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Preview Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 2003: Vol 67 Table of Contents

LIST OF CONTENTS Volume 67, Number 1 January 2003 Articles January 2003 R. DAHN, A. M. SCHEIDEGGER, A. MANCEAU, M. L. SCHLEGEL, B. BAEYENS, M. H. BRADBURY, and D. CHATEIGNER: Structural evidence for the sorption of Ni(II) atoms on the edges of montmorillonite clay minerals: A polarized X-ray absorption fine structure study .... l D. A. SVERJENSKY: Standard states for the activities of mineral surface sites and species ....0.0.0 c.ece. ee.e ee. eee. ee ns 17 A. D. Jacosson, J. D. BLum, C. P. CHAMBERLAIN, D. CRrAw, and P. O. Koons: Climatic and tectonic controls on chemical weathering ee ee ara We dae a So Wik Le Oye COR ERE EO ED LWA AM Ls POE ae aw ee 29 C. Korte, H. W. Kozur, P. BRUCKSCHEN, and J. VEIZER: Strontium isotope evolution of Late Permian and Triassic seawater ..... 47 N. E. Biair, E. L. LEITHOLD, S. T. Forb, K. A. PEELER, J. C. HOLMEs, and D. W. PerKEy: The persistence of memory: The fate of SUCHOM SOCIICHINTY OLRMIC CAPOON I B MICUCTN SECIIIPIIATY SySIOM wk etd e scene nec evebesscceeessenens 63 J.-P. Curr, Y. DAUPHIN, J. Doucet, M. SALOME, and J. Susini: XANES mapping of organic sulfate in three scleractinian coral IN 6 ses Ape al are aw AlN oer ae eo a eee WR EN EE CUE BS sO SRNR FARA SAE ORL Ae OO OO 75 J. D. Ritcuie and E. M. Perbue: Proton-binding study of standard and reference fulvic acids, humic acids, and natural organic SI ik 8 ee ee de Gk ee ae oe RS el oe ae ed ns ad EO A See a nes 85 A. AUDETAT and T. PETTKE: The magmatic-hydrothermal evolution of two barren granites: A melt and fluid inclusion study of the Rito del Medio and Canada Pinabete plutons in northern New Mexico (USA) ....... 0... cece ee ene eens 97 S. S. FORTENFANT, D. GUNTHER, D. B. DINGWELL, and D. C. RusBie: Temperature dependence of Pt and Rh solubilities in a NII ott ot ha pb eee ote ecm hy Ot eka ROL Shula ON ale ER LEE ee ee RRA WA en ee EEN 123 D. TINKER, C. E. LESHER, AND I. D. HUTCHEON: Self-diffusion of Si and O in diopside-anorthite melt at high pressures ........ 133 J. M. Luck, D. B. Oruman, J. A. BARRAT, and F. ALBAREDE: Coupled ®*Cu and '°O excesses in chondrites ..............06. 143 D. IToH and K. ToMeoka: Dark inclusions in CO3 chondrites: New indicators of parent-body processes ................00-5 153 January (Volume 67, Number 2) Articles January 2003 P. MOLLER, P. DuLskI, and G. MorTEANI: Partitioning of rare earth elements, yttrium, and some major elements among source rocks, liquid and vapor of Larderello-Travale Geothermal field, Tuscany (Central Italy) ......... cece eeeeee nes 171 L. P. KNAuTH, M. BriLLI, and S. KLoNowskI: Isotope geochemistry of caliche developed on basalt ........ 0.0.0... cece e eee 185 P. FENTER, C. PARK, L. CHENG, Z. ZHANG, M. P. S. KREKELER, and N. C. Sturcuio: Orthociase dissolution kinetics probed by in situ X-ray reflectivity: Effects of temperature, pi, and crystal orientation ..... 0... ccc ccc cece ccs e tenet oseenereseeusener 197 S. Utsunomiya, T. MURAKAMI, M. NAKADA, and T. KAsama: Iron oxidation state of a 2.45-Byr-old paleosol developed on mafic NS 0h gt ei ea ee cr ee a Oey cet ai win orga ew Shas SEAS EM Oke a Ths O48e Cave Nae 213 D. R. ROSENBERG and P. A. Maurice: Siderophore adsorption to and dissolution of kaolinite at pH 3 to 7 and 22°C .......... 223 C. ALIBERT, L. KINSLEY, S. J. FALLON, M. T. McCuLLocnu, R. BERKELMANS, and F, MCALLISTER: Source of trace element variability in Greet Bamier Beet corals etrected Sy The Bardenin GOOG PIMs octeart ee tareoccass acecennenes 231 H. E. Hartnett and A. H. Devot: Role of a strong oxygen-deficient zone in the preservation and degradation of organic matter: A carbon budget for the continental margins of northwest Mexico and Washington State 2.1... ..... cece cece ee eee eee 247 J. Crusius and J. THomson: Mobility of authigenic rhenium, silver, and selenium during postdepositional oxidation in marine ES Gia he RAS” a Sete ee eal AVG TENS LAS Oe A Dle h WEAN OE ET OK ACE EAT COMER ESL KAM ME SS ESD OTRO TS eS 265 S. P. ALTANER, R. F. YLAGAN, S. M. Savin, J. L. ARoNson, H. E. BELKIN, and A. PozzuoLt: Geothermometry, geochronology, and mass transfer associated with hydrothermal alteration of a rhyolitic hyaloclastite from Ponza Island, Italy ................. 275 M. Bizzarro, A. SIMONETTI, R. K. STEVENSON, and S. KursZLAUvKIs: In situ ®’Sr/*°Sr investigation of igneous apatites and carbonates er oe et ae nT ee Cee eee ert eee Tre reper rT ere eee Seer ene ee ey eet a 289 T. MorisHitTa, S. Aral, F. GERvILLA, and D. H. GREEN: Closed-system geochemical recycling of crustal materials in alpine-type Ns x Os hoe ey} eae hares Ea ee od ake Sa Sh dO A AS TENN SHES VS GRN MIT CERO RED CEN COR ENG a sees eee kat 303 T. M. McCo..om: Formation of meteorite hydrocarbons from thermal decomposition of siderite (FeCO;) .................6. 