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Genetic distinction of roe deer {Capreolus pygargus Pallas) sampled in Korea PDF

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by  H S Koh
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Preview Genetic distinction of roe deer {Capreolus pygargus Pallas) sampled in Korea

Home ränge and habitat utilization ofmale Felissilvestris 369 showed avoidance of fields/meadows in venting wildcat recovery from low popula- spring{x2 = 28.63,df=4,p< 0.001)andused tion numbers. habitats in proportion to their availability during summer (j2 = 1-75, df=4, p = 0.78). The average annual home ränge size of Acknowledgements 1662 ha in this study was larger than ranges reported for radiocollared male wildcats in The presented project was part of a study con- previous studies (Corbett 1979; Stahl et ducted at the Institute of Biogeography at the al. 1988). However, MCP seasonal ränge University of the Saarland, Germany. I thank sizes in this study were smaller than seaso- Dr.P.Müller,InstituteofBiogeography,Univer- nal MCP ränge sizes recorded for male sity of the Saarland for financial support and addedtelemetrydataandH.Cariusfortelemetry wdiilcadtciantgs itnhaStwithzoemrelanrdän(gLeibesriezeks19i9n9)m,ailne- fliaenl,d wDorr.k.UrIsaBrmeittheannmkfouslert,o Darn.dBrRuocgeerMcRLaeml-- European wildcats vary under different charita for comments on earlier drafts of this ecological conditions. Use of home ranges manuscript. Dr.Anne Olson and Dr.Dan is believed to be exclusive in areas where Weary provided helpful comments on Statistical lagomorphs dominate the diet as opposed analyses. to exclusiveness only for animals of the same sex in areas where rodents dominate the diet (Stahl et al. 1988). As the ener- References getic requirements ofwildcats increase with the number of prey items required to fulfil Corbett,L.K. (1979): Feedingecologyandsocial their energy demand (Hemmer 1993), the Organization of wildcats (Felis silvestris) and observed differences in ränge sizes may be domestic cats (Felis catus) in Scotland. Diss. explained by differences in availability and thesis,UniversityofAberdeen,U.K. abundance ofprey. Fischer,H. (1989):Rheinland-PfalzundSaarland - Eine geographische Landeskunde. Darm- First order selection (Johnson 1980) of stadt:Wiss.Buchgesellschaft. areas inhabited by European wildcats have Hatlapa,H.;Wiesener,H. (1982): Die Praxisder highlightedthe importance oflarge forested Wildtierimmobilisation. Hamburg: Paul Pa- areaswithClearingsinterspersed toincrease rey. the amount of edge (e.g. Vogt 1985; Hem- Hemmer,H. (1993): Felissilvestris Schreber, 1777 mer 1993). First order selection would be - Wildkatze. In: Handbuch der Säugetiere strongly influenced by persecution by peo- Europas.Ed.ByJ.NiethammerandF.Krapp. ple and resulting extirpation from large Wiesbaden: Akad. Verlagsges. Vol. 5/II, 1076-1118. areas ofsuitable habitat. Johnson,D.H. (1980): The comparison of usage Third order selection using radio-telemetry and availability measurements for evaluating has been studied in east central France resourcepreference.Ecology61,65-71. (Stahl 1986). Results of this study are con- Kenward,R.E. (1995): Ranges V: An analysis sistent with Stahl (1986) with seasonal to- Systemforbiologicallocationdata.Userman- tal ranges including 40 to 66% of forested ual, Wareham, Dorst, U.K.: Institute of Ter- areas showing the importance of cover to restrialEcology. wildcats. Because 65 to 74% of the loca- Liberek,M. (1999): Eco-Ethologie du chat sau- tions encompass more than 1 habitat cate- vage Felis s. silvestris Schreber, 1777 dans le gory, the importance of habitat boundaries, JuraVaudois (Suisse);Influence delacouver- especially forest edge was indicated. The ture neigeuse. Diss. thesis,UniversitedeNeu- animals studied showed individual and sea- chätel,Switzerland. Mohr,C. O. (1947): Table of equivalent popula- sonal Variation in habitat selection. The tions of North American small mammals. flexibility of wildcat habitat use during this Am.Midi.Nat.37,223-249. study indicates the ability ofwildcats to live Neu,C.W; Byers,C.R.; Peek,J.M. (1974): A in forested landscapes altered by humans technique for analysis ofutilization-availabil- and suggests that habitat may not be pre- itydata.J.Wildl.Manage.38,541-545. 