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Géométrie Différentielle: Colloque, Santiago de Compostela Espagne 1972 PDF

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Preview Géométrie Différentielle: Colloque, Santiago de Compostela Espagne 1972

Lecture Notes ni Mathematics Edited yb .A Dold, Heidelberg and .B Eckmann, Zerich 392 Geom6trie Diff6rentielle ,euqoiloC ogaitnaS ed aletsopmoC engapsE 1972 Edite rap Enrique Vidal Springer-Verlag Berlin-Heidelberg • New York 1974 euqirnE ladiV dadisrevinU de de Santiago ,aletsopmoC Santiago ed Compostela/Espagne AMS Subject Classifications (1970): 53-XX, 22-XX, 28-XX, 55-XX, 57-XX, 58-XX ISBN 3-540-06?97-3 Springer-Verlag Berlin • Heidelberg - New York ISBN 0-38?-06?97-3 Springer-Verlag New York • Heidelberg • Berlin This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically those of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction by photo- copying machine or similar means, dna storage ni data banks. Under § 54 of the German Copyright Law where copies are made for other than private use, a fee is payable to the publisher, the amount of thef ee to be determined by agreement with the publisher. © by Springer-Verlag Berlin • Heidelberg 1974. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number ?4-?908. Printed in Germany. Offsetdruck: Julius Beltz, Hemsbach/Bergstr. Preface Ce volume contient Iss Conferences prononc~es au Colioque de G~om~trie Di~rentlelle organis~ par le D~partement de G~om~trie st Topologle de l'Onlversit@ de Santiago de Compostela (EspaKne) du 18 au 12 octobre 1972. Le oolloQue a b~n~ici@ du support du Minist@re de l'Education et la Science, du Rectorat de l'Universit~ de Santiago ainsi qua de la Facult~ des Sciences de carte unlversit~. A tous nous exprimons notre reconnaissance. Je remercie ~galement tousles parti- cipants oui ont asslst~ aux discussions, pr~sent~ des conferences de grand int~r~t et dont la g~n~rosit~ a 9aoillt~ leur d~placement Santiago. Merci encore ~ tous lee Dro~esseurs du D~partement qui ont collabor~ avsc enthcusiasme ~ l'organisation du ColloQue; Je voudrais signaler sp~clalement Qua is pro~esseur A.M. Naveira a oarteg~ avec moi le plupart des t~ches de l'organisation, et remercier Mme. Peraza qui a dactylographi~ avec ~rand spin ce manuscrit. Finalement Je remeroie lee ~diteurs des "Lecture Notes In Mathematics" d'avoir accspt~ cette publication dams leur s~rie. Enrique Vidal Santiago de Ccmpostela 1972 Table des Mati~res I. STRUCTURES PRESQUE-PRODUIT ET FEUILLETAGES °] L.A.CORDER0, On p-normal almost-product structures ...... I 2. C.GODBILLON, ~euilletages de Lie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 3. G.~ECTOR, Actions de groupes de diff~omorphismes de ~0,I). . . 14 4. R.LUTZ, Structures de contact en codimension quelconque 23 5. J.NARTINET, Classes caract~ristiques des syst~mes de Pfaff . 30 6. R.~OUSSU, Sur les classes exotiques des feuilletages ..... 37 7. G.REEB, Apropos de l'~quation (de Painlev~) y" = 6y 2 + ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 8. B.L°REINHART, Holonomy invariants for framed foliations • . 47 9. R.ROUSSARIE, Ph~nom~nes de stabilit~ et d'instabilit~ dans les feuilletages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 II. C OURBURE 10. A.M.NAVEIRA - C.FUERTES, Les zeros des op~rateurs courbure holomorphes non-negatifs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6] 11. D.C.SPENCER, Curvatures associated with differential operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 III. SOUSVARIETES, CALCUL DES VARIATIONS ET APPLICATIONS ARMONIQUES 12. H.GOLDSCHMIDT, Le formalisme de Hamilton-Cartan en calcul des variations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 13. J.-C.MITTEAU, Existence des applications harmoniques .... 90 14. R.THOM, Sur le cut Locus d'une vari~t~ plong~e (R~sum~) . . . 97 15. A.G.WALKER, A certain conformal structure . . . . . . . . . . 98 16. T.J.WILLMORE, Minimal conformal immersions . . . . . . . . . ]11 IV. GROUPES ET ALGEBRES DE LIE ]7. A.KUNPERA, Invariants diff~rentiels d'un pseudogroupe de Lie 121 18. A.LICHNEROWICZ, L'alg~bre de Lie des automorphismes symplectiques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 VI 19. J.SANCHO SAN ROMAN, Sur des groupes associ@s A certaines vari~t~s tridimensionelles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 V. MESURES INVARIANTES 20. R.SACKSTEDER, The measures invariant under an expanding map . 179 VI. CONVEXITE 21. J.J.KOHN, Convexity and pseudo-convexity . . . . . . . . . . 195 VII. NOEUDS 22. J.L.VIVIENTE, Sur le module deriv@ d'un homomorphisme .... 