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Genitourin Med 1995;71:423-424 VOLUME 71 - AUTHOR INDEX Key: E = Editorial; F = Filler; L = Letter; C = Correction Adler MW, 416 (C) Cross GF, 169 Harrison MJG, 35 (CPC) Masters L, 103 Adu-Surkodie Y, 199 (C) Crossley I, 200 (C), 308 Harry TC, 417 (C) Matondo P, 136 (C), 266 (C) Agner T, 391 Crowley T, 329 (C) Hart GJ, 351 Maxwell AE, 82 Ahmed-Jushuf IH, 254 Harvey JM, 133 (C) Maxwell RM, 216 Ako-Nai KA, 163 Hawkes S, 224, 351 Mayaud P, 9 Albrecht H, 325 (C) Dabis F, 207 Hay RJ, 187 (CPC) McClean AN, 265 (C), 331 (C) Alexander SY, 169 Dalrymple J, 393 Haye KR, 197 (C) McClean HL, 396 Al-Haraci S, 405 Das BC, 231 Hedau S, 231 McCormack SM, 286 Ali NJ, 73 Davidson EAF, 335 (C) Hellberg D, 88 Mclver A, 393 Alnor D, 257 Dawn G, 57 (C), 134 (C), 197 Hicks D, 202 (C) McManus TJ, 41 Andrews H, 228 (C), 328 (C) Higgins KV, 216 McOwan A, 120 Angarano G, 123 de Barbeyrac B, 382 Higgins SP, 197 (C) Meddings DR, 150 Anselmi M, 343 De Clerg A, 307 Hillman RJ, 120 Meijer CJLM, 299 Araujo E, 343 De Cock KM, 187 (CPC), 200 Hind CRK, 414 (C) Miller RF, 35 (CPC), 53 (C), 73, Arya OP, 254 (C), 308 Ho LC, 402 187 (CPC), 259, 262, 280, 308 Atia W, 270 (C) De Pouplana M, 132 (C) Ho NgKyY, 141 Minichiello V, 270 (C) Atia WA, 126 Dereli D, 131 (C) Ho TH, 402 Misra RS, 58 (C) Azevedo J, 247 Deslandes S, 18, 239, 327 (C) Hobbs CJ, 334 (C) Mittal A, 267 (C) Azeze B, 347 Desmond NM, 334 (C) Hogg RS, 150 Mlisana KP, 65 Dettori G, 413 (C) Hooi AY, 13 Montaner JSG, 150 De Vuyst H, 129 (C) Hoosen AA, 65, 155 Monteiro E, 337 (C) Backman M, 234 Di Di Stefano M, 123 Hopperus Buma APCC, 172 Moodley J, 65, 155 Bailey J, 251 Dighitoghi MD, 163 Horner PJ, 329, 335 Moore D, 336 (C) Ballard RC, 202 (C) Dockerty G, 201 (C) Huengsberg M, 355 Moreno J, 414 (C) Bardazzi F, 45 Dockerty WG, 407 Mortimer PP, 109 Barongo LR, 212 Doll L, 216 Morton RS, 180 Barton SE, 332 (C), 400 Dutilh B, 382 Ilchyshyn A, 129 (C) Moss TR, 417 (C) Bastani R, 82 Ison CA, 13 Moyes A, 367, 412 (C) Bastian I, 196 (C) Issack MI, 265 (C) Munday PE, 24 Bates CM, 414 (C) Edidi B, 275 Mujnioz F, 132 (C) Bayle P, 196 (C) Edlund K, 158 Myint SH, 228 Bazex J, 196 (C) Edwards S, 201 (C) Jacobson K, 234 Bébéar C, 382 Eglin R, 176 Jaisal NL, 58 (C) Behets F, 275 El Sayed, 196 (C) Jayaweera DT, 414 (C) Narvaez A, 343 Berdondini RM, 58 (C) El-Dalil A, 251 Jephcott AE, 265 (C), 331 (C) Negosanti M, 311 Bergstrém S, 323 (C) El-Gadi SMA, 130 (C), 201 (C) Johnson AM, 351 Nelson M, 336 (C) Berry J, 329 (C) Enriquez ANA, 132 (C) Johnson I, 266 (C) Neri I, 45, 311, 410 Bingham JS, 314 Errani A, 57 (C) Jonsson M, 158 Newell A, 332 (C) Blakely A, 393 Ertem E, 131 (C) Joseph AT, 331 (C) Newell JN, 212 Bletsoe E, 351 Evander M, 158 Ng GC, 402 Boag FC, 54 (C), 106 Evans BA, 286, 291 Nicholas H, 103 Boden E, 158 Evans JK, 120 Ka-Gina G, 9 Nilsson S, 88 Bogaerts J, 207 Kam KM, 141 Noone A, 71 Bond RA, 286, 291 Kapur S, 267 (C) Nteta C, 155 Borchardt KA, 405 Fantahun M, 347 Kariwiga G, 295 Nunns D, 197 (C) Borendal N, 88 Fanti PA, 45 Karlsson R, 158 Nzila N, 275 Borgdorff MW, 212 Farmer B, 196 (C) Kell PD, 126, 286, 291 Borrego MJ, 247 Feinmann C, 53 (C) Kelsey MC, 126 Bourgaux P, 18, 239, 327 (C) Feldblum PJ, 78 Kessel D, 73 Oakeley PS, 335 (C) Bourgaux-Ramoisy D, 18, 239, Fennema JSA, 375 Kidan KG, 347 O’Farrell N, 27, 265 (C), 358 327 (C) Finch EJL, 53 (C) Kivuvu M, 275 Okonofua FE, 163 Bowden FJ, 196 (C) Fiore JR, 123 Klokke AH, 212 O’Shaughnessy MV, 150 Bracka A, 228 Fisk PG, 416 (C) Kogyigit F, 131 (C) Osman NB, 323 (C) Bradbeer CS, 358 Flower AJE, 416 (C) Kumar B, 32, 57 (C), 134 (C), Ossewaarde JM, 295, 299 Brink NS, 262 Forster GE, 120, 136 (C) 197 (C), 328 (C) Osterlind A, 244 Brinkeborn R-M, 387 Fox JD, 35 (CPC), 262 Kundu A, 43, 123 (C), 129, 195 Ottevanger V, 391 Brook MG, 126 Foxman B, 304 (C) Buccoliero G, 123 Fraser I, 43 Bullen J, 196 (C) Fraser PA, 176 Paice EW, 126 Bunting P, 103 French GL, 265 (C) Lacey CJN, 176 Parry JV, 286 Burn S, 335 (C) Frost EH, 18, 239, 327 (C) Ladner J, 207 Passarini B, 410 Laga M, 275 Pastore G, 123 La Grasta L, 123 Patel HC, 94 Calman FMB, 41 Gabone RM, 9, 212 Lan J, 299 Patel RN, 41 Calundungo R, 326 (C) Gan KS, 176 Larsen J, 391 Patrizi A, 311, 410 Capanoglu R, 131 (C) Geiger AM, 304 Lau PWY, 228 Paul ID, 329 (C) Cappuccinelli P, 326 (C) Gellert GA, 216 Lau QC, 363 Peacock W, 393 Cardoso J, 247 Gendron D, 18 Lau R, 358 Periole B, 196 (C) Carey PB, 414 (C) Gilchrist C, 24 Lee JB, 68 Perrons CJ, 35 (CPC) Carl L, 257 Gilroy CB, 24 Lee M-G, 68 Petersen CS, 56 (C), 92, 257, 391 Carlin EM, 54 (C), 106, 400 Gnaore E, 275 Lemos C, 326 (C), 413 (C) Petrak JA, 98 Catry MA, 247 Gnarpe H, 370 Le Roux P, 382 Piot P, 275 Caul EO, 329 (C) Gnarpe J, 370 Leroy V, 207 Plummer D, 270 (C) Chakraverty MP, 355 Goeman J, 275 Lewis DA, 13, 136 (C) Poh CL, 145, 363 Chamberlain V, 196 (C) Goh BT, 94, 136 (C), 417 (C) Libombo A, 323 (C) Portincasa P, 413 (C) Chan YC, 402 Gomes E, 326 (C) Livermore DM, 13 Pozniak AL, 41, 358 Chang SN, 68 Gomez C, 53 (C) Lo KK, 141 Pugsley WB, 280 Changalucha J, 9 Gonzalez-Lahoz J, 53 (C), 132 (C) Loh GK, 145 Chen HY, 13 Gopalkrishna V, 231 Louis MSt, 275 Cheung MM, 141 Gough KR, 265 (C), 331 (C) Loveday C, 324 (C) Qolohle DC, 65 Chezzi C, 413 (C) Grant AD, 53 (C) Lowery R, 216 Quarto M, 123 Chinn RJS, 35 (CPC) Griffin GE, 358 Lucas SB, 35 (CPC), 187 (CPC) Chironna M, 123 Griffiths M, 270 (C), 336 (C) Chow VTK, 363 Griffiths MH, 280 Radcliffe KW, 251 Chung K-Y, 68 Grosskurth H, 9 Mabey D, 9, 224 Radotra BD, 32 Clark S, 126 Guderian RH, 343 Macrae KD, 286, 291 Rahm V-A, 370 Claydon EJ, 98 Guidetti MS, 45 Mai KK, 216 Rajagopalan M, 32 Clifford J, 329 (C) Gupta S, 267 (C) Maida N, 405 Rashid S, 417 (C) Colebunders R, 129 (C) Gustavsson A, 158 Maitland N, 41 Ravnborg L, 391 Colombo MM, 326 (C) Gutiérrez M, 53 (C) Malla N, 328 (C) Ray K, 58 (C) Cook N, 228 Mancuso G, 57 (C) Rea AJ, 417 (C) Cooper G, 355 Mardh P-A, 88 Reggiani M, 57 (C) Cooper PJ, 343 Haile T, 347 