370 H.U.WlTTMER Piechocki,R. (1990): Die Wildkatze. Wittenberg: vestrisSchreber, 1777)indenlinksrheinischen A.ZiemsenVerlag. Landesteilen von Rheinland-Pfalz und Bei- Slädek,J. (1973): Jahreszeitliche und jahresbe- trägezuihrerBiologie.BeiträgeLandespflege dingte Veränderung der Nahrung der Wild- Rheinland-Pfalz10, 130-165. katze {Felis silvestris Schreber, 1777) in den White,G. C; Garrott,R.A. (1990): Analysis of Westkarpaten. Zool.Listy22,127-144. wildlife radio-tracking data. New York: Aca- Stahl,P. (1986): Le Chat forestier d'Europe {Fe- demicPress. lissilvestris Schreber, 1777): exploitations des Worton,B.J. (1989): Kernelmethodsforestimat- ressources et Organisation spatiale. Diss. the- ing the utilization distribution in home-range sis,UniversiteNancyI,France. studies.Ecology70, 164-168. Stahl,P.; Artois,M.; Aubert,M.F.A. (1988): Organisation spatiale et deplacements des chat forestiers adultes {Felis silvestris Schre- Author's address: ber, 1777) en Lorraine. Rev. Ecol. 43, 113— HeikoU.Wittmer, Faculty of Agricultural 132. Sciences, University of British Columbia, #270- Vogt,D. (1985): Aktuelle Verbreitung und Le- 2357 Main Mall, Vancouver, B.C, Canada, V6T bensstätten der Wildkatze {Felis silvestris sil- 1Z4 (e-mail: [email protected]) Mamm. biol. 66 (2001) 371-375 ^Ittfe. Mammalian Biology © Urban & FischerVerlag ^^P" http://www.urbanfischer.de/journals/mammbiol Zeitschriftfür Säugetierkunde Short commurrication Genetic distinction of roe deer (Capreolus pygargus Pallas) sampled in Korea By H. S. KOH and E. Randi Department of Biology, Chungbuk Um'versity, Korea and Istituto Nazionale per La Fauna Selvatica, Ozzano deU'Emilia, Bologna, ItaLia ReceiptofMs. 17. Ol. 2001 AcceptanceofMs. 30.05. 2001 Key words: Capreoluspygargus, mitochondrial DNA, moleculartaxonomy The roe deer (genus Capreolus, Artiodacty- eastern Siberia, and C.p. tianschanicus, la, Cervidae) includes twospecies: the smal- from Tian Shan and eastern Asia, including ler European (C. capreolus) and the larger Korea. Other authors referred to roe deer Siberian (C. pygargus) roe deer (Groves populations from Korea as a distinct sub- and Grubb 1987; Sokolov and Gromov species, e.g., C.p. bedfordi (Sokolov and 1990; Hewison and Danilkin 2001), which Gromov 1990), or C.p. ochracea (Barclay have widespread distributions in central- 1935). The genetic basis and taxonomical western Europe, and in Asia and east Eu- significance of morphological Variation rope, respectively. They show a number of among Siberian roe deer populations are diagnostic morphologic, chromosomal and still unclear. Aim of this study is to assess DNA traits (Groves and Grubb 1987; the genetic distinction and clarify the taxo- Heptner et al. 1989; Douzery and Randi nomic Status of the C.pygargus population 1997; Randi et al. 1998a). Populations of from Cheju Island in Korea. the two species occur in putative contact Three specimens ofroe deer from Cheju Is- zones in the Caucasus, where C capreolus land in Korea were collected and muscle is distributed at the southern slopes and sampleswere storedin a deep-freezer. Total DNA C.pygargus at the northern slopes of the cellular was extracted from muscle mountainranges, and alongthe riversVolga samples digested for 2hours at 55°C in and Don (Heptner et al. 1989; Danilkin 500 ul of STE buffer (0.1 M NaCl, 10mM 1996). However, most probably European Tris-HCl, ImM EDTA, pH8.0), 25 ul of and Siberian roe deer populations do not 10 mg/ml Proteinase K stock Solution, and hybridize in nature where they overlap in 25 ul of 20% SDS Solution. DNA was ex- distribution (Danilkin 1996; Hewison and tracted with equal volumes of phenol- Danilkin 2001). chloroform and Chloroform, precipitated Populations of the Siberian roe deer show with 2 volumes of ethylalcohol, and resus- extensive body size and coat colour varia- pended in 50 ul ofdistilled water. The Solu- bility, and up to six subspecies were recog- tion was incubated at 37°C for 30min with nized (Grubb 1993). However, recentlyDa- 5 ul of 10 mg/ml RNase stock Solution, and nilkin (1996) and Hewison and Danilkin DNAwas extracted again. (2001) recognized only two subspecies: The entire mtDNA CR was PCR-amplified C.p.pygargus, from western and part of using primers L-Pro and H-Phe (Douzery 1616-5047/01/66/06-371 $15.00/0. 