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GENOME Volume 34, 1991 Author Index / Index des auteurs Aguilera, M., 13 Caswell, K., 453 Epstein, E., 961 Alche, J.D., 638 Chalmers, K.J., 923 Eremina, V.R., 324 Ananiev, E., 1028 Chatterjee, S., 849 Errico, A., 105 Anderson, J.A., 1, 437 Chen, F.Q., 603 Etoh, T., 543 Appels, R., 375, 387 Chibbar, R.N., 453 Fang, J.-S., 626 Arana, P., 909 Chrzastek, M., 553 Farcy, E., 515 Aswidinnoor, H., 790 Coe, Jr., E.H., 579 Fechheimer, N.S., 993 Aung, T., 954 Cohen, Y., 177 Fernandez-Peralta, A.M., 251 Baatout, H., 396 Combes, D., 396 Fernandez-Piqueras, J., 827 Badaev, N.S., 131 Compton, M.E., 810 Ferrer, E., 236 Baillie, D.L., 6 Condit, R., 66 Fieldes, M.A., 495 Ballard, J.W.O., 338 Conicella, C., 105 Figueiras, A.M., 681 Bani-Aameur, F., 413 Conn, J., 267 Filion, W.G., 940 Banks, P., 929 Cornu, A., 515 Finnie, S.J., 923 Batistoni, R., 1007 Cox, T.S., 354; 3@2 Finston, T.L., 757 Baum, M., 840 Cuadrado, C., 72, 76 Fletcher, G.L., 174 Beckett, J.B., 579, 595 Cuéllar, T., 772 Foottit, R., 757 Bedo, D.G., 338, 631 Curtis, C., 595 Forster, B.P., 923 Belkhir, K., 658 Curtis, C.A., 553 Freyre, R., 201, 209 Bella, J.L., 769 Dallas, J.F., 790 Friebe, B., 830 Benito, C., 681 Dalton, S.J., 59 Fujita, T., 41 Bennett, S.T., 868 Das, A., 618 Gale, M.D., 44 Berger, R., 179 Davies, P.L., 174 Galiba, G., 261 Bianchi, U., 661 de Cabo, S.F., 827 Ganal, M.W., 509 Biddle, F.G., 96 de Jong, J.H., 109 Garcia de la Vega, C., 19 Bingham, E.T., 35 de la Sefia, C.A., 993 Garcia-Velazquez, A., 895 Bittel, D.C., 845 de la Torre, J., 19, 769 Gasperi, G., 606 Bizzaro, D., 661 De-Qi, Q., 255 Gaur, P.M., 151 Blake, T.K., 918 Decker, M.D., 489 Gautam, D.C., 661 Boerner, A., 913 Del Castillo, P., 772 Gill, B.S., 354, 362, 448, 782, 830 Bolsheva, N.L., 131 Demartis, A., 1007 Gill, K.S., 354, 362 Bourtzis, K., 215 Demas, S., 472, 612 Gillet, E.M., 693 Bowden, C.G., 652 Dewald, C.L., 528 Gillies, C.B., 220, 228, 718 Brehm, A., 464 Dollin, A.E., 220, 228 Giménez-Abian, J.F., 19 Britten, E.J., 929 Dube, S.K., 241 Giraldez, R., 421 Britton-Davidian, J., 658 Dvorak, J., 505, 961 Giroux, R.W., 940 Brown, A.H.D., 375 Dyer, A.F., 923 Godt, M.J.W., 988 Bullen, M.R., 52 Eales, B.A., 96 Goicoechea, P.G., 421 Burgoyne, L.A., 493 Echt, C.S., 574 Gonzalez, J.M., 236 Burson, B.L., 528, 950 Ecochard, R., 777 Gonzalez-Aguilera, J.J., 251 Cabrero, J., 139, 638 Elder, J.F., 674 Gordon, G.H., 929 Cai, Q., 52 Elorrieta, M.A., 681 Gosalvez, J., 769, 772 Camacho, J.P.M., 139, 638 Endo, A., 41 Goyanes, V., 710 Cariou, M.-L., 464 Endo, M., 28 Graphodatsky, A.S., 324 Carlson, W.R., 537 Endo, T.R., 830, 983 Greilhuber, J., 179 Casler, M.D., 273 Endrizzi, J.E., 461 Guicciardi, E., 661 AI-2 GENOME VOL. 34, 1991 Guidet, F., 81 Kolchinsky, A., 1028 May, B., 652 Gustafson, J.P., 524, 790, 845 Kolesnikova, M., 1028 May, C.E., 486 Halward, T.M., 1013 Konig, B., 658 McCoy, T.J., 574 Hamrick, J.L., 988 Konishi, T., 704 McIntyre, C.L., 524, 790 Harada, J.J., 543 Koo, K., 644 McKay, A., 298 Harris, L.J., 6 Kost, M.V., 131 McNeil, D., 375, 387 Havekes, F., 109 Kovacs, G., 261 Melz, G., 913 Hayes, P.H., 174 Krimbas, C.B., 464 Mettin, D., 745 Hayes, P.M., 603, 918 Kumar, A., 998 Michelmore, R., 430, 1021 Hebert, P.D.N., 757 Kung, S.