GENERATING GEOMETRY AXIOMS FROM POSET AXIOMS WOLFRAMRETTER 4 ABSTRACT. Twoaxiomsofordergeoemtryaretheposetaxiomsoftransitivityandantisymmetry 1 of the relation’is in frontof’when lookingfroma point. From these axioms, by lookingfrom 0 anintervalinsteadofapoint,furtherwell-knownaxiomsofordergeometryaregeneratedinthe 2 following sense: Transitivity when looking from an interval is equivalent to [4, §10, Assioma n XIII].Assumingthisaxiom,antisymmetrywhenlookingfromanintervalisequivalentto[3,§1, a VIII. Grundsatz]. Further equivalences, with some of the implications well-known, are proved J alongtheway. 6 1 ] O C CONTENTS . h 1. Introduction 1 t a 2. Interval-TransitivityCriterion 4 m 3. Interval-AntisymmetryCrtierion 8 [ 4. Conclusion 11 1 References 11 v 1 2 8 3 . 1. INTRODUCTION 1 0 Let X be a vectorspace overa totallyordered field K, for exampleK = R and X = Rn for an 4 1 n ∈ Z≥1.Thevector intervalrelationonX istheternary relationh·, ·, ·idefined by : v hx, y, zi :⇔ Thereisa λ ∈ K such that0 ≤ λ ≤ 1and y = x+λ(z −x) , i X X togetherwiththisrelationsatisfies thefollowingconditions: r a ◦ Fora ∈ X,thebinaryrelationsh·, ·, ai and ha, ·, ·iare reflexiveonX . ◦ Fora ∈ X,thebinaryrelation h·, a, ·iis symmetric. ◦ Forx, y ∈ X,hx, y, xi impliesy = x. An interval space is a pair consisting of a set X and a ternary relation h·, ·, ·i on X such that theseconditionsaresatisfied. Thus,avectorspaceX overatotallyorderedfieldK togetherwith its vector interval relation is an interval space. The concept of an interval space has been taken from [9,chapterI, 3.1]. January 12, 2014 Date: . 2010MathematicsSubjectClassification. 51D20,51G05,52A01. Keywordsandphrases. intervalspace,ordergeometry,orderedgeometry,poset,antimatroid. 1 2 WOLFRAMRETTER An interval space (X, h·, ·, ·i) is also simply denoted by X when it is clear from the context whethertheintervalspaceoronlytheset ismeant. An interval space X is called point-transitiveiff for each a ∈ X , the binary relation ha, ·, ·i is transitive, i.e. for all x, y, z ∈ X , (ha, x, yi and ha, y, zi) =⇒ ha, x, zi . A vector space with its vector interval relation is point-transitive and satisfies the equivalent conditions of the followingtheorem. Condition(1)isobtainedfromthepoint-transitivityconditionthatha, ·, ·iis transitivebyreplacing thepointabyan interval. Condition(2)istheintervalrelationversionof thestrictintervalrelationcondition[4, §10,AssiomaXIII]. •c ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦x♦♦•♦♦♦♦• • • • a b Thedefinitionsofthe intervalspaceconcepts and notationsfollowimmediatleyafterwards. The proof is givenbelow. For counter-examples and more examples and history of the concepts, see [6, sections 1.4, 1.5] and the references given there. For a set X, P (X) denotes the power set ofX,i.e. thesetofall subsetsofX . Theorem. 