Marguery MC, 196 (C) Reid M, 396 Corbett EL, 200 (C), 308 Hamad H, 197 (C) Marini R, 311 Renton A, 202 (C) Coutinho RA, 172 Handa S, 197 (C) Martin JL, 169 Reynolds M, 337 (C) Craib KJP, 150 Handsfield HH, 336 (C) Marzaduri S, 311, 410 Richens J, 416 (C) 424 Author Index Richmond RA, 251 Sharma M, 328 (C) Teasdale J, 176 Wade AAH, 129, 133 (C), 195 Ringertz S, 234 Sharma R, 32 Tendeloo CH, 172 (C), 251 Roberts REI, 47, 334 (C) Sheppard S, 194 (C) Tewari VK, 58 (C) Wadell G, 158 Roddy RE, 78 Shergold C, 351 Thejls H, 370 Waite JC, 262 Rodriguez P, 382 Shrestha TL, 417 (C) Theunissen JJH, 295 Walboomers JMM, 299 Rogers DJ, 47, 334 (C) Sibley K, 106 Thomas BJ, 24, 202 (C) Wallis C, 393 Rogers L, 332 (C) Sikstrém B, 88 Thompson C, 412 (C) Walzman M, 43, 133 (C), 194 (C) Romanelli C, 123 Singh G, 130 (C), 201 (C) Thomsen HK, 257 Weir SS, 78 Ross JDC, 198 (C), 333 (C), 367, Singh M, 402 Thomsen U, 257 Weismann K, 56 (C), 92 393 ; Sivapalan S, 136 (C), 266 Thong TW, 402 Welch J, 103 Rubino S, 326 (C), 413 (C) Skinner CJ, 98 Treharne JD, 94 West B, 9, 224 Russell JM, 54 (C), 106 Smith AN, 65 Turner A, 265 (C), 331 (C) White G, 414 (C) Rylander E, 158 Sobel JD, 304 White M, 194 (C) Sobottka I, 325 (C) Whittle H, 224 Sonnerborg A, 323 (C) Willocks LJ, 71 Sonnex C, 270 (C), 407 Vallejo A, 53 (C) Wilson J, 337 (C) Sachdeva KG, 58 (C) Soriano V, 53 (C), 132 (C) van Ameijden EJC, 172 Wilson S, 224 Samaniego JG, 132 (C) Sparks RA, 130 (C), 201 (C) van de Laar MJW, 375 Wisdom AR, 13 Samo J, 326 (C) Srivastava AN, 231 van den Brule AJC, 299 Worm A-M, 244 Santo I, 247 Stellbrink H-J, 325 (C) van den Hoek AR, 299 Wynne JM, 334 (C) Santos ND, 413 (C) Stirland A, 126 van den Hoek JAR, 375 Saravanamuttu KM, 417 (C) Stolz E, 295 van der Meijden WI, 295 Schechter MT, 150 Strand A, 387 Van de Perre P, 207 Schroyens W, 129 (C) Strathdee SA, 150 van Doornum GJJ, 375 Yan KX, 82 Scott GR, 198 (C) Sturm AW, 155 Vandunen M, 413 (C) Yap EH, 402 Scott SC, 176 van Duynhoven YTHP, 375 Yoganathan K, 41, 358 Scoular A, 396 Van Dyck E, 275 Young H, 133 (C), 367, 412 (C) Selwood TS, 169 Van Marck E, 129 (C) Senkoro KP, 212 Tang A, 71 van Rijsoort-Vos JH, 295 Serter D, 131 (C) Tapsall JW, 145 Velema JP, 212 Severn A, 259, 262 Tavmergen E, 131 (C) Veltink RL, 172 Shahmanesh M, 254, 355 Tavmergen EN, 131 (C) Verstraeten T, 129 (C) Zanetti S, 326 (C) Shannon J, 416 (C) Taylor-Robinson D, 1, 24, 202 Viswalingam ND, 94 Zannino T, 413 (C) Sharma JK, 231 (C) Vithayathil K, 71 Zekeng L, 78 Genitourin Med 1995;71:425-430 VOLUME 71 - SUBJECT INDEX Abscess, Sexually transmitted diseases including HIV infection in Bacterial, Treatment of bacterial vaginosis with a 3 day course of women with Bartholin’s gland abscesses 155 2% clindamycin cream 254 Adolescence, Urethral flora in adolescent boys 328 Balanitis, Plasma cell balanitis 32 Adolescents, AIDS risk behaviours and correlates in teenagers Balanitis xerotica obliterans, Detection of human papillomavirus attending sexually transmitted diseases clinics in Los Angeles 82 types in balanitis xerotica obliterans and other penile conditions Africa 228 AIDS in Africans living in London 358 Balano-posthitis, Candidal balano-posthitis 407 HTLV-I and HTLV-II in Africans 53 Barrier methods, Barrier methods of contraception 202 Should screening of genital infections be part of antenatal care in Bartholin’s gland, Sexually transmitted diseases including HIV areas of high HIV prevalence? A prospective cohort study from infection in women with Bartholin’s gland abscesses 155 Kigali, Rwanda, 1992-1993 207 Book reviews AIDS Atlas of differential diagnosis in HIV disease 337 AIDS in Africans living in London 358 Atlas of vulval disease 60 Asthma in an AIDS patient with Norwegian scabies induced by HIV infection in women 338 bathing 200 Scars of Venus. A history of venereology 60 Disseminated cutaneous Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in a Sexual health promotion in genitourinary medicine clinics 338 patient with AIDS 308 Syphilis in Shakespeare’s England 60 Herpes simplex virus type 2 encephalitis and concomitant British Journal of Venereal Disease, British Journal of Venereal cytomegalovirus infection in a patient with AIDS 262 Disease and Genitourinary Medicine in the first 70 years 270 HIV/AIDS knowledge and high risk sexual practices among Broncho-pneumonia, Bronchopulmonary infection with southern California Vietnamese 216 Pseudomonas aeruginosa in patients infected with human immun- Kaposi sarcoma in Germany 136 odeficiency virus 73 Non surgical treatment of empyema thoracis with intrapleural streptokinase in a patient with AIDS 259 Open lung biopsy for investigation of acute respiratory episodes in Candida, Candidal balano-posthitis 407 patients with HIV infection and AIDS 280 Candidiasis, Chronic vulvovaginal candidiasis 304 Polypoidal and giant molluscum contagiosum 417 Carcinoma Polypoidal and giant molluscum contagiosum in an AIDS patient Carcinoma of the penis 336 57 Carcinoma of the penis in an HIV positive patient 41 Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in patients with AIDS Detection of human papillomavirus DNA sequences in cancer of 35 the urinary bladder by in situ hybridisation and polymerase Use of barrier contraceptives in Denmark during the AIDS epi- chain reaction 231 demic 56 Cervical cancer, Serum antibodies to Trichomonas vaginalis in Amphotericin, Anaphylaxis due to liposomal amphotericin invasive cervical cancer patients 402 (Ambisome) 414 Cervicitis, Azithromycin levels in cervical mucus and plasma after a Amplicor, Comparison of the Amplicor Chlamydia trachomatis test single 1-0g oral dose of chlamydial cervicitis 244 and cell culture for the detection of urogenital chlamydial infec- Cervix tions 247 Comparison of women with cervical human papillomavirus infec- Anaphylaxis, Anaphylaxis due to liposomal amphotericin tion and genital warts. I. Some behavioural factors and clinical (Ambisome) 414 findings 88 Ancient