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1 Geometric-Algebra LMS Adaptive Filter and its Application to Rotation Estimation Wilder B. Lopes, Anas Al-Nuaimi, Cassio G. Lopes Abstract—This paper exploits Geometric (Clifford) Algebra correspondence, in which X is a rotated version of Y. Each (GA) theory in order to devise and introduce a new adaptive PCD has K points, {y }∈ Y and {x }∈ X, n=1...K, and n n filteringstrategy.Fromaleast-squarescostfunction,thegradient their centroids are located at the coordinate system origin. iscalculatedfollowingresultsfromGeometricCalculus(GC),the 6 extensionofGAtohandledifferentialandintegralcalculus.The In the registration process, one needs to find the linear 1 novel GA least-mean-squares (GA-LMS) adaptive filter, which operator, i.e., the 3×3 rotation matrix R ([11], p.320), that 0 inherits properties from standard adaptive filters and from GA, maps X onto Y. Existing methods pose it as a constrained 2 is developed to recursively estimate a rotor (multivector), a hy- least-squares problem in terms of R, n percomplexquantityabletodescriberotationsinanydimension. K a The adaptive filter (AF) performance is assessed via a 3D point- F(R)= 1 (cid:88)(cid:107)y −Rx (cid:107)2, subject to R∗R=RR∗=I , J cloudsregistrationproblem,whichcontainsarotationestimation K n n d step. Calculating the AF computational complexity suggests that n=1 2 (1) 2 itcancontributetoreducethecostofafull-blown3Dregistration in which ∗ denotes the conjugate transpose, and Id is the algorithm,especiallywhenthenumberofpointstobeprocessed identity matrix. To minimize (1), some methods in the litera- grows. Moreover, the employed GA/GC framework allows for ] ture estimate R directly [12] by calculating the PCDs cross- V easily applying the resulting filter to estimating rotors in higher dimensions. covariance matrix and performing a singular value decom- C position (SVD) [13], [14]. Others use quaternion algebra to . IndexTerms—AdaptiveFilters,GeometricAlgebra, 3DRegis- s tration, Point Cloud Alignment. representrotations,recoveringtheequivalentmatrixviaawell- c known relation [15]–[17]. [ To estimate a (transformation) matrix, one may consider 1 I. INTRODUCTION using Kronecker products and vectorization [2]. However, the v STANDARD adaptive filtering theory is based on vector matrix size and the possible constraints to which its entries 4 calculus and matrix/linear algebra. Given a cost func- are subject might result in extensive analytic procedures and 4 0 tion,usuallyaleast-(mean)-squarescriterion,gradient-descent expendable computational complexity. 6 methods are employed, resulting in a myriad of adaptive Describing 3D rotations via quaternions has several advan- 0 algorithms that minimize the original cost function in an tages over matrices, e.g., intuitive geometric interpretation, . 1 adaptive manner [1], [2]. and independence of the coordinate system [18]. Particu- 0 This work introduces a new adaptive filtering technique larly, quaternions require only one constraint – the rotation 6 basedonGAandGC.Suchframeworksgeneralizelinearalge- quaternion should have norm equal to one – whereas rotation 1 bra and vector calculus for hypercomplex variables, specially matrices need six: each row must be a unity vector (norm : v regardingtherepresentationofgeometrictransformations[3]– one) and the columns must be mutually orthogonal (see [19], Xi [9]. In this sense, the GA-LMS is devised in light of GA and p.30). Nevertheless, performing standard vector calculus in using results from GC (instead of vector calculus). The new quaternion algebra (to calculate the gradient of the error r a approach is motivated via an actual computer vision problem, vector) incur