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GeoJournal 23.4 391-392 © 1991 (Apr) by Kluwer Academic Publishers An International Journal of Physical, Biological, Social, and Economic GeoJour n al Geography and Applications in Environmental Planning and Ecology Contents vol 23 nos 1—4 1991 Soil Erosion and Host Materials in Africa vol 23 no 1 Editorial Dardis, G. Sediment Yield in South Africa — A Preliminary Geographical Analysis Boucher, Kim; Weaver, Alex van Breda Morphological Characteristics of Gully Networks and their Relationship to Host Materials, Baringo District, Kenya Rowntree, K. M. The Distribution of Soil Erosion as a Function of Slope Aspect and Parent Material in Ciskei, Southern Africa Weaver, Alex van Breda The Role of Rock Properties in the Development of Bedrock-Incised Rills and Gullies: Examples from Southern Africa Dardis, George F.; Beckedahl, Heinrich R. Soil Erosion on a Sub-Tropical Coastal Dune Complex, Transkei, Southern Africa Hanvey, Patricia M.; Dardis, George F.; Beckedahl, Heinrich R. Perspectives on Prehistoric and Recent Gullying in Central Zimbabwe Shakesby, R. A.; Whitlow, R. Patterns of Gullying in Zimbabwe Firth, C. R.; Whitlow, R. Reports: New Europe and its New Geography: Geographical Dynamics of the European House Europeans Win Lesotho Job for Highlands Water Project International Seminar: Photogrammetry and Geographic Information Systems EGIS °91: Second European Conference on Geographical Information Systems XIII INQUA Congress, August 2—9, 1991: Beijing, the People’s Republic of China IGU-Reports: IGU Commission on Industrial Change IGU Commission on Changing Rural Systems Subcommission on Highlands and High-Latitude Zones IGU Commission on Marine Geography IGU Commission “Geography of Commercial Activities” Book Reviews Miscellanea vol 23 no 2 The Agonies of Displacement: Ethiopian Women Refugees in Khartoum, Sudan Kebbede, G. 99 Development Planning and Gender Inequality — A Case Study in Mahaweli Development Project in Sri Lanka Ulluwishewa, R. Factors Affecting the Productivity of Manufacturing Sector in Sri Lanka: A Spatial Analysis Dias, S. Rice Agricultural Origins: Recent Advances Maloney, B. K. The Impact of Poverty on Fertility in Peninsular Malaysia: A Cohort Analysis Teo, P. The Demographic Responses to Famine: The Case of China 1958-61 Jowett, A. J. The Distribution of Autumnal Easterly Wind Spells Favoring Rapid Spread of Forest Wildfires on Mt. Carmel, Israel Kutiel, H.; Kutiel, P. Evaluating Trophic Status and Restauration Procedures of a Polluted Lake, Lake Kastoria, Greece Koussouris, Th.; Diapoulis, A.; Bertahas, I.; Photis, G. Anthropogenic Ecology of the Ocean Yastrebov, V.S. Report: XVII Pacific Science Congress IGU Reports: IGU Seminar on Monitoring Geosystems IGU Commission on Geographical Education IGU Study Group “Famine Research and Food Production Systems” GeoJournal 23.4/1991 An International Journal of Physical, Biological, Social, and Economic GeoJour n al Geography and Applications in Environmental Planning and Ecology Contents vol 23 nos 1—4 1991 Miscellanea vol 23 no 3 Developing Perspectives upon the Areal Extent of Israel: A Reply Berkowicz, S. M. 187 Morphotectonics of the Baikal Rift Valley, Eastern Siberia, USSR Ufimtsev, G. F. 197 Convective and Dynamic Instability in Meridional Trenches Muratov, L. F. 207 Method of Anthropoecological Stabilization of Landscape and Its Interpretation Skopec, V.; Vachal, J. 215 Soil Properties and Moisture Characteristics and their Relationship with Crop Mid-day Stress in the Sudan Gezira Ismail, A. M.A. 233 Effects of Common Property Resource Utilization on Wildlife Conservation in Nigeria Osemeobo, G. J. 241 Harmonization of Environmental Measurement Keune, H.; Murray, A. B.; Benking, H. 249 On the Questions of Migration in India: Challenges and Opportunities Roy, B.K. 257 The Distribution and Growth of Urban Settlements in Saudi Arabia Al Hathloul, S.; Edadan, N. 269 Reports: Association for Palestine Geography (APG) 268 College Students’ Cognition of the Arab World Map Rimmawi, H.S. 282 International Boundaries Research Unit 287 Geotechnica 288 Regional Development Corporations 288 Third International Conference on Geomorphology 289 IGU Reports: IGU Commission on Health and Development 291 IGU Study Group “Famine Research and Food Production Systems” 294 Book Reviews 295 Caribbean Hurricanes vol 23 no 4 Editorial Caviedes, C.N. 299 Five Hundred Years of Hurricanes in the Caribbean: Their Relationship with Global Climatic Variabilities Caviedes, C.N. 301 Temporal Variation of Tropical Cyclones in the North Atlantic Basin Vega, A.J.; Binkley, M.S. 311 Hurrican Gilbert: The Storm of the Century Meyer-Arendt, K. J. Tourism Development on the North Yucatan Coast: Human Response to Shoreline Erosion and Hurricanes Meyer-Arendt, K. J. Yucatan after the Wind: Human and Environmental Impact of Hurricane Gilbert in the Central and Eastern Yucatan Peninsula Dixon, C. Hurrican-borne African Locusts (Schistocerca gregaria) on the Windward Islands Richardson, H. C. Modeling the Effects of Tropical Cyclones on Flooding in the Santa Fe River Basin, Florida Waylen, P.R. IGU Reports: Calendar of Forthcoming IGU Meetings IGU Commission Geography Coastal Environment Reports: The Areal Extent of Israel: Passions, Prejudices and Realities “geotechnica” Alfred Wegener-Conference Book Reviews Contents of Volume 23 a

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