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Genome Genome Author Index Index des auteurs Volume 50, 2007 Volume 50, 2007 Abberton, M.T., 412 Burnham, A., 767 Dong, Y., 357 Adachi, Y., 735 Cai, D., 61 Dorig, R.E., 137 Aitken, K.S., 742 Calaza, M., 329 Drouet, D., 568 Akashi, R., 627 Camargo, L.E.A., 266 Drouin, G., 975 Akkak, A., 325 Cameron, S.L., 188 Du, Y., 1067 Alonso-Blanco, C., 303 Cannon, S.B., 412 Duffy, B., 568 Alvarez-Dios, J.A., 329 Caradonna, F., 867 Dufour, M., 1156 Anastasio, G., 303 Carbonell, S.A.M., 266 Dufresne, F., 151 Anderson, J.M., 1038 Cardi, T., 443, 706 Duque, M.C., 1078 Angosto, T., 303 Carlson, W.R., 578 Durel, C.-E., 159, 568 Anikster, Y., 1029 Caromel, B., 422 Ebana, K., 180 Annesi, F., 787 Carputo, D., 443 Eilam, T., 1029 Appels, R., 1130 Carregaro, F., 451 Esquibet, M., 422 Arseniuk, E., 595 Cavallini, A., 429 Falistocco, E., 927 Asbach, K., 61 Cebeci, O., 724 Febrer, M., 412 Atienza, S.G., 994 Ceccarelli, M., 429 Feitosa, O., 451 Babu, S., 343 Chai, Y.-R., 840 Feldman, M., 1029 Badaeva, E.D., 907 Chang, P.-F.L., 595 Fernandez, C., 329 Banks, T., 557 Chang, Y.-L., 954 Finnerty, J.R., 689 Barbieri, R., 867 Chen, C.Y., 1104 Fitzpatrick, K., 548 Barchi, L., 51 Chen, J., 802 Formighieri, E.F., 266 Baudouin, L., 35 Chen, L., 840, 1049 Forneck, A., 660 Baum, B.R., | Chen, M., 172 Fox, S., 557 Beaulieu, J., 142 Chen, Q., 1067 Freitas, J.M., 451 Becerra Lopez-Lavalle, L.A., 479 Chetelat, R.T., 825 Frusciante, L., 443 Beecher, B., 724 Cheung, F., 412 Fu, J., 119 Behdad, B., 1001 Chioratto, A.F., 266 Fu, F.-Y., 840 Bekele, E., 1112 Cho, S., 898, 954 Fukova, I., 1061 Bellavia, D., 867 Chung, G.H., 525 Ganal, M., 668 Belzile, F., 142 Chung, S.-M., 215 Gao, L., 1130 Belzile, C., 151 Ciechanska, E., 693 Gao, Y., 1141 Benchimol, L.L., 266 Cionini, P.G., 429 Garvin, D.F., 898 Benko-Iseppon, A.-M., 538 Clarke, J., 557 Gay, G., 907 Berger, A., 35 Clemente, A.M., 867 Geng, T., 463 Bernard, M., 907 Colangelo, P., 787 George, S., 470, 834 Bernard, S., 907 Combes, M.-C., 316 Gernand, D., 435 Bi, K., 119 Comesana, A.S., 329 Gessler, C., 568, 1078 Bilgic, H., 898 Conedera, M., 1089 Geylan-Su, Y.S., 724 Blattner, F.R., 638 Consoli, L., 266 Giordani, T., 429 Boccacci, P., 325 Conza, L., 1089 Glémet, H., 151 Bogart, J.P., 119 Coruh, C., 724 Gobbin, D., 1089 Bohoérquez, A., 1078 Costes, E., 159 Golezyk, H., 435 Bonnema, G., 963 Coyne, C.J., 871 Goldsmith, M.R., 1061 Bonnet, J., 51 Cozzolino, S., 706 Gondo, T., 627 Borja, A., 303 Cui, D., 357 Gordon, V.S., 215 Borkin, L.J., 333 Cunfer, B.M., 595 Gornung, E., 787 Borsch, T., 1112 Dansereau, D.A., 693 Govers, K., 1112 Bossolini, E., 714 Davis, M.M., 1049 Grenier, E., 422 Botje, D.G.A., 1014 Dayanandan, S., 1001 Grusak, M.A., 871 Botta, R., 325 de Campos, T., 266 Gu, C., 1104 Bouchet, J.-P., 422 Dedkova, O.S., 907 Gulick, P.J., 502 Boudet, C., 51 de Kochko, A., 1156 Gyenai, K., 463 Bouza, C., 329 Denancé, C., 159 Gyenis, L., 714 Boyd, L.A., 259 DePauw, R., 557 Hadfield, J., 259 Brenner, E.D., 351 DePauw, R.M., 107 Hamon, P., 1156 Brook, W.J., 693 de Souza, A.P., 266 Hamon, S., 1156 Brubaker, C.L., 479 D’Hont, A., 619 Han, Z., 172 Budak, H., 724 Disher, K., 946 Hanai, L.R., 266 © 2007 NRC Canada Al-2 Genome Vol. 50, 2007 Handa, H., 234 Kou, H., 278 McCartney, C., 557 Hanna, S., 767 Krone, P.H., 778 McClean, P.E., 203 Harrison, M., 877 Kubisiak, T.L., 241 McClendon, M.T., 871 Hart, N.J., 259 Lam, K.C., 1001 McDermid, H.E., 767 He, G., 811 Lanteri, S., 51 McEachern, L.A., 548 He, Z., 1130 Lashermes, P., 316, 619 McGowan, R.A., 778 Heng, H.H.Q., 517 Lasko, P., 137 McIntyre, C.L., 742 Hermida, M., 329 Le Pierrés, D., 316 McPhee, K.E., 871 Herrera, J.C., 619 Lebrun, P:, 35 Meister, A., 638 Heslip, T.R., 693 Lee, B.S., 400 Meksem, K., 871 Hodgetts, R.B., 1049 Lee, M.-K., 278 Melotto, M., 266 Hohl, L., 1089 Lee; R:K.,. 203 Mensah, C., 1104 Honda, B.M., 548 Lefebvre, V., 51, 422 Mhanni, A.A., 778 Hoshizaki, S., 645 Lem, J5:C., 61 Michal, J.J., 939 Houben, A., 435, 638 Leopoldino, A.M., 451 Milbourne, D., 412 Hsieh, C.-S., 954 Leroy, T., 1156 Millena, A.C., 278 Huang, Y., 84, 855 Levine, S.G., 137 Millet, E., 1029 Ibisch, P.L., 90 Lie. 61 Mishra, P.K., 653 Ibrahim, R.K., 1001 Li, C.