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GEOCHEMISTRY INTERNATIONAL VOLUME 28 CONTENTS FOR 1991 Number 1 English Russian Page Page Frid, A.M. and L.A. Bannikova. Effects of Heat and Oxida- tion on the Carbon-Isotope Composition of Organic-Matter UGC CLONM 6) <6. b 6 2a, a) he ce RY ee es aoe ee 6» 6 al “ered Yakubson, Z.V., N.V. Golovina, T.P. Zhuze, and T.P. Safronova. Effects of P, T, and Gas-Content Reductions on the Hydro- carbon Composition of the Phases in an Oil-Gas System Temyanko, M.B., Ye.1. Kudryavtseva, I.L. Solov'yeva, V.P. Klindukhov, and N.S. Beskrovnyy. a Composition of East Kamchatka Oils ; Kucherenko, I.V., Ye.S. Larskaya, R.G. Pankina, a N. Sukhova, oS Chetverikova, T.Yu. Pentina, and Yu.M. Korolev. Dis- tribution and Sources of Carbon in Metasomatic Aureoles in Terrigenous Shales in the Baykal-Vitim Geosyncline Folded Region : a ie ee ee ee Ce a ee ee Litvinovskiy, B.i de » Yu.Yu. Podladchikov, A.N. Zanvilevich, and V.M. Dunichev. Melting of Acid Volcanites in Contact with a Shallow Basite Magma . 5 aes Malov, Yu.V., Ye.A. Ovsyannikov, and B. M. “Ostrovskiy. Type Assemblages of Kimberlite Ilmenites . a Seek Nesterenko, G.V., G.M. Kolesov, and P.I. Tikhonenkov. The Rare-Earth Elements in Siberian- Platform Plateau Basalts Dmitriyev, S.N., T.V. Shikhkina, M.V. Fomenko, T.P. Drobina, and S.V. Shishkin. Au and Hg Forms of Occurrence in Chele- ken-Peninsula Thermal Brines F ie Nae tan ata wd Savenko, V.S. Forms Taken by Mn in Sea “Water. ° Ostapenko, G.T., L.I. Gorogotskaya, L.P. Timoshkova, and A.N. Chibisov. Sillimanite-Kyanite Conversion Kinetics Mitsyuk, B.M., A.G. Mironov, A.M. Plyusnin, and N.V. Belo- mestrova. Gold Uptake by Silica from Dilute Chloride, Thiosulfate, and Ammoniacal Solutions Varentsov, I.M., V.A. Drits, A.1I. Gorshkov, A. v. Sivtsov, “and. B.A. Sakharov. Mn-Fe Oxyhydroxide Crusts in the Atlantic: Origin, Mineralogy, and spam of Major and Dispersed Elements of Krylov Seamount s ee ee ec mee Krivonos, V.P. and L.K. Pozharitskaya. Structural and Compo- sitional Characteristics of East Azov Precambrian Carbonate Rocks . ; ch Seas Ve ONO ere en ke CR Prokop’ yeva, R. G. “and A. v. Ryl' kov. Distribution of Mercury in Groundwaters of the West Siberian Petroliferous Deposits Yakushev, V.S. and V.A. Istomin. Occurrence of Gas ee in Rocks at Negative Temperatures 4 : Konnikov, E.G., A.G. Mironov, M.B. Epel' baum, “and. A. S. Chekh- mir. Thermal Diffusion of H,O in Molten Basalt ‘ kere M.I., G. Edvab, and Ye.Yu. ne Trace zr, Nb, and W in Khambrabayevite er 133 English Russian Page Page Val'ter, A.A. and G.M. Kolesov. Distribution of Rare-Earth Elements in Astrobleme Rocks . ee 915 Prasolov, E.M., Ye.S. Subbotin, and v. v. “Tikhomirov. Isotope Composition of Molecular-Nitrogen in USSR Natural Gases . 926 Barsukov, V.L., M.V. Akhmanova, L.A. Bannikova, N.N. Bara- nova, A.Kh. Galuzinskaya, S.V. Kozerenko, L.E. Kordonskiy, and I.N. Marov. Ammonium in Solutions and Minerals at a Gold-Silver Deposit = Prokof yev, V.Yu., V.B. Naumov, O. F. “Mironova, ae N.T . Soko- lova, Fluid Inclusions Containing High-Density H,S .. Sheplev, V.S., L.V. Korneyeva, and V.V. Reverdatto. “s Simple Model for Dispersed-Grain Dissolution and Growth during ee AIEEE et ects sitet cts ois. ve. el is ose 6 ise: ow 6 Se ap tes Malyshev, B.I. and Ye.N. Savinova. The Country Rock as the Source of the Metals in Uranium-Arsenide Hydrothermal Minerasazeation . s ss « «6 «© & 6 8 He we we Yudovich, Ya.E., V.V. Makarikhin, P.V. Medvedev, and N.V. Sukhanov. Carbon-Isotope Anomalies in Carbonates of the Karelian Complex = r Zotov, A.V., N.N. Baranova, T. G. “Dar' yina, “and Lie‘ M. Bannykh. The Solubility of Gold in Aqueous Chloride Fluids at 350-500°C and 500-1500 Atm: Thermodynamic Parameters of AuC13 (501) Up to 750°C and 5000 Atm ahs : Kurepin, V.A. Thermodynamics of the Minerals pom “ nn ‘te actions between