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ANNUAL INDEX Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Volume 69, 2005 List of Contents, Subject Index, Author Index LIST OF CONTENTS January (Vol. 69, No. 1) Volume 69, Number 1 January 1, 2005 Articles W. SHotyk, M. E. Goopsite, F. Roos-BARRACLOUGH, N. GIVELET, G. LE Roux, D. Welss, A. K. CHEBURKIN, K. KNUDSEN, J. HEINEMEIER, W. O. VAN DER Knaap, S. A. NORTON AND C. LOHSE: Accumulation rates and predominant atmospheric sources of ee ee Sn Oe OE Oe Oe ice cee eee heed tu ade ede c ead eee wee wed ere eer eeavees 1 JEFFREY R. BACON and IRENE J. Hewitt: Heavy metals deposited from the atmosphere on upland Scottish soils: Chemical and lead SSGUOS SUNGIEN OF TIS GUSOCINIION OF TETRIS WIT SOIL COMIDOMCINIS 2. cece renee ereeeneevescveeecers 19 JAMES J. MorGAN: Kinetics of reaction between O, and Mn(II) species in aqueous solutions ....0..00.. ce.ce .eee. eee. ee e 35 YouncG J. LEE, Evert J. ELzinGA, and RICHARD J. REEDER: Cu(II) adsorption at the calcite—water interface in the presence of natural GROMNIC Minter: Kimelic SIUGIOS ANG MIGISCUIAT-SCHIS CHATACIETIZANION 2... cece ete een cee e seen eeuveeens 49 Moira K. RIDLEY, MICHAEL L. MACHESKyY, DAvID J. WESOLOWSKI, and DONALD A. PALMeR: Surface complexation of neodymium at the rutile-water interface: A potentiometric and modeling study in NaCl media to 250°C ww. ee ene 63 MELCHOR GONZALEZ-DAVILA, J. MAGDALENA SANTANA-CASIANO, and FRANK J. MILLERO: Oxidation of iron (II) nanomolar with H,O, Sate Saar a ee eee oa Naan ito i Bah ook Oe RA OMS Mo Oe SERRA ONS Oe be Cee eee eee 83 JAMES McManus, WILLIAM M. BERELSON, GARY P. KLINKHAMMER, DOUGLAS E. HAMMOND, and Curis HoLm: Authigenic uranium: FelatiOnsmip 0 Oxywen PeMetration Gepth ANd OTPAMIC CATDON TAIN . ow. ccc eevee cere eens eeeeveeeeuaes 95 M. A. KeNpricK, R. BurGess, D. Harrison, and A. BJORLYKKE: Noble gas and halogen evidence for the origin of Scandinavian SR RE REPRE OR Ld MME SENDS EE a eee ee ee ee ae oe a ara 109 C. MARCHAND, J. R. DIsNAR, E. LALLIER-VERGES, and N. Lorttier: Early diagenesis of carbohydrates and lignin in mangrove sediments subject to variable redox conditions (French Guiana) .......... cece cece ccc nese eeeeesceseees eae warech a es 131 W. P. LEEMAN, S. TONARINI, M. PENNISI, and G. FERRARA: Boron isotopic variations in fumarolic condensates and thermal waters from Vulcneo tiene, Taty: Imetications for Gvonstion Of VOICAMIC Tids ..j . 65 ccc eee e nee neeceesepeveseeeenes 143 K. Kreissic and T. ELtiotr: Ca isotope fingerprints of early crust-mantle evolution ....0.... c.ece. e.e.e .ee.n s 165 F, J. STADERMANN, T. K. Croat, T. J. BERNATOWICZ, S. AMARI, S. MESSENGER, R. M. WALKER, and E. ZINNER: Supernova graphite in the NanoSIMS: Carbon, oxygen and titanium isotopic compositions of a spherule and its TiC sub-components .......... 177 G. HOLLAND, J. C. Bripces, A. BUSFIELD, T. JEFFRIES, G. TURNER, and J. D. GiLMour: Iodine-xenon analysis of Chainpur (LL3.4) a eS a ee ee ie Ne ire ANAL ls ees 0 lg) a 4 ho FA OE VA EE 5 ed We KR ERA DORE DRYY OOOO ES 189 Korcu! Mimura and Sei ToyAMa: Behavior of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at impact shock: Its implication for survival of a ik a ag Ra Ad oie W Alas A ee DAOC ERYRS AN Dees Ve Ra eS 201° ALAN E. RuBIN and JoHN T. WAsson: Non-spherical lobate chondrules in CO3.0 Y-81020: General implications for the formation ea cca eas ac bead eeseatsvserevascvctredensdbesacetsvages 211 BOOK REVIEW a a NN is eed a We Wik woe A We ane on Soa AWA Ole eee ae bee he bee ews 221 CHRISTIAN KOEBERL: Handbook of Isotopes in the Cosmos: Hydrogen to Gallium ....... 0.0... ccc cece cece een eee eens 223 January (Vol. 69, No. 2) Volume 69, Number 2 January 15, 2005 Articles Dimitri A. SVERJENSKY: Prediction of surface charge on oxides in salt solutions: Revisions for 1:1 (M*L~) electrolytes ....... 225 Gites M. Marion, JEFFREY S. KARGEL, DAvip C. CATLING, and Scotr D. JAkuBowsk!: Effects of pressure on aqueous chemical OOMLIEETER Ot SuIMOTS SOIET AINE WHE BODUCHTIONE 10 TAOS ok ccc cnc eearccearasesncensesedecuceecees 259 C. Scumipt, R. THomas, and W. HEINRICH: Boron speciation in aqueous fluids at 22 to 600°C and 0.1 MPato 2 GPa ......... 275 J. A. TossELL: Theoretical study on the dimerization of Si(OH), in aqueous solution and its dependence on temperature and dielectric constant Cee ee ee PERE ASOT CRADLE CALS RT SOFA BATE DEAE es CRIS ERA e CELE EWR hee COR OR 283 Gary A. IcopiIni, SUSAN L. BRANTLEY, and PETER J. HEANEY: Kinetics of silica oligomerization and nanocolloid formation as a ee eee Se I ee as Pa ENE A os CERES SERRE eS ESR e LO NUNS eee bea e he eee 293 W. Berry Lyons, KATHLEEN A. WELCH, GLEN SNYDER, JOHN OLESIK, ELIZABETH Y. GRAHAM, GILES M. Marion, and RoBeERT J. PoREDA: Halogen geochemistry of the McMurdo dry valleys lakes, Antarctica: Clues to the origin of solutes and lake ER a wae bem eA ease RR ERE GES OM EG a tS Ue URE E EdB ae oe ORL Oe CEE AT BT ee he we Ce 305 Li PING WENG, LuUK K. KoopaL, TyissE HIEMSTRA, JOHANNES C. L. MEEUSSEN, and WILLEM H. VAN RIEMSDUK: Interactions of calcium Oe ee ee I IE III 5s C's Ka ceie ds6 