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EuropeanHeartJournal(1999)20,174–195 ArticleNo.euhj.1998.1220,availableonlineathttp://www.idealibrary.comon WorkingGroupReport Genetic and molecular basis of cardiac arrhythmias Impact on clinical management S. G. Priori, J. Barhanin, R. N. W. Hauer, W. Haverkamp, H. J. Jongsma, A. G. Kleber, W. J. McKenna, D. M. Roden, Y. Rudy, K. Schwartz, P. J. Schwartz, J. A. Towbin and A. Wilde* Introduction ology relevant to arrhythmias. Rather, they try to put into a very practical perspective the ways in which Clinical cardiologists who manage arrhythmias are ongoing progress in genetics may aVect day-to-day increasingly faced with new complexities in manage- clinical management. ment decisions. The once obscure science and jargon of Therecognitionthatdiversityincardiacelectro- medical genetics is assuming a much more prominent physiology and indeed in many aspects of cardiac func- position in the mainstream medical literature, with tion can be attributed to variable expression of specific seemingly weekly reports of new mutations to explain genes or variability in the function of their protein what once seemed very obscure diseases. This rapidly products has the potential to alter the way in which we expanding knowledge base places the clinician—who think about normal and abnormal electrical heart func- usually trained when the concepts were not a major tion. The third part of the article reviews the potential component of the medical school or fellowship training for a genetic approach to understanding diversity in curricula—at a disadvantage in making day-to-day cardiac function, focusing in particular on ion channels decisionswithrespecttomanagingcommonsymptoms, and gap junction proteins as the central players in such as unexplained syncope or heart failure. Even normal and abnormal electrophysiology. Moreover, entertaining a diagnosis such as the congenital long QT integration of molecular function into a single cell and syndrome or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy used to be of single cells into cellular networks reveals a multitude a medical curiosity. Now, with increased public and of interactions eventually determining the generation physician awareness of these and even more esoteric and conduction of the cardiac action potential and, conditions, the questions on patient management have therefore, arrhythmogenesis. becomemorecommon,andmorecomplex.Theyinclude Thistextistheoutcomeofaworkshopconvened not only broad questions like ‘How can I establish (or bytheStudyGrouponMolecularBasisofArrhythmias better yet, rule out) a diagnosis?’ but also more specific oftheWorkingGrouponArrhythmiasoftheEuropean issues such as ‘Should this patient undergo genetic Society of Cardiology. testing? Where? How? And how can I interpret the results?’ Thefirstandsecondpartsofthisarticleattempt Inherited arrhythmogenic disorders toanswerthesequestions.Theyneitherteachmolecular geneticsnordotheyprovideanexhaustivereviewofthe Long QT syndrome current state-of-the-art of molecular and genetic cardi- The long QT syndrome is a familial disease[1,2] Key words: Sudden cardiac death, genetics, arrhythmia, characterized by abnormally prolonged ventricular re- moleculardiagnosis,basicelectrophysiology. polarization and a high risk of malignant ventricular tachyarrhythmias, occurring often, but not always, in *See Appendix for details of Workshop on which this report is thesettingofhighadrenergicactivity,thatis,physicalor based. emotional stress. Two major clinical syndromes have Manuscriptsubmitted14July1998,andaccepted15July1998. beencharacterizedbasedonthepatternoftransmission of the disease: a more common autosomal dominant This article is also published in Circulation, Volume 99: 2 and 9February1999. form with a pure cardiac phenotype (Romano–Ward[3]) andarareautosomalrecessiveformcharacterizedbythe Correspondence:SilviaG.Priori,MD,PhD,MolecularCardiology coexistence of cardiac abnormalities and congenital and Electrophysiology Laboratory, Fondazione ‘S. Maugeri’ IRCSS,ViaFerrata,8,27100Pavia,Italy. deafness (Jervell and Lange-Nielsen[4]). 0195-668X/99/030174+22$18.00/0 Cardiac arrhythmias 175 Table 1 Mutations in families with familial dilated cardiomyopathy Disease Locus Gene Reference XLCM Xp.21.2 Dystropin Muntonietal.[70] Muntonietal.[71] Milasinetal.[72] Ortiz-Lopezetal.[68] Barth Xq28 G.4.5 Bioneetal.[69] ADDCM 1q32 ? Durandetal.[73] 2p31 ? Siuetal.[74] 9q13-q21 ? Krajinovicetal.[75] 10q21-q23 ? Bowlesetal.[76] 3p22-p25 ? Olsenetal.[78] 15q14 Actin Olsenetal.[79] CDDC 1p1-1q1 ? Kassetal.[77] FHCM 1q3 cTnT Thierfelderetal.[39] Watkinsetal.[54] 3p MELC Poetteretal.[38] 7q3 ? MacRaeetal.[43] 11p11.2 MyPBC Bonneetal.[40] Watkinsetal.[41] 12q23-q24.3 MRLC Poetteretal.[38] 14q11-q12 BetaMHC Geisterferetal.[37] 15q2 AlfaTM Thierfelderetal.[39] Watkinsetal.[54] 19p13.2-q13.2 ? Kimuraetal.[42] FA.Fib 10q22-q24 ? Brugadaetal.[89] PFHB-I 19q13.2-q13.3 ? Brinketal.[90] DeMeeusetal.[92] LQTS(R–W) 3p21-p23 SCN5A Wangetal.[9] 4q25-q27 ? Schottetal.[8] 7q35-q36 HERG Curranetal.[12] 11p15.5 KvLQT1 Wangetal.[5] 21q22.1-p22 minK Splawskietal.[15] LQTS(JLN) 11p15.5 KvLQT1 Neyroudetal.[19] Splawskietal.[20] 21q22.1-q22 minK Schultze-Bahretal.[16] ARVD 1q42-q43 ? Rampazzoetal.[61] 14q12-q22 ? Severinietal.[60] 14q23-q24 ? Rampazzoetal.[59] 2q32.1-q32.2 ? Rampazzoetal.[62] NAXOS 17q21 ? Coonaretal.[58] F-IVF 3p21-p23 SCN5A Chenetal.