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Genetica (2006) 127:367-369 Contents Volume 127 2006 Contents Volume 127 Nos. 1-3 May 2006 Reversed selection responses in small populations of the housefly (Musca domestica L.) L.M. Meffert, J.L. Regan Heritability of sperm length in the bumblebee Bombus terrestris B. Baer, G. de Jong, R. Schmid-Hempel, P. Schmid-Hempel, J.T. Heeg, J.J. Boomsma Phylogenomics of several deer species revealed by comparative chromosome painting with Chinese muntjac paints L. Huang, J. Chi, W. Nie, J. Wang, F. Yang Multiple nucleolus organizer regions in Leptodactylus mystacinus (Amphibia, Anura) and comments on its systematic position in the L. fuscus group based on cytogenetic and molecular analyses A.P. Zampieri Silva, C.F. Baptista Haddad, G.G. Galassi, S. Kasahara Characterization of a novel satellite DNA sequence from Flying Dragon (Poncirus trifoliata) B. De Felice, R.R. Wilson, L. Ciarmiello, M.T. Scarano, S. Ferrante Molecular diversity and relationships of North American Elymus trachycaulus and the Eurasian E. caninus species G. Sun, H. Tang, B. Salomon Phylogeny of the caniform carnivora: evidence from multiple genes L. Yu, Y. Zhang Absence of hypomethylation and LINE-1 amplification in a white x black rhinoceros hybrid G. Dobigny, P.D. Waters, T.J. Robinson Correlation between hordatine accumulation, environmental factors and genetic diversity in wild barley (Hordeum spontaneum C. Koch) accessions from the Near East Fertile Crescent A.K. Batchu, D. Zimmermann, P. Schulze-Lefert, T. Koprek Choosing the right molecular genetic markers for studying biodiversity: from 101-120 molecular evolution to practical aspects C. Anne Ecological-genetic feedback in DNA repair in wild barley, Hordeum spontaneum 121-132 A. Lupu, E. Nevo, I. Zamorzaeva, A. Korol A tandemly repetitive centromeric DNA sequence of the fish Hoplias malabaricus 133-141 (Characiformes: Erythrinidae) is derived from 5S rDNA C. Martins, 1.A. Ferreira, C. Oliveira, F. Foresti, P.M. Galetti Jr Molecular genetic variation of boll weevil populations in North America estimated with microsatellites: Implications for patterns of dispersal K.S. Kim, T.W. Sappington Identification of quantitative trait loci for larval morphological traits in interspecific 163-175 hybrids of Ochlerotatus triseriatus and Ochlerotatus hendersoni (Diptera: Culicidae) J.R. Anderson, J.R. Schneider, P.R. Grimstad, D.W. Severson 368 Genetic diversity of the endangered Chinese endemic herb Primulina tabacum (Gesneriaceae) revealed by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) X. Ni, Y. Huang, L. Wu, R. Zhou, S. Deng, D. Wu, B. Wang, G. Su, T. Tang, S. Shi hAT element population genetics in Anopheles gambiae sl. in Mozambique 185-198 D.A. O’Brochta, R.A. Subramanian, J. Orsetti, E. Peckham, N. Nolan, P. Arensburger, P.W. Atkinson, D.J. Charlwood Longevity differences among lines artificially selected for developmental time and 199-206 wing length in Drosophila buzzatii I. Soto, M. Cortese, V. Carreira, G. Folguera, E. Hasson Fitness effects of Wolbachia and Spiroplasma in Drosophila melanogaster 207-215 H. Montenegro, A.S. Petherwick, G.D.D. Hurst, L.B. Klaczko Adaptive evolution in a spatially structured asexual population 217-229 I. Gordo, P.R.A. Campos Genetic variability of fragmented stands of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) in 231-241 Finland P. Vakkari, A. Blom, M. Rusanen, J. Raisio, H. Toivonen Genomic organization and evolution of the 5S ribosomal DNA in Tilapiini fishes 243-252 F.A. Alves-Costa, A.P. Wasko, C. Oliveira, F. Foresti, C. Martins The female-killing chromosome of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, was generated by 253-265 translocation between the Z and W chromosomes T. Fujii, N. Tanaka, T. Yokoyama, O. Ninaki, T. Oshiki, A. Ohnuma, Y. Tazima, Y. Banno, M. Ajimura, K. Mita, M. Seki, F. Ohbayashi, T. Shimada, H. Abe Characterization of two HMW glutenin subunit genes from Taenitherum Nevski 267-276 Z.-H. Yan, Y.-M. Wei, J.-R. Wang, D.-C. Liu, S.-F. Dai, Y.-L. Zheng Banding pattern of A and B chromosomes of Prochilodus lineatus (Characiformes, 277-284 Prochilodontidae), with comments on B chromosomes evolution R.F. Artoni, MR. Vicari, A.L. Endler, Z.l. Cavallaro, C.M. de Jesus, M.C. de Almeida, O. Moreira-Filho, L.A.C. Bertollo Heterogeneous evolution of microsatellites revealed by reconstruction of recent 285-293 mutation history in an invasive apomictic snail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum D. Weetman, L. Hauser, G.R. Carvalho Cytological mechanism of pollen abortion resulting from allelic interaction of F, 295-302 pollen sterility locus in rice (Oryza sativa L.) Z.-S. Zhang, Y.-G. Lu, X.-D. Liu, J.-H. Feng, G.-Q. Zhang Chromosome plasticity in Ctenomys (Rodentia Octodontidae): chromosome 1 303-309 evolution and heterochromatin variation A. Novello, S. Villar Associations between environmental stress, selection history, and quantitative 311-320 genetic variation in Drosophila melanogaster W.R. Swindell, J.L. Bouzat Phylogenetic conservation of chromosome numbers in Actinopterygiian fishes 321-327 J.E. Mank, J.C. Avise Effects of coancestry on accuracy of individual assignments to population of origin: 329-340 examples using Great Lakes lake trout (Sa/velinus namaycush) B. Guinand, K.T. Scribner, K.S. Page, K. Filcek, L. Main, M.K. Burnham-Curtis 369 Karyology of the Antarctic scallop Adamussium colbecki, with some comments on 341-349 the karyological evolution of pectinids G. Odierna, G. Aprea, M. Barucca, A. Canapa, T. Capriglione, E. Olmo The N-terminus of Himar 1 mariner transposase mediates multipie activities during 351-366 transposition M.G. Butler, S.A. Chakraborty, D.J. Lampe Volume contents 367-369 Author Index 371

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