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Genetic Effects of Air Pollutants in Forest Tree Populations: Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of the IUFRO Working Parties Genetic Aspects of Air Pollution Population and Ecological Genetics Biochemical Genetics held in Großhansdorf, August 3–7, 1987 PDF

196 Pages·1989·4.73 MB·English
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Preview Genetic Effects of Air Pollutants in Forest Tree Populations: Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of the IUFRO Working Parties Genetic Aspects of Air Pollution Population and Ecological Genetics Biochemical Genetics held in Großhansdorf, August 3–7, 1987

F. Scholz H.-R. Gregorius D. Rudin (Eds.) Genetic Effects of Air Pollutants in Forest Tree Populations Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of the IUFRO Working Parties Genetic Aspects of Air Pollution Population and Ecological Genetics Biochemical Genetics held in GroBhansdorf, August 3-7, 1987 With 34 Figures Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York London Paris Tokyo Hong Kong FLORIAN SCHOLZ Bundesforschungsanstalt flir Forst- und Holzwirtschaft Institut flir Forstgenetik und Forstpflanzenziichtung Sieker LandstraBe 2 D-2070 GroBhansdorf 2 HANS-ROLF GREGORIUS Georg-August UniversiHit Gottingen Abt. flir Forstgenetik und Forstpflanzenziichtung Biisgenweg 2 D-3400 Gottingen DAG RUDIN Department of Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology S-90183 Umea ISBN-13 :978-3-642-74550-8 e-ISBN-13: 978-3-642-74548-5 DOl: 10.1007/978-3-642-74548-5 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data. Genetic effects of air pollutants in forest tree popula· tions. Proceedings of the joint meeting of the IUFRO working parties Genetic Aspects of Air Pollution, Population and Ecological Genetics, Biochemical Genetics, held in Grosshansdorf, August 3-7, 1987. Includes index. 1. Trees-Effect of air pollution on-Genetic aspects-Congresses. 2. Forest genetics Congresses. I. Scholz, Florian. II. Gregorius, H.-R. (Hans-Rolf), 1942-. III. Rudin, Dag. IV. IUFRO Working Party "Genetic Aspects of Air Pollution." V. IUFRO Working Party "Ecological and Population Genetics." VI. IUFRO Working Party "Biochemical Genetics." QK751.G381989 582.16'05222 89-11262 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms,or in other ways, and storage in data banks. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is only permitted under the provisions of the German Copyright Law of September 9, 1965, in its version of June 24, 1985, and a copyright fee must always be paid. Violations fall under the prosecution act of·the German Copyright Law. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1989 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1989 The use of registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publication does not impfy, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. 213113145-543210 - Printed on acid-free paper Preface The present volume reflects the recently increased awareness that air pollutants may introduce selective effects which endanger the genetic multiplicity of forest tree species. The communications are based on lectures given at a meeting on "Genetic Effects of Air Pollution in Forest Tree Populations" held in 1987 in GroBhansdorf (Fed. Rep. Germany) and orga nized by the working parties "Ecological and Population Genetics", "Geneti~ Aspects of Air Pollutants", and "Biochemical Genetics" of the International Union of Forest Research Or ganizations (IUFRO). In accordance their objectives, these working parties covered problems of general significance, problems directly related to the topic, and methodical aspects. During the preparation of this volume, it turned out that some of the methods of analysis and interpretation applied might deserve more explanation in order to be accessible to a wider audience. To serve this need, in Chapter 1 additional papers are included which refer to basic methodical aspects of genetic research in forest ecosystems, and which also deal with genetic implications in non-genetic research. Chapter 2 is dedicated to papers on phenotypic and genetic variation in response to pollutants, thus describing and analyzing the basis on which selection can operate. Papers on selection effects of pollutants are then collected in Chapter 3. To provide means of comparison, particularly with short-lived plants, where selection can be expected to proceed more rapidly than in forest tree species, this chapter also contains a paper on Silene cucubalus. Since the selective forces exerted by air pollutants can endanger the genetic multiplicity of populations and even