2.3 (interval-transitivity criterion) Let X be an interval space. Then the following conditionsareequivalent: (1) X isinterval-transitive. (2) Foralla, b, c ∈ X ,[{a}, [b, c]] ⊆ [[a, b], {c}] . (3) Foralla, b, c ∈ X ,[{a}, [b, c]] = [[a, b], {c}] . (4) P (X) withthebinaryoperation[·, ·]isa semigroup. (5) P (X) withthebinaryoperation[·, ·]isa commutativesemigroup. (6) X isinterval-convex,andforeachconvexsetA,thebinaryrelationhA, ·, ·iistransitive. (7) Forallconvex setsA, B, [A, B]isconvex. (8) Foralla, b, c ∈ X ,[[a, b], {c}]is convex. (9) Foralla, b, c ∈ X ,co({a, b, c}) = [[a, b], {c}] . Let X bean intervalspace. ForA ⊆ X and b, c ∈ X , hA, b, ci :⇐⇒ There isan a ∈ Asuchthat ha, b, ci . ForA, C ⊆ X andb ∈ X, hA, b, Ci :⇐⇒ Therearea ∈ A, c ∈ C suchthat ha, b, ci . Fora, c ∈ X,theintervalbetween aand c istheset [a, c] := ha, ·, ci = {x ∈ X| ha, x, ci} . ForA, C ⊆ X,theintervalbetween Aand C istheset GENERATINGGEOMETRYAXIOMSFROMPOSETAXIOMS 3 [A, C] := hA, ·, Ci = {x ∈ X| hA, x, Ci} . A subset C of X is called convex iff [C, C] ⊆ C, i.e. for all x, y, z ∈ X , if hx, y, zi and x, z ∈ C,theny ∈ C. ForA ⊆ X ,theconvex closureorconvex hullofAinX istheset co(A) := \{B ⊆ X|B ⊇ Aand B isconvex.} . It isthesmallestconvexsetin X containgA. X is called interval-transitive iff for for all a, b ∈ X , the binary relation h[a, b], ·, ·i is transitive. Each interval-transitiveintervalspaceis point-transitive. X is called interval-convex iff for all a, b ∈ X , [a, b] is convex. The concept of an interval- convex interval space generalizes the concept of an interval monotone graph in [2, 1.1.6]. The term ’interval-convex’hasbeen introducedin [6,section 1.5]. An interval space X is called point-antisymmetric iff for each a ∈ X, the binary relation ha, ·, ·iisantisymmetric,i.e. forallx, y ∈ X \[a, b] ,(ha, x, yi and ha, y, xi) =⇒ x = y.A vector space with its vector interval relation is point-antisymmetric. It is also interval-transitive and satisfies the equivalent conditions of the following theorem. Condition (1) is obtained from the point-antisymmetry condition that ha, ·, ·i is antisymmetric by replacing the point a by an interval. Condition (2) is the interval relation version of the strict interval relation condition [3, §1, VIII. Grundsatz]. The definitions of the interval space and closure space concepts follow immediatley afterwards. The proof is given below. For counter-examples and more examples and history of the interval space concepts, see [6, sections 1.4, 1.5] and the references given there. Theorem. 3.5 (interval-antisymmetry criterion) Let X be an interval-transitive interval space. Then thefollowingconditionsareequivalent: (1) X isinterval-antisymmetric. (2) X isstiff. (3) Foreach convexset A,thebinaryrelationhA, ·, ·iis antisymmetriconX \A. (4) Thepairconsistingof X andthesetof convexsetsis anantiexchangespace. (5) Thepairconsistingof X andthesetof convexsetsis anantimatroid. Let X bean intervalspace. X is called interval-antisymmetric iff for all a, b ∈ X the binary relation h[a, b], ·, ·i is antisymmetriconX\[a, b] .Ingeneral,therewillbenocahncethatthisrelationisantisymmetric