A sy VEO SK eg he Hk ak Oe Se ee we eee 325 Maacy F. LENGKE and REGINA N. TEMPEL: Geochemical modeling of arsenic sulfide oxidation kinetics in a mining environment 341 JEAN-JACQUES BRAUN, JULES REMY NbAmM NcGoupaAyou, JEROME VIERS, BERNARD DuwupRE, JEAN-PIERRE BEDIMO BEDIMO, JEAN-Loup BOEGLIN, HENRI ROBAIN, BRUNOT NyeEcCK, REMI FREYDIER, LUC SIGHA NKAMDJOU, JAMES ROUILLER, and JEAN-PIERRE MULLER: Present weathering rates in a humid tropical watershed: Nsimi, South Cameroon ote peers were 357 ANDREW S. MADDEN, MICHAEL F. HOCHELLA JR.: A test of geochemical reactivity as a function of mineral size: Manganese oxidation ee ee Se I ry cd pe ee ais ska Rad Ke Ae PASI Pek a atk ke once a oa ee On 389 SHERRY D. SAMSON, KATHRYN L. NAGY, WortH B. Corton III: Transient and quasi-steady-state dissolution of biotite at 22—25°C in NET ee ee eee eT ree ee eee eee TEE ee ET 399 HAIPENG WANG, ALLAN PRING, YUNG NGOTHAI, and BRIAN O’ NEILL: A low-temperature kinetic study of the exsolution of pentlandite from the monosulfide soid solution using a refined Avrami Memod .... 2... oi cee eben seb ee cbeceweeweereeteeen 415 YEHOSHUA KOLODNY, MARC CHAUSSIDON, and AMITAI KATz: Geochemistry of a chert breccia .....0..0.0.... .ee.e ee.e e.e e 427 CLAAR VAN DER ZEE, CAROLINE P. SLomp, DENIS G. RANCOURT, GERT J. DE LANGE, and WIM VAN RAAPHORST: A Mossbauer spectroscopic study of the iron redox transition in eastern Mediterranean sediments ........0.0. ce.e e.e e.ee. .eee. e ee 44] KrisA M. ArzAyus and ELizABETH A. CANUEL: Organic matter degradation in sediments of the York River estuary: Effects of Te ed Co PLT OTOL Ee aU Ee ar ne EE TAT PRR ree er eee Teg re 455 Y. AmeLIN and W. J. Davis: Geochemical test for branching decay of *Lu ...... 2.6... ccc cece eee e eet beteeceenerers 465 M. Jim Henpry, T. G. Korzer, and D. K. SoLOMon: Sources of radiogenic helium in a clay till aquitard and its use to evaluate the ee ee ee ale wig wis A eee as WET FORA RA ER EAS WS RD BOWER AWS LAER 9 kOe PORN 475 ALEXANDRE CORGNE, CHRISTIAN LIEBSKE, BERNARD J. Woop, Davip C. Rusiz, and DanigeL J. Frost: Silicate perovskite-melt partitioning of trace elements and geochemical signature of a deep perovskitic reservOir . 1.2... 0... cece ee eee eee 485 Pepro J. Juco, Ropert W. Lutu, and JEREMY P. RICHARDS: Experimental data on the speciation of sulfur as a function of oxygen a SS or ara isa cde Wig alu pp me eee SA Pe Sik wes SI ROME RY Rew RE A DS AO a we ee 497 Yur! AMELIN, AMITABHA GHOSH, and ETHAN ROTENBERG: Unraveling the evolution of chondrite parent asteroids by precise U-Pb ee coe ee oh ak G Sala dW G.4 ea ERR AEA SS Se SiN eh Od Oba ew eee ee eh eM 505 February (Vol. 69, No. 3) Volume 69, Number 3 February 1, 2005 Articles Neit J. TABoR and CrayTOoN J. YApp: Incremental vacuum dehydration-decarbonation experiments on a natural gibbsite (a-Al(OH;)): EE ESSE SESE IOS FIPS SD oe SE ELMO NO ED PET TOC POEL PEC UOTE PE CTT 519 JOHN LONGHI: Phase equilibria in the system CO,-H,O I: New equilibrium relations at low temperatures ..............-0005- 529 PER PERSSON and KrisTINA Axe: Adsorption of oxalate and malonate at the water-goethite interface: molecular surface speciation OES SITET DSS EES T BP OLED MPSS CLEC ee a pre Berd OnLy roe eee aee el ee LC ee ee eee ee oe ee ee 541 Denis G. RANCOURT, PIERRE-JEAN THIBAULT, DENIS MAvRocorDATOS, and GILLES LAMARCHE: Hydrous ferric oxide precipitation in the presence of nonmetabolizing bacteria: Constraints on the mechanism of a biotic effect NnN no >) Orit SIVAN, YOSEPH YECHIELI, BARAK HERUT, and Boaz LAZAR: Geochemical evolution and timescale of seawater intrusion into the coastal aquifer of Israel Bee een eae Ieee S ede ote a es Gene Wad Wag Ge Cuca. 6 Ae BAMA UNF MATSON AD Fe ARE EE EE Wee OD ae RRO 579 ALEX L. Sessions and JoHN M. Hayes: Calculation of hydrogen isotopic fractionations in biogeochemical systems ............ 593 SANDRA PIZZARELLO and YONGSONG HUANG: The deuterium enrichment of individual amino acids in carbonaceous meteorites: A case ne ee err re ere eer rer ree eee eee 599 JIWCHAR GANOR, EMMANUELLE ROUEFF, YIGAL EREL, and JozEL D. BLuM: The dissolution kinetics of a granite and its minerals— Implications for comparison between laboratory and field dissolution rates ........ ccc cece eet eee eee eee 607 KEVIN M. THEISSEN, DAviD A. ZINNIKER, J. MICHAEL MOLDOWAN, ROBERT B. DUNBAR, and HAROLD D. Rowe: Pronounced occurrence of long-chain alkenones and dinosterol in a 25,000-year lipid molecular fossil record from Lake Titicaca, South America .... 623 PauL W. O. Hoskin: Trace-element composition of hydrothermal zircon and the alteration of Hadean zircon from the Jack Hills, oe a1 ho wed whic He ae Fh 8 Dede AER E Gilee a RE TNE dE A A MRE Oe AA ee eae bee 637 RICHARD A. MortTLock, RICHARD G. FAIRBANKS, TZU-CHIEN Curtu, and JAMES RUBENSTONE: 7°°Th/?**U/??8U and 73'Pa/?°U ages from a single fossil coral fragment by multi-collector magnetic-sector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry ............ 