-M., 871 Molnar-Lang, M., 43 Iketani, H., 735 Li, J.-N., 840 Moran, R.C., 351 IInicki, T., 435 Li, W., 1067 Morgante, M., 429 Imtiaz, M., 107 i, X., 1130 Morris, R.T., 975 Inglis, D.A., 871 i, X.-M., 400 Mott, I.W., 400 lovene, M., 443 i, Y¥:, 278, 297, 357, 611, 811 Mu, P., 72 Iqbal, M., 511 Ay Lisy T2226 Muehlbauer, G.J., 714, 898, 954 Ishikawa, Y., 645 i, Z.-Y., 985 Mugniéry, D., 422 Isik, Z., 724 Liao, D., 72 Murray, S., 871 Islam-Faridi, M.N., Lightbourn, G.J., 492 Nagy, I., 51, 668 Isobe, S., 627 Lightfoot, D.A., 871 Narita, S., 365 Jackson, P.A., 742 Lin, H.-H., 297 Natali, L., 429 Jamar, D., 963 Lin, K., 463 Navabi, A., 511 Jean, M., 142 Ling, Y., 811 Nelson, R.L., 525, 1104 Jelesko, J.G., 492 Bittle: DP; 551 Nelson, C.D., 241 Jenkins, G., 412 Litvinchuk, S.N., 333 Nguyen, H.T., 278 Jermini, M., 1089 Liu, D., 278 Niedzwiecki, J., 119 Ji, K., 1430 Lau; K., 611 Nishikawa, T., 180 MM, ¥:5:325 Liu, L.-Z., 840 Nishitani, C., 735 Jiang, Z., 252, 939 Liu, M., 985 Niu, S., 357 Jiménez-Gomez, J.M., 303 Liu, X., 796 Noble, D.W.A., 119 Jin, M.-Y., 840 Lloyd, V.K., 548 Nomura, M., 365 Joachimiak, A.J., 435 Locke, J., 767 Ogbonnaya, F.C., 107 Johnson, D.A., | Lépez, C.E., 1078 Ohm, H.W., 1038 Jolivet, K., 422 Lou, Q., 802 O’ Keefe, S.L., 1049 Jung, C., 61 Lou, P., 963 Okumura, K., 627 Jurman, I., 429 Lozano, R., 303 Onishi, K., 757 Kadowaki, K., 180 Luo, Z., 811 Palloix, A., 51 Kageyama, D., 365 Ma, A.-F., 840 Pardo, B.G., 329 Kahl, G., 538 Ma, N., 226 Parida, A., 470, 834 Kalendar, R., 588 Ma, W., 1130 Parmaksiz, I., 724 Kamara, D., 463 Maccaferri, M., 373, 385 Passeri, V., 927 Kawakami, S., 180 MacKay, A.B., 778 Patocchi, A., 568 Keller, K.E., 871 Mahé, L., 316 Patzak, J., 15 Kellerhals, M., 568 Malkus, A., 595 Patzolt, K., 90 Kerlan, M.-C., 422 Mammadoy, A.C., 400 Paulo, M.-J., 963 Keuling, A., 767 Mancini, U.M., 451 Pérez, M., 329 Khan, M.A., 568 Manisterski, J., 1029 Pirany, N., 35 Kinneard, J., 548 Manjunatha, S., 35 Poncet, V., 1156 Kistler, H.C., 954 Marconi, G., 927 Pozniak, C., 557 Kiviharju, E., 588 Marec, F., 1061 Prabhu, K., 548 Kleiber, M.L., 877 Marschner, S., 638 Prasad, D.T., 35 Koch, G., 61 Martin, A., 994 Presa, P., 329 Koebner, R.M.D., 259 Martin, A.C., 994 Pukhalskyi, V.A., 907 Kong, L., 1038 Martin, R.R., 871 Qiao, X., 172 Kontani, M., 757 Martinez, P., 329 Qiu, L., 1067 Koo, B.-C., 400 Martinez-Zapater, J.M., 303 Qu, M., 172 Koornneef, M., 963 MatouSek, J., 15 Quesada-Ocampo, L.M., 1078 © 2007 NRC Canada Author Index / Index des auteurs Raghavan, P.S., 834 Spaner, D., 511 Wang, M., 72 Rajesh, P.N., 871 Stagel, A., 668 Wang, R.R.-C., 400 Ramachandra, N.B., 343 Staub, J.E., 215 Wang, S., 796 Ranganath, R.M., 35 Stefanelli, S., 373 Wang, X., 72 Raposo-Guillan, J., 329 Steffenson, B.J., 714 Wang, X.-D., 297 Rawls, J.M., 548 Stevenson, D.Wm., 351 Wang, Y., 796 Reed, K.M., 463 Stewart, J.McD., 818 Warkentin, T.D., 26 Rees, D.J., 151 Storlie, E.W., 871 Weeden, N.F., 871 Ren,.C:, 278 Sullivan, J.C., 689 Wei, S., 796 Resende, L.V., 538 Sun, D., 1067 Wer, L., 252 Rex, M., 90 Sun, G., 1067 Weising, K., 90 Reyes-Valdés, M.H., 289 Sun, J., 72 Whiting, M.F., 188 Ridha Farajalla, M., 502 Sunday, S., 137 Wibowo, T.A., 939 Roéder, M., 668 Suter, B., 137 Williams, C.G., 289 Rosanov, J.M., 333 Svendsen, P.C., 693 Winter, P., 538 Rotondo, F., 373 Sybenga, J., 1014 Wu, C., 278 Rutten, T., 435 Syrzycka, M., 548 Wu, C.-C., 1061 Sagi-Assif, O., 1029 Szakacs, E., 43 Wu, J., 611 Sahara, K., 1061 Tabata, S., 627 Wu, X., 252 Sakamoto, H., 645 Tajara, E.H., 451 Wu, X.-J., 297 Salmon, D.F., 511 Takada, N., 735 Wu, Y.Q., 84 Sanchez, A., 278 Takagi, K., 757 Xiao, S., 611 Sanguineti, M.C., 373, 385, 714 Tanaka, T., 757 Xie, R., 811 Sano, Y., 757 Tanhuanpaa, P., 588 Xie, C., 385 Santos, F., 278 Tar’an, B., 26 Xu, P.-Z., 297 Santos, T.S., 278 Terakami, S., 73: Xu, J., 463, 611 Sarri, V., 429 Tesfaye, K., 111 Yamamoto, T., 735 Sasvari, Z., 668 Tian, Y., 61 Yan, B., 278 Sato, S., 627 Timmerman- Vaughan, G.M., 871 Yan, X.-Y., 840 Sato, Y., 180, 735 Tohme, J., 1078 Yan, Y., 1130 Savarese, S., 443 Town, C.D., 412 Yang, F., 767 Sawamura, Y., 735 Treadwell, J., 877 Yang, L., 1141 Scheuring, C., 278 Tsai, S.M., 266 Yang, P., 1049 Schulman, A.H., 588 Tuberosa, R., 373, 385 Yang, R.