JournalofComputationalPhysics217(2006)693–708 Generation of the Maxwellian inflow distribution Alejandro L. Garcia a,*, Wolfgang Wagner b aDepartmentofPhysics,SanJoseStateUniversity,ScienceBuilding,Room245,OneWashingtonSquare,SanJose,CA95192-0106,USA bWeierstrassInstituteforAppliedAnalysisandStochastics,Mohrenstrasse39,10117Berlin,Germany Received23February2005;receivedinrevisedform11January2006;accepted17January2006 Availableonline3March2006 Abstract Thispaperpresentsseveralefficient,exactacceptance–rejectionmethodsforgeneratingtheMaxwellianinflowdistribu- tion,thevelocitydistributionofgasmoleculescrossingaplane.Thenewmethodsaredemonstratedtobecomputationally fasterand moreaccuratethanthe schemes commonly usedfor open boundaryconditions inparticle simulations. (cid:2)2006Elsevier Inc. Allrights reserved. Keywords: Randomnumbergeneration;DirectsimulationMonteCarlo;Openboundaryconditions;Acceptance–rejectionmethods 1. Introduction Stochastic algorithms, commonly referred to as Monte Carlo methods, use random numbers generated from a variety of distributions. Efficient generators have been developed for the most commonly used distri- butions (e.g., uniform, Gaussian, and exponential) and general techniques (e.g., inversion) are available for arbitrary distributions [1,2]. However, generating a complicated distribution by a generic method may not be efficient or accurate, which is why specialized generators for specific applications are welcome. This paper discusses the generation of random values z from the distribution 2ða(cid:2)zÞexpð(cid:2)z2Þ p ðzÞ¼ p ; z<a; ð1:1Þ a expð(cid:2)a2Þþa ffipffiffi½1þerfðaÞ(cid:3) whereaissomereal-valuedparameteranderfdenotestheerrorfunction(cf.(A.12)).AsshowninSections2 and 3, this distribution arises when implementing the inflow boundary condition for particles crossing a sur- face. Specifically, it is associated with the velocity distribution of particles, Maxwellian distributed in their movingframeofreference,thatpassthroughaplane.Thisboundaryconditionisverycommoninmolecular simulations of hydrodynamic flows in open systems [3,4]. With this association, we call p (z) the Maxwellian a inflow distribution. Note that for a=0 the distribution (1.1) reduces to the Rayleigh distribution, which is trivial to generate [1]. * Correspondingauthor.Tel.:+14089245244;fax:+14089244815. E-mailaddress:[email protected](A.L.Garcia). 0021-9991/$-seefrontmatter (cid:2)2006ElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved. doi:10.1016/ 694 A.L.Garcia,W.Wagner/JournalofComputationalPhysics217(2006)693–708 Section 3 describes the general algorithm for generating the random velocities of particles for an inflow boundarycondition.FortheMaxwellianinflowdistribution(1.1)therearethreemethodsforrandomvariate generationthatareincommonuse.Thefirstisinversion(seeSection4),whichhasthedisadvantageofbeing computationallyexpensive.Theothertwoareapproximateacceptance–rejectionschemes,discussedin[5]and in Section 5.1, which are more efficient than inversion but not exact. InSection5.2,wedevelopseveralexactacceptance–rejectionschemesthataremoreefficientthananyofthe threemethodsincommonuse.ThecomputationalefficiencyofalltheschemesisdiscussedinSection6.Their programming implementation in a practical example is summarized in Section 7. We conclude in Section 8 with some further remarks regarding applications of the present schemes and their extension to other distributions. 