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Geometric Methods in Mathematical Physics: Proceedings of an NSF-CBMS Conference Held at the University of Lowell, Massachusetts, March 19–23, 1979 PDF

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Preview Geometric Methods in Mathematical Physics: Proceedings of an NSF-CBMS Conference Held at the University of Lowell, Massachusetts, March 19–23, 1979

Lecture Notes ni Mathematics Edited by .A Dold dna .B nnamkcE 775 Geometric Methods ni Mathematical Physics Proceedings of na NSF-CBMS Conference Held ta the University of Lowell, Massachusetts, March 19-23, 1979 Edited by .G Kaiser . E.and J Marsden galreV-regnirpS Berlin Heidelberg New York 1980 Editors Gerald Kaiser Mathematics Department University of Lowell Lowell, MA 01854 USA Jerrold E. Marsden Department of Mathematics University of California Berkeley, CA 94720 USA AMS Subject Classifications (1980): 53CXX, 58FXX, 73C50, 81-XX, 83CXX ISBN 3-540-09742-2 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg NewYork ISBN 0-38?-09742-2 Springer-Verlag NewYork Heidelberg Berlin yrarbiL Publication in Cataloging of Congress .ataD Main title: under entry cirtemoeG in methods lacitamehtam physics. erutceL( in notes ;scitamehtam 775) bibliographies Includes dna .xedni .1 ,yrtemoeG .sessergnoC--laitnereffiD .2 lacitamehtaM .sessergnoC--scisyhp .I ,resiaK .dlareG .1I ,nedsraM Jerrold .E United III. .setatS Science National .noitadnuoF .VI Conference draoB of the lacitamehtaM Sciences. .V notes Lecture Series: in scitamehtam (Berlin); .57"7 QA3.L28 .on 80-332 ?75 [QC20.7.G44] 510s 0-387-09742-2 ISBN [5t6.3'6] This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically those of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction by photocopying machine or similar means, and storage in data banks. Under § 54 of the German Copyright Law where copies are made for other than private use, a fee is payable to the publisher, the amount of the fee to be determined by agreement with the publisher. © by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1980 Printed in Germany Printing and binding: Beltz Offsetdruck, Hemsbach/Bergstr. 2141/3140-543210 Introduction This volume represents invited papers presented at the CBMS regional conference held at the University of Lowell~ March 19-23. The theme of the con- ference was geometric methods in mathematical physics and the papers were chosen with this in mind. It is really only in the last couple of decades that the usefulness of geometric methods in mathematical physics has been brought to light. In other branches of mathematics their usefulness has been clearly demonstrated by Riemann, Poincare and Cartan; a modern example is the use of symp!ectic geometry in group representations by Kirillov and Kostant. Save for general relativity~ mathematical physics has been dominated primarily by analytical techniques. The excitement of the past few decades has been the complementing power of geometric methods. The proper geometrization of classical mechanics started with Poincare and con- tinued with many workers, such as Synge (Phil. Trans. (1926)) and Reeb .C( R. Acad. Sci. (1948)). However, it wasn't until the analysis led to and became inextricably involved with geometry through the deep works of Kolmogorov, Arnold and Moser in celestical mechanics that a permanent bond became reality. The success of symplectic geometry in classical mechanics has motivated attempts to extend its use to the quantum domain. Some of these have borne rich fruit, such as the discovery of the geometry behind the WKB approximation (semiclassical mechanics) by Keller and Maslov and the quantization program of Souriau and Kostant. SyTaplectic geometry and classical mechanics have also revitalized linear partial differential equations through the work of Egorov, HSrmander, Nirenberg and Treves. Much work is currently going on in gauge theory and supersymmetry that is, of necessity, geometric. Some believe that these geometric methods will finally close the circle with relativity as Einstein had dreamed. .G Kaiser J. Marsden April, 1979 Acknowle.dgements I wish to thank the following University of Lowell faculty members for their help in organizing this exciting conference: Alan Doerr, Lloyd Kannenberg, Eric Sheldon and Virginia Taylor. I am also grateful to the National Science Foundation and the Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences for sponsoring the conference, and to Jerry Marsden for lighting the fire. Gerald Kaiser TABLE OF CONTENTS S. Antman: GEOMETRIC ASPECTS OF GLOBAL BIFURCATION IN NONLINEAR ELASTICITY .... V. Moncrief: THE BRANCHING OF SOLUTIONS OF EINSTEIN'S EQUATIONS . . . . . . . . . . 30 S. Deser: WhAT DOES SUPERGRAVITY TEACH US ABOUT GFAVITY? . . . . . . . . . . . . . h9 C. Galvao: CLASSICAL ½-SPIN PARTICLES WITH GRAVITATIONAL FIELDS: A SUPER- SYMMETRIC MODEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 M. Gotay and J. Nester: GENERALIZED CONSTRAINT ALGORITHM AND SPECIAL PRE- SYMPLECTIC MANIFOLDS . . . . . . . . . . . 78 A. Lichnerowicz: DEFORMATIONS ANN QUANTIZATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~o5 G. Kaiser: HOLOMORPHIC GAUGE THECRY . . . . . 