311 Comment and Response M. KosMuLSKI: Comment on “Point of zero charge of a corundum-water interface probed with optical second harmonic generation (SHG) and atomic force microscopy (AFM): New approaches to oxide surface charge” by A. G. Stack, S. R. Higgins, and C. M. RST eh tO a en Py Oe eg rai ear oe ere Grae wera eeh rer: ergy een ya eee Care ee ee eee ee ee 319 A. G. Stack, S. R. Hiccins, and C. M. EGGLESTON: Response to comment on “Point of zero charge of a corundum-water interface probed with optical second harmonic generation (SHG) and atomic force microscopy (AFM): New approaches to oxide surface sean re ee ine WS ON on Ce lao EAN TERS STN TETAS AS OREM Roba ERK ME WEST ooo MO eS s ON 321 Book Reviews B. P. Giass: Planetary Sciences Imke de Pater and Jack J. Lissauer, Cambridge University Press, 2001, 528 pp., GBP 50 (ISBN I ee Oe reg a cee aN oe ye ene a SMa a ER ily Sib Sigua FA ak AME PP MER PRR RHE VS 323 February (Volume 67, Number 3) Articles February 2003 J. P. SEVERINGHAUS, A. GRACHEV, B. Luz, and N. CAILLON: A method for precise measurement of argon 40/36 and krypton/argon ratios in trapped air in polar ice with applications to past firn thickness and abrupt climate change in Greenland and at Siple Dome, I si 2 ahs Oe1 Aas hs Weds Een SEA ee PETE ERTS 25 NG GMA ESAS ACG ORT FE ODA EA ON OR 325 A. M. Gracuev and J. P. SEveRINGHAUs: Laboratory determination of thermal diffusion constants for 7?N./*N, in air at temperatures from —60 to 0°C for reconstruction of magnitudes of abrupt climate changes using the ice core fossil—air paleothermometer 345 I. GRAHAM, R. DircuHBurN, and B. Barry: Atmospheric deposition of ‘Be and '°Be in New Zealand rain (1996-98) .......... 361 A. M. Tye, S. D. Youna, N. M. J. Crout, H. ZHANG, S. PRESTON, V. L. BARBOSA-JEFFERSON, W. Davison, S. P. McGrartu, G. I. PATON, K. KILHAM, and L. RESENDE: Predicting the activity of Cd** and Zn?* in soil pore water from the radio-labile metal a cc a i VS Ta a ge Se are ne aa tre Sa ae ee et ae Win Gens WA mia aes be Sa 375 G.-T. ZHou and Y.-F. ZHENG: An experimental study of oxygen isotope fractionation between inorganically precipitated aragonite SAI ee ek re A etka ie Ng aula og kena pak AW ee ee EK RW Se Oka nee kena 387 C. M. HANSEL, B. W. WIELINGA, and S. FENpDorF: Structural and compositional evolution of Cr/Fe solids after indirect chromate i i I a a 6 i hin hws re ie ok ee Sek WN ee Oe aN paw Rhee webs w 401 T. M. JoHNsoN and T. D. BULLEN: Selenium isotope fractionation during reduction by Fe(II)-Fe(III) hydroxide-sulfate (green rust) 413 A. HOFMANN, R. BOLHAR, P. Dirks, and H. JELSMA: The geochemistry of Archaean shales derived from a mafic volcanic sequence, Belingwe greenstone belt, Zimbabwe: provenance, source area unroofing and submarine versus subaerial weathering ....... 421 A. PoLat, A. W. HOFMANN, C. MUNKER, M. REGELOus, and P. W. U. AppeEL: Contrasting geochemical patterns in the 3.7—3.8 Ga pillow basalt cores and rims, Isua greenstone belt, Southwest Greenland: Implications for postmagmatic alteration processes 441 I. Appora, J. M. EILER, A. MATTHEws, and E. M. SToLPER: Experimental determination of oxygen isotope fractionations between CO, I he ou wn eS eau ie Sig hy DRE LT ANS -2ik SUE GEDA 4b MEK Seber baa 459 C. LieBskE, H. BEHRENS, F. HOLtz, and R. A. LANGE: The influence of pressure and composition on the viscosity of andesitic melts 473 Y.-G. Xu, M. A. Menzies, M. F. THIRLWALL, X.-L. HUANG, Y. Liu, and X.-M. CHEN: “Reactive” harzburgites from Huinan, NE China: Products of the lithosphere-asthenosphere interaction during lithospheric thinning? ................e.e0e e0e0ue0e s 487 M. GoungLLE, M. E. ZoLensky, J.-C. Liou, P. A. BLAND, and O. ALARD: Mineralogy of carbonaceous chondritic microclasts in howardites: Identification of C2 fossil micrometeorites I. Leyva, R. WigvgR, and A. N. HALLipAy: The influence of cosmic-ray production on extinct nuclide systems C. FLoss, R. A. FoGei, Y. Lin, and M. Kimura: Diopside-bearing EL6 EET 90102: Insights from rare earth element distributions 543 S. LORENZETTI, O. EuGSTER, H. BUSEMANN, K. Marti, T. H. Bursine, and T. McCoy: History and origin of aubrites .......... 557 Book Review T. B. BALLARAN: Reviews in Minerology and Geochemistry, edited by R. M. Hagen and R. T. Downs ..................0.. 573 February (Volume 67, Number 4) Articles February 2003 J. A. RECH, J. QUADE, and W. S. Hart: Isotopic evidence for the source of Ca and S in soil gypsum, anhydrite and calcite in the PY oe et ie Vat aay pay ti ie ie bls o SRE dew BW Sd PUT SiG TEE WAS OAR OED EOE EO 575 F. PEETERS, U. BEYERLE, W. AESCHBACH-HERTIG, J. HOLOCHER, M. S. BRENNWALD, and R. KipFER: Improving noble gas based paleoclimate reconstruction and groundwater dating using 7°Ne/**Ne ratios 20... ccccece ee ee ee e eenes 587 P. B. Tomascak, N. G. HEMMING, and S. R. HEMminc: The lithium isotopic composition of waters of the Mono Basin, California 601 N. N. AKINFIEV and L. W. DiaMonp: Thermodynamic description of aqueous nonelectrolytes at infinite dilution over a wide range ee IS <2 hk ate i ce ate een a ei Hessler Wretink Was Mea ONAG D6 Sh G KALE PEED RAK MONA Na RES 613 W.-J. Cat, Y. WANG, J. Krest, and W. S. Moore: The geochemistry of dissolved inorganic carbon in a surficial groundwater aquifer in North Inlet, South Carolina, and the carbon fluxes to the coastal ocean... 