a cumbersome analytic derivation [20]–[22]. To namely 3D registration of point clouds [10]. To validate the circumvent that, (1) is recast in GA (which encompasses algorithm, simulations are run in artificial and real data. The quaternionalgebra)byintroducingtheconceptofmultivectors. new GA adaptive filtering technique renders an algorithm that This allows for utilizing GC to obtain a neat and compact may ultimately be a candidate for real-time online rotation analytic derivation of the gradient of the error vector. Using estimation. that, the GA-based AF is conceived without restrictions to the dimension of the underlying vector space (otherwise impossible with quaternion algebra), allowing it to be readily II. STANDARDROTATIONESTIMATION applicabletohigh-dimensional(Rn,n>3)rotationestimation Consider two sets of points – point clouds (PCDs) – problems ([4], p.581). in the R3, Y (Target) and X (Source), related via a 1-1 W.B.Lopes([email protected])andC.G.Lopes([email protected])arewith III. GEOMETRIC-ALGEBRAAPPROACH theDepartmentofElectronicSystemsEngineering,UniversityofSaoPaulo, A. Elements of Geometric Algebra Brazil. A. Al-Nuaimi ([email protected]) is with the Chair of Media Technology(LMT),TUMu¨nchen,Germany.Thefirstauthorwassupported In a nutshell, the GA G(Rn) is a geometric extension of by CAPES Foundation, Ministry of Education of Brazil, under Grant BEX Rn which enables algebraic representation of orientation and 14601/13-3. This work was conducted during a research stay at LMT - TU Mu¨nchen. magnitude. Vectors in Rn are also vectors in G(Rn). Each 2 e =y −rx r, subject to rr =rr =|r|2 =1. (4) n n n(cid:101) (cid:101) (cid:101) Thus, r is a unit rotor in G(R3). Note that the term rx r is n(cid:101) simplyarotatedversionofthevectorx ([3],Eq.54).Thisro- n tation description is similar to the one provided by quaternion algebra. In fact, it can be shown that the subalgebra of G(R3) containing only the multivectors with even grades (rotors) is isomorphic to quaternions [3]. However, unlike quaternions, Fig. 1. The elements of G(R3) basis (besides the scalar 1): 3 vectors, GA enables to describe rotations in any dimension. More 3 bivectors (oriented areas) γij, and the pseudoscalar I (trivector/oriented importantly, with the support of GC, optimization problems volume). can be carried out in a clear and compact manner [5], [23]. Hypercomplex AFs available in the literature make use orthogonal basis in Rn, together with the scalar 1, generates of quaternion algebra [24], [25] and even GA theory [26]. 2nmembers(multivectors)ofG(Rn)viathegeometricproduct However, the error vector therein has the form e = y −rx, operated over the Rn ([5], p.19). which is not appropriate to model rotation error since it lacks Consider vectors a and b in Rn. The geometric product is r(cid:101)multiplying x from the right. definedasab(cid:44)a·b+a∧b,intermsoftheinner(·)andouter This way, (1) is rewritten using (4), generating a new cost (∧)products([3],Sec.2.2).Notethatingeneralthegeometric function, K K K product is noncommutative because a∧b=−(b∧a). In this J(r)= 1 (cid:88)e ∗e = 1 (cid:88)(cid:104)e e (cid:105)= 1 (cid:88)|e |2, (5) text, from now on, all products are geometric products. K n (cid:101)n K n(cid:101)n K n For the R3 case, G(R3) has dimension 23 = 8, with basis n=1 n=1 n=1 subject to rr =rr =|r|2 =1. {1,γ ,γ ,γ ,γ ,γ ,γ ,I}, i.e., one scalar, three orthogo- (cid:101) (cid:101) 1 2 3 12 23 31 nal vectors γ (basis for R3), three bivectors γ (cid:44) γ γ = i ij i j γ ∧ γ ,i (cid:54)= j (γ · γ = 0,i (cid:54)= j), and one trivector IV. GEOMETRIC-ALGEBRALMS i j i j (pseudoscalar)I (cid:44)γ1γ2γ3 (Fig.1).Toillustratethegeometric The GA-LMS designed in the