122 R. Hermann: A GEOMETRIC VARIATIONAL FORMALISM FOR THE THEORY OF NONLINEAR WAVES . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 B. Kupershmidt: GEOMETRY OF JET BUNDLES AND THE STRUCTURE OF LAGRANGIAN AND HAMILTONIAN FORMALISMS . . . . . . . . . . 162 T. Ratiu: INVOLUTION THEOREMS . . . . . . . . 219 List of Participants Demis Aebersold, Physics & Chemistr~y Dept., Bennington College, Bennington, VT St~rrt Antman, Div. of Applied Math, Box F, Brown Univ., Providence, RI Timothy Bock, 115 Broadmead, Princeton• NJ .R Bolger, Fairfield Univ., Fairfield, CT Bohumil Cenkl, ~th Dept. • Northeastern Univ., Boston, &l~ William Crombie, P.O. Box 7025, Brown Univ., Providence, RI Richard Cushman, Mathematics - Natural Science II, U of California, Santa Cruz, CA Stanley Deser, Physics Dept., Brandeis U., Waltham, MA Robert Devaney, Math Dept., Tufts Univ., Medford, MA Alan Doerr, Math Dept., U. of Lowell, Lowell, K& Alexander Doohovsky, 63 Brooks St., Concord, HA Gerard (cid:127)meh, }~th Dept., .U of Rochester• Rochester• }~ Carlos GalvZo, Physics Dept., Princeton ~ Univ. Princeton, NJ .P .L Garcia, Math Dept., .vi~YU of Salamanca,~ Salamanca, Spain Maurice Gilmore, Math Dept., Northeastern Univ., Boston, MA Daniel Goroff, Churchill College, Cambridge U., Cambridge, England M~k @otay, Physics Dept., U. of Maryland, College Park, MD Morton Gt<rtin, Math Dept., Carnegie-Mellon U., Pittsburgh, PA .S H~a~iharan, Math Dept., Carnegie-Mellon U., Pittsburgh, PA .H Hattori, Math Dept., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY Robert Herm~r~n, Math-Sci Press• 53 Jordan Rd., Brookline, ~'[ Gerald Kaiser, Math Dept., .U of Lowell, Lowell, MA Lloyd Kannenberg, Physics Dept., U. of Lowell, Lowell, MA Boris Kupershmidt, Math Dept., M.I.T., Cambridge, MA Henry Kurland, Math Dept., Boston [niv., Boston, MA VII' Andr~ Lichnerowicz, M.I.T. and College de France, Paris Jerrold Marsden, Math Dept., U. of California - Berkeley, Berkeley, CA Vincent Moncrief, Physics Dept., Yale Univ. ,New Haven, CT Harry Moses, .U of Lowell Research Foundation, Lowell, MA Lea Murphy, Math Dept., Carnegie-Hellon U., Pittsbury~), PA James Nester, Physics Dept., U. of Maryland, College Park, MD .A P~rez-Rendo~, Hath Dept., Univ. of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain Kathleen Pericak, Math Dept., Carnegie-Mellon U., Pittsburgh, PA Tudor Rmtiu, MAth Dept, .U .C -Berkeley, Berkeley, CA dL'waD Reynolds, #~ath Dept., Carne}<ie-Mellon U., Pittsburgh, PA David Rod, Math Dept., .U of Calgary, Cal~7~ Canada n]:wdE Lee Rogers, Math Dept., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY P=[ch~d Sacksteder, CU~Y-Mathemat~es Graduate Center, W. 33 42 St., New York, Willy Sarlet, Harvard U., Science Center, Cambridge, MA Garfield Scb~Jdt, Math Dept., U. of Lowell, Lowell, ~A Patrick Shanahan, Math Dept., College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA Henry SLmpson, }~th Dept., U. of Tenm~essee, Y~oxville, TN Marshall Slemrod, Math Dept., Rensselaer Polytechnic INstitute, Troy, NY Scott Spector, Math Dept., U. of Tennessee, Knoxville, ~{ Gilbert Strang, Math Dept., M.I.T., Cambridge, MR Leonard S~oAsk], Math Dept., College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, }% E.R. Suryanarayan, Math Dept., .U of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI Virginia Taylor, Math Dept., U. of Lowell, Lowell, MR .W Tulczyjew, Math Dept., .U of Calgary, Canada Philip Yasskin, Physics Dept., Harvard U., Cambridge, Y~ GEOMETRIC ASPECTS OF GLOBAL BIFURCATION IN NONLINEAR ELASTICITY by Stuart .S Antman Lefschetz Center for Dynamical Systems Division of Applied Mathematics Brown University Providence, Rhode Island 02912 and Department of Mathematics University of Maryland College Park, Maryland 20742 CONTENTS i. Introduction ..................................... 1 2. The Equilibrium Equations for Nonlinearly Elastic Rods ..................................... 3 3. The Buckling of a Straight Rod ................... 9 4. The Buckling of a Circular Plate ................. 16 5. The Buckling of a Circular Arch .................. 22 6. The Buckling of a Spherical Shell ................ 24 7. Other Problems ................................... 25 8. References ....................................... 28 .I Introduction The science of continuum mechanics treats the change of shape of material bodies under the action of forces. The basic problem of continuum mechanics is to find the position ~(x,t) of each material point x of a body B at each time t in some time interval, given the nature of the material of B, the force intensity per unit volume of B, and suitable conditions on the boundary ~B of B. (We may identify the body B with the region of Euclidean 3-space ~3 it occupies in some reference configuration and we may identify a material point with its position in this configuration. The reference configuration could be taken to be the configuration occupied by the body at some initial time, or could be taken to be a natural state, which is one in which the net force on each part of the body is zero.) Thus Euclidean geometry, which is not as simple as it sounds, enters continuum mechanics at the most primitive level. In this paper we examine some of the ways