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GENERIC PARABOLIC POINTS ARE ISOLATED IN POSITIVE CHARACTERISTIC 6 1 KARL-OLOFLINDAHL† ANDJUAN RIVERA-LETELIER‡ 0 2 b Abstract. Westudyanalyticgermsinonevariablehavingaparabolic e fixed point at the origin, over an ultrametric ground field of positive F characteristic. It is conjectured that for such a germ the origin is iso- lated as a periodic point. Our main result is an affirmative solution 5 2 of this conjecture in the case of a generic germ with a prescribed mul- tiplier. The genericity condition is explicit: That the power series is ] minimally ramified, i.e., that the degree of the first non-linear term of S eachofitsiteratesisassmallaspossible. Ourmaintechnicalresultisa D computationofthefirstsignificanttermsofaminimallyramifiedpower . series. Fromthisweobtainalowerboundforthenormofnonzeroperi- h odicpoints,fromwhichwededuceourmainresult. Asaby-productwe t a give a new and self-contained proof of a characterization of minimally m ramified power series in terms of the iterative residue. [ 2 v 5 6 1. Introduction 9 3 In this article, we are interested in the dynamics near a parabolic cycle of 0 analytic maps in positive characteristic. Recall that a periodic point ζ of 0 . 1 minimalperiodnofananalyticmapf inonevariableisrationally indifferent 0 or parabolic if (fn)′(ζ ) is a root of unity, and it is irrationally indifferent 0 5 if (fn)′(ζ ) is not a root of unity, but |(fn)′(ζ )| = 1. 1 0 0 : In the complex setting, Yoccoz showed that for an irrationally indifferent v cycle of aquadratic map thereis the following dichotomy: Either themap is i X locallylinearizablenearthecycleandtheneachpointinthiscycleisisolated r as a periodic point, or every neighborhood of the cycle contains a cycle of a strictly larger minimal period, see [Yoc95]. In contrast, for an ultrametric ground field of characteristic zero only the first alternative occurs: Every irrationally indifferent cycle is locally linearizable [HY83], and hence every point in the cycle is isolated as a periodic point. The case of an ultrametric fieldofpositivecharacteristic ismoresubtle,sinceirrationally indifferentcy- clesareusuallynotlocally linearizable, seeforexample[Lin04,Theorem2.3] or [Lin10, Theorem 1.1]. Nevertheless, every irrationally indifferent periodic point is isolated as a periodic point [LRL16, Corollary 1.1]. † This research was supported by the by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and theSwedish Research and Education in Mathematics Foundation SVeFUM. ‡ This research was partially supported byFONDECYTgrant 1141091, Chile. 1 2 KARL-OLOFLINDAHLANDJUANRIVERA-LETELIER In this paper we focus on parabolic cycles. An analytic map is never locally linearizable near a parabolic cycle, except in the trivial case where an iterate of the map is the identity near the cycle. Thus, the question that remains is whether (non-trivial) parabolic periodic points are isolated. For an ultrametric ground field of characteristic zero the answer is affirmative: The positive residue characteristic case follows from the fact that periodic points are the zeros of the iterative logarithm, see [RL03, Proposition 3.6] and also [Lub94] for the case where the ground field is discretely valued; The zero residue characteristic case follows from elementary facts, see for example [LRL16, Lemma 2.1]. Thus,itonlyremainsthecaseofparaboliccyclesinpositivecharacteristic. In [LRL16] we proposed the following conjecture. Conjecture 1.1 ([LRL16], Conjecture 1.2). In positive characteristic, ev- ery parabolic periodic point is either isolated as a periodic point, or has a neighborhood on which an iterate of the map is the identity. Our main result is a solution of this conjecture for generic parabolic pe- riodic points. Main Theorem. In positive characteristic, everygeneric parabolic periodic point is isolated as a periodic point. The proof of the Main Theorem relies on the connection between the geo- metric location of periodic points of power series with integer coefficients, and the lower ramification numbers of wildly ramified field automorphisms thatwasestablishedin[LRL16]. Lowerramificationnumbersofwildlyrami- fiedfieldautomorphismshave previously beenstudiedby Sen[Sen69], Keat- ing [Kea92], Laubieand Sa¨ıne [LS98], Wintenberger [Win04], among others. WenowproceedtodescribethecontentandproofoftheMainTheoremin morepreciseterms. Replacing themapby aniterate ifnecessary, werestrict to the case of fixed points. Moreover, after conjugating by a translation we assume the fixed point is the origin. So, from now on we restrict to study power series f(ζ) such that f(0) = 0 and such that f′(0) is a root of unity. We call such a power series parabolic. Finally, after a scale change we can restricttothecaseofpowerserieswithintegercoefficients. Inthecasewhere thegroundfieldisalgebraically closed,thislastconditionisequivalenttothe condition that the power series is convergent and univalent on the open unit disk, see for example [RL03, §1.3]. So these normalizations are analogous to those used in the complex setting by Yoccoz in [Yoc95]. The genericity condition in the Main Theorem is described explicitly in terms of the lower ramification numbers of the map: It requires that the lower ramification numbers are as small as possible. Such power series are called minimally ramified, see §1.1 for precisions. So the Main Theorem is a direct consequence of 2 independent facts: A. Minimally ramified parabolic power series are generic (Theorem A in §1.1); GENERIC PARABOLIC POINTS ARE ISOLATED 3 B. For a parabolic power series that is minimally ramified, the origin is isolated as a periodic point (Corollary C in §1.2). Minimally ramified power series appear naturally when studying “optimal cycles” of irrationally indifferent periodic points, see [LRL16]. They were first introduced in a more restricted setting by Laubie, Movahhedi, and Salinier in [LMS02], in connection with Lubin’s conjecture in [Lub94]. Our main technical result is a calculation of the first significant terms of the iterates of power series in a certain normal form (Main Lemma in §3). This allows us to give a new and self-contained proof of the characterization of minimally ramified power series given in [LRL16] (Theorem D in §1.3). We proceed to describe our main results in more detail. Throughout the rest of the introduction we fix a prime number p and a field k of character- istic p. 1.1. Minimally ramified power series are generic. Denote by ord(·) thevaluation onk[[ζ]]definedforanonzeropowerseriesasthelowest degree of its nonzero terms, and for the zero power series 0 by ord(0) = +∞. Definition1.2. Forapowerseriesg(ζ)ink[[ζ]]satisfyingg(0) = 0andg′(0) = 1, define for each integer n ≥0 gpn(z)−z i (g) := ord . n z (cid:18) (cid:19) If g(ζ) is as in the definition and n ≥ 1 