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COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN Computer-AidedDesign31(1999)867–879 www.elsevier.com/locate/cad Geometric constraint satisfaction using optimization methods Jian-Xin Ge1, Shang-Ching Chou*, Xiao-Shan Gao2 ComputerScienceDepartment,WichitaStateUniversity,Wichita,KS67260-0083,USA Received9July1999;receivedinrevisedform21August1999;accepted17September1999 Abstract The numerical approach to solving geometric constraint problems is indispensable for building a practical CAD system. The most commonly-used numerical method is the Newton–Raphson method. It is fast, but has the instability problem: the method requires good initialvalues.Toovercomethisproblem,recentlythehomotopymethodhasbeenproposedandexperimentedwith.Accordingtothereport, thehomotopymethodgenerallyworksmuchbetterintermsofstability.Inthispaperweusethenumericaloptimizationmethodtodealwith thegeometricconstraintsolvingproblem.Theexperimentalresultsbasedonourimplementationofthemethodshowthatthismethodisalso muchlesssensitivetotheinitialvalue.Further,adistinctiveadvantageofthemethodisthatunder-andover-constrainedproblemscanbe handled naturally and efficiently. We also give many instructive examples to illustrate the above advantages. qPublished by Elsevier ScienceLtd. Keywords:Parametricdesign;Optimizationmethod;Variationalgeometry 1. Introduction geometric constraint problem. Like the symbolic method, the numerical method first translates the constraints into a There are several approaches to solving the geometric systemofnonlinearequations.Thenthisequationsystemis constraintproblem.Thesymbolicapproach[7,14,21]trans- solved by iterative methods instead of exact symbolic lates geometric constraints into a system of polynomial computation. equationsand solves the system by computeralgebra tech- The most commonly used method in the numerical niques such as the Wu–Ritt method or the Grobner basis approach is the Newton–Raphson method. It is fast, but method [8]. It isreliable and complete, but istoo slow and has the instability problem: the method is sensitive to the space-consuming to solvepractical problems. initialvalues.Asmalldeviationintheinitialvaluecanlead The propagation approach [1,6,9,15,22,23,26,28,39,41] to an unexpected or unwanted solution, or to the iteration solvestheconstraintsystembyderivingunknownvariables divergence. To overcome this problem, recently the homo- orgeometricobjectsfromalreadyknownonesusingasetof topymethodhasbeenproposedandexperimentedwith[24]. predefined rules. Usually the propagation methods are AccordingtothereportinRef.[24],generallythehomotopy implemented with expert systems or logic programming method worksmuch better in terms of stability. These two languages suchas Prolog. methodsgenerallyrequirethenumberofvariablestobethe The graph analysis approach [5,12,13,25,35,37,40] sameasthe number ofequations.Ifthese twonumbersare translates a geometric constraint problem into a graph and different, i.e. the constraint system is generally over- or findsthegeometricconstructionsequencebyanalyzingthe under-constrained, some special techniques, such as linear graph.Boththepropagation approachandthegraphanaly- least square and singular value decomposition of a matrix, sisapproach have their limitation in scope. are required. On the other hand, the numerical approach Inthispaper,basedontheoptimizationmethodweusea [2,4,19,24,27,29,31,36] is ageneral method for solving the numerical method for solving geometric constraint problems. Our experiments with this method show that it is also quite stable. Further, the method can naturally deal *Correspondingauthor. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (J.-X. Ge); [email protected] (S.- with under- and over-constrained problems. We also give C.Chou);[email protected](X.