whole species, a fourth chapter treats problems of preservation of genetic resources. A concluding paper summarizes the discussions at the meeting. In many areas of non-genetic ecological research, the fundamental role played by the amount and patterns of genetic variation within species in the preservation of their adapt ability is still largely underestimated. Thus, in view of the global man-made changes caused by CO increase, apparent tendencies towards recovery of polluted forests from deleterious 2 impacts may just be of a temporal nature, since the genetic changes caused by these impacts may only in later generations prove to inhibit the persistence and re-establishment of viable ecosystems. It is hoped that the present collection of papers will help to improve the under standing of the importance of the genetic consequences of environmental pollution and, in particular, air pollution. The editors express their deep appreciation for the excellent work of the reviewers, and they wish to thank all of those who contributed to the meeting and participated in the preparation of the proceedings. The help of Sigrid Schmaltz in typesetting the manuscript on the computer was invaluable. GroBhansdorf, Gottingen, Umea., December 1988 The editors Table of Contents Chapter 1: Methods of sampling and genetic analysis The attribution of phenotypic variation to genetic or environmental variation in ecological studies. H.-R. GREGORIUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Isoenzymes, indicators of environmental impacts on plants or environmentally stable gene markers? F. BERGMANN, H.-R. GREGORIUS, F. SCHOLZ 17 Chapter 2: Variation in response to pollutants Variation in and natural selection for air pollution tolerances in trees. D.F. KARNOSKY, P.C. BERRANG, F. SCHOLZ, J.P. BENNETT 29 Structure and first results of a research program on ecological genetics of air pollution effects in Norway spruce. F. SCHOLZ, H. VENNE . . . .. 39 Response of Picea abies (L.) Karst. provenances to aluminum in hydroponics. TH. GEBUREK, F. SCHOLZ ..................... 55 Variation in needle wax degradation in two silver fir provenances differentiated by tolerance to air pollution. P. RADDI, C. RINALLO . . . . . . . . .. 67 Natural variation in sensitivity of reproductive processes in some boreal forest trees to acidity. R.M. Cox ................... . 77 Effects of air pollutants on reproductive processes of poplar (Populus spp.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). H. VENNE, F. SCHOLZ, A. VORNWEG 89 Chapter 3: Selection effects of pollutants Genetic studies in populations of Silene cucubalus occurring on various polluted and unpolluted areas. J.A.C. VERKLEIJ, W.B. BAST-CRAMER, P. KOEVOETS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 107 Studies of Scots pine populations in polluted and clean areas. L.E. MEJNARTOWICZ, B. PALOWSKI . . . . . . . . . . 115 Genetic implications of environmental stress in adult forest stands of Fagus sylvatica L .. G. MULLER-STARCK . . . . . . . . . . 127 Selection effects of air pollution in Norway spruce (Picea abies) populations. F. BERGMANN, F. SCHOLZ. . . . . . . . . . 143 Chapter 4: Preservation of genetic resources The importance of genetic multiplicity for tolerance of atmospheric pollution. H.-R. GREGORIUS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 Gene resources and gene conservation in forest trees: General concepts. M. ZIEHE, H.-R. GREGORIUS, H. GLOCK, H.H. HATTEMER, S. HERZOG 173 Measures for the conservation of forest gene resources in the Federal Republic of Germany. H.-J. MUHS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 Implications of genetic effects of air pollution on forest ecosystems - Knowledge gaps - D.F. KARNOSKY, F. SCHOLZ, TH. GEBUREK, D. RUDIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 Contributors You will find the addresses at the beginning of the respective contribution BAST-CRAMER, W.B. 107 MEJNARTOWICZ, L.E. 115 BENNETT, J.P. 29 MULLER-STARCK, G. 127 BERGMANN, F. 17,29,143 MUllS, H.-J. 187 BERRANG, P.C. 29 P ALOWSKI, B. 115 Cox, R.M. 77 RADDI, P. 67 GEBUREK, Th. 55,199 RIN ALLO, C. 67 GLOCK, H. 173 RUDIN, D. 199 GREGORIUS, H.