649 Davip L. SHUSTER, PAULO M. VASCONCELOS, JONATHAN A. HEIM, and KENNETH A. FARLEY: Weathering geochronology by (U-Th)/He is ba Gas oa TUE pie UG eae EOS RE AE EE ON ETE ON GER ORS 2 UNCER ESL SOE EE EES 659 DoucLas E. ALLEN, W. E. SEYFRIED JR.: REE controls in ultramafic hosted MOR hydrothermal systems: An experimental study at re rr i ciel ea S da Ra CAE WN eRe KOs CEO CY Ot Ka AoE MON AR EGS ROR RE RES 675 HirosHi HipaAKA, JANUSZ JANECZEK, FRANCES N. SKOMURSKI, RODNEY C. EWING, and FRANCOIS GAUTHIER-LAFAYE: Geochemical fixation of rare earth elements into secondary minerals in sandstones beneath a natural fission reactor at Bangombé, Gabon 685 STEFAN PROWATKE and STEPHAN KLEMME: Effect of melt composition on the partitioning of trace elements between titanite and I rR Pata oe Waar ieee a aera is whe kell big memo. ge Mle Wk PO NEY LEA ORY Dk EO aD Fe He eae WO 695 ANTOINE BEzos and Eric HuMLER: The Fe**/SFe ratios of MORB glasses and their implications for mantle melting .......... 711 JuNuI YAMAMOTO and PETE G. BURNARD: Solubility controlled noble gas fractionation during magmatic degassing: Implications for eee ee COMpUnrOes OF TIMRRTY TONS CT TUTE OIE EU wo chine ew etn beeen aes bseeevegeseveeevesueges 727 CraAiG C. LUNDSTROM, MARC CHAUSSIDON, ALBERT T. Hsul, PETER KELEMEN, and MARK ZIMMERMAN: Observations of Li isotopic variations in the Trinity Ophiolite: Evidence for isotopic fractionation by diffusion during mantle melting ................ 735 ic re, oor ek, ee © eaeee Orm eeemeD BUN CCIE HUMOR nod vs iv eee erage wade eee eee eee hahaha eeee wens 753 TAKUYA KUNIHIRO, KAZUHIDE NAGASHIMA, and HISAYOSHI YURIMOTO: Microscopic oxygen isotopic homogeneity/heterogeneity in the a Se a i a a ee a mips cs. ar eae Ma Le hh kn bate w ek Ne eae eE Ee 763 MARIA SCHONBACHLER, DER-CHUEN LEE, MARK REHKAMPER, ALEX N. HALLIDAY, BopDo HATTENDORF, and DETLEF GUNTHER: Nb/Zr ees ee ee ers a Wi meres Gar Satie Ng 5 Fn oso ee hn ne ee ceeded eaves tescstoeuseseb 775 Comment and Reply PETER DEINES: Comment on “An explanation of the effect of seawater carbonate concentration on foraminiferal oxygen isotopes,” I he oan oN ct Cie ee eae i Mira aes Slate aka a yng bie pe ko abs eo wD 787 RICHARD E. ZEEBE: Reply to the comment by P. Deines on “An explanation of the effect of seawater carbonate concentration on sk ys cn a GT OE fod weeA ke eR Geb eo eva wORO ESM ORES One de 789 February (Vol. 69, No. 4) Volume 69, Number 4 February 15, 2005 Articles YONG SHU, XIAHONG FENG, CAREY GAzIs, DoUuG ANDERSON, ANTHONY M. FAA, KUILIAN TANG, and Grecory J. ETTL: Relative humidity recorded in tree rings: A study along a precipitation gradient in the Olympic Mountains, Washington, USA ....... 791 ROBERTO Moretti and GiuLio OTTONELLO: Solubility and speciation of sulfur in silicate melts: The Conjugated Toop-Samis-Flood- Grjotheim (CTSFG) model oe & oS) 6 BO & 0.2 @.'8 oO 016s Oe. So 87S 032 Oo & 61 5'R 2 2-6 EO 8 Oe 6H .4 6 4 oo B62 6. 6 S866 eee FP AUS. Oe 8 Oe eo 8 See DO e De 6 eee SO 6 A. D. Ansar, A. A. JARZECKI, and T. G. Spiro: Theoretical investigation of iron isotope fractionation between Fe(H,O)2* and Fe(H,O)2*: Implications for iron stable isotope geochemistry SPADE gah eg NPE meer ht REET pany een a pa Rr ape eT PLT her sae 825 WILLIAM J. GREEN, BRIAN R. STAGE, ADAM PRESTON, SHANNON WAGERS, JOSEPH SHACAT, and SILVIA NEWELL: Geochemical processes in the Onyx River, Wright Valley, Antarctica: Major ions, nutrients, trace metals ......... 0... cece eee cece eee eee 839 GIULIO OTTONELLO and MARINO VETUSCHI ZUCCOLINI: Ab-initio structure, energy and stable Cr isotopes equilibrium fractionation of Se ree Re PUP r CRO 6 v0 eonictin ons Ob yee eed CSR E A eh ee eke edd an hb es bo be oe bones eaeds 851 MICHAEL H. BRADBURY and BART BAEYENS: Modelling the sorption of Mn(II), Co(II), Nid), Zn(II), CdD, EudID, Am(IID, Sn(IV), Th (IV), Np(V) and U(VI) on montmorillonite: Linear free energy relationships and estimates of surface binding constants for eee Oe Ty NN SD I 60 sos cr bao es vs 6 Kah 04 Fb VEER OEP RE RDEV CDA hed eo ke CaS d eNO eee eae 875 Li-HunG LIN, GreG F. SLATER, BARBARA SHERWOOD LOLLAR, GEORGES LACRAMPE-COULOUME, and T. C. Onstott: The yield and isotopic composition of radiolytic H,, a potential energy source for the deep subsurface biosphere ...................005: 893 OLEG S. PoKROvSKY, JACQUES SCHOTT, and ALAIN CASTILLO: Kinetics of Brucite Dissolution at 25°C in the Presence of Organic and ne eae SE OU 0 doa sk ho FV nae We eRe Aw OE EW OR ATES RE Pea ERE OR DORA BRTEAS NT RRGANA ERY 905 S. J. SCHENAU, G. J. REICHART, and G. J. DE LANGE: Phosphorus burial as a function of paleoproductivity and redox conditions in ee I 5552 6 Ci CRE Re ie Ee Se ae a a ek lc ears ES Fa eae kee 919 EDWARD A. BOYLE, BRIDGET A. BERGQUIST, RICHARD A. KAYSER, and NATALIE MAHOWALD: Iron, manganese, and lead at Hawaii Ocean Time-series station ALOHA: Temporal variability and an intermediate water hydrothermal plume ................. 933 M. PAGANI, DAMIEN LEMARCHAND, ARTHUR SPIVACK, and JEROME GAILLARDET: A critical evaluation of the boron isotope-pH proxy: i ee eee EET Ree eee TOT TP ee tor tery PCT ore eT eee 953 CLarRK M. JOHNSON, ERIc E. RODEN, SUSAN A. WELCH, and BRIAN L. BEARD: Experimental constraints on Fe isotope fractionation during magnetite and Fe carbonate formation coupled to dissimilatory hydrous ferric oxide reduction .................4-. 