1. ce tect eee eet eveeneenss 631 J. C. Att, and W. C. SHanks, III: Serpentinization of abyssal peridotites from the MARK area, Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Sulfur ee is cd Me Ria a WMA GAS KN E8004 4 +R E LER Co ON ORAD ER VS ER RAO AES 641 C.-Y. AgoLus LEE, G. J. WASSERBURG, and F. T. KyTe: Platinum-group elements (PGE) and rhenium in marine sediments across the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary: Constraints on Re-PGE transport in the marine environment ................ee0e0 e0eece s 655 Z. DUAN, N. M@LLER, and J. H. WEARE: Equations of State for the NaCl-H,O-CH, System and the NaCl-H,O-CO,-CH, System: Penne eects ME WT PI I 7 sc ka ieee weed ee cabs babe a wees enscaweaeawes 671 R. H. JAMes, D. E. ALLEN, and W. E. SEYFRIED JR.: An experimental study of alteration of oceanic crust and terrigenous sediments at moderate temperatures (51 to 350°C): Insights as to chemical processes in near-shore ridge-flank hydrothermal systems .. 681 F. A. M. PLANCHON, K. VAN DE VELDE, K. J. R. ROSMAN, E. W. WoLFr, C. P. FERRARI, and C. F. BOUTRON: One hundred fifty-year second Gr Giue seohemes 68 Fines Sw Tes Cas Ta kn ion bv cee nerve ede yrasuasewenapaseveccaens 693 N. Kositcin, N. J. MCNAUGHTON, B. J. GriFFIN, I. R. FLETCHER, D. I. GRoves, and B. RASMUSSEN: Textural and geochemical discrimination between xenotime of different origin in the Archaean Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa .................. 709 B. Ketrrup, A. Deutscu, and V. L. Masaitis: Homogeneous impact melts produced by a heterogeneous target? Sr-Nd isotopic a SD ahs gd hi'g $k Kil ien WX wiR Be WK A WH BO FA eA LAH nk A De ew 733 D. B. KARNerR, J. LEVINE, R. A. MULLER, F. ASARO, M. RAM, and M. R. Stouz: Extraterrestrial accretion from the GISP2 ice core 751 H. Imai and H. Yurimoto: Oxygen isotopic distribution in an amoeboid olivine aggregate from the Allende CV chondrite: Primary acer ely wd a agi Lig leuk re Sth atk Waalee lpsF S ao © ek Oe EMOTE A ANS KORTE Fo od 48 8 RS 765 Y. Yu, R. H. Hewins, C. M. O’D. ALEXANDER, and J. WANG: Experimental study of evaporation an isotopic mass fractionation of LD dae i a Og ate tse a arg a ra Pints alk decors ab ELA Wk REN Oe eM Dae ON 773 Comment and Response H D. HoLianp: Discussion of the article by A. C. Lasaga and H. Ohmoto on “The oxygen geochemical cycle: Dynamics and ee ES gc i dd so sdb Seb CW Whe ee ROS 4 0 tb be RED OE ws OR Do CTO BE RS ee 787 H. Oumoto: Reply to comments by H. D. Holland on “The oxygen geochemical cycle: Dynamics and stability,” Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 66, 361—381, 2002 March (Volume 67, Number 5) Volume 67 March 2003 Articles Upo BECKER and Kevin M. Rosso: Advances in oxide and sulfide mineral surface chemistry 6 6) 66 © Se 6 eee 8 eS Oe OOOO Ce Oe ew Ee J. Muscat and J. D. GALE: First principles studies of the surface of galena PbS Oe 66 ee 68 SR we 6 re S18 CDE HE CEH EW FC CER AS 8 UH OO OS A. R. ELseTtinow, D. R. STRONGIN, M. J. Borba, M. A. SCHOONEN, and K. M. Rosso: Characterization of the structure and the surface reactivity of a marcasite thin film i oe ee ee ee ee ee ee ge ee ee ee ee Pe ge ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee a a eh oe a ee ee A. R. Gerson and A. R. O’Dea: A quantum chemical investigation of the oxidation and dissolution mechanisms of Galena .... C. G. WEISENER, R. ST. C. SMART, and A. R. GERSON: Kinetics and mechanisms of the leaching of low Fe sphalerite J. E. THomas, W. M. SKINNER, and R. St. C. SMART: A comparison of the dissolution behavior of troilite with other iron(II) sulfides; implications of structure 831 tsa eo Cow oe Se @ 2 ae eee Oe 6 6 Sele ew Ce Sw 6-250 2-8 Se ee Se eS) EO RS S68 Oe we 8 Se eS Oe Ow 8 8 8 8 6 8 8 eee OE Se EC eC Oe Ce wee H. W. Nessitt, A. ScHAuruB, M. Sciani, H. Hocust, G. M. BANcrorT, and R. SZARGAN: Monitoring fundamental reactions at NiAsS surfaces by synchrotron radiation X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy: As and S air oxidation by consecutive reaction schemes: 845 M. F. LENGKE and R. N. TEMPEL: Natural realgar and amorphous AsS oxidation kinetics 859 J. D. Riwstipt and D. J. VAUGHAN: Pyrite oxidation: A state-of-the-art assessment of the reaction mechanism 873 E. C. Topp, D. M. SHERMAN, and J. A. PURTON: Surface oxidation of pyrite under ambient atmospheric and aqueous (pH=2 to 10) conditions: Electronic structure and mineralogy from X-fay absorption spectroscopy 881 ee Od a6 Oe OR S 2.e 08 2 oe S08 1S oe we eS ee EO, S B. C. Bostick, S. FENDorF, and B. A. MANNING: Arsenite adsorption on galena (PbS) and sphalerite (ZnS) 895 (35 oe ae ie Se ee ee ee B. C. Bostick and S. FENDorrF: Arsenite sorption on troilite (FeS) and pyrite (FeS,) 909 ee Se 66 6 8 eS ere a OS OS Oe ee ee hee Ee Oe Oe U. Becker, K. M. Rosso, R. WEAVER, M. WARREN, and M. F. HocuHELLa, JR.: Metal island growth and dynamics on molybdenite surfaces 923 eS + = Se S668 bt SS Oe Oe Ce. wre eS SSE SOS, BL 8 Come eee oe er Se Se SO Oe A RR Oe Oe ee AE 88 80 ew GS SR, ON 6 FOO HO 46 EE De OOS M. J. Borba, A. R. ELSETINOW, D. R. STRONGIN, and M. A. SCHOONEN: A mechanism for the production of hydroxyl radical at surface defect sites on pyrite 935 oes 6 2.4.8 d Oe We 6S 8 ee Oe Se ee BR OS 8 Oe ee 48. * 6 8 aD 2S 6 ee SS SC eee wee eo 6 ee Oe 8 ew ee 88 oe 8. 