2. Maxwellian inflow This section establishes the mathematical formulation for inflow boundary conditions. Readers inter- ested in a more physical introduction, presented in the context of a specific example, are directed to Sec- tion 7. The general inflow boundary condition for the Boltzmann equation [6] is fðt;x;vÞðv;nðxÞÞ¼bðx;vÞ; where tP0, x2oD and the velocity v2R3 is such that (v,n(x))>0. Here, oD denotes the boundary of the spatialdomainD;n(x)istheunitinwardnormalvectoratx2oD;(v,n)isthescalar(dot)productofvectorsv and n. The function b determines the inflow intensity (waiting time parameter) 1 Z Z k¼ bðx;vÞdvrðdxÞ ð2:1Þ g oD ðv;nðxÞÞ>0 and the inflow law 1 bðx;vÞ; ð2:2Þ gk where r(dx) denotes the uniform surface measure (area) on oD and g is the weight of the incoming particles. A case of special interest is Maxwellian inflow (cid:3)M ðvÞðv;eÞ if x2C; ðv;eÞ>0; .;V;T bðx;vÞ¼ 0 otherwise, where ! . kv(cid:2)Vk2 M ðvÞ¼ exp (cid:2) .;V;T ð2pTÞ3=2 2T is the Maxwellian distribution and e¼nðxÞ 8x2C(cid:4)oD; is the unit normal for some plane part C of the boundary. The inflow intensity (2.1) takes the form 1 k¼ rðCÞC; ð2:3Þ g where Z C ¼ M ðvÞðv;eÞdv. ð2:4Þ .;V;T ðv;eÞ>0 According to the inflow law (2.2), the position of the incoming particle is distributed uniformly on C, the in- flowboundary,andtheparticleentersthedomainbyleavingthisboundaryatarandomtime[5,7,8].Itsveloc- ity is generated according to the probability density A.L.Garcia,W.Wagner/JournalofComputationalPhysics217(2006)693–708 695 ( C(cid:2)1M ðvÞðv;eÞ if ðv;eÞ>0; qðvÞ¼ .;V;T ð2:5Þ 0 otherwise. 3. General algorithm We now turn to the question of how to generate a random variable n according to the probability density (2.5).Employing a standard substitution, which forcompleteness ispresented inAppendixA, theproblem is reduced to generating from the density ( 2mðaÞ(cid:2)1p(cid:2)1ðaþw Þexpð(cid:2)jjwjj2Þ if aþw >0; ~qðw ;w ;w Þ¼ 3 3 1 2 3 0 otherwise, where ðV;eÞ a¼ p ð3:1Þ ffiffiffiffiffiffi 2T is the speed ratio and p mðxÞ¼expð(cid:2)x2Þþx ffipffiffi½1þerfðxÞ(cid:3); x2R. ð3:2Þ The components of w are independent; the first two components are distributed according to the probability density 1 exp(cid:4)(cid:2)w2(cid:2)w2(cid:5); w ;w 2R; p 1 2 1 2 and the third is obtained as w ¼(cid:2)z; ð3:3Þ 3 where z is distributed according to the Maxwell inflow distribution 2 p ðzÞ¼ ða(cid:2)zÞexpð(cid:2)z2Þ; z2ð(cid:2)1;aÞ. ð3:4Þ a mðaÞ The random variable n is obtained as (cf. (A.2), (3.3)) 0 1 w(cid:5) p 1 ffiffiffiffiffiffi n¼V þ 2TQðeÞB w(cid:5) C, ð3:5Þ @ 2 A (cid:2)z(cid:5) where Q is a coordinate rotation matrix (cf. (A.1)). The variables w(cid:5) and w(cid:5) are independent Gaussians with 1 2 zeromeanandvariance1/2.Inthecasea=0,oneobtainsfromtheinversetransformation(seeSection4)and (A.10) pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi z(cid:5) ¼(cid:2) (cid:2)logu; ð3:6Þ whereuisuniformlydistributedon(0,1).Thegenerationofthevariablez*inthecasea6¼0,whichisthepoint of this paper, will be discussed in the following sections. 4. Inverse transform Onemethodtoobtainthecomponentz*tobeusedin(3.5)isbytheinversetransformmethod[1,2],thatis, by solving numerically the equation Z z p ðxÞdx¼u; z<a; ð4:1Þ a (cid:2)1 696 A.L.Garcia,W.Wagner/JournalofComputationalPhysics217(2006)693–708 where uisuniformly distributed on(0,1).Denotetheleft-hand side of Eq.