Egypt, Sexual attitudes, preferences and infections in Diagnostic efficacy of chlamydial antibodies in cervical secretions Ancient Egypt 180 from pregnant women and adolescent girls 370 Angola, Prevalence of antibodies to HIV-1 and HIV-2 in women Chancroid, Single dose trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole for treat- attending a sexually transmitted disease clinic in Luanda, ment of chancroid 134 Angola 413 Children, Child sexual abuse—the interface with genitourinary Antibiotic resistance, Virgin population of Neisseria gonorrhoeae in medicine 47, 334 Stockholm has decreased and antimicrobial resistance is Chlamydia increasing 234 Azithromycin and syphilis 196 Antibodies Infrequent detection of Chlamydia trachomatis in a longitudinal Diagnostic efficacy of chlamydial antibodies in cervical secretions study of women with treated cervical infection 24 from pregnant women and adolescent girls 370 Chlamydia antibodies, Silent suffering women—a population Prevalence of antibodies to HIV-1 and HIV-2 in women attending based study on the association between reported symptoms and a sexually transmitted disease clinic in Luanda, Angola 413 past and present infections of the lower genital tract 158 Serum antibodies to Trichomonas vaginalis in invasive cervical can- Chlamydia trachomatis cer patients 402 Azithromycin levels in cervical mucus and plasma after a single Antibody, Interpretation of Chlamydia trachomatis antibody 1-0g oral dose for chlamydial cervicitis 244 response in chlamydial oculogenital infection 94 Chlamydia in women 416 Arsphenamine, Arsphenamine jaundice and the recognition of Chlamydia trachomatis in gynaecological infections in Luanda, instrument-borne virus infection 109 Angola 326 Asthma, Asthma in an AIDS patient with Norwegian scabies Comparison of the Amplicor Chlamydia trachomatis test and cell induced by bathing 200 culture for the detection of urogenital chlamydial infections 247 Asymptomatic carriage, Asymptomatic carriage of Haemophilus Detection of Chlamydia trachomatis by ligase chain reaction com- ducreyi confirmed by the polymerase chain reaction 224 pared with polymerase chain reaction and cell culture in uro- Attendance, Why do patients default from follow-up at a genitouri- genital specimens 382 nary clinic? 393 Development and evaluation of screening strategies for Chlamydia Attitude, Sexual attitudes, preferences and infections in Ancient trachomatis infections in an STD clinic 375 Egypt 180 Diagnostic efficacy of chlamydial antibodies in cervical secretions Audit, The falling accuracy of microscopy in the diagnosis of gonor- from pregnant women and adolescent girls 370 rhoea—a cause for concern? 136 Epidemiology and transmission patterns of concomitant genital Auxotype, Case cluster of possible tissue invasive gonorrhoea 126, chlamydial and gonococcal infections 266 336 Genotyping of Chlamydia trachomatis serovars derived from het- Auxotyping, Differentiation of Neisseria gonorrhoeae strains by poly- erosexual partners and a detailed genomic analysis of serovar F merase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymor- 299 phism of outer membrane protein IB genes 363 Infertility due to Chlamydia trachomatis infection 267 Azithromycin Interpretation of Chlamydia trachomatis antibody response in Azithromycin and syphilis 196 chlamydial oculogenital infection 94 Azithromycin levels in cervical mucus and plasma after a single Prevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis in women attending a family 1-0g oral dose for chlamydial cervicitis 244 planning clinic in Papua New Guinea 295 426 Subject Index Quantitation of Chlamydia trachomatis by culture, direct immuno- Disseminated infection, Disseminated infection due to penicillin fluorescence and competitive polymerase chain reaction 239 resistant gonococci—is it still rare? 133 Screening for asymptomatic Chlamydia trachomatis infection in DNA, Detection of human papillomavirus DNA sequences in can- male students by examination of first catch urine 329 cer of the urinary bladder by in situ hybridisation and poly- Sensitivity of a commercial polymerase chain reaction for different merase chain reaction 231 serovars of Chlamydia trachomatis present at low titre in clinical Donovanosis, Global eradication of donovanosis 27 samples 327 Drug users, Use of an inpatient HIV unit by injecting drug users 53 Use of the polymerase chain reaction for the detection of Chlamydia Dynamics, Antiretroviral monotherapies and serum HIV-1 dynam- trachomatis in clinical specimens and its comparison to commer- ics 324 cially available tests 169 Variation outside variable segments of the major outer membrane protein distinguishes trachoma from urogenital isolates of the Ecuador, Yaws in Ecuador 343 same serovar of Chlamydia trachomatis 18 Electrolytes, Pre-treatment with hydration and electrolytes may Chronic hepatitis, More severe course of delta hepatitis in HIV- prevent dose limiting toxicities during foscarnet induction ther- infected patients [L] 132 apy 414 Ciprofloxacin, Importation into the UK of a strain of Netsseria gon- Electrophoresis, Resolution of clonal subgroups among Neisseria orrhoeae resistant to penicillin, ciprofloxacin and tetracycline gonorrhoeae IB-2 and IB-6 serovars by pulsed-field gel elec- 265, 331 trophoresis 145 Ciprofloxacin resistance, Ciprofloxacin resistant Neisseria gonor- Empyema, Non surgical treatment of empyema thoracis with rhoeae 412 intrapleural streptokinase in a patient with AIDS 259 Circumcision, Plasma cell balanitis 32 Encephalitis, Herpes simplex virus type 2 encephalitis and con- Clindamycin, Treatment of bacterial vaginosis with a 3 day course of comitant cytomegalovirus infection in a patient with AIDS 262 2% clindamycin cream 254 Enterocytozoon bieneusi, Failure of itraconazole to prevent Clones, Resolution of clonal subgroups among Neisseria gonorrhoeae Enterocytozoon bieneusi infection 325 IB-2 and IB-6 serovars