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DESY-05-081 hep-ph/0505269 Generalized parton distributions for the pion 6 0 in chiral perturbation theory 0 2 n a J 5 M. Diehl1, A. Manashov2,3 and A. Sch¨afer2 2 2 1 Deutsches Elektronen-Synchroton DESY, D-22603 Hamburg, Germany v 2 Institut fu¨r Theoretische Physik, Universita¨t Regensburg, D-93040 Regensburg, Germany 9 3 Department of Theoretical Physics, Sankt-Petersburg State University, St.-Petersburg, Russia 6 2 5 0 Abstract 5 0 Generalized partondistributionsprovideaunifiedparameterization ofhadronstructureandallow one / h to combine information from many different observables. Lattice QCD calculations already provide p - importantinputtodeterminethesedistributionsandholdthepromisetobecomeevenmoreimportant p in the future. To this end, a reliable extrapolation of lattice calculations to the physical quark and e h pion masses is needed. We present an analysis for the moments of generalized parton distributions of v: the pion in one-loop order of chiral perturbation theory. i X r a 1 Introduction Generalized parton distributions (GPDs) provide general parameterizations for non-forward hadronic matrix elements, see e.g. the original work [1, 2, 3] and the recent reviews [4, 5, 6]. They contain the usual parton distribution functions and elastic form factors, and they are closely related with light- cone wave functions and distribution amplitudes. GPDs can be analyzed using standard operator product expansion techniques [1, 7], and factorization theorems have been proven for many different processes. In addition, evolution equations have been derived to next-to-leading order accuracy, and generally speaking the GPD formalism has reached a similar level of stringency as the QCD description of inclusive deep inelastic scattering. Finally, it has become clear that GPDs contain information which cannot be deduced directly from any experiment, most notably the orbital angular momentum carried by partons [2] and the transverse structure of hadrons in the impact parameter plane [8]. On the experimental side, data which is especially suited to constrain the form of GPDs has been obtained at DESY [9] and Jefferson Lab [10]. An important problem hampering the practical realization of the physics potential of GPDs is that, typically, measurements are only sensitive to convolutions of GPDs, such that the assumed functional form enters crucially into the extraction of the distributions themselves. The situation is further complicated by potentially large higher-twist contributions in some processes. Therefore, the possibilitytoobtainindependentinformationfromlattice QCD,whichallows onetodirectlycalculate x-moments of GPDs, is especially interesting. Pioneering lattice calculations for nucleon GPDs have already been performed some time ago [11]. These calculations are being improved and their scope is being systematically widened [12], also in the direction of analyzing other hadrons, in particular the pion. Calculations for the pion are being performed by the QCDSF collaboration, using dynamical N = 2improvedWilson fermions,buthavetobemadeatunphysicallylargequarkmassestosave on F computing time. The reliable extrapolation to the chiral limit, i.e. to physical quark masses, requires precise knowledge on the functional form of the quark mass dependence of moments of GPDs. Close to the chiral limit, this knowledge is provided by chiral perturbation theory (ChPT), and in recent years the combination of ChPT and lattice QCD has in fact proven to be very powerful in obtaining preciselattice predictions. ObviouslytheChPTanalysis shouldbeperformedinparallel to thelattice calculations, and this is the objective of our paper. In this Letter we present an analysis for the moments of pion GPDs in one-loop order of ChPT. The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we recall the definition of the pion GPDs and the expressionoftheirmomentsintermsofthematrixelements oflocaltwist-two operators. InSections3 and 4 we construct the relevant twist-two operators in the first two orders of ChPT, and in Section 5 we calculate the one-loop contributions to their matrix elements in the pion. We summarize our findings in Section 6. 