is such that i (g) is finite, n then i (g), ..., i (g) are all finite and we have 0 n−1 i (g) < i (g) < ··· <i (g), 0 1 n see for example [LRL16, Lemma 3.6]. Let f(ζ) be a parabolic power series in k[[ζ]] and denote by q the order of f′(0), so that fq(0) = 0 and (fq)′(0) = 1. Then for every integer n ≥ 0 we have pn+1−1 (1.1) i (fq) ≥ q , n p−1 see [LRL16, Proposition 3.2]. This motivates the following definition. Definition 1.3. Let f(ζ) be a parabolic power series in k[[ζ]] and denote by q the order of f′(0). Then f is minimally ramified if equality holds in (1.1) for every n ≥ 0. Roughlyspeaking,thefollowingresultassertsthatamongparabolicpower series with a prescribed multiplier, those that are minimally ramified are generic. Theorem A. Let p be a prime number, k a field of characteristic p, and F the prime field of k. Fix a root of unity γ in k and denote by q its order. 4 KARL-OLOFLINDAHLANDJUANRIVERA-LETELIER Thenthere isanonzeropolynomial M (x ,...,x )withcoefficientsinF(γ), q 1 2q such that a power series f(ζ) in k[[ζ]] of the form +∞ (1.2) f(ζ)= γζ 1+ c ζi i ! i=1 X is minimally ramified if and only if M (c ,...,c ) 6= 0. q 1 2q 1.2. Periodic points of minimally ramified parabolic power series. Now we turn to periodic points of parabolic power series that are minimally ramified. For such a power series that has integer coefficients, we estimate from below the norm of nonzero periodic points. The estimate is in terms of some invariants that we proceed to describe. In this section we fix a parabolic power series f(ζ) in k[[ζ]] and denote by q the order of γ := f′(0). We assume i (fq) = q, which is weaker than f 0 being minimally ramified. Thefirstinvariant is thecoefficient δ (fq)of ζq+1 in fq sothat δ (fq) 6= 0 0 0 and that fq(ζ) = ζ(1+δ (fq)ζq +···). 0 The coefficient δ (fq) is invariant under conjugacy by power series that are 0 tangent to the identity at ζ = 0 (Lemma 2.2). The second invariant is the “iterative residue” introduced in [LRL16, §4]. It is a positive characteristic analog of the invariant introduced in the com- plexsetting by E´calle in [E´ca75]. Todefineit, supposefirstγ =1, andlet a 1 and a in k be such that f(ζ) is of the form 2 f(ζ)= ζ 1+a ζ +a ζ2+··· . 1 2 Our hypothesis i0(f)= 1 impli(cid:0)es a1 6= 0. The iterati(cid:1)ve residue r´esit(f) of f is defined by a 2 r´esit(f):= 1− . a2 1 Suppose now that γ 6= 1, so q ≥ 2. Then f is conjugated to a power series of the form +∞ (1.3) g(ζ) = γζ 1+ a ζjq , j   j=1 X see Lemma 3.3 or [LRL16, Proposition 4.1]. Our hypothesis i (fq) = q 0 implies a 6= 0 (Lemma 2.2 and Corollary 3.1 or [LRL16, Proposition 4.1]). 1 The iterative residue r´esit(f) of f is defined by q+1 a r´esit(f):= − 2;∗ 2 a2 1 It only depends on f and not on g. In all the cases r´esit(f) is a conjugacy invariant of f, see [LRL16, Lemma 4.3]. ∗Notethat in thecase p=2 theinteger q is odd, so q+1 definesan element of k. 2 GENERIC PARABOLIC POINTS ARE ISOLATED 5 Suppose k is endowed with a norm | · | and denote by O the ring of k integers of (k,|·|) and by m its maximal ideal. Then the minimal period of k eachperiodicpointoff inm \{0}isoftheformqpn,forsomeinteger n ≥ 0, k see for example [LRL16, Lemma 2.1]. Theorem B. Let p be a prime number and (k,|·|) an ultrametric field of characteristic p. Let f(ζ) be a parabolic power series in O [[ζ]] and denote k by q the order of f′(0). Then for every integer n ≥ 1 and every periodic point ζ of f of minimal period qpn, we have 0 1 1 |δ0(fq)|q ·|r´esit(f)|qp if p is odd |ζ |≥ or if p = 2 and n = 1; 0  |δ0(fq)|1q ·|r´esit(f)(1−r´esit(f))|41q if p = 2 and n ≥ 2. Inthecasef isminimallyramified,wehaver´esit(f)6= 0,andalsor´esit(f)6= 1 if p = 2, see [LRL16, Theorem E] or Theorem D in §1.3. So the following corollary is a direct consequence of the previous theorem and of [LRL16, Lemma 2.1]. Corollary C. Let (k,|·|) be an ultrametric field of positive characteristic. Then for each parabolic power series in O [[ζ]] that is minimally ramified, k the origin is isolated as a periodic point. 1.3. Strategy and organization. Our main technical result is a calcula- tion of the first significant terms of the iterates of a power series in k[[ζ]] of the form (1.3). This is stated as the Main Lemma in §3. A direct conse- quence is an explicit condition on the coefficients a and a for the power 1 2 series g(ζ) to be minimally ramified (Corollary 3.1). Theorem A is obtained from this result using that every parabolic power series is conjugated to a power series of the form (1.3) by an invertible map in O [[ζ]] (Lemma 3.3). k The same strategy allows us to give a new and self-contained proof of the following characterization of minimally ramified power series,† see §3.1. Theorem D ([LRL16], Theorem E). Let p be a prime number and k a field of characteristic p. Moreover, let f(ζ) be a parabolic power series in k[[ζ]], and denote by q the order of f′(0). If p is odd (resp. p = 2), then f is minimally ramified if and only if i (fq)= q and r´esit(f)6= 0 0 (resp. i (fq)= q,r´esit(f)6= 0, and r´esit(f)6= 1). 0 To prove Theorem B, we first prove a version for parabolic power series of the Period Points Lower Bound of [LRL16] (Lemma 2.4). Combined with theMain Lemmain§3this yields alower boundforthenormoftheperiodic points of a power series of theform (1.3)(Corollary 3.2). Theorem B is then †The proof of this result in [LRL16] relies on [LS98, Corollary 1]; the Main Lemma allows us to give a direct proof that avoids this last result. 6 KARL-OLOFLINDAHLANDJUANRIVERA-LETELIER obtained using again that every parabolic power series is conjugated to a power series of the form (1.3) by an invertible map in O [[ζ]] (Lemma 3.3). k After some preliminaries in §2, we state the Main Lemma and deduce its Corollaries 3.1 and 3.2 in the first part of §3. The proofs of Theorems A, B, and D assuming the Main Lemma are given in §3.1. Finally, the proof of the Main Lemma is given in §4. As mentioned above, the Main Theorem is a direct consequence of Theorems A and B. 1.4. Acknowledgement. We would like to thank thereferee forcomments and corrections that helped us improve the presentation. 2. Periodic points of parabolic power series After some preliminaries in §2.1, in §2.2 we give some basic facts about periodic points of parabolic power series with integer coefficients. In par- ticular, we give a general lower bound for the distance to the origin of a periodic point (Lemma 2.4) that is used in the proof Theorem B. 2.1. Preliminaries. Given a ring R and an element a of R, we denote by hai the ideal of R generated by a. Let (k,|·|) bean ultrametric field. Denote by O the ringof integers of k, k by m the maximal ideal of O , and by k := O /m the residue field of k. k k k k Moreover, denote the projection in k of an element a of O by a; it is the k reduction of a. The reduction of a powereseries f(ζ) in