by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis 145 Epidemiology Cohort, HIV-1 incidence and HIV-1 associated mortality in a HIV seropositivity in an STD centre in a cosmopolitan city in cohort of urban factory workers in Tanzania 212 northern India 58 Colposcopy, Value of colposcopy in genitourinary medicine 270, HTLV-I and HTLV-II in Africans 53 417 One-year survey of Neisseria gonorrhoeae isolated from patients Condoms attending an east London genitourinary medicine clinic 13 Heterosexual relationships and condom-use in the spread of sexu- Ethiopia, Seroprevalence of syphilis amongst pregnant women ally transmitted diseases to women 291 attending antenatal clinics in a rural hospital in north west Nonoxynol-9 use, genital ulcers, and HIV infection in a cohort of Ethiopia 347 sex workers 78 Condom use Family planning AIDS risk behaviours and correlates in teenagers attending sexually Evaluating a designated family planning clinic within a genitouri- transmitted diseases clinics in Los Angeles 82 nary medicine clinic 106 Sexual behaviour and sexually transmitted diseases in Dutch Family planning in genitourinary medicine 103, 334 marines and naval personnel on a United Nations Mission in Prevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis in women attending a family Cambodia 172 planning clinic in Papua New Guinea 295 Condylomata acuminata, Dipyridamole, as an interferon inducer, Feelings, Genital warts 194 versus placebo in the prevention of recurrences of condylomata Female, Trends in female sexual behaviour and sexually transmit- acuminata after diathermocoagulation 57 ted diseases in London, 1982-1992 286 Contacts, Genotyping of Chlamydia trachomatis serovars derived Female prostitution, Kaposi sarcoma in Germany 136 from heterosexual partners and a detailed genomic analysis of Foscarnet, Pre-treatment with hydration and electrolytes may pre- serovar F 299 vent dose limiting toxicities during foscarnet induction therapy Contraception 414 Assessment of contraceptive choice in HIV seropositive women 54 Barrier methods of contraception 202 Contraceptives, Use of barrier contraceptives in Denmark during Genital infections, Should screening of genital infections be part of the AIDS epidemic 56 antenatal care in areas of high HIV prevalence? A prospective Crohn’s diseases, Penile Crohn’s disease 45 cohort study from Kigali, Rwanda, 1992-1993 207 C trachomatis, Silent suffering women—a population based study Genital tract infection, Lower genital tract infections in infertile on the association between reported symptoms and past and Nigerian women compared with controls 163 present infections of the lower genital tract 158 Genital ulcer Culture, Ignored trichomonal infestation diagnosed by Papani- Syndromic management of genital ulcer disease 416 colaou smear 257, 417 Syndromic management of genital ulcer disease—a critical Cutaneous, Disseminated cutaneous Mycobacterium tuberculosis appraisal 197 infection in a patient with AIDS 308 Syndromic management of genital ulcer disease—a response 416 Genital ulcers, Nonoxynol-9 use, genital ulcers, and HIV infection in a cohort of sex workers 78 Genital warts Default, Why do patients default from follow-up at a genitourinary Comparison of women with cervical human papillomavirus infec- clinic? 393 tion and genital warts. I. Some behavioural factors and clinical Delta hepatitis, More severe course of delta hepatitis in HIV- findings 88 infected patients [L] 132 Genital warts 194 Denmark, Use of barrier contraceptives in Denmark during the Single-blind study of podophyllotoxin cream 0-5% and podophyl- AIDS epidemic 56 lotoxin solution 0-5% in male patients with genital warts 391 Detection Topical treatment of genital warts in men, an open study of Detection of Chlamydia trachomatis by ligase chain reaction com- podophyllotoxin cream compared with solution 387 pared with polymerase chain reaction and cell culture in uro- Unusual cause of incontinence 197 genital specimens 382 Genitourinary, How much sexually transmitted disease is not seen P24 antigen detection, viral isolation, DNA-PCR and in vitro by genitourinary physicians? 333 antibody production for the diagnosis of HIV-1 latent infection in Genitourinary medicine heterosexual women at high risk for HIV-1 infection 123 “Healthy Alliances?”—other sexual health services and their views Diagnosis of genitourinary medicine 396 Chronic vulvovaginal candidiasis 304 Family planning in genitourinary medicine 103, 334 Diagnosis of gonorrhoea by microscopy 200 Prevalence of sexual assault in a genitourinary medicine clinic 98 Dipyridamole, Dipyridamole, as an interferon inducer, versus Value of colposcopy in genito-urinary medicine 417 placebo in the prevention of recurrences of condylomata acumi- Why do patients default from follow-up at a genitourinary clinic? nata after diathermocoagulation 57 393 Subject Index 427 Genitourinary medicine clinics Rectal gonorrhoea as an independent risk factor for HIV infection Evaluating a designated family planning clinic within a genitouri- in a cohort of homosexual men 150, 335 nary medicine clinic 106 Response to influenza immunisation in asymptomatic HIV Factors affecting reattendance rates at genitourinary medicine infected men 355 clinics 198 Serological screening for sexually transmitted infections in preg- Gonococcus, Disseminated infection due to penicillin resistant nancy 65 gonococci—is it still rare? 133 Similar serological response to conventional therapy for syphilis Gonorrhoea among HIV-positive and HIV-negative women 275 Antimicrobial susceptibility, auxotype and plasmid content of Use of an inpatient HIV unit by injecting drug users 53 Neisseria gonorrhoeae in Northern Tanzania 9 HIV-1 Case cluster of possible tissue invasive gonorrhoea 126, 336 HIV-1 incidence and HIV-1 associated mortality in a cohort of Diagnosis of gonorrhoea by microscopy 200 urban factory workers in Tanzania 212 Falling accuracy of microscopy in the diagnosis of gonorrhoea—a P24 antigen detection, viral isolation, DNA-PCR and in vitro cause for concern? 