[82] XLDCM=X-linked dilated cardiomyopathy; ADDCM=autosomal dominant dilated cardio- myopathy; Barth=Barth syndrome; CDDCC=conduction defect and dilated cardiomyopathy; FHCM=familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; FA.Fib=familial atrial fibrillation; PFHB- I=progressivefamilialheartblocktypeI;LQTS(R–W)=longQTsyndromeRomano–Wardtype; LQTS(JLN)=longQTsyndromeJervellandLange-Nielsentype;ARVD=arrhythmogenicright ventricular cardiomyopathy; NAXOS=Naxos disease; F-IVF=familial idiopathic ventricular fibrillation. Long QT syndrome genes ofthesefivelocihavebeendescribed,sothereareother Five loci[5–8] have been associated with the Romano– disease genes. The recognition that the long QT syn- Ward long QT syndrome and they are located on dromeisactuallyagroupofionchanneldiseaseswitha chromosomes3,4,7,11and21(Table1).Asillustrated similar phenotype has led to the new terminology for in Fig. 1, four long QT syndrome disease genes, each mutations:(i)LQT1onKvLQT1,(ii)LQT2onHERG, encoding an ion channel protein, have been identified: (iii) LQT3 on SCN5A, (iv) LQT5 on minK. Although SCN5A,encodingthecardiacsodiumchannel(chromo- theprevalenceofeachvariantofthelongQTsyndrome some3)[6,9–11];HERG,encodingtheI potassiumchan- has not been precisely defined, LQT1 is the most fre- Kr nelprotein(chromosome7)[6,12];KvLQT1,encodingthe quentlyencounteredform,whereasLQT3andLQT5are alpha subunit of the I potassium channel protein rare. Ks (chromosome 11)[5,13,14] and KCNE1, encoding minK, an ancillary subunit for the I channel complex (chro- Mutations in long QT syndrome genes Ks mosome 21)[15,16]. The gene at the chromosome 4 locus Most of the mutations identified to date in the long (LQT4)hasnotbeenidentified.Familieslinkedtonone QT syndrome genes are missense mutations. These EurHeartJ,Vol.20,issue3,February1999 176 Working Group Report HERG: 7q35–36 KvLQT1: 11p15·5 N P P minK: 21q22·1-22·2 C N C N C SCN5A: 3p21–23 N C Figure1 LQTSgenes Chromosomallocationsofthegenesandpredictedtopologyoftheionchannel proteins associated with the genetic variants of the LQTS. mutations are not confined to a single location but are the gene (for example, close to the regions encoding found at various positions within each gene in diVerent specific structures such as the pore, the voltage sensor, families. Thus, in most aVected families, the long the S1–S6 region, or the N or C-terminal portions) or QT syndrome is due to a distinctive, or ‘private’ mu- thetypeofmutation(thenatureoftheaminoacidsub- tation. This remarkable genetic heterogeneity probably stitution, missense mutation vs deletions or insertions) contributestothevariabilityintheclinicalpresentation. may also play a role. A few mutational ‘hot-spots’ (such as specific positions within a gene mutated in multiple families) Functional consequences of mutations have been identified in KvLQT1[17] and HERG[18]. Un- ThechannelscarryingI andI aremultimeric;thatis, Kr Ks relatedkindredsworldwidewiththesamemutationcan alleles from both parents are thought to contribute to therefore be studied to test the logical hypothesis that the channel complexes. When mutations in KvLQT1, they share common clinical or epidemiological features. KCNE1orHERGareexpressedaloneorwithwild-type Contrary to expectations, initial studies indicate that alleles in oocytes or in other cell lines, they exhibit ‘loss substantial phenotypic heterogeneity remains even with offunction’,i.e.thetotalcurrentcarriedbythedefective an identical long QT syndrome gene abnormality. This, channel complexes is reduced. Some of the mutations in turn, suggests that variable expression of as-yet- not only reduce current but also modify channel unidentified ‘modifier genes’ contributes to the clinical kinetics. Many HERG and KvLQT1 mutations have manifestations of the disease. beenidentifiedas‘dominantnegative’becausewhenthe TheJervellandLange-Nielsen(autosomalreces- mutant protein is co-expressed with the native pro- sive)variantofthelongQTsyndrome(inwhichaVected tein[13,14,26,27]theresultingdefectincurrentexceeds50%. subjects have especially long QT intervals) arises in One explanation for this phenomenon is that incorpor- individuals who inherit abnormal KvLQT1 or minK ation of a single abnormal protein subunit into the allelesfrombothparents.Theabnormalallelecanbethe tetrameric channel structure is suYcient to alter the same(usuallyinconsanguineousfamilies)[19,20]ordiVer- overall behaviour of the current. ent (‘compound heterozygosity’)[16]. Thus, parents of By contrast, mutations in the SCN5A channels subjects with Jervell and Lange-Nielsen carry long QT causea‘gainoffunction’[10,11].Thesemutationsproduce syndrome mutations, although most (but not all) are a persistent late sodium current which is not present aysmptomatic. Recently, a family with apparent auto- physiologically and which is due to defective inactiva- somalrecessivelongQTsyndromewithoutdeafnesshas tion. In all described mutations, the sodium current is also been identified[21]. These findings all suggest that increased because of late reopenings of the channels, ‘gene dosage’ determines the phenotype (two abnormal while in the three amino-acid deletion (˜KPQ) long alleles appear worse than one), and also highlights the lastingburstsofchannelactivityarealsopresent.These extraordinary variability in the long QT syndrome mutationsalsodiVerinseverity,withthe˜KPQdeletion phenotype[22–25]. The location of the mutations within being associated with a quantitatively larger increase in EurHeartJ,Vol.20,issue3,February1999 Cardiac arrhythmias 177 latesodiuminwardcurrent[11].ItisgenerallydiYcultto shouldshortenQTinthemaswell.Theputativeroleof develop specific therapies for loss of function (for I in cardiac physiology suggests an especially favour- Ks example, the K+ channel defects described above). By ableeVectofbeta-blockadeandtheavoidanceofvigor- contrast, the gain in abnormal function exhibited by ous increase in heart rate (i.e. competitive sports) in mutantSCN5Ageneproductsraisesthepossibilitythat LQT1 and LQT5. These examples demonstrate that acurecouldbeaccomplishedbypharmacologicalagents gene-specific therapy may be feasible in the long QT that inhibit the ‘gained’ function, i.e. block the late syndrome.However,itshouldbeemphasizedthatlong- I . Indeed, some data suggest that these currents termtrialsarenotyetavailable,andthat,atthepresent Na are especially sensitive to block by mexiletine or time, beta-blockers remain the first choice therapy. lidocaine[10,11]. Drug-induced long QT syndrome Genotype–phenotype correlations It has long been postulated that drug-induced long QT The diVerent time and voltage dependence of the ionic syndromemightrepresentagenetically-mediated‘forme currents involved in the long QT syndrome may help fruste’ of the long QT syndrome[32]. Recent studies explain some aspects of the variable phenotype and have identified relatively large numbers of individuals raise the possibility of gene-specific treatment. Indeed, who carry ‘silent’ mutations on long QT syndrome available data on several hundred genotyped patients genes[22–25]. Thus, these persons, whose long QT syn- indicate the existence of gene-specific diVerences in the dromemutationsbythemselvesproduceanalterationin triggers for cardiac events[28]. Exercise-related events repolarizing currents that is insuYcient to prolong the dominate the clinical picture in I -related long QT QT interval at rest, may be especially sensitive to any Ks syndrome(LQT1)[28].I isthepredominantK+ current drugsthataVectsK+ currents.Thecombinationofeven Ks inconditionsofhighsympatheticactivity,particularlyat amodestdegreeofI blockade,inducedbyavarietyof Kr shortercyclelengths.Thus,reducedI willbepredicted drugsusedformultiplepurposes[33]andthesilentmuta- Ks to lead to inadequate action potential shortening with tions could produce a major prolongation in action adrenergic stress and thereby account for the high potential that triggers the onset of Torsades de pointes. prevalenceofarrhythmiceventsinthesepatientsduring Indeed, occasional patients with typical drug-induced exercise. By contrast, most LQT3 patients experience long QT syndrome and underlying mutations on long events during sleep or at rest; they are also able to QTsyndromegeneshavenowbeenidentified.However, markedlyshortentheirQTintervalduringexercise[29].In therarityofthisphenomenonmeansthatgenetictesting these cases, it seems likely that the presence of normal in patients with drug-induced long QT syndrome is not K+ currents produces normal action potential shorten- yet warranted in the absence of other indications (for ing during exercise; however, at rest, defective inactiva- example, family history, long baseline QT)[34,35]. tionofI willresultinanincreaseintheplateauinward Na Na+-current. This apparently ‘nice’ distinction between LQT1andLQT3is,however,complicatedbythereality Familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy that LQT2 patients also tend to display events both at rest and during exercise, thus pointing to the persistent Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy[36] is transmitted as an limitations in current understanding. autosomal dominant disease. Its clinical phenotype is There is an emerging sense that gene-specific characterized by unexplained and inappropriate clinical therapy may be feasible for some forms of long QT left and/or right ventricular hypertrophy, which may be syndrome.Thisrelatedbothtopharmacologicaltherapy severe4to5cm),mildorevenabsent.Characterization aswellastoadviceregardinglifestyle.Adisorderbased of the distribution of left ventricular hypertrophy is ondisturbedinactivationkineticsofthesodiumchannel arbitrary, but by convention hypertrophy is considered (LQT3) seems likely to respond to a sodium channel to be either asymmetric septal hypertrophy, concentric blocker. Indeed, in LQT3 patients, the QT-interval or predominantly distal ventricular. Any pattern of seems to shorten more than in LQT1 and in LQT2 hypertrophy, however, may be seen including hyper- patients in response to mexiletine, but individual trophyconfinedtotheposteriororfreewall.Character- exceptions do exist[29] and significant shortening of QT istic histological features included myocyte disarray intervals by sodium channel blockers has been reported surrounding areas of increased loose connective tissue. in some LQT2 patients[30]. It is also possible that Clinically, there is marked haemodynamic while mexiletine or similar drugs shorten QT in LQT3, heterogeneityamongpatientswithfamilialhypertrophic beta-blockade might still be required to suppress cardiomyopathy. Systolic function may be hyper- arrhythmias. As the amplitude of I increases when dynamic (with or without obstruction), ‘normal’ or Kr extracellular potassium concentration is increased, at- impaired (10–15%). Diastolic dysfunction is the usual tempts have been undertaken to increase K+ levels in physiological abnormality, although the precise abnor- longQTsyndromepatients.Todate,theQTintervalhas malityofventricularfillingandcomplianceisextremely beenshowntoshortensignificantlyinLQT2patients[31], variable. but neither LQT1 nor LQT3 patients have been tested Familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy-related withthisapproach.BecauseI functionisnormalinthe arrhythmias occur both at the ventricular and at the Kr latter subjects, elevating potassium to increase I atrial level. Importantly, sudden cardiac death in Kr EurHeartJ,Vol.20,issue3,February1999 178 Working Group Report 1q3: cTnT ACTIN 19p13·2–19q13·2: cTnl 15q2:alpha TM 11p11·2:MYBPC3 3p: MELC MYOSIN ? 14q11: beta MHC 12q23–24·3: MRLC 7q3 Figure 2 FHCM genes Chromosomal locations of the genes and locations of the sarcomeric proteins associated with the genetic variants of FHCM. familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is not necessarily troponin I on chromosome 19[42]. An additional locus caused by ventricular arrhythmias. Atrial fibrillation in has been identified on chromosome 7 in a large family thepresenceofanaccessorypathway,bradyarrhythmias with both familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and andischaemiamayallleadtosuddendeath.Inb-myosin cardiac preexcitation (WolV–Parkinson–White)[43]. heavy chain related patients (probably the majority), The prevalence of the diVerent gene abnormali- hypertrophy itself does not seem to be the main deter- ties in familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is being minantofmalignantventriculararrhythmia.Onecaveat delineated. To date, information on less than 100 geno- ininterpretingelectrophysiologicalchangesintheseset- typed families suggests that mutations in beta-myosin tings is that a common secondary response to injury heavy chains and myosin binding protein C are more (such as pressure overload or coronary occlusion) is common than the others. In addition to this locus