Their Components in the FeO0-Al1,0,-Si0,- eee OVSGeM: sss & 6 eel ele ce 4 le we eH eo ene Akhmanova, ree V.S. Karpov, N.S. Safronova, I1.Ya. Koshche- yeva, and 1.S. Sirotkina. Determining Dissolved Organic Compounds in go Waters by Laser Fluorescence . Borisov, A.A. and A.A. Kadik. A Model for the Solubility of Metals in a Silicate Liquid < eRe Korobova, Ye.M. and Ye.Ye. Sergeyeva. “Iodine in Soil and Plants in Geochemically Contrasting Landscapes in the Vyatka Area ere Sp ee Se ee CNC ee a nc Galimov, E.M., V.P. Kuznetsova, K.A. Mal'tsev, V.V. Gorbachev, and R.B. Zezin. Isotope Composition of Diamonds Contain- ing Diamond Inclusions Savenko, V.S. Mechanism of Formation of Ferromanganese Nod- ules .. Durasova, N. A. 0.Yu. Khodyrev, A.B. “Slutskiy, "V.L. Barsukov, i.D. Ryabchikov, D.A. Khramov, K.I. Ignatenko, and V.S. Korzhanovskaya. Tin in a Water-Saturated Basaltoid at Mantle-Process Parameters Aue Tey Oe EE eer e te Okc Romanchev, B.P. and V.L. Bocharov. Genetic Types of sina in the Dubrava Intrusion, Kursk Magnetic Anomaly : Lapides, I.L. and E.Ye. Lustenberg. Mathematical Modeling of the Octahedral Strips in-Amphiboles using Markov Chains Melezhik, V.A. Metals in Black Shales and the Trace-Element a of Precambrian Carbonaceous Rocks and Organic atter .. ee ee SE Sukhushina, I.S. “and Ee‘ A. Vasil' yeva. The Thermodynamic Pa- rameters of Molybdenite Gramm-Osipov, L.M., R.Z. Sharipov, “and T.1. Volkova. Oxida- tion States of Mn in Aqueous Solution a ey ee Number 3 Lyakhovich, V.V. and A.A. Vishnevskiy. Zr and Hf in —— Zircons and the Origin of the Ovoids . Dymkov, Yu.M., I.N. Yegorov, A.G. Korshunova, “and.' M. v. Vampil- ov. Endogenous Transformation of Nasturan Spherulites from an Mo-U Deposit . Siena te Sree English Russian Page Page Khisina, N.R., S.S. Mesualkin, A.A. Borisov, and V.S. Urusov. Influence of 7 and fo, on the Coefficient of Fe-Mg Intra- crystalline Distribution in Olivines . Bagdesarov, Yu.A. The Main Petrochemical and. Geochemical Characteristics of Linear-Type Carbonatites and the Condi- tions of Their Formation . oe er ce elae ew ete ae Zavel'skiy, V.O. and N.1. Bezmen. An NMR Study on Water in Albite Glasses Mat KR ee oe ee ee Znamenskiy, V.S. and i P. "Nosik. Sulfur-Isotope Variations in Kamchatka and Kurile Hot Springs Ce Ce ee ee Gurenko, A.A., A.V. Sobolev, and N.M. Kononkova. Petrology of the Primary Magma of the Reykjanes-Peninsula Rift Tholeiite . oa er a eae ns oe a ae ee ee ee Ge Savenko, V.S. Physicochemical hin dae of paige ata Nodule Formation ; Kravchenko, S.M. Geochemistry of the Bajocian Gabbro-- Plagio- granite Association in Central Crimea . Nemirovskaya, I.A. Dissolved and Suspended Lipids in “the Surface Waters of the Pacific Ocean . - 3 Kharlashina, N.N. and A.M. Naletov. Textures "of Natural Lonsdaleite-Bearing Diamonds : Mironova, 0O.F. and A.M. Dolgonosov. Chromatographic Determi- nation of Major Univalent Cations in Water Extracts from Fluid Inclusions eR Fee ee ee ee Mineyev, S.D. and V.A. Grinenko. Effects of Pressure on the Distribution of Sulfur and Carbon Isotopes in the Gaseous Components of an Endogenous Fluid ON Paes eee Mironenko, M.V. and A.A. Kosonikov. Calculation of the Phase Composition of Fluid Systems 3 Naumov, V.B., 1I.P. Solovova, V.I. Kovalenko, and A. v. “Guzhova. The Crystallization of Topaz, Albite, Potash Feldspar, Mica, and Columbite from an Ongonite Magma .. ‘ Ikorskiy, S.V. and G.0O. Sargsyan. Effects of Temperature and External Pressure on Thermal preety: of Fluid Inclusions in Natural Quartz 4 Pe Rode, 0.D., O.I1. Yakovlev, and A. T. ‘Bazilevskiy. Simulating Planetary Regolith ; et elon sees Number 4 Dorofeyeva, V.A. and S.P. Borunov. Chemical and Isotopic Compositions of Giant-Planet Atmospheres: Review . : Galimov, E.M. and V.B. Polyakov. Thermodynamically Ordered Distribution of Carbon Isotopes in Biogenic Geochemical Specimens. PI Se ae ee re ee ee ee oe ee ee Grinenko, V.A. and V.1I. Ustinov. Dynamics of Sulfur and Oxy- gen Isotope Fractionation during Bacterial Reduction . Kupchenko, V.P. Some Geochemical, Facies, and Lithologic Features of the Cretaceous Deposits in a Series of Depres- sions in the Southern USSR... ae oe es Paes Kadik, A.A., 0O.A. Lukanin, and A.L.° Portnyagin. Magma Gene- ration during Rise of Mantle Material Temperatures and Composition of Melts Formed a Adiabatic a of Mantle Ultrabasites s Sobolev, A.V., V.S. Kamenetskiy, YN. Metrich, *. Clochiatti, N.N. Kononkova, A.L. Devirts, and V.I. Ustinov. Volatile Regime and Crystallization Conditions in Etna Hawaiite Lavas . ge oar e 6 Gale ere a) es eae ee a Yudintsev, s. v. » B.I. Omel'yanenko, and G.V. ee Uranium Valency State in Granitic Melts . = Rafal'skiy, R.P. and N.1I. Prisyagina. Reaction of Andesine with Hot Aqueous Solutions ‘eh yee es English Russian Page Page Kovalenko, V.I., D.A Ionov, V.V. Yarmolyuk, E. Jagoutz, G.W. Lugmair, and H.-G. Stosch. Isotope Data on the Evo- lution of the Mantle and Its Correlation with the Evolu- tion of the Crust in Some Parts of Central Asia ..... Pokrovskiy, B.G., A.Yu. Belyakov, S.M. Kravchenko, and Yu.A. Gryaznova. Isotope Data on the Origin of the Carbonatites and Mineralized Strata in the Tomtor Intrusion, NW Yakutia Chernysheva, Ye.A., G.N. Nechelyustov, T.D. Kvitko, and B.T. Veys. Compositional Evolution of Perovskite in the Alkali Rocks of Lower Sayan Carbonatite- — 2 ce Sigalovskaya, Yu.I., L.M. Truskinovskiy, and v. S. Urusov. Comparison of Quasichemical and Regular ee Models for Minerals with Melilite-Type Structures : Khisina, N.R., V.G. Senin, L.V. Petushkova, and V. 0. Polyakov. The Nature "of Oriented Ilmenite ier in Ilmenoru- tile and Corundum ‘ Oksenoyd, K.G., Ye.A. Sotnichenko, ‘W.8. Faynberg, and 0. I. Yakovlev. Clustering during the Expansion of Diopside Vapor in a Vacuum . Sata ae ee me eC Ryzhenko, B.N. and O.M. Ivanitskiy. The pH Dependence of Dissolution Rates in Aqueous Solutions Rt ci - 64 ie: pe eee Stolyarova, T.A., N.M. Gavrilov, and I.Ya. Nekrasov. Thermo- dynamic Parameters of Bismuth Selenides iis Lavrukhina, A.K. Origin of the Protoplanetary Nebula from Interstellar Gas-Dust Clouds and Processes in the Inter- stellar Gas . op 8 Gd Old Di ece abo NOR a Ome eC Komarov, A.M., V.L. Masaytis, and V.A. Yezerskiy. Fission- Track Dating of the Urengoy Tektites Using an Age Standard Ikorskiy, S.V. Hydrocarbon Gases in Alkali Intrusions ae Lyakhovich, V.M., A.M. Bychkov, and N.Ya. Shcherbacheva. Geo- chemical and Structural Features of Rapakivi Ovoids : Ovchinnikova, G.V., S.B. Lobach-Zhuchenko, S.A. Sergeyev, S. Z. Yakovleva, 0O.A. Levchenkov, L.A. Neymark, A.N. Komarov, B.M. Gorokhovskiy, A.M. Fedoseyenko, and I.N. Krylov. Geo- chemical and Isotope Data on the Dating and Petrology of Southeast Karelian Late-Kinematic Granites .. Solovova, 1I.P., V.B. Naumov, V.1. Kovalenko, A.V. Girnis, “and N.N. Kononkova. Crystallization Conditions and Composition of the Hawaiite Magmas on Pantelleria Island from Inclusion OSA ag Sie eS See oe Gh SO Gee ae OM 8 Fedorov, P.I. Geochemistry and Petrology of the Late Cretace- ous Volcanites of the South Koryak Upland 3 Zlobin, S.K., V.S. Kamenetskiy, A.V. Sobolev, and. N. N. Konon- kova. Chrome Spinel Inclusion Data on the Parent Melt for the Parallel-Dike Complex in the Maynits-Zone Ophiolites in the Koryak Uplands mot A ie Coe eee ar Mr Plyasunov, A.V. and I.P. Ivanov. The Solubility of Zinc Oxide in Sodium Chloride Solutions up to 600°C and 1000 Bar . ‘ Belyayev, S.S. and M.V. Ivanov. The Possibility of Regulating the Activity of Microorganisms in an Exploited Oil Deposit Galimov, E.M., S.I. Golyshev, and A.N. Rozhnev. Gas Formation during the Pyrolysis of Organic Matter a tattys. |< CON SeeR ene Tauson, V.L., M.G. Abramovich, and V.V. Akimov. Micromineral Equilibrium