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Preview Genetics 2008: Vol 179 Index & Table of Contents

AUTHOR INDEX to Volume 179, May—August 2008 Abney, M., 1577 Begun, D. J., 455, 1021 Chase, K., 1033 Achaz, G., 1409 Begun, D. J., 475, 1021 Chaudhary, B., 1725 Adams, M. D., 2183 Bellone, R. R., 1861 Chen, C. C.-H., 375 Aguadeé, M., 1601 Benzie,J. , 917 Chen, C.-J., 21 Ahuja, A., 503 Berenos, C., 2113 ~ nen, €.-L., 2] Aitchison,J . D., 291 Berg, A., 627 then, Y Alani, E., 747, 1807 Bernatchez, L., 1903 thiang, Y.-C., 1527 Allen, D. E., 1497 Bertioli, D. J., 2299 thoi, D., 1211 Allen, M. D., 137 Bessereau, J.-L., 375 thollet, D., 1275 Allis, C. D., 291 Bhutkar, A., 1601, 1657 thristian, N., 157 Alvarez-Castro,} . M., 1591 Biewers, S., 829 thuong, E. B., 2075 Amaral, A. J., 569 Billot, C., 997 thurchill, G., 693 Amberg, D. C., 1945 Birkhead, T. R., 651 lark, A. G., 1395 Ames, D., 1693 Boeke,J . D., 1769 ognat, V., 113 Amon, A., Bollback,J . P., 497 ;ohen, N., 1313 Andersen, E. C., 2001 Bougas, B., 1903 iohen, S. N., 1871 Andersen, M. P., 1179 Brabant, P., 2195 oic, E., 199 Anderson, W. W., 1601 Brautigan, D. L., 1823 ole, C. N., 1945 Andreoletti, O., 723 Breakey, K. M., 1151 ‘ollins, N. C., 669 Anholt, R. R. H., 1079, 1327 Brooks, S. A., 1861 comeron,J . M., 1009 Aparicio, O. M., 863 Bruinsma,J . J., 811 ‘onant, G. C., 1681 Aparicio, R., 1373 Brunel, D., 997 ionde, F., 1197 Archer, S., 1861 Brunet, E., 603 onradt, B., 375 Argue, B., 917 Buettner, V. L., 1795 orréa, L. G. G., 31 Arts, P., 2045 3urgess, S. M., 773 cosseddu, G. M., 723 Asmussen, M., 345 Burgess, S., 1125 courtois, B., 997 Attie, A. D., 1089 3urke, T., 651 iraig, G. M., 843 Au, W.-C., 263 Burt, A., 2013 ribiu, E. P., 723 surton, O. J., 94 | isp, M. J., 263 Bachtrog, D., 1513 Busturia, A., ys ‘romie, G. A., 1157 Backstrém, N., 1479 Butler,J . S., 323 ‘ronmiller, C., 1823 Bae,J. , 137] ‘rooiyymans, R. P. M. A., 569 Bailey, C. P., 177 ‘aballero, A., 539, 683 row, J. F., 1735 Bailey, E., 1861 raceres, M., 1455 sink, A. K., 359 Bailis, A. M., 1795 ‘al,J. , 487 ui, Y., 627, 637 Balassa, E., 69 ‘alafell, F., 555 RAARAAAAARRRRR~F RAA RRR‘AAA~RRRRRAu r AAARRci o, M. x 2313 Balding, D. J., 593 ‘alatayud, C., 997 Baldwin, E. L., 1455 ‘alboli, F. C. F., 593 Danker, T., 1891 Bali, M., 331 jallaerts, P.,. 1327 Davern, P., 1033 Balk,J. , 59 ampos, P. R. A., 621 Davis, A. C., 83 Banerjee, S., ‘arbone, M. A., 1079 Davis, D. E., 811 Bang, J.-W., 1 ‘arlborg, O., 1591 Dayer, R., 41 Banno, Y., 87: ‘arvalho, A. B., 2325 de Alencar Figueiredo, L. F., 997 Barazesh, S., 389 ‘asas-Mollano,J . A., 69 de Carvalho Moretzsohn, M., 2299 Barker, K., 1845 vasellasJ,. , 2147 de Roos, A. P. W., 1503 Barrot, L., 2045 lejka, P., 1835 Dean, M. D., 2213 Barton, A. B., 1221 elic, I., 1769 Dean, N., 705 Barton, G. J., 193 ‘elotto, A. M., 855 Deem, A., 1845 Basrai, M. A., 263 rerutti, H., 69 Dejak, S. I., 581 sateman,J . M., 843 Chaibub Neto, E., 1089 DeLuca, 8. Z.,; 263 Beaumont, M. A., 927 Chamberlain, K. L., 7 Demarco, R. S., 1957 Becker, H. C., 1547 Chandler, V., 1693 Denoves-Rothan, B., 2045 Bedford, T., 977 Charlesworth, D., 985 Depaulis, F., 2195 2329 2330 Author Index Deragon, J.