cardiac hypertrophy, which in diseased hearts produces heterogeneity, there is, as in the long QT syndrome, furtherfunctionalchanges,notablyincalciumhandling. marked allelic heterogeneity for all the recognized dis- Thus, the extent to which any of the observed electro- easegenes,andtodatemorethan85diVerentmutations physiological alterations are primary or secondary to have been reported (for reviews see[34,44,45]). The the response to the disease process requires further majorityofmutationsaremissensemutations,although, study. for the cardiac myosin binding protein C gene, most of the mutations lead to an early stop codon, resulting Familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy genes in truncated mutant proteins[46]. Functional studies of As illustrated in Fig. 2, there is considerable genetic mutant myosin indicates that sarcomeric contractile heterogeneity in familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. performance is depressed[47–49]. This in turn suggests Mutations in seven sarcomeric protein genes have been that myocyte hypertrophy characteristic of familial identified in families with familial hypertrophic cardio- hypertrophic cardiomyopathy reflects a compensatory myopathy (Table 1). These are: (1) beta-myosin heavy response. The molecular (or other) determinants of chainonchromosome14[37];(2)cardiacessentialmyosin myocyte disarray and myocardial fibrosis (interstitial light chain on chromosome 3[38]; (3) cardiac regulatory and replacement) remain unclear. It may well be that myosin light chain on chromosome 12[38]; (4) cardiac these latter responses relate to the type of mutation troponinTonchromosome1[39];(5)alphatropomyosin (e.g. greater with troponin-related disease) and that on chromosome 15[39]; (6) cardiac myosin binding sudden death and clinical arrhythmia are the clinical protein-C on chromosome 11[40,41]; and (7) cardiac consequences of extensive disarray and fibrosis. EurHeartJ,Vol.20,issue3,February1999 Cardiac arrhythmias 179 Genotype–phenotype correlations (14q23-q24 and 14q12- q22)[59,60]. A third locus was Information on the genotype–phenotype relation in locatedonchromosome1(1q42-q43)[61],andthefourth familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is still prelimi- on[62]chromosome2(2q32.1-q32.2)(Table1).Theauto- nary,asthepublisheddataongenotypedpatientsrelates somal recessive syndrome variant of arrhythmogenic toonlyafewhundredindividualsfromcentresthatmay rightventriculardysplasiahasbeenlinkedtoalocuson reflect diVerent referral biases. It is nevertheless clear chromosome 17 (17q21), within the gene encoding that the phenotype varies not only with the type of a keratin, a reasonable candidate for the entity[58]. mutation, but also within individuals bearing the same Further advances will facilitate recognition of the mutation. The 403 codon in beta-myosin is a hot spot non-arrhythmic clinical presentations and the broader for mutations; the arginine to glutamine mutation is phenotype of arrhythmogenic right ventricular associated with a poor prognosis, whereas the arginine dysplasia/Naxos disease (Table 1). to tryptophan mutation appears more benign[50–52]. Current practice suggests that if the ECG and two- dimensionalechocardiogramarenormalbyage25,then Dilated cardiomyopathy thepatientcanbesafelyreassuredthatheorshewillnot develop clinical familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Dilated cardiomyopathy is a genetically heterogeneous However,myosinbindingproteinCmutationsappearto andclinicallyheterogeneousdisease[63],whichcanaVect be associated with age-related penetrance during adult newborns, children, adolescents, adults and the elderly. life[40,41,53]. Further information confirming the impres- The disease may be associated with other organ or sion that adult onset of disease is an important feature muscle abnormalities or present as a pure disorder. seen with myosin binding protein C mutations would Malignant life-threatening ventricular arrhythmia as thus have a significant impact on management and well as atrial arrhythmia with a serious impact on counselling.ThediseasecausedbytroponinTmutations cardiac function are frequently associated with the dis- appears associated with mild or absent hypertrophy, a order. As in familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, 20 to 25% incidence of non-penetrance and a high sudden death in dilated cardiomyopathy may also be incidenceofprematuresuddendeath(possiblygreaterin caused not only by ventricular arrhythmias but also by young men although the numbers are small) which can bradyarrythmias. Whenever spontaneous ventricular occur even in the absence of significant clinical left arrhythmia have been clinically documented, the induc- ventricular hypertrophy[54–56]. ibility and reproducibility of the arrhythmia in electro- physiological studies is usually low, favouring the possibility of a predominant role for non-reentrant Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia mechanisms[64,65]. At least 30% of cases of dilated cardiomyopathy are inherited (that is, familial dilated Arrhythmogenicrightventriculardysplasiaisarecently cardiomyopathy, familial dilated cardiomyopathy) with recognised familial cardiomyopathy[57]. The disease is a significant percentage of the remaining cases being characterized by fibro-fatty replacement of the right acquired (that is, myocarditis, ischaemic heart disease ventricularmyocardiumandlife-threateningventricular etc.). Inherited dilated cardiomyopathy may have tachyarrhythmias originating from the right ventricle. autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, X-linked or Occasionally, the left ventricular myocardium is in- mitochondrial transmission (Table 1). volved as well. Disease progression is associated with left ventricular involvement (50%), atrial dilatation and Molecular basis of dilated cardiomyopathy arrhythmias with embolic risk. Malignant ventricular To date, genes for X-linked and autosomal dominant arrhythmiasareacommonmanifestationofthedisease. dilatedcardiomyopathyhavebeenmapped,demonstrat- Inducibility and