sequel should make rxnr(cid:101) multiplication, take two vectors a = γ1 and b = 2γ1 +4γ3. as close as possible to yn in order to minimize (5). The AF Then, ab = γ (2γ +4γ ) = γ ·(2γ +4γ )+γ ∧(2γ + provides an estimate for the bivector r via a recursive rule of 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 4γ )=2+4(γ ∧γ )=2+4γ (a scalar plus a bivector). the form, 3 1 3 13 r =r +µG, (6) The basic element of a GA is a multivector A, i i−1 (cid:88) where i is the (time) iteration, µ is the AF step size, and G is A=(cid:104)A(cid:105) +(cid:104)A(cid:105) +(cid:104)A(cid:105) +···= (cid:104)A(cid:105) , (2) 0 1 2 g a multivector-valued update quantity related to the estimation g which is comprised of its g-grades (or g-vectors) (cid:104)·(cid:105) , e.g., error(4)(analogoustothestandardformulationin[2],p.143). g g = 0 (scalars), g = 1 (vectors), g = 2 (bivectors), g = 3 A proper selection of G is required to enforce J(ri) < J(r ) at each iteration. This work adopts the steepest- (trivectors), and so on. The ability to group together scalars, i−1 descent rule [1], [2], in which the AF is designed to follow vectors,andhyperplanesinanuniqueelement(themultivector A) is the foundation on top of which GA theory is built on. the opposite direction of the reversed gradient of the cost Except where otherwise noted, scalars (g = 0) and vectors function, namely ∇(cid:101)J(ri−1) (note the analogy between the (g = 1) are represented by lower-case letters, e.g., a and b, reversed ∇(cid:101) and the hermitian conjugate ∇∗ from the standard and general multivectors by upper-case letters, e.g., A and B. formulation). This way, G is proportional to ∇(cid:101)J(ri−1), Also, in R3, (cid:104)A(cid:105)g =0, g >3 ([4], p.42). G(cid:44)−B∇(cid:101)J(ri−1), (7) The reverse of a multivector A (analogous to conjugation in which B is a general multivector, in contrast with the of complex numbers and quaternions) is defined as standard case in which B would be a matrix [2]. In the AF n (cid:88) literature, setting B equal to the identity matrix results in the A(cid:101)(cid:44) (−1)g(g−1)/2(cid:104)A(cid:105)g. (3) steepest-descentupdaterule([2],Eq.8-19).InGAthough,the g=0 multiplicative identity is the multivector (scalar) 1 ([5], p.3), Forexample,thereverseofthebivectorA=(cid:104)A(cid:105) +(cid:104)A(cid:105) +(cid:104)A(cid:105) 0 1 2 thus B =1. is A(cid:101)=(cid:104)(cid:103)A(cid:105)0+(cid:104)(cid:103)A(cid:105)1+(cid:104)(cid:103)A(cid:105)2=A0+A1−A2. Embedding 1/K into J(r) and expanding yields, The GA scalar product ∗ between two multivectors A K and B is defined as A∗B = (cid:104)AB(cid:105), in which (cid:104)·(cid:105) ≡ (cid:104)·(cid:105)0. J(r) = (cid:80) (cid:0)yn−rxnr(cid:101)(cid:1)∗(cid:0)yn−rxnr(cid:101)(cid:101)(cid:1) From that, the magnitude of a multivector is defined as n=1 |A|2=A∗A(cid:101)=(cid:80)g|A|2g. = (cid:80)K (cid:104)yn∗y(cid:101)n−yn∗(rx(cid:101)r(cid:101))−(rxr(cid:101))∗y(cid:101)n+(rxr(cid:101))∗(rxr(cid:101)(cid:101))(cid:105) n=1 K B. The Estimation Problem in GA = (cid:80) |y |2+|x |2−2(cid:104)y rx r(cid:105), n n n n(cid:101) n=1 The problem (1) may be posed in GA as follows. The (8) rotation matrix R in the error vector yn−Rxn is substituted where the reversion rule (3) was used to conclude that yn = by the rotation operator comprised by the bivector r (the only y(cid:101)n, xn =x(cid:101)n (they are vectors), and rr(cid:101)=r(cid:101)r =1. bivector in this paper written with lower-case letter) and its Using Geometric calculus techniques [5], [23], [27], the reversed version r [4], gradient of J(r) is calculated from (8), (cid:101) 3 K ∇J(r)=∂ J(r) =−2∂ (cid:80)(cid:104)y rx r(cid:105) m = 1 the filter uses only the pair at