O [[ζ]] is the power k seriesf(z)ink[[z]]whosecoefficientsearethereductionsofthecorreesponding coefficients of f. Forea poweer series f(ζ) in Ok[[ζ]], the Weierstrass degree wideg(f) of f is the order in k[[z]] of the reduction f(z) of f(ζ). When wideg(f) is finite, the number of zeros of f in m , counted with multiplicity, is less than or k equal to wideg(ef); see for example [Laen02, §VI, Theorem 9.2]. A power series f(ζ) in O [[ζ]] converges in m . If in addition |f(0)| < 1, k k thenbytheultrametricinequality f mapsm toitself. Inthiscaseapointζ k 0 in m is periodic for f, if there is an integer n≥ 1 such that fn(ζ ) = ζ . In k 0 0 this case ζ is of period n, andn is aperiod of ζ . Ifin addition n is theleast 0 0 integer with this property, then n is the minimal period of ζ and (fn)′(ζ ) 0 0 is the multiplier of ζ . Note that an integer n ≥ 1 is a period of ζ if and 0 0 only if it is divisible by the minimal period of ζ . 0 The following definition is consistent with the definition of δ (·) in the 0 introduction. Definition 2.1. Let p be a prime number and k field of characteristic p. For a power series g(ζ) in k[[ζ]] satisfying g(0) = 0 and g′(0) = 1, define for each integer n ≥ 0 the element δ (g) of k as follows: Put δ (g) := 0 n n if i (g) = +∞, and otherwise let δ (g) be the coefficient of ζin(g)+1 in the n n power series gpn(ζ)−ζ. GENERIC PARABOLIC POINTS ARE ISOLATED 7 Note thatinthecasewherei (g) isfinite, δ (g) isnonzero. Moreover, ifk n n is anultrametric field andg(ζ) is in O [[ζ]], then gpn(ζ)−ζ is also in O [[ζ]], k k and therefore δ (g) is in O . n k Lemma 2.2. Let p be a prime number and k field of characteristic p. More- over, let f(ζ) and f(ζ) be parabolic power series in k[[ζ]] and denote by q the order of f′(0). Suppose there is a power series h(ζ) in k[[ζ]] such that b h(0) = 0,h′(0) 6= 0, and f ◦h = h◦f. Then f′(0) = f′(0) and for every integer n ≥ 0 we have b i (fq) = i (fq) and δ (fq) = (h′(0))in(fq)·δ (fq). b n n n n Proof. From f ◦h = h◦f we have f′(0)h′(0) = h′(0)f′(0). Together with b b our assumption h′(0) 6= 0 this implies f′(0) = f′(0). Fix an integer n ≥ 0, abnd note that fqpn ◦h = h◦fbqpn. If i (f) = +∞, n then δ (fqpn) = 0 and fqpn(ζ) = ζ. Tbhis implies fqpn(ζ) = ζ, so i (fq) = n n +∞andδ (fq) = 0. Thisproves thelemmawheni (f)b= +∞. Interchang- n n ing the roles of f and f, this also proves the lembma when i (f) =b+∞. n Suppose i (fb) and i (f) are finite, and put n n b b +∞ i := i (fbq), i := i (fq), and h(ζ) = ζ · c ζi. n n n n i i=0 X Then we have b b fqpn ◦h(ζ) ≡ ζ c +c ζ +···+c ζin 1+δ (fq)(c ζ)in mod ζin+2 0 1 in n 0 ≡ ζ(cid:0)c +c ζ +···+c ζ(cid:1)in(cid:0)−1+ c +cin+1(cid:1)δ (fq) ζ(cid:10)in (cid:11) 0 1 in−1 in 0 n (cid:16) (cid:16) mod ζ(cid:17)in+2(cid:17). On the other hand, (cid:10) (cid:11) h◦fq(ζ) ≡ ζ 1+δ (fq)ζin c +c ζ +···+c ζin mod ζin+2 . n b 0 1 in b b (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:16) b (cid:17) D E b ≡ ζ c0+c1ζb+···+cin−1ζbin−1+ cin +c0δn(fq) ζbin (cid:16) b (cid:16) b (cid:17) (cid:17) mbod ζin+2 . b D E Comparingcoefficients andusingthatc , δ (fq), andδ (fq) areall different 0 n n from zero, we conclude that i = i and that δ (fq) = cinδ (fq), as wanted. n n n 0 n b (cid:3) b b 2.2. Periodic points of parabolic power series. The following lemma is well-known, see for example [LRL16, Lemma 2.1] for a proof. Lemma 2.3. Let p be a prime number and k an ultrametric field of charac- teristic