-D., 241 Mickelsen, W.D., 677 Henriques-Gil, N., 909 Lacadena, J.R., 72, 76 Miller, T.E., 944 Herrero, P., 769 Lagudah, E.S., 375, 387 Minchella, D.J., 489 Heslop-Harrison, J.S., 317, 329 Landry, B.S., 543 Moker, J.S., 714 Heun, M., 437 Langridge, P., 81, 88 Molnar, S.J., 298 Hilali, A., 413 Lapitan, N.L.V., 437, 509 Molnar-Lang, M., 261 Hilliker, A.J., 279 Lapoujade, P., 777 Morris, R., 313 Hoang-Tang, 241 LaRue, E.A., 1013 Mousset-Déclas, C., 1 Hoar, D.I., 733 Lauer, F.I., 413 Mukai, Y., 448 Hoisington, D.A., 686 Lavania, U.C., 190, 763 Murray, J.D., 220, 228 Hubbell, S.P., 66 Law, C.N., 944 Naranjo, T., 109, 421 Hubert, N., 543 Leach, C.R., 739 Nardi, I., 1007 Hueros, G., 236, 845 Lehmann, Chr., 745 Nardone, M., 1007 Hugessen, P.M., 273 Leitch, A.R., 329 Navas-Castillo, J., 638 Humphreys, M.W., 59 Leitch, I.J., 329 Nelson, R.J., 790 Hutten, R.C.B., 121 Lespinasse, R., 195 Nestor, K.E., 993 Hymowitz, T., 751 Leung, H., 790 Nishioka, Y., 96 Ishii, T., 818 Leung, N., 453 Ochoa, O., 430 Iwanaga, M., 201, 209 Liang, G.H., 241 Omielan, J.A., 961 Jacky, P.B., 407, 677 Eim, Y¥., 302 Orjeda, G., 201, 209 Jagiello, G.M., 626 Lincoln, S.E., 543 Pagliai, A.M.B., 661 Jauhar, P.P., 283 Linde, A.R., 421 Pakish, L.M., 477 Jensen, K.B., 860 Liu, ©.5.,;.44 Papa, C.M., 313 John, U.P., 739 Liu, D.-J., 727 Paran, I., 1021 Jones, S.S., 505 Liu, J.-Y., 88 Paredes, A.M., 879 Jongedijk, E., 121 Lopez-Leon, M.D., 139, 638 Park, JP, 324 Jouve, N., 524, 845 Lubbers, E.L., 354, 362 Parslow, M.I., 733 Juan, C., 169 Ludena, P., 827 Pazy, B., 533 Kambhampati, S., 288, 293 Lukaszewski, A.J., 553 Pechan, P., 612 Kartha, K.K., 453 Ma, Z.-Q., 727 Peloquin, S.J., 28, 975 Kenigsbuch, D., 177 Maan, S.S., 983 Pernés, J., 195 Kennedy, A.E., 437 Mabuchi, T., 853 Petitpierre, E., 169 Kerber, E.R., 935 Maguire, M.P., 163, 879 Phillips, J.P., 279 Kerremans, Ph., 215 Mahony, M.J., 334 Pickering, R.A., 666 Kesseli, R., 430, 1021 Malacrida, A., 606 Piper, W.H., 489 Kindiger, B., 579, 595 Mancino, L.C., 574 Plitmann, U., 533 King, I.P., 944 Manicardi, G.C., 661 Powell, W., 923 Knapp, S.J., 918 Manning, S., 88 Prasad, S.S., 6 Knott, D.R., 505 Marrakchi, M., 396 Prieur, D.J., 407, 677 Kocher, T.D., 306 Martin, F.N., 156 Primad, S.J. 313 Kochert, G., 1013 Martinez, P., 710 Qualset, C.O., 505 Koebner, R.M.D., 944 Matsuura, S., 704 Qureshi, J., 453 AUTHOR INDEX / INDEX DES AUTEURS Rabenold, P.P., 489 Shang, X.M., 799 Timmis, J.N., 739 Rai, K.S., 288, 293, 998 Shapiro, D., 612 Tsujimoto, H., 782 Raupp, W.J., 362 Sheldon, B.L., 718 Tsunewaki, K., 818 Ray, D.T., 461 Sherman, R.A., 528 Turner, B.J., 674 Ray, I.M., 35 Shi-Qi, Z., 255 Tynan, K.M., 733 Reader, S.M., 944 Singh, B.N., 618, 849 van der Wolk, J.M.A.S.A., 121 Rebecchi, L., 1007 Singh, R.J., 751 van Santen, E., 273 Riess, R.W., 163, 879 Skinner, J.D., 493 Veilleux, R.E., 413, 810 Riva, M.E., 606 Sleper, D.A., 686 Velazquez, M., 827 Rivin, C.J., 603 Slinkard, A.E., 151 Venora, G., 105 Robert, N., 515 Solari, A.J., 718, 888 Visedo, G., 827 Robert, T., 195 Somers, D.J., 940 Viseras, E., 638 Roca, A., 109, 421 Song, W., 81 Voigt, P.W., 528 Rogowsky, P., 81 Sorrells, M.E., 437 Wachtel, S., 472, 612 Rogowsky, P.M., 88 Sourdis, J., 464 Wada, M.Y., 302 Romero, C., 72, 76 Srivastava, S., 190, 763 Wang, R.R.