2 Definitions and properties of pion GPDs The pion GPDs can be introduced as the pion matrix elements of nonlocal operators. As is done in lattice QCD calculations, we assume isospin symmetry to be exact, neglecting the difference between u-andd-quarkmasses. Weshallstudytheisoscalar andisovector quarkGPDs, whicharerespectively defined as 1 dλ δabHI=0(x,ξ,t) = eixλ(Pu)hπb(p′)|q¯(−1λu)uµγ q(1λu) |πa(p)i, (1) 2 2π 2 µ 2 Z 1 dλ iǫabcHI=1(x,ξ,t) = eixλ(Pu)hπb(p′)|q¯(−1λu)uµγ τcq(1λu) |πa(p)i, (2) 2 2π 2 µ 2 Z 1 where q denotes the doublet of u- and d-quark fields and τa the Pauli matrices in isospin space. u is a lightlike auxiliary vector, and we use the standard notations for the kinematical variables p+p′ ∆u P = , ∆ = p′−p, t = ∆2, ξ = − . (3) 2 2Pu In terms of the distributions for individual quark flavors defined in [5] we have HI=0 = Hu+Hd and π π HI=1 = Hu −Hd. As usual, Wilson lines between the quark fields are to be inserted in (1) and (2) π π if one is not working in the light-cone gauge uµA = 0. µ Time reversal and charge conjugation symmetry result in the following properties for the pion GPDs: HI(x,ξ,t) = HI(x,−ξ,t), (4) HI(x,ξ,t) = (−1)1−IHI(−x,ξ,t). (5) The distributions can be analytically continued to positive t and are real-valued for t < 4m2, as π discussed in [13, 14]. Thex-moments of theGPDs arerelated tothematrix elements of thelocal isoscalar andisovector operators 1 ↔ ↔ 1 ↔ ↔ Os = S q¯γ iD ...iD q, Oa =S q¯γ iD ...iD τaq, (6) µ1µ2...µn 2 µ1 µ2 µn µ1µ2...µn 2 µ1 µ2 µn ↔ → ← → ← where D = 1(D −D )= 1(∂ −∂ )−igA and all fields are to be taken at the same space-time µ 2 µ µ 2 µ µ µ coordinate. S denotes symmetrization and subtraction of trace terms for all uncontracted Lorentz indices. Defining form factors n hπb(p′)|Os |πa(p)i = δab AI=0(t)S∆ ...∆ P ...P , (7) µ1µ2...µn n,k µ1 µk µk+1 µn k=0,2,... X n hπb(p′)|Oc |πa(p)i = iǫabc AI=1(t)S∆ ...∆ P ...P , (8) µ1µ2...µn n,k µ1 µk µk+1 µn k=0,2,... X where the operators are to be taken at zero space-time position and where time reversal invariance limits k to even values, one finds 1 n dxxn−1HI(x,ξ,t) = (2ξ)kAI (t). (9) n,k Z−1 k=0,2,... X Note that because of the symmetry relation (5) the moments with odd n in (9) vanish for I = 0 and those with even n vanish for I = 1. The form factors AI (t) are real-valued in the region t < 4m2. n,k π Information on the lowest moments 1 dxHI=1(x,ξ,t) = AI=1(t), (10) 1,0 Z−1 1 dxxHI=0(x,ξ,t) = AI=0(t)+4ξ2AI=0(t) (11) 2,0 2,2 Z−1 willsoon beaccessible from thelattice for pionmasses downto values m ∼ 500 MeV [15]. Note that π the first moment of HI=1 is related to the pion electromagnetic form factor as AI=1(t) = 2Fem(t) 1,0 π and the second moment of HI=0 with the form factors in the parameterization [16] 1 hπb(p′)|TQ |πa(p)i = δab 2P P θ (t)+ g ∆2−∆ ∆ θ (t) , (12) µν " µ ν 2 2 µν µ ν 1 # (cid:16) (cid:17) 2 ↔ ↔ where TQ = 1q¯(γ iD +γ iD )q is the quark part of the energy-momentum tensor. Comparison µν 2 µ ν ν µ with (7) gives θ (t) = AI=0(t) and θ (t) = −4AI=0(t). 2 2,0 1 2,2 An analogous discussion can be given for the gluon GPD, which is defined by 1 dλ δabHg(x,ξ,t) = eixλ(Pu)hπb(p′)|u Gαµ(−1λu)u G β(1λu)|πa(p)i (13) π Pu 2π α 2 β µ 2 Z in the convention of [5]. It has the same symmetry properties as xHI=0(x,ξ,t), and its moments dxxn−2Hg(x,ξ,t) are analogs of the moments dxxn−1HI=0(x,ξ,t), with which they mix under π renormalization scale evolution. For ease of notation we willinthefollowing concentrate onthequark R R sector, bearing in mind that our results for the isoscalar form factors AI=0(t) readily generalize to n,k their gluonic counterparts. 