PETROLOGIA DE ROCHAS ALCALINAS, CÁLCIO-ALCALINAS E TOLEÍTICAS DA SERRA DA MANTIQUEIRA EM MINAS GERAIS - BRASIL. Por CLAITON PIVA PINTO Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Instituto de Geociências Curso de Pós-Graduação em Geologia Dissertação de Mestrado Orientador: Prof. Dr. Antônio Gilberto Costa Co-Orientador: Prof. João Henrique Grossi Sad Belo Horizonte, 1995 PETROLOGIA DE ROCHAS ALCALINAS, CÁLCIO-ALCALINAS E TOLEÍTICAS DA SERRA DA MANTIQUEIRA EM MINAS GERAIS - BRASIL. Por CLAITON PIVA PINTO 1 9 9 5 ABSTRACT The rocks which are the object of this study are found in the boundary between the Sªo Francisco Craton and the Ribeira Mobile Belt. They show themselves up as descontinuons bodies since Matola (westerly) till Ubari (easterly), being limited by a hypothetic polygon with about 115x20km extention, named here as Matola-Ubari strip. They are alkaline, calc-alkaline and tholeiitic rocks that have undergone metamorphism in the amplybolite or granulite facies. The alkaline ones consist of supersaturated syenites mainly, derived from mantelic source, having high REE concentration, high LREE/HREE ratio and negative Eu anomalies, which are related to the anorogenic environment as continental uplift or rift types. The calc-alkaline rocks are represented by intermediate/acid granulites, as enderbites mainly; by a TTG Association, and by a Granitic Association, which have undergone amplybolite facies metamorphysm. The enderbitic granulites and the TTG Association are formed by metaluminous plutonic rocks, probably generated by a two-stage parcial melting process, from metabasaltic source in a subduction related orogenic environment. They show typical REE signatures. Despite of the chemical features of metaluminous rocks, the Granitic Association rocks show muscovite and garnet in some of the samples, a flat HREE pattern, and negative Eu anomalies that suggest the garnet, feldspar and hornblende actuations in the melting process. The REE signatures are suggestive of parcial melting process from metapelitic/metagreywackes source or the contamination of a I-type granitic source by a predominant continental crust, in an orogenic environment related to subduction. The tholeiitic rocks are basic granulites, pyriclasites and pyribolites mainly, originated from a PMORB and a continental rift related (CRB) basalts type magmas. The inter- relations between these alkaline, calc-alkaline and tholeiitic rocks keep obscure. While the alkalines show basic granulite xenolites (Acaxio body, Cachoeirinha farm) part of the TTG and Granitic Associations are closely related, making it difficult their olistinction in the field works. There is an exposed intrusive contact with basic granulites in the Oliveira Fortes - Aracitaba road. The enderbitic rocks are complexly related with the basic types predominant. The relation with the regional banded gneiss (Mantiqueira Complex), which has been considered as transamazonic age by Rb/Sr dating (the age of the deformation/metamorphism), points to earlier at sin-transamazonic ages for the target rocks, since they show the same deformation printed on the country rocks. Considering their strong deformation/metamorphism, it is not probably to admit a Brazilian age to hese rocks, unless in case of not recalibrating of the Rb/Sr system, in the country rocks. In order to define these and other questions, U/Pb dating in zircon and titanite are recommended, as well as geothermobarometric studies and specific works that fully describe each one of the refered Matola-Ubari bodies. It is also suggested to investigate the Guaxupe Wedge (Sintax) relationship especially with the TrŒs Cora(cid:231)ıes Transcurrent Zone, which may have its eastward projection over here.