963 JorDI DELGADO MARTIN and ALBERT SOLER I GIL: An integrated thermodynamic mixing model for sphalerite geobarometry from 300 i rns I a ik 9 eek naw Wie,6 RW ER OL LOE CN OA OMS EARS FEN S CAA ARO RTS 995 ALEXEI V. MILKOV, GEORGE E. CLAYPOOL, YOUNG-Joo LEE, and ROGER SASSEN: Gas hydrate systems at Hydrate Ridge offshore Oregon inferred from molecular and isotopic properties of hydrate-bound and void gases ......ce.ce. ee.e .ee.e .ee e 1007 OLIVIER JAOUL and FREDERIC BEJINA: Empirical determination of diffusion coefficients and geospeedometry .................. 1027 Baz S. KAMBER, ALAN GREIG, and KENNETH D. COLLERSON: A new estimate for the composition of weathered young upper comtmentel crust from eliavial sediments, Queensland, AuMSiralin ..... 2... onc cece cca wenseeeavacescucveweecevete 1041 C. H. STiruinc, A. N. HALuipay, and D. PorceLLt: In search of live 7*’Cm in the early solar system .............00000eeees 1059 YONGSONG HUANG, YI WANG, MARCELO R. ALEXANDRE, TAEWOO LEE, CHRISTOPH ROSE-PETRUCK, MEGAN FULLER, and SANDRA PiZZARELLO: Molecular and compound-specific isotopic characterization of monocarboxylic acids in carbonaceous le ie a Saw euch tei e eee ytaa Wid Gna SR Mie SKS ERD RAND EARS EEA Wn CEOER TENET CRATE ES REOPEN OS 1073 GeorGE D. Copy and Cone M. O’D. ALEXANDER: NMR studies of chemical structural variation of insoluble organic matter from I i a ee oe ieee daw ia ilo rk Wael inl bchin didip Baa aieg rieain ly A pinay we 1085 March (Vol. 69, No. 5) Volume 69, Number 5 : March 1, 2005 Articles Boaz Luz and EuGENI BaARKAN: The isotopic ratios '’0/'°O and '*O/'°O in molecular oxygen and their significance in ee. er een eee Vicks Pe N REN CEC Re OOO SEEN CO OREAE KES Dts CERT SEDER ER Ea eRe 1099 SoH-JoUNG YOON, LYNN M. Diener, Paut R. BLoom, Epwarp A. NATER, and WILLIAM F. BLEAM: X-ray absorption studies of aS i 5 hack CaN WERE URED SAE AS SEMEN COE RU ES 6 BUbns WS 1111 JEREMY B. Fein, JEAN-FRANCOIS BoILy, NATHAN YEE, DREW GoRMAN-LEwiIs, and BENJAMIN F. TURNER: Potentiometric titrations of Bacillus subtilis cells to low pH and a comparison of modeling approaches ......... 0. ccc cece eee eee eee eee 1123 QUSHENG JIN and CRAIG M. BETHKE: Predicting the rate of microbial respiration in geochemical environments .............-. 1133 G. GONZALEZ-GIL, J. E. AMONETTE, M. F. Romine, Y. A. GorBy, and G. G. GegEseEy: Bioreduction of natural specular hematite under er eS ue te er ae Gea wale ele ald bed RE AD Uk SMR ET RI CE EE PEARS Fo bt ede MRM AD Obed ENS 1145 RICHARD O. Sack: Internally consistent database for sulfides and sulfosalts in the system Ag,S-Cu,S-ZnS-FeS-Sb,S,-As,S,: Update 1157 ANN-KATHRIN LeEuz and C. ANNETTE JOHNSON: Oxidation of Sb(IIT) to Sb(V) by O, and H,O, in aqueous solutions ........... 1165 MARIE-PIERRE ISAURE, ALAIN MANCEAU, NICOLAS GEOFFROY, AGNES LABOUDIGUE, NOBUMICHI TAMURA, and MATTHEW A. MARCcus: Zinc mobility and speciation in soil covered by contaminated dredged sediment using micrometer-scale and bulk-averaging X-ray EY ee eT re eee Cee eR eee ere e eee ery ee eee ree ee ee re 1173 M. DietzeL and G. BOuME: The dissolution rates of gibbsite in the presence of chloride, nitrate, silica, sulfate, and citrate in open ee a tae Pah a wy a Ck PREACH eS ORES FTES AREER POUR SHENG ESIAA RECN OD DESEO ES 1199 CORNELIUS FISCHER and REINHARD GAupp: Change of black shale organic material surface area during oxidative weathering: Ee ere ere ee ree eee et eee re Per eee ee Ore ee pres Py ee 1213 PETER K. WEBER, CHARLES R. BACON, IAN D. HUTCHEON, B. LYNN INGRAM, and JOSEPH L. WOODEN: Ion microprobe measurement of strontium isotopes in calcium carbonate with application to salmon otoliths ......... 0.0... 0 cece eee eee eee eens 1225 Mark A. VAN ZUILEN, KATTATHU MATHEW, BRIGITTE WOPENKA, AIVO LEPLAND, KURT MARTI, and GUSTAF ARRHENIUS: Nitrogen and argon isotopic signatures in graphite from the 3.8-Ga-old Isua Supracrustal Belt, Southern West Greenland ............... 1241 Mario TRIELOFF, MARTINA FALTER, ALEXEI I. BUIKIN, EKATERINA V. KOROCHANTSEVA, ELMAR K. JESSBERGER, and RAINER ALTHERR: Puree Se Terres BUNOICE THY DUUTTIVTRD UTI coon es ccc ceed ene ctv eceewecteeseneneensevens 1253 FRED A. BLAINE, ROBERT L. LINNEN, FRANCOIS HOLTZ, and GERHARD E. BRUGMANN: Platinum solubility in a haplobasaltic melt at hou G Mee U2 Se, Eee Soret OF WEEE CONOME BIE GRVOOH TUGRCHY |. win ci cc cei cence terse seeeseceeeeear 1265 EDMOND A. MaATHEz and JAMes D. WEBSTER: Partitioning behavior of chlorine and fluorine in the system apatite—silicate melt—fluid 1275 V. B. Potyakov, S. D. MINEEV, R. N. CLAyton, G. Hu, V. M. Gurevicu, D. A. KHRAMov, K. S. GAvRICHEV, V. E. GORBUNOV, and L. N. GOLUSHINA: Oxygen isotope fractionation factors involving cassiterite (SnO,): I. Calculation of reduced partition function re en NE cc dnb yah cod oo'e cee ee bAie ww hd Naw Rew ee bed a Saba beeb bees ee. 1287 GUIXING Hu, ROBERT N. CLAYTON, VENIAMIN B. POLYAKOov, and SERGEY D. MINEEv: Oxygen isotope fractionation factors involving cassiterite (SnO,): II. Determination by direct isotope exchange between cassiterite and calcite ...................