2 eee ee Oe ee K. M. Rosso and U. BEcKeErR: Proximity effects on semiconducting mineral surfaces II: Distance dependence of indirect interactions 941 R. A. Jones, S. F. KovaL, and H. W. Nessitt: Surface alteration of arsenopyrite (FeAsS) by Thiobacillus ferrooxidans 955 F. GABORIAUD and J-J. EHRHARDT: Effects of different crystal faces on the surface charge of colloidal goethite (a-FeOOH) particles: An experimental and modeling study 967 oe -S Rens & O66 Se Sass 8 Oe Bee 8 ee 8 eee eee OS 8.2 6 Ge ee 2k 6 SS ee Oe 6 ow 6 6) OR OLA ee SOO 8 eee ee 8 C. M. Ecc.eston, A. G. STACK, K. M. Rosso, S. R. Hicains, A. M. Bice, S. W. BogsE, R. D. PRiBYL, and J. J. NICHOLS: The structure of hematite (a-Fe,0,) (001) surfaces in aqueous media: Scanning tunneling microscopy and resonant tunneling calculations of coexisting O and Fe terminations 985 2) OR Re Oe 6 ee REL OO eS SS Oe ee 4 68S 2 Oe eC Re Rw Se. @ Od Ore. Fee lS 4) Oe SD oe ee 6 6 Ae ee eS eee & 6 Oe 8 8 es 8 Oe ee J. R. Rustap, A. R. Fecmy and E. J. BYLAsKA: Molecular simulation of the magnetite-water interface 1001 + 6.8 6 @ 2-6 Oe 248 6S. C0 ] 64 a N. Sanat: The effects of Mg** and H* on apatite nucleation at silica surfaces 1017 2.6 & @ 4 .o2 @ & OB e 8S 218-8 SS OOS ES CLO OS 4 0 OO ee 8 OO 28 G. A. Waycuunas, C. C. FULLER, J. A. Davis, and J. J. REHR: Surface complexation and precipitate geometry for aqueous Zn(II) sorption on ferrihydrite: Il. SANES analysis and simulation C. Liu and P. M. HuANG: Kinetics of lead adsorption by iron oxides formed under the influence of citrate + te te @ Se ee } oe A A Oe M. A. HENDERSON: Surface stabilization of organics on hematite by conversion from terminal to bridging adsorption structures: P. Yu, A. P. Lee, B. L. PHILLips and W. H. Casey: Potentiometric and '’F nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic study of fluoride substitution in the GaAl,, polyoxocation: Implications for aluminum (hydr)oxide mineral surfaces ‘ie 2 Bw 60 bee 00s Ole & 6 & ee & Se. @ ee K. M. Rosso, J. M. ZACHARA, J. K. FREDRICKSON, Y. A. GorBy and S. C. SmitH: Nonlocal bacterial electron transfer to hematite surfaces i ee ee oe he ee ee a ee a ee ae ee ee ee Oe a ae ee ee a es en Se ee ee ie ee ee ee ee ee ee a te ee i a ee ee Ce A Oe OMe ae ee a ee oo ae ae ee ee So oe ee a ey Ge ae es ae ee oe a a ee er ee wae March (Volume 67, Number 6) Articles March 2003 K. PECHER, D. McCuspery, E. KNEEDLER, J. ROTHE, J. BARGAR, G. MEIGs, L. Cox, K. NEALSON, and B. TONNER: Quantitative charge state analysis of manganese biominerals in aqueous suspension using Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy (STXM) .... 1089 A. Lurtce, U. WINKLER, and A. C. Lasaaa: Interferometric study of the dolomite dissolution: A new conceptual model for mineral dissolution J. R. HEIN, A. Koscuinsky, and A. N. HALLIDAY: Global occurrence of tellurium-rich ferromanganese crusts and a model for the enrichment of tellurium J. F. ADKins, E. A. BoyLe, W. B. Curry, and A. LUTRINGER: Stable isotopes in deep-sea corals and a new mechanism for “vital effects” N. S. F. Witson, J. S. CLine, and Y. V. AMELIN: Origin, timing, and temperature of secondary calcite—silica mineral formation at Yucca Mountain, Nevada M. NEsTEROVA, J. Moreau, and J. F. BANFIELD: Model biomimetic studies of templated growth and assembly of nanocrystalline A. A. FincH, N. ALLISON, S. R. Sutton, and M. NewviLLe: Strontium in coral aragonite: 1. Characterization of Sr coordination by extended absorption X-ray fine structure Y. Hattori, K. Suzuki, M. Honpa, and H. Suimizu: Re-Os isotope systematics of the Taklimakan Desert sands, moraines and river sediments around the Taklimakan Desert, and of Tibetan soils A. M. HOFMEISTER and H. K. MAo: Pressure derivatives of shear and bulk moduli from the thermal Griineisen parameter and volume-pressure data M. TRIELOFF, M. FALTER, and E. K. JESSBERGER: The distribution of mantle and atmospheric argon in oceanic basalt glasses M. E. VARELA, M. BONNIN-MosBauH, G. Kurat, and J. P. GALLIEN: Nitrogen microanalysis of glass inclusions in chondritic olivines by nuclear reaction April (Volume 67, Number 7) Articles April 2003 M. A. Fevipe, J. D. Kupicki, and D. M. Rye: Hydrogen isotope exchange kinetics between H,O and H,SiO, from ab initio calculations S. GLASAUER, P. G. WEIDLER, S. LANGLEY, and T. J. BEVERIDGE: Controls on Fe reduction and mineral formation by a subsurface bacterium N. ALCANTAR, J. ISRAELACHVILI, and J. BOLEs: Forces and ionic transport between mica surfaces: Implications for pressure solution R. Mittot, J. GAILLARDET, B. Dupre, and C. J. ALLEGRE: Northern latitude chemical weathering rates: Clues from the Mackenzie River Basin, Canada J. M. Cospen and R. H. Byrne: Comparative geochemistries of Pd" and Pt'': Formation of mixed hydroxychloro and chlorocar- bonato-complexes in seawater J. S. SINNINGHE DamstE, S. RAMPEN, W. IRENE, C. RupstrA, B. ApBAs, G. Muyzer, and S. SCHOUTEN: A diatomaceous origin for long-chain diols and mid-chain hydroxy methyl alkanoates widely occurring in Quaternary marine sediments: Indicators for high-nutrient conditions T. WATANABE, M. K. GAGAN, T. CorrEGE, H. Scorr-GaGANn, J. CowLey, and W. S. HANToROo: Oxygen isotope systematics in Diploastrea heliopora: New coral archive of tropical paleoclimate S. G. WAKEHAM, C. M. Lewis, E. C. HopmMans, S. SCHOUTEN, and J. S. SINNINGHE DAMSTE: Archaea mediate anaerobic oxidation of ee Se ECT ECT UET CETTE TT TTT eee Te re eee 1359 N. Gussone, A. EISENHAUER, A. HEuSER, M. DiETzeL, B. Bock, F. BOHM, H. J. SPERo, D. W. Lea, J. Bua, and T. F. NAGLER: Model for kinetic effects on calcium isotope fractionation (6**Ca) in inorganic aragonite and cultured planktonic foraminifera ...... 