Thermodynamics: The Isomorphous Size Effect Ivanov, M.V. Use of the Pseudoensemble Method to Describe Ordering in a Multisublattice Solid Solution . Nesterenko, G.V. and G.M. Kolesov. — in Siberian-Plat- form Plateau Basalts 2 > Kove he. 6. -% Number5 Barsukov, V.L., E.N. Baranov, A.G. Volosov, and V.A. Grin- enko. Means of Developing and Improving the Principles of the Geochemical Methods of Predicting Concealed Min- eralization A ice cats er eee 136 English Russian Page Page Girnis, A.V., I.D. Ryabchikov, P. Suddaby, V.S. Kulikov, and V.V. Kulikova. Precambrian Mantle Evolution: Sm-Nd Iso- tope Data on East Karelian Komatiites Solovova, I.P., V.B. Naumov, V.I. Kovalenko, A. v. Girnis, and A.V. Guzhova. Microinclusion Data on the History of a Spinel Lherzolite from Dreiser Weiher, FRG ual Sa Gerya, T.V. and L.L. apo Thermodynamic Mixing Parameters for (Fe, Mg, Zn) (Al, Cr), , Spinel Deduced from Phase Re- lationships . SS A cae EROS DA es ee ha Nesterenko, G.V., 2:3: Pree and A.V. Guzhova. Sibe- rian-Platform Picrite-Basalts as Early nee Products of a Tholeiitic Melt - Sokolova, I.M., S.S. Berman, N.N. Abryutina, "and “Al. A. “Petrov. Chemical Types of Naphtehene Condensates . . Galimov, E.M., M.G. Frik, and A.Z. Koblova. Isotope Geochem- istry and the Sources of Oil Accumulation in the Solikamsk OPE CRGUGQIE eh oO catstne cc ee nse, Ore ee een Se eae da fe Mekhtiyev, Sh.F. and E.B. Zeynalov. Distribution of Natural Inhibitors in Oils of the Apsheron Peninsula a eee a ie Belonozhko, A.B., G.Ya. Korol'kov, and Z.V. Shilova. Chlorite Thermodynamics: Calculations and Experiments ...... Ryzhenko, B.N., O.V. Bryzgalin, and A.I. Shapkin. Dissocia- tion of Salts and Bases in rane Solution at 25°C and i Bar. % eee ee eee byul’, A. Yus, G. M. "Kolesov, and A. K. “Lavrukhina. Nonvolatile- Element Distribution in or of the Kainsaz CO Car- bonaceous Chondrite z Up pga Gr ICI lk EC Ariskin, A.A., G.S. Barmina, and 'M. Ya. Frenkel’. Simulation of the Crystallization of Lunar-Basalt Melts Pike <4 ars Kazanova, N.N., Yu.A. Surkov, and E.I. Chumak. Diffuse-Re- flection Spectroscopy of Chondrites Anikiyev, V.V., Ye.N. Shumilin, A.A. Lobanov, Ye. N. Slin' ko, and V.V. Yarosh. Diurnal Variability in Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu Levels in the Water and nipouimnteene of the Razdol 'naya R. Estuary, Gulf of Amur .. arms Arkhipova, N.A., Ye.V. Bibikova, “and Yu. A. “ Shukolyukov. A Nonlinear Model for Interpreting Discordant Zircon U-Pb Ages . Sr ERMC a NC OBR ak ae Gears TE Gat Ot CLC gr ede Ee ae Se Galimov, R. ‘ ‘* B. Krivonozhkina, and V.V. 96 ni allel De- termining Nickel Porphyrin Levels in Oils . Savenko, V.S. Element Fractionation in Transfer. from Sea Wa- ter to the Atmosphere . Korobova, Ye.M. and L.M. Khitrov. "Proceedings of the Abl«. Union Conference in Suzdal on Landscape ns of iti RAdionuclide Migration AR eS eee Number6 Lavrukhina, A.K. Origin of the Protoplanetary Nebula from Interstellar Gas-Dust Clouds and Processes in the Inter- stellar Gas ee ate ae a Komarov, A.M., V.L. Masaytis, and v. A. "Yezerskiy. Fission- Track Dating of the Urengoy Tektites Using an Age Standard Ikorskiy, S.V. Hydrocarbon Gases in Alkali Intrusions .. Lyakhovich, V.M., A.M. Bychkov, and N.Ya. Shcherbacheva. Geo- chemical and Structural Features of Rapakivi Ovoids Ovchinnikova, G.V., S.B. Labach-Zhuchenko, S.A. Sergeyev, S.Z. Yakovleva, 0.A. Levchenkov, L.A. Neymark, A.N. Komar, ov, B.M. Gorokhovskiy, A.M. Fedoseyenko, and I.N. Krylov. Geochemical and Isotope Data on the Dating and Petrology of Southeast Karelian Late-Kinematic Granites Solovova, 1.P., V.B. Naumov, V.I. Kovalenko, A.V. Girnis, and N.N. Kononkova. Crystallization Conditions and Composition of the Hawaiite Magmas on Pantelleria Island from Inclusion Data . Se cette Ete, ahr Oe: cn eh oe GR Cea eB ake oGi-e! cal ewe 137 English Russian Page Page Fedorov, P.I. Geochemistry and Petrology of the Late Cretace- ous Volcanites of the South Koryak Upland .. 