this underlying Euclidean geometry interacts with the geometrical or topological machinery used to analyze the governing equations. Before embarking on the main theme of this paper, which is the study of this interaction in global bifurcation problems, it is worth- while to pause to examine briefly a manifestation of this interaction in another and more fundamental setting. The requirement that the resultant force and moment on every (regular) subbody of B re- spectively equal the time derivative of linear and angular momentum yields the equations of motion for B. These involve the stress, which is the intensity of force over surfaces. The material properties of B are specified by constitutive equatigns, which prescribe the dependence of the stress on the deformation ~p/~x. (~p/~x is the tensor whose components are the partial derivatives of components of p with re- spect to components of x.) The substitution of the constitutive equations into the equations of motion yields the governing equations for B. We represent these together with boundary, initial, and other subsidiary conditions in the abstract form {I.I) F(p) = .O Here F is a quasilinear differential operator from one suitable collection of functions to another. (We shall derive concrete realiza- tions of (I.i) for elementary, but important, mechanical problems in Section 2.) F may profitably be interpreted as an infinite- dimensional vector field defined over its infinite-dimensional domain. is a solution of (I.i) if the vector field F vanishes at p. In a formal way we have thus introduced geometric notions into our mechanical problem at a much deeper level. Let us now examine how these two levels of geometric structure interact. To ensure that B is not torn apart by the forces acting on it, we require that p(.,t) be continuous for each .t To ensure that two material points of B do not simultaneously occupy the same point of space, we require that p(.,t) be invertible. But in- vertibility is a global restriction p, which is also required to satisfy local restrictions (i.i). Only now is work in analysis and geometry beginning to confront questions like that of finding physically reasonable restrictions on the data of (i.I) for its solutions to be invertible. We are accordingly motivated to replace the global re- quirement that p(.,t) be invertible by the local requirement that ~(.,t) preserve orientation, i.e., that itsJacobian be positive: (1.2) det(~p/~x) > .0 There are some serious questions relating to the definition of this Jacobian when p is not continuously differentiable, which we pass over (cf. [16]). It is not difficult to show that the set of p's satisfying (1.2), however it is defined, is neither convex nor closed (cf. [2]). Thus (l.2),an innocent restriction arising from Euclidean geometry, produces unpleasant geometric and topological consequences for the domain of F. This suggests that analytic treatments of problems involving (1.2) are likely to be difficult. This is indeed the case. The analysis of one-dimensional static problems involving (1.2), though delicate, is in a rather complete state (cf. [2,4,8]) but there are no corresponding results for one-dimensional dynamical problems. Significant progress for three-dimensional static problems has been made by Ball [16], yet much remains to be done on this very deep problem. We remark that the serious analysis of (1.2) has only recently occurred because only recently have scientists seriously studied large deformations. Analogs of (1.2) will appear in our work where they will play but a subsidiary role. Our central concern is to describe recent work on the application of topological methods to equations like (i.i) in order to obtain detailed qualitative information about the deformed shapes of elastic structures. We limit our attention to static problems for nonlinearly elastic structures, especially bifurcation problems, that are described by systems of ordinary differential equations. The use of these equations not only enables us to avoid the severe technical difficulties presented by related partial differential equations, but also allows us to exploit the particularly rich analytic structure of ordinary differential equations that underlies our qualitative analyses. In Section 2 we derive the equations for the equilibrium of rods because the derivation has two features that we wish to emphasize: simplicity and the absence of ad hoc geometric approximations. In the next four sections we discuss the buckling of straight rods under terminal thrust, of circular plates under edge thrust, of circular arches under hydrostatic pressure, and of spherical shells under hydro- static pressure. We wish to examine the effects of the initial curvature of the arch and shell and the effects of singularities due to the use of polar coordinates for the plate and shell. Thereafter, we discuss a number of other problems. .2 The. Equilibrium Equations for Nonlinearly Elastic Rods We adopt a mathematical model for the deformation of nonlinearly elastic rods that is governed by a rich, yet tractable, quasilinear system of ordinary differential equations. To motivate our model, we

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