3 Tensor operators in ChPT We use the standard O(pn) power-counting of ChPT, where p denotes a generic pion energy or momentum. The Goldstone boson fields are collected in the matrix-valued field U, and the leading- order Lagrangian, which is of order O(p2), reads [17] 1 L(2) = F2tr D UDµU†+χ†U +χU† (14) ππ 4 µ (cid:16) (cid:17) for two light flavors, with the covariant derivative D and the external field tensor χ defined as µ D U = ∂ U −ir U +iUl , (15) µ µ µ µ χ = 2B (s+ip) . (16) 0 Here s and p denote external scalar and pseudoscalar fields, which count as quantities of order O(p2). Furthermore, r and l are external right- and left-handed vector fields with intrinsic chiral power µ µ O(p). Thetwo leading-order parameters appearingin (14) are thepion decay constant F (normalized toF ≈ 92MeV) andthetwo-flavor chiralcondensateB = −h0|q¯q|0i/F2, bothevaluated inthechiral 0 limit [17]. Throughout this work we use the non-linear representation for the pion fields πa, U = exp{iτaπa/F}. (17) Left and right chiral rotations of the nonlinear pion field † U → V UV (18) R L induce the following transformation of the external fields: † † † r → V r V +iV ∂ V , χ → V χV , (19) µ R µ R R µ R R L † † l → V l V +iV ∂ V . µ L µ L L µ L One method to calculate the matrix elements of the operators Os and Oa from (6) µ1µ2...µn µ1µ2...µn in ChPT would be to introduce corresponding tensor currents as external sources in the Lagrangian, in generalization of the vector currents r and l in (14). For tensors of higher rank, this becomes µ µ however increasingly awkward. Instead, we will directly match the operators in (6) onto operators withpiondegreesoffreedom. Theexpressionoftheisovector vector currentisforinstancewell-known to be [17] 1 i Oa = q¯γ τaq ≃ Va = − F2tr τa U†∂ U +U∂ U† (20) µ 2 µ µ 4 µ µ n (cid:16) (cid:17)o 3 to leading order in the chiral expansion. Despite the progress in deriving chiral dynamics directly from QCD (see e.g. [18]) this matching problem is far from being solved in general. The so-called low-energy constants appearingin ChPTcan inprinciplebedetermined by fitsto either experimental or lattice data, but only a limited number of them are known in practice. What we can however do is to construct for a given quark or gluon operator in QCD all operators in ChPT with the same symmetry. Their matching coefficients typically are linear combinations of low-energy constants and can befitted directly to lattice data at different unphysical pion masses, provided they are sufficiently close to the chiral limit. In Section 5 we will determine the functional dependence on m2 of the form π factors AI (t) required for such a fit at one-loop level in ChPT. n,k For the discussion of chiral symmetry it is useful to consider the left- and right-handed tensor operators (OL) = Sq¯γ 1−γ5 iD↔ ...iD↔ q , (21) ij µ1...µn j µ1 2 µ2 µn i (OR) = Sq¯γ 1+γ5 iD↔ ...iD↔ q , (22) ij µ1...µn j µ1 2 µ2 µn i which take values in two-dimensional isospin space. The operators in (6) are then given by 1 1 Os = tr OL +OR , Oa = tr τa OL +OR . (23) µ1...µn 2 µ1...µn µ1...µn µ1...µn 2 µ1...µn µ1...µn n o n (cid:16) (cid:17)o Note that for ease of notation we shall use the same symbol for the quark operators in QCD and for the operators representing them in ChPT. The left- and right-handed operators behave like OL → V OL V†, OR → V OR V† (24) µ1...µn L µ1...µn L µ1...µn R µ1...µn R under chiral rotations and are related as OR = POL P−1 by the parity transformation P. µ1...