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Geometry and Topology: III Latin American School of Mathematics Proceedings of the School held at the Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada CNPg Rio de Janeiro July 1976 PDF

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Preview Geometry and Topology: III Latin American School of Mathematics Proceedings of the School held at the Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada CNPg Rio de Janeiro July 1976

Lecture Notes ni Mathematics Edited by .A Dold and .B Eckmann 795 yrtemoeG dna ygolopoT III Latin American School of Mathematics Proceedings of the School held the at Instituto de Matematica Pura Aplicada e CNPn ,,~;,~,,oI h.h, 1976 pin ,,4, detidE yb Jacob Palis and Manfredo do Carmo Springer-Verlag Berlin. Heidelberq • New York 19 7 7 Editors Jacob Palls Manfredo do Carmo Instituto de MatemAtica Pura e Aplicada Rua Luiz de Camoes, 68 2000 Rio de Janeiro - R ,J Brasil AMS Subject Classifications (1970): 49 XX, F 53 XX, 55 XX, 57 XX, 58 XX, 70XX ISBN 3-540-08345-6 Springer-Verlag Berlin • Heidelberg • New York ISBN 0-387-08345-6 Springer-Verlag New York • Heidelberg • Berlin This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically those of translation, re- printing, re-use of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction by photocopying machine or similar and means, storage ni data banks. Under § 54 of the German Copyright Law where copies are made for other than private a use, fee is to the payable the publisher, amount of the fee to eb with the publisher. agreement by determined © by Springer-Verlag Berlin • Heidelberg 7791 Printed ni Germany Printing dna binding: Offsetdruck, Hemsbach/Bergstr. Beltz 012345-0413/]412 Preface The III Latin American School of Mathematics (III ELAM) aimed to stimulate the development of the areas of geometry and iopolo~ in Latin America and to expand the interchange of ideas and contacts among mathematicians of this region initiated with the support of the 0AS in the I and II Schools, held respectively in Brazil and Mexico. The IlI ELAM congregated more than 250 mathematicians (researches and students) most of them from Latin America. The members of the Organizing Committee were: C. Camacho, P. Schweitzer, M. do Carmo and J. Palis (Coordinator). These Proceedings reflect one of the two main activities of the meeting, namely a series of research talks covering topics in Dynamical Systems, Differential Geometry, Foliations, Singularities of Mappings and Algebraic Topology. The other activity was a series of introductory courses in these subjects given by M. Peixoto, M. do Carmo, P.Schweitzer, J. Sotomayor and J. Adem, whose lecture notes are being or have been in- formally published by the Organizing Committee. We hope that these Proceedings can contribute to the further progress of these areas of Mathematics within and outside Latin America. To many of our colleagues, to several universities and research institute of Latin America and to the director of the host institution L. Dias we express our gratitude for their most valuable help. We acknowledge the financial support of the Brazilian agencies CNPq, FINEP, FAPESP and CAPES, as well as the 0AS. Jacob Palis and Manfredo do Carmo Rio de Janeiro, April, 1977 CONTENTS Jos6 Adem and Evaluation of some Maunder cohomology Kee Yuen Lam operations Jorge Solo Andrade Constructions g6ometrique de certaines 32 series discretes J.L. Arraut and The point spectrum of the adjoint of an 56 N.Moreira dos Santos automorphism of a vector bundle Thomas Banchoff and Whitney duality and singularities of pro- 68 Clint McCrory jections Cesar p Camacho and Orbit preserving diffeomorphisms and the 82 A. Lins Neto stability of Lie group actions and singu- lar foliations A.G. Colares and On minimal immersions with parallel nor- 104 Manfredo .P do Carmo mal curvature tensor Shiing-shen Chern Circle bundles 114 D.B,A. Epstein A topology for the space of foliations 132 D.B.A. Epstein and Stability of compact foliations 151 H. Rosenberg .S Feder and Secondary operations in K- theory