1375 P. FARRIMOND, G. D. Love, A. N. BisHop, H. E. INNEs, D. F. Watson, and C. E. SNAPE: Evidence for the rapid incorporation of nn UP I ft ee GE Le was eon l ke 9 Oa Ae KA AO REN Oe oF CARA 4 Noe OR Oe ee huh ee ne 1383 A. STEFANSSON and T. M. SEwarp: Experimental determination of the stability and stoichiometry of sulphide complexes of silver(I) ee eS ae ee Ne yao 4-8 Mw. Sng BAe NR ede HE DMS SRE RV ice ACV RO WH AOE Ne En ORE Ws 1395 M. R. FRANK, P. A. CANDELA, and P. M. Piccout: Alkali exchange equilibria between a silicate melt and coexisting magmatic volatile ns ee a i 6 5d Wea ew Sie OOO TNE OTT EEA DKA OS RWR EEE VSR ERE YO OOS ESDS 1415 F, L. PLows, J. E. Etsita, R. N. ZARE, and P. R. Buseck: Evidence that polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in two carbonaceous ee ag bo Sk GP SANA OER CAE Uo DY ONEM O ee ONS WORST NOES WERE D OR ENR CO 1429 April (Volume 67, Number 8) Articles April 2003 E. A. Wess and F. J. Lonastarre: The relationship between phytolith- and plant-water 5'°O values in grasses ............... 1437 F. BRANDT, D. BosBacH, E. KRAWCZYK-BARSCH, T. ARNOLD, and G. BERNHARD: Chlorite dissolution in the acid pH-range: A Ceereerreee meen i IT PUN ies ck eka eh cde be oO EK CaS aw ree eee ee eee veeber eee aww 1451 J. D. Fittus, J. C. L. MEEUssEN, D. G. Lumspon, T. HIEMSTRA, and W. H. VAN RIEMSDIJK: Modeling the binding of fulvic acid by epee: Te Ue Oe UE Fk, I 3g. nk ca ee eee ness caver bend emcee dee e cb eenbereescbeeeeees 1463 A. STARINGKY Gel. RATS: Tie Tormmation of metral cryogenic Drines cj cw wo oe eee ee bec e ese nwneeseeeeves 1475 B. S. GARDINER, B. P. BOUDREAU, and B. D. JOHNSON: Growth of disk-shaped bubbles in sediments .....................4.. 1485 J. JEHLICKA, A. SvATOS, O. FRANK, and F. UHLik: Evidence for fullerenes in solid bitumen from pillow lavas of Proterozoic age from ee a a GNI R eS aa wi KNOG Ooo EN RRs Oe eH aSOY OW RR RS 1495 N. HARADA, K. H. SHin, A. Murata, M. Ucuipa, and T. NAKATANI: Characteristics of alkenones synthesized by a bloom of Emiliania EE EES LR OE Te Ne PE ETE Oe EIT ETS Oe ER Ee EEE Oe ETE ee a ey 1507 J. J. BRocks, G. D. Love, C. E. SNapge, G. A. LoGAN, R. E. Summons, and R. Buick: Release of bound aromatic hydrocarbons from iote Archean end Mesceroterozoic Kerosens Vin WYGPONYIONYSIS 2... cet e teen cece bar eeedesesenssteces 1521 D. E. ALLEN and W. E. SEYFRIED, JR.: Compositional controls on vent fluids from ultramafic-hosted hydrothermal systems at eee ees Cee: Ae eeeereias ORY OE GO TI ED gc ie civ eve secre ct we neesscvbbecssnecedevtevvuses 1531 D. Papro, B. C. Scumipt, and R. Dupree: Water solubility mechanism in hydrous aluminosilicate glasses: Information from 7’ Al I SS Se ta, kr a ia aria tg Sala vo aus witsi ain alo rnicod pb MiScK WA PKS Bee WA weR HO 1543 A. Lucuet, J.-P. LoRAND, and M. SEYLER: Sulfide petrology and highly siderophile element geochemistry of abyssal peridotites: A coupled study of samples from the Kane Fracture Zone (45°W 23°20N, MARK Area, Atlantic Ocean) ................... 1553 P. CARTIGNY, J. W. Harris, A. TAYLOR, R. DAvigs, and M. JAvoy: On the possibility of a kinetic fractionation of nitrogen stable NE ES EACLE AE LO OO LE LIL OE EE PO OL OT OTe Pe 157] G. K. BENepDIx, L. A. LESHIN, J. FARQUHAR, T. JACKSON, and M. H. THIEMENs: Carbonates in CM2 chondrites: Constraints on alteration conditions from oxygen isotopic compositions and petrographic observations .....0.c e.c cc. .ee.ct. .etn.ie s 1577 S. PIZZARELLO, M. ZOLENSKy, and K. A. Turk: Nonracemic isovaline in the Murchison meteorite: Chiral distribution and mineral PEERS SS RRENE EAP Si sg eS ere a wes c areca Las NEU ons PMS a ae Mann Sa CO RE Ney Snel wel pl Pn nam SA ir Oe 1589 Book Review J. FARQUHAR: Stable Isotope Geochemistry, edited by J. W. Valley and D. R. Cole... 2.0... teens 1597 Erratum A. MANCEAU: Erratum to A. Manceau, B. Lanson, and V. A. Drits (2002) Structure of heavy metal sorbed birnessite. Part III: Results from powder and polarized EXAFS spectroscopy, Geochimica et Cosmochimia Acta 66, 2639-2663 ............c0e0ce0 e e 1599 May (Volume 67, Number 9) Articles J. M. AsTILLeros, C. M. Pina, L. FERNANDEZ-Dfaz, and A. PuTNIS: Supersaturation functions in binary solid solution—aqueous EE rae Kean te te Reais Satan Wed Eeo le re ee WADE ATES CONE COTA SOs NOTRE Des Vi ROR R OTH LORE 1601 L. REN, B. K. Linstey, G. M. WELLINGTON, D. P. ScHRAG, and O. HOEGH-GULDBERG: Deconvolving the 5'*O seawater component from subseasonal coral 6'*O and Sr/Ca at Rarotonga in the southwestern subtropical Pacific for the period 1726 to 1997 .... 