GEOLOGY AND METAMORPHIC PETROLOGY OF PART OF THE DAMARA OROGEN ALONG THE LOWER SWAKOP RIVER, SOUTH WEST AFRICA n w o T by e p a C f o ROGER Ey. JACOB t i s r e v i n Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the U requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Science University of Cape Town ] 974 The copyri,ght of this thesis is held by the Univcrs!ty r;:f C~:.--~~-.::, '"f()\\"'}· R0p1-c.-1,.~··i··q c; t>•''~ vtho!·~ or any part ~~.~- b~~;,.1~~~;e fo~· :.:dy purposes only, and not f 1-''r~-;.-,n ..:::_?u:~~~~,~~~~~~~~~~-~ n w The copyright of this thesis vests in the author. No o T quotation from it or information derived from it is to be published without full acknowledgeement of the source. p The thesis is to be used for private study or non- a C commercial research purposes only. f o Published by the Universit y of Cape Town (UCT) in terms y t of the non-exclusive license granted to UCT by the author. i s r e v i n U GEOLOGY AND METAMORPHIC PETROLOGY OF PART OF THE DAMARA OROGEN ALONG THE LOWER SWAK.OP RIVER, SOUTH WEST AFRICA ABSTRACT The stratigraphic nomenclature of the Damara and Nosib Groups has been revised and a purely lithostratigraphic terminology is here adopted. Clastic sediments of the Etusis and Kha.n Formations of the Nosib Group were deposited in shallow water above, and on the flanks of, the Abbabis swell and were followed by elastic-carbonate shoreline sediments of the Rossing Formation of the Damara Group. Deposition of glacial-marine sediments of the Chuos Formation, which forms the base of the Khomas Subgroup, followed a period of erosion. Further subsidence led to the accumulation in the westn of carbonate and pelitic sediments of the Husab and vlit;;:ioort Formations, respectively, and w mixed pelitic and siliceous carbonate sediments of the Tinkas Formation in the east. o T Two major phases of deformation (F1 and F2) gener ated northeast·-trending isoclinal folds and associated foliations and were folleowed by local minor folding in the southeast during F3. The F4 deformaption produced north northeast- to northwest-trending folds and accentuaated dome structures initiated during F2. C High T/P regional metamorphism accompa nied F1 and F2 and outlasted the latter. Mineral assemblages throughout thoef area are those of the amphibolite facies, but there is an increase in metamorphic grade from medium stage in the southeast to high stage in the northwesyt. In calc-granofelses in the south eastern part of the area epidote has treacted with quartz to form grossularite/ i · andradite. The stability of theses minerals was largely controlled by the composition of the fluid phase (eXrco2) and oxygen fugacity. The origin of narrow para-amphibolite bands in the Tinkas Formation is ascribed to the v reaction of incompatible biotite, calcite and quartz along the contacts of i calcareous and pelitic layenrs. Forsterite appears to have formed after diopside in siiiceous dolUomitic marbles. The An-content of plagioclase in amphibolites increases with increasing metamorphic grade from An30-60 in the southeast to An>ao in the northwest. Andalusite, sillimanite, cordierite, staurolite and almandine are present in medium-stage metapelites and cordierite, sillimanite, K-feldspar and almandine in high-stage metamorphites. Isograds have been mapped in the field and interpreted in terms of mineral reactions. With increasing grade of metamorphism staurolite and andalusite disappeared from pelitic assemblages, partial anatexis and migmatisation became widespread, muscovite and quartz reacted to form sillimanite and K-feldspar, and biotite, sillimanite and quartz reacted to form cordierite and K-feldspar (± almandine). Metamorphic temperatures in the southeast and northwest are estimated to have attained 650° C and 750° C respectively. Evidence provided by the co-existence of andalusite-sillimanite, cordierite-staurolite and cordierite garnet, and the final disappearance of staurolite just short of the anatexis boundary as well as the breakdown of muscovite + quartz beyond the same boundary, indicates that prevailing pressures were between 4 and 5 kb. This ii corresponds to a depth of burial of J4-J7 km and a geothermal gradient of 40-50° C per km. The autochthonous and parautochthonous syntectonic rocks of the Red Granite-Gneiss and Salem Granite suites are located on the northwestern side of the anatexis boundary. The former granite-gneisses are in part products of anatexis of Nosib metamorphites and in part reactivated mantled gneiss domes. The Salem Granite Suite comprises three members occurring in synclinal structures above the level of the Chuos Formation