iteration i, {yi,xi}, r r n n(cid:101) =−2(cid:20)(cid:80)Kn=1∂ (cid:104)r˙M (cid:105)+∂ (cid:104)T r˙(cid:105)(cid:21), (9) tvoieuwp,dtahteeGriA−-1L.MThSusu,sefrsolmessaninifnofromrmataiotinonp-ethreiotreertaitciopnoiwntheonf r n r n(cid:101) n=1 compared to methods in the literature [12]–[17] that require all the correspondences at each algorithm iteration. in which the product rule ([23], Eq. 5.12) was used and the From GA theory it is known that any multiple of a unit overdots emphasize which quantity is being differentiated by rotor q, namely λq,λ∈R\{0}, |λq|=λ, provides the same ∂ ([23], Eq. 2.43). The terms M = x ry and T = r n n(cid:101) n n rotation as q. However, it scales the magnitude of the rotated y rx are obtained applying the cyclic reordering property n n (cid:104)AD···C(cid:105) = (cid:104)D···CA(cid:105) = (cid:104)CAD···(cid:105) [3]. The first term vectorbyafactorofλ2,|(λq)x((cid:103)λq)|=λ2|x|.Thus,tocomply ontheright-handsideof(9)is∂ (cid:104)r˙M (cid:105)=M ([23],Eq.7.10), with rr(cid:101)=r(cid:101)r =|ri|2 =1 (see (5)) and avoid scaling the PCD r n n and the second term is ∂ (cid:104)T r˙(cid:105)=−rT r=−r(y rx )r (see points, the estimate ri in (14) is normalized at each iteration r n(cid:101) (cid:101) n(cid:101) (cid:101) n n (cid:101) when implementing the GA-LMS. the Appendix). Plugging back into (9), the GA-form of the Note on computational complexity. The computational cost gradient of J(r) is obtained (cid:80)K iscalculatedbybreaking(14)intoparts.Thetermri−1xir(cid:101)i−1 ∂rJ(r)=−2 xnr(cid:101)yn−r(cid:101)(ynrxn)r(cid:101) has two geometric multiplications, which amounts to 28 real n=1 multiplications (RM) and 20 real additions (RA). The outer K K (cid:80) (cid:80) =−2r(cid:101) (rxnr(cid:101))yn−yn(rxnr(cid:101))=4r(cid:101) yn∧(rxnr(cid:101)), product yi∧(ri−1xir(cid:101)i−1) amounts to 6 RM and 3 RA. The n=1 n=1 evaluation of µ[y ∧(r x r )]r requires more 20 RM (10) i i−1 i(cid:101)i−1 i−1 where the relation ab−ba=2(a∧b) was used ([4], p.39). and12RA.Finally,ri−1+µ[yi∧(ri−1xir(cid:101)i−1)]ri−1 requires more 4 RA. Summarizing, the cost of the GA-LMS is 54 In [27], the GA framework to handle linear transformations RM and 39 RA per iteration. SVD-based methods compute isappliedformapping(10)backintomatrixalgebra,obtaining the covariance matrix of the 3×K PCDs at each iteration, a rotation matrix (and not a rotor). Here, on the other hand, which has the cost O(K), i.e., it depends on the number of the algorithm steps are completely carried out in GA (design points. This suggests that adopting the GA-LMS instead of andcomputation),sincethegoalistodeviseanAFtoestimate SVD can contribute to reduce the computational cost when a multivector quantity (rotor) for PCDs rotation problems. registering PCDs with a great number of points, particularly Substituting (10) into (7) (with B =1, as aforementioned) when K (cid:29)54. and explicitly showing the term 1/K results in (cid:34) K (cid:35) 4 (cid:88) V. SIMULATIONS G= y ∧(r x r ) r , (11) K n i−1 n(cid:101)i−1 i−1 Given K corresponding source and target points (X and n=1 Y), the GA-LMS estimates the rotor r which aligns the input which upon plugging into (6) yields vectors in X to the desired output vectors in Y. At first, a 4 (cid:34)(cid:88)m (cid:35) “toy problem” is provided depicting the alignment of two ri =ri−1+µm yn∧(ri−1xnr(cid:101)i−1) ri−1 , (12) cubesPCDs.Then,theAFperformanceisfurthertestedwhen n=1 registering two PCDs from the “Stanford Bunny”1, one of the where a substitution of variables was performed to enable most popular 3D datasets [28]. writing the algorithm in terms of a rank captured by m, The GA-LMS is implemented using the GAALET C++ i.e., one can select m ∈ [1,K] to choose how many corres- library [29] which enables users to compute the geometric pondence pairs are used at each iteration. This allows for product (and also the outer and inner products) between two balancing computational cost and performance, similar to the multivectors. For all simulations, the rotor initial value is Affine Projection Algorithm (APA) rank [1], [2]. If m = K, r =0.5+0.5γ +0.5γ +0.5γ (|r|=1). 