(4.1)byF (z). According to(A.9) a (A.10), and (3.4), one obtains 1 p F ðzÞ¼ fexpð(cid:2)z2Þþa ffipffiffi½1þerfðzÞ(cid:3)g. a mðaÞ Furthermore, F0ðxÞ¼p ðxÞ and a a 2 p0ðzÞ¼ expð(cid:2)z2Þ½2z2(cid:2)2za(cid:2)1(cid:3). a mðaÞ Thus, the function F has an inflection point at a p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi a(cid:2) a2þ2 zðaÞ¼ ; ð4:2Þ 2 and the function p takes its maximum there, that is, a maxp ðzÞ¼p ðzðaÞÞ. ð4:3Þ a a z<a Note that z(a)<min(a,0). Eq. (4.1) is solved by a Newton iteration, starting with the initial guess z =z(a). Calculate the error 0 E ¼F ðz Þ(cid:2)u; k ¼0;1;2;...; k a k and stop if it is small enough, specifically if |E |<E . Otherwise, calculate the new guess k d E mðaÞE z ¼z (cid:2) k ¼z (cid:2) k kþ1 k F0ðz Þ k 2ða(cid:2)z Þexpð(cid:2)z2Þ a k k k and continue the iteration. The inversion method, as described above, has the disadvantage of being computationally expensive rela- tivetoothergenerators,asdiscussedinSection6.AnalternativetoNewtoniterationistopre-computeF (z), a use(4.1)totabulateF(cid:2)1ðuÞandthengeneratezbyinterpolatedtablelookup.FortheMaxwellian inflowdis- a tribution there are several disadvantages to this approach: First, the infinite tail of the distribution must be treated separately, typically by acceptance–rejection (see the following section). Second, the scheme is not exactandalargetable,costingcomputermemory,withagoodinterpolationscheme,costingcomputertime, are needed to maintain accuracy. Finally, the table of F(cid:2)1 must be recomputed for each different value of a. a Given the computational efficiency of the generators presented in this paper (see Section 6) it is unlikely that inversion by table lookup, or other table methods [1], would be competitive. 5. Acceptance–rejection This section discusses the use of the acceptance–rejection technique to generate the component z* to be used in (3.5). This technique is based on selecting a suitable majorant (envelope) ^p such that (cf. (3.4)) p ðzÞ6^pðzÞ 8z<a. ð5:1Þ a The component z* is generated according to the probability density 1 Ra ^pðxÞdx^pðzÞ; z<a; ð5:2Þ (cid:2)1 and is accepted with probability p ðz(cid:5)Þ a ð5:3Þ ^pðz(cid:5)Þ so 1 Ra ^pðxÞdx ð5:4Þ (cid:2)1 is the acceptance rate. A.L.Garcia,W.Wagner/JournalofComputationalPhysics217(2006)693–708 697 Theefficiencyoftheacceptance–rejectionmethodobviouslydependsonthechoiceoftheenvelopefunction ^p.Ideally,theacceptanceratewillbeclosetooneandtheprobabilitydensity(5.2)isadistributionthatcanbe generated efficiently. 5.1. Approximate envelopes This section presents two approximate acceptance–rejection methods that are in common use [5]. The schemes are approximate because the envelopes do not satisfy (5.1) and thus the distributions they generate only approximate p (z). a 5.1.1. Box envelope The first approximate method uses a rectangular box envelope (cf. (4.2), (4.3)) (cid:3)p ðzðaÞÞ; z ðaÞ<z<z ðaÞ; ^p ðzÞ¼ a < > B 0 otherwise, where z (a)<z (a)6a are some parameters to be specified later. Note that < > 8 0; z<z ðaÞ; Z z >< < ^p ðxÞdx¼ p ðzðaÞÞðz(cid:2)z ðaÞÞ; z ðaÞ<z<z ðaÞ; B a < < > (cid:2)1 >:p ðzðaÞÞðz ðaÞ(cid:2)z ðaÞÞ; z>z ðaÞ. a > < > One generates z* as z(cid:5) ¼z ðaÞþðz ðaÞ(cid:2)z ðaÞÞu < > < which is accepted with probability (cf. (5.3)) p ðz(cid:5)Þ a(cid:2)z(cid:5) a ¼ expðzðaÞ2(cid:2)ðz(cid:5)Þ2Þ. p ðzðaÞÞ a(cid:2)zðaÞ a This method is approximate since the condition (cf. (5.1)) p ðzÞ6^p ðzÞ a B is not satisfied for z<z (a) and for z>z (a). The actual distribution generated by the box envelope is < > (cid:3)p ðzÞ=m ðaÞ; z ðaÞ<z<z ðaÞ; ~p ðzÞ¼ a B < > a 0 