-C., 860 Rose, A.M., 6 Stack, S.M., 900 Wang, W.C., 799 Roseman, R.R., 537 Stalker, H.T., 1013 Ward, O.G., 324 Ross, J., 495 Staveley, B.E., 279 Watanabe, K., 28 Rowell, D.M., 561, 567 Stockert, J.C., 772 Watanabe, T., 41 Royse, D.J., 652 Stone, D.M., 407, 677 Waugh, R., 923 Rufas, J.S., 19 Stuart, W.D., 644 Werner, J.E., 975 Sanchez, L., 710 Suja, J.A., 19 Whelan, E.D.P., 144 Sangines, N., 13 Sutka, J., 261 Williams, E.G., 1 Santos, J.L., 909 Sybenga, J., 190 Wray, F., 486 Sanz, J.C., 236 Tagarro, I., 251 Wurster-Hill, D.H., 302, 324 Sarr, A., 195 Tandler, C.J., 888 Xiong, B., 306 Sarrafi, A., 777 Tanksley, S.D., 437, 509 Xiu-Yun, C., 255 Saunders, J.W., 477 Taphorn, D.C., 674 Xu, W.W., 686 Schlegel, G., 745 Taylor, C., 81 Yu, M.H., 477 Schlegel, R., 913, 944 Taylor, N.L., 1 Yu, Q., 324 Schmutz, S.M., 714 Thiele, V., 913 Zacharopoulou, A., 215, 606 Schon, C.C., 918 Thomas, S.M., 868 Zelenin, A.V., 131 Schuurmans Stekhoven, S.I.J., 121 Thomerson, J.E., 674 Zhao, Y.-H., 727 Schwarzacher, T., 317 Thorne, M.H., 718 Zhu, X., 493 Sentis, C., 827 Tiersch, T., 612 Genome Génome Volume 34, 1991 Subject Index / Index des matiéres IRS/IBL translocation, 486 bivalents, 190, 421 colchicine, 1, 210 2n gametes, 975 Bkm satellite, 472 cold tolerance, 918 2n pollen, 201 Bkm satellite DNA, 612 color spots, 745 4A* substitution, 745 black flies, 306 combining ability of 2n gametes, 28 4x-2x hybrids, 413 blue aleurone, 745 common wheat, 830 5S genes, 1028 Brachycome dichromosomatica, 739 computer system, 105 5S rRNA genes, 509 Brassica napus, 543 controlled cross, 693 15p+ marker chromosome, 827 bread wheat, 553 cotton, 255, 461 41,XXY, 41 breeding, 543 Coturnix, 993 accessory chromosome, 13 C- and G-banding, 13 Crinia bilingua, 334 acclimation, 940 C-band variants, 993 crossing-over, 666 addition lines, 782 C-banding, 109, 236, 631, 830 Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase, 279 adjacent segregation, 595 C-bands, 179 Cuscuta spp., 533 Aedes albopictus, 293, 288 C-heterochromatin, 909 cv. Atlas 66, 313 Aegilops, 983 cactus, 940 cyclic parthenogen, 757 Aegilops longissima, 236 Caenorhabditis, 6 Cyprinodontidae, 674 Aegilops sharonensis, 944 callus culture, 810 cytogenetic maps, 681 Aegilops squarrosa, 354,362 canine karyotype, 407, 677 cytogenetics, 769, 772 Aegilops umbellulata Zhuk., 727 cell differentiation, 799 D genome, 375, 387 aldolase, 151 cell synchronization idiogram, 407 deficiency, 553 alfalfa, 574 centromere size, 710 deletion, 579 alien gene transfer, 727 Ceratitis capitata, 215, 606 desynapsis, 121, 895 alloplasmic wheat, 983 cereal transformation, 453 desynaptic, 879 allopolyploid, 52 chiasma maintenance, 879 development, 495 allopolyploidy, 751 chiasma position, 567 dinucleotide repeats, 66 allozymes, 652, 757 chiasmate bonds, 109 disease resistance, 1021 amphibian chromosomes, 1007 chicken, 718 dispersed sequences, 524 amplification, 489 chilling injury, 144 distributive pairing, 139 analytic breeding, 413 chloroplast DNA, 818 diversity, 354 aneuploids, 929 chloroplast genome differentiation, 818 DNA content, 763 aneuploidy, 983 Chorthippus, 139 DNA denaturation, 769 Anopheles triannulatus, 267 chromatid core, 19 DNA-DNA in situ hybridization, 317, 329 aphids, 661,757 