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GEOMETRIC CONDITIONS FOR INTERPOLATION IN WEIGHTED SPACES OF ENTIRE FUNCTIONS 8 MYRIAMOUNAIES 0 0 2 ABSTRACT. We use L2 estimates for the ∂¯ equation to find geometric conditions on discrete n interpolatingvarietiesforweightedspacesA (C)ofentirefunctionssuchthat|f(z)|≤ AeBp(z) p a forsomeA,B >0.Inparticular,wegiveacharacterizationwhenp(z)=e|z|andmoregenerally J whenlnp(er)isconvexandlnp(r)isconcave. 9 1 ] V INTRODUCTION C h. Letpbeaweight(seeDefinition1.1below)andAp(C)bethevectorspaceofentirefunctions at satisfyingsup|f(z)|e−Bp(z) < ∞forsomeB > 0. m z∈C Forinstance,ifp(z) = |z|thenA (C)isthespaceofallentirefunctionsofexponentialgrowth. [ p More generally when p(z) = |z|α, α > 0 A (C) is the space of entirefunctions of order < α or p 3 oforderαandoffinitetype. When p(z) = log(1+|z|2)+|Imz|, A (C)isthespaceofFourier v p 0 transformsofdistributionswithcompact supportin thereal line. 6 We are concerned with the interpolation problem for A (C). That is, finding conditions on a 7 p 5 given discrete sequence of complex numbers V = {zj}j so that, for any sequence of complex 0 numbers{w } withconvenientgrowthconditions,thereexistsf ∈ A (C)suchthatf(z ) = w , j j p j j 6 forallj. WewillthensaythatV isaninterpolatingvarietyfortheweightp. Weactuallyconsider 0 / the problem with prescribed multiplicities on each z , but for the sake of simplicity, we will h j t assumethemultiplicitiestobeequal to1 intheintroduction. a m There exists an analytic characterization of interpolating varieties for all weights p satisfying Definition1.1(see [3]). : v Weareinterestedinfindingageometricdescriptionwhichwouldenableustodecidewhether i X a discrete sequence is interpolating for A (C) by looking at the density of the points. This was p r donefortheweightp(z) = log(1+|z|2)+|Imz|in[9]. Inthepresentworkwewillmainlytreat a radial weights. The geometric conditions will be given in terms of N(z,r), the integrated counting function ofthepointsofV in thediskofcenter z and radiusr (seeDefinition1.6 below). When p is radial (p(z) = p(|z|)) and doubling (p(2z) ≤ 2p(z)), Berenstein and Li [2] gave a geometriccharacterization ofinterpolatingvarietiesforp, namely, (i) N(z ,|z |) = O(p(z )) when j → ∞; j j j Date:February2,2008. 2000MathematicsSubjectClassification. 30D15,30E05. Keywordsandphrases. Discreteinterpolatingvarieties,entirefunctions,growthconditions. 1 2 M.OUNA¨IES (ii) N(0,r) = O(p(r))when r → ∞. Hartmann and Massaneda ([6, Theorem 4.3]) gave a proof of this theorem based on L2 esti- mates for the solution to the ∂¯-equation of the sufficiency provided that p(z) = O(|z|2∆p(z)). Notethatwecan always regularizep intoasmoothfunction,seeRemark 1.7below. In this paper we will give a proof in the same spirit as [6] without the assumption on the Laplacian ofp(see Theorem1.9). WhentheaboveconditionontheLaplacianissatisfied,wewillprovethat(i)isnecessaryand sufficient(see Theorem1.10). In [2], Berenstein and Li also studied rapidly growing radial weights, allowing infinite order functionsinA (C),asp(z) = e|z|,andmoregenerallyweightssuchthatlnp(er)isconvex. They p gavesufficientconditionsas well as necessary ones. We will give a characterization of interpolating varieties for the weight p(z) = e|z| and