136 antibody production for the diagnosis of HIV-1 latent infection in One-year survey of Neisseria gonorrhoeae isolated from patients heterosexual women at high risk for HIV-1 infection 123 attending an east London genitourinary medicine clinic 13 HIV-1 infection, Should screening of genital infections be part of Rectal gonorrhoea as an independent risk factor for HIV infection antenatal care in areas of high HIV prevalence? A prospective in a cohort of homosexual men 150 cohort study from Kigali, Rwanda, 1992-1993 207 Rectal gonorrhoea as an independent risk factor for HIV infection Homosexual men, Rectal gonorrhoea as an independent risk factor in homosexual males 335 for HIV infection in a cohort of homosexual men 150 Serovar specific immunity to Neisseria gonorrhoeae 367 HPV Granuloma, Pyogenic granuloma of the penis—a rare entity? 43 Comparison of women with cervical human papillomavirus infec- Guidelines, Patients’ awareness of changes in the Association of tion and genital warts. I. Some behavioural factors and clinical British Insurers’ guidelines on HIV testing 332 findings 88 Gynaecology, Chlamydia trachomatis in gynaecological infections in Detection of human papillomavirus DNA sequences in cancer of Luanda, Angola 326 the urinary bladder by in situ hybridisation and polymerase chain reaction 231 Silent suffering women—a population based study on the associa- Haemophilus ducreyi, Asymptomatic carriage of Haemophilus tion between reported symptoms and past and present infec- ducreyi confirmed by the polymerase chain reaction 224 tions of the lower genital tract 158 Hepatitis, Arsphenamine jaundice and the recognition of instru- HSV-2, Silent suffering women—a population based study on the ment-borne virus infection 109 association between reported symptoms and past and present Hepatitis B, Survey on hepatitis B vaccination policies in genitouri- infections of the lower genital tract 158 nary medicine in UK and Ireland 251 HTLV-I, HTLV-I and HTLV-II in Africans 53 Herpes simplex HTLV-II, HTLV-I and HTLV-II in Africans 53 Acute urinary retention preceding skin manifestations of genital Hydration, Pre-treatment with hydration and electrolytes may pre- herpes by 8 days 270 vent dose limiting toxicities during foscarnet induction therapy Screening for herpes simplex virus in infertile women 131 414 Urticarial manifestations associated with herpes simplex virus type 2 196 Herpes simplex virus type 2, Herpes simplex virus type 2 Immunisation, Response to influenza immunisation in asympto- encephalitis and concomitant cytomegalovirus infection in a matic HIV infected men 355 patient with AIDS 262 Immunity, Serovar specific immunity to Neisseria gonorrhoeae 367 History Immunofluorescence, Quantitation of Chlamydia trachomatis by Arsphenamine jaundice and the recognition of instrument-borne culture, direct immunofluorescence and competitive poly- virus infection 109 merase chain reaction 239 Publisher, a bobbin-boy and the Society 314 Incidence, HIV-1 incidence and HIV-1 associated mortality in a History MSSVD, Publisher, a bobbin-boy and the Society 314 cohort of urban factory workers in Tanzania 212 HIV Incontinence, Unusual cause of incontinence 197 AIDS risk behaviours and correlates in teenagers attending sexually Infection, Rectal gonorrhoea as an independent risk factor for HIV transmitted diseases clinics in Los Angeles 82 infection in homosexual males 335 Antiretroviral monotherapies and serum HIV-1 dynamics 324 Infections, Sexual attitudes, preferences and infections in Ancient Assessment of contraceptive choice in HIV seropositive women 54 Egypt 180 Bronchopulmonary infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Infertility patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus 73 Infertility due to Chlamydia trachomatis infection 267 Carcinoma of the penis in an HIV positive patient 41 Lower genital tract infections in infertile Nigerian women com- Global eradication of donovanosis 27 pared with controls 163 HIV/AIDS knowledge and high risk sexual practices among Screening for herpes simplex virus in infertile women 131 southern California Vietnamese 216 Influenza, Response to influenza immunisation in asymptomatic HIV infection and maternal outcome of pregnancy in HIV infected men 355 Mozambican women 323 Insurers, Patients’ awareness of changes in the Association of HIV seropositivity in an STD centre in a cosmopolitan city in British Insurers’ guidelines on HIV testing 332 northern India 58 Itraconazole, Failure of itraconazole to prevent Enterocytozoon Incidence of symptomatic urinary tract infections in HIV seropos- bieneust infection 325 itive patients and the use of co-trimoxazole as prophylaxis against Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia 120 Kaempherol, Quercetin and kaempherol 92 Kaposi sarcoma in Germany 136 Kaposi’s sarcoma, Kaposi sarcoma in Germany 136 More severe course of delta hepatitis in HIV-infected patients [L] 132 Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in a patient with HIV-2 infection 129 Laparascopy, Infertility due to Chlamydia trachomatis infection 267 Nonoxynol-9 use, genital ulcers, and HIV infection in a cohort of Latent infection, P24 antigen detection, viral isolation, DNA-PCR sex workers 78 and in vitro antibody production for the diagnosis of HIV-1 Open lung biopsy for investigation of acute respiratory episodes in latent infection in heterosexual women at high risk for HIV-1 patients with HIV infection and AIDS 280 infection 123 Patients’ awareness of changes in the Association of British Leukoencephalopathy, Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopa- Insurers’ guidelines on HIV testing 332 thy in patients with AIDS 35 Pneumococcal vaccine and HIV infection 71, 336 Ligase chain reaction, Detection of Chlamydia trachomatis by lig- Prevalence of antibodies to HIV-1 and HIV-2 in women attending ase chain reaction compared with polymerase chain reaction a sexually transmitted disease clinic in Luanda, Angola 413 and cell culture in urogenital specimens 382 Prurigo nodularis in an HIV positive man 129 London, Continuing high prevalence of penicillinase-producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections and HIV 336 Neisseria gonorrhoeae at a central London hospital 265 428 Subject Index Lung biopsy, Open lung biopsy for investigation of acute respira- Pancreatitis, Pancreatitis associated with aerosolised pentamidine tory episodes in patients with HIV infection and AIDS 280 130 Lymphoma, It could be more serious than you think! 