Bolyai Mathematical Societyy and Springer-Verlag The use of generaldescriptive names, registered names,, trademarks, etc. in thispublication does not implyyy, even in the absence of a specifffic statement,, that such names are exempt from the relevant protec- tive laws and regulations and therefore free forgeneral use. The photo on the back cover is courtesy of Włodzimierz Kuperberg Cover design:WMXDesign GmbH, Heidelberg Printed on acid-fffree paper 44/3142/db – 5 4 3 2 1 0 Contents Contents .......................................................... 5 Preface ............................................................ 7 List of Publications of La´szlo´´ Fejes To´th .................... 9 Akiyama, J., Kobayashi, M., Nakagawa, H., Nakamura, G. and Sato, I.: Atoms for Parallelohedra ............................ 23 Bezdek, K.: Tarski’s Plank Problem Revisited ...................... 45 Bezdek, A. and Kuperberg, W.: Dense Packing of Space with Various Convex Solids ............................................. 65 Brass, P.: Geometric Problems on Coverage in Sensor Networks .... 91 Gruber, P. M.: Applications of an Idea of Vorono˘˘ı, a Report ....... 109 Gru¨¨nbaum, B.: Uniform Polyhedrals ................................159 Holmsen, A. F.: Geometric Transversal Theory: T(3)-families in the Plane ..........................................................187 Montejano, L.: Transversals, Topology and Colorful Geometric Results ............................................................ 205 Pach, J., Pa´lvo¨¨lgyi, D. and To´´th, G.: Survey on Decomposi- tion of Multiple Coverings ......................................... 219 Schaefer, M.: Hanani–Tutte and Related Results .................. 259 Schneider, R.: Extremal Properties of Random Mosaics ............ 301 Smorodinsky, S.: Conflict-Free Coloring and its Applications .......331 Preface In the summer of 2008, the editors of the present volume organized a well attended conference at the R´enyi Institute of the Hungarian Academy of SciencestocommemoratethehighlyinfluentialworkandcharacterofL´´aszl´o Fejes T´oth (1915–2005), one of the best known Hungarian geometers of all time,whoservedasadirectoroftheInstituteforthirteenyears. Theideaof publishingacollectionofessaysdedicatedtohimwasconceivedshortlyafter theconference,anditwasembracedbyanumberofoutstandingcolleagues. Hungary produced many famous mathematicians in the twentieth cen- tury,butonlyfewofthemsparkedtheinterestofalargenumberoftalented students in his subject and created an active school. L´´aszl´o Fejes T´´oth was one of the exceptions. Like Paul Erd˝˝os, John von Neumann, and Paul Tur´an, he defended his thesis under the supervision of Leopold Fej´´er at P´azma´´ny University, Budapest. In his thesis, he solved a problem in Fourier analysis. He found the problem and its solution entirely by himself, when reading a classical monograph of Francesco Tricomi. After his army service, he started teaching in Kolozsv´ar (Cluj). He met Dezs˝˝o L´´aza´r, a mathematics teacher at the local Jewish High School, who told him about an exciting open problem that had a huge impact on Fejes T´´oth’s later work: How should one arrange n points in the unit square so as to maximize the minimum distance between them? In other words, what is the maximum density of a packing of n congruent disks in a square? Unaware of earlier work by Axel Thue, L´aszl´o Fejes T´´oth found an asymptotically tight answer to this question. He generalized the problem in many different directions. A few years later he showed that the maximum density of a packing of congruent copies of any centrally symmetricconvexbodyintheplaneisattainedforalatticepacking. Healso solved another important open problem. Steiner conjectured that among allconvexpolytopesofunitsurfaceareathatarecombinatoriallyequivalent to a given Platonic body, the regular polytope has the largest possible volume. For tetrahedra and octahedra, the conjecture can be easily verified by symmetrization. Fejes T´oth developed a new technique using sums of 8 Preface spherical moments to prove Steiner’s conjecture for the cube and for the dodecahedron. (Theproblemisstillopenfortheicosahedron.) Themethod has turned out to have many other interesting consequences. Several years of systematic research in this area resulted in Fejes T´´oth’s monograph, “Lagerungen in der Ebene, auf der Kugel und im Raum,” which appeared in the prestigious series of Springer-Verlag, Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften in 1953. The book became an instant classic. As Ambrose Rogers wrote one decade later, “Until recently, the theory of packing and covering was not sufficiently well developed to justify