-S.Gao) many instructive examples to illustrate the above advan- 1On leave from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 310027, People’s tages. Numerical approaches similar to the optimization RepublicofChina. method have been introduced and discussed in Refs. 2OnleavefromInstituteofSystemsSciences,AcademiaSinica,Beijing [2,4,19]. We will discuss the related workin Section 2.11. 100080,People’sRepublicofChina. 0010-4485/00/$-seefrontmatterqPublishedbyElsevierScienceLtd. PII: S0010-4485(99)00074-3 868 J.-X.Geetal./Computer-AidedDesign31(1999)867–879 2. The optimization methodfor solving geometric zero. Using the chain rule ofderivation we have constraint problems g(cid:133)X(cid:134)(cid:136)2J(cid:133)X(cid:134)TF(cid:133)X(cid:134) (cid:133)3(cid:134) 2.1.Using optimization method forsolving a system of where J(cid:133)X(cid:134) is the Jacobi matrix of the function vector equations F(cid:133)X(cid:134)(cid:136)(cid:133)f ;f ;…;f (cid:134):ApplyingtheNewton–Raphsonitera- 1 2 m tion formula to Eq. (3) we have the following iteration Generally, a geometric constraint problem can be first formula translated into asystem ofequations: (cid:133)JTJ 1S (cid:134)DX (cid:136)2JTF (cid:133)4(cid:134) f (cid:133)x ;…;x (cid:134)(cid:136)0 k k k k k k 1 1 n f2(cid:133)x1;…;xn(cid:134)(cid:136)0 (cid:133)1(cid:134) Xk11 (cid:136)Xk1DPXk … where S(cid:133)X(cid:134)(cid:136) mi(cid:136)1fi(cid:133)X(cid:134)72fi(cid:133)X(cid:134) is a function of second- orderderivatives.Ifweignorethesecond-orderderivatives f (cid:133)x ;…;x (cid:134)(cid:136)0 m 1 n we have the Gauss–Newton iteration formula Then the problem is how to solve this system of equations DX (cid:136)2(cid:133)JTJ (cid:134)21JTF (cid:133)5(cid:134) k k k k k F(cid:133)X(cid:134)(cid:136)0; where F (cid:136)(cid:133)f ;f ;…;f (cid:134)T :Rn !Rm is the 1 2 m equation vector and X (cid:136)(cid:133)x1;x2;…;xn(cid:134)T is the vector of Xk11 (cid:136)Xk1DXk unknownvariables.Thissystemofequationscanbesolved iterativelybytheNewton–Raphsonmethod[29].Theitera- Toensurethats(cid:133)X(cid:134)decreaseswitheachiterationandalso tion formula is Xk11 (cid:136)Xk2J(cid:133)Xk(cid:134)21F(cid:133)Xk(cid:134); where J(cid:133)Xk(cid:134) is todealwiththesingularityofmatrixJkTJk;theLevenberg– the Jacobi matrixof F(cid:133)X(cid:134)at point X. Marquardt method is usually used with the modified k The Newton–Raphson method usually requires that the iteration formula number of constraints and the number of variables are the DX (cid:136)2(cid:133)JTJ 1lI(cid:134)21JTF (cid:133)6(cid:134) k k k k k k same sothat the inverse of the Jacobi matrix can be calcu- luantedde.r-Thainsdreqouvierre-mcoennsttrmaiankeedstphreombleetmhosdwdihffiicchultfrteoqhuaenndtllye Xk11 (cid:136)Xk1DXk occur in real applications. where I isthe unit matrix and l isa small real number. k Unlike the other numerical methods, the optimization Theselectionofl shouldensurethatthematrix(cid:133)JTJ 1 k k k approachsolvesthesystemofequationsF(cid:133)X(cid:134)byconverting lI(cid:134)ispositivedefinite.Inpracticetheselectionofl hasa k k it into finding X at which the sum ofsquares greatimpactontheconvergencedomainandspeed.Usually l isinitiallysetto0.01andlaterisdoubledif(cid:133)JTJ 1lI(cid:134) Xm k k k k s(cid:133)X(cid:134)(cid:136) f(cid:133)X(cid:134)2 (cid:133)2(cid:134) isnotpositivedefinite.Thismethodisalocallyconvergence i optimizationmethodanditsbehavior inourexperimentsis i(cid:136)1 not satisfactory either in convergence speed and domain. isminimal.ItisobviousthatF(cid:133)X(cid:134)(cid:136)0hasarealsolutionXp The main problem is that the initial guess of the solution ifandonlyifmins(cid:133)X(cid:134)is0.Theproblemofsolvingasystem shouldbeverynearthesolutiontoensurethatmatrixJTJ is k k ofequationsisthusconvertedintotheproblemoffindingthe positivedefinite.Thisproblembecomesmoreseriouswhen minimum of a real multi-variate function. The problem processing under-constrained problems, since matrix JTJ k k now can be solved by various well-developed numerical always singular in this case. This makes us resort