201 Papanicolaou, Ignored trichomonal infestation diagnosed by Papanicolaou smear 257, 417 Papillomavirus, Detection of human papillomavirus types in bal- anitis xerotica obliterans and other penile conditions 228 Major outer membrane protein, Variation outside variable seg- Papua New Guinea, Prevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis in women ments of the major outer membrane protein distinguishes tra- attending a family planning clinic in Papua New Guinea 295 choma from urogenital isolates of the same serovar of Chlamydia Patients, Genital warts 194 trachomatis 18 PCR Malawi, STD/HIV control in Malawi 202 Asymptomatic carriage of Haemophilus ducreyi confirmed by the Male, Prevalence of Trichomonas vaginalis in a male sexually trans- polymerase chain reaction 224 mitted disease clinic population by interview, wet mount Comparison of the Amplicor Chlamydia trachomatis test and cell microscopy, and the InPouch™ TV test 405 culture for the detection of urogenital chlamydial infections 247 Management Detection of Chlamydia trachomatis by ligase chain reaction com- Syndromic management of genital ulcer disease 416 pared with polymerase chain reaction and cell culture in uro- Syndromic management of genital ulcer disease—a response 416 genital specimens 382 Maternal outcome, HIV infection and maternal outcome of preg- Differentiation of Neisseria gonorrhoeae strains by polymerase chain nancy in Mozambican women 323 reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism of outer Men, Topical treatment of genital warts in men, an open study of membrane protein IB genes 363 podophyllotoxin cream compared with solution 387 Genotyping of Chlamydia trachomatis serovars derived from het- Military personnel, Sexual behaviour and sexually transmitted dis- erosexual partners and a detailed genomic analysis of serovar F eases in Dutch marines and naval personnel on a United 299 Nations Mission in Cambodia 172 Herpes simplex virus type 2 encephalitis and concomitant Molluscum contagiosum cytomegalovirus infection in a patient with AIDS 262 Polypoidal and giant molluscum contagiosum 417 Quantitation of Chlamydia trachomatis by culture, direct immuno- Polypoidal and giant molluscum contagiosum in an AIDS patient fluorescence and competitive polymerase chain reaction 239 $7 Sensitivity of a commercial polymerase chain reaction for different Monotherapy, Antiretroviral monotherapies and serum HIV-1 serovars of Chlamydia trachomatis present at low titre in clinical dynamics 324 samples 327 Mortality, HIV-1 incidence and HIV-1 associated mortality in a Penicillin, Importation into the UK of a strain of Neisseria gonor- cohort of urban factory workers in Tanzania 212 rhoeae resistant to penicillin, ciprofloxacin and tetracycline 265, Mozambique, HIV infection and maternal outcome of pregnancy 331 in Mozambican women 323 Penicillin resistance, Rapid decline in penicillinase-producing MSSVD, Publisher, a bobbin-boy and the Society 314 Neisseria gonorrhoeae in Hong Kong associated with emerging 4- Mycoplasma genitalium, History and role of Mycoplasma genitalium fluoroquinolone resistance 141 in sexually transmitted diseases 1 Penis Carcinoma of the penis 336 Carcinoma of the penis in an HIV positive patient 41 Neisseria gonorrhoeae Penile Crohn’s disease 45 Ciprofloxacin resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae 412 Pyogenic granuloma of the penis—a rare entity? 43 Differentiation of Neisseria gonorrhoeae strains by polymerase chain Pentamidine, Pancreatitis associated with aerosolised pentamidine reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism of outer 130 membrane protein IB genes 363 Perihepatitis, Perihepatitis in women with salpingitis—an under- Epidemiology and transmission patterns of concomitant genital diagnosed clinical entity? 331 chlamydial and gonococcal infections 266 Physicians, How much sexually transmitted disease is not seen by Importation into the UK ofa strain of Neisseria gonorrhoeae resistant genitourinary physicians? 333 to penicillin, ciprofloxacin and tetracycline 265, 331 Plasma cell, Plasma cell balanitis 32 Rapid decline in penicillinase-producing Neisseria gonorrhoeae in Plasma cells, Vulvitis plasmacellularis 311 Hong Kong associated with emerging 4-fluoroquinolone resis- Plasmid, Virgin population of Neisseria gonorrhoeae in Stockholm tance 141 has decreased and antimicrobial resistance is increasing 234 Resolution of clonal subgroups among Neisseria gonorrhoeae IB-2 Plasmids, Spontaneous loss of PPNG resistance plasmids 133 and IB-6 serovars by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis 145 Pneumococcal vaccine Virgin population of Neisseria gonorrhoeae in Stockholm has Pneumococcal vaccine and HIV infection 71, 336 decreased and antimicrobial resistance is increasing 234 Podophyllin, Quercetin and kaempherol 92 Neoplasm, Kaposi sarcoma in Germany 136 Podophyllotoxin, Single-blind study of podophyllotoxin cream Neutrophil elastase, Neutrophil enzymes in urine for the detection 0-5% and podophyllotoxin solution 0-5% in male patients with of urethral infection in men 176 genital warts 391 Newborns, Seroreversion of the serological tests for syphilis in the Podophyllotoxin cream, Topical treatment of genital warts in newborns born to treated syphilitic mothers 68 men, an open study of podophyllotoxin cream compared with Non gonococcal, How common is self-treatment in non gonococcal solution 387 urethritis? 