-000, 1301 B. CHEN and Y. ARAKAWA: Elemental and Nd-Sr isotopic geochemistry of granitoids from the West Junggar foldbelt (NW China), a a oe hs cw aks ae Ee SRR Wwe esM A pe SACKS hae whe wh GMs bes eee ww pe 1307 GHYLAINE QuiITTE, JEAN-Louts BiRCK, and CLAUDE J. ALLEGRE: Stony-iron meteorites: History of the metal phase according to I a ne ee a ca ace yd oe Ok ge WER NO 4 Rae ee CARS OK Py ORAS REAR ORD 1321 XIN Hua, GARY R. Huss, SHOGO TACHIBANA, and THOMAS G. SHARP: Oxygen, silicon, and Mn-Cr isotopes of fayalite in the Kaba Cee oe Cnn: ne tr 00k SN IED on soar eecec epee sees neeveeneecedeneeesteuneeeesas 1333 JAMIE E. ELsILA, NATHALIE P. DE LEON, PETER R. BusecK, and RICHARD N. Zare: Alkylation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in RS ine occ eel Aa eiais amie ww ha as FR wh ONE OS SOR ARN YNC EOS OS ONE SERS 1 Be eS 1349 G. HoLianp, J. M. Saxton, I. C. Lyon, and G. Turner: Negative 6'*O values in Allan Hills 84001 carbonate: Possible evidence a oS ra Cs Leeda ea ear a os Qe a Rk ta ROE AW ER AO CAS oe CR EERE Wie ake any 1359 Book Reviews a a a OO A I 1 a aor ce el ed edule eles oe we CER Uae eal Ge oa 1371 re Se ee a ee: ae Ce Ce kik s aac deivsS tsauvaeee oa bevs caaduescebedsacdsevales 1373 Erratum L.M. Mayer: Erratum to L.M. Mayer (1999) “Extent of coverage of mineral surfaces by organic matter in marine sediments” 1375 March (Vol. 69, No. 6) Volume 69, Number 6 March 15, 2005 Articles MarkK J. ABRUZZESE, JACOB R. WALDBAUER, and C. PAGE CHAMBERLAIN: Oxygen and hydrogen isotope ratios in freshwater chert as ec eege ee, ne Un GE CE OD og oaks vad ois ose wales PVN Nd ee ae hed 0 SORE K ORS Oka ONKOL aad ve 1377 ZHEMING WANG, JOHN M. ZACHARA, PAUL L. GASSMAN, CHONGXUAN LIU, ODETA QAFOKU, WASSANA YANTASEE, and JEFF G. CATALANO: Fluorescence spectroscopy of U(VI)-silicates and U(V1I)-contaminated Hanford sediment .....0.0..... 0..0: .cece. ce.ce uee 139] JAMES R. RusTAD and ANDREW R. FeLMy: The influence of edge sites on the development of surface charge on goethite nanoparticles: a ee eee e SO v's 5b Wo She Bh PAR Ra Wd ew CR Re SRL AR EE ewe SM OE ES DE oe 1405 KARIM BENZERARA, NICOLAS MENGUY, FRANCOIS GUYOT, CHRISTIAN VANNI, and PHILIPPE GILLET: TEM study of a silicate—carbonate— SOURCE HUET PEE. Dr TCE HOU UE CUT ina ai in FR 8 ea LER ENS oo CO ea iv eee e ones 1413 ANDREAS LUCKE, ROBERT MOSCHEN, and GERHARD H. SCHLESER: High-temperature carbon reduction of silica: A novel approach for oxygen isotope analysis of biogenic opal 1423 ot ek ee ee ee oe ee i es Oe a ee i a a a ee ke ee a ee ee Ok i ok ok Oh a ee ee er Ok a a ee ee er eh i a ee a ee mene nent; Gah NU Perper Conmmrcrncins NIE GONE I ii se ns Vie's Cae Ca cee ENS BLA STS seh wc Sin be hee we ee Oe 1435 ArT F. WHITE, MARJORIE S. SCHULZ, JACOB B. LOWENSTERN, DAVISON V. Vivit, and THOMAS D. BULLEN: The ubiquitous nature of accessory calcite in granitoid rocks: Implications for weathering, solute evolution, and petrogenesis 1455 R. BRAUCHER, L. BENEDETTI, D. L. BourLés, E. T. BRown, and D. CHARDON: Use of in situ-produced '°Be in carbonate-rich environments: A first attempt 1473 i i i JUNICHIRO KuRODA, NAOHIKO OHKOUCHI, TERUAKI ISHII, HIDEKAZU TOKUYAMA, and ASAHIKO TAIRA: Lamina-scale analysis of sedimentary components in Cretaceous black shales by chemical compositional mapping: Implications for paleoenvironmental eet ne rn SI I i 2h ec rie a Sika sb WATE EWS 6 ON RES RA kak OS RE ROSA RES ORS REL RRR 1479 PETER K. SWART, ALINA SZMANT, JAMES W. PorTER, RICHARD E. DopGE, JENNIFER I. TouGAS, and JOHN R. SOUTHAM: The isotopic composition of respired carbon dioxide in scleractinian corals: Implications for cycling of organic carbon in corals 1495 see ee we ewe SusAN E. Humpuris and WoLFGANG BACH: On the Sr isotope and REE compositions of anhydrites from the TAG seafloor I No as ek heh cag dick ipa hw ee NWN Gea oa i WCE MWe be. ING ORS CERI #1 Ch ie ly Wa 1511 JOHN R. BarGar, Jim D. Kusicki, REBECCA REITMEYER, and JAMEs A. Davis: ATR-FTIR spectroscopic characterization of coexisting ee aca sv Fc a Rd a4 ROR RA) OMA ODE CAR CRVSER BESSON ER ERED NTA RR NR 1527 STACIN MARTIN, CHEN ZHU, JOSEPH RULE, NOEL T. NUHFER, ROBERT ForD, SHEILA HEDGES, and YEE Soonc: A high-resolution TEM-AEM, pH titration, and modeling study of Zn** coprecipitation with ferrihydrite ......0.. .cc.c e.e ee. ee.e .ee e 1543 ROBERT BOLHAR, BALZ S. KAMBER, STEPHEN MOorBATH, MARTIN J. WHITEHOUSE, and KENNETH D. COLLERSON: Chemical character- ization of earth’s most ancient clastic metasediments from the Isua Greenstone Belt, southern West Greenland 1555 ie ee 6 44 O'S Oo ee Jacos S. WaAPLES, KATHRYN L. NAGY, GEORGE R. AIKEN, and JosEPH N. RYAN: Dissolution of cinnabar (HgS) in the presence of ak aay pain WOW Bip 5 E4SO GAOL SOUS VAN EDEN OS ASRS HERS OP RK.O ETE EOS os 1575 Lena Z. Evins, KELD A. JENSEN, and Ropney C. Ewina: Uraninite recrystallization and Pb loss in the Oklo and Bangombé natural fission reactors, Gabon 1589 cvs ere 2 eS Se A 66 ES Os ee RD Oe SS SSO 6.88 6 8 28 814 8 28 Oe SE ES ee Oe PO OE OR Bie DAO! SE Oe See 8, 48 SS Oe wo 2.9 8 Icor S. PUCHTEL and Munir Humayun: Highly siderophile element geochemistry of '*’Os-enriched 2.8 Ga Kostomuksha komatiites, Baltic Shield 1607 ALAN D. BRANDON, MuNIR HUMAYUN, IGOR S. PUCHTEL, and MICHAEL E. ZOLENSKY: Re-Os isotopic systematics and platinum group element composition of the Tagish Lake carbonaceous chondrite 1619 cus.» 6... 