to the optimization methods [10,32,33]. second optimization method to solve the problem. One obviousfact for this approach isthat the number of equations m is not necessarily the same as the number of 2.3. TheBFGS method variablesn.Thusforthisapproachitisnaturaltodealwith The second method we have tried is the BFGS method under- and over-constrained problems. which is also called the secant or quasi-Newton method In this paper, we focus on the numerical aspects of the [3,10,33]. It is a globally convergent method and thus is a algorithmtosolvethegeometricconstraintsolvingproblem more robust numerical optimization method. This method by the optimization method. We have tested twooptimiza- tries to construct a secant approximation H of the Hessian tion methods: the modified Levenberg–Marquardt method matrix of function s(cid:133)X(cid:134): The main algorithm of BFGS is andtheBFGSmethod.Nextwewillbrieflyintroducethese described as follows: twomethods. 1. Initialization 2.2.The modified Levenberg–Marquardtmethod H (cid:136)aunitmatrix; X (cid:136)theinitialvalue; k (cid:136)0; 0 0 By the optimality condition we have the fact that the derivatives g(cid:133)X(cid:134) of s(cid:133)X(cid:134) at the minimum points equal 2. Computethederivativesg(cid:133)X(cid:134)andtheirdifferencey atX k k J.-X.Geetal./Computer-AidedDesign31(1999)867–879 869 lk (cid:136)minls(cid:133)Xk1lpk(cid:134) DX (cid:136)lp k k k Xk11 (cid:136)Xk1DXk 4. Adjust matrix H ! yTH y DX DXT Hk11 (cid:136)Hk1 11 DkXTkyk DXkTyk k k k k H y DXT1DX yTH 2 k k k k k k DXTy k k 5. k11 goto (2) More details of this algorithm can be found in Refs. [3,10,33].Thereareseveralwaystoimprovethisalgorithm. Oneimprovementistousethetrustregiontechniqueinthis algorithmtopromoteconvergencefrompoorstartingpoint guesses [16]. Another improvement is to use a different updating formula to avoid storing the secant matrix H to save memory [34]. Compared with the Newton–Raphson method for geometric constraint solving, the optimization method has the following desirable features: † This method is quite stable as demonstrated by our experimental results. The success of finding a desired solutionbythismethodisratherinsensitivetotheinitial guessofthe solution to the geometricconstraint solving problem.Alsothesolutionfoundbythismethodismore predictable in contrast to the drastic solution jumping caused by even small changes of the initial value in the Newton–Raphson method. † Under- and over-constrained problems are naturally handled by this method. In particular, for under- constrained problems, this method will find a “visually lesschanged”solutionwhichisreasonablyneartheiniti- ally sketched diagram. For over-constrained but consis- tent problems, this method will generally still find a solution. Thisfeature will be shown in Section 2.5. The concept of “visually less changed” is not rigorously defined. However, we can give a formal definition to a Fig.1.Somesimpleexamples. related concept. A solution X is visually least changed if Xisasolution to ageometricconstraint problem and iX2 gk (cid:136)7s(cid:133)Xk(cid:134); if igki,1thenXp X i isminimal,whereX istheinitialguessofthesolution. 0 2 0 Fromourexperiments,wehavefoundthattheoptimization (cid:136)X andstoptheiteration k methodoftenfindsasolutionnearthevisuallyleastchanged solution for under-constrained problems. yk (cid:136)gk2gk21; In the next section we will show some experimental resultsof this method. 3. Compute search direction p and the step to reach a k 2.4. Experimental results with the BFGS method minimum along the direction p k p (cid:136)2H g We have developed a system AGP (Associative k k k 870 J.