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Geodetic and Geophysica l Effects Associated w i th Seismic and Volcanic Hazards Edited by Jose Fernandez 2004 Springer Basel AG Reprint from Pure and Applied Geophysics (PAGEOPH), Volume 161 (2004), No. 7 Editor: Jose Fernandez Instituto de Astronomia y Geodesia Facultad de Ciencias Matematicas Ciudad Universitaria Pza. de Ciencias, 3 28040 Madrid Spain e-mail: [email protected] A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress, Washington D.C., USA Bibliographic information published by Die Deutsche Bibliothek: Die Deutsche Bibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliographie; deatailed bibliographic data is available in the internet at <http://dnb.ddb.de> ISBN 978-3-7643-7044-2 ISBN 978-3-0348-7897-5 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-0348-7897-5 This work is subject to copyright. AJl rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in other ways, and storage in data banks. For any kind ofuse, permission ofthe copyright owner must be obtained. © 2004 Springer Basel AG Originally published by Birkhiiuser Verlag, Basel - Boston - Berlin in 2004 Printed on acid-free paper produced from chlorine-free pulp ISBN 978-3-7643-7044-2 987654321 www.birkhauser-science.com Contents 1301 Introduction J. Fernandez 1305 StressChangesModelledfortheSequenceofStrongEarthquakesintheSouth Iceland SeismicZone since 1706 F. Roth 1329 3-D Modelling of Campi Flegrei Ground Deformations: Role of Caldera BoundaryDiscontinuities F. Beauducel, G. De Natale, F. Obrizzo, F. Pingue 1345 Comparison of Integrated Geodetic Data Models and Satellite Radar Interferograms to Infer Magma Storage During the 1991-1993 Mt. Etna Eruption A. Bonaccorso, E. Sansosti, P. Berardino 1359 GPSMonitoringintheN-WPartoftheVolcanicIslandofTenerife,Canaries, Spain: Strategyand Results J. Fernandez, F. J. Gonzalez-Matesanz, J. F. Prieto, G. Rodriguez-Velasco, A. Staller, A. Alonso-Medina, M. Charco 1379 Far-fieldGravityandTiltSignalsbyLargeEarthquakes:RealorInstrumental Effects? G. Berrino, U. Riccardi 1399 StudyofVolcanicSourcesatLongValleyCaldera,California,UsingGravity Dataand a Genetic Algorithm InversionTechnique M. Charco, J. Fernandez, K. Tiampo, M. Battaglia, L. Kellogg, J. McClain, J. B. Rundle 1415 Gravity Changes and Internal Processes: Some Results Obtained from Observationsat ThreeVolcanoes G. Jentzsch, A. Weise, C. Rey, C. Gerstenecker 1433 New Results at Mayon, Philippines, from a Joint Inversion ofGravity and Deformation Measurements K. F. Tiampo, J. Fernandez, G. Jentzsch, M. Charco, J. B. Rundle 1453 The Interpretation ofGravity Changes and Crustal Deformation in Active Volcanic Areas M. Battaglia, P. Segall 1469 Intrusive Mechanisms at Mt. Etna Forerunning the July-August 2001 Eruption from Seismicand Ground Deformation Data A. Bonaccorso, S. D'Amico, M. Mattia, D. Patane 1489 Methodsfor Evaluation ofGeodeticDataand Seismicity Developed with Numerical Simulations: Review and Applications K. F. Tiampo, J. B. Rundle, J. S. Sa Martins, W. Klein, S. McGinnis 1509 A Free BoundaryProblem Related to the Location ofVolcanic Gas Sources J. I. Diaz, G. Talenti 1519 HighCO LevelsinBoreholesatEITeideVolcanoComplex(Tenerife,Canary 2 Islands): Implications for Volcanic Activity Monitoring V. Soler, J. A. Castro-Almazan, R. T. Vinas, A. Eff-Darwich, S. Sanchez-Moral, c. Hillaire-Marcel, I. Farrujia, J. Coello, J. de la Nuez, M. C. Martin, M. L. Quesada, E. Santana 1533 Simulation of the Seismic Response of Sedimentary Basins with Vertical Constant-Gradient Velocity for Incident SHWaves F. Luzon, L. Ramirez, F. J. Sanchez-Sesma, A. Posadas 1549 The Use of Ambient Seismic Noise Measurements for the Estimation of Surface Soil Effects: The Motril CityCase (Southern Spain) Z. Al Yuncha, F. Luzon, A. Posadas, J. Martin, G. Alguacil, J. Almendros, S. Sanchez 1561 Results ofAnalysis ofthe Data ofMicroseismicSurvey at Lanzarote Island, Canary, Spain A. V. Gorbatikov, A. V. Kalinina, V. A. Volkov, J. Amoso, R. Vieira, E. Velez 1579 MicrotremorAnalysesatTeideVolcano(CanaryIslands,Spain): Assessment of Natural Frequencies ofVibration Using Time-dependent Horizontal-to vertical Spectral Ratios J. Almendros, F. Luzon, A. Posadas 1597 Tilt Observations in the Normal Mode Frequency Band at the Geodynamic ObservatoryCuevade los Verdes, Lanzarote A. V. Kalinina, V. A. Volkov, A. V. Gorbatikov, J. Amoso, R. Vieira, M. Benavent ©BirkhiiuserVerlag,Basel,2004 Pureappl. geophys. 