36 e ae e eee S oe es. 2 2 Be. OS Ob ee 8 Oa, 18 - 6.2. 0S OR OO 2 OO D8 oD Ropert A. Foe: Aubrite basalt vitrophyres: The missing basaltic component and high-sulfur silicate melts 1633 7 em oe ee fr ee we ee ta Erratum A. Pack: Erratum to A. Pack, H. Yurimoto and H. Palme (2004) Petrographic and oxygen-isotopic study of refractory forsterites from R-chondrite Dar al Gani 013 (R3.5—6), unequilibrated ordinary and carbonaceous chondrites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 68(5), 1135-1157. hs es aoe ee eee Oe eS oe 8 es Be 8 ee oe ee ee Oe Oe 8 OO ee OS Br OO: 6 OS, 2.8 O29 A OOO 8S 46 2 OT! HAA DA DO RAAT C4 ed April (Vol. 69, No. 7) Volume 69, Number 7 April 1, 2005 Articles MICHAEL F. HOCHELLA, JR., JOHNNIE N. Moore, CHRISTINE V. PUTNIS, ANDREW PUTNIS, TAKESHI KASAMA, and DENNIS D. EBERL: Direct observation of heavy metal-mineral association from the Clark Fork River Superfund Complex: Implications for metal transport III, Se eg a ee GAG Ae aie Bin ye alesk Use h-9.S NA. A i AF ee aUALS ek eee selene WS De wee Ale 9 Re 1651 KuNo M. STRASSMANN, MATTHIAS S. BRENNWALD, FRANK PEETERS, and ROLF KIPFER: Dissolved noble gases in the porewater of ee ck eed RN RN Sha ce OCA Ee ee EWG Vs Oa MG be Oe Ne MAN eR eS 1665 ILONA HEIDMANN, Iso CurisTL, and RUBEN KRETZSCHMAR: Sorption of Cu and Pb to kaolinite—fulvic acid colloids: Assessment of I ee a he ee a Re wurde be Pe Kina kid te PENS oP DT CAS > oa RRA 6 RR S40 ee a eee 1675 RICHARD T. Lowson, M.-C. JosickK COMARMOND, GEETHA RAJARATNAM, and PAuL L. Brown: The kinetics of the dissolution of chlorite eh eae ais we GSE LR EAS OW GN OR Oi ods io SR ee wa 1687 Tim K. LOWENSTEIN, MICHAEL N. TIMOFEEFF, VOLODYMYR M. KOvALEvyCcu, and JUSKE Horira: The major-ion composition of Permian SE he ea aN ws te eat eee GL ie alg G wa vere a Ke bre Ba es wR RRS a Nae DON ODE ee eee wee o4 wee KES 1701 E. Curti, D. A. KuLik, and J. Tirs: Solid solutions of trace Eu(III) in calcite: Thermodynamic evaluation of experimental data over a Sg Ag eg ye Gd eT Ae TN Ke eS URW ET NS CRD ERAN ERR EOE uN NaS CaK SOD 1721 D. CRAIG Cooper, ANDREW L. NEAL, RAvi K. KUKKADAPU, DALE BREWE, AARON Cosy, and FLYNN W. PICARDAL: Effects of sediment iron mineral composition on microbially mediated changes in divalent metal speciation: Importance of ferrihydrite ......... 1739 VOLKER METZ, KEREN AMRAM, and JIWCHAR GANOoR: Stoichiometry of smectite dissolution reaction ...............00ee0e0 e e 1755 M. J. PEARSON, J. P. HENDRY, C. W. TAYLor, and M. A. RUSSELL: Fatty acids in sparry calcite fracture fills and microsparite cement I cS as Caused eed gE phd os Ga ie ee Roe aw CER Od gOS RD ele we a ee 1773 C. SteEBeRT, J. D. KRAMERS, TH. MEISEL, PH. Moret, and TH. F. NAGLER: PGE, Re-Os, and Mo isotope systematics in Archean and early Proterozoic sedimentary systems as proxies for redox conditions of the early Earth .....0..0.... .ce.ce e.ee. e ee 1787 ANA Lucia LIMA, J. BRADFORD HUBENY, CHRISTOPHER M. REDDY, JOHN W. KING, KONRAD A. HUGHEN, and Timotny I. EGLINTON: High-resolution historical records from Pettaquamscutt River basin sediments: 1. 7!°Pb and varve chronologies validate record of wg SERRE EE LLG ILA LAD NikeS ep EAE EPO ATE REET Ia MA oat nS eg ITN 1803 ANA LucIA LIMA, BRIDGET A. BERGQUIST, EDWARD A. BOYLE, MATTHEW K. REUER, FRANCIS O. DUDAS, CHRISTOPHER M. REpDpy, and Timotuy [. EGLINTON: High-resolution historical records from Pettaquamscutt River basin sediments: 2. Pb isotopes reveal a ES NS hr ga nae uly sp ea sch a a ke pk Mek Ae Med eee cae barb eeae VALERIE SCHWAB, JORGE. E. SPANGENBERG, and JOAN O. GRIMALT: Chemical and carbon isotopic evolution of hydrocarbons during prograde metamorphism from 100°C to 550°C: Case study in the Liassic black shale formation of Central Swiss Alps ...... JAMES L. BiscHorF, JOE WOODEN, FRED Murpuy, and Ross W. WILLIAMS: U/Th dating by SHRIMP RG ion-microprobe mass OO SE oS ed “sia yi aw a 0 aw sis CA Hd a eh awe wa Sea alah 0.0 ee Oeil GryY HOFFMANN BARFOD, EIRIK JENS KROGSTAD, ROBERT FREI, and FRANCIS ALBAREDE: Lu-Hf and PbSL geochronology of apatites from Proterozoic terranes: A first look at Lu-Hf isotopic closure in metamorphic apatite ......0.0..0.. .ce .e ee.e e.ee eee A. AtuppaA, S. INGUAGGIATO, A. J. S. MCGONIGLE, M. O’ Dwyer, C. OPPENHEIMER, M. J. PApGETT, D. Rouwet, and M. VALENZA: H,S fluxes from Mt. Etna, Stromboli, and Vulcano (Italy) and implications for the sulfur budget at volcanoes ................. ALEXANDER N. Krot, TIMOTHY J. FAGAN, KAZUHIDE NAGASHIMA, MICHAEL I. PETAEV, and HisAyosHI YURIMOTO: Origin of low-Ca pyroxene in amoeboid olivine aggregates: Evidence from oxygen isotopic compositions ......0.0.0 c.e e.ee .ee e.e .ee e PAUL C. BUCHANAN, TAKAAKI NoGuCHI, DONALD D. BoGARD, MiTsuRU EBIHARA, and IkUO KATAYAMA: Glass veins in the unequili- i