reproducibility in the clinical electro- inggeneticheterogeneity[66].ThegenesfortwoX-linked physiological laboratory is high, suggesting that re- cardiomyopathies have been identified: the dystrophin entrant mechanisms related to the distinctive structural genewhichisalsoresponsibleforDuchenneandBecker changes are likely. The disease appears especially com- muscular dystrophy[67,68], and G4.5 in Barth Syndrome moninNorthEasternItaly(prevalence1:1000)withan (X-linked cardioskeletal myopathy with neutropenia, autosomal dominant inheritance (30%). An autosomal abnormal mitochondria and 3-methylglutaconic recessive variant of arrhythmogenic right ventricular aciduria)[69].Multiplemutationsinbothgeneshavealso dysplasia which is associated with a distinctive extra- been reported[68–72]. cardiac phenotype (woolly hair and palmoplantar kera- Dystrophin is a large cytoskeletal protein which toderma)hasbeenreportedfromtheislandofNaxosin is found on the inner face of the sarcolemma and Greece[58]. attaches at its N-terminal domain to F-actin in the matrix and to the dystrophin-associated glycoprotein Molecular basis of arrhythmogenic right ventricular complex (an oligomeric transmembrane protein) at its dysplasia C-terminal domain. The protein encoded by the G4.5 To date, four loci for autosomal dominant arrhyth- gene is called ‘tafazzin’ but its function is unknown. mogenicrightventriculardysplasiahavebeenidentified, Genes for autosomal dominant dilated cardio- two of which are in close proximity on chromosome 14 myopathy have been mapped to six diVerent loci thus EurHeartJ,Vol.20,issue3,February1999 180 Working Group Report far.‘Pure’dilatedcardiomyopathyhasbeenlocalizedto channels[88].Laterduringthe‘remodelling’thatappears 1q32, 2p31, 9q13, and 10q21-q23[73–76], while dilated to accompany chronic atrial fibrillation, changes in cardiomyopathy with conduction defects has been expression and/or distribution of connexin proteins mapped to 1p1-1q1[77] and 3p22-3p25[78]. Recently, and/or other ion channel proteins, as well as changes in mutations in cardiac actin[79] located on chromosome cellular ultrastructure, may play a role. 15q14 have been identified, therefore so far actin is the Inherited atrial fibrillation is considered uncom- only known gene for autosomal dominant dilated car- mon and has been reported with autosomal dominant diomyopathy.Basedonthisfinding,Olsenetal.[79]have transmission. Recently, familial atrial fibrillation has now proposed that dilated cardiomyopathy results as a been mapped to 10q22-q24 (a region of approximately consequenceofdefectivetransmissionofforceincardiac 11cM)inthreefamilies[89].Expansionofthepreviously myocytes leading to heart failure. identified kindreds has allowed further refining of the map position and limitation of the gene critical region. A fascinating issue concerning atrial fibrillation is its association with other disorders, such as dilated Idiopathic ventricular fibrillation and the cardiomyopathy, familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Brugada syndrome andLQT4andthepossibilitythatamutationinagene responsible for one of these associated disorders could Anotherinterestinggroupofpatientswhichhasbecome causefamilialatrialfibrillation.Forinstance,isitsimply a target for genetic studies is represented by individuals circumstantial that a familial dilated cardiomyopathy with so-called idiopathic ventricular fibrillation (that is, locus[76] and the mapped atrial fibrillation locus are patients with a normal heart that experience cardiac withinthesamerelativelysmallregionof10q21-q24?Is arrest with documented ventricular fibrillation)[80]. A there something diVerent about the clinical course, and subgroup of these patients experience sudden death thusthecausativegeneresponsibleforLQT4[8]inwhich which may occur in families, apparently have no struc- prolonged QTc appears to be associated with a high turalheartdiseaseandhaverightprecordialSTsegment incidence of atrial fibrillation and slower heart rates elevation, sometimes with right bundle branch block thantypicallyseeninthelongQTsyndrome?Couldthis (Brugada syndrome[81]). These electrocardiographic beadiVerenttypeofgene(i.e.notanionchannel)ora characteristics may depend on exaggerated transmural new channel disorder? diVerences in action potential configuration, especially in the right ventricular outflow tract. This could arise from dysfunction of a number of ion currents, such as Progressive familial heart block I , L-type Ca2+ current (I ) and I . to Ca(L) Na AtleastonevariantoftheBrugadasyndromeis Two forms of progressive familial heart block[90] which causedbydefectsinthesodiumchannelgene(SCN5A), diVer in their ECG characteristics, have been reported. i.e.thesamegeneimplicatedinLQT3[82].IntheBrugada Thefirst,progressivefamilialheartblock-I,isdefinedon syndrome, the mutations identified apparently lead to a the ECG by evidence of bundle branch disease such as loss of function while in LQT3 all cause a gain of right bundle branch block, left anterior hemiblock, left function.Thus,thelongQTandtheBrugadasyndromes posteriorhemiblock,orcompleteheartblockwithbroad appear to be separate allelic disorders. QRS complexes. Progression of disease occurs with Evidence that not all patients with the Brugada changes in the ECG, from a normal ECG to right syndrome have defects on the cardiac sodium channel bundle branch block to complete heart block. Typical (Priori et al., 1998 personal communication) suggest manifestationsofthediseasearesyncope,suddendeath, that, in analogy with the other inherited cardiac dis- orStokes–Adamsattacks.Thesecondformofprogress- eases, genetic heterogeneity is also present in Brugada ive familial heart block, known as progressive familial syndrome. heart block-II, presents with complete heart block and narrow QRS complexes and is believed to occur due to atrioventricular nodal disease with atrioventricular Atrial fibrillation block and an idionodal escape rhythm. Typically these patients present with sinus bradycardia and left Perhaps the commonest arrhythmia requiring interven- posterior hemiblock, and develop syncope and Stokes– tionisatrialfibrillation.Dataarenowemergingfroma Adams attacks. numberoflaboratoriesonthepotentialmolecularbasis Genetically, progressive familial heart block-I is of electrophysiological changes observed in atria that better studied than progressive familial heart block-II have been fibrillating for hours to days and those that and appears to be inherited in an autosomal dominant have been fibrillating for weeks to months[83–87]. They fashion. Brink et al.