on thewholeofX . X is called stiff iff for all a, b, c, d ∈ X, (ha, b, ci and b 6= c and hb, c, di) =⇒ ha, b, di . Asnotedabove,thisconditionistheintervalrelationversionofthestrictintervalrelationcondi- tion[3, §1,VIII. Grundsatz]. In [6, section3.2]astiffintervalspacehas been called one-way. • • • • a b c d 4 WOLFRAMRETTER Let X be a set. A closure system or Moore family on X is a set C of subsets of X such that X ∈ C and foreach non-emptyD ⊆ C, D ∈ C. T A closurespaceis a pairconsistingof aset X and a closuresystemC on X .A set A ⊆ X is called closed iffA ∈ C. When (X, O) is a topologicalspace, then thepair consistingof X and the set of closed sets in (X, O) is a closure space. When (X, h·, ·, ·i) is an interval space, then the pair consisting of X and the set of convex sets is a closure space. The concept of a closure space as defined here is slighly more general than in [8, chapter I, 1.2], where it is required that ∅ ∈ C and aclosuresystemiscalled aprotopology. Aclosurespace(X, C)isalsosimplydenotedbyX whenitisclearfromthecontextwhether theclosurespaceoronlytheset ismeant. Let(X, C) beaclosurespace. ForA ⊆ X ,theclosureofAistheset cl(A) := \{B ⊆ X|B ⊇ Aand B ∈ C} ItisthesmallestclosedsupersetofA.WhenX isanintervalspaceandC isthesystemofconvex setsin X,then forA ⊆ X,theclosureofAis theconvexclosureofA. For A ⊆ X , the entailment relation of C relative to A or A-entailment relation is the binary relation⊢A on X defined by x ⊢A y :⇔ y ∈ cl(A∪{x}) . (X, C)is called an antiexchange space iff for each closed A ⊆ X, one and therefore all of the followingconditionshold,whichare equivalentby[6, Proposition3.1.1]: ◦ Therelation⊢A isantisymmetricon X \A. ◦ Therestriction⊢A |(X \A) is apartialorder onX \A. (X, C) is called algebraicorcombinatorialifffor each chain D ⊆ C, D ∈ C. [8, chapter I, S 1.3] states theequivalenceof this definition with otherwell-knowndefinitions. A combinatorial (i.e. algebraic) closure space is also just called a combinatorial space. When X is an interval spaceand C isthesystemofconvexsetsin X,then (X, C) isa combinatorialclosurespace. An antimatroid (anti-matroid) or Dilworth space is a combinatorial exchange space with ∅ closed. Thisconcept has been taken from[8, chapterI, 2.24]. 2. INTERVAL-TRANSITIVITY CRITERION Part (1) of the following proposition is cited from [5, Theorem 2.3]. Parts (2) and (3) are cited from [5,Theorem 2.1]. Proposition 2.1. (set interval operator) Let X be an interval space. The binary operation [·, ·] on P (X) hasthefollowingproperties: (1) [·, ·]iscommutative,i.e. forA, B ⊆ X,[A, B] = [B, A] . (2) For C ⊆ X , the unary operation [·, C] is increasing, i.e. for A, B ⊆ X, A ⊆ B =⇒ [A, C] ⊆ [B, C] . (3) For C ⊆ X , the unary operation [C, ·] is increasing, i.e. for A, B ⊆ X, A ⊆ B =⇒ [C, A] ⊆ [C, B] . GENERATINGGEOMETRYAXIOMSFROMPOSETAXIOMS 5 (4) The binary operation [·, ·] is increasing, i.e. for A, B, C, D ⊆ X, A ⊆ B