-M., 113 Gaggiotti, O., 927 Hatzold,J. , 37! 5 Deredec, A., 2013 Galic, N., 2195 Hayashi, Y., 21 57 Derome, N., 1903 Galvin, B. D., 403 Hayes, B. J., 1503 Descombes, P., 1275 Gan, Y., = Hazzouri, K. M., 581 Deu, M., 997 Gandre, S., 1029 Heath, C. V., 1945 DiPetrillo, K., 693 Gao, we 965 Helentjaris, T., 1693 Doorenbos, C., 693 Garcia, A. G. L:, 1601 Helmstaedt, K., 1313 Downing, B., 1845 Garriga, G., 887 Helou, C., 1263 Dreesen, B., 1891 Gelbart, W. M., 1601, 1657 Hentges, K. E., 1151 Drost, D., 627 Gemmell, N. J., 1029 Hetrick, E. D., 179 Druzhinina, M., 317 Geyer, P. K., 1263 Heuven, H. C. M., 569 Dupuits, C., 997 Gill, B. S., 1169 Hill, W. G., 1135 Dutcher; 5.,.3 Gilmore, B. L., 1263 Hobza, R., 1129 Gjuvsland, A. B., 1113 Hochholdinger, F., 1275 Glaszmann, J.-C., 997 Hodge, C. A., 1945 Ebenhoh, O., 157 Gloeckner, C. J., 1345 Hoecker, N., 1275 Ecke, W., 1547 Go, H., 187] Hoekstra, H. E., 2075 Eckert, M. L., 455 Goddard, M. E., 1503, 1539 Hoffmann, A. A., 2135 Edo, A. F., 1559 Godfray, H. C. J., 2013 Horken, K. M., 177 Edwards, A. C., 1327 Godman,J. , 59 Horst, I., 1891 Edwards, A. W. F., 114 Goglin, K., 2183 Horvitz, H. R., 403, 2001 Edwards, K., 1601 Goldfarb, T., 1807 Hoskins,J. , 323 Eggen, R. I. L., 41 i hy Sao Hoti, F., 1101 Eicher, E. M., 419 Gomez, E. Hougaard, B. K., 2299 Ellegren, H., (1479 Gonzalez, I., Houmiel, K., 511 Elsen, J. M., 723 Gonzale stichen: D., 149 Hovav, R., 1725 Eychenne, r. 23 Good,J . M., 2213 Hsieh, H.-Y., 1057 Goodman,J . W., 1785 Hsu, S.-C. 517 Fann, C. Goodman,J. , 1601 Buk, Favor, J., ‘ Goodpaster, M. P., 1785 Huang, C. i a a a Held. 420 Gordo, I., 621 Huang, Z. =F); pall Feldman, T., 199 Gorovits, R., 1313 Hughes, O., 1125 Fernandez, J., 683 Gottschling, D. E., 1179 Hwang, S.-Y., 1527 Ferrara, C. T., 1089 Gradolatto, A., 291 Hyppa, R. W., 1157 Figueroa-Martinez, F., 149 Grahn, B., 1861 Fischer, B. B., 41 Grant, B. D., 375 Innan, H., 965, 1705, Flagel, L., 1725 Grini, P. E., 829 Intrieri, G., 227 Foley, M. E., 2263 Groenen, M. A. M., 569 Ishimori, N., 693 Foll, M., 927 Gu, X.-Y., 2263 Forrest, A., 985 Guérin, G., 2045 jainoK., 2125 Forrester, W. C. Guo, T., 2239 Jakobsson, M., 2027 Forsburg, S. L. Gustafson,J . P., 669 Janousek, B., 1129 Forster, B. M., Gustafsson, L., 1479 Jaskiewicz, M., 1891 Forsyth, G., 186 Jensen, P. A., 1785 Foster, T., 793 Ha, J.-H., 2163 Jiang,>? H., 487 Frank, C. A., 887 Ha, N.-C., 1871 Jiang,=> ? J., 1119 Franzén, L.-G., 149 Haber,J . E., 199 Jiango,a K., 1957 Fredslund,J. , 2299 Haig, D., 1389 Jiang,eg ON Fretwell, N., 593 Hallander,J. , 1101 Jinks-Robertson, S., 1251 Friberg, U Hamaguchi, S., 2157 Jiricny,J. , 1835 Friebe, B., 1169 Han, K., 1871 Jo, S.-H., 1211 Friggi-Grelin, F., 429 Han, S. H., 187 Jones, P., 1033 Fu, G., 627 Hao, X., 227 Fu, W., 637 Mars, 1. 