-C., 511 Schulte, D., 61 Tullu, A., 26 Yang, T., 840 Schulte, K., 90 Tully, T., 767 Yang, Z., 811 Schulze, S., 548 Uddin, R.K., 877 Yasukochi, Y., 1061 Scotti, N., 443, 706 Ueng, P.P., 595 Yoshido, A., 1061 Segura, V., 159 Uhm, T., 278 Young, N.D., 412 Shalini, K.V., 35 Vandenberg, A., 26 Yu; 72 Shen, S., 72 van Eeuwijk, F., 963 Yuan, S., 297 Shi, F., 855 Vargas, J., 1078 Yun, S.J., 714 Shi, J, 1141 Vasquez, R., 90 Zelenin, A.V., 907 Shi, S., 611 Vaughan, D.A., 180 Zena, ¥.; 72 Shultz, J.L., 871 Vazquez-Lépez, A., 329 Zhang, A., 278 Signoret, P., 51 Veilleux, R.E., 492 Zhang, H., 72 Silva, C.H.T.P., 451 Venkataraman, G., 470 Zhang, H.-B., 278, 1061 Simon, P.W., 443 Verdier, V., 1078 Zhang, H.-Y., 297 Simon, M.V., 538 Verhaar, H., 1014 Zhang, J., 818 Sinclair, D.A.R., 548 Vieira, M.L.C., 266 Zhang, L., 611 Singh, B.N., 653 Vinod, M.S., 834 Zhang, Y., 1130 Singh, R.J., 525 Vorwerk, S., 660 Zhang, Z., 1067 Singh, S.M., 877 Vrba, L., 15 Zhang, Z.-S., 840 Siqueira, M.V.B.M Vreugdenhil, D., 963 Zhao, F., 811 Sisino, G., 867 Walling, J.G., 871 Zhao, J., 963 Skandalis, A., 946 Wang, A., 1130 Zhao, Z., 226 Smith, E.J., 463 Wang, C.-L., 595 Zheng, T., 252 Smith, J.S.C., 385 Wang, D., 1104 Zhong, B., 811 Smith, K.P., 714 Wang, F., 818 Zhou, Z., 855 Smith, P.H., 259 Wang, G., 1141 Zizka, G., 90 Somers, D.J., 557 Wang, H., 767 Zuccolo, A., 429 Zuzga, S.M., 595 © 2007 NRC Canada Genome Génome Contents Sommaire Volume 50, 2007 Volume 50, 2007 January / janvier ANNOUNCEMENT / COMMUNIQUE ARTICLES / ARTICLES Bernard R. Baum and Douglas A. Johnson The 5S DNA sequences in Hordeum bogdanii and in the H. brevisubulatum complex, and the evolution and the geographic dispersal of the diploid Hordeum species (Triticeae: Poaceae) Josef Patzak, Lukas Vrba, and Jaroslav Matousek New STS molecular markers for assessment of genetic diversity and DNA fingerprinting in hop (Humulus lupulus L.) B. Tar’an, T.D. Warkentin, A. Tullu, and A. Vandenberg Genetic mapping of ascochyta blight resistance in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) using a simple sequence repeat linkage map K.V. Shalini, S. Manjunatha, P. Lebrun, A. Berger, L. Baudouin, N. Pirany, R.M. Ranganath, and D. Theertha Prasad Identification of molecular markers associated with mite resistance in coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) E. Szakacs and M. Molnar-Lang Development and molecular cytogenetic identification of new winter wheat — winter barley (‘Martonvasari 9 kr1’ — ‘Igri’) disomic addition lines Lorenzo Barchi, Julien Bonnet, Christine Boudet, Patrick Signoret, Istvan Nagy, Sergio Lanteri, Alain Palloix, and Véronique Lefebvre A high-resolution, intraspecific linkage map of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) and selection of reduced recombinant inbred line subsets for fast mapping Jens Christoph Lein, Katrin Asbach, Yanyan Tian, Daniela Schulte, Chunyan Li, Georg Koch, Christian Jung, and Daguang Cai_ Resistance gene analogues are clustered on chromosome 3 of sugar beet and cosegregate with QTL for rhizomania resistance Hongliang Zhang, Junli Sun, Meixing Wang, Dengqun Liao, Yawen Zeng, Shiquan Shen, Ping Yu, Ping Mu, Xiangkun Wang, and Zichao Li Genetic structure and phylogeography of rice landraces in Yunnan, China, revealed by SSR Y.Q. Wu and Yinghua Huang An SSR genetic map of Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench and its comparison to a published genetic map Martina Rex, Kerstin Patzolt, Katharina Schulte, Georg Zizka, Roberto Vasquez, Pierre L. Ibisch, and Kurt Weising AFLP analysis of genetic relationships in the genus Fosterella L.B. Smith (Pitcairnioideae, Bromeliaceae) February / février ARTICLES / ARTICLES Francis C. Ogbonnaya, Muhammad Imtiaz, and Ron M. DePauw _ Haplotype diversity of preharvest sprouting QTLs in wheat James P. Bogart, Ke Bi, Jinzong Fu, Daniel W.A. Noble, and John Niedzwiecki Unisexual salamanders (genus Ambystoma) present a new reproductive mode for eukaryotes Sylvia Glen Levine, Suchot Sunday, Ruth E. Dérig, Beat Suter, and Paul Lasko Genetic maps of the proximal half of chromosome arm 2L of Drosophila melanogaster Julien Beaulieu, Martine Jean, and Francois Belzile Linkage maps for Arabidopsis lyrata subsp. lyrata and Arabidopsis lyrata subsp. petraea combining anonymous and Arabidopsis thaliana—derived markers David J. Rees, France Dufresne, Héléne Glémet, and Claude Belzile Amphipod genome sizes: first estimates for Arctic species reveal genomic giants /, Segura, C. Denancé, C.