56 1583 Zlobin, S.K., V.S. Kamenetskiy, A.V. Sobolev, and N. N. "Konon- kova. Chrome Spinel Inclusion Data on the Parent Melt for the Parallel-Dike Complex in the Maynits-Zone Ophiol- ites in the Koryak Uplands oe TET eco Gee Plyasunov, A.V. and I.P. Ivanov. The Solubility of Zinc Oxide in Sodium Chloride Solutions up to 600°C and 1000 Bar Belyayev, S.S. and M.V. Ivanov. The Possibility of Regulating the ee of Microorganisms in an Exploited Oil Deposit Galimov, E.M., S.I. Golyshev, and A.N. Rozhnev. Gas Formation during the Pyrolysis of Organic Matter . 5, ia, lor eee meme Tauson, V.L., M.G. Abramovich, and V.V. Akimov. Micromineral Equilibrium Thermodynamics: The Isomorphous Size Effect Ivanov, M.V. Use of the Pseudoensemble Method to Describe Ordering in a Multisublattice Solid Solution. . Nesterenko, G.V. and G.M. Kolesov. Tungsten in Siberian- Plat- form Plateau Basalts ets ih a, Bo Number 7 Barsukov, V.L., A.G. Volosov, B.N. Ryzhenko, 0.V. Bryzgalin, and N.I. Kovalenko. Calculated Equilibria in the Sn-Cl- F-O-H-Na System and the Thermodynamic Parameters of Tin SS ORNSERIG t= Rett ae ams cieh Ws 6) Ee eG, Utes 2 @ o a ee Be Gutsalo, L.K. and A.M. Plotnikov. Carbon Isotope Fractiona- tion in Hydrotherm CH, and co, ee ae ae Martynov, K.V. Mg-Fe Distribution Between Ankerite and Breunnerite Solid Solutions in the MgCO, -CaCO,-FeC0, Sys- tem at 250-450°; The Thermodynamic Parameters of Ankerite Lapin, 1.V., 0.A. Lukanin and A.A. Kadik. Variation in Con- position of Minerals and Residual Melts During Crystalli- zation of Icelandic Basalts Under Various Redox Conditions Nemirovskaya, I.A. Hydrocarbons in Water, Suspensate, and Sediments of the Bulgarian Shelf of the Black Sea. . Fedorchuk, A.V., N.V. Tsukanov, L.B. Yefremovaa,n d A.T. Sa- vichev. Oceanic —_— in the Kumroch Ridge, East Kamchatka : SO ee ee Ey, mg eee aN Sushchevskaya, N. M. Ya.I. Litvinova and A.L. Devirts. Wa- ter Geochemistry and Hydrogen — Compositions in Atlantic Tholeiitic Magmas SD a ae ee ee ce eo Bulnayev, K.B. and Yu.N. Kaperskaya. Trends in the REE Dis- tribution in Fluorite from Various Types of Deposits in Transbaykalia Eas ome RECO CS ke le 5) Fe 1 ae ay ee Kolpakova, N.N. and B.O. Manucharyants. Conditions of For- mation of Sb and Au-Sb Mineralization . : Shikina, N.D. and A.V. Zotov. Thermodynamic Parameters of SP (OF) 03 Up to 723.15 K and 1000 Bar Zaha Galimov, E.M., K.A. Malt'tsev, and V.B. Polyakov. Isotope Effects in " the Uptake of co, by CaO at Elevated Tempera- tures . Kovalishin, z. ‘. and G.P. "Mamchur. Carbon-Isotope Composi-- tion of the co, and CH, in Mineralizing Fluids Prokof'yev, V.Yu., V.B. Naumov, G.F. Ivanova, and N.I. Savel'- yeva. Fluid Inclusions in Cryolite and Siderite from the Ivigtut Deposit, Greenland ; Yegorova, I.V. Material Sources During Chrysotile Asbesti- zation . Lomov, S.B. and. M. 0. Vityk. Cracking “Aureoles Around Fluid = Inclusions in Carpathian 'Marmarosh Diamonds" * Wace 138 English Russian Page Page Zakharov, M.N., V.V. Konusovaa,n d Ye.V. Smirnova. Distribu- tion of REE in Acid Volcanoplutonic Associations of the Okhotsk Sector of the Okhotsk-Chukotka Volcanic Belt Bibikova, Ye.V., T.1. Kirnozova, V.A. Makarova,n d A.N. Feno- gerov. Isotopes in Accessory Zircons and the Early Pro- terozoic Age of the East Afghanistan Granitoids . Frik, M.G., A.Z. Koblovaa,n d A.A. Petrov. Steranes and Ho- panes in Oils of the Northeast heeaesca-tU ral Petroleum Pre- vince BGS, Aral es ca da eter Sele re. aa ann ‘ Number 8 Min'ko, 0.1. Generation of Hydrocarbon Gas by the Plane- tary Soil Cover . ti je) en 3 ee a a nd an een ae ee ta Verkhovskiy, A.B., M.S. Mafrov, Yu.A. Shukolyukov, A.A. Shchipanskiy, and L.F. Semenova. Abundance and Origin of Inert Gases in Magnetite from Precambrian Banded Iron-Ore MGRSUGOMISE