511 Kaback, D. B., 1221 Fujiwara, H., 875 Harris, S. D., 1919 Kalanon, M., 95 Funes, S., 149 Hartigan, J., 1601 Kalinin, A., 1029 Futahashi, R., 875 Hartl: Dv L977 Kane, N. C., 1881 Author Index Kang, G., 637 Levin, D., 1151 Mell,J . C., 773, 115 Kang, J., 2163 Levine, M. T., 455, 475 Merchant, S. S., 137 Karachentsev, D., 317 Meuwissen, T. H. E Karaiskou, N., 1479 Li, Q. Q., 83, 167 Michels, C. A., 33 Kataoka, E., 1601 Li, W., 1169 Mikhaylova, L. M., Kaufman, T. C., 1601 Liang, C., 83, 167 Miller, A. R., 177 Kawabe, A., 985 Lien, S., 1539 Miller, A., 793 Keller, B., 1275 Lillehammer, M., 1539 Miller, 1., 1151 Keller, L. R., 7 Lamy F-P 1527 Miller, K. G., 711 Kempa, S., 157 Linksvayer, T. A., 899 Miller, S. H., 7 Keppler-Ross, S., 705 bia, L383, 167 Miranda-Saavedra, Kern, A. D., 1021 Liu, X., 2239 Mita, K., 875 Kim, E.-]., 69 Liu, Y., 83, 167 Mito, E., 1795 Kim, S., 403 Llopart, A., 1009 Moazami-Goudarzi, K., 723 Kin) Y.,. 1773 Lobachev, K., 237 Mohajer, A., 581 Kirchmaier, A. L., 793 Long,J . C., 137 Mokhnatkin,J . V., 1795 Kirst, M., 627 LowmanJ., J ., 1455 Monéger, F., 1129 Koerich, L. B., 2325 Lozovsky, E. R., 1601 Montfort, A., 2045 Kojima, T., 875 Lu, SE, 137 Moorad, J. A., 899, 206] Komachi, K., 1125 Lundquist, E. A., 1957 Moore, C. J., 1871 Koo, D.-H., 1119, 1211 Luo, Y., 1237 Morehouse, C. B., 1455 Kornfeld, K., 811 Lynch, M., 1497 Moreno, C. R., 723 Korstanje, R., 693 Lyndaker, A. M., 1807 Morrison,J . K., 711] Kpebe, A., 1973 Movle, L. C., 1437 Kristensen, T. N., 2135 Ma, C.-X., 627 Mrackova, M., 1129 Kruglyak, L., 1069 Machado, C. A., 1601 Mudannayake, M. P., 345 Kuhn-Parnell, E. J., 1263 Mackay, T. F. C., 1079, 1327 Mueller-Roeber, B., 31 Kumar, M., 829 Madhani, H. D., 1933 Murphy, B. A., 1861 Kuperus, P., 2113 Madsen, L. H., 2299 Murphy, N., 1693 Kurdistani, S. K., 277 Maerz, S., 1313 Muthreich, N., 1275 Kurvathi, R. S., 1221 Mahaffey,J . W., 441 Malkova, A., 1845 Nachman, M. W., 2213 Labbe, A., 1903 Maney, D. L., 1455 Nakazato, T., 1437 Ladunga, I., 177 Manthey, G. M., 1795 Navarro, A., 555 Lai, Z., 1881 Manukyan, A., 345 Navis, G., 693 Lajous, D., 723 Maréchal-Drouard, L., 113 Negrutiu, I., 1129 Lambert, A., 2195 Marion, D. J., 1263 Nelson, Z. W., 1179 Landman, A. S., 199 Markow, T. A., 1601 Neuhauser-Klaus, A., 1345 Lapoint, R. T., 1601 Marri, P. R., 511 Nevo-Caspi, Y., 1989 LariasS.;. 757 Martin, A., 1033 Neuyen, K., 305 Lark, K. G:, 1033 Martin, C. L., 1455 Nichols, K. M., 1559 Laroche,J. , 1903 Martin, G., 907 Nickel, G. C., 2183 Laurent, P., 723 Masison, D. C., 130] Nicodemi, M., 717 Lavenant-Staccini, Matsuda, M., 1601 Nicolas, M., 1129 Lavender, H., 291 Matsunaga, T. M., 875 Niculita-Hirzel, H., 1721 Le Rouzic, A., 1591 Matsuzaki, K., 213 Nielsen, A. M., 2299 Leder, E. H., 1479 Matzkin, L. M., 1601 Nielsen, R., 497 bee, ie, 1671 Maxwell, P. H., 2313 Nikolova, G., 419 bee S., 1201 May, P., 157 Nilsen, H., 1539 Lee, W. R., I McAllister, B. F., 1601 Nilsson, L., 375 Lee, Y., 1871 McDaniel, S. F., 1425 Nisha, P., 359 Lehnert, A., 527 McFadden, G. I., 95 Nishant, K. T., 747 Let, G.,. 2239 McGraw, L. A., 1395 Niwa, O., 785 Lemaire, S. D.,. 41 McNeill, H., 843 Noffz, C., 705 Lenormand, T., 907 McSteen, P., 389 Noor, M. A. F., 1601 Leon, R: P:, 1757 Medrano,J . F., 2147 Norga, K., 1327 Lerceteau-Kohler, E., 2045 Megens, H.-J., 569 Novaes, E., 627 2332 Author Index Nowack, M. K., 829 Rajasingh, H., 1113 ScarcellJi., J ., 1945 Nugent, R. L., 757 Rami, J.