and C ⊆ D =⇒ [A, C] ⊆ [B, D] . Proof. (1) [5, Theorem2.3] (2) [5, Theorem2.1] (3) [5, Theorem2.1] (4) followsfrom (3)and (4) (cid:3) Let X be an intervalspace and a, b ∈ X .If the binary relation h[a, b], ·, ·i is transitive,then forx, y, c ∈ X, h[a, b], x, yi and h[a, b], y, ci =⇒ h[a, b], x, ci . Substitutinga ∈ [a, b] andb ∈ [a, b] , ha, x, yi and hb, y, ci =⇒ h[a, b], x, ci , i.e. ha, x, yi and y ∈ [b, c] =⇒ h[a, b], x, ci . Consequently,forx, c ∈ X, ha, x, [b, c]i =⇒ h[a, b], x, ci , i.e. forc ∈ X , [{a}, [b, c]] ⊆[[a, b], {c}] . The last condition says: For x ∈ X, if x is between a and [b, c] , then x is also between [a, b] and c : •c ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦x♦♦•♦♦♦♦• • • • a b Summarizing, Proposition 2.2. (interval spaces transitive from a base-interval) Let X be an interval space and a, b ∈ X. If the binary relation h[a, b], ·, ·i is transitive, then for c ∈ X, [a, [b, c]] ⊆ [[a, b], c] . Condition(2)inthefollowingtheoremistheintervalrelationversionofthestrictintervalrelation condition[4, §10, AssiomaXIII]. In [8, chapter I, 4.9] it has been called thePeano Property. In [6, section 1.5], its equivalence with conditions (8) and (9) has been stated, and accordingly, X has beencalled triangle-convexiffoneand thereforeeach ofthesethreeequivalentconditionsis satisfied. The implication (3) ⇒ (4) has been proved in [5, Theorem 2.4]. In [8, chapter I, 4.10 6 WOLFRAMRETTER (2)] it has been shown that (2) implies interval-convexity in (6). In [5, Theorem 4.45 (a)] it has been demonstrated that (3) implies the strict interval relation version of transitivity in (6). The implication(2)⇒(7)has been provedin[5, Theorem 2.12]. Theorem 2.3. (interval-transitivity criterion) Let X be an interval space. Then the following conditionsareequivalent: (1) X isinterval-transitive. (2) Foralla, b, c ∈ X ,[{a}, [b, c]] ⊆ [[a, b], {c}] . (3) Foralla, b, c ∈ X ,[{a}, [b, c]] = [[a, b], {c}] . (4) P (X) withthebinaryoperation[·, ·]isa semigroup. (5) P (X) withthebinaryoperation[·, ·]isa commutativesemigroup. (6) X isinterval-convex,andforeachconvexsetA,thebinaryrelationhA, ·, ·iistransitive. (7) Forallconvex setsA, B, [A, B]isconvex. (8) Foralla, b, c ∈ X ,[[a, b], {c}]is convex. (9) Foralla, b, c ∈ X ,co({a, b, c}) = [[a, b], {c}] . Proof. Step 1. (1)⇒ (2)followsby 2.2(intervalspaces transitivefromabase-interval). Step2. (2)⇒(3). Fora, b, c ∈ X itremainstobeprovedthat= [[a, b], c] ⊆ [a, [b, c]] .The assumption(2)impliesby 2.1(1)(set intervaloperator): [[a, b], {c}] =[{c}, [b, a]] ⊆[[c, b], {a}] =[{a}, [b, c]] . Step 3. (3)⇒ (4). [5, Theorem2.4] Step 4. (4)⇒ (5)followsby 2.1(1)(set intervaloperator). Step 5. (5)⇒ (6). Step 5.1. Proof that X is interval-convex, i.e. for a, b ∈ X, [[a, b], [a, b]] ⊆ [a, b] . The assumption(5)impliesby generalized associativityand commutativity: [[a, b], [a, b]] =[[{a}, {b}], [{a}, {b}]] =[[{a}, {a}], [{b}, {b}]] =[{a}, {b}] =[a, b] . Step 5.2. Proof that for each