SG eh ke ga ah a a lt als Latha aaa ghd are oe aul id Zin eS a a ae a D. GAGNEVIN, J. S. DALY, T. E. WAIGHT, D. MorGan, and G. Pout: Pb isotopic zoning of K-feldspar megacrysts determined by Laser Ablation Multi-Collector ICP-MS: Insights into granite petrogenesis cS e168 OLR OOO. 2. Oe Oe Oe) 6 iw De 6. & Ore. 6.8 6 DO 8.6 2 OES 6 OS ODS LO April (Vol. 69, No. 8) Volume 69, Number 8 April 15, 2005 Articles EDENISE GARCIA, MARc AmyotT, and ParisA A. ArIyYA: Relationship between DOC photochemistry and mercury redox transforma- tions in temperate lakes and wetlands 1917 ee ee OS bk et ee ek ee. ON ee Pk ay Ms ee a ee oe ee a ee ee ee ee oe ee me a a ee oe a a ae kh oe oe fe ee ae ae er ey ee JAMES T. HOLLIBAUGH, STEVE CARINI, HAKAN GURLEYUK, ROBERT JELLISON, SAMANTHA B. 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Wonca: Rayleigh distillation and the depth profile of '*C/!?C ratios of soil organic carbon from soils of disparate texture in Iron Range National Park, Far North Queensland, Australia 1961 a oe oe a oe ee ae ArT F. WHITE, MARJORIE S. SCHULZ, DAVISON V. Vivit, ALEx E. BLUM, DAvip A. STONESTROM, and JENNIFER W. HARDEN: Chemical weathering rates of a soil chronosequence on granitic alluvium: III. Hydrochemical evolution and contemporary solute fluxes and rates 1975 a a ee oe ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ek a a ee oe A Se oe Oe ae a te ek ie oe oe oe a et ee Oe ce ae a ee ee ey ee a on a a ae ee STEPHAN J. KOHLER, DIRK BosBACH, and Eric H. OgLKERs: Do clay mineral dissolution rates reach steady state? .............. 1997 SUNE G. NIELSEN, MARK REHKAMPER, DON PORCELLI, PER ANDERSSON, ALEX N. HALLIDAY, PETER W. SWARZENSKI, CHRISTOPHER LATKOCZy, and DETLEF GUNTHER: Thallium isotope composition of the upper continental crust and rivers—An investigation of the continental sources of dissolved marine thallium 2007 C. GEOFFREY WHEAT and James McManus: The potential role of ridge-flank hydrothermal systems on oceanic germanium and silicon balances 2021 ee ee ee ee ee ee ee a ee ee ee ee ee ee ee Oe ee ee i es ee ee ee ee re ce et oe oe ee ee ae ee ee oe ee ee a ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee en oe a ee ee ee ok eee JENS HOLTVOETH, SADAT KOLonic, and THOMAS WAGNER: Soil organic matter as an important contributor to late Quaternary sediments of the tropical West African continental margin 2031 JIWCHAR GANOR, TED J. Huston, and LYNN M. WALTER: Quartz precipitation kinetics at 180°C in NaCl solutions—Implications for the usability of the principle of detailed balancing 2043 P1A ENGSTROM, TAGE DALSGAARD, STEFAN HULTH, and RoBerT C. ALLER: Anaerobic ammonium oxidation by nitrite (anammox): Implications for N, production in coastal marine sediments 2057 ee ee oe ee ee ee ee ae ve Oe ee i a oe we ve ee ee ee ee er a a ee On et oe oe a oe oe ae ee a ee oe oe A. Das, S. KRISHNASWAMI, M. M. SARIN, and K. PANDE: Chemical weathering in the Krishna Basin and Western Ghats of the Deccan Traps, India: Rates of basalt weathering and their controls 2067 @ 6 ¢ 6.8 0 02° 8 @ @-0:6°¢ 2°53) 3 & OSS SO ©. Oe © OSE DOS OOOO A Ee Se. 6 6. OD oe © © OS STEVEN R. HiGGINs and XIAOMING Hu: Self-limiting growth on dolomite: Experimental observations with in situ atomic force microscopy 2085 yy a wy ok We a eS As el ce a a ee ee ee eee ee ce a a a a ee er ee or hr or a oe ae a a ee ae ae er a en ae ae er ae oe oe a ee a oe oe es i ae a a ie” a a er i oe ee ee a ee or ee oe oe ee ar ie oe a a oe ae a Ce | MATTHEW A. CHARETTE, EDWARD R. SHOLKOVITZ, and COLLEEN M. HANSEL: Trace element cycling in a subterranean estuery: Part 1. Geochemistry of the permeable sediments 2095 “yw be oe oe ae oe ee oe a ee ee ee ee ee ae ee ee ee er ae a ee or lk ee oe ee ae ee oe ee oe a ae a ee he oe ee ey oe a ee ae a oe or a a ny ie oe | THORARINN S. ARNARSON and RICHARD G. KEIL: Influence of organic-mineral aggregates on microbial degradation of the dinoflagel- late Scrippsiella trochoidea 2111 Ss 2 Oe 8s 2 A Ow 66S Se Oe Fe 6 oe Ole Ee 8 8 6 we SO 8S 6 OO ee ee Se EO, OR OS. 4 8 Oe Oe 8 8 Oe 8 OED 08 4 0.8) OO Oe Boris R. TAGIROV, STEFANO SALVI, JACQUES SCHOTT, and NINA N. BARANOvA: Experimental study of gold-hydrosulphide complexing in aqueous solutions at 350—-500°C, 500 and 1000 bars using mineral buffers 2119 FERENC LAZAR FoRRAY, CHRISTOPHE DROUET, and ALEXANDRA NAvrotTsky: Thermochemistry of yavapaiite KFe(SO,).,: formation and decomposition 2133 oe oe Bone ee Ao aoe. ee eee Se ee 6 eek oe a ee So ee Oe) 2S Ek OS. S68 SES Se ee Do 6 OOK OR OS OSS Oe SE 8 88. SS OD SC. 8 0. 8 OOS 4] SO 6D Nancy L. CHABoT, DAvip S. DRAPER, and CARL B. AGEE: Conditions of core formation in the Earth: Constraints from Nickel and Cobalt partitioning 2141 is ein oe Se oe Oe eo 6 oem 6 ee S eee ke oO Se 6 oe Ow eS Oe OOO ED OS OO OO 1 OO SR OO 8 OOS 6 28 FRO 2.8 Oe Se 6 Pod 8 Oo 2 OS O09 O04 S. J. WoopLAND, M. REHKAmpER, A. N. HALLIDAY, D.-C. Lee, B. HATTENDORF, and D. GUNTHER: Accurate measurement of silver isotopic compositions in geological materials including low Pd/Ag meteorites 2153 eis Cis Ss Sek 2S SOS 2 eS Ov8 Os BED OLS R 6 O58 & 0°. 