203 .I STRUCTURES PRESQUE-PRODUIT ET FEUILLETAGES ON P-NORMAL ALMOST-PRODUCT STRUCTURES Luis A. Cordero NOITCUDORTNI nA structure, no na n-dimensional differentiable manifold ,V given by a non-null tensor field f, of cons- tant rank r, satisfying f3 + f = 0 is said na f-structure. If n = r the f-structure defines na almost-complex structure dna r is even; if V is na orientable manifold dna r = n - I, the f-structure defines no V na almost-contact structure na r is odd. If f defines na f-structure no V dna n-1)r, there exists no V two regular distributions I D dna D 2, corres- ponding respectively to the projection operators m = f2+I dna l = _f2; f acts no I D sa the zero tensor mf( = fm = )O dna induces no 2 D na almost-complex structure. Ishihara ({4}) constructs na almost-complex structure no the total space DI(V) of the vector bundle I n = (DI(v),HI,v), which is ca- I nonically defined from f dna a linear connection *m no n ehT f-structure f is said normal with respect to *m if that almost-complex structure is integrable. Here, ew explain a similar construction starting from na almost-product structure no the manifold ,V which per- mits su to introduce the notion of P-normal almost-product structure; besides, owt examples of manifolds admiting -P normal almost-product structures dna na aplication to the theory of foliations are given• morF won on, all manifolds, tensor fields, dna os forth are demussa to eb differentiable of class C .® §I.- P-normal almost-product structure Let V eb na n-dimensional differentiable man%fold, en- dewod with na almost-product structure ,H 2 = H I, P dna Q being the projection operators of the structure, 1 = D mI ,P 2 = D mI ,Q mid 1 = D p, mid 2 = D q, q+p = n. 1 Let su consider the vector bundle of dimension p, n = 1 {DI(v),nl,v); a local tri?vialltation of n is given sa follows: let U eb a local coordinate neighborhood of V; no ,U the pro- jectors P dna Q are expressed yb p = xd@j~.~p i Q = xd@j@~q i being i@ = B/@xi dna (x I ,x )n the coordinate functions no U , , . , For each x~U, ew take n vectors X{ i} defined yb I) aX = P~i uX q iB where X{ } is a basts of ID dna X{ u} is a basis of .~D eW shall a- i " x denote I e = yjdx J the dual basis of X{ i} Every point o~{nl)-1(U) )1 ehT ind~ces nur over the rank sa follows: 1~i,j,k. ... n~ l~a,b,c,... p~ p+lsu,v,w,... n~ is uniquely expressed yb =~ ~aXa; then, the functions (xl,... 1 xn,~ ..... )P~ form a systemo f coordinate functions no (~1)-1(U) dna , thus, DI(v) sah na structure of (n+p)-dimensional dif- ferentiable manifold. yB identifying the tangent space at a point of the fibre of I n with the fibre itself, the tangent ecaps T (DI(v)) of DI(v) o al a point ~ nac eb expressed yb To(DI(v)) = Tx(V) x 0 F x x = 2 D 0 I D 0 x F erehw x = nl(~) dna T (V), x 2 F D dna 1 D denote the tangent ecaps ' X X of ,V the fibre of I D V), the tangent plane belonging to 2 D dna the tangent plane belonging to D ], respectively. Besides, there exists a natural identification j:D 1 ~ F X X Let *~ eb a linear connection no n .1 If XsSx(V), ew write h X its horizontal lift with respect to ~* to each point ~ of (~I)-I(x). ,woN ew define a linear operator F applied to the tan- gent ecaps T {DI(v)), at each point ~sDI(v), yb X(oF )h = 0 hy(sF ) : j(Y) Z(aF ) = .(j-l(z))h erehw ZsD~, YsD~, F~Z x dna x = nl(o). It is easily verified that the operators ° defined F in each tangent space To(DI(v) determine na f-structure F of rank p2 no the manifold DI(v), i.e. that 3 + F F = .O If a r b~ era the local stnenopmoc of *m in ,U the tensor field of type (1,1) defined above fs represented in (x1)-1(U) yb I j a a pJs~r~ ) -Pari iY + b , j ~ F = (*) B _p~ i a irbP erehw ~ I = a rib~ b dna ~,B,... nur over eht set {1,...,n,n+1,...,n+p}. MEROEHT I I f a differentiable manifold V admits an almost-product structure H, then there exists an f-structure F of rank 2p in the I total space of the vector bundle n ; given a linear connection ~* on n with local componentsr~b, F = (F) is determined by (~1. KRAMER I.- A similar construction is possible no eht total space of eht vector eldnub 2 = n (D2(V),~2,V). KRAMER 2.- meroehT I is similar to that eno of Ishihara ({4}); if eht almost-product structure is given yb = H I+2f ,2 f being na f-struc- ture no eht dlof~nam ,V then F is eht almost-complex structure defined yb Ishihara f% ew tup F (xh):(fX) ,h for hcae .~D~X REMARK 3.- 1 If 1=q dna the total space DI{V) ~o n s~ na orientable ,dlof%nam ew nac assert the existence of na almost-contact struc- ture over DI(v). DEFINIT!ON I The almost-product structure H is ~aid P-normal with res- pect to ~* if t~e f-structure F is integrable. sA it s% well ,nwonk eht f-structure F is integrable if dna only if the Nijenhuis tensor )Y,X(N : [FX,FY1- F~.X,FY} F[FX,Y1 + F2[X,Y] vanishes identically. Then. the following theorem is proved: MEROEHT 2 A necessary and sufficient condition for an almost- product structure be P-normal with respect to ~* is that the tensor fields i S jk and i S vanish identically and the con- nection ~* be of zero curvature. There, the tensor fields !S jk dna i S are defined sa follows; in a coordinate neighborhood U of V !S is a ten- ' jk sor field of type (1,2) given by: i S = (ajya a i b a b a i jk k - akYj)Pa - (Yjrkb - Ykrjb)Pa dna i S is na n( 1. @ n1*)-valued tensor field of type (1,0) given by: i S i a be = ebaS erehw ~S b 1 i_p~ai Ic Ic i = PaalPb aPI - (Parlb - Pbrla)P c 1. 1 n being the dual of n • §2.- selpmaxE elpmaxE 1.- Let V eb na n-dimensional differentiable manifold dna

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