-R. 3,17,163,173 SCHOLZ, F. 17,29,39,55,89,143,199 HATTEMER, H.H. 173 VENNE, H. 39,89 HERZOG, S. 173 VERKLEIJ, J.A.C. 107 KARNOSKY, D.F. 29,199 VORNWEG, A. 89 KOEVOETS, P. 107 ZIEHE, M. 173 Chapter 1: Methods of sampling and genetic analysis The attribution of phenotypic variation to genetic or environmental variation in ecological studies HANS-RoLF GREGORIUS Abteilung fur Forstgenetik und Forstpfianzenziichtung, Georg-August Universitii.t Gottingen, Biisgenweg 2, 3400 Gottingen, Fed. Rep. Germany Abstract: In ecological studies the causal analysis of phenotypic variation in natural popu lations is frequently based on either environmental or genetic variables only. This situation requires specially adapted methods of sampling in order to detect environmental or genetic effects, respectively, on the phenotypic variation. It is demonstrated that simple random sampling is not an appropriate method since, as a rule, genetic types cannot be assumed to be distributed at random over environments. A generally applicable alternative is provided by 'pairwise sampling'. This structured sampling method is based on a decomposition of the population into subpopulations within each of which random association of genotypes and environments can reasonably be assumed. The procedure consists in sampling at random an individual from the total population, and then, given the subpopulation to which this individual belongs, sampling at random a second individual from the same subpopulation. It is argued that in many situations sampling of nearest neighbours meets the requirements of pairwise sampling. Sufficient conditions for inferring genetic or environmental effects, respectively, on the phenotypic variation are derived. Introduction The basic causes to be considered in any analysis of phenotypic variation are of genetic and/or environmental origin. With particular reference to the theme of the present volume, namely the effects of air pollutants on forest decline, the necessity to consider both these classes of causes was emphasized and demonstrated by Scholz (1988). In artificially founded populations or controlled experiments such an analysis is usually performed with the help of routine techniques of the analysis of variance, which requires, of course, that both classes of causes be properly distinguishable in the experimental design. A completely different situation arises when anaylses of phenotypic variation are to be conducted in natural populations, in which the prerequisites of standard experimental design are rarely realized. Moreover, in the vast majority of studies of natural populations, either of the basic classes of causes, genetic or environmental, is not or cannot be included into the observations. Hence, the anaylsis of phenotypic variation must rely on finding some type of correlation either between phenotypes and environmental conditions or between phenotypes and genetic types. The analysis of these situations is the topic of the present paper. F. Scholz, H.-R. Gregorius and D. Rudin (Eds.) Genetic Effects of Air Pollutants in Forest Tree Populations © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1989 4 According to the above remarks three types of information must be distinguished in studies of the genetic and/or environmental causes of phenotypic variation in natural popula tions: (1) both genetic and environmental variables are explicitly included in the observations, (2) genetic but not environmental variables, and (3) environmental but not genetic variables are explicitly included. With respect to (1) problems of inference arise in the conventional analysis of variance if genotypes and environments are not associated at random (which is likely to be the rule in natural populations), however, such problems can be overcome by the analysis of norms of reaction (Gregorius 1977, Suzuki et al. 1981, p.821ff and, in particular, p.824). With respect to (2) and (3), where the detection of either only genetic or only envi ronmental effects on the phenotypic variation are of concern, neither the analysis of variance nor the analysis of norms of reaction are applicable since only one of the two basic causal variables enters into the observations. Even though the latter situation is very common in ecological studies, as was empha sized above, its analysis appears still to be largely based on intuitive reasoning rather than on conceptual rigour. For example, a frequently applied method of analysis of the effects of an environmental variable on a phenotypic response variable consists in defining a 'control' environment, within which the phenotypic variation is compared with that of the other en vironments. If the distribution of phenotypes differs significantly among the environments, i.e. if stochastic independence of environments and phenotypes is not realized, environmental effects are inferred to participate in the generation of the phenotypic variation observed in the population. It is recognized that the correctness of this conclusion may depend to some de gree upon the mode of distribution of the members of the population over the environments, yet, an assessment of this uncertainty is usually not made or cannot be made. Because