-F., 997 Schaeffer, S. W., 1601, 1657 Nuismer, S. L., 2091 Ramirez-Soriano, / Schauser, L., 2299 Nurminsky, D. I., 305 Ramos-Onsins, 5. E., Schelcher, F., 723 Ran, ¥., 331 Schibler, L., 723 O’Grady, P. M., 1601 Rando, O. J., 263 Schneider, B. L., 345 Ochman, H., 511 Raquin, A.-L., 2195 Schneider, C., 345 Offermann, S., ai Recuenco-Munoz, L., 157 Schneider, D. L., 811 Oldroyd, B. P., 1337 Reed, L. my 1601 Schnittger, A., 829 Olsen, H. G., Remacle, C soy Sclafani, R. A., 1757 Olsen, K. M., Rencus-Lazar, S., 1989 Segal, D., 1989 Ombholt, S. “a Reymond, M., pte Segarra, C., 1601 Ostrander, E. A., 1033 Riano-Pachon, D. M., 3 Sehested, E., 1539 Otake, H., 2157 Rice, W. R. Seigle,J . L., 855 Otto, S. P., 581, 2091 Richards,S ., 1601 Seiler, S., 1313 Oxley, P R., 1337 Rieger, T. T., 1601 Semighini, C. P., 1919 Rieseberg, L. H., 1881 Servedio, M. R., 2091 Palladino, M. J., 855 Rockman, M. V., 1069 Seth-Pasricha, M., 317 Pallotta, M., 669 Rogers, R. S., 291 Shakir, M. A., 1957 Panning, B., 717 Rogers, S. M., 1903 Sharma, D., 1301 Papaceit, M., 1601 Rohde, C., 1601 Shaw, A. J., 1425 Park, C., 2163 Rohde, T., 2299 Sheehan, S., 693 Park, H.-M., 1211 Rohr, J., 69 Shen, Y., 83, 167 Park, K., 2163 Roig, A., 723 Shi, Q., 19:3 7 Parks, A. R., 1237 Rolan-Alvarez, E., 539 Shin, E., 1871 Parnell, T. J., 1263 Rollmann, S. M., 1327 Shinohara, A., 213 Patel; ¥. B., 1957 Rombaut, D., 917 Shinohara, M., 213 Patel, M., 441 Romero, R., 637 Shirley, N. J., 669 Patten, M. M., 1389 Rosenberg, N. A., 2027 Shirzadi, R., 829 Feichel, C. L., 2173 Ross,J . A., 217 Short, M. E., 1455 Pekosz, M. R., 1221 antakUtap Ny M., 2 Sillanpaa, M. J., 1101 Peng, W., 277 Rouzine, I. M., 603 Simmons, M. J., 1785 Perrier, X., 997 Rozas, J., 555 Simpson, D., 2045 Perrin, N., 1721 Ruaud, A.-F., 375 Singh, R. S., 503 Peterhansel, C., 1891 Rupprecht, J., 157 Singhvi, A., 887 Peters,J . E., 1237 Russo, S. M., 1601, 1657 Sinsheimer,J . S., 419 Petes, 1. D:, 237 Slate,J. , 651 Pfaffelhuber, P., 527 Saeed, M., 669 slater, $.C., Sil Piepho, H.--P., aa Saffer, A. M., 2001 Slatkin, M., 2253 Plank,J . L.,3 5% Safir, I. J., 1237 email b. L., 517 Plucinak, T., os Sakaguchi, A., 317 Smith, C. P., 1285 Plys, A. J., 747 Sakaizumi, M., 2157 Smith, D. R., 1601 Potter, B. ee 123 Salem, A., 773 Smith, G. R., 1157 Pretsch, W., 1345 Salinas, T., 113 Smith, T. F., 1601, 1657 Primmer, a R., 1479 Sambandan, D., 1079 Sohlberg, B., 187] Prisco, A., 717 Sampson,J. , 593 Sommer, F., 137 Promislow, D. E. L., 2061 San-Segundo, P. A., 1197 Sommer, S. S., 1795 Sandal, N., 2299 Soto, M. C., 1957 ae Qian, M., 6: 5 / Sanders, L. R., 441 Spelman, R. J., 1503 Qian, W., 2: 516 Sandmeyer, L., 1861 Spencer, H. G., 1469 Qu, L.