chromomere maps, 626 DNA fingerprinting, 472, 733 apomixis, 950 chromosomal evolution, 658 DNA genotyping, 733 Arachis hypogaea, 1013 chromosomal location, 375, 387 DNA hybridization, 603 arrangement, 421 chromosome banding, 661, 772 DNA polymorphism, 1028 asexual polyploidization, 28 chromosome cores, 900 DNA systematics, 763 Asian varieties, 818 chromosome doubling, | domestication, 195 Austrosimulium, 338 chromosome evolution, 868 dosage effect, 515 autotetraploid, 190 chromosome instability, 59 doubled haploid, 918, 923 avian, 493 chromosome inversions, 618 downy mildew, 1021 B-A translocations, 579 chromosome number, 528 Drosophila bipectinata, 849 B chromosomes, 19, 76, 537, 595, 739 chromosome number changes, 929 Drosophila materkolliana, 849 banding techniques, 638 chromosome pairing, 163, 283, 751, Drosophila melanogaster, 618 barley, 298, 317, 603, 923 860, 913, 950, 954 Drosophila obscura group, 464 beaver, 324 chromosome pairing competition, 553 duplication, 537 Beta vulgaris L., 477 chromosome structure, 19 E chromosome, 139 biotin, 448 chromosomes, 52, 302, 324, 658, 714 eastern gama-grass, 528 biotin labeling, 524 Chrysomya bezziana, 631 edible fungi, 652 bird, 493 Cicer, 151 electron microscopy, 710 SI-2 GENOME, VOL. 34, 1991 electrophoresis, 396, 845 genomic relationships, 686, 954 inverted meiosis, 533 element B, 464 geographic distribution, 704 inverted repeat, 156 ELISA, 453 germ plasm, 354, 528 Ipomoea batatas, 201 Elymus trachycaulus, 954 germ-plasm utilization, 273 Ipomoea trifida, 201 end to end association, 853 giant nucleus, 799 isozymes, 44, 151, 362, 375, 574, 681, endoaneupolyploidy, 799 Giemsa C-banding, 52 704, 923, 988 ethyl methanesulphonate, 935 glaciation, 174 Japanese quail, 993 Euchorthippus, 909 gliadins, 236, 505 karyotype, 105, 631, 714, 923 Eusorghum, 241 glutenin, 505 karyotype analysis, 868 evolution, 169, 714, 763 Glycine spp., 751 karyotype divergence, 674 Eyprepocnemis plorans, 638 gonadal hermaphrodites, 96 karyotype evolution, 324 fertility, 190, 261, 528 Gossypium hirsutum, 255, 461 kinetochore, 19 Festuca arundinacea, 59 grasshoppers, 638 Lactuca sativa, 430 first division restitution, 975 hairy kernel, 777 Lathyrus latifolius, 988 flax genotrophs, 495 haploid, 109, 603, 975 leaf intumescence, 477 fluorescence, 631 heat shock proteins, 940 leaf rust, 362 fluorescence microscopy, 772 Hedysarum, 396 Leguminosae, 988 fluorescent mapping, 329 Hepatica, 853 Lentinula edodes, 652 Fluram, 772 heterochromatin, 251, 486, 631, 661, lettuce, 430, 1021 forage grasses, 273 769, 830 linear genome, 156 frog, 334 heteromorphic sex chromosomes, 334 linkage, 777 G-banding, 407 heterozygosity, 28 linkage map, 652 gametes, 28 heterozygous reciprocal translocation, 313 Locusta migratoria, 638 gametophyte, 579 hexaploid, 935 Lophopyrum elongatum, 961 gametophytic selection, 918 Himalayan barley, 704 Lycopersicon esculentum, 509, 810 gene-centromere mapping, 121 holocentric chromosomes, 661 maize, 537, 603 gene dosage, 174 Holochilus venezuelae, 13 male meiosis, 139 gene duplication, 151 homeologous chromosomes, 72 mammalian chromosomes, 772 gene expression, 453, 845 homoeologous linkage groups, 461 mapping, 437, 553 gene flow, 195 homoeologous pairing, 76 markers, 