more generally for weights p such that p(z) = O(∆p(z)) (see Theorem 1.12) and also for radial p when lnp(er)is convexandlnp(r) isconcaveforlarger (seeTheorem1.13). In particular,wewillshowthatV isinterpolatingforA (C), p(z) = e|z|,ifand onlyif p N(z ,e) = O(e|zj|), when j → ∞. j The difficult part in each case is the sufficiency. As in [4, 6, 9], we will follow a Bombieri- Ho¨rmander approach based on L2-estimates on the solution to the ∂¯-equation. The scheme will be the following: the condition on the density gives a smooth interpolating function F with a good growth such that the support of ∂¯F is far from the points {z } (see Lemma 2.6). Then we j are led to solve the ∂¯-equation: ∂¯u = −∂¯F with L2-estimates, using a theorem of Ho¨rmander [7]. To do so, we need to construct a subharmonic function U with a convenient growth and with prescribed singularities on the points z . Following Bombieri [5], the fact that e−U is not j summable near the points {z } forces u to vanish on the points z and we are done by defining j j theinterpolatingentirefunctionby u+F. The delicate point of the proof is the construction of the function U. It is done in two steps: first we constructa functionU behavinglikeln|z −z |2 near z witha goodgrowthand with a 0 j j controlon∆U (theLaplacianofU ), thankstotheconditionsonthedensityandthehypothesis 0 0 ontheweightitself. ThenweaddafunctionW suchthat∆W islargeenoughsothatU = U +W 0 issubharmonic. Afinal remark aboutnotation: A, B and C will denotepositiveconstantsand theiractual valuemaychange fromone occur- rence tothenext. F(t) . G(t)meansthatthereexistsconstantsA,B > 0,notdependingontsuchthatF(t) ≤ AG(t)+B whileF ≃ G meansthat F . G . F. The notation D(z,r) will be used for the Euclidean disk of center z and radius r. We will ∂f ∂f write∂f = , ∂¯f = . Then ∆f = 4∂∂¯f denotestheLaplacian off. ∂z ∂z¯ To conclude the introduction, the author wishes to thank X. Massaneda for useful talks and remarks. GEOMETRICCONDITIONSFORINTERPOLATION 3 1. PRELIMINARIES AND MAIN RESULTS Definition 1.1. Asubharmonicfunctionp : C −→ R , iscalled aweightif + (a) ln(1+|z|2) = O(p(z)); (b) thereexistconstantsC ,C > 0 suchthat|z −w| ≤ 1impliesp(w) ≤ C p(z)+C . 1 2 1 2 Notethat condition(b)impliesthat p(z) = O(exp(A|z|) forsomeA > 0. We will say that the weight is “radial” when p(z) = p(|z|) and that it is “doubling” when p(2r) . p(r). LetA(C) bethesetofall entirefunctions,weconsiderthespace A (C) = f ∈ A(C) : ∀z ∈ C, |f(z)| ≤ AeBp(z) forsomeA > 0,B > 0 . p n o Remark 1.2. (i) Condition(a)impliesthat A (C)containsall polynomials. p (ii) Condition(b)impliesthatA (C) isstableunderdifferentiation. p Examples1.3. • p(z) = ln(1+|z|2)+|Imz|. Then A (C)isthespaceofFouriertransformsofdistribu- p tionswithcompactsupportinthereal line. • p(z) = ln(1+|z|2). Then A (C) isthespaceofallthepolynomials. p • p(z) = |z|. ThenA (C) isthespaceofentirefunctionsofexponentialtype. p • p(z) = |z|α, α > 0. Then A (C) is the space of all entire functions of order < α or of p orderα and finitetype. • p(z) = e|z|α, 0 < α ≤ 1. ThrououghtthepaperV = {(zj,mj)}j∈N willdenoteamultiplicityvariety,thatis,asequence of points {zj}j∈N ⊂ C such that |zj| → ∞, and a sequence of positiveintegers {mj}j∈N corre- spondingto themultiplicitiesofthepointsz and