-X.Geetal./Computer-AidedDesign31(1999)867–879 Fig.2.Theexampletodemonstratetheinsensitivitytotheinexactinitialguessesofthesolutions:(a)and(c)aretheinitialdiagramsconstructedbytheuser;(b) and(d)arethediagramsaftercomputation. Geometric Pad) using the BFGS method.3 It is an experi- lines) corresponding the four initially roughly sketched mental sketching system implemented in C11 under the circles. Linux and X/Motif environment. Fig. 1b is the diagram of the Thebault–Taylor theorem In AGP, four types of geometric objects are supported: proposed as a conjecture in 1938 and proved in 1983. The points, lines, circles and arcs. However, only points are theorem states that givena triangle P P P and apoint P 1 2 3 4 internally maintained on which constraints are specified. onP P ;circleC isthecircumscribedcircleofthetriangle; 2 3 1 Thisismadepossiblebyintroducingsomeauxiliary points circleC istheinscribedcircleofthetriangle;circlesC and 2 3 under some circumstances. For example when specifying C are tangent to line P P , line P P , and circle C , then 4 2 3 1 4 1 that two circles with centers C and C are tangent, a new thecenters C ,C andC arecollinear.Theconstructionof 1 2 2 3 4 auxiliary tangent point T is introduced and the tangent this diagram iswell constrained, but it has256solutions. constraint is internally converted into three constraints: InFig.1ctheregularpentagonisspecifiedsuchthatallits (collinear; C TC ), (onCircle TC ) and (onCircle TC ). fivesidesareequalandthreeofitsdiagonalsindashedlines 1 2 1 2 Finally constraints in the form of (onCircle P C) i(cid:136) are equal; the circumscribed circle is specified to pass i 1;… are converted into (equalDistance PiCPi11C(cid:134) i(cid:136) through five vertices of the pentagon; and the inscribed 1;…;k21: circle is specified to be tangent to the five sides of the InthissectionweshowsomeexamplessolvedbyAGPto pentagon. Note that this problem is over-constrained. demonstrate some featuresof the optimization method. Table 1 shows the running statistics of these three exam- Fig. 1 shows some simple examples made by AGP. Fig. ples.4 1a is one of the Apollonius construction problems. The SincetheBFGSmethodisagloballyconvergencenumer- problemistoconstructacircletangenttothreegivencircles icaloptimizationmethod,thesuccessoffindingasolutionis whicharespecifiedtohavefixedcentersC (cid:133)i(cid:136)1;2;3(cid:134)and notverysensitivetotheinitialvalue.Thispreferablefeature i to pass through fixed points P (cid:133)i(cid:136)1;2;3(cid:134); respectively. is demonstrated in Fig. 2 where the three circles are speci- i Actually the problem has eight solutions. In the figure fiedtobe mutually tangentand tobetangenttotwoneigh- AGP generated four essentially different circles (in dashed boringsidesofatrianglewhosethreeverticesarespecified 4Alltherunningtimeinthispaperiscollectedbyaveragingtenconse- 3This software can be accessed at ftp://henry.cs.twsu.edu/pub/agp/ cutiveexecutiontimeonaPentiumPro200machinewiththeLinuxoper- agp.tgz. atingsystem. J.-X.Geetal./Computer-AidedDesign31(1999)867–879 871 Table1 RunningstatisticsforFig.1 #Equations #Variables Time(s) Fig.1a 44 44 0.623 Fig.1b 34 34 0.172 Fig.1c 28 24 0.142 tobefixed.Fig.2aandcaretheinitialdiagramssketchedby the user. It is easy to see that the differences between the initial guesses and the exact solutions of this problem, respectively, in Fig. 2b and d are rather large. Also this figure demonstrates how different initial values lead to different branchesof the solutions. Fig. 3 is the simplest case for the problem we call the tangentpackingproblem.Theproblemistopackn(cid:133)n11(cid:134)=2 circles(nrowsofcircles)tangenttoadjacentcirclesand/or the adjacent neighboring sidesofagiven triangle. Fig.3is the case of n(cid:136)6; i.e. we need to pack 21 circles in the triangle. This difficult problem contains 174 variables (since we introduce auxiliary tangent points) and 6 linear equations and 168 quadratic equations which could not be block triangularized. Table 2 shows the running results for different n of this problem.5 Fig.3.Adifficultproblem.(a)Theinitialdiagramdrawnbytheuser.(b) Diagramgeneratedafteralltangentconstraintsareadded. 