400 Polymerase chain reaction, Use of the polymerase chain reaction Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in a for the detection of Chlamydia trachomatis in clinical specimens patient with HIV-2 infection 129 and its comparison to commercially available tests 169 Nonoxynol-9, Nonoxynol-9 use, genital ulcers, and HIV infection Population-based study, Silent suffering women—a population in a cohort of sex workers 78 based study on the association between reported symptoms and Non-regular relationships, Heterosexual relationships and con- past and present infections of the lower genital tract 158 dom-use in the spread of sexually transmitted diseases to Porokeratosis, Genital porokeratosis of mibelli 410 women 291 Pouch of Douglas, Infertility due to Chlamydia trachomatis infec- tion 267 PPNG Continuing high prevalence of penicillinase-producing Neisseria Obituary, Thorstein Guthe, MD 193 gonorrhoeae at a central London hospital 265 Oculogenital, Interpretation of Chlamydia trachomatis antibody Spontaneous loss of PPNG resistance plasmids 133 response in chlamydial oculogenital infection 94 Pregnancy Oral cavity, Warts in the oral cavity 195 HIV infection and maternal outcome of pregnancy in Orphans, AIDS in Africans living in London 358 Mozambican women 323 Outer membrane protein IB genes, Differentiation of Neisseria Serological screening for sexually transmitted infections in preg- gonorrhoeae strains by polymerase chain reaction and restriction nancy 65 fragment length polymorphism of outer membrane protein IB Seroprevalence of syphilis amongst pregnant women attending genes 363 antenatal clinics in a rural hospital in north west Ethiopia 347 Subject Index 429 Pregnant women, Should screening of genital infections be part of Sexual assault, Prevalence of sexual assault in a genitourinary med- antenatal care in areas of high HIV prevalence? A prospective icine clinic 98 cohort study from Kigali, Rwanda, 1992-1993 207 Sexual behaviour, Trends in female sexual behaviour and sexually Prevalence transmitted diseases in London, 1982-1992 286 Continuing high prevalence of penicillinase-producing Neisseria Sexual health services, “Healthy Alliances?”—other sexual health gonorrhoeae at a central London hospital 265 services and their views of genitourinary medicine 396 Prevalence of antibodies to HIV-1 and HIV-2 in women attending Sexual orientation, Serovar specific immunity to Neisseria gonor- a sexually transmitted disease clinic in Luanda, Angola 413 rhoeae 367 Prevalence of Trichomonas vaginalis in a male sexually transmitted Sexually transmitted disease disease clinic population by interview, wet mount microscopy, Survey on hepatitis B vaccination policies in genitourinary medi- and the InPouch™ TV test 405 cine in UK and Ireland 251 Primary health care, Yaws in Ecuador 343 Why do patients default from follow-up at a genitourinary clinic? Prurigo nodularis, Prurigo nodularis in an HIV positive man 129 393 Pseudomonas aeruginosa Sexually transmitted diseases, Rectal gonorrhoea as an indepen- Bronchopulmonary infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa in dent risk factor for HIV infection in a cohort of homosexual patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus 73 men 150 Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections and HIV 336 STD AIDS in Africans living in London 358 How much sexually transmitted disease is not seen by genitouri- Quercetin, Quercetin and kaempherol 92 nary physicians? 333 Publisher, a bobbin-boy and the Society 314 Sexually transmitted diseases including HIV infection in women Reattendance, Factors affecting reattendance rates at genitourinary with Bartholin’s gland abscesses 155 medicine clinics 198 Silent suffering women—a population based study on the associa- Recurrence tion between reported symptoms and past and present infec- Chronic vulvovaginal candidiasis 304 tions of the lower genital tract 158 Infrequent detection of Chlamydia trachomatis in a longitudinal STD/HIV control in Malawi 202 study of women with treated cervical infection 24 Trends in female sexual behaviour and sexually transmitted dis- Resistance eases in London, 1982-1992 286 Antimicrobial susceptibility, auxotype and plasmid content of STD acquisition, Risk behaviour and STD acquisition in geni- Neisseria gonorrhoeae in Northern Tanzania 9 tourinary clinic attenders who have travelled 351 Importation into the UK of a strain of Neisseria gonorrhoeae resistant STD clinics, AIDS risk behaviours and correlates in teenagers to penicillin, ciprofloxacin and tetracycline 265, 331 attending sexually transmitted diseases clinics in Los Angeles 82 One-year survey of Neisseria gonorrhoeae isolated from patients STD incidence, Sexual behaviour and sexually transmitted diseases attending an east London genitourinary medicine clinic 13 in Dutch marines and naval personnel on a United Nations Resistant, Ciprofloxacin resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae 412 Mission in Cambodia 172 Retrovirus, Antiretroviral monotherapies and serum HIV-1 STDs dynamics 324 Heterosexual relationships and condom-use in the spread of sexu- RFLP, Differentiation of Neisseria gonorrhoeae strains by polymerase ally transmitted diseases to women 291 chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism of HIV seropositivity in an STD centre in a cosmopolitan city in outer membrane protein IB genes 363 northern India 58 Risk, Risk behaviour and STD acquisition in genitourinary clinic Should screening of genital infections be part of antenatal care in attenders who have travelled 351 areas of high HIV prevalence? A prospective cohort study from Kigali, Rwanda, 1992-1993 207 Streptokinase, Non surgical treatment of empyema thoracis with Salpingitis, Perihepatitis in women with salpingitis—an under- intrapleural streptokinase in a patient with AIDS 259 diagnosed clinical entity? 