[91] studied three South African all share a marked shortening of refractoriness, prob- families with progressive familial heart block-I, includ- ably reflecting decreased action potential duration ing one nine generation kindred, for linkage analysis. early during atrial fibrillation. Available data suggest Using 86 family members (39 aVected), linkage was that a major mechanism is decreased inward current identified on chromosome 19 at 19q13.2-q13.3 and the through L-type calcium channels and possibly sodium gene was localized to within 10cM of the kallikrein EurHeartJ,Vol.20,issue3,February1999 Cardiac arrhythmias 181 locus. Confirmation of this localization was subse- necessarythatallthegenesandallthemutationswithin quentlyreportedbyBouvagnetetal.inalargeLebanese these genes causing a given disease be identified. This is family[92]. Other candidate genes within the mapped not yet even close to reality for any of the inherited region include Apolipoprotein C2 (ApoC2), creatine arrhythmogenic diseases discussed here. As a conse- kinase MM isoform (CK-MM), myotonic dystrophy, quence,physiciansstillgenerallyhavetorelyonclinical troponin T and the histidine rich Ca2+ binding protein criteria to establish these diagnoses. (a luminal sarcoplasmic reticulum protein). Myotonic For some diseases, not even the specific aVected dystrophy,CK-MM,andApoC2havebeenexcludedas gene(s) are known. In these cases (for example, familial the causative genes. atrial fibrillation, progressive familial atrioventricular block),theavailablegeneticinformationisderivedfrom linkage studies and provides only data on which chro- Familial WolV–Parkinson–White syndrome mosomalregionthedisease-geneislocated.Ifthisregion islarge,itmaytakeyearsbeforethegeneresponsiblefor Familial WolV–Parkinson–White has been rarely re- the disease is located. Thus, at this stage of knowledge, portedbutaninheritedformofthesyndromeassociated molecular screening for these entities is limited to re- with familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy has been searchactivities;itisnotpossibletoconsidergenotype– described and its locus mapped to chromosome 7q3[43]. phenotype correlations and, most importantly, the It is unknown whether a single defect is responsible for nature of the defect underlying the disease remains bothaspectsofthesyndromeoriftwogenesarelocated undefined. Linkage studies can, nonetheless, provide in close proximity (i.e. contiguous gene syndrome) and important information on whether only one gene is thus frequently co-segregate. In the latter case, familial associated with the disease or if genetic heterogeneity WolV–Parkinson–White could be caused by a single exists (i.e. several genes accounting for a disease). gene-defect on chromosome 7. However, other associ- When a gene responsible for a disease is ident- ations of familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and ified, it then becomes possible to search for specific WolV–Parkinson–White have also been identified. For mutations. The organization and the sequence of the exampleKimuraetal.[42]foundmutationsinthecardiac disease genes are often not entirely known, and thus troponin I gene (on chromosome 19) in patients with mutations are usually searched for only (at least familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and WolV– initially) in portions of the gene. As a consequence, a Parkinson–White. Furthermore, some children with positive finding (i.e. the identification of a mutation) is mitochondrial abnormalities and metabolic disease diagnostic, while a negative finding in a linked gene (Pompe disease) associated with familial hypertrophic suggeststhatmutationsmaybepresentinanunexplored cardiomyopathy also have been noted to have WolV– regionofthegene(orthatthelinkageisincorrect).The Parkinson–White. Therefore, it currently appears that diagnostic power of molecular screening is further WolV–Parkinson–White may have multiple diVerent limited(forallarrhythmogenicdisordersdiscussedhere) genetic aetiologies. bythepresenceofgeneticheterogeneityandthelackof identification of all of the genes responsible for the disease. Molecular diagnosis of inherited arrhythmogenic disorders Implications of molecular diagnosis on patient management Role of DNA screening in diagnosis of inherited arrhythmogenic diseases When the genetic bases of familial hypertrophic cardio- myopathy and the long QT syndrome were elucidated, Thepossibilityofageneticdiagnosismeansthatgenetic thehopeofmolecularbiologistsandcliniciansalikewas testing in routine clinical practice is also a possibility. that it would become possible to reach, in a relatively Applications could include pre-clinical diagnosis and shorttime,someimportantgoalstoestablishgenotype– identification of patients who might benefit from pro- phenotype correlations. In this respect, valuable infor- phylactictreatmentforsuddendeath.Forthisapproach mation would be the ability to categorize mutations as tobecomeareality,however,severalconditionsmustbe ‘mild’ vs ‘severe’, in order to guide the therapeutic met: the development of routine clinical DNA diag- approachonthebasisofthepredictedrisk.Forthetime nostic testing facilities; a suYciently large database to being, this goal has not been achieved, and we are still determine risk in relation to genotype, as well as the far from being able to predict adverse or favourable recognized heterogeneity in phenotype; an estimate of prognoses based on the genetic defect. theeYcacyofavailabletreatments;andaconsideration A major goal in the long QT syndrome and of the cost implications. familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy remains, to have Molecular diagnosis has the potential to define suYcient genotyped patients to understand the diag- with 100% sensitivity and 100% specificity the genetic nostic, functional and prognostic implications of the status of any member of an aVected family. However, diVerent mutations. A problem in genetic testing for this potential to become fully expressed, it is in the long QT syndrome and familial hypertrophic EurHeartJ,Vol.20,issue3,February1999 182 Working Group Report cardiomyopathy is that the disease-associated gene and weightand/ormildmorphologicalfeaturesintheyoung specificmutationsarestillbeingidentified.Thisresearch should lead to testing for mutations in the cardiac information is not yet widely implemented in commer- troponinTgene.Prematuresuddendeathinassociation cial laboratories, and the resource demands for such an with obvious morphological features in the young have eVort on a routine (or ‘service’) basis are generally been associated with the Arg403Glu and Arg453Cys beyond those available to the research laboratories mutation in the beta-myosin heavy chain gene, and engaged in the problem. these mutations could be tested in this clinical context. Identification in the proband of troponin or myosin Genetic testing for the long QT syndrome heavy chain mutations, which are associated with poor When should genetic testing be considered in dealing prognosis, would permit an early or even a pre-clinical withlongQTsyndromepatients[93].Thecardiologistwill diagnosis in family members with the potential for confront three clinical scenarios: lifestyle modifications (avoidance of competitive exer- The first situation is the patient who has a cise) and prophylactic treatment (amiodarone or im- definite diagnosis based on established clinical diag- plantable cardioverter defibrillator) to prevent sudden nostic criteria. Here, genetic testing is not absolutely death. necessary because the cardiologist has most elements necessarytomakeadecisionaboutinitiationoftherapy. Genetic testing for autosomal dominant dilated However, genetic testing could be useful because, de- cardiomyopathy, arrhythmogenic right ventricular pending on the gene (and ultimately even the specific dysplasia, familial atrial fibrillation, progressive familial mutation) identified as responsible for the disease, atrioventricular block modifications in management[29,94] may be suggested. Until specific genes are discovered and characterized, Examplesdiscussedaboveincludetheadditionofmexi- moleculardiagnosisshouldbeconsideredaresearchtool letine in LQT3 or lifestyle modifications such as limi- onlyinlargesizefamiliesinwhichlinkageanalysismay tation of strenuous or competitive exercise in LQT1. It be performed. should be pointed out, however, that in symptomatic patients with an established diagnosis of long QT syn- Genetic testing for dilated cardiomyopathy drome, implementation of therapy with beta-blockers In both X-linked dilated cardiomyopathy and Barth shouldnotbedelayedwhilewaitingforgeneticscreening syndrome, definite diagnosis at the molecular level may results. beusefulclinicallysincebotharerapidlyprogressiveand A second scenario occurs when the diagnosis of severe disorders. In the case of X-linked dilated cardio- longQTsyndromeisonlysuspectedorthepatienthasa myopathy where anticongestive and antiarrhythmic borderline diagnosis based on clinical criteria. Under management initially, and cardiac transplantation thesecircumstances,genetictestingcouldbeveryuseful shortly thereafter, is life-saving, determination of a in establishing the diagnosis because identification of a mutation could help diagnose pre-symptomatic male mutated long QT syndrome gene would convert a sus- gene-carriers. In Barth syndrome, therapeutic options pecteddiagnosistoacertainoneandwouldremovethe are less clear-cut but a definitive diagnosis in family cardiologist’s hesitation in making therapeutic choices. members and potentially in fetuses could be similarly However,failuretoidentifyamutationdoesnotruleout useful. the diagnosis (since only a minority of mutations have The recent identification of mutations in the beenidentifiedtodate).Althoughgenetictestinginthis actin gene opens the opportunity to perform family situationisnotyetwidelyavailable,techniquestoauto- screeningformutations;however,untiltheprevalenceof mate screening for the hundreds of possible known actin-related autosomal dominant dilated cardiomy- mutationsarenowbeingdevelopedandwillprobablybe opathy is defined, the cost/benefit ratio of actin gene available in the next 5–10 years. A third scenario is an screening cannot be defined. apparently asymptomatic relative of a patient with the long QT syndrome. Here, genetic testing can be es- pecially useful if the disease-causing mutation has pre- Genetic testing for Brugada syndrome viously been identified in the proband. Otherwise the The identification of mutations in the cardiac sodium issues are the same as those for evaluating the ‘border- channel in families with Brugada syndrome opens the line’ long QT syndrome diagnosis. possibility to screen patients with the disease. The im- portance of identifying the defect obviously consists of Genetic testing for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy the ability to identify the carriers before they become Similar considerations apply in familial hypertrophic symptomatic.Thisisparticularlyimportantforadisease cardiomyopathy. Comprehensive screening of the in which the first manifestation is often cardiac arrest. disease-causing genes would, from the clinical perspec- However, since not all patients with Brugada syndrome tive,bebothinappropriateandimpracticalatthistime. have mutations in the sodium channel (Priori et al., SpecificclinicalsituationsexistwhereDNAdiagnosisis personal communication), the cost/benefit ratio of mu- likelytohaveanimportantimpactonmanagement.For tation screening in the sodium channel gene cannot be example, sudden death/resuscitated ventricular fibril- defineduntiltheprevalenceofthegeneticvariantofthe lation in association with