-H., 21 Sandulache, R., 1345 Staelens,J. , 917 Quesada, H., 539 Sargent, D. J., 2045 Stahl, F. W., 701 Qvarnstrém, A., 1479 Sato, H., 1601 StapleyJ,. , 651 Sato, K., 875 Star, B., 1469 Rabinow, L., 1973 Sato, S., 2299 Starmer, W. T., 2037 Radoev, M., 1547 Saule, S., 1345 Steele, M. C., 1795 Raisner, R. M., 1933 Sawa, H., 1357 Stephan, W., 527 Author Index Stern, D. B., 125 Valente, V. L. S., 1601 Wold, M. S., 1263 Steward, R., 317 Vallon, O., 3, = Wolfe, K. H., 1681 Stift, M., 2113 van Dijk, K., 69 Wolff,J . N., 1029 Stock, M., 1721 van Heerwaarden, B., 2135 Wolfner, M. F., 1395 Stougaard, J]., 2299 VanHulle, K., 1845 Won, M., 1871 Strelets, V., 1601 Vasco, D. A., 951 Wright, S. 1, 581, 985 Struckhoff, E. C., 1957 Vayl, A., 1845 Wu, R., 627 Stuart,J . R., 1785 Vercauteren, I., 917 Su, N., 2239 Vernon, M., 237 Xu, M., 1657 Subedi, K. P., 2163 Verreault, A., 1769 Xu, S., 1045 Sudi, J., 227 Vibranovski, M. D., 2325 Xu,Y . Sun, K., 637 Viggiano, S., 1945 Sun, N., 1693 Vilain, E., 419 Vinogradova, E., 113 Yamamoto, A., 1327 Tabata, S., 2299 Vogt, N., 1313 Yamamoto, Y., 1357 Tackett, A. J., 291 Vuylsteke, M., 917 Yandell, B. S., 1089, 25 Takahasi, K. R., 1705 Vyskot, B., 1129 Yang, B., 793 ‘Tan, A;; 627 Yang, H., 2037 Tange, Y., 785 Yang, H.-C., 1057 Taverna, S. D., 291 Waldmann, P., 1101 Yang,J. , 345 Tecklenburg, M., 1757 Wallace, D. C., 727 Yanowitz,J . L., 249 Tefft, D. L., 2583 Walther, D., 157 Yap,J . S., 627 Therond, P., 429 Wan, J., 2239 Yarden, O., 1313 Thippeswamy, U., 34! Wan, X., 2239 Yeom, J.-H., 1871 Thomas,J . W., 1455 Wang,J ., 2239 Yi, N., 1045, 2275 Thompson, G. J., Wang, W., 487, 1823 viaiciesaaiidh S., 2037 Thorgaard, G. H., Wang, Y., 177 York, T. L., 497 Thorsness, P. E., Wapinski, I., 977 Yoshida, K., 1601 Tienderen, P. H., Wasserman, M., 1601 Yu, 627 ‘Tobari,; ¥..N., 1601 Watts, T., 1601 Togawa, C., 277 Weckwerth, W Tomimura, Y., 1601 Weeks, D. P., 1 Zaus, |., 1345 Toro, M. A., 683 Weiss,J. , 157 Zavala, N., 345 Torres, E. M., 737 Weiss, K. M., sige S., 1989 Travis,J . M. J., 941 Welz-Voege le, e;. Zhai, H., 2239 Trejos-Espinosa, R., 3 Wendel, J. F., 17 Trotter, M. V., 1469 Weng, J., 9939 Tsaih, S.-W., 693 Wheeler, G. :, 19S Tuck, S., 375 Wheeler, P. A., 1559 Turner, L. M., 2075 Whiteley, inf 1903 ‘Turner, TF. L., 455 Widmer, A., | 129° Turnipseed, E. B., 226% ia B. | omeo k Wienkoop, S., 157 Zhou, | Udall, J. A., 1725 bison C. O., 603 Zimmer, S. L.. 125 Ungru, i.8 29 Willi, Y., 2135 Zinovyeva, A. Y., 1357 Usadel, B., 157 bc BR: 137 Ziv GC. 1355 Vage> De Es EES Willis, J. H., 1425 Zou, Y., 1881 Vaiman, D., 723 Wilson, R., 1601 Zwarts, L., 1327 KEYWORD INDEX to Volume 179, May—August 2008 5-fluorouracil (5FU), 323 bacterial evolution, 511 bacterial genomes, 2291 ABCG2, 1539 balanced polymorphism, 517 Acp29AB, 1395 barren inflorescence, 389 Acp36DE, 1395 bean, 2299 Acp62F, 1395 behavior, 1033 Acps, 1395 behavioral genetics, 1079, 1455 adaptation, 455, 907, 2061 beneficial mutation effects, 907 adaptive radiation, 1903 birds, 651, 1479 ADP/ATP carrier, 1285 Blast, 95 advanced intercross, 1069 BLM, 1157 aggression, 1327 Bombyx mori, 875 aging, 2061 bottleneck, 965 Agrobacterium, 511 branch, 389 albuminuria, 693 branching, 627 aldo-keto reductase, 2325 branching process, 603 allele frequencies, 497 break-induced replication, 1845 allelic series, 1345 breakpoints, 1657 allopolyploid, 581 bromodomain, 291 alternative polyadenylation (APA), 167 bub3, 785 altruism, 1337 amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), C-type