p willdenoteaweight. k Definition 1.4. We say that V is an interpolating variety for A (C) if for every doubly indexed p sequence{w } ofcomplexnumberssuchthat,forsomepositiveconstantsAandB and j,l j,0≤l<mj forall j ∈ N, mj−1 |w | ≤ AeBp(zj), j,l l=0 X wecan find an entirefunctionf ∈ A (C), with p fl(z ) j = w j,l l! forall j ∈ N and 0 ≤ l < m . j Remark 1.5. (See [1, Proposition 2.2.2]) Thanks to condition (b), we have, for some constants A > 0 and B > 0, f(k)(z) ∀z ∈ C, ≤ AeBp(z). k! k (cid:12) (cid:12) X(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) 4 M.OUNA¨IES Ifweconsiderthespace mj−1 A (V) = W = {w } ⊂ C : ∀j, |w | ≤ AeBp(zj) forsomeA > 0,B > 0 p j,l j,0≤l<mj j,l n Xl=0 o and wedefinetherestrictionmapby R : A (C) −→ A (V) V p p fl(z ) j f 7→ , l! (cid:26) (cid:27)j,0≤l≤mj−1 wemayequivalentlydefinetheinterpolatingvarietiesbythepropertythatR mapsA (C)onto V p A (V). p Notethat A (C) can beseen as theunionoftheBanach spaces p A (C) = {f ∈ A(C), kfk = sup|f(z)|e−Bp(z) < ∞} p,B B z∈C and has astructureof an (LF)-space with thetheinductivelimittopology. Thesamecan be said aboutA (V). p TheproblemweareconsideringistofindconditionsonV sothatitisaninterpolatingvariety forA (C). p In order to state the geometric conditions, we define the counting function and the integrated countingfunction: Definition 1.6. Forz ∈ C and r > 0 weset n(z,r) = m j |z−Xzj|≤r and r n(z,t)−n(z,0) N(z,r) = dt+n(z,0)lnr t Z0 r = m ln +n(z,0)lnr. j |z −z | j 0<|zX−zj|≤r Remark1.7. Theweightpmayberegularizedasin[6,Remark2.3]byreplacingpbyitsaverage overthediscD(z,1). Thuswemaysupposep tobeofclass C2 whenneeded. BeforestatingourresultswerecallthatifV isinterpolatingforA (C),thenthefollowingtwo p conditionsare necessary: (1) ∃A > 0, ∃B > 0, ∀j ∈ N, N(z ,e) ≤ Ap(z )+B j j and whenp is radial, (2) ∃A > 0, ∃B > 0, ∀r > 0, N(0,r) ≤ Ap(r)+B. See Theorem2.1 and Proposition2.3fortheproof. GEOMETRICCONDITIONSFORINTERPOLATION 5 In condition (i), we may replace N(z ,e) by N(z ,c) with any constant c > 1 . We are now j j ready to stateour main results. We beginby givingsufficient conditionsfor a discrete varietyV tobeinterpolatingfor radialweights. Theorem 1.8. Assumetheweight p toberadial. If condition(1)holdsand r (3) ∃A > 0, ∃B > 0 ∀r > 0, n(0,t)dt ≤ Ap(r)+B Z0 thenV isinterpolatingforA (C). p Wenotethat r n(0,t)dt = m (r −|z |) ≤ rN(0,r). j j Z0 |zXj|≤r r Consequently,by condition(2), weseethat n(0,t)dt ≤ Arp(r)+B, forsomeA > 0 and Z0 B > 0 isa necessary condition. Adapting our method to the doubling case we find the characterization given by Berenstein and Li[2, Corollary 4.8]: Theorem 1.9. Assumep toberadialanddoubling. V isinterpolatingforA (C)if andonlyif conditions(2)holdsand p (4) ∃A > 0, ∃B > 0 ∀j ∈ N, N(z ,|z |) ≤ Ap(z )+B. j j j ThetheoremholdsifwereplaceN(z ,|z |)byN(z ,C|z |)foranyconstantC > 0. Notethat j j j j radial and doubling weights satisfy p(r) = O(rα) for some α > 0. In other words, they have at most a polynomial growth. Examples of radial and doubling weights are p(z) = |z|α(ln(1+ |z|2))β,α > 0,β ≥ 0, butforp(z) = |z|α, wecan giveabetterresult: Theorem 1.10. Assumethatp(z) = O(|z|2∆p(z)) and (b’)∃C > 0,∃C > 0, suchthat|z −w| ≤ |z| impliesp(w) ≤ C p(z)+C . 