1609 R. S. Arvipson, I. E. Ertan, J. E. AMONETTE, and A. LutTcE: Variation in calcite dissolution rates: A fundamental problem 1623 S. J. Mouzsis, C. D. CoaTu, J. P. GREENwWoop, K. D. MCKEEGAN, and T. M. HARRISON: Mass-independent isotope effects in Archean (2.5 to 3.8 Ga) sedimentary sulfides determined by ion microprobe analysis .....cece. ce.ce .cec.e .te.en .enc es 1635 S. E. Grassy: Naturally precipitating vaterite (u-CaCO,) spheres: Unusual carbonates formed in an extreme environment ..... 1659 C. JIMENEZ-LopEz, A. RODRIGUEZ-NAVARRO, J. M. DOMINGUEZ-VERA, and J. M. Garcia-Ruiz: Influence of lysozyme on the precipitation of caicium Carbonate: A Kimetic and morphologic Study «2... ceeee eee ieee essen e eenseseeen 1667 A. STEFANSSON and T. M. Sewarp: The hydrolysis of gold(I) in aqueous solutions to 600°C and 1500 bar .................. 1677 H. Bureau and N. MEtrICH: An experimental study of bromine behaviour in water-saturated silicic melts ................... 1689 S. K. Lee and J. F. Stepsins: The distribution of sodium ions in aluminosilicate glasses: A high-field Na-23 MAS and 3Q MAS NMR ee eed ee ree er ae a a ee ee Oy ats et LEU awa s a SR w oO Re ASO ee 1699 T. J. ZEGA and P. R. Busgck: Fine-grained-rim mineralogy of the Cold Bokkeveld CM chondrite ...................0.0005 1711 Y. ¥. IRISSIN: TEVGPOCAIOGR COMMPONEENS I COTOORECOOUS THCHRONTIOS 5 6 ieee tee re ete nasiavnaveneseseaees 1723 M. I. Petaev, J. A. Woop, A. Merpom, A. N. Krot, and K. Keit: The ZONMET thermodynamic and kinetic model of metal I xi dg ae are ee rs Gg a oe a eer eta Dk gah ua asd one SMe alk eK ANS 5 Bo SREE TRA @ WOR 6,5 AEST EET 7st Book Review M. F. Hocue..a, JR.: Nanoparticles and ‘the Environment, edited by J. F. Banfield and A. Navrotsky .................0000- 1753 Errata D. M. Rye, E. W. Botton, and A. LittGe: Erratum to A. C. Lasaga, D. M. Rye, A. Liittge, and E. W. Bolton (2001), “Calculation of fluid fluxes in Earth’s crust,” Geochimia et Cosmochimica Acta 65, 1161-1185 ....... 0... ee tees 1755 G. M. Marion: Erratum to G. M. Marion (2002), A molal-based model for strong acid chemistry at low temperatures (<200 to 298 Pd, NC rs OR Og i ee ck cic oe a suv nceednenncwbabecresseousrensseevnnes 1755 May (Volume 67, Number 10) Articles May 2003 E. ScHEFUB, V. RATMEYER, J.-B. W. Stuut, J. H. F. JANSEN, and J. S. S. DamsTE: Carbon isotope analyses of n-alkanes in dust from ae Re re ir Oe TE I Be go chk ices ae rena ee tan tee cate aed a rowbae taeee as eanieas 1757 L. Mercury, M. AZAROUAL, H. ZEYEN, and Y. Tarpy: Thermodynamic properties of solutions in metastable systems under negative I 8 VS iy i hoe Nl oS cat a ae a ee ae a ie tae ek ak plea Woah Woe 1769 O. W. DuckworTH and S. T. MartTIN: Connections between surface complexation and geometric models of mineral dissolution ES a ee ect OS eh Se Sa ae alate ule Weg s Gp ee KRIS Aa SAND eee kee 1787 | J. SCHNEIDER, U. Haack, and K. STEDINGK: Rb-Sr dating of epithermal vein mineralization stages in the eastern Harz Mountains | a th At) Se re ears dares Src iee Ge CARs ACRE ha aeRO I Nira’ bE wae ON ee RE 1803 | A. V. Zotov, N. D. SHikina, and N. N. Akinrigv: Thermodynamic properties of the Sb(III) hydroxide complex Sb(OH)s,,,) at IE A ig igs Wixceaes wwe hh be Oe eA EA EER EOLO SED MEO RAL EE ORKAS EO SHE AENEES ED ERE Ee RE RSE ECO AOR 1821 C. KoeBer_ and W. U. REIMOLD: Geochemistry and petrography of impact breccias and target rocks from the 145 Ma Morokweng ee eS LOS Th ERAS A we RAS ES REE ERA LES ESE KARA ESET AES CARES Ae Re Ree ES 1837 S. TONARINI, C. ForTE, R. PETRINI, and G. FERRARA: Melt/biotite ''B/'°B isotopic fractionation and the boron local environment in oe ER oa ree ie er Te ee ee ee ee ree ee were eer et rere wee ge eer ey eer rere 1863 E. A. MatuHez and T. E. WaiGut: Lead isotopic disequilibrium between sulfide and plagioclase in the Bushveld Complex and the ee enna ae ch a a 5M aio as Nein eve ee ERS A Ooo ee TOO MER SSC Ohe OS hee DA VER CHADS REDE 1875 Y. Pan, P. Dona, and N. CHEN: Non-Henry’s Law behavior of REE partitioning between fluorapatite and CaF,-rich melts: Controls ee. Pere ere Serre I is ake nen ele a Fe KAN a eh ee wend deeb eee vane ved wide re peeaes 1889 L. LEMBELLE, L. BEAUNIER, S. BORENSZTAIN, M. FIALIN, and F. Guyot: Destabilization of olivine by 30-keV electron irradiation: A possible mechanism of space weathering affecting interplanetary dust particles and planetary surfaces .................... 1901 D. W. MITTLEFEHLDT and M. M. LINDstrom: Geochemistry of eucrites: Genesis of basaltic eucrites, and Hf and Ta as petrogenetic ee ee ey Ces a hs a od oe oS EA WE DAS RS OUT eK SSAA SON Mee Sew ER De H a Sa eS OOO 1911 Erratum R. DAHN: Erratum to Rainer Dahn, André Scheidegger, Alain Manceau, Michel L. Schlegel, Bart Baeyens, Michael H. Bradbury, and Magali Morales (2002) Neoformation of Ni phyllosilicate upon Ni uptake on montmorillonite: A kinetics study by powder and polarized extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy, Geochemica et Cosmochimica Acta 66(13), 2335-2347 1935 June (Volume 67, Number 11) Articles June 2003 A. L. Foster, G. E. BROWN JR., and G. A. PARKS: X-ray absorption fine structure study of As(V) and Se(IV) sorption complexes on EVES i CIE RIE oPT OU Se SEG ere PO ee CORA UPI re. ft Oia rt aeo e aa Ry OO OLE A OE an Pi, OE PPE 1937 B. C. REYNOLDs, G. J. WASSERBURG, and M. BASKARAN: The transport of U- and Th-series nuclides in sandy confined aquifers 1955 Y. Asano, T. UcuipA, and N. OuTe: Hydrologic and geochemical influences on the dissolved silica concentration in natural water Ir a A a gre Sa alae ka Nae ICRA AK Wyk aa WO A tS ERS eee OS 1973 C. J. Yapp: A model for '°O/'°O variations in CO, evolved from goethite during the solid-state a-FeOOH to a-Fe,O, phase IS esta gee ore aie cote oe eae tee A ee ae a ak nr ee Una ee ule au i eh 199] G. A. SHIELDs, G. A. F. CARDEN, J. VEIZER, T. MEIDLA, J.