161 (2004) 1301-1303 I 0033-4553/04/071301-3 Pureand Applied Geophysics 001 1O.1007/s00024-004-2505-6 Geodetic and Geophysical Effects Associated with Seismic and Volcanic Hazards Introduction At present, one of the priorities of research should be to study all the aspects correlated with natural hazards, in particular those of geological origin, in an endeavour to reduce the vulnerability associated with them and therefore improve the quality oflife, especially ifour society at least purports to be a welfare society. Two ofthe natural hazards ofgeological origin that cause the greatest impact and pose the biggest risk to society are volcanic and seismic activity (e.g., ISDR, 2002; EM-DAT, 2003). Consequently, any advances in ascertaining the different physical processes linked to the several stages associated to these phenomena are highly important and clearly apply in day-to-day monitoring techniques. The final implication ofany method capable ofdetecting and even predicting natural hazard precursory phenomena is that it could help to prevent the damage to people and property that such events might produce. Achieving this goal, which obviously has cleareconomicadvantages, involvesascertainingevery possibleaspectofprecursory phenomena(zonedependency,estimated size,etc.). Theexperimentaland theoretical aspects ofthis task are highly complex, and must be combined if the best possible research results are to be attained. Volcanic and seismic hazards are very hard to predict, and though in recent years significant progress has been made with current monitoring systems, much remains to be done before such phenomena can be detected accurately (e.g., RUNDLE et al., 2000; SIGURDSSONet al., 2000; STEIN etal., 2000; MATSU'URA et al., 2002a,b; ONU; 2003; SPARKS, 2003; USGS, 2003). Both kind ofphenomena produce effects before, during, and after the activity, and even between events. On the basis ofthis fact and the high levels ofprecision attainable, many geophysicalandgeodetictechniqueshaveprovento benecessaryandpowerful tools in themonitoringofvolcanicandseismicactivity. Applyingsuchtechniques to routine monitoring of active zones inevitably involves data processing and subsequent final interpretation ofobserved records. The advent ofnew techniques, such as the space-based geodetic techniques SAR Interferometry (InSAR) and continuous GPS, or the use ofcontinuous gases measurements, has provided very powerfulsourcesofinformationforgainingin-depthknowledgeofthesephenomena, and at a reasonable cost. However, more sophisticated and realistic mathematical 1302 J. Fernandez Pureappl.geophys., models,aswellasmodern techniquesforsolvingtheinverseproblem,arerequiredto understand thenewandmorecomplex records. Itwas in this framework that the International ComplutenseSeminar(Seminario Internacional Complutense) "Geodetic and geophysical effects associated with seismic and volcanic hazards, Theory and observation." was organized and held at the School of Mathematics of University Complutense of Madrid from 8 to II, October 2001. This Special Issue contains eighteen papers, most of which were presented at the International Seminar, and addresses different topics: geodetic, geophysical and geochemical effects caused by seismic and volcanic activity; monitoring ofvolcanic and seismic processes using space and terrestrial techniques; complementarity ofthese techniques; theoretical modelling ofvolcanic and seismic processes; inverse problem; interpretation of observations; hazards; seismicity patterns and application. Other articles presented in the Seminar were published in the Complutense University journal Fisica de fa Tierra (FERNANDEZ and LUZON, 2002). The following reviewers are acknowledged for their assistance: F. Amelung, J.