p. Moreover, let f(ζ) be a parabolic power series in k[[ζ]] and denote 8 KARL-OLOFLINDAHLANDJUANRIVERA-LETELIER by q the order of f′(0). Then q is not divisible by p, and the minimal period of each periodic point of f is of the form qpn for some integer n ≥ 0. The following lemma is a version of [LRL16, Lemma 2.3] for parabolic power series, with a similar proof. We have restricted to ground fields of positive characteristic for simplicity. It is one of the ingredients in the proof ofTheoremB.Beforestatingthelemmawerecallthatforapowerseriesf(ζ) in O [[ζ]], the Weierstrass degree wideg(f) of f is the order in k[[z]] of the k reduction f(z) of f(ζ). e Lemma 2.4 (Periodic points lower bound for parabolic series). Let p be a e prime number and (k,|·|) an ultrametric field of characteristic p. Moreover, let f(ζ) be a parabolic power series in O [[ζ]] and denote by q the order k of f′(0). Then the following properties hold. 1. Let w in m be a periodic point of f of minimal period q. In the 0 k case q = 1, assume w 6= 0. Then we have 0 1 (2.1) |w0| ≥ |δ0(fq)|q, with equality if and only if (2.2) wideg(fq(ζ)−ζ)= i (fq)+q+1. 0 Moreover, if (2.2) holds, then the cycle containing w is the only 0 cycle of minimal period q of f in m \{0}, and for every point w′ k 0 1 in this cycle |w0′| = |δ0(fq)|q. 2. Let n ≥ 1 be an integer and ζ in m a periodic point of f of minimal 0 k period qpn. If in addition i (fq)< +∞, then we have n 1 δn(fq) qpn (2.3) |ζ |≥ , 0 δ (fq) (cid:12) n−1 (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) with equality if and only if(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) fqpn(ζ)−ζ (2.4) wideg = i (fq)−i (fq)+qpn. fqpn−1(ζ)−ζ n n−1 (cid:18) (cid:19) Moreover, if (2.4) holds, then the cycle containing ζ is the only 0 cycle of minimal period qpn of f in m , and for every point ζ′ in k 0 1 this cycle |ζ′| = δn(fq) qpn. 0 δn−1(fq) (cid:12) (cid:12) The proof of this lemm(cid:12) a is bel(cid:12)ow, after the following lemmas. (cid:12) (cid:12) Lemma 2.5. [LRL16, Lemma 2.2] Let (k,| · |) be a complete ultrametric field and g(ζ) a power series in O [[ζ]] such that |g(0)| < 1. Then for each k integer m ≥1 the power series g(ζ)−ζ divides gm(ζ)−ζ in O [[ζ]]. k Lemma 2.6. Let k be a complete ultrametric field and let h(ζ) be a power series in O [[ζ]]. If ξ is a zero of h in m , then ζ−ξ divides h(ζ) in O [[ζ]]. k k k GENERIC PARABOLIC POINTS ARE ISOLATED 9 Proof. Put T(ζ) = ζ +ξ and note that h◦T(ζ) vanishes at ζ = 0 and is in O [[ζ]]. This implies that ζ divides h◦T(ζ) in O [[ζ]]. Letting g(ζ) := k k h ◦ T(ζ)/ζ, it follows that the power series g ◦ T−1(ζ) = h(ζ)/(ζ − ξ) is in O [[ζ]], as wanted. (cid:3) k Proof of Lemma 2.4. Replacing k by one of its completions if necessary, as- sume k complete. We use the fact that, since |f′(0)| = 1, the power series f maps m to k itself isometrically, see for example [RL03, §1.3]. We also use several times that when wideg(f) is finite, we have: I. TheWeierstrass degree wideg(f) of f equals the degree of thelowest degree term of f whose coefficient is of norm equal to 1; II. The number of zeros of f in m , counted with multiplicity, is less k than or equal to wideg(f). 