-E. Durel, and E. Costes Wide range QTL analysis for complex architectural traits in a l-year-old apple progeny Mao-hua Chen, Zhao-jun Han, Xian-feng Qiao, and Ming-jing Qu Mutations in acetylcholinesterase genes of Rhopalosiphum padi resistant to organophosphate and carbamate insecticides Shin-ichi Kawakami, Kaworu Ebana, Tomotaro Nishikawa, Yo-ichiro Sato, Duncan A. Vaughan, and Koh-ichi Kadowaki Genetic variation in the chloroplast genome suggests multiple domestication of cultivated Asian rice (Oryza sativa L.) © 2007 NRC Canada C-2 Genome Vol. 50 Stephen L. Cameron and Michael F. Whiting Mitochondrial genomic comparisons of the subterranean termites from the Genus Reticulitermes (Insecta: Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) Phillip E. McClean and Rian K. Lee Genetic architecture of chalcone isomerase noncoding regions in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Sang-Min Chung, Vanessa S. Gordon, and Jack E. Staub Sequencing cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) chloroplast genomes identifies differences between chilling-tolerant and -susceptible cucumber lines Zhigang Zhao, Ni Ma, and Zaiyun Li Alteration of chromosome behavior and synchronization of parental chromosomes after successive generations in Brassica napus X Orychophragmus violaceus hybrids Hirokazu Handa __ Investigation of the origin and transmission of linear mitochondrial plasmid based on phylogenetic analysis in Japanese rapeseed varieties M. Nurul Islam-Faridi, C. Dana Nelson, and Thomas L. Kubisiak Reference karyotype and cytomolecular map for loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) NOTE / NOTE Xiaobing Wu, Tao Zheng, Zhigang Jiang, and Lei Wei The mitochondrial genome structure of the clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa) March / mars ARTICLES / ARTICLES P.H. Smith, J. Hadfield, N.J. Hart, R.M.D. Koebner, and L.A. Boyd STS markers for the wheat yellow rust resistance gene Yr5 suggest a NBS—LRR-type resistance gene cluster Luiz Ricardo Hanai, Tatiana de Campos, Luis Eduardo Aranha Camargo, Luciana Lasry Benchimol, Anete Pereira de Souza, Maeli Melotto, Sérgio Augusto Moraes Carbonell, Alisson Fernando Chioratto, Luciano Consoli, Eduardo Fernando Formighieri, Marcos Vinicius Bohrer Monteiro Siqueira, Siu Mui Tsai, and Maria Lucia Carneiro Vieira Development, characterization, and comparative analysis of polymorphism at common bean SSR loci isolated from genic and genomic sources Yaning Li, Taesik Uhm, Chengwei Ren, Chengcang Wu, Teofila S. Santos, Mi-Kyung Lee, Bo Yan, Felipe Santos, Aimin Zhang, Chantel Scheuring, Alma Sanchez, Anna C. Millena, Henry T. Nguyen, Hongda Kou, Daqun Liu, and Hong-Bin Zhang A plant-transformation-competent BIBAC/BAC based map of rice for functional analysis and genetic engineering of its genomic sequence Claire G. Williams and M. Humberto Reyes-Valdés Estimating a founder’s genomic proportion for each descendant in an outbred pedigree Pei-Zhou Xu, Shu Yuan, Yun Li, Hong-Yu Zhang, Xu-Dong Wang. Hong-Hui Lin, and Xian-Jun Wu Genome-wide high-frequency non-Mendelian loss of heterozygosity in rice José M. Jiménez-Gomez, Carlos Alonso-Blanco, Alicia Borja, German Anastasio, Trinidad Angosto, Rafael Lozano, and José M. Martinez-Zapater Quantitative genetic analysis of flowering time in tomato L. Mahé, D. Le Pierrés, M.