2.5. Under- orover-constrained problems user needs only to specify 8 of the 11 diagonals to be equal. Of course, this over-constrained problem is consis- Under-andover-constrained problemsareverycommon tent,meaningthatintroducingredundantconstraintswillnot inrealapplications.Forexample,engineeringdrawingsare conflict with the existing constraints. Effectively handling usually under constrained, especially in their early design under-andover-constrainedproblemsisapreferablefeature stages.Itisquiteinconvenienttorequiretheusertodrawthe ofageometricconstraintsolvingsystem.Inthisproblem,it diagram withall thedimensionsspecifiedatthebeginning. isratherdifficulttodecidewhicheightdiagonalsshouldbe Even for some finished engineering drawings under- selected to be equal. It is more convenient for the user to constrained cases can still occur, since some unimportant specify all the diagonalsto be equal. dimensions are ignored by the users. Over-constrained Sometimesover-constrainingcanbeusedtoselectasolu- problems are not common in engineering drawings. tion and exclude others from a finite set of solutions to a However, the over-constraining technique can be used as geometric constraint problem. The next example demon- a tool to aid the user to draw some complicated figures strates such usage in drawing a regular pentagon. Fig. 5a conveniently or to exclude some unwantedsolutions. istheinitialconfigurationofthediagramwithtwopointsP The optimization method is capable of handling under- 1 andP fixed.Afterspecifyingthatfivesidesofthepentagon and over-constrained problems in a very natural way. The 2 areequalandthreediagonalsP P ,P P andP P areequal, following examples demonstrate this capability. Fig. 4 1 3 2 5 3 5 thediagrambecomes theoneinFig.5bwhichisasolution shows the process to draw a regular 11-polygon. First the we do not want. Actually the problem is well constrained usersketchesthe diagram asin Fig.4a. Then he/she speci- and there are eight solutions to this problem. Next we fiesthat the bottom side to be fixed and all the sides ofthe specify in Fig. 5c that points P and P are fixed; five polygon are equal. At this moment, this problem is under- 1 2 constrainedsincethepolygonisnottotallyfixed.However, the diagram can still be computed satisfying all the Table2 constraints in the system as shown in Fig. 4b. Finally, the RunningstatisticsforFig.3withdifferentnumberofcircles userspecifiesthatallthediagonalsconnectingthetwonext #Circles(#rows) #Equations #Variables Time(s) adjacent verticesinthe figureare equal. After computation we get the regular 11-polygon as shown in Fig. 4c. This 3(2) 30 30 0.228 actually becomes an over-constrained problem, since the 6(3) 54 54 0.965 10(4) 86 86 3.379 15(5) 126 126 11.587 5The case when n(cid:136)4 was given in Ref. [24] which inspires us to 21(6) 174 174 23.751 considerothercases. 872 J.-X.Geetal./Computer-AidedDesign31(1999)867–879 Fig.5.Theexampletouseredundantconstraintstoselectdifferentbranches ofsolutions.(a)Initialdiagramdrawnbytheuser.(b)Diagramgenerated afterspecifyingthatfivesidesofthepentagonareequalandthreediagonals Fig. 4. Under- and over-constrained examples. (a) The initial diagram areequal.(c)Initialdiagramdrawnbytheuser.(d)Diagramgeneratedafter drawnbytheuser.(b)Diagramgeneratedafterspecifyingthatthebottom specifyingthatfivesidesofthepentagonareequalandfourdiagonalsare sideisfixedandthelengthsofelevensidesareequal.(c)Diagramgener- equal. atedafterspecifyingthatallthediagonalsinthefigureareequal. sides of the pentagon are equal; four diagonals P P , P P , These constraints are independent in the sense that each 1 3 2 5 P P and P P are equal. Obviously it becomes an over- polynomial corresponding to one constraint is not in the 3 5 1 4 constrained problem.After computation we get the desired radical ideal of the polynomials corresponding to the other regular pentagon in Fig. 5d. constraints.Sincetheproblemhasfivepointsandthusneeds In the general case under-, well-, and over-constrained seven independent constraints, it seems to be well problems could be very complicated. It could happen that constrained. But the problem actually hasinfinite solutions a seemingly well-constrained diagram actually has infinite since the length of each side of the pentagon is not fixed. solutions. For example, to specify a regular pentagon we Thisphenomenonoccursforproblemswithmanybranches give seven constraints: all the five sides of the pentagon of solutions. Some of the constraints are used to eliminate are equal and the four diagonals in Fig. 5c are equal. branches, but not to reduce the degree of freedom of the J.