-Y. RONG, and R-Y. Li: Sr, C, and O isotope geochemistry of Ordovician brachiopods: A major isotopic event around the Middle-Late Ordovician transition .......00 .ccc. ce.e c.ec.e .eee0 ee es 2005 N. CHEN, T. S. BIANCHI, and J. M. BLAND: Novel decomposition products of chlorophyll-a in continental shelf (Louisiana shelf) sediments: Formation and transformation of carotenol chlorin esters .......... ccc cc cc ccc c cc etececeevcsvcscceceeces 2027 E. B. WaTSOoN and D. J. CHERNIAK: Lattice diffusion of Ar in quartz, with constraints on Ar solubility and evidence of nanopores 2043 C. Drouet and A. NAvrotsky: Synthesis, characterization, and thermochemistry of K-Na-H,O jarosites ................05- 2063 N. L. Cuasort and C, B. AGgg: Core formation in the Earth and Moon: New experimental constraints from V, Cr, and Mn 2077 M. A. SEPHTON, A. B. VERCHOVSKY, P. A. BLAND, I. GiLMour, M. M. Grapy, and I. P. WriGut: Investigating the variations in carbon a ee te ee I a eect T eich ered nea bew ap hatha ds whe keer mhe he be eo owes ok eee 2093 June (Volume 67, Number 12) Articles June 2003 J. E. AMonetTe, R. K. KUKKADAPU, E. E. ALP, W. STURHAHN, and T. S. TOELLNER: Heterogeneous electron-transfer kinetics with ee 7 ee HY ek cho vee xe yk be a oe Sa EE AN VCR G packed URS ee hye bento aae' 2109 C. B. DowLina, R. J. PoREDA, and AsisH R. BAsu: The groundwater geochemistry of the Bengal Basin: Weathering, chemsorption, i racy UG'2i 4 ok ESE ORDA TAKES DRS ROEM COLES YEO R EAR MET CHE RE Oe he's a eR 2117 E. C. Topp, D. M. SHERMAN, and J. A. PuRTON: Surface oxidation of chalcopyrite (CuFeS,) under ambient atmospheric and aqueous (nee 2-80) Cones. SG, Pe Le OE SP ee AATRY SRCCUONCORY wn i ck tee nba ss eee ee sees ev aesacewebeesbys 2137 H. V. McGrecor and M. K. GAGAN: Diagenesis and geochemistry of Porites corals from Papua New Guinea: Implications for nn US ara tae bso gate ele ais ik we pd bw Yow SSE RS A a NO Ri dS DATS RARE 2147 G. MOLLENHAUER, T. I. EGLINTON, N. OHKOUCHI, R. R. SCHNEIDER, P. J. MULLER, P. M. GRootes, and J. RULLKOTTER: Asynchronous alkenone and foraminifera records from the Benguela Upwelling System ....02.. c.ece .c.cc .e.ee. .een s FdY G D. Rusatro and J. HERMANN: Zircon formation during fluid circulation in eclogites (Monviso, Western Alps): Implications for Zr a ee OM re ae ey eg eee ee eee eer er ee ee eer ee Pee ns rere 2173 F. Costa, S. CHAKRABORTY, and R. DOHMEN: Diffusion coupling between trace and major elements and a model for calculation of ee ne cei k ek ahaa sae ad MAK OU NR DRA weOd oe PRAHA D DSA ROS NOON oY we OS 2189 X. Hua, J. Li, and P. R. Buseck: Oscillatory zoned fayalitic olivine from the Lewis Cliff 90500 CM2 meteorite ............. 2201 ¥.K. Bim, 3. V. 3. Boome, wed 1). Corr: aes CUI A OTT oe ca hed ce ent ee ieee cae ncunties 2213 J. T. Wasson and A. E. Rusin: Ubiquitous low-FeO relict grains in type II chondrules and limited overgrowths on phenocrysts ig rh a 5 Sh eh COS ENA EER RETA OSA GS A RDA REINS ARG AN TEKS EWEN a RES 2239 Y. Lin and M. Kimura: Ca-Al-rich inclusions from the Ninggiang meteorite: Continuous assemblages of nebular condensates and ne ee a a oe EE BAR ONE R PC EAS haw EAE STA ES EK NME Ove Ae ARR WER eee EO 2251 H. TAKEDA, W. Hsu, and G. R. Huss: Mineralogy of silicate inclusions of the Colomera IIE iron and crystallization of Cr-diopside ce a aco Oa OR ot ch ek A ee Ua NAN we RAE So OER ORONO 2269 J. P. GrEENWoop, R. E. BLAKE, and C. D. Coatu: Ion microprobe measurements of '*O/'°O ratios of phosphate minerals in the ee ne no vs AA dine Kd SS 4 EN Oe OO Reo 64K a CREE EWE W OS DR Ry oO DE 2289 Erratum R. Daun: Erratum to Dahn et al. (2003), “Structural evidence for the sorption of Ni(II) atoms on the edges of montmorillonite clay minerals. A polarized X-ray absorption fine structure study” Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Vol. 67(1), 1-15. .......... 2299 July (Volume 67, Number 13) Society Awards Ceremony Speeches July 2003 DANIEL P. ScHRAG : Citation for presentation of 2002 V. M. Goldschmidt Award to John M. Hayes ..................000-. 2301 Joun M. Haves: Acceptance of the 2002 V. M. Goldachimidt Award ..... . nc ccc cece reece nsec nner eeeessoeses 2303 JAMES R. MAXWELL: Citation for presentation of the 2002 Alfred E. Treibs Medal to Archie Douglas ...................44. 2305 Ancrme Tian As: Acuemtance OF Cie 202 Aled ©. Teese AW ook ike ees ceed meen ween pees cece ewes 2307 ALEX N. HALLipAy: Citation for presentation of the 2002 Clair C. Patterson Award to Henry Elderfield ..................... 