-C. Combes, and P. Lashermes _ Introgressive hybridization between the allotetraploid Coffea arabica and one of its diploid ancestors, Coffea canephora, in an exceptional sympatric zone in New Caledonia NOTES / NOTES A. Akkak, P. Boccacci, and R. Botta ‘Cardinal’ grape parentage: a case of a breeding mistake B.G. Pardo, C. Fernandez, M. Hermida, A. Vazquez-Lopez, M. Pérez, P. Presa, M. Calaza, J.A. Alvarez-Dios, A.S. Comesana, J. Raposo-Guillan, C. Bouza, and P. Martinez Development and characterization of 248 novel microsatellite markers in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) April / avril ARTICLES / ARTICLES Spartak N. Litvinchuk, Jury M. Rosanov, and Leo J. Borkin Correlations of geographic distribution and temperature of embryonic development with the nuclear DNA content in the Salamandridae (Urodela, Amphibia) Sajesh Babu and Nallur B. Ramachandra Screen for new mutations on the 2nd chromosome involved in indirect flight muscle development in Drosophila melanogaster Damon P. Little, Robbin C. Moran, Eric D. Brenner, and Dennis Wm. Stevenson Nuclear genome size in Selaginella Yuling Li, Yongbin Dong, Suzhun Niu, and Dangqun Cui The genetic relationship among plant-height traits found using multiple-trait QTL mapping of a dent corn and popcorn cross © 2007 NRC Canada Contents / Sommaire Satoko Narita, Masashi Nomura, and Daisuke Kageyama _ A natural population of the butterfly Eurema hecabe with Wolbachia-induced female-biased sex ratio not by feminization M. Maccaferri, S. Stefanelli, F. Rotondo, R. Tuberosa, and M.C. Sanguineti Relationships among durum wheat accessions. I. Comparative analysis of SSR, AFLP, and phenotypic data M. Maccaferri, M.C. Sanguineti, C. Xie, J.S.C. Smith, and R. Tuberosa_ Relationships among durum wheat accessions. Il. A comparison of molecular and pedigree information X.-M. Li, B.S. Lee, A.C. Mammadoy, B.-C. Koo, I.W. Mott, and R.R.-C. Wang CAPS markers specific to E°, E°, and R genomes in the tribe Triticeae Melanie Febrer, Foo Cheung, Christopher D. Town, Steven B. Cannon, Nevin D. Young, Michael T. Abberton, Glyn Jenkins, and Dan Milbourne Construction, characterization, and preliminary BAC-end sequencing analysis of a bacterial artificial chromosome library of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) NOTE / NOTE Katell Jolivet, Eric Grenier, Jean-Paul Bouchet, Magali Esquibet, Marie-Claire Kerlan, Bernard Caromel, Didier Mugniéry, and Véronique Lefebvre Identification of plant genes regulated in resistant potato Solanum sparsipilum during the early stages of infection by Globodera pallida May / mai ARTICLES / ARTICLES M. Ceccarelli, V. Sarri, L. Natali, T. Giordani, A. Cavallini, A. Zuccolo, I. Jurman, M. Morgante, and P.G. Cionini Characterization of the chromosome complement of Helianthus annuus by in situ hybridization of a tandemly repeated DNA sequence Dorota Gernand, Hieronim Golezyk, Twan Rutten, Tomasz IInicki, Andreas Houben, and Andrzej J. Joachimiak Tissue culture triggers chromosome alterations, amplification, and transposition of repeat sequences in Allium fistulosum Marina Iovene, Salvatore Savarese, Teodoro Cardi, Luigi Frusciante, Nunzia Scotti, Philipp W. Simon, and Domenico Carputo Nuclear and cytoplasmic genome composition of Solanum bulbocastanum (+) S. tuberosum somatic hybrids Andréia M. Leopoldino, Fernanda Carregaro, Carlos H.T.P. Silva, Olavo Feitosa, Ulises M. Mancini, Jorge M. Freitas, and Eloiza H. Tajara Sequence and transcriptional study of HNRPK pseudogenes, and expression and molecular modeling analysis of hnRNP K isoforms Kuan-chin Lin, Jun Xu, Davida Kamara, Tuoyu Geng, Kwaku Gyenai, Kent M. Reed, and Edward J. Smith DNA sequence and haplotype variation in two candidate genes for dilated cardiomyopathy in the turkey Meleagris gallopavo Suja George, Gayatri Venkataraman, and Ajay Parida Identification of stress-induced genes from the drought-tolerant plant Prosopis juliflora (Swartz) DC. through analysis of expressed sequence tags L. Augusto Becerra Lopez-Lavalle and Curt L. Brubaker Frequency and fidelity of alien chromosome transmission in Gossypium hexaploid bridging populations Gordon J. Lightbourn, John G. Jelesko, and Richard E. Veilleux Retrotransposon-based markers from potato monoploids used in somatic hybridization Mohammed Ridha Farajalla and Patrick J. Gulick The o-tubulin gene family in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and differential gene expression during cold acclimation NOTE / NOTE Muhammad Iqbal, Alireza Navabi, Rong-Cai Yang, Donald F. Salmon, and Dean Spaner Molecular characterization of vernalization response genes in Canadian spring wheat RAPID COMMUNICATION / COMMUNICATION RAPIDE Henry H.Q. Heng Elimination of altered karyotypes by sexual reproduction preserves species identity June / juin MINIREVIEW / MINISYNTHESE R.J. Singh, G.H. Chung, and R.L. Nelson Landmark research in legumes ARTICLES / ARTICLES M.V. Simon, A.