-X.Geetal./Computer-AidedDesign31(1999)867–879 873 One is called equation oriented decomposition technique which turns a system of equations into block triangular form.Asystemofequationsissaidtobeinblocktriangular form if it can be divided intosubsetsofequations: S1(cid:133)x1;…;xn1(cid:134);S2(cid:133)x1;…;xn11n2(cid:134);…;St(cid:133)x1;…;xn11…1nt(cid:134): wheren isthenumberofequationsinS.Suchasystemof i i equationscanbesolvedsequentially.EachtimeS issolved i by the optimization method and the solution is substituted into subsequent sub-systems S (cid:133)k .i(cid:134): The block triangu- k larization process can be implemented by the algorithms proposed in Refs.[25,37]. Another technique is called cluster oriented decomposi- tion which solves the constraint problems by first dividing thediagramintoasetofsmallsub-diagramscalledclusters Fig.6.AsequenceofApollonius’constructionproblems. andthenassemblingtheseclustersagain.Aclusterisessen- tially assumed to be a rigid body only having translational diagram. Generally, this kind of problem cannot be solved and rotational degrees of freedom. This implies that the withthe propagationmethod orthe graphanalysismethod. inner-cluster constraints which only concern geometric Obviouslytheabilityoftheoptimizationapproachtohandle objects in the same cluster are invariant with respect to such problems isan advantage over other methods. the rigid body transformation, e.g. if an inner-constraint in a cluster is originally satisfied it will still be satisfied after 2.6. Practical considerations theclusteristransformedbyanytranslationalandrotational transformation. Ourexperimentswiththeoptimizationmethodshowthat FirstsupposeclustersC ;…;C inthediagramarerecog- 1 p this method is quite efficient for medium sized geometric nized and solved with some methods [1,5,13,35,41]. For constraint solving problems with less than one hundred each cluster C we introduce atransformation matrix T i i equations. However, for larger problems the performance 0 1 a 2b c is not satisfactory. For example, the problem in Fig. 6 is B i i C topack19tangentcirclesintheareaseparatedbytwogiven T (cid:136)B@b a d CA i i i i tangent circles C and C . It contains more than 170 equa- 1 2 0 0 1 tions, and we solve the problem as awhole in nearly 39s. One solution is to use various storage saving techniques wherea,b,c andd areunknownvariablessatisfyinga21 i i i i i toimprovetheperformance[20].Amongthesemethodswe b2 (cid:136)1: i tested the method in Ref. [30]. The result is quite satisfac- Like the 3D cases [27,36], we first translate the inter- tory.Forthesixtangentcirclepackingproblem,themethod cluster constraints, which constrain geometric objects in takesonly0.84sinsteadof23.75s(seeTable2).However, different clusters, into a system of equations with a, b, c i i i this method is less unstable that our original method and d (cid:133)i(cid:136)1;…;p(cid:134)as unknown variables. Forexample, an i equipped with the trust region technique. In any case this inter-clusterconstraintrequiringthattwoclustersC andC i j is a good starting point. On one side we could try improve sharea common point Pcan be written as thestabilityofthoseveryefficientbutlessstablenumerical 0 1 0 1 x x methodsbyusingsometechniques,suchasthetrustregion B piC B pjC method and stable line search methods. On the other side, TB@y CA(cid:136)TB@y CA i pi j pj we could provide the system with two numerical solvers. 