777 gene location, 236 hordeins, 298 mating system, 988 gene Rm1, 515 Hordeum bulbosum, 666 meiosis, 9, 190, 220, 421, 860, 888, genetic analysis, 693 Hordeum vulgare, 437, 448, 666, 918, 954 900, 950 genetic control, 495 house mouse, 658 meiosis fertility, 255 genetic differentiation, 618 human chromosomes, 251, 710 meiotic behaviour, 261 genetic diversity, 704 human cytogenetics, 827 meiotic centromere, 888 genetic linkage, 375 hybrid, 860 meiotic pairing, 909 genetic mapping, 543 hybrid cattle, 220, 228 meiotic recombination, 179, 515 genetic maps, 681 Hydroscyamus niger, 190 Melaphis, 757 genetic markers, 121, 461 idiogram, 830 membranes, 644 genetic pairing regulation, 72 in situ hybridization, 509 metaphase, 421 genetic recombination, 810 inbreeding, 28 micropropagation, 810 genetic sexing, 606 Indian natural populations, 618 microspore, 923 genetic structure, 288, 293 inheritance, 693 Milium (Gramineae), 868 genetic variation, 288, 396, 430 intergametophytic competitions, 195 minisatellites, 489 genome, 52, 241, 751, 860 intergeneric hybrid, 261, 283, 954 minutes and double minutes, 799 genome relations, 950 interlocks, 228 mitochondrial DNA, 288, 306 genome relationship, 283 interploidy crosses, 273 mitosis, 900 genome size, 169, 612, 868 interspecific hybrids, 1, 666 mixoploidy, 255 genome-specific probes, 686 interspersed repetitive DNA, 493 Mlal2, 437 genome-specific repetitive sequences, 790 intrapopulation variation, 174 mode of reproduction, 528 genomic affinity, 574 intraspecific hybridization, 950 modified nick translation, 131 genomic in situ hybridization, 448 intraspecific variation, 156 molecular clones, 739 genomic library, 686 introgression, 574 molecular marker, 81 SUBJECT INDEX/ INDEX DES MATIERES SI -3 monobrachial rearrangements, 324 plants, 900, 929, 1028 rye, 88, 131, 317, 486, 524, 681, 913 monosomic addition, 477 pollen, 579 rye-specific DNA, 81 morphological changes, 929 polymerase chain reaction, 306, 693, rye-wheat addition lines, 840, 913 morphology, 860 1013, 1028 salivary gland chromosomes, 215 mosquitoes, 998 polymorphism, 13, 298, 464 salt tolerance, 961 mouse, 96 polyploids, 686, 929 satellite DNA, 251, 1007 mtDNA, 156 polyploidy, 782, 868, 983 satellited B, 853 multigene family, 174 polytene chromosome photomap, 267 Scilla siberica, 179 multiple labelling, 329 polytene chromosomes, 215, 306, 606 screwworm, 631 multivalents, 421 polyteny, 799 Secale, 329, 421 mutable allele, 35 populations, 396 Secale cereale, 72, 76, 109 mutant, 935 potato, 413 second division restitution, 895, 975 N-banding, 830 precocious division of centromere, 533 seed storage protein, 505 NADH dehydrogenase, 44 preferential gamete transmission, 983 segregation distortion, 918 near-isogenic lines, 1021 preferential transmission, 944 selection, 190 nematode resistance, 477 primary sex determination, 96 sequence, 644 nontranscribed spacer, 293 promotor-suppressor interaction, 76 sequence comparison, 6 NOR-banding, 407 protein, 777 sex change, 612 Nor-D3, 387 pSchetl, 486 sex chromosomes, 489, 718 north-south clines, 618 Puccinia graminis, 935 sex determination, 612 nuclear architecture, 317 pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, 509 sexual dimorphism, 674 nucleolar