1. To prove (2.1), let w in m be a periodic point of f of minimal period q. 0 k Note that every point in the forward orbit O of w under f is a zero of the 0 power series (fq(ζ)−ζ)/ζ, and that the coefficient of the lowest degree term ofthis powerseries is δ (fq). Ontheother hand,Oconsists ofq points, and, 0 since f maps m to itself isometrically, all the points in O have the same k norm. Applying Lemma 2.6 inductively with ξ replaced by each element of O, it follows that (ζ −w′) divides fq(ζ)−ζ in O [[ζ]]. That is, w′∈O 0 k 0 the power series Q fq(ζ)−ζ (2.5) / (ζ −w′) ζ 0 w′∈O Y0 isinO [[ζ]]. Notethatthelowestdegreetermofthisseriesisofdegreei (fq) k 0 and its coefficient is (2.6) δ (fq)/ (−w′); 0 0 w′∈O Y0 which is therefore in O . We thus have k (2.7) |w |q = |w′|≥ |δ (fq)|, 0 0 0 w′∈O Y0 and therefore (2.1). Moreover, equality holds precisely when the coeffi- cient (2.6) of the lowest degree term of (2.5) has norm equal to 1. Thus, in view of Fact I stated at the beginning of the proof, it follows that equality in (2.7), and hence in (2.1), holds precisely when the Weierstrass degree of (2.5) is equal to i (fq). On the other hand, the cardinality 0 of O is equal to q, and therefore the Weierstrass degree of (2.5) is equal to wideg(fq(ζ)−ζ)−q−1. Combiningthese facts we conclude that equality in (2.1) holds if and only if we have (2.2). Finally, using the cardinality of O together with Facts I and II above, when this last equality holds, the set O is theset of all zeros of (fq(ζ)−ζ)/ζ in m , soO is the only cycle of minimal k period q of f. This completes the proof of part 1. 10 KARL-OLOFLINDAHLANDJUANRIVERA-LETELIER 2. To prove (2.3), let n ≥ 1 be an integer such that i (fq) < +∞, n−1 and ζ in m a periodic point of f of minimal period qpn. By Lemma 2.5 0 k withg = fqpn−1 andm = p,thepowerseriesfqpn−1(ζ)−ζ dividesfqpn(ζ)−ζ in O [[ζ]]. Note that every point in the forward orbit O of ζ in m under f k 0 k is a zero of the power series fqpn(ζ)−ζ h(ζ):= , fqpn−1(ζ)−ζ and that the lowest degree term of this power series is of degree i (fq)− n i (fq) and its coefficient is equal to n−1 δ (fq) n δ(h) := . δ (fq) n−1 On the other hand, O consists of qpn points, and, since f maps m to itself k isometrically, all the points in O have the same norm. Applying Lemma 2.6 inductively with ξ replaced by each element of O, it follows that (ζ− ζ′∈O 0 ζ′)dividesh(ζ)inO [[ζ]]. Inparticular,thepowerseriesh(ζ)/ (ζ−ζ′) 0 k ζQ0′∈O 0 is in O [[ζ]], so the coefficient of its lowest degree term, k Q δ (fq) (2.8) n / (−ζ′), δ (fq) 0 (cid:18) n−1 (cid:19) ζ′∈O Y0 is in O . We thus have k δ (fq) (2.9) |ζ |qpn = |ζ′|≥ n , 0 0 δ (fq) ζ′∈O (cid:12) n−1 (cid:12) Y0 (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) and therefore (2.3). Note that equality hol(cid:12)ds if and o(cid:12)nly if the lowest degree coefficient (2.8) of the power series h(ζ)/ (ζ−ζ′) has norm equal to 1. ζ′∈O 0 0 In view of Fact I stated at the beginning of the proof, we conclude that Q equality in (2.9), and hence in (2.3), holds if and only if wideg h(ζ)/ (ζ −ζ′) = i (fq)−i (fq).  0  n n−1 ζ′∈O Y0 On the other hand,the cardinality of O is equal to qpn, and therefore we have fqpn(ζ)−ζ wideg h(ζ)/ (ζ −ζ′) = wideg −qpn.  0  fqpn−1(ζ)−ζ ζ′∈O (cid:18) (cid:19) Y0   Combining these facts, we conclude that equality holds in (2.3) if and only (2.4). Finally, using the cardinality of O together with Facts I and II, when this last equality holds O is the set of all zeros of fqpn(ζ)−ζ in m , fqpn−1(ζ)−ζ k so O is the only cycle of minimal period qpn of f. This completes the proof of part 2, and of the lemma. (cid:3)

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