lectin, 193 917, 927, 1129 C57BL/6J, 2147 anadromy, 1559 C7orf2/LMBR1, 2163 aneuploidy, 237, 1823 Caenorhabditis elegans, 249, 375, 403, 811, 2001 Candida albicans, 705 apolipoprotein E (APOE), 693 candidate genes, 997 apoptosis, 887 canine breed, 2163 appaloosa spotting, 186] cattle, 1503 apparent directional selection, 1135 causally cohesive genotype phenotype (cGP) model, approximate Bayesian computation, 927 1113 Arabidopsis lyrata, 985 92 Cbf5, 32 3, Argonaute, 69 CBK1, 1313 artificial selection, 503, 1389 Ccr4, 345 ascertainment bias, 927 Ccr4-Not complex, 277 ascogonia, 1313 cDNA termini, 83 asexual evolution, 603, 2125 cell cycle, 345, 863, 1757 ASFI1, 793 cell death, 403 Asian cultivated rice, 965 cell migration, 1357 Aspergillus nidulans, 1919 cell size, 345 association, 1033 centromere identity, 263 association study, 637 chameau, 475 assortment, 2091 chaperone, 1301 ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM), 1919 chdl, 475 Aurora, 1823 checkpoint, 757, 863 autopolyploid, 581 chicken, 1591 auxin transport, 389 chinook, 1113 avian evolution, 1479 Chlamydomonas, 7, 41, 95, 125, 167, 193 axillary meristem, 389 Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, 17 7 background selection, 1513 chloroplast translocation, 95 bacterial artificial chromosome-—fluorescence in situ chromatin, 757, 1263, 1757, 1891 hybridization (BAC-FISH), 1211 chromatin remodeling, 475 2336 Keyword Index chromosomal rearrangements, 651, 1425, 1479, 1657 DNA damage, 793 chromosome evolution, 1169 DNA damage checkpoint, 1197 2 chromosome rearrangements, 23 2313 DNA double-strand break repair, 213, 1237 chromosome segregation, 263 DNA polymerase, 1795 chromosome structure, 511, 1237 DNA repair, 1179, 1197, 1835 chromosome translocations, 237 DNA transposon, 999] chromosomes, 773 DNA2, 237 cline, 475, 517 DNase I subdomain, 187] Clns, 345 Dobzhansky—Muller interactions, 1425 coalescence, 951 dog, 593 coalescent, 527 dog breed, 1033 coalescent simulation, 539 domestication, 965, 997 or coalescent theory, 555, 1409 dominance, 1101, 21 IO color marker, 705 dominance ratio, 1547 comparative genetic mapping, 2045 dorsocentral (DC) bristles, 1989 comparative genomics, 651 dosage balance, 2319 comparative mapping, 1479 Dotl, 1197 complex disease, 637 double fertilization, 829 complex traits, 1577 double reduction, 2113 complexity, 2061 double-strand break repair (DSB), 1157, 1835 computational inference, 951 double-strand DNA breaks, 1845 congenital stationary night blindness, 1861 Drosophila, 317, 429, 843, 855, 977, 1021, 1263, 1373, contextual analysis, 899 1601, 1989, 2325 Coregonus, 1903 Drosophila LIM-only (DLMO), 1989 correlated selection pressures, 1469 Drosophila melanogaster, 503 Costal-2, 429 dRYBP, 1373 crossing over, 747, 1221 duplicability, 2319 CrSUMO, 177 dynamic model, 1113 Crtl, 199 Cse4, 263 education, 115] cyclical parthenogen, 1497 embryo, 829 cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK), 863 embryogenesis, 71] CYP79D15, 517 endocytosis, 375 cytological mapping, 1211 endosperm, 829 cytotype, 1785 