12 23 31 (12) uses all the available points, originating the geometric- algebra steepest-descent algorithm. This paper focuses on the A. Cube registration case m = 1 (one pair per iteration) which is equivalent to Two artificial cube PCDs with edges of 0.5 meters and approximating ∇(cid:101)J(r) by its current value in (11) [2], K =1728 points were created. The relative rotation between 4 (cid:34)(cid:88)K (cid:35) the source and target PCDs is 120◦, 90◦, and 45◦, about K yn∧(ri−1xnr(cid:101)i−1) ri−1≈4[yi∧(ri−1xir(cid:101)i−1)]ri−1, the x,y, and z axes, respectively. Simulations are performed n=1 assuming different levels of measurement noise in the points (13) of the Target PCD, i.e., y is perturbed by v , a 3×1 random resulting in the GA-LMS update rule, i i vector with entries drawn from a white Gaussian process of ri =ri−1+µ[yi∧(ri−1xir(cid:101)i−1)]ri−1 , (14) variance σv2 ∈{0,10−9,10−5,10−2}. Fig. 2 shows curves of the excess mean-square error in which the factor 4 was absorbed by µ. Note that (14) was (EMSE(i) = E|y − r x r |2) averaged over 200 real- i i−1 i(cid:101)i−1 obtained without restrictions to the dimension of the vector izations. Fig. 2 (top) depicts the typical trade-off between space containing {y ,x }. n n Adopting (13) has an important practical consequence for 1This paper has supplementary downloadable material available at www.lps.usp.br/wilder, provided by the authors. This includes an .avi video the registration of PCDs. Instead of “looking at” the sum showingthealignmentofthePCDsets,theMATLABcodetoreproducethe of all correspondence-pairs outer products (m = K), when simulations,andareadmefile.Thismaterialis25MBinsize. 4 0 −20 B) µ= 0.06 d E ( −40 MS µ= 1.2 E −60 µ= 0.3 −80 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 0 σ2= 10−2 v B) −50 σ2v= 10−5 (a) (b) SE (d−100 σ2v= 10−9 Fig.3. PCDsofthebunnyset.(a)Unaligned,(b)afterGA-LMSalignment. M E σ2= 0 −150 v AF MSE 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 −20 Iterations B) d ( Fig. 2. Cube set. (top) EMSE for σv2 = 10−5 and different values of µ. MSE−40 (bottom)EMSEforµ=0.2anddifferentnoisevariancesσv2.Forallcases, (5) thesteadystateisachievedusingonlypartofthecorrespondencepoints.The −60 0 50 100 150 200 250 curvesareaveragedover200realizations. Iterations Fig. 4. Bunny set, µ = 8. The cost function (5) curve is plotted on top convergence speed and steady-state error when selecting the oftheMSEtoemphasizetheminimizationperformedbytheAF.Thesteady values of µ for a given σ2, e.g., for µ = 0.3 the filter stateisreachedbeforeusingalltheavailablecorrespondences. v takesaround300iterations(correspondencepairs)toconverge, whereas for µ = 0.06 it needs around 1400 pairs. Fig. 2 VI. CONCLUSION (bottom) shows how the AF performance is degraded when This work introduced a new AF completely derived using σ2 increases. The correct rotation is recovered for all cases v GA theory. The GA-LMS was shown to be functional when above. For σ2 >10−2 the rotation error approaches the order v estimating the relative rotation between two PCDs, achieving of magnitude of the cube edges (0.5 meters). For the noise errors similar to those provided by the SVD-based method variances in Fig. 2 (bottom), the SVD-based method [14] used for comparison. The GA-LMS, unlike the SVD