and 161 W. Iberkleid the generalized vector field problem R. G6rard On holomorphic solutions of certain kind 176 of Pfaffian systems with singularities Herman Gluck and Scattering problems in differential 191 David Singer geometry .C Gutierrez and The connected components of Morse-Smale 230 W. de Melo vector fields on two manifolds Gilbert Hector Feuilletages en cylindres 252 Michael .R Herman )I Mesure de Lebesgue et hombre de 172 rotation )2 The Godbillon-Vey ~nvariant of foli- 294 ations by planes of T .M Herrera On the construction of the trace in 308 Serre duality Peter Hilton Localization theories for groups and 319 homotopy types Henrich Kollmer On hyperblic attractors of codimension 330 one A. Lins, W. de Melo On Li6nard's equation 335 and C.C, Pugh .S Lojasiewicz On the Weierstrass preparation theorem 358 IV Ricardo Ma~ )I Reduction of semilinear parabolic 361 equations to finite dimensional C4flows )2 Axiom A for endomorphisms 379 )3 Characterizations of AS diffeomor- 389 phisms Airton .S de Medeiros Structural stability of integrable 395 differential forms W. de Melo Accessibility of an optimum 429 .J Moser )I The scattering problem for some par- 441 ticle systems on the line )2 Proof of a generalized form of a fixed 464 point theorem Jacob Palis Jr. Some developments on stability and bi- 495 furcations of dynamical systems Lucio .L Rodr~guez Convexity and tightness of manifolds 510 with boundary Otto Raul Ruiz M. Existence of brake orbits in Finsler 542 mechanical systems Jose Carlos de On the complex projective bundle con- 568 Souza Kiihl struction Floris Takens Symmetries, conservation laws and 581 variational principles Geovan Tavares dos Classification of generic quadratic 605 Santos vector fields with no limit cycles Juan Tirao The classifying ring of SL(2,C) 641 Friedrich Tomi On the finite solvability of Plateau's 679 problem A.J. Tromba The set of curves of uniqueness for 696 Plateau's problem has a dense interior C.T.C. Wall Geometric properties of generic differen- 707 tiable manifolds E.C. Zeeman A catastrophe model for the stability 775 of ships Eduard Zehnder )I Note on smoothing symplectic and 828 volume preserving diffeomorphism )2 A simple proof of a generalization 855 of a theorem by C.L. Siegel EVALUATION OF SOME MAUNDER COHOMOLOGY OPERATIONS By Jos6 Adem and Kee Yuen Lam Introduction In this paper we present an explicit evaluation of primary, secon- dary and tertiary Maunder cohomology operations on complex projective spaces. These operations are related to divisibility properties of the Chern character, as was first discovered by Adams for primary operations ([2]) and later extended by Maunder to higher order operations ([14]). If ~ is the canonical complex line-bundle over the N-dimensional complex projective space CP N, we have ch(n_l)n = (em_l)n = n + Gt=l{n+t'n}~n+t' where the rational numbers {n+t,n} are the Taylor coefficients and E H2(cpN;z) is the integral cohomology generator. According with Adams (loc. cit.) the number (*) m(t){n+t,n} is an integer, where the numerical function m(t) is defined by )t(er = ~p[t/(p-1)] P where p runs over the primer numbers. Roughly speaking, to compute the higher order Maunder operations (mod )2 on the class n is equivalent to determine the highest power of two contained in the integers (~). In section 3 we give explicit expressions that allow us to compute the 2-integers 2t{n+t,n} mod 8 and this is enough for our purpose. We obtain simple formulas in terms of binomial coefficients to n evaluate the Maunder secondary and tertiary operations on the class (see 4( )6 (4.17)) Their duals denoted by ~(2) for secondary and by 2r • ' " ' )3(r2~ for tertiary operations, are also evaluated (see (6.5), (7.12)). The secondary operations ~(2) have been used to solve several problems. 