and originated by anatexis of Khomas Subgroup rocks. Late- to post-tectonic intrusive granites are connnon. Homogeneous pegmatites of metamorphic or1g1n formed syntectonically and are older than the zoned and layered pegmatites derived by fractionation from the intrusive granites. n w o T e p a C f o y t i s r e v i n U iii CONTENTS I . INTRODUCTION 1.1. General 1.2. Previous work 1.3. Present investigation I 1.4. Acknowledginents 2 2. FIELD RELATIONSHIPS, STRATIGRAPHY AND LITHOLOGY 3 2.1. Classification and nomenclature 3 n 2.2. Nosib Group 6 w 2.2.J. Etusis Formation 6 o 2.2.2. Khan Formation 12 T 2.3. Damara Group 13 e 2.3.1. Rossing Formation 13 p 2.3.2. Chuos Formation 16 a 2.3.3. Husab Formation 17 C 2.3.4. Tinkas Formation 19 2.3.5. Witpoort Formation 21 f o 2.4. Igneous Rocks 22 2.4.1. Red Granite-Gneiss y 23 2.4.2. Salem Granite Suite it 24 s Non-porphryritic gneissic granite 25 Porphyreitic biotite granite 25 Leucovgranite 27 i 2.4.3. Basic Intrusnives 28 2.4.4. BloedkoppiUe Granite 28 ,2.4.5. Achas Granite 29 2.4.6. Gawib Granite 30 2.4.7. Alaskitic Pegmatitic Granite 31 2.4.8. Horebis Granite 31 2.4.9. Donkerhoek-Granite 32 2.4.10.Pegmatites 33 2.4.Jl.Dolerite 33 2.5. Superficial deposits 33 iv 3. STRUCTURE 34 3.1. Terminology and Methods 34 3.2. Structural Data 36 3.2.l. F1 structures 36 3.2.2. F2 structures 38 3.2.3. F3 structures 48 3.2.4. F4 structures 52 3.2.5. Faults 54 3.3. Discussion 55 4. PETROGRAPHY AND METAMORPHIC PETROLOGY 62 n 4.1. Carbonate and siliceous carbonate associationws 62 4.1.1. Marbles o 62 4.1.2. Cale-silicate rocks T 65 4. 1.3. Quartz-microcline para-amphibo lites 71 4.J.4. Interpretation e 72 p 4.2. Basic-and banded-gneiss. associatiaons 82 4.2.1. Amphibolites C 82 4.2.2. Origin 84 4.2.3. Banded gneisses of 86 4.2.4. Discussion 90 y 4.3. Pelitic and psannnitict associations 92 i 4.3.1. Medium stages 92 4.3.2. High stageer 97 Metapsannnites 100 4.3n.2i.2. Metapelites 100 4U.3.2.3. Migmatites 103 4.3.3. Petrochemical considerations 104 Whole-rock chemistry 104 Co-existing cordierite and biotite 107 Co-existing cordierite and garnet 123 4.3.4. Interpretation of the mineral assemblages and petrogenesis 124 4.4. Contact Metamorphism 135 v 5. GRANITIC ROCKS 140 5.1. Petrography .140 5.l.l. Red Granite-Gneiss 140 5.1.2. Salem Granite Suite 142 5 .1. 2. l. Non-porphyritic gneissic granite 142 5.l.2.2. Porphyritic biotite granite 1·44 5.J.2.3. Leucogranite .145 5.1.3. Bloedkoppie Granite 145 5.1.4. Achas Granite 147 5.1.5. Gawib Granite n 147 5.1.6. Alaskitic Pegmatitic Granite 148 w 5. 1.7. Horebis Granite 148 5.1.8. Donkerhoek Granite o 149 T 5.2. Petrogenesis 150 e p 6. PEGMATITES a 154 C 6.l. Classification 154 6.2. Homogeneous pegmatites f 155 o 6.2.1. Bodies with constituents derived from the surrounding rocks y 155 6.2.2. Bodies with consttituents derived from intrusive i granites s 156 r 6.3. Inhomogeneous pegmeatites 156 v 6.3.J. Zoned pegmatites 156 i 6.3.2. Layeredn pegmatites 160 U 6.4. Origin 162 7. CONCLUSIONS 165 APPENDIX 169 REFERENCES 171 PLATES CONTENTS OF POCKET AT END: Geological map of an area east of the Khan-Swakop confluence, South West Africa. Scale I : 100 000. Simplified geological map showing major structures, structural subareas and grid for sample localities. Scale I : 250 000. vi ABBREVIATIONS A number of abbreviations have been used in the text. A list of these is presented below. millimetre(s) dol dolomite llllil cm centimetre(s) epid epidote m metre(s) for forsterite km kilometre(s) gar garnet n refractive index gr grossularite kb kilobar(s) graph graphinte Ma million years hb hornwb le-nde o T temperature Kf K-ieldspar T f02 oxygen fugaci ty ky kyanite e xco2 mole fraction C02 mcl p microcline PH20 partial pressure H20 mause muscovite C Pco2 partial pressure C02 phl phlogopite f Pf fluid (gas) pressure o pi em piemontite PT total pressure y plag plagioclase t l\n distribution coeffiicient qtz quartz s all allanite r sauss saussurite e amph amphibole v scap scapolite i An anorthite n serp serpentine U and al andalusite sill sillimanite ap apatite sph sphene bi biotite staur staurolite cc calcite ta talc chond chondrodite tourm - tourmaline clz clinozoisite tr tremolite cord cordierite vesuv vesuvianite di diopside woll -~ollastonite zrn zircon I. INTRODUCTION I.I. General The area investigated during this survey (Map I) is situated 75 km east of Swakopmund and 190 km west of Windhoek, in the Namib Desert of South West Africa. It covers approximately 2600 km2 and is bounded by the Tinkas Flats in the southeast, the Tubas and Gawib Flats in the southwest and the Rio Tinto Concession in the northwest. It lies between