372 H.S. KoHetal. and Randi 1997; Randi et al. 1998b) and AJ311188 and AJ311189). The average the following thermal cycle: 94°C for TN93 genetic distance between the Cheju 5 min; 94°C for 1min, 72°C for 1min, samples and European or Siberian roe deer 54°C for 1 min (32 cycles); 72°C for 5 min. was 4.5%, and 2.5%, respectively. Roe deer PCR-amplified products were purified from Cheju showed two distinct mtDNA using the DNA PrepMateTM kit (Bioneer CR haplotypes, which diverged at 0.2% of Co., Cheongwon-gun, Korea), and se- their sequences. Moreover, we have aligned quenced using an automated DNA sequen- partial mtDNA CR sequences, 679 nucleo- cer (Perkin Elmer 377) at the Korea Basic tide long, obtained from 23 samples of Eu- Science Institute (Daejeon). ropean, Siberian, and Korean roe deer. The new mtDNA CR sequences were Equally weighted MP analysis of the CR aligned with homologous complete (Dou- alignment (with 47 parsimony-informative zery and Randi 1997) and partial (Randi characters) produced 90 trees (length et al. 1998b) sequences, using the Computer L= 81; consistency index CI = 0.617; reten- program ClustalX (Thompson et al. 1997). tion index RI = 0.881). The 50% majority- Phylogenetic analyses were performed by rule consensus tree is equivalent to the NJ maximum parsimony (MP), using paup* phylogenetic tree, which is shown in 4.0b2a (Swofford 1998), with unordered Fig. 1. character states (uninformative nucleotide MP and NJ trees concordantly showed that: positions excluded), 10 replicates of ran- (1) European and Siberian roe deer se- dom addition of terminal sequences and quences split into two divergent evolution- TBR branch swapping, and by neighbor- ary lineages (BP = 100%); (2) Siberian roe joining procedure (NJ; Saitou and Nei deer sequences split into three significantly 1987), with Tamura and Nei (1993) DNA different evolutionary lineages (BP= 70%- distances (TN93), using PAUP*. Majority- 100%), including roe deerfrom east Siberia rule (50%) consensus trees were con- (Amur Region), Korea, and west Siberia structed when multiple equally parsimo- (Kurgan Region); and (3) roe deer se- nious topologies resulted from MP analyses. quences from Korean individuals joined Robustness ofthe phylogenies was assessed into a monophyletic dade (supported by by bootstrap percentages (BP; Felsenstein BP = 91%), which was nested within the Si- 1985), with 1000 random resamplings. berian roe deer clade which is the sister Clades can be considered significantly sup- clade ofthe roe deer sampledinthe Kurgan ported when BP values are >70%. Region (west Siberia). PCR products were clean Single bands of Thus, mtDNA sequences support a genetic the expected molecular weight, and the se- distinction between west Siberian and far quencing allowed unambiguous nucleotide eastern roe deer, in accordance with both identifications. Regional Organization ofthe Sokolov and Gromov (1990) and Danilkin CR from Capreolus was concordant with (1996) taxonomical listings. The new data from other cervid CRs (Douzery and mtDNA sequences analysed in this study Randi 1997; Randi et al. 1998b; Nagata et strongly suggest that roe deer from Cheju al. 1998; Cook et al. 1999; Randi et al. island are more closely related to popula- 2001), thus suggesting that they represent tions sampled from the geographically dis- true mtDNA sequences and not nuclear co- tant Kurgan Region in west Siberia (C p. pies. The CR of Capreolus includes a cen- pygargus) thantothose from the geographi- tral conserved region (CR-II), a left domain cally close Amur region in south-east Sibe- (CR-I, on the tRNAs Thr and Pro side), ria (Fig. 1). The mtDNA sequences from and a right domain (CR-III, on the tRNA Cheju Island form a significantly distinct Phe side; not shown). clade within C. pygargus, thus indicating A complete alignment 926 nucleotide long that roe deer from Korea belong to distinct was obtained (the new sequences are avail- populations, and supporting Sokolov and able from the GenBank with accession nos. Gromov's (1990) view that roe deer from Systematics ofroe deerin Korea 373 the far east including Korea, should be kept gion, and it is bound on the north by north- distinct from the other Siberian roe deer eastern China andfar eastern Russia. Cheju populations. The Korean peninsula is a part Island, the largest ofthe southern Korea is- of eastern Asia within the Palaearctic re- lands, originated by a series of volcanic ac- 91 ^ iK\oorreeaarn_1.1 Cheju Island (Korea) KorearM.2and1.3 ^ i— Siberian_1.1 Ii— Siberian_1.2 West Siberia IL Capreolus pygargus ]_ (Kurgan Region) 1 Siberian_1.3 100 —— Siberian_1.4 |qq i— Siberian_2.1 East Siberia (Amur Region) Siberian 2.2 European_l.l European_3.2 European_4.1 50 European_1.2 European^5.1 i— European_2.1 L European_3.1 Capreolus capreolus European_7.1 European_3.3 European_5.2 European_6.1 European_6.5 76 - European_6.4 0.001 nucleotidesubstitutions Fig. 1. Neighbor-joining tree (rooted using homologous C. elaphus mtDNA CR sequences as outgroups; not shown) dustering mtDNA CR haplotypes from Capreolus, computed using Tamura and Nei (1993) DNA distances. Atinternodes are reportedthe bootstrapvalues>50%. FortheIdentificationofC. pygargus (Siberian) and C. ca- preolus(European) haplotypes, see: Randietat. 1998b.

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