method, implemented by the Point Cloud Library (PCL) [10] achieves allows to assess each correspondence pair individually (one similarresultsexceptforσ2 =0,whenSVDreaches−128dB v pair per iteration). That fact is reflected on the GA-LMS compared to −158dB of GA-LMS. computational cost per iteration – it does not depend on the number of correspondence pairs (points) K to be processed, B. Bunny registration which can lower the computation cost (compared to SVD) of acompleteregistrationalgorithm,particularlywhenK grows. Two specific scans of the “Stanford Bunny” dataset [28] To improve performance, some strategies could be adopted: are selected (see Fig. 3), with a relative rotation of 45◦ reprocessingiterationsinwhichtheMSE(i)changesabruptly, about the z axis. Each bunny has an average nearest-neighbor and data reuse techniques [31]–[33]. A natural extension is to (NN)distanceofaround0.5mm.Thecorrespondencebetween generalize the method to estimate multivectors of any grade, source and target points is pre-established using the matching covering a wider range of applications. system described in [30]. It suffices to say the point matching is not perfect and hence the number of true correspondence APPENDIX (TCs) and its ratio with respect to the total number of correspondences is 191/245=77%. ForageneralmultivectorAandaunitrotorΩ,itholdsthat The performance of the GA-LMS with µ = 8 (selected ˙ ∂Ω(cid:104)AΩ(cid:101)(cid:105)=−Ω(cid:101)AΩ(cid:101). (15) via extensive parametric simulations) is depicted in Fig. 4. It Proof: Given that the scalar part (0-grade) of a multivec- shows the curve (in blue) for the mean-square error (MSE), tor is not affected by rotation (∂Ω(cid:104)ΩAΩ(cid:101)(cid:105)=0), and using the which is approximated by the instantaneous squared error ˙ (MSE(i)≈|d −r x r |2),whered =y +v isthenoise- productrule,onecanwrite∂Ω(cid:104)ΩAΩ(cid:101)(cid:105)=AΩ(cid:101)+∂Ω(cid:104)ΩAΩ(cid:101)(cid:105)=0, i i−1 i(cid:101)i−1 i i i ˙ corrupted version of yi (in order to model acquisition noise ∂Ω(cid:104)ΩAΩ(cid:101)(cid:105)=−AΩ(cid:101). (16) in the scan). As in a real-time online registration, the AF runs Using the scalar product definition, the cyclic reordering only one realization, producing a noisy MSE curve (it is not ˙ (cid:104)˙ (cid:105) property, and Eq. (7.2) in [23], ∂Ω(cid:104)ΩAΩ(cid:101)(cid:105)=∂Ω Ω(cid:101)∗(ΩA) = anensembleaverage).Nevertheless,fromthecostfunction(5) curve (in green), plotted on top of the MSE using only the [(ΩA)∗∂Ω]Ω(cid:101). Plugging back into (16) and multiplying good correspondences, one can see the GA-LMS minimizes by Ω(cid:101) from the left, Ω(cid:101)[(ΩA)∗∂Ω]Ω(cid:101)=−Ω(cid:101)AΩ(cid:101). it, achieving a steady-state error of −50.67dB at i ≈ 210. Since the term [(ΩA)∗∂Ω] is an algebraic scalar, (cid:104) ˙ (cid:105) The PCL SVD-based method achieves a slightly lower error Ω(cid:101)[(ΩA)∗∂Ω]Ω(cid:101)=[(ΩA)∗∂Ω]Ω(cid:101)Ω(cid:101)=∂Ω (Ω(cid:101)Ω(cid:101))∗(ΩA) = of−51.81dB (seesupplementarymaterial),althoughusingall ˙ ˙ ˙ the245pairsateachiteration.TheGA-LMSusesonly1pair. ∂Ω(cid:104)(Ω(cid:101)Ω(cid:101))ΩA(cid:105)=∂Ω(cid:104)AΩ(cid:101)(cid:105)⇒ ∂Ω(cid:104)AΩ(cid:101)(cid:105)=−Ω(cid:101)AΩ(cid:101) . 5 REFERENCES [27] J.Lasenby,W.J.Fitzgerald,A.N.Lasenby,andC.J.L.Doran, “New geometricmethodsforcomputervision:Anapplicationtostructureand [1] Paulo S. R. Diniz, Adaptive Filtering: Algorithms and Practical motionestimation,” Int.J.Comput.Vision,vol.26,no.3,pp.191–213, Implementation, SpringerUS,4edition,2013. Feb.1998. [2] A.H.Sayed, Adaptivefilters, Wiley-IEEEPress,2008. [28] Greg Turk and Marc Levoy, “Zippered polygon meshes from range [3] E. 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