1 2 1 2 V isinterpolatingforA (C)if andonlyif condition(4)holds. p Remark 1.11. It iseasy to seethatradial and doublingweightssatisfycondition(b’). Theorem 1.10 applies to p(z) = |z|α, α > 0. For this weight and with the extra assumption that there is a function f ∈ A (C) vanishing on every z with multiplicity m , it was shown in p j j ([10, Theorem3])that condition(4)issufficient andnecessary. Next we are interested in the case where p grows rapidly, allowing infinite order functions in A (C). A fundamentalexampleisp(z) = e|z|. p In [2], Berenstein and Li studied this weight and more generally those for which lnp(er) is convex. Theygavesufficient conditions(Corollaries 5.6 and Corollary 5.7)as well as necessary ones (Theorem5.14,Corollary 5.15). Thefollowingresult givesa characterization in particularfor theweightp(z) = e|z| and more generally forp(z) = e|z|α, α ≥ 1. 6 M.OUNA¨IES Theorem 1.12. Assumethatp(z) = O(∆p(z)). V isinterpolatingforA (C)if andonlyif condition(1)holds. p The next theorem will give a characterization when p is radial, q(r) = lnp(er) is convex and r = p(r) isincreasing(forlarger). Ifwesetu(r) = lnp(r),wehave p(r) = 1 . Thus,the q′(lnr) p′(r) p′(r) u′(r) last condition means that u(r) is concave for large r. We recall that the convexity of q implies thatp(r) ≥ Ar +B, forsomeA,B > 0 (see[2, Lemma5.8]). Theweightsp(z) = |z|α,α > 0andp(z) = e|z| satisfytheseconditions. Examplesofweights also satisfying these conditions but not those of Theorems 1.9, 1.10 or 1.12 are p(z) = e|z|α, 0 < α < 1 andp(z) = e[log(1+|z|2)]β, β > 1. Theorem 1.13. Assume that p is a radial weight and that for a certain r > 0 it satisfies the 0 followingproperties • q(r) := lnp(er) isconvexon [lnr ,∞[; 0 • q′(lnr ) > 0and r isincreasingon [r ,∞[. 0 q′(lnr) 0 Then V isinterpolatingforA (C) ifand onlyifthefollowingconditionholds: p |z | (5) ∃A > 0,∃B > 0, ∀|z | ≥ r ,N(z ,max( j ,e)) ≤ Ap(z )+B. j 0 j q′(ln|z |) j j |z | C|z | Thetheorem holdsifwereplace j by j forany constantC > 0. q′(ln|z |) q′(ln|z |) j j When p(z) = |z|α, conditions (5) and (4) are the same and when p(z) = e|z|, conditions (5) and (1)arethesame. AsimmediatecorollariesofTheorem 1.13, wehavethefollowing Corollary 1.14. Let p(z) = e|z|α, 0 < α < 1. V is interpolating for A (C) if and only if the p followingconditionholds: (6) ∃A > 0,∃B > 0, ∀j, N(z ,|z |1−α) ≤ Ap(z )+B. j j j Corollary 1.15. Let p(z) = e[ln(1+|z|2)]β, β ≥ 1. V is interpolating for A (C) if and only if the p followingconditionholds: (7) ∃A > 0,∃B > 0, ∀j, N(z ,|z |[ln(1+|z |2)]1−β) ≤ Ap(z )+B. j j j j 2. GENERAL RESULTS ABOUT THE INTERPOLATION THEORY For the sake of completeness, we include in this section some standard results about interpo- latingvarieties. Letus beginbywell knownnecessary conditions. Theorem 2.1. [10, Theorem 1] Assume that V is an interpolatingvariety for A (C). Let R be p j positivenumberssatisfying (8) |z −z | ≤ R =⇒ p(z) ≤ C p(z )+C j j 1 j 2 whereC andC arepositiveconstantsnotdependingonj. Thenthefollowingconditionholds: 1 2 (9) ∃A > 0, ∃B > 0, ∀j, N(z ,R ) ≤ Ap(z )+B. j j j GEOMETRICCONDITIONSFORINTERPOLATION 7 Remark 2.2. In view of property (b) of the weight p, R = 1 satisfies condition (8). In the j case where p satisfies the strongercondition(b’) (as in Theorem 1.10) we are allowedthelarger numbersR = |z |. j j Proposition 2.3. Assume