engulfment, 403 entropy, 637 dairy cattle, 1539 environmental sensitivity, 1539 Daphnia, 1497 environmental stress, 177 de novo origination, 487 enzymopathy, 855 DEAD-box proteins, 1945 epigenetics, 69 degradosome, 1871 epistasis, 1425, 1591, 1705, 2 5, 2213 demography, 555 EST-genome mapping, 83 developmental homeostasis, 475 99" eusocial, 1337 Dfdist, 539 evolution, 31, 941, 1757, 2173, 2319 DH test, 1009 evolutionary model, 1681 di- and trimethylation, 317 evolutionary potential, 2135 Dicer, 69 evolvability, 941 diffusion, 497 exonuclease, 125 dioecy, 1129 exosome, 125, 323 disconnected, 441 expressed sequence tags (ESTs), 83, 2075 disease genetics, 1741 expression profiling, 1275 disease resistance, 1527 expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL), 1903 disomic inheritance, 2113 eye development, 1345 disruptive selection , 2091 diversity, 985 DMY, 2157 DNA binding, 1263 f[DNA replication, 1795 Keyword Index ferredoxin, 59 genome evolution, 1455, 1657, 2045 fertilization, 2075 genome sequencing, 1211 fine mapping, 2239 genome stability, 249 Fisher model, 907 genomewide, 637 fission yeast, 757, 785 genomewide association scan, 1057 flagellar disassembly, 7 genomic imprinting, 1389 fluorescence, 705 genomic in situ hybridization (GISH), 1169 fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), 1169, 2173 genomic variation, 455 Fragaria, 2045 genotype-by-environment interactions (GEIs), 627, frequency, 1029 1079 frequency-dependent selection, 2091 genotype—phenotype map, 1591 fringe, 875 Geobacter, 2291 Frizzled (Frz), 1357 germination heterogeneity, 2263 Fused, 429 Gibbs sampler, 110] GLC8, 1823 G)-phase cyclins, 345 glu, 475 gametic effect, 1389 glutathione peroxidase (GPX), 41 gametic imprinting, 1389 glycolysis, 855 gametophyte, 1425 gonad development, 419 gap gene, 441 grain quality, 997 gap repair, 125] grain width and shape, 2239 Gasterosteus aculeatus, 2173 green alga, 113 gene conversion, 2229 group selection, 899 gene diversity, 539 oe rowth, 829 gene dosage, 1681, 2319 gulliver, 1313 gene duplication, 21, 2319 gene expression, 7, 1861, 1881 half-crossing over, 199 gene flow, 1469 Hamilton’s rule, 899 gene genealogy, 2195 haplotype, 997 gene number polymorphism, 1021 haplotype blocks, 569 gene regulation, 1903 helicase, 1251, 1757 gene silencing, 359 heritability, 1101 gene-by-environment interaction, 1539 heterochiasmy, 651 gene-centric, 637 heterochromatin, 359, 122] gene-specific markers, 2299 heteromorphy, 2173 genetic analysis, 2263 heterosis, 1275, 1547 genetic architecture, 159] heterozygosity, 539 genetic association, 1741 hidden Markov model (HMM), 497 genetic causation, 1741 hierarchical models, 1045 genetic differentiation, 683 high mass accuracy, 157 genetic diversity, 683, 2195 Hill—Robertson effect, 621 genetic drift, 2135 Hill-Robertson interference, 1513 genetic drive, 2013 histone acetylation, 277 genetic hitchhiking, 1513 Histone acetyltransferase (HAT), 757 genetic inference, 1741 histone H3, 291 genetic map, 1601 histone H4 lysine20, 317 genetic markers, 1503 histone methyltransferase, 317 genetic model, 