-M. Benko-Iseppon, L.V. Resende, P. Winter, and G. Kahl Genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships in Vigna Savi germplasm revealed by DNA amplification fingerprinting © 2007 NRC Canada C-4 Genome Vol. 50, 2007 Monika Syrzycka, Lori A. McEachern, Jennifer Kinneard, Kristel Prabhu, Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Sandra Schulze, John M. Rawls, Vett K. Lloyd, Donald A.R. Sinclair, and Barry M. Honda _ The pink gene encodes the Drosophila orthologue of the human Hermansky—Pudlak syndrome 5 (HPS5) gene Daryl J. Somers, Travis Banks, Ron DePauw, Stephen Fox, John Clarke, Curtis Pozniak, and Curt McCartney Genome-wide linkage disequilibrium analysis in bread wheat and durum wheat Muhammad A. Khan, Charles-Eric Durel, Brion Duffy, Damien Drouet, Markus Kellerhals, Cesare Gessler, and Andrea Patocchi Development of molecular markers linked to the ‘Fiesta’ linkage group 7 major QTL for fire blight resistance and their application for marker-assisted selection Wayne R. Carlson Locating a site on the maize B chromosome that controls preferential fertilization Pirjo Tanhuanpaa, Ruslan Kalendar, Alan H. Schulman, and Elina Kiviharju. A major gene for grain cadmium accumulation in oat (Avena sativa L.) Chih-Li Wang, Arkadiusz Malkus, Sabina M. Zuzga, Pi-Fang Linda Chang, Barry M. Cunfer, Edward Arseniuk, and Peter P. Ueng Diversity of the trifunctional histidine biosynthesis gene (his) in cereal Phaeosphaeria species July / juillet ARTICLES / ARTICLES Shushu Xiao, Jinsong Xu, Yuan Li, Lei Zhang, Shijun Shi, Shuwen Shi, Jiangsheng Wu, and Kede Liu Generation and mapping of SCAR and CAPS markers linked to the seed coat color gene in Brassica napus using a genome-walking technique Juan Carlos Herrera, Angelique D’Hont, and Philippe Lashermes Use of fluorescence in situ hybridization as a tool for introgression analysis and chromosome identification in coffee (Coffea arabica L.) Takahiro Gondo, Shusei Sato, Kenji Okumura, Satoshi Tabata, Ryo Akashi, and Sachiko Isobe Quantitative trait locus analysis of multiple agronomic traits in the model legume Lotus japonicus Sylvia Marschner, Armin Meister, Frank R. Blattner, and Andreas Houben Evolution and function of B chromosome 45S rDNA sequences in Brachycome dichromosomatica Hironori Sakamoto, Daisuke Kageyama, Sugihiko Hoshizaki, and Yukio Ishikawa Sex-specific death in the Asian corn borer moth (Ostrinia furnacalis) infected with Wolbachia occurs across larval development Paras Kumar Mishra and Bashisth Narayan Singh Assessing the putative roles of X—autosome and X—Y interactions in hybrid male sterility of the Drosophila bipectinata species complex S. Vorwerk and A. Forneck Analysis of genetic variation within clonal lineages of grape phylloxera (Daktulosphaira vitifoliae Fitch) using AFLP fingerprinting and DNA sequencing Istvan Nagy, Aniké Stagel, Zsuzsanna Sasvari, Marion Réder, and Martin Ganal Development, characterization, and transferability to other Solanaceae of microsatellite markers in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) NOTE / NOTE James C. Sullivan and John R. Finnerty A surprising abundance of human disease genes in a simple “basal” animal, the starlet sea anemone (Nematostella vectensis) August / aoat ARTICLES / ARTICLES Ewa Ciechanska, David A. Dansereau, Pia C. Svendsen, Tim R. Heslip, and William J. Brook dAP-2 and defective proventriculus regulate Serrate and Delta expression in the tarsus of Drosophila melanogaster N. Scotti, S. Cozzolino, and T. Cardi Mitochondrial DNA variation in cultivated and wild potato species (Solanum spp.) L. Gyenis, S.J. Yun, K.P. Smith, B.J. Steffenson, E. Bossolini, M.C. Sanguineti, and G.J. Muehlbauer Genetic architecture of quantitative trait loci