of the symmetry of the problem, analogous remarks apply to the analysis of genetic effects on phenotypic variation if environmental factors are not explicitly considered. Non-random associations among genotypes and environments, which are common in natural populations, can arise due to various forces with the effect of feigning genetic or environmental effects on phenotypic variation in random samples of individuals taken from the total population. For example, strong correlations between phenotypes and environments can be produced solely by genotypes at gene loci that affect two traits pleiotropically, where one but not the other of the two traits is under observation. If the trait not under observation is subject to local adaptations (thus creating non-random distribution of genotypes over environments), this may imply a non-random distribution of the observed trait over the environments. Herewith the expression of the observed trait may be completely unaffected by the environmental conditions in question despite its strong statistical correlation with these. For two genotypes gl, g2 in two environments C1, C2 this situation can be represented by the following genotype-environment response function gl g2 C1 t1 t2 C2 t1 t2 5 where t1 and t2 are the expressions of the trait under observation. Hence, in this example, the phenotypic differences are solely due to genetic differences. Furthermore, assume that (as a consequence of differential local adaptations for the non-observable and pleiotropically controlled trait) within each environment the two genotypes occur in proportions specified in the following table gl g2 C1 q1 1-q1 C2 q2 1-q2 Clearly, among all individuals in environment C1, q1 specifies both the proportion of indi viduals with phenotype t1 and the proportion with genotype gl. Similarly, q2 is both the proportion of individuals with phenotype t1 and with genotype gl among all individuals in environment C2. Hence, a study of the effects that the two environments C1 and C2 have on the phenotypic variation represented by the types t1 and t2 would be concerned with the estimation of the frequencies q1 and q2 of phenotype t1 in each of the environments C1 and C2. A significant difference between these two estimates is then usually accepted as a sufficient indication for the involvement of environmental effects in the phenotypic variation. This erro neous conclusion emanates from the non-random association of genotypes and environments implied by q1 f. q2, and it is inevitable as long as the inference is based on a simple random sample taken from the total population without explicit consideration of the possibility of the existence of genetic effects. Analogous criticisms apply, of course, to the use of genotype-phenotype correlations as means for the detection of genetic effects. Differences in the distribution of genotypes between phenotypic classes found in random samples taken from a population may be solely due to environmental effects combined with non-random associations of genotypes and environments. At the other extreme, random associations of genotypes and environments may as well complicate the detection of actually existing genetic or/and environmental effects on the phenotypic variation. Again consider the situation of two genotypes gl, g2 and two envi ronmental conditions C1, C2, where the phenotype t1 is now realized by both genotype gl in environment C1 and genotype g2 in environment C2. Similarly, phenotype t2 is realized by genotype gl in environment C2 and by genotype g2 in environment C1. The deterministic genotype-environment response function is thus assumed to be as given in the following table: gl g2 C1 t1 t2 C2 t2 t1 In this example the response functions of the two genotypes are completely different, and the same is true of the response functions of the two environmental conditions. Hence, both genetic and environmental effects on the phenotypic variation do indeed exist. Furthermore, assume that the two genotypes are distributed at random over the two environments and that equal numbers of individuals are exposed to each environment. Consequently, the dis tribution of genotypes is the same within each of the two phenotypic classes. Not knowing the underlying response function, the absence of genetic effects on the phenotypic differences

Air pollutants provide environmental conditions that drastically differ in many respects from those to which forest trees are naturally adapted. Leading experts in the field here consider these questions of immediate relevance arising from the changing environment: (1) Do air pollutants introduce ef
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