So srg ool wie, Sagat @) ol rweelie) © 6) <9 enka 4 Saidov, 0.A. Flexural Deformation and Variation in Gas Geo- chemistry During Induced Earthquakes eee ee ae Naumov, V.B., O.F. Mironova, V.Yu. Prokof' yev, and Yu. Lein. Fluid Inclusions in Minerals from Modern Underwater — thermal Structures . - Korsakova, N.V., T.A. Kokina, “T.' M. Sushchevskaya, “and G.M . Varshal. Potentiometric Determination of Sulfide Sulfur in Solutions in Inclusions Pa Cah S int ee er ee mee ae ee Plyasunova, N.V. and 1.P. Ivanov. The Concentration of Sul- fur in Solutions in Equilibrium with the Pyrite-Magnetite- Hematite and Pyrite-Magnetite- Pyrrhotite Buffer Assem- blages at 350-500°C and 1 kbar Dolzhenko, V.N. Gold in Siliceous Pre-Mesozoic. Sediments of the Eastern Tian Shan acs Zherebtsov, Yu.D. Thermal Forms of Mercury in the Litho-_ chemical Aureoles of Au-— ican and Their Sengaten er Significance : Lavrukhina, A.K. Origin of the Protoplanetary Nebula. from Interstellar Gas-Dust Clouds: The Interstellar Dust é Lukanin, 0.A., A.A. Kadik, and A.A. Borisov. Petrogenesis of the 1975-6 Tolbachik Eruption Basalts and the er of High-Alumina Island-ARC Basalt Magmas . ; Shramenko, I.F., G.V. Legkova, V.P. Ivanitskiy, “and N. S. Kostyuchenko. Mineralogical and Geochemical Studies of the Petrogenesis of the Chernigov Carbonatites a0 es Senderov, E.E., L.M. Truskinovskiy, and Ye.A. Mitina. The Quenching of Mineral Transformations as —e- by Alkali Feldspar Ordering . - Volosov, A.V., B.N. Ryzhenko, T.. M. Sushchevskaya, “and V.L. Barsukov. Simulation of Redox-Potential and Rock- Water Ratio Effects on Sn-Bearing Systems at 300°C Baturin, G.N., L.V. Dmitriyev, and A.N. Kurskiy. Noble Metals in Atlantic Fe-Mn Crusts and Nodules . 2 Guliyev, 1.S., J. Francu, A.A. Feyzullayev, P. Miller, and S.A. Mamedov. Geological and Geochemical Features of Petroleum Formation in Alpine Intermontane Depressions Number9 Ryabchikov, I.D., A.D. Edgar, and P.J. Wyllie. Partial Melting in a Carbonate-Phosphate-Peridotite System at 30 kbar . ie eb Sige hate aC el ah ea Ga on eins ae wemenat ge: 3... Kraynov, S.R., G.J. Voigt, and V.P. Zakutin. Geochemical and Ecological Consequences of Changes in Groundwater Composition Caused by Pollutants 139 English Russian Page Page Verkhovskiy, A.B., Ye.K. Yurgina, and Yu.A. Shukolyukov. He and Ar in Midocean Ridge Basalt Glasses and the Outgassing of Mantle Magmas ets its aro Peete ise oy bac is Cv. le oe: «8! kee Megane Korobeynikov, A.F. Background Au Levels in Ancient Green- stone Belts CUCMCeIS eRe ieee Welle as 6 as ch 4a Ve eens Spasennykh, M.Yu. The Capabilities and Limitations of Mathe- matically Modeling Isotope Water-Rock Interaction in Studying Hydrothermal Processes 2 Malinovskiy, Ye.K., A.M. Doroshev, V.K. “Bulatov, and G. “Brey. CaMgSi,0 .-CaAl SiO, ~Cay 5AlSi 1% Pyroxenes in Assemblages with Anorthite, i ag WON thd and Garnet :: ot See Baturin, G.N., E.Ye. Rakovskiy, and V.M. Kuligin. The REE in East Equatorial Pacific Manganese Nodules . Kovalenko, N.I., B.N. Ryzhenko, V.A. Dorofeyeva, A. v. Volo- sov, and L.N. Bannykh. Experimental Study of the Solu- bility of Cassiterite in Supercritical Aqueous Solutions Kurepin, V.A. Entry of H,0 and co, into Cordierite and the Calibration of the Cordierite + Garnet + Sillimanite + Quartz Geobarometer 2 CL he Be ee Yannan Bao and S.S. Matsyuk. Compositions of Kimberlite Spinels from Shangtung and Liaoning Provinces in China . Silant'yev, S.A., 0.A. Bogdanovskiy, L.A. Savostin, and N.N. Kononkova. De Longue Archipelago Magmatism: Pe- trology and Petrochemistry of the Effusives and Associated Xenoliths on Zhokhov and Vil'kitskiy Islands, East Arctic Lein, A.Yu., A.Kh. Galazinskaya, and G.L. Shaposhnikov. Com- position of Animals from Active Oceanic Hydrothermal Fields . fa EONS Sia AES Se oo OR ee ee Durasova, N.A., L.N. Kochnova, and V.K. Belyayeva. Volcano- genic