associated with morphological and agronomic trait differences in a wild by cultivated barley cross Z. Isik, I. Parmaksiz, C. Coruh, Y.S. Geylan-Su, O. Cebeci, B. Beecher, and H. Budak Organellar genome analysis of rye (Secale cereale) representing diverse geographic regions S. Terakami, Y. Adachi, H. Iketani, Y. Sato, Y. Sawamura, N. Takada, C. Nishitani, and T. Yamamoto Genetic mapping of genes for susceptibility to black spot disease in Japanese pears K.S. Aitken, P.A. Jackson, and C.L. McIntyre Construction of a genetic linkage map for Saccharum officinarum incorporating both simplex and duplex markers to increase genome coverage Kazumitsu Onishi, Kyoko Takagi, Manabu Kontani, Takumi Tanaka, and Yoshio Sano Different patterns of genealogical relationships found in the two major QTLs causing reduction of seed shattering during rice domestication © 2007 NRC Canada Contents / Sommaire Angela Keuling, Fang Yang, Scott Hanna, Huaien Wang, Tim Tully, Amanda Burnham, John Locke, and Heather E. McDermid Miutation analysis of Drosophila dikar/CG32394, homologue of the chromatin-remodelling gene CECR2 NOTE / NOTE Amy B. MacKay, Aizeddin A. Mhanni, Ross A. McGowan, and Patrick H. Krone Immunological detection of changes in genomic DNA methylation during early zebrafish development September / septembre ARTICLES / ARTICLES Ekaterina Gornung, Paolo Colangelo, and Flavia Annesi 5S ribosomal RNA genes in six species of Mediterranean grey mullets: genomic organization and phylogenetic inference Xia Liu, Songwen Wang, Yong Wang, and Shu Wei Genetic analysis and molecular mapping of a nuclear recessive male sterility gene, ms9/(t), in rice Qunfeng Lou and Jinfeng Chen Ty!-copia retrotransposon-based SSAP marker development and its potential in the genetic study of cucurbits Zengke Luo, Zhenglin Yang, Bingqgiang Zhong, Yunfeng Li, Rong Xie, Fangming Zhao, Yinghua Ling, and Guanghua He _ Genetic analysis and fine mapping of a dynamic rolled leaf gene, RL/O(t), in rice (Oryza sativa L.) Fei Wang, James McD. Stewart, and Jinfa Zhang Molecular markers linked to the Rf, fertility restorer gene in cotton Yuanfu Ji and Roger T. Chetelat GISH analysis of meiotic chromosome pairing in Solanum lycopersicoides introgression lines of cultivated tomato M.S. Vinod, Prashanth S. Raghavan, Suja George, and Ajay Parida Identification of a sex-specific SCAR marker in dioecious Pandanus fascicularis L. (Pandanaceae) Fu-You Fu, Lie-Zhao Liu, You-Rong Chai, Li Chen, Tao Yang, Meng-Yang Jin, Ai-Fen Ma, Xing-Ying Yan, Zheng-Sheng Zhang, and Jia-Na Li Localization of QTLs for seed color using recombinant inbred lines of Brassica napus in different environments Zhijun Zhou, Yuan Huang, and Fuming Shi The mitochondrial genome of Ruspolia dubia (Orthoptera: Conocephalidae) contains a short A+T-rich region of 70 bp in length NOTES / NOTES Fabio Caradonna, Daniele Bellavia, Ann Maria Clemente, Giorgia Sisino, and Rainer Barbieri Chromosomal localization and molecular characterization of three different 5S ribosomal DNA clusters in the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus C.J. Coyne, M.T. McClendon, J.G. Walling, G.M. Timmerman-Vaughan, S. Murray, K. Meksem, D.A. Lightfoot, J.L. Shultz, K.E. Keller, R.R. Martin, D.A. Inglis, P.N. Rajesh, K.E. McPhee, N.F. Weeden, M.A. Grusak, C.-M. Li, and E.W. Storlie Construction and characterization of two bacterial artificial chromosome libraries of pea (Pisum sativum L.) for the isolation of economically important genes October / octobre ARTICLES / ARTICLES Shiva M. Singh, Julie Treadwell, Morgan L. Kleiber, Michelle Harrison, and Raihan K. Uddin Analysis of behavior using genetical genomics in mice as a model: from alcohol preferences to gene expression differences Hatice Bilgic, Seungho Cho, David F. Garvin, and Gary J. Muehlbauer Mapping barley genes to chromosome arms by transcript profiling of wheat—barley ditelosomic chromosome addition lines E.D. Badaeva, O.S. Dedkova, G. Gay, V.A. Pukhalskyi, A.V. Zelenin, S. Bernard, and M. Bernard Chromosomal rearrangements in wheat: their types and distribution E. Falistocco, V. Passeri, and G. Marconi Investigations of SS rDNA of