latitudes 22°251 and 22°56'S and longitudes 14°52' and J5°41'E. The morphology, climate, vegetation and drainage in this general region have been adequately described by Smith (1965) and little fur ther need be n added. The area is drained by two major rivers, the deeply incised Khan and w Swakop Rivers. In the northwest and south, the Welwitschia and Gawib Flats form part of the Namib Plain. The eastern part of theo area consists of rugged, hilly terrain, and is readily accessible onlyT on foot. The major portion of the area is occupied by the Namib Desert Park, a game reserve, and e the remainder is virtually unpopulated. p a 1.2. Previous work C Early investigations by German wofrkers have been sunnnarised by Smith o (1965) and none of these dealt specifically with the area mapped by the author. The first comprehensive sytudies were carried out by Gevers (193la, 1934a, 1934b, 1935), who mapped at very large area in western South West Africa i including the region dealt withs in this report at a scale of I : 100 000. These maps were compiled withrout topographic control or aerial photographs e and neither the geographical nor geological features match completely with the present findings. Howevver, the maps proved useful as a basis for more detailed investigationsn.i Smith (1965) dUescribed the geology to the north. There is a small overlap of mapping on Bloemhof 109 and Vlakteplaas JJO. More recently, Nash (1971) studied the metamorphism in a small area northwest of the region mapped by the writer. 1.3. Present investigation The main purpose of this investigation was to study the metamorphism of this part of the Damara Orogen and to relate it to the genesis of pegmatites and radioactive mineralisation. To this end it was necessary to compile a geological map and to undertake studies of the stratigraphy, structure and granites. The work was performed at the instigation of, and with the generous financial support of, the Atomic Energy Board, while the author was attached to the Precambrian Research Unit of the University of Cape Town and later to the Department of Geology at Rhodes University. Fifteen months were spent on fieldwork during 1969 and 1970. Mapping was carried out on aerial photographs (scale J : 36 000), from which data 2 were transferred, by means of an optical pantograph and radial-line plotter, onto I : SO 000 topographic maps. Laboratory investigations were carried out at the University of Cape Town until April, 1971, and thereafter at Rhodes University. 1.4. Acknowledgements The.writer wishes to express his gratitude to several persons and organisations for assistance given during the course of this project. Firstly, to the late Professor John de Villiers, under whose supervision most of the investigation was made, for arranging the project, for his continued interest and for many valuable discussions. Dr. A. Kroner took over the supervision in the final stages and edited variou s drafts. Sincere n thanks are due to him for this onerous task and.for constructive comments and w criticism. o It is a pleasure to acknowledge the financial support of the Atomic T Energy Board for the project and to thank Dr. J.W. von Backstrom for his personal interest and help in the procurement oef chemical analyses and radioactive-mineral identifications. Thankps are due to Mr. J. Berning and Mr. R. Cooke of Rio Tinto Exploration Ltd.a, Swakopmund, for their hospitality and.facilities extended to the writer while in the field. C Professor L.H. Ahrens of the De partment of Geochemistry, University of Cape Town, permitted the author to omfake use of ·electron microprobe facilities under the guidance of Mr. J.P. W illis, whose help and patience is gratefully acknowledged. Mr. Willis kindlyy processed the raw data. The cost of the ·analyses was de-frayed from a iRthodes University Council Research Grant. The s National Institute for Metallurgy is thanked for the chemical analyses. The r support received from thee Deputy Director, Mr. L.N.J. Engelbrecht, and the staff of the Geologicavl Survey office in Windhoek is very much appreciated. i A special voten of thanks is due to Professor H.V. Eales for making available the facUilities of the Department of Geology at Rhodes University, for critical reading of the manuscript and for taking considerable trouble in arranging departmental duties so as to expedite the research. Thanks are due, too, ·to Mr. D.S. Cawood, technician in the Department of Geology for considerable co-operation, and to Mrs. A. Wicks for typing the manuscript. Finally, I wish to express my appreciation to my wife Anamie for her help during the course of the research.