otherwise, where Z z> m ðaÞ¼ p ðzÞdz. B a z< 5.1.2. Reservoir envelope The second approximate method uses the envelope 2 ^p ðzÞ¼ ða(cid:2)z ðaÞÞexpð(cid:2)z2Þ; R mðaÞ < where z (a)<a is some parameter to be specified later. One generates z* according to the probability < density 1 p expð(cid:2)z2Þ ð5:5Þ ffiffiffi p 698 A.L.Garcia,W.Wagner/JournalofComputationalPhysics217(2006)693–708 so that z* is a Gaussian with zero mean and variance 1/2. The generated value is rejected if z*>a, accepted with probability (cf. (5.3)) p ðz(cid:5)Þ a(cid:2)z(cid:5) a ¼ ð5:6Þ ^p ðz(cid:5)Þ a(cid:2)z ðaÞ R < if z*>z (a), and accepted with probability one otherwise. < The reservoir method is so named because it has the following physical interpretation: A particle is gener- ated in a reservoir with position x and velocity v. The position is chosen uniformly from the interval ((cid:2)L,0) andthevelocitychosenasv=a(cid:2)zwherezisdistributedas(5.5).Theparticleisacceptedifitmovespastthe origin during a time interval s, that is, xþvs>0 or ða(cid:2)zÞs>uL. Taking L s¼ a(cid:2)z ðaÞ < gives us that z is accepted with probability (5.6). Note that this method is approximate since the condition (cf. (5.1)) p ðzÞ6^p ðzÞ a R is not satisfied for z<z (a). The actual distribution generated by the reservoir envelope is < 1 (cid:3)p ðzÞ; z ðaÞ<z<a; ~p ðzÞ¼ a < a m ðaÞ ^p ðzÞ otherwise, R R where Z a Z z< m ðaÞ¼ p ðzÞdzþ ^p ðzÞdz. R a R z< (cid:2)1 5.1.3. Truncation errors The error in these approximate methods is most easily seen from the absolute fractional error in the moments, that is, (cid:6)(cid:6)hzii(cid:2)h~zii(cid:6)(cid:6) (cid:6) (cid:6); (cid:6) hzii (cid:6) where Z a Z a hzii¼ zip ðzÞdz and h~zii¼ zi~p ðzÞdz. a a (cid:2)1 (cid:2)1 This error is shown in Fig. 1 for the box and reservoir envelopes using typical values for the parameters (see [5,7]) in these approximate envelopes. For the higher moments, the error is large (a few percent) when a<0. This error can be reduced by suitable choice of the envelopes’ parameters but at the price of computational efficiency (see Section 6). 5.2. Exact envelopes This section presents the main results of this paper, namely, four exact envelope functions, two for each caseofnegativeandpositivespeedratio(a<0anda>0).Welatershow(seeSection6)thattheseenvelopes yieldefficientacceptance–rejectionschemesfortheMaxwellianinflowdistribution.Ofthefourenvelopespre- sentedinthissection,thefirstandthethirdaremostefficientforlow-speedratioðjaj<1Þwhiletheothertwo 2 are efficient for a broad range of a. A.L.Garcia,W.Wagner/JournalofComputationalPhysics217(2006)693–708 699 100 10-1 <z3> α = 1 1 α = 2 1 s ent 10-2 <z2> m o m n or i <z> err ac. 10-3 Fr 10-4 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 a 10-1 10-2 <z3> ents 10-3 <z2> m o m n or i <z> err c. 10-4 a Fr 10-5 10-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 a Fig. 1. Absolutefractional errorinthe first threemomentsasa functionof speedratio,a. Upperfigure isfor the boxenvelopewith z (a)=min(a(cid:2)a, (cid:2)3), z (a)=min(a, 3) for a =1 (solid line) and a =2 (dashed line). Lower figure is the reservoir envelope with < 1 > 1 1 z (a)=min(a(cid:2)1,(cid:2)3). < 700 A.L.Garcia,W.Wagner/JournalofComputationalPhysics217(2006)693–708 5.2.1. Envelope 1 (a<0) For a<0, consider the envelope 2 ^p ðzÞ¼ ð(cid:2)zÞexpð(cid:2)z2Þ 1 mðaÞ and note that (cf. (A.10)) Z z 1 ^p ðxÞdx¼ expð(cid:2)z2Þ. ð5:7Þ 1 mðaÞ (cid:2)1 The acceptance rate (5.4) is mðaÞ expð(cid:2)a2Þ and tends to 1 as a!0 (see Fig. 2). One obtains from (5.7) pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi z(cid:5) ¼(cid:2) a2(cid:2)logu ð5:8Þ and the acceptance probability (5.3) is a(cid:2)z(cid:5) (cid:3)0 if z(cid:5) !a; ! (cid:2)z(cid:5) 1 if z(cid:5) !