that V is an interpolating variety for A (C). Then the following con- p ditionis satisfied (10) ∃A > 0, ∃B > 0, ∀R > 0, N(0,R) ≤ A maxp(z)+B. |z|=R Theproofofthispropositionisimplicitelycontainedin[2, page26]. Definition2.4. WesaythatV isweaklyseparatedifthereexistconstantsA > 0andB > 0such that 1 (11) ≤ AeBp(zj) δmj j forall j ∈ N, where 1 δ := inf 1, inf |z −z | j j k 2 k6=j (cid:26) (cid:27) iscalled theseparationradius. (cid:1) Lemma 2.5. If (1)holdsthenV is weaklyseparated. Proof. Fix j ∈ N and let z 6= z be such that |z −z | = inf |z −z |. If |z −z | ≥ 2, then l j j l k6=j j k j l δ = 1. Otherwise,2δ = |z −z | andthefollowinginequalitieshold j j j l e e e 1 N(z ,e) ≥ m ln ≥ m ln = m ln ≥ ln . l k |z −z | j |z −z | j 2δ δmj 0<|zXk−zl|≤e k l j l j j Sinceby condition(1)and property(b)oftheweight, N(z ,e) ≤ A+Bp(z ) ≤ A+Bp(z ), l l j wereadily deducethedesired estimate. (cid:4) Wewillfollowthesameschemeasin[6,9],firstconstructingasmoothinterpolatingfunction withtherightgrowth. Lemma 2.6. Suppose V is weakly separated. Given W = {wj,l}j∈N,0≤l≤mj−1 ∈ Ap(V), there existsa smoothfunctionF suchthat • for some constants A > 0 and B > 0, |F(z)| ≤ AeBp(z), |∂¯F(z)| ≤ AeBp(z) for all z ∈ C; • thesupportof ∂¯F iscontainedin theunionof theannuli δ A = {z ∈ C : j ≤ |z −z | ≤ δ }; j j j 2 F(l)(z ) • j = w forall j ∈ N, 0 ≤ l ≤ m −1. j,l j l! 8 M.OUNA¨IES AsuitablefunctionF isoftheform |z −z |2 mj−1 F(z) = X j w (z −z )l, δ2 j,l j Xj (cid:16) j (cid:17) Xl=0 where X is a smoothcut-off functionwith X(x) = 1 if|x| ≤ 1/4 and X(x) = 0 if |x| ≥ 1. See [6]or[9]fordetailsoftheproof. Now, when looking for a holomorphic interpolating function of the form f = F +u, we are led tothe∂¯-problem ¯ ¯ ∂u = −∂F , whichwesolveusingHo¨rmander’stheorem[8, Theorem 4.2.1]. Theinterpolationproblemisthenreduced tothefollowing: Lemma2.7. IfV isweaklyseparatedandifthereexistsasubharmonicfunctionU satisfyingfor certainconstantsA,B > 0, (i) U(z) ≤ Ap(z)+B forallz ∈ C; (ii) −U(z) ≤ Ap(z)+B forz in thesupportof∂¯F; (iii) U(z) ≃ m ln|z −z |2 nearz , j j j thenV isinterpolating. Proof. The weak separation gives a smooth interpolating function F (see Lemma 2.6). From Ho¨rmander’s theorem [7, Theorem 4.4.2], we can find a C∞ function u such that ∂¯u = −∂¯F and, denotingby dλtheLebesguemeasure, |u(w)|2e−U(w)−Ap(w) (12) dλ(w) ≤ |∂¯F|2e−U(w)−Ap(w)dλ(w). (1+|w|2)2 C C Z Z By property (a)oftheweightp, thereexistsC > 0 suchthat e−Cp(w)dλ(w) < ∞. C Z Thus, using (ii) of the lemma, and the estimate on |∂¯F(z)|2, we see that the last integral in (12) is convergent if A is large enough. By condition (iii), near z , e−U(w)(w −z )l is not summable j j for 0 ≤ l ≤ m − 1, so we have necessarily u(l)(z ) = 0 for all j and 0 ≤ l ≤ m − 1 and j j j f(l)(z ) consequently, j = w . j,l l! Now,wehavetoverifythat f has thedesiredgrowth. By themeanvalueinequality, |f(z)| . |f(w)|dλ(w) . |F(w)|dλ(w)+ |u(w)|dλ(w). ZD(z,1) ZD(z,1) ZD(z,1) Let usestimatethetwointegralsthatwedenotebyI and I . Forw ∈ D(z,1), 1 2 |F(w)| . eBp(w) . eCp(z). Hence I . eCp(z). 1 GEOMETRICCONDITIONSFORINTERPOLATION 9 ToestimateI weuseCauchy-Schwarz inequality 2 I2 ≤ J J 2 1 2 where J = |u(w)|2e−U(w)−Bp(w)dλ(w), J = eU(w)+Bp(w)dλ(w). 