-P. Avouac, P. Baldi, G.W. Bawden, F. Beauducel, R. Bermejo, M.J. Blanco, M. Bonafede, S. Bonvalot, M. Bouchon, AG. Camacho, B. Capaccioni, V. Cayol, F. Cornet, A. Correig, P.M. Davis, M. Diament, A. Donnellan, M. Dravinski, A Folch, J. Fonseca, G.R: Foulger, A Gudmundsson, S. Gurrieri, R. Hanssen, T. Jahr, P. Keary, J. Langbein, P. Lundgren, R. Madariaga, I. Main, K. Makra, J. Marti, c.L. Moldoveneanu, F. Mulargia, M. Navarro, D, Pyle, L. Rivera, R. Scandone, P. Segall, N. Segovia, O. Sotolongo-Costa, R. Stein, K.F. Tiampo, P.Vincent,G. WadgeandW. Ziirn. Inparticular,Iwould liketo thankF. Cornetfor his assistance and support in editing this Special Issue. His useful advice and suggestions are sincerely appreciated. Iwould like to take this opportunityto thank theVicerrectoratefor International Relationsofthe ComplutenseUniversityofMadrid for itssupportin organizingthe International Seminar, and itsentirestaffandpersonnelfor theirsupport beforeand during the seminar. I am also grateful for the support given by the Institute of Astronomy and Geodesy, a Spanish Council for Scientific Research-University ComplutenseofMadridJoint ResearchCentre. Finally,theeditorwishes tothankall the authors ofthis Special Issue for their contributions. REFERENCES EM-OAT(2003),TheOFDAfCREDInternationalDisasterDatabase- www.cred.befemdat-Universite CatholiquedeLouvain, Brussels, Belgium. FERNANDEZ, J., and Luz6 , F. (Eds.) (2002), Geodetic and Geophysical Techniques, Models and Applications, FisicadelaTierra 14. ISDR(2002), LivingwithRisk: AGlobalReviewofDisasterReductionInitiatives. http://www.unisdr.org/ unisdrfGlobalreport.htm Vol. 161,2004 GeodeticandGeophysical Effects 1303 MATSU'URA, M., MORA, P., DONNELLAN, A., and YIN, X. C. (EdS.) (2002a), Earthquake Processes: PhysicalModelling,NumericalSimulationandDataAnalysis.PartI,PureApp!.Geophys. 159(9),1905 2168. MATSU'URA, M., MORA, P., DONNELLAN, A., and YIN, X. C. (Eds.) (2002b), Earthquake Processes: PhysicalModelling,NumericalSimulationandDataAnalysis.PartII,PureApp!.Geophys.159(9),2169 2536. ONU(2003),http://www.unisdr.org RUNDLE, J. B., TURCOTTE, D. L., and KLEIN, W. (Eds.) (2000), GeoComplexity and the Physics of Earthquakes, Geophysical MonographSeries,AGU, Washington, 284pp. SIGURDSSON,H.,HOUGHTON,B.,McNuTT,S.R.,RYMER,H.,andSTIX,J.(Eds.)(2000),Encyclopediaof Volcanoes,AcademicPress,SanDiego. SPARKS, R. S. J. (2003),Forecasting VolcanicEruptions,EarthPlanet.Sci. Lett.210,1-15.DOI:IO.1016/ SooI2-82IX(03)00124-9. STEIN,S.,HAMBURGER,M.,DIXON,T.,andOWEN,S.(2000), UNAVCOConferenceExploresAdvancesin VolcanicGeodesy, EOSTransactions, AGU81, 121, 126. USGS(2003), http://www.usgs.gov Editor Jose Fernandez Instituto de Astronomia y Geodesia (CSIC-UCM) Facultad de Ciencias Matematicas Ciudad Universitaria Pza. de Ciencias, 3 28040-Madrid Spain E-mail: [email protected] © BirkhauserVerlag, Basel,2004 Pureappl. geophys. 161 (2004) 1305-1327 I 0033-4553/04/071305-23 Pureand Applied Geophysics DOl 10.1007/s00024-004-2506-5 Stress Changes Modelled for the Sequence of Strong Earthquakes in the South Iceland Seismic Zone Since 1706 FRANK ROTH] Abstract- TheSouthIcelandseismiczoneis, roughlyspeaking,situatedbetweentwosectionsofthe mid-Atlantic ridge, i.e., the ReykjanesRidgesouthwestofIcelandand theEastern VolcanicZoneonthe island.Itisatransformzone,whereearthquakesareexpectedtooccuronE-W-trendingleft-lateralshear faults,equivalenttoconjugate,N-S-oriented right-lateral, ruptureplanes.Infact, earthquakestakeplace on en-echelon N-S-oriented faults, which is indicated by the distribution of main shock intensities, aftershocksaswellasbysurfacefaulttraces. Thestressfield continuouslygeneratedinthefaultzoneby openingoftheadjacentridgesiscomputedandsuperimposedonthestressfieldchangesinducedbyaseries of13earthquakes(M~6)between1706and2000.Thelevelofthepre-seismicstressfield isanalysedas wellasthesizeoftheareaunderhighstress.Finally,thepost-seismicstressfieldofJune2000isanalysed, toseewherehighstressesmighthaveaccumulated.Themodellingindicatesthattheruptureplaneslocated on separated parallel N-S-striking zones are dense enough to lead to an area-wide stress release by the seriesofevents.Theobtainedpre-seismicstresslevelformosteventsishighandstablewiththeexception ofsituationswhenseveralstrongshocksoccuroveratimespanofseveraldays, i.e.,displaytypicalmain shock-aftershockpatterns.Thesizeofareasunderhighstressasidefrom oftheruptureplane,i.e.,where noeventoccursatthespecifictime,isofmediumtosmallsize. Keywords: Earthquakeseries, rifting,shearstress, modelling,dislocations. 