Rocks as a Possible Source of Copper Mineralization during Thermal Metamorphism Lyakhovich, T.T. Geochemical Features of Quartz. from Crustal and Mantle Granitoids ; i Bindeman, I.N. Possible Magma- Mixing Mechanisms bie we Senderov, E.E., L.M. Truskinovskiy, and Ye.A. Mitina. Geo- speedometry Based on Sanidine Ordering ; Number1 0 Lein, A.Yu., V.N. Ul'yanova, V.A. Grinenko, and A.P. Lisit- syn. Geochemistry of the Hydrothermal Sulfide Ores of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (26°N) Gavshin, V.M. Elemental nee of Deep-- Water Black Sea. Sediments Matveyeva, S.S., "ALB. Verkhovskiy, "Ye.k. "Yurgina, Yu.A. Shu-- kolyukov, Ye.M. Bastrakov, and M.Yu. Korotayev. Inert-Gas and Oxygen Isotope Data on the Nature and Evolution of the Ore-Bearing Fluids at the ‘Akchatau Deposit : Bich, 0.V., Ye.B. Benevolenskaya, and N.D. Sorokin. “Micro- probe Data on the Compositional Evolution of Manganese Nodules Sais se Sea sa Reclsehie Cotyist a) ete, “6 ifs, se, te Wee wars Makrygina, V.A., E.A. Razvozzhayeva, and D.Kh. Martikhayeva. Organic Matter and Trace Elements in the Metamorphism of Metapelites at Khamar Daban, Southwest Baykal Region ; Gerya, T.V. and L.L. Perchuk. _— Equilibria as Geother- mometers and Geobarometers . . SS NOON ome oe Makhnach, A.A. and V.M. Shimanovich. Indicators of the Most Important Lithohydrogeochemical Processes in Strata under and between Salt Beds < Goncharov, G.N. A Method of Determining Local Crystallo- graphic Position Geometry for Fe and Its Geochemical Ap- plication Ob aty Teme on ee aCe ae ame arn 140 English Russian Page Page Zhukov, V.V., B.A. Bogatyrev, V.N. Demina, and L.A. Matveyeva. Effects of the Lithodynamic Factor on the Compositions of Weathering Products . i ee EM ag tee Lae 85 Gutsalo, L.K. and A.M. Plotnikov. Carbon Isotope Fractiona- tion during Phase Transitions in a Hot-Spring Carbonate System ; See a Vea tal eel te @ (ae ae eae ae 96 Ponrawshdy, B.G. and D.Z. Zhuravlev. New Data on Isotope i ie | of Kurile Island-ARc Effusives . = 101 Ivanov, V.I., 0.S. Andriyenko, and A.K. Golovko. Isolating Petroleum Triarenes for Geochemical Study .. P 106 Chernova, T.G. Bituminous Components in Barents- Sea Sedi- ments . 2 ; Bazarova, A. N. N.I. “Volkova, and D.N. Pachadzhanov. Behav- ior of Uranium in Various Paleohydrochemical Settings in the Late-Cretaceous Sedimentation Basin in the Tadzhik Depression Sige tart. sek. oes renee ae brains a7 cae Sa a Taroyev, V.K., V.L. Tauson, and M.G. Abramovich. Laboratory Data on the Initial State of Ordered Potash Feldspar . DISCUSSION Gramm-Osipov, L.M. The phat abeatiess of Mn(IV) Existing in Aqueous Solutions Savenko, V.S. Once More, on "the ‘Possibility off Mn( IV) Exist- ing in Aqueous Solutions : Number1 1 Girnis, A.V., A.N. Plaksenko, I.D. Ryabchikova,n d P. Suddaby. Geochemical Features of Ultramafic Xenoliths from Norite Intrusions in the Voronezh Crystalline Massif . Suschevskaya, N.M., V.V. Nikulin, L.V. Ishchenko, G. M. “Kolesov, and N.N. Kononkova. The Inhomogeneity of Indian-Ocean Tholeiitic Magmatism Based on the _ and Geochemis- try of Chilled Glasses F Barsukov, V.L., A.G. Volosov, B. N. “Ryzhenko, ee Yu. " Artamkina, and N.1I. Kovalenko. Calculations on the Equilibrium Solu- bility of Cassiterite in the Sn-Cl-F-0-H-Na-System é Korobeynikov, A.F. The Behavior of Gold During the Meta- morphism of Sedimentary-Volcanogenic Rocks nye Shishkina, T.V. and S.N. Dmitriyev. Gold in Natural ‘Waters: Forms of Occurrence and Methods of Concentration (Review) Cherkasov, G.N. and O.N. Kosukhin. Thermobarogeochemistry of Bauxite and Laterite Minerals for Some World Deposits Tauson, L.V., V.S. Samoylova,n d Ye.V. Smirnova. The REE in Dinosaur Remains from the Gobi Desert, Mongolia . . Bychkov, A.Yu. and D.V. Grichuk. A Thermodynamic Model for the Sb-As Mineralization in the Uzon Caldera . Perchuk, A.L. and L.Ya. Aranovich. Thermodynamics