convex set A, the binary relation hA, ·, ·i is transitive, i.e. for x, y, z ∈ X, hA, x, yi and hA, y, zi implies hA, x, zi , i.e. for y, z ∈ X, y ∈ [A, {z}] implies[A, {y}] ⊆ [A, {z}] .Theassumptionthat Aisconvexsays: [A, A] ⊆ A. (2.1) GENERATINGGEOMETRYAXIOMSFROMPOSETAXIOMS 7 From theassumptionsy ∈ [A, {z}] ,i.e. {y} ⊆ [A, {z}] ,and (5)and (2.1)it followsby2.1(2) and (3)(set intervaloperator): [A, {y}] ⊆[A, [A, {z}]] =[[A, A], {z}] ⊆[A, {z}] . Step 6. (6)⇒ (1). Theassumptionthat X is interval-convexentails: [a, b] isconvex. (2.2) From(2.2)andtheassumptionthatforeachconvexsetAthebinaryrelationhA, ·, ·iistransitive itfollowsthath[a, b], ·, ·iistransitive. Step 7. (5)⇒ (7). Theassumptionthat A, B are convexsays: [A, A] ⊆ A, (2.3) [B, B] ⊆ B. (2.4) The assumption (5), (2.3) and (2.4) imply by by generalized associativity and commutativity: and 2.1(4)(set intervaloperator): [[A, B], [A, B]] =[[A, A], [B, B]] ⊆[A, B] . Step 8. (7)⇒ (8). {a}, {b}, {c} are convex. (2.5) From (2.5)andtheassumption(7)itfollowsthat [{a}, {b}]isconvex,i.e. [a, b] isconvex. (2.6) From (2.6)andtheassumption(7)implythat [[a, b], c]isconvex. Step 9. (8)⇒(9). Theassumption(8) impliesthatit suffices toprovethatfor C a convexset, C ⊇ {a, b, c} iffC ⊇ [[a, b], c] .From theassumptionthatC isconvexitfollows: C ⊇ {a, b, c} ⇐⇒(C ⊇ {a, b} and C ⊇ {c}) ⇐⇒(C ⊇ [a, b] andC ⊇ {c}) ⇐⇒C ⊇ [[a, b], c] 8 WOLFRAMRETTER Step 10. (9)⇒ (3). Theassumption(9)impliesby2.1(1)(set intervaloperator): [{a}, [b, c]] =[[b, c], {a}] =co({b, c, a}) =co({a, b, c}) =[[a, b], {c}] . (cid:3) 3. INTERVAL-ANTISYMMETRY CRTIERION Let X be point-transitive interval space and a, d ∈ X . If the binary relation h[a, d], ·, ·i is antisymmetriconX \[a, d] ,thenfor b, c ∈ X, (c, b ∈/ [a, d] and h[a, d], b, ci and h[a, d], c, bi) =⇒ b = c. Substitutinga ∈ [a, d]inthesecondand and d ∈ [a, d]inthethirdcondition, (c, b ∈/ [a, d] and ha, b, ci and hd, c, bi) =⇒ b = c. Equivalently, (ha, b, ci and hd, c, bi and b 6= c) =⇒ (c ∈ [a, d] orb ∈ [a, d]) . Rewriting, (ha, b, ci and b 6= c and hb, c, di) =⇒ (ha, c, di or ha, b, di) . The condition ha, b, ci on the left, the first possibility ha, c, di on the right and the assumption thatX ispoint-transitiveimplythesecond possibilityhb, c, dion theright. Consequently, (ha, b, ci and b 6= c and hb, c, di) =⇒ ha, b, di . Summarizing, Proposition3.1. (intervalspacesantisymmetricfromabase-interval)LetX beapoint-transitive intervalspaceanda, d ∈ X.Ifthebinaryrelationh[a, d], ·, ·iisantisymmetriconX \[a, d] , thenfor b, c ∈ X ,(ha, b, ci andb 6= c and hb, c, di) =⇒ ha, b, di . Thefollowingpropositionis similarto[1, chapterII, proposition10]. Proposition 3.2. (stiff interval spaces) Let X be a stiff interval space. Then for each convex set A,thebinaryrelationhA, ·, ·i isantisymmetricon X \A. Proof. It is to be proved that b, c ∈ X \A, hA, b, ci and hA, c, bi implies b = c. The assump- tionshA, b, ciand hA, c, bi saythat thereare a, d ∈ A (3.1) such that