1. Introduction Seismiceventsoften occuraftera period ofquiescence; a pattern that is repeated several times at a fault zone. Thiscan beexplained by stresses accumulated by plate motionandreleasedinearthquakes, aseismicsliporinelasticcreep. In the following, a modelisdescribed thataccounts for platemotionsandearthquakes onIceland. In the framework ofthe European Community funded project 'Earthquake Prediction Research in a Natural Laboratory', a model study was performed to obtain models ofthe stress field and stresschanges in space and time for the South Iceland seismic zone(SISZ). Thiscomprisedthechangesincrustalstressdueto rifting, earthquakes, and aseismic movement in the interacting fault system. Usually, for earthquake hazard estimation, the location, the magnitude and the statistically estimated 1Section: Natural Disasters. Department: Physics ofthe Earth. GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Telegrafenberg,D-14473Potsdam,Germany. E-mail: [email protected] 1306 Frank Roth Pureappl. geophys., recurrence period offormer events is used. To improve this, here the rupture length and width as well as the tectonic setting and the crustal deformation rates are considered while calculating the space time development of the stress field. The targets were to achieve a better understanding ofthe distribution of seismicity, its clustering and migration, and finally to improve the forecasting offuture events in this populatedandeconomicallyimportantregion ofIceland, i.e., to indicateat least areas of stress concentrations if the specification of a time window for their occurrence is not possible. We tried to answer the following questions: Do these events, placedonparallelfaults, releaseall theenergystoredin the3-Dvolumeofthe SISZ? Do the earthquakes always take place in areas of high stress? What is the critical stress level? How large is its variability? Where are the highest stresses at present? 2. The Tectonic Setting TheSouthIcelandseismiczone(SISZ)issituatedbetweentwosectionsofthemid Atlanticridge, theReykjanesridge(RR),especiallyitstransitionalongtheReykjanes peninsula into the Western Volcanic Zone, and the EasternVolcanic Zone(EVZ; cf. Fig. la). Even though there is no clearexpression ofan E-W trending fault and the anglebetweentheSISZandtheneighbouringridgesisfarfrom90°,itisconsideredas a transform zone (cf. BERGERAT; and ANGELIER, 2000; BJARNASON et al., 1993; GUOMUNDSSON, 1995, 2000; GUOMUNDSSON and HOMBERG, 1999; SIGMUNDSSON et al., 1995). Following this hypothesis, left-lateral shear stress isexpected along the E-W striking zone. This is equivalent to right-lateral shear stress on N-S oriented rupture planes. In fact, earthquakes seem to occuron N-S trendingen-echelonfaults as can be seen in Figure Ib (cf., BELARDINELLI et al., 2000; EINARSSON et aI., 1981; HACKMAN et aI., 1990, and further references there). They are located between the Hengill-Olfustriplejunction,wheretheRRmeetstheWesternVolcanicZone(WVZ), andHeklavolcano,intheEVZ(cf.,EINARSSONetal., 1981).Aswefurtherknowfrom theanalysisofearthquakefault planesolutions(cf. ANGELIERetaI., 1996;BERGERAT Figure I (a)MapofIcelandandsurroundingarea. Thicklinesindicatemid-Atlanticridgesegments,asusedinthe models. The smaller box shows the region ofthe model on the South Iceland seismic zone. The SISZ extendsapproximatelybetween(21.4°W,64°N)to(l8.8°W,64°N).- RR: Reykjanesridge,RP:Reykjanes peninsula, KR: Kolbeinsey ridge, WVZ/EVZ: Western/Eastern Volcanic Zone, SISZ: South Iceland seismiczone, TFZ: Tjornes fracture zone. (b) The South Iceland seismiczone showing mapped surface breaksand (shaded) regionsin which overhalfofthe buildingsweredestroyed in historicseismicevents (redrawn after EINARSSON et al., 1981). The north-south dashed line near Vatnafjoll (19.8°W, 63.9°N) indicates the estimated location of the fault on which the May 25, 1987, earthquake occurred (after BJAR ASON and EINARSSON, 1991). The structural features and the coastline are after EINARSSO and SJEMUNDSSON 1987.

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