1 1 These solver are selected so that one is efficient but less stableandtheotherisstablebutlessefficient.Whensolving which essentially represents two linear equations with aspecificproblem,thesystemfirsttriestheefficientsolver. elements in T and T as unknown variables, where i j Iftheefficientsolvercouldnotsolvetheproblem,thestable (cid:133)x ;y (cid:134) and (cid:133)x ;y (cid:134) are the numerical coordinate values pi pi pj pj solver isinvoked. forpointPinclustersC andC,respectively.Theequations i j Theothersolutionistousethedecompositiontechniques obtained in this way, called assembly equations, are then discussed below. Actually the diagram in Fig. 6 could be solved by the optimization method. The solution to the constructedsequentiallyinanorderofthesizeofthecircle system of assembly equations, if it exists, ensures that the tobeconstructed.Theconstructionofeachcircleisaspecial inter-clusters will be satisfied after the transformations case of the Apolloniusconstruction problems. are performed on the clusters. Since the inner-cluster Forthose kindsofproblemswe can usetwodecomposi- constraintsareinvariantwithrespect tothetransformation, tion techniques to improve the computation performance. all the constraints in the system are nowsatisfied. 874 J.-X.Geetal./Computer-AidedDesign31(1999)867–879 Generally, these two decomposition techniques will success rate of our numerical solver for this problem is improve the performance of numerical calculation greatly. only 33.3% for the initial values of x;y[(cid:137)25;5(cid:134) (see Itwillmaketheoptimizationmethodattractiveinsomereal Fig.7d).Aplt(cid:129)h(cid:129)oughwecanchooseM $2sothatthecritical applications,suchasengineeringdrawingsystemsinwhich points (cid:133)^ 2=2:0(cid:134) are eliminated, the critical point (0,0) nearly all problems can be solved sequentially. However, cannot be removed. thisdecompositiontechniquewillnotbehelpfulifthestruc- tureofthe problem isvery “bad”. The diagram inFig.3 is 2.8. Constraint hierarchy suchanexample.Itisobviousthat thesystemofequations The constraint hierarchy can be introduced to geo- for the problem cannot be structurally block-triangularized metric constraint problems. In mechanical designs, some and the diagram itself also cannot be clustered. constraints, especially those related to structural configura- tion or performance of the part, are of the highest priority 2.7.Problem of inequalities and should be satisfied unconditionally. Others, such as One of the problems of the optimization method is that those for esthetical purposes, are of lower priority and are thegeneralnumericaloptimizationmethodsonlyfindlocal notnecessarilytobesatisfied.Freeman-Benson[11]solves minima of a multi-variate function. It is possible for the constrainthierarchyproblemswithanefficientlocalpropa- functions(cid:133)X(cid:134)inEq.(2)tohave anonzerolocalminimum, gation method. However, his method cannot handle although there exists asolution Xpto Eq.(1). Furthermore, geometric constraint problems. the general optimization method usually cannot properly Wesolvethisproblemwithmulti-objectiveoptimization handle the critical point (the point at which the gradient methods. As in Ref. [11] we partition all the constraints in vectorofthegoalfunctioniszero)whichisnotanminimal thesystemintoaconstrainthierarchywithdifferentpriority point.Fromourexperience,thisproblemrarelyhappensfor levels. We assume that constraints in lower constraint under- or well-constrained problems (actually, we have hierarchy levels have higher priority, and level zero has encountered no such cases so far). However, for over- the highest priority. Following the way in Section 2.1, for constrainedproblemswedidencountersuchcases.Inparti- each constraint hierarchy level i we could construct an cular it becomes serious when the constraint problem objective function G(cid:133)X(cid:134) i involvesinequalities. Xmi