331 Symptoms, Silent suffering women—a population based study on Scabies, Asthma in an AIDS patient with Norwegian scabies the association between reported symptoms and past and pre- induced by bathing 200 sent infections of the lower genital tract 158 Screening Syphilis Screening for asymptomatic Chlamydia trachomatis infection in Azithromycin and syphilis 196 male students by examination of first catch urine 329 Serological screening for sexually transmitted infections in preg- Serological screening for sexually transmitted infections in preg- nancy 65 nancy 65 Seroprevalence of syphilis amongst pregnant women attending Screening strategy, Development and evaluation of screening antenatal clinics in a rural hospital in north west Ethiopia 347 strategies for Chlamydia trachomatis infections in an STD clinic Seroreversion of the serological tests for syphilis in the newborns 375 born to treated syphilitic mothers 68 Self treatment, How common is self-treatment in non gonococcal Similar serological response to conventional therapy for syphilis urethritis? 400 among HIV-positive and HIV-negative women 275 Seroconversion, Rectal gonorrhoea as an independent risk factor for HIV infection in a cohort of homosexual men 150 Serology, Similar serological response to conventional therapy for Tanzania, HIV-1 incidence and HIV-1 associated mortality in a syphilis among HIV-positive and HIV-negative women 275 cohort of urban factory workers in Tanzania 212 Seroprevalence, Seroprevalence of syphilis amongst pregnant Tetracycline women attending antenatal clinics in a rural hospital in north Antimicrobial susceptibility, auxotype and plasmid content of west Ethiopia 347 Neisseria gonorrhoeae in Northern Tanzania 9 Seroreversion, Seroreversion of the serological tests for syphilis in Importation into the UK of a strain of Neisseria gonorrhoeae resistant the newborns born to treated syphilitic mothers 68 to penicillin, ciprofloxacin and tetracycline 265, 331 Serotyping Toxicity, Pre-treatment with hydration and electrolytes may pre- Differentiation of Neisseria gonorrhoeae strains by polymerase chain vent dose limiting toxicities during foscarnet induction therapy reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism of outer 414 membrane protein IB genes 363 Trachoma, Variation outside variable segments of the major outer Serovar specific immunity to Neisseria gonorrhoeae 367 membrane protein distinguishes trachoma from urogenital iso- Serovar, Case cluster of possible tissue invasive gonorrhoea 126, lates of the same serovar of Chlamydia trachomatis 18 336 Transmission, Trichomonas vaginalis transmission in a family 199 Sex, Sexual attitudes, preferences and infections in Ancient Egypt Travel, Risk behaviour and STD acquisition in genitourinary clinic 180 attenders who have travelled 351 Sex behaviour, AIDS risk behaviours and correlates in teenagers Treatment, Syndromic management of genital ulcer disease—a attending sexually transmitted diseases clinics in Los Angeles 82 critical appraisal 197 Sexual abuse, Child sexual abuse—the interface with genitourinary Trichomonal vaginitis, Ignored trichomonal infestation diagnosed medicine 47, 334 by Papanicolaou smear 417 430 Subject Index Trichomonas vaginalis Urticaria, Urticarial manifestations associated with herpes simplex Ignored trichomonal infestation diagnosed by Papanicolaou smear virus type 2 196 257 USA, AIDS risk behaviours and correlates in teenagers attending Prevalence of Trichomonas vaginalis in a male sexually transmitted sexually transmitted diseases clinics in Los Angeles 82 disease clinic population by interview, wet mount microscopy, and the InPouch™ TV test 405 Vaccination, Survey of hepatitis B vaccination policies in genitouri- Serum antibodies to Trichomonas vaginalis in invasive cervical can- nary medicine in UK and Ireland 251 cer patients 402 Vaginosis, Treatment of bacterial vaginosis with a 3 day course of Trichomonas vaginalis transmission in a family 199 2% clindamycin cream 254 Trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole, Single dose trimethoprim- Vietnamese, HIV/AIDS knowledge and high risk sexual practices sulphamethoxazole for treatment of chancroid 134 among southern California Vietnamese 216 Tuberculosis Vulvitis, Vulvitis plasmacellularis 311 AIDS in Africans living in London 358 Vulvovaginal, Chronic vulvovaginal candidiasis 304 Disseminated cutaneous Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in a patient with AIDS 308 Warts, Warts in the oral cavity 195 Wet smear, Silent suffering women—a population based study on the association between reported symptoms and past and pre- Urethral flora, Urethral flora in adolescent boys 328 sent infections of the lower genital tract 158 Urethritis Women How common is self-treatment in non gonococcal urethritis? 400 Assessment of contraceptive choice in HIV seropositive women 54 Neutrophil enzymes in urine for the detection of urethral infection Chlamydia in women 416 in men 176 Silent suffering women—a population based study on the associa- Urinary bladder, Detection of human papillomavirus DNA tion between reported symptoms and past and present infec- sequences in cancer of the urinary bladder by in situ hybridisation tions of the lower genital tract 158 and polymerase chain reaction 231 Urinary retention, Acute urinary retention preceding skin manifes- Yaws, Yaws in Ecuador 343 tations of genital herpes by 8 days 270 Urinary tract infection, Incidence of symptomatic urinary tract infections in HIV seropositive patients and the use of co-trimox- Zaire, Similar serological response to conventional therapy for azole as prophylaxis against Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia 120 syphilis among HIV-positive and HIV-negative women 275

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