9-824 V. P. SEMENENKO, E. K. JESSBERGER, M. CHAUSSIDON, I. WEBER, T. STEPHAN, and C. Wigs: Carbonaceous xenoliths in the Krymka LL3.1 chondrite: Mysteries and established facts Bw eo eae ek oS we ee ee SOM S68 Be e 6 eo Oe AS Oe OO a ee BS RS 6 BE OC OS 2.2 H 2S 2 SO 6 OO RES May (Vol. 69, No. 9) Volume 69, Number 9 May 1, 2005 Articles FRANK H. DENISON and JACQUELINE GARNIER-LAPLACE: The effects of database parameter uncertainty on uranium(VI) equilibrium eee Ce a ee is ta ae a ge tant iw wh bse EVE A KLE HM AOR EGR By dee CAME Sew D asalee WEA OO 2183 ETIENNE BALAN, THIERRY ALLARD, EMMANUEL FRITSCH, MADELEINE SELO, CHRISTOPHE FALGUERES, FRANCOIS CHABAUX, Marig-CLAIRE PIERRET, and GEORGES CALAS: Formation and evolution of lateritic profiles in the middle Amazon basin: Insights a ee Gig ha ke ht Gs Kee ee ERD RE PANO ERS OU bee hb eaN ED BR bop ee ed EO KW; 2193 LoulsE J. CRISCENTI, SUSAN L. BRANTLEY, KARL T. MUELLER, NATIA Tsomala, and James D. Kusicki: Theoretical and 7”7Al CPMAS NMR investigation of aluminum coordination changes during aluminosilicate dissolution ....0..0.0..... ee.e ee.e .eee eee 2205 MIKE J. BICKLE, HAZEL J. CHAPMAN, JUDITH BUNBURY, NIGEL B. W. HArrIs, IAN J. FAIRCHILD, TALAT AHMAD, and CATHERINE PoMIEs: Relative contributions of silicate and carbonate rocks to riverine Sr fluxes in the headwaters of the Ganges ............... 2221 AXEL SCHIPPERS, LEV N. NERETIN, GAUTE LAVIK, THOMAS LEIPE, and FALK POLLEHNE: Manganese(II) oxidation driven by lateral a oe I as 6) sg wing Wi viny Meio Homan ie Od WA DAS WON WS CdR EERE SOPRA E bs VR RSS 2241 B. Bock, V. LIEBETRAU, A. EISENHAUER, R. FREI, and T. Lerpe: Nd isotope signature of Holocene Baltic Mn/Fe precipitates as monitor a rg ga ac ng al Wd WG Ry kV Nw eS EA EN Ow OOS VAR O OS Ok eS OEE SSS 2253 FREDERIC PANFILI, ALAIN MANCEAU, GERALDINE SARRET, LORENZO SPADINI, TATIANA KIRPICHTCHIKOVA, WALERIE BERT, AGNES LABOUDIGUE, MATTHEW A. Marcus, NOUREDDINE AHAMDACH, and MARIE-FRANCOISE LIBERT: The effect of phytostabiliza- tion on Zn speciation in a dredged contaminated sediment using scanning electron microscopy, X-ray fluorescence, EXAFS ene, ee rE UNNI INN iii ne ee od WES oe Suey ee eR ab ong WEN So ER EES oo ea eR ba We eew eens 2265 CHAOYONG Hu, JUNHUA HUANG, NIANQIAO FANG, SHUCHENG XIE, GIDEON M. HENDERSON, and YANJUN Car: Adsorbed silica in eer Sere Sr EP se ce pie cw seed he baw enw ete cab veee Rebbe eewebeonehe 2285 CLAIRE I. FIALips, J. WILLIAM Carey, and Davip L. BisH: Hydration-dehydration behavior and thermodynamics of chabazite .... 2293 C. ArnostTI, N. FINKE, O. LARSEN, and S. GHOBRIAL: Anoxic carbon degradation in Arctic sediments: Microbial transformations of Slee aa OU re ee OOS a Ae a a es Sig op Cin VR MADEN TH 20 RTO SOA TER EARLS A Oe SRR 2309 GIOVANNI De Giupicil, ANTONELLA Rossi, LUCA FANFANI, and PIERFRANCO LATTANZI: Mechanisms of galena dissolution in oxygen- saturated solutions: Evaluation of pH effect on apparent activation energies and mineral-water interface .................. 2321 S. R. Sutton, J. KARNER, J. PAPIKE, J. S. DELANEY, C. SHEARER, M. NEWVILLE, P. ENG, M. Rivers, and M. D. Dyar: Vanadium K edge XANES of synthetic and natural basaltic glasses and application to microscale oxygen barometry ................... 2333 Davip L. SHUSTER and KENNETH A. FarLey: Diffusion kinetics of proton-induced *'Ne, *He, and *He in quartz .............. 2349 STEPHAN KLEMME, STEFAN PROWATKE, KATHRIN HAMETNER, and DeETLEF GUNTHER: Partitioning of trace elements between rutile and en a a NI So Lg Sd gb ae WS kG lg BORON A Od WAS EAE RON Re ee ware dieee 2361 GrorGe D. Copy, BJorn O. Mysen, and SuNG Keun Lee: Structure vs. composition: A solid-state 'H and *°Si NMR study of a ke ie bi e Sede o Eb ewe eM EON 6s ol nee Ry bees bake ee ee 2373 MASSIMILIANO TIRONE, JIBAMITRA GANGULY, RALF DOHMEN, FALKO LANGENHORST, RICHARD HERVIG, and HANS-WERNER BECKER: Rare earth diffusion kinetics in garnet: Experimental studies and applications o's 6: 6. 06. 8. 6 28 ae SH SO ee 8 8 2S OS 25S Se We NOR Oo koe 8 8 Bw 8 Dmitri A. loNov, JANNE BLICHERT-TorT, and DOMINIQUE WEIS: Hf isotope compositions and HREE variations in off-craton garnet and spinel peridotite xenoliths from central Asia . 2 6 aS 2S 8-6 5-H 8 3 8 8 6A Oe A Oe Fe SS eS 8) Se OO O06 es 6 a SS OS Ook Oe Ses S&S Se 6 6S 8 ee ee Oe Yves MARROCCHI, ANGELINA RAZAFITIANAMAHARAVO, LAURENT J. MICHOT, and BERNARD Marty: Low-pressure adsorption of Ar, Kr, and Xe on carbonaceous materials (kerogen and carbon blacks), ferrihydrite, and montmorillonite: Implications for the trapping of noble gases onto meteoritic matter aie BS le 86.6 ee ee Cre ae Bee 62) 6 6 eS ee S Se Ss 6a See OO ew 8 eee ee Oo Bees 2 EOS 6 Ow OD Oe 4 0.0 6 4 OS CHRISTOPHER D. K. HERD, ALLAN H. TREIMAN, GORDON A. McKay, and CHARLES K. SHEARER: Light lithophile elements in martian basalts: Evaluating the evidence for magmatic water degassing ’e£é¢ee @'e Be ean e2e Pees areeceaees eed 6.444. 8 @ 6 0 0 08 8.0 8 80.6 8 6 8 ® G. E. Fox and R. H. Hewins: Chondrule reheating experiments and relict olivine aS B O06 h-e 8. 6-014 58s 6 6 2 ew © oF oe 24 ee 8 8! Be Oo te Oe

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