(cid:2)1. 5.2.2. Envelope 2 (a<0) For a<0, consider the envelope (cf. (4.2), (4.3)) (cid:3)^p ðzÞ if z<bðaÞ; 1 ^p ðzÞ¼ 2 p ðzðaÞÞ if z2½bðaÞ;aÞ; a 1 e 0.8 at R e 0.6 c n a ept 0.4 c c A 0.2 0 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 a 1 e0.8 at R e 0.6 c n a ept0.4 c c A 0.2 0 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 a Fig.2. Acceptanceratesfor:Envelope1 (solidline, a<0);Envelope2(dashedline, a<0); Envelope3(solid line,a>0); Envelope4 (dashedline,a>0). A.L.Garcia,W.Wagner/JournalofComputationalPhysics217(2006)693–708 701 where the function b satisfies bðaÞ6a. The previous case is obtained for b(a)=a. One obtains Z a 1 ^p ðzÞdz¼ ½expð(cid:2)bðaÞ2Þþ2expð(cid:2)zðaÞ2Þða(cid:2)zðaÞÞ½a(cid:2)bðaÞ(cid:3)(cid:3) 2 mðaÞ (cid:2)1 and the corresponding acceptance rate (5.4). Our particular choice is bðaÞ¼a(cid:2)ð1(cid:2)aÞða(cid:2)zðaÞÞ; which gives a favorable acceptance rate over a wide range of a (see Fig. 2). For this piece-wise envelope, with probability expð(cid:2)bðaÞ2Þ ; expð(cid:2)bðaÞ2Þþ2expð(cid:2)zðaÞ2Þða(cid:2)zðaÞÞ½a(cid:2)bðaÞ(cid:3) z* is generated according to the probability density 2expðbðaÞ2Þð(cid:2)zÞexpð(cid:2)z2Þ; z<bðaÞ; so that (cf. (5.8)) qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi z(cid:5) ¼(cid:2) bðaÞ2(cid:2)logu; and accepted with probability a(cid:2)z(cid:5) . (cid:2)z(cid:5) With probability 2expð(cid:2)zðaÞ2Þða(cid:2)zðaÞÞ½a(cid:2)bðaÞ(cid:3) expð(cid:2)bðaÞ2Þþ2expð(cid:2)zðaÞ2Þða(cid:2)zðaÞÞ½a(cid:2)bðaÞ(cid:3) z* is generated uniformly on [b(a),a] and accepted with probability a(cid:2)z(cid:5) expðzðaÞ2(cid:2)ðz(cid:5)Þ2Þ. a(cid:2)zðaÞ 5.2.3. Envelope 3 (a>0) For a>0, consider the envelope ( p ðzÞ if z60; ^p ðzÞ¼ a 3 2mðaÞ(cid:2)1ða(cid:2)zÞ if z2ð0;aÞ; and note that (cf. (A.9) and (A.10)) Z a 1 p ^p ðzÞdz¼ ða ffipffiffiþ1þa2Þ. 3 mðaÞ (cid:2)1 The acceptance rate (5.4) is mðaÞ p ; a ffipffiffiþ1þa2 which is shown in Fig. 2 to be close to unity for a<1. With probability p ffiffiffi a p p ffiffiffi a pþ1þa2 702 A.L.Garcia,W.Wagner/JournalofComputationalPhysics217(2006)693–708 one generates z* according to the probability density 2 p expð(cid:2)z2Þ; z60; ffiffiffi p so that z* is a one-sided Gaussian with parameters 0 and 1/2. With probability 1 p a ffipffiffiþ1þa2 one generates z* according to the probability density 2ð(cid:2)zÞexpð(cid:2)z2Þ; z60; so that z* is defined in (3.6). With probability a2 p ffiffiffi a pþ1þa2 one generates z* according to the probability density 2 ða(cid:2)zÞ; z2ð0;aÞ; a2 so that p z(cid:5) ¼að1(cid:2) ffiuffiffiÞ; and accepts it with probability expð(cid:2)ðz(cid:5)Þ2Þ. 5.2.4. Envelope 4 (a>0) For a>0, consider the envelope ( p ðzÞ if z60; ^p ðzÞ¼ a 4 2mðaÞ(cid:2)1aexpð(cid:2)z2Þ if z>0; and note that (cf. (A.10)) Z a 1 p ffiffiffi ^p ðzÞdz¼ ð2a pþ1Þ. 4 mðaÞ (cid:2)1 The acceptance rate (5.4) is mðaÞ p ; ffiffiffi 2a pþ1 which is shown in Fig. 2 to be favorable over a wide range of values, going to unity as a!1. With probability p ffiffiffi 2a p p ffiffiffi 2a pþ1 one generates z* according to the probability density 1 p expð(cid:2)z2Þ; z2R; ffiffiffi p so that z* is Gaussian with zero mean and variance 1/2. With probability 1 p ffiffiffi 2a pþ1