1113 histone modification, 1197 genetic recombination, 1845 histone modifications, 359 genetic stability, 2147 histones, 263 genetic structure, 927 hitchhiking, 985 genetic variability, 2147 homeodomain, 887 genetic variation, 1101 homing endonuclease genes (HEGs), 2013 genetics, 1151 homolog pairing, 1125 genome, 1601 homologous, 773 genome annotation, 157 horse, 1861 genome duplication, 1681 hotspot paradox, 2229 2338 Keyword Index Hsp70, 1301 mammals, 977 Hsp90/Hsp70 chaperone machine, 331 map expansion, 1069 human evolution, 2183 Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), 927, 1045 human genome, 1693 Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm, Hutterites, 1577 2275 hybrid breakdown, 1425 mass spectrometry, 157 hybrid dysgenesis, 1785 maternal effects, 899 hybrid male sterility, 2213 mating, 1395 hybridization, 2213 mating-type switching, 1807 Hyla arborea, 1721 maximum likelihood (ML), 2183 hyphal morphogenesis, 1919 MCAK, 1823 HyPhy, 1009 McDonald and Kreitman (MK) test, 1009 hypomorph mutation, 1345 MED15, 1721 mediator complex, 1721 identifiability, 1101 meiosis, 747, 773, 1125, 1221 inbred strain, 2147 meiotic recombination, 1157 inbreeding, 593, 683, 2135 membrane potential, 1285 index of dispersion, 977 metabolic repression, 1891 indirect genetic effects, 899 metabolomics, 157 insulator, 1263 metal biology, 811 insulin, 843 methyl methanesulfonate (MMS), 1197 interval mapping, 1337 methylating agents, 1835 intronic cluster, 21] microarrays, 7, 455, 1395, 1903 invasion, 941 microRNAs, 429 Qo” inversion polymorphism, 1455 microsatellite DNA, 13 ae iron deficiency, 137 microsatellites, 965, 14 79, 2195 iron-sulfur (Fe-S) protein, 59 migration, 1559 miniature inverted-repeat transposable element jaguar’, 711 (MITE), 2291 minisatellite, 1693 kernel weight, 1057 mismatch repair (MMR), 747, 1251, 1835 kinetochore, 263 mitochondria, 149 mitochondrial DNA, 1285 La protein, 113 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), 843 laboratory, 1151 mitosis, 863 large pedigrees, 1577 mitotic recombination, 1179 larval development, 1079 MLH3, 747 least squares (LS), 951 model legumes, 2299 linamarin, 517 model organism, 593 linkage analysis (LD), 2163 molecular marker, 1693 linkage disequilibrium (LD), 527, 569, 1057, 1497, morphology, 1033, 1559 1503, 1705 mortal germ line, 249 linkage map, 917 mortality, 206] local adaptation, 1881 mouse, 693, 1345 locomotion, 1327 Mre11-Rad50-Xrs2 (MRX), 213 LOH1/YJLO38C, 1179 mRNA 3’-end formation, 167 longevity, 1033 mRNA metabolism, 1945 loss of heterozygosity (LOH), 1179 Msh2-Msh3, 1807 lotaustralin, 517 MtDNA, 1029 Lycopersicon esculentum, 1437 Muller’s ratchet, 621, 1513, 2125 multi-species conserved sequence, 2163 M/LWS pigments, 2037 multiple isoforms/alternative promoters/kinase, macrosynteny, 2045 1973 maintenance of genetic variation, 503, 1469 multiple quantitative trait loci (QTL), 1045 maize, 389, 1275 multiple traits, 2275 MAL-activator mutations, 331 Muroid rodents, 2075 MAL-activator regulation, 331 mushroom body, 1327

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