of Jadeite- Diopside-Hedenbergite Solid Solutions eats. Kepezhinskas, P.K., L.V. Yefremovaa,n d N.A. Sorokina. The REE in Early Island- Arc Plutonic Complexes 4 ene nd Kamenskiy, I.L., I.N. Tolstikhina,n d V.P. Vetrin. Juvenile Helium in Ancient Rocks and Excess 3He in Amphiboles from a Charnockite Series Aged 2.8 Gy: Mantle-Crustal Fluids in Intracrustal . © Processes . « « « « «+s + « « « Bogomolov, Ye.S. and I1.M. Morozova. Lead _—- in Non- metamict Zircons - ais 6k al in cata Taran, M.N., S.S. Matsyuk, and Yu.f s Bondar' Optical Spectra and Composition of Olivine and Spinel from the Marialakhti and Eagle Station Pallasites : Gladkikh, V.S. Geochemistry of Melilitic Volcanic “Rocks in the Maymecha- Kotuy Province eer see ae te vs 141 English Russian Page Page Grigor'yev, N.A., V.N. Sazonov and V.V. Murzin. The Distri- bution of Gold Among the Minerals in the Weakly Auriferous Metasomatites of the Peschan Skar Deposit . ‘ 129 593 Kamenetsky, V.S., L.V. Danyushevskiy, V.P. Zinkevich, N. v. Tsukanov and T.V. Romanova. New Data on the Picrites in the Cape Sharom Hills, Kamchatka - Number1 2 Ivanova, G.F., P.A. Korovaykov, Z.B. Afanas'yeva, V.M. Pak- hovskaya, V.S. Korzhanovskaya, G.M. Kolesov, and I.V. Nizhegorodova. Geochemistry of the Metamorphic Rocks at the Felbertal Stratified Scheelite Deposit, Austrian Alps Pukhtel', I.S., D.Z. Zhuravlev, V.S. Kulikov, and V.V. Kulik- ova: Petrography and Sm-Nd Age of a Differentiated Sheet of Komatiitic Basalt in the Vetra Belt, Baltic Shield Avakyan, K.Kh., M.I. Buyakayte, and S.M. Lyapunov. Rb-Sr Ages of K-Mg Metasomatites in the Central Kola Granulite- Gneiss Region .. pie terey si aur se® 6) le) inl ce >Sis CS Veksler, I.V. and M.P. “Teptelev. Experiments with the Nephe- line-Diopside-Sphene System and the wieaeaeipeaabiie of Tita- nium in Alkali Magmatic Systems . Tikhomirov, V.V. He Levels in Stratal Gases" as an “Indication of Their Formation Conditions . Ul'yanov, A.A., N.N. Kononkova, M.A. "Korovkin, A. “ss Devirts, | Ye.P. Lagutina, V.1. Ustinov, and Yu.A. Shukolyukov. The Role of Metasomatism in the Transformation of Solid Mate- rial in the Preplanetary Stage of the Solar System . ee Semenova, A.S., N.N. Kononkova, and N.V. Solov'yeva. Mineral and Chemical Composition of the Luna 16 Basalts “ Yudovich, Ya.E., E.Z. Gareyev, and M.P. Ketris. Anomalous | Potassium Accumulation in Clay Rocks : . Trotsyuk, V.Ya., I. Kovacheva, and M.M. Marina. "Predicting the Organic-Carbon Distribution in Largely Unexamined Basin Sections with Reference to the Bulgarian Black Sea Shelf Poy eens aneicte tarts 8, iets We os. 0) Ce ieh een Danyushevskaya, A. i. "and V.1I. Petrova. Geochemical Features of the ee Matter in Eurasian Continental-Margin Black Clays .. Ae oS ots Piet eee eR ee Re er ger Ee oa ay. Andreyev, G.V., V.F. Posokhov, and V.L. er The Age of the Synnyr Intrusion . - Bogomolov, Ye.S. Effects of Zircon Grain Size on Loss of Radiogenic Lead . Shapenko, V.V. and P. Smidel. “$n and W Mineralization in Skarn-Greisen Deposits at the Northern Margin of the Bo- hemian Massif © eon nae ps os en) Seles Gostyayeva, N.M. and G. B. "Naumov. Fluid Inclusions in Albi- tite Minerals : SES eY Pol ett ie! 6) Sek es ey Ue Suchchevskaya, T.M., A.A. “Devirts, Ye.P. Lagutina, and V.A. Kiryukhin. Hydrogen- Isotope Composition of the Wa- ter in Fluid Inclusions in Quartz and the Origin of the Sn Mineralization at the anne nti Deposit, Khabarovsk Kray . 2 Se Saye Kiselev, V. I. ; M.A. “Mikhaylov, M.A. “Mishkin, and N.G. Ukha- neva. Variations in the Carbonate Carbon and Oxygen Iso- topes in Far East Precambrian Sedimentary Series ot Aes Shukolyukov, A.Yu., V.D. Domkin, and A.P. Meshik. Yields of Heavy Inert Gas Isotopes from 1 GeV Proton Bombardment of Bismuth and Tantalum or Reracentenie? oie ay abse reeves: “ie tes fou et ea

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