Vitis vinifera L.: sequence analysis and physical mapping Tito A. Wibowo, Jennifer J. Michal, and Zhihua Jiang Corticotropin releasing hormone is a promising candidate gene for marbling and subcutaneous fat depth in beef cattle Kim Disher and Adonis Skandalis Evidence of the modulation of mRNA splicing fidelity in humans by oxidative stress and p53 Yueh-Long Chang, Seungho Cho, H. Corby Kistler, Chun-Sheng Hsieh, and Gary J. Muehlbauer Bacterial artificial chromosome-based physical map of Gibberella zeae (Fusarium graminearum) © 2007 NRC Canada C-6 Genome Vol. 50, 2007 Jianjun Zhao, Maria-Joao Paulo, Diaan Jamar, Ping Lou, Fred van Eeuwijk, Guusje Bonnema, Dick Vreugdenhil, and Maarten Koornneef Association mapping of leaf traits, flowering time, and phytate content in Brassica rapa November / novembre ARTICLES / ARTICLES Robert T. Morris and Guy Drouin Ectopic gene conversions in bacterial genomes Min Liu and Zai-Yun Li Genome doubling and chromosome elimination with fragment recombination leading to the formation of Brassica rapa-type plants with genomic alterations in crosses with Orychophragmus violaceus 985 S.G. Atienza, A.C. Martin, and A. Martin Introgression of wheat chromosome 2D or 5D into tritordeum leads to free-threshing habit 994 Kevin C. Lam, Ragai K. Ibrahim, Bahareh Behdad, and Selvadurai Dayanandan Structure, function, and evolution of plant O-methyltransferases 1001 J. Sybenga, H. Verhaar, and D.G.A. Botje Estimating meiotic chromosome pairing and recombination parameters in telocentric trisomics 1014 T. Eilam, Y. Anikster, E. Millet, J. Manisterski, O. Sagi-Assif, and M. Feldman Genome size and genome evolution in diploid Triticeae species 1029 Lingrang Kong, Herbert W. Ohm, and Joseph M. Anderson Expression analysis of defense-related genes in wheat in response to infection by Fusarium graminearum 1038 Monica M. Davis, Ping Yang, Liam Chen, Sandra L. O’Keefe, and Ross B. Hodgetts The orphan nuclear receptor DHR38 influences transcription of the DOPA decarboxylase gene in epidermal and neural tissues of Drosophila melanogaster NOTE / NOTE Ken Sahara, Atsuo Yoshido, Frantisek Marec, Iva Fukova, Hong-Bin Zhang, Cheng-Cang Wu, Marian R. Goldsmith, and Yuji Yasukochi Conserved synteny of genes between chromosome 15 of Bombyx mori and a chromosome of Manduca sexta shown by five-color BAC-FISH December / décembre ARTICLES / ARTICLES Wenbin Li, Desheng Sun, Yuping Du, Qingshan Chen, Zhongchen Zhang, Lijuan Qiu, and Genlou Sun Quantitative trait loci underlying the development of seed composition in soybean (Glycine max L. Mert.) Camilo E. Lopez, Lina M. Quesada-Ocampo, Adriana Bohérquez, Myriam Cristina Duque, Jaime Vargas, Joe Tohme, and Valérie Verdier Mapping EST-derived SSRs and ESTs involved in resistance to bacterial blight in Manihot esculenta Davide Gobbin, Leandro Hohl, Lisa Conza, Mauro Jermini, Cesare Gessler, and Marco Conedera Microsatellite-based characterization of the Castanea sativa cultivar heritage of southern Switzerland Charles Y. Chen, Cuihua Gu, Clarice Mensah, Randall L. Nelson, and Dechun Wang SSR marker diversity of soybean aphid resistance sources in North America Kassahun Tesfaye, Thomas Borsch, Kim Govers, and Endashaw Bekele Characterization of Coffea chloroplast microsatellites and evidence for the recent divergence of C. arabica and C. eugenioides chloroplast genomes Xiaohui Li, Yanzhen Zhang, Liyan Gao, Aili Wang, Kangmin Ji, Zhonghu He, Rudi Appels, Wujun Ma, and Yueming Yan Molecular cloning, heterologous expression, and phylogenetic analysis of a novel y-type HMW glutenin subunit gene from the G genome of Triticum timopheevi Guifeng Wang, Yan Gao, Liwei Yang, and Jisen Shi Identification and analysis of differentially expressed genes in differentiating xylem of Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) by suppression subtractive hybridization NOTE / NOTE Valérie Poncet, Magali Dufour, Perla Hamon, Serge Hamon, Alexandre de Kochko, and Thierry Leroy Development of genomic microsatellite markers in Coffea canephora and their transferability to other coffee species © 2007 NRC Canada

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