organizing region, 448, 853 Pythium oligandrum, 156 sexual isolation, 849 nullisomics, 144 Q-banding, 407 sexual polyploidization, 28 Nyctereutes, 302 racoon dog, 302 shiitake, 652 orbital bristle trichogen cell random amplified polymorphic DNA, 1021 sibling species, 338 chromosomes, 215 random priming, 769 silver staining, 19, 900 organization, 509, 998 rape, 929 Simuliidae, 338 origin, 853 rDNA, 293 Solanum, 121 Oryza, 790 rDNA polymorphism, 387 Solanum chacoense, 413 Oryza sativa, 818 recombination, 567 Solanum phureja, 413 outcrossing rate, 988 recombination nodules, 718 Solanum tuberosum, 413 oxygen defense, 279 reduced recombination, 121 somaclonal variation, 35, 59, 261, 477 pachytene spermatocytes, 626 repeated sequences, 739 Sorghum, 241 pairing initiation, 553 repetitive DNA, 66, 241, 998 speciation, 567 Papaver, 763 repetitive DNA sequence, 81, 88 spermatogenesis, 41 para-fluorophenylalanine, 929 reproductive isolating mechanism, 909 spiders, 561, 567 paracentric inversion, 666 reproductive isolation, 324 stability, 923 Parasorghum, 241 reptiles, 472 stem rust resistance, 505 parthenogenesis, 255, 757 restoring genes, 727 Strigiformes, 714 paternity testing, 733 restriction endonuclease, 769 suppression, 845 pDP1007, 612 restriction endonuclease analysis, 818 suppressor, 935 pearl millet, 195 restriction fragment analysis, 298 sympatric and allopatric population, 849 pedicel explants, 810 restriction fragment length, 298 synaptic defect, 163 peroxidase, 495 restriction fragment length polymorphism, synaptonemal complex, 109, 163, 220, Petunia hybrida, 515 354, 362, 375, 430, 437, 543, 574, 228, 561, 718, 879, 888 Ph! locus, 913 693, 782, 923, 1013, 1021 synthetic hybrid, 909 Ph1 pairing regulator, 283 restriction fragment length polymorphism tall fescue, 686 phosphoglucoisomerase (PGI/2), 59 marker, 88 tandem repeats, 174 phylogeny, 241, 302, 306, 430, 714 Rhoeo, 895 Tag restriction endonuclease, 251 physical mapping, 329 ribonucleoprotein, 644 taxonomy, 302 Pisum, 105 ribosomal DNA, 298 telocentrics, 144 plant DNA, 739 rice, 790 telomeres, 317, 553 plant introductions, 273 Robertsonian translocation, 658, 677 temporal variation, 293 plant regeneration, 810 Russian wheat aphid resistance, 954 Tenebrionidae, 169 SI- 4 GENOME, VOL. 34, 1991 testes, 41 Triticum, 935, 983 Walker hound, 677 tetraploid, 895 Triticum aestivum, 72, 76, 313, 362, 448, wheat, 44, 88, 131, 144, 236, 313, 453, thermal stress, 940 505, 727, 799, 845, 944 486, 913, 961 timopheevi cytoplasmic male sterile Triticum aestivum var. tschermakianum, 745 wheat-Elymus hybrid, 782 fertility, 727 Triticum tauschii, 505 wheatgrass, 782 tissue culture, 35, 261 Triturus marmoratus, 769 whole-arm translocation, 267 tomato, 810, 929 tropical plant genomes, 66 wild species, 975 translocation, 105, 595, 681, 944 Turkish hamster, 626 X chromosome, 139, 561 translocation heterozygote, 561 univalent, 895 XO mice colony, 41 transposable element, 6, 35 variable number tandem repeat, 733 Y chromosome, 96 Trifolium, | Venezuela, 267 Z-W pairing, 718 triploids, 210, 718 vernalization, 144 Zea mays, 595 Triticeae, 44, 860 W chromosome, 489 ZFY, 612 i wal ick, ats cr one Page : hainar mesnp it

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