2309 Biaeaey Pare: cease me Oe Dee ©. ©, PITA AWS: «oo ce cece e stance denne eavedeenen 2311 Lynn M. WA LtTeR: Citation for presentation of the 2002 F. W. Clarke Award to Ruth Elaine Blake .....................0.. 2313 irre Tae Ame: Rceeiacn ar We Bie ©. Wy. CURT FAWN oan ooo 6 vine ie is eek ee eke eke Savin cand an peewee 2315 MICHAEL J. DRAKE: Citation for presentation of the Distinguished Service Award to Denis M. Shaw ................0.+005. 2317 Denis M. Suaw: Acceptance of the 2002 Distinguished Service Award cc cic cece ccm e rnc recccc dew eeeneseerener 2319 Articles JiANWU TANG and KareEN H. JOHANNESSON: Speciation of rare earth elements in natural terrestrial waters: Assessing the role of ee ere rere Terre Terre eer Sere er eer ey eo ee eee eee 2321 CHRISTIAN IHLENFELD, Marc D. NorMan, M. K. Gaaan, R. N. DrysDALE, R. Maas, and J. WEBB: Climatic significance of seasonal trace clement atid stable isotope variations in a modem freshwater tufa .... 2.0.0... ccc cree ccc te were seer eeveeeuctuves 2341 E. S. Gorpon and M. A. Gon: Sources and distribution of terrigenous organic matter delivered by the Atchafalaya River to BE a SE OE er Or eee er ee rE Tee er Tere Pere re eee eer eet ce eee 2359 GREGORY CHMIEL, S. J. Fritz, and Davip ELmMore: Control of *°Cl production in carbonaceous shales by phosphate minerals 2377 S. V. CHuURAKOV and M. GorTscHALk: Perturbation theory based equation of state for polar molecular fluids: I. Pure fluids ..... 2397 S. V. CHuRAKOV and M. GorTscHALk: Perturbation theory based equation of state for polar molecular fluids: Il. Fluid mixtures 2415 F. GAILLARD, B. ScHmipT, S. MACKWELL, and C. McCAMmMon: Rate of hydrogen-iron redox exchange in silicate melts and glasses 2427 M.-L. C. SirBescu and P. I. NABELEK: Crystallization conditions and evolution of magmatic fluids in the Harney Peak Granite and associated pegmatites, Black Hills, South Dakota—Evidence from fluid inclusions ....0.... .cee. e.ee .eee. e ee 2443 J. M. Friepricu, M.-S. WANG, and M. E. LipscHutz: Chemical studies of L chondrites. V: Compositional patterns for 49 trace ee ey iS 4 ad A SE Ae RUE SEN RO VOTER EAC eS ORT EES FUN CAT CREWS 2467 A. J. CAMPBELL and M. HuMaAyun: Formation of metal in Grosvenor Mountains 95551 and comparison to ordinary chondrites 2481 K. RIGHTER and C. K. SHEARER: Magmatic fractionation of Hf and W: Constraints on the timing of core formation and differentiation Sak rk Ee as a Py Kathe Big Sk a ONTO OT AS Rae RE Ree AE ELS aH EX RN TREE ES ES 2497 Comment and Response R. H. Byrne: Comment on “Solubility of platinum in aqueous solutions at 25°C and pHs 4 to 10 under oxidizing conditions” by Mohamed Azaroual, Bruno Romand, Philippe Freyssinet, and Jean-Robert Disnar ....0.0.... c.ece. e.ee. .eee eee 2509 M. AZAROUAL, B. ROMAND, P. FREYSSINET, and J.-R. DISNAR: Response to the comment by R. H. Byrne on “Solubility of platinum in aqueous solutions at 25°C and pHs 4 to 10 under oxidizing conditions” (2001) Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 65, 4453-4466 2511 July (Volume 67, Number 14) Articles July 2003 FREDERIC Coppin, SYLVIE CASTET, GILLES BERGER, and MICHEL Louset: Microscopic reversibility of Sm and Yb sorption onto ree Pre or eee Pee re re ee he oe re ee re fe eee 2515 Moritz F. LEHMANN, PETER REICHERT, STEFANO M. BERNASCONI, ALBERTO BARBIERI, and JUDITH A. MCKENZIE: Modelling nitrogen and oxygen isotope fractionation during denitrification in a lacustrine redox-transition zone .....0.. c.ee .ee.e .ee.e eee 2529 TIZIANA MISSANA, MIGUEL GARC{A-GUTIERREZ, and VICTOR FERNNDEZ: Uranium (VI) sorption on colloidal magnetite under anoxic environment: Experimental study and surface complexation modelling ..............0.ccccccccccnsetesenvecnvecvccess 2543 DEREK PEAK, GEORGE W. LUTHER, III, and DONALD L. SPARKS: ATR-FTIR spectoscopic studies of boric acid adsorption on hydrous I oa rr nn ae as ene Ne ame IS ae he Ce iG ewe ee ein ey anche hee gigs acenoaipy s 2551 LEONEL DA SILVEIRA LoBpo STERNBERG, WILLIAM T. ANDERSON, and KANEMA Morrison: Separating soil and leaf water '*O isotopic I eo uC en Gg kU an eines Bi Benin et 2 ie eh mi ee ry el tly a wig 2561 MIKE BICKLE, JUDITH BUNBURY, HAZEL J. CHAPMAN, NIGEL B. W. Harris, IAN J. FAIRCHILD, and TALAT AHMAD: Fluxes of Sr into the I ir NR ig Soe hi pee na aae ote i Cals alee BG Cea CES eT hae SESE WEE PRO RME REN OPW ew 2567 ALEKSANDER JOKIC, JEFFREY N. CUTLER, ELENA PONOMARENKO, GARTH VAN DER Kamp, and DARWIN W. ANDERSON: Organic carbon and sulphur compounds in wetland soils: Insights on structure and transformation processes using K-edge XANES and NMR I cred pe oer nrg aa Sl ele Bray ye orig eka cig ag Petal adelv e ic miahe ly Brahe Wee Sue aig AE ee ier ide eel dg die.b ake V8 2585 RAJA S. GANESHRAM, ROGER FRANCOIS, JuDy COMMEAU, and SUSAN L. BRown-LeGER: An Experimental Investigation of Barite I I eee cr iat G2 GE ncuiy Peas Oro e Cy gies MN Ge RAPE RMS OEE COREA RERTEORA EUSA HR 2599 ANNE-DESIREE SCHMITT, PETER STILLE, and TORSTEN VENNEMANN: Variations of the **Ca/*°Ca ratio in seawater during the past 24 million years: Evidence from 6**Ca and 8'8O values of Miocene phosphates .....ccc. cece. ce.ce c.enc.e e.nna 0tee ns 2607

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