ha, b, ci (3.2) GENERATINGGEOMETRYAXIOMSFROMPOSETAXIOMS 9 and hd, c, bi ,i.e. hb, c, di . (3.3) Seeking acontradiction,suppose b 6= c. (3.4) (3.2), (3.4), (3.3)and theassumption(2)imply: ha, b, di . (3.5) From (3.1), (3.5) and the assumption that A is convex it follows that b ∈ A, contradicting the assumptionthatb ∈ X \A. (cid:3) Proposition 3.3. (interval-transitve interval spaces) Let X be an interval-transitive interval space and A a convex set. Then the relative entailment relation ⊢A is the reverse relation of thebinaryrelationhA, ·, ·i . Proof. It is tobeprovedthat forb, c ∈ X , c ⊢A biffhA, b, ci . {c} isconvex. (3.6) From (3.6) and the assumptions that A is convex and X is interval-transitive it follows by 2.3 (interval-transitivity criterion) that [A, {c}] is convex. Therefore, co(A∪{c}) = [A, {c}] . Consequently,thefollowingequivalenceshold: c ⊢A b ⇐⇒b ∈ co(A∪{c}) ⇐⇒b ∈ [A, {c}] ⇐⇒hA, b, ci . (cid:3) 10 WOLFRAMRETTER Thefollowingpropositionisaparticularcaseofamoregeneralprincipleforrelationalstructures. Proposition 3.4. (interval spaces are combinatorial spaces) Let X be an interval space. Then theclosurespaceconsistingofX andtheset ofconvex setsiscombinatorial. Proof. For a chain D of convex sets is to be proved that D is convex, i.e. for a, b, c ∈ X, if S a, c ∈ D and ha, b, ci , then b ∈ D. The assumption that a, c ∈ D says that there are S S S A, C ∈ D suchthat a ∈ A, (3.7) c ∈ C. (3.8) FromtheassumptionsthatDisachainandA, C ∈ D itfollowsthatA ⊆ C orC ⊆ A.Suppose withoutlossofgeneralitythat A ⊆ C. (3.9) (3.7)and (3.9)imply a ∈ C. (3.10) From (3.10), (3.8)and theassumptionsthatha, b, ci and C isconvexitfollows: b ∈ C. (3.11) (3.11)andtheassumptionthatC ∈ D implythatb ∈ D. (cid:3) S Theorem 3.5. (interval-antisymmetry criterion) Let X be an interval-transitive interval space. Then thefollowingconditionsareequivalent: (1) X isinterval-antisymmetric. (2) X isstiff. (3) Foreach convexset A,thebinaryrelationhA, ·, ·iis antisymmetriconX \A. (4) Thepairconsistingof X andthesetof convexsetsis anantiexchangespace. (5) Thepairconsistingof X andthesetof convexsetsis anantimatroid. Proof. Step 1. (1)⇒ (2). FromtheassumptionthatX isinterval-transitiveitfollows: X ispoint-transitive. (3.12) From (3.12) and the assumption (1) it follows 3.1 (interval spaces antisymmetric from a base- interval)thatX isstiff. Step 2. (2)⇒ (3)followsfrom 3.2(stiffintervalspaces). Step 3. (3) ⇒ (1). For a, d ∈ X it is to be proved that the binary relation h[a, d], ·, ·i is antisymmetriconX \[a, d] .From theassumptionthatX isinterval-transitiveitfollowsby2.3 (interval-transitivitycriterion)thatX isinterval-convex. In particular, [a, d] is convex. (3.13) (3.13) and the assumption (3) imply that the binary relation h[a, d], ·, ·i is antisymmetric on X \[a, d] . Step 4. (3) ⇔ (4). It is to be proved iff that for each convex set A, the binary relation hA, ·, ·iisantisymmetriconX\A.foreachconvexsetA,therelativeentailmentrelation⊢A is