2r Through "accompany relations" they can be combined to yield non-trivial operations on real projective spaces, that are applied to solve non- immersion problems ([5],[62). We do not know how to apply this proce- dure to the ~2r )3( " In general, examples of non-trivial tertiary oper- ations on real projective spaces promise to be interesting. We do not give any application of our results, with exception of this one, presented right here. Let q = 2 n+2 and r n, = 2 with n >_ .2 Our evaluation of tertiary operations in (7.12), gives )3( q = ~q+r door( 2), ~2r in H (cPq+r/cPq-I;Z2). Now, a result of Gitler and Milgram ([11]), (3) shows that the operation ~2r on an integral class of dimension ~ ~ 2r-7 is a primary operation. This operation in our case becomes zero and we have proved that the stunted projective space cPq+r/cp q-1 cannot be desuspended 2q-2r+7 times. Finally, we want to indicate that Dennis Phee Hurley has obtained in [16], evaluation results for a full family of modified Maunder dual operations of all orders. His work agrees with our theorem (7.]2) and can be regarded as a generalization of the results given in [10], for secondary operations. However, it seems that he cannot obtain our theorem (4.]7). .I The Maunder operations As defined in [14;p.753], let C(3,r) be the chain complex 3( ! r) 3 d 2 d I d (1.1) 3 C 2 > C I > C ~"' CO, where each i is a C free-graded left module over the mod 2 Steenrod algebra A, on generators described as follows: O C with A-basis {Co}, I C with A-basis {ci, ci0, c11}, 2 C with A-basis {c2, c20, c21, c22}, 3 C with A-basis {c3}, where dim O = c ,0 dim i = c 2r+i-1 for i = 1,2,3, and dim Cni = 3n-2i, for n = 1,2. On these generators, the maps i d are given by I dlC = (Xsq2r)co , (1 .z) dlClO = Sq01Co, dlCll = sqlco . d2c 2 = sqlc t + (Xsq2r)c]l + (Xsq2r-2)clO , = Sq 1O d2c20 clO, (1.3) + Sq 10 d2c21 = sqlc10 c11 d2c22 = Sqic11 , (1.4) d3c 3 = sqlc2 + (×sq2r)c22 + (Xsq2r-2)c21 + (Xsq2r-4)c20 where Sq 01 = Sq2Sq I + SqISq 2 and × : A > A is the canonical antiautomorphism. Each map i d is of degree zero and d2d 3 = dld 2 = 0 follows from the relations (1.5) sqlsq 1 = O, (1.6) sqO1sq01 = O, (1.7) sqlsq 01 + sqO1sq 1 = O, (1.8) SqI(xsq 2r) + (Xsq2r-2)Sq 01 + (Xsq2r)sq I = 0. Associated with C(3,r) we have a pyramid of operations ~s,t, for 3 > s > t > 0, where each ~s,t is of (s-t) th order. We recall that m this set of operations verify the Maunder's axioms and that they sat- isfy the relations with the Chern character as stated in [14;Th.2]. Let w E H2(cpN'z2 ), be the mod 2 cohomology generator of the N-dimensional complex projective space, where N is a large enough number, and let n w be the n-fold product of w. Sometimes it is necessary to work in a (2n-1)-connected complex (see [14;Th.I~). In this case, through the collapsing map, n w is regarded as an element of H (cpN/cpn-I;z2). Set (1.9) s : O C + H , (cpN/cp n-l' .z2) ' as the A-map defined by s(c0) = n w For s (or equivalently for w n) we shall make explicit the primary, secondary and tertiary operations associated with the chain complex (1.1). In order to motivate the computation developed in section ,3 we advance the following. Let q be the canonical complex line bundle over CP N, and ~ = q-1. The n-fold product n can be regarded as an element of the Grothendieck ring Kc(CpN/cpn--I ) (see [3;p.622]). If E H2(cpN;z) represents the integral cohomology generator then, for the Chern character, we have chH = em-1 and (1.10) chp n = (e~-1) n. .2 A binomial identity In this section we state the Jensen identity concerning binomial coefficients (P). Let a,B,y and n be positive integers. Then we have (2.1) n (a Bk k), ry+B n-k (n_k) ) = ~ n gi(~+Y+n~'-l)" k=0 i=0 n -1 For a proof see [9]. .3 Computation of 2t{n+t,n} mod 8 Write (e~-1) n : E {n+t,n)a n+t where {n+t,n} are the Taylor t=0 coefficients. The value of 2t{n+t,n} mod r 2 must be computed in order to evaluate the Maunder operations on CP ~. In this section we compute them mod .8 Computation mod 16 is also available. In general the task becomes more complicated modulo higher powers of .2 All computations and divisibility arguments take place in Z(2 ,) the ring of rational numbers with odd denominators. If a,b E Z(2), a K b (mod 2 )r means that a-b = 2rc for some c E Z(2 .) This is the only kind of congruence considered in our paper.

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