1 2 ZD(z,1) ZD(z,1) By property (a)ofp wehave |u(w)|2e−U(w)−Bp(w) J . |u(w)|2e−U(w)−Bp(w)dλ(w) . dλ(w) < +∞ 1 (1+|w|2)2 C C Z Z ifB > 0 ischosen bigenough. To estimate J we use condition (i) of the lemma and property (b) of the weight p. For w ∈ 2 D(z,1), eU(w)+Bp(w) ≤ eCp(w) . eAp(z). Weeasily deducethatJ . eAp(z) and finally thatf ∈ A (C). (cid:4) 2 p 3. PROOFS OF THE MAIN THEOREMS Wewilluseasmoothcut-offfunctionX withX(x) = 1if|x| ≤ 1/4andX(x) = 0if|x| ≥ 1. Remark 3.1. In theproofs ofthe sufficiencypart, we may need to assumethat for all j, wehave |z | ≥ aforasuitablea > 0. Thiswillbedonewithoutlossofgeneralityuptoalineartransform j and inviewofproperty (b)oftheweight. Proofof Theorem 1.8. By Lemma 2.5, condition (1) implies the weak separation. So we are done if we construct a functionU satisfyingtheconditionsofLemma2.7. Set X (z) = X(|z −z |2). j j In ordertoconstructthedesiredfunctionwebeginby defining U (z) = m X (z)ln|z −z |2. 0 j j j j X Note that there is locally a finite number of non vanishing terms in the sum and that each term (and consequently U ) is nonpositive. It is also clear that U (z) −m ln|z −z |2 is continuous 0 0 j j nearz . j We want to estimate−U on the supportof ∂¯F, and the“lack of subharmonicity”of U , then 0 0 wewilladd acorrecting termto obtainthefunctionU ofthelemma. Supposez isinthesupportof∂¯F. Wewant toshowthat−U (z) . p(z). Letk betheunique 0 integersuch that δk ≤ |z −z | ≤ δ . Then 2 k k 1 1 1 −U (z) ≤ 2 m ln = 2m ln +2 m ln . 0 j k j |z −z | |z −z | |z −z | j k j |z−Xzj|≤1 j6=k,X|z−zj|≤1 Usingthat|z −z | ≥ δk andthat forj 6= k wehave k 2 10 M.OUNA¨IES |z −z | ≤ |z −z |+|z −z | ≤ 2|z −z |, k j j k j weobtainthat 1 (13) −U (z) ≤ 2ln +2N(z ,2) . p(z ) . p(z). 0 δmk k k k Thelastinequalitiesfollowsfromcondition(1),theweakseparation(11)andproperty(b)ofthe weightp. Nowwewantto geta lowerboundon∆U (z). Wehave 0 ∆U (z) = m X (z)∆ln|z −z |2 0 j j j j X +8Re m ∂¯X (z)∂ln|z −z |2 +4 m ∂∂¯X (z)ln|z −z |2. j j j j j j ! j j X X The first sum is a positive measure and on the supports of ∂¯X and ∂∂¯X , we see that 1/2 ≤ j j |z −z | ≤ 1. Consequently,fora certain constantγ > 0we have j ∆U (z) ≥ −γ(n(z,1)−n(z,1/2)) ≥ −γn(z,1) ≥ −γ(n(0,|z|+1)−n(0,|z|−1)). 0 Wesetn(0,t) = 0 ift < 0, t+1 t f(t) = n(0,s)ds, g(t) = f(s)dsand W(z) = g(|z|). Zt−1 Z0 Letus computetheLaplacian ofW, takingthederivativesin thesenseofdistributions 1 ∆W(z) = g′(|z|)+g′′(|z|) ≥ g′′(|z|) = f′(|z|) = n(0,|z|+1)−n(0,|z|−1). |z| ThefunctionU defined by U(z) = U (z)+γW(z) 0 isthenclearlysubharmonic. Ontheotherhand,usingcondition(3)and(b)wehavethefollowing inequalities: |z|+1 f(s) ≤ 2n(0,s+1), W(z) = g(|z|) ≤ 2 n(0,s)ds . p(z). Z1 Since U ≤ 0 it is clear that U satisfies condition(i) of Lemma2.7. Using theestimate(13) and 0 the fact that W is nonnegativewe see that U satisfies condition (ii). Finally as condition (iii) is alsoalready fulfilledbyU and W is continous,itis alsofulfilledby U. (cid:4) 0 Proofof Theorem 1.9. Necessity. InviewofRemark1.11andRemark2.2,weapplyTheorem2.1withR = |z |and j j wereadily obtainthenecessityof(4). Condition(2)is necessary byProposition2.3. Sufficiency. By Lemma 2.5, condition (4) implies the weak separation. We will proceed as in Theorem 1.8, constructing a function U satisfying (i), (ii) and (iii) from Lemma 2.7. Thanks to

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