normal or near normal heart form associated to sodium channel defects is defined. EurHeartJ,Vol.20,issue3,February1999 Cardiac arrhythmias 183 Ethical aspects of molecular screening by an inborn alteration and, for the most part, are characterized by a single alteration in one or more Importantethicalaspectsareinvolvedwhenconsidering disease genes. This has allowed the use of ‘paradigms’; DNA screening in families aVected by a congenital namely,diseasessuchasthelongQTsyndromeinwhich disease. Discussion with families about the information it has been possible to trace specific mutations on ion that could be provided by genetic testing is a most channelgenestotheirelectrophysiologicalconsequences important first step. The experience of the team (which inthepatient.Unfortunatelyforthepractisingcardiolo- should include an appropriately trained genetic coun- gist, these ‘simple’ diseases constitute only a small part sellor) in caring for patients with similar disorders is of the clinical conditions associated with cardiac ar- an important component for patient acceptance. One rhythmias.ThemajorityofcasesaVectpatientsinwhom specific objective of counselling in arrhythmogenic dis- the arrhythmogenic substrate is complex. Indeed, the orders is to help the patient decide whether he/she expression of the molecular systems responsible for should undergo genetic screening at all. These are the normal and abnormal electrical activity vary signifi- considerations involved when an individual is deciding cantly, depending on a variety of factors including age, whether or not to be tested: regional factors (type of cells, myocardial perfusion), (a) The patient should be given information on the (1) and underlying chronic diseases such as cardiac samplerequired;(2)useofthesample;(3)resultsof hypertrophy, myocardial infarction, and heart failure. the test performed; (4) implications of these results To approach this complex system of interacting for management of the patient and their family; (5) molecular functions requires a somewhat diVerent ap- who will have access to the results. proach from that required to consider monogenic dis- (b) The patient should use this information to decide ease. Accordingly, in this section we discuss broader whether to give or withhold consent. themes that are essential to understand the integration (c) There should be no coercion by anyone (healthcare of gene expression, of ion channel function, and cell team, family members, insurance companies). coupling in multicellular networks. This must be con- (d) The consent form that patients sign should include sidered a first step toward the comprehension of more statements that (1) all blood samples are coded to frequentandmorecomplexarrhythmogenicconditions. prevent identification; and (2) the results of screen- ing will be communicated only to the patient and thatnodisclosurewillbemadetothirdparties(not Diversity of gene expression in the heart evenfamilymembers)withouttheirwrittenconsent. Asymptomatic patients should have the option of Understanding cell–cell variability in the cardiac action providing samples (e.g. for family study) without potentialshapeandthemechanismsunderlyingimpulse being informed of the results. propagation is the key to understanding normal and abnormalcardiacelectrophysiology.Muchofthisvaria- bility can be attributed to variability in the character- Reimbursement and costs issues istics of individual ion currents whose integrated behaviour determines the shape and duration of action Currently, DNA screening for arrythmogenic disorders potentials in individual cardiac cells, as well as to is not considered a routine test, and therefore costs are variability in cell–cell communications. Ion currents are notusuallycoveredbyinsurance.Linkagetoisolatethe now recognized to flow through specific pore-forming disease gene can be performed in large families. When membraneproteins,termedionchannels.Thefirstgene small pedigrees or single patients, in whom linkage encodinganionchannelwasclonedin1984[95],andthe cannot be applied are studied, the only approach for succeeding decade and a half has seen the cloning of DNA screening is the systematic search for known genesencodingmostionchannelsexpressedintheheart, mutations in any disease-linked gene. As discussed and in many other tissues[96–98]. Many of the proteins above, clinical evaluation may help in selecting gene(s) these genes encode share common structures and can to be screened first. Depending on the size of the gene be viewed as members of the same superfamily. For and on the number of genes to be screened, costs may example, Fig. 3 shows the tremendous diversity of be substantial (>$1000 US per gene screened in each mammaliangenesthatmakeupthefamilyofpotassium family). Currently, costs are covered almost exclusively channel genes. Since potassium channels are made up by research funding of the laboratories involved in the of four ion channel alpha subunit proteins, which are field. The development of automated screens and iden- not necessarily identical, the potential for diversity in tificationofmoremutationsmaychangethisinthenear potassium currents is even greater than shown. This is future. further compounded by the identification of ancillary subunits (the products of diVerent genes) that can as- Molecular basis of cardiac semble with potassium channel tetramers to modulate electrophysiology and arrhythmias their function[99–101]. Figure 4 illustrates the major ion currents in the heart and the genes whose protein In the first two parts we have discussed monogenic productsarethoughttoformtheirstructuralbasis.The arrhythmicdisorders.Thesearedeterminedorfavoured dramatic increase in molecular genetic information EurHeartJ,Vol.20,issue3,February1999

This text is the outcome of a workshop convened Key words: Sudden cardiac death, genetics, arrhythmia, . XLDCM=X-linked dilated cardiomyopathy; ADDCM=autosomal dominant .. heart block-II, presents with complete heart block and . plantable cardioverter defibrillator) to prevent sudden.
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