Forexample,thediagraminFig.5disgeneratedfromthe G(cid:133)X(cid:134)(cid:136) mf2(cid:133)X(cid:134) i ij ij sketchinFig.5cbyspecifyingthatP1P3 (cid:136)P1P4 (cid:136)P2P5 (cid:136) j(cid:136)0 P P :Thisisanover-constrainedproblem.However,ifthe 3 5 wherem can beusedtospecifythe relative importanceof initial sketch is Fig. 5b with the same constraints, then the ij each constraint in the same hierarchy level. optimization iteration will finally reach a critical point Nowthe constraint problem has been transformed into a which isnot asolution. classic nonlinear multi-objective unconstrained optimiza- Anaturalremedyforthisproblemseemstouseinequality tion problem constraints. For this example we tried to add an inequality constraintwhichspecifiesthatpointP isabovelineP P in min{G (cid:133)X(cid:134);G (cid:133)X(cid:134);…;G (cid:133)X(cid:134)}: 4 3 5 0 1 k Fig. 5b. In theory it should get the desired result. Each inequality f(cid:133)X(cid:134)$0 can be transformed into an equality Severalnumericalmethodscanbeusedtosolvetheabove f(cid:133)X(cid:134)2My2 (cid:136)0; where y is a newly introduced variable problem[33,38].Weconvertthisproblemintoaconstrained optimization problem. For simplicity, we only consider and M is a positive number. It is obvious that we have ;X(cid:133)f(cid:133)X(cid:134)$0,’yf(cid:133)X(cid:134)2My2 (cid:136)0(cid:134):However,thisattempt two levels of constraints. Constraints in level zero are compulsory and constraints in level one are preferable. failedinourexperiments.Thereasonisthattheintroduction First,wesolvetheprobleminlevelzerobysolvingfollow- of inequalities may lead to some critical points near the ing minimization problem solution we want. Here isavery simple exampleto demonstratethissitua- Gp (cid:136)minG (cid:133)X(cid:134): tion. Suppose we have an equation x221(cid:136)0 and an 0 x[xn 0 inequality x$0; following the above discussion we Since the constraints in this level are mandatory, we must construct afunction f(cid:133)x;y(cid:134) to be minimized check that Gp is less than a prescribed small number 1. If 0 0 f(cid:133)x;y(cid:134)(cid:136)(cid:133)x221(cid:134)21M(cid:133)x2y2(cid:134)2 this condition issatisfiedthen we proceed to the next level ofconstraints. Onenatural condition tosatisfythis level of For M (cid:136)1 there pa(cid:129)(cid:129)re five critical points for this constraint is that no constraints in the previous level (level function:(cid:133)1;^1(cid:134); (cid:133)^ 2=2;0(cid:134) and (0,0) (see Fig. 7a–c). But zero) are violated. So we turn this problem into a onlythefirsttwocriticalpointsaretheminimumpointswe constrained optimization problem with the following goal want. Theothercritical points are essentially saddle points function which are not local minima. The introduction of these Gp (cid:136)minG (cid:133)X(cid:134) saddle points make the problem especially difficult. The 1 x[D 1 J.-X.Geetal./Computer-AidedDesign31(1999)867–879 875 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.5 -0.2 0 0 0.2 y x 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 (a) 1 1 1.2 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 (b) 0.8 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 x Fig.7.Problemofunwantedcriticalpoint.(a)Thegraphoffunctionf(cid:133)x;y(cid:134)ininterval(cid:133)20:2;1:2(cid:134)£(cid:133)21:2;1:2(cid:134):(b)Thegraphofthefunctionfory(cid:136)0withxin interval(21.2,1.2).(c)Thegraphofthefunctionforx(cid:136)1withyininterval(21.2,1.2).(d)Theconvergencediagramforx;y[(cid:137)25;5(cid:134):Theblackarea consistsofthesetoftheinitialpointswhichwillleadthenumericalsolvertothesolutions(1,^1). 876 J.-X.Geetal./Computer-AidedDesign31(1999)867–879 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 (c) 0.2 -1 -0.5 00 0.5 1 y (d) Fig.7.(continued)

Keywords: Parametric design; Optimization method; Variational geometry. 1. Introduction .. 1a is one of the Apollonius construction problems. The.
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