the publication of a book devoted exclusively to it. After the publication of L. Fejes T´oth’s excellent book in 1953, there would be no need for a second work on the subject, but for the fact that he confines his attention mainly totwoandthreedimensions.” Thehigherdimensionalproblemsandresults inspired by Fejes T´oth’s work have led to important discoveries in coding theory, in combinatorics, and in many other areas. Tom Hales’ solution of “Kepler’sconjecture,” thespherepackingprobleminthreedimensions, was motivated by Fejes T´oth’s program outlined in his book. Sixty years after the publication of its first edition, the Lagerungen is still considered a basic work in geometry. Its annotated English translation will appear soon. OneofL´´aszl´oFejesT´´oth’smostimpressiveabilitieswastoaskbeautiful and deep mathematical questions. Many of these questions can be found in the short communications listed at the end of Fejes T´oth’s complete bibliography,includedinthisvolume. Hisworkandhismodest,unassuming personalityhadalastingimpactontheprofessionallifeanddevelopmentof the editors as well as many of the contributors of this volume. Imre B´ar´any K´´aroly B¨or¨¨oczky, Jr. G´´abor Fejes T´´oth J´´anos Pach BOLYAISOCIETY Geometry – MATHEMATICALSTUDIES,24 Intuitive, Discrete, and Convex pp.9–22. List of Publications of La´szlo´´ Fejes To´th Until 1946, L´aszl´oFejes T´oth published under the name of L´aszl´o Fejes. 1935 Dess´eriesexponentiellesdeCauchy.C.R.Acad.Sci.,Paris200(1935),1712–1714. JFM 62.1191.03 1937 Soksz¨ogekre vonatkozo´´ sz´els˝˝o´´ert´ek feladatokr´ol. (Hungarian) [On extremum prob- lems concerning polygons.] K¨oz´´episkolai Matematikai ´es Fizikai Lapok 13 (1937), 1–4. 1938 A Cauchy-fff´´ele exponencia´lis sor. (Hungarian) [The exponential series of Cauchy.] Mat. Fiz. Lapok 45 (1938), 115–132. JFM 64.0284.04 Poli´´ederekre vonatkoz´´o sz´els˝˝o´´ert´ekfeladatok. (Hungarian) [Extremum problems concerning polyhedra.] Mat. Fiz. Lapok 45 (1938), 191–199. JFM 64.0732.02 1939 U¨berdieApproximationkonvexerKurvendurchPolygonfolgen.CompositioMath., Groningen 6 (1939), 456–467. JFM 65.0822.03 Two inequalities concerning trigonometric polynomials. J. London Math. Soc. 14 (1939), 44–46. JFM 65.0254.01 U¨ber zwei Maximumaufgaben bei Polyedern. Tˆohoku Math. J. 46 (1939), 79–83. MR0002194 Asimul´on-lapr´ol.(Hungarian)[Ontheapproximatingn-hedron.]Mat. Fiz. Lapok 46 (1939), 141–145. JFM 65.0827.01 10 ListofPublicationsofL´aszlo´´FejesT´´oth 1940 U¨ber einen geometrischen Satz. Math. Z. 46 (1940), 83–85. MR0001587 EineBemerkungzurApproximationdurchn-Eckringe.CompositioMath.7(1940), 474–476. MR0001588 Sur un th´´eor``eme concernant l’approximation des courbes par des suites de poly- gones. Ann. Scuola Norm. Super. Pisa (2) 9 (1940), 143–145. MR0004993 Egyextrem´alissoklapr´ol.(Hungarian)[Onanextremalpolyhedron.]Math. Natur- wiss. Anz. Ungar. Akad. Wiss. 59 (1940), 476–479. MR0015831 1942 Az egyenl˝ooldalu´´ h´´aromsz¨ogr´´acs, mint sz´´els˝˝o´´ert´ekfeladatok megold´asa. (Hungar- ian) [The regular triangular lattice as the solution of extremum problems.] Mat. Fiz. Lapok 49 (1942), 238–248. MR0017924 Aszab´a´lyostestek,mintsz´´els˝˝o´´ert´ekfeladatokmegold´asai.(Hungarian)[Theregular polyhedraasthesolutionofextremumproblems.]Mat. Termeszett. E´rtes.61 (1942), 471–477. Zbl 0028.07604 Alehu˝˝l´´esFourier-sor´´ar´ol.(Hungarian)[OntheFourierseriesofthecooling.]Math.- naturw. Anz. Ungar. Akad. Wiss. 61 (1942), 478–495. JFM 68.0144.03 1943 Einige Extremaleigenschaften des Kreisbogens bezu¨glich der Ann¨aherung durch Polygone. Acta Sci. Math., Szeged 10 (1943), 164–173. Zbl 0028.09201 U¨ber eine Extremaleigenschaft der Kegelschnittbogen. Monatsh. Math. Phys. 50 (1943), 317–326. MR0010420 U¨ber die dichteste Kugellagerung. Math. Z. 48 (1943), 676–684. MR0009129 U¨ber eine Absch¨¨atzung des ku¨¨rzesten Abstandes zweier Punkte eines auf einer Kugelfl¨acheliegendenPunktsystems.Jber. Deutsch. Math. Verein.53(1943), 66–68. MR0017539 Egy g¨ombfelu¨¨let befed´ese egybev´´ag´´o g¨¨ombsu¨vegekkel. (Hungarian) [Covering the spherewithcongruentcaps.]Mat.Fiz.Lapok 50(1943),40–46.Zbl0060.34808 Az ellipszis izoperimetrikus ´es az ellipszoid izepif´an tulajdons´´aga´r´ol. (Hungarian) [On the isoperimertric property of the ellipse and the isepiphane property of the ellipsoid.] Math.-Naturw. Anz. Ungar. Akad. Wiss. 62 (1943), 88–94. Zbl 0061.38207 A g¨¨ombfelu¨¨letet egyenl˝o felsz´´nu˝˝ konvex r´´eszekre oszt´´o legr¨ovidebb g¨orbeh´´al´ozat. (Hungarian) [The shortest net dividing the sphere into convex parts of equal area.] Math. Naturwiss. Anz. Ungar. Akad. Wiss. 62 (1943), 349–354. MR0024155

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