µn µ1...µn To construct a linearly independent set of operators for the expansion of OL , let us inspect the µ1...µn building blocks at hand. For the purpose of calculating matrix elements between pion states we can set the external fields p, r and l to zero, and keep the scalar field s as a nonzero constant µ µ field implementing the explicit breaking of chiral symmetry by the quark masses. Since we assume exact isospin symmetry, this simply gives χ = m21l, where m is the bare pion mass in ChPT. For constructing the operator this leaves us with the objects U, χ and ∂ , with the additional condition µ ∂ χ = 0. It is convenient to introduce the following quantities µ L = U†∂ U, χL = χ†U ±U†χ, (25) µ µ ± which transform covariantly under left rotations and are invariant underright rotations. Theproduct of some number of L and χL with any number of additional derivatives acting on them transforms µ ± covariantly under left rotations. Since ∂ χL = 1[χL,L ]+ 1{χL,L } for ∂ χ = 0, one can eliminate µ ± 2 ± µ 2 ∓ µ µ all derivatives acting on χL. Similarly, taking into account the identities ± ∂ L −∂ L = [L ,L ], ∂ ∂µL = ∂ ∂µL +[∂µL ,L ]+[L ,∂µL ] (26) µ ν ν µ µ ν µ ν ν µ ν µ ν µ and the equation of motion for the field U, 1 ∂µL = − 2χL −1ltrχL , (27) µ 4 − − (cid:16) (cid:17) one can trade the tensors ∂ ...∂ L for the symmetric and traceless ones, ν1 νn−1 νn L = S∂ ...∂ L . (28) ν1...νn ν1 νn−1 νn 4 A linearly independent set of operators transforming like OL under chiral rotations can hence µ1...µn be constructed from products of the fields χL and the tensors L . In the ChPT expansion of ± ν1...νk OL they can be multiplied by chirally invariant operators, which can in turn be constructed from µ1...µn the traces of products of χL and L .1 In each term of the expansion, some Lorentz indices of the ± ν1...νk tensors L are equal to µ ,...,µ and all others are contracted. Since ∂ and L are of order ν1...νk 1 n µ µ O(p), each contraction of theindices, aswellas theinsertionof afieldχL increases thechiralcounting ± by a factor O(p2). At leading order of ChPT the operator OL can hence be represented as the sum of products µ1...µn of L tensors and their traces, with no contracted Lorentz indices. It is convenient to contract free indices with the light-line vector u, introducing the notation OL(u) = OL uµ1...uµn, L (u) = L uµ1...uµk. (29) n µ1...µn k µ1...µk The operator OL(u) is then expanded on terms of the form n L (u)...L (u) tr L (u)...L (u) tr L (u)...L (u) ... (30) k1 kj1 kj1+1 kj2 kj2+1 kj3 n o n o and explicitly reads n−1 OL(u) = c L (u)+ c L (u)L (u)+... , (31) n n n n,k k n−k k=1 X wherewe used that trL = 0 and have omitted terms containing three or more L tensors. Such terms µ do in fact not contribute to the two-pion matrix elements in leading order and next-to-leading order of ChPT. To see this, notice that the expansion of L into pion fields starts as µ L = iτa ∂ πa/F −ǫabcπb∂ πc/F2+ 2πb(πa∂ πb−πb∂ πa)/F3 +O(π3)∂ π . (32) µ µ µ 3 µ µ µ (cid:16) (cid:17) Terms with three or more L tensors hence do not contribute to two-pion matrix elements at Born level. At one loop, they contribute only through the tadpole diagram of Fig. 1a, where three or four pion fields from the inserted operator then carry a derivative contracted with the light-like vector u. The numerator in the corresponding Feynman integral thus has the form (uk)i, where i ≥ 1 and k is the loop momentum. For odd i the integral vanishes because the integrand is antisymmetric in k, whereas for even i the integral is proportional to (u2)i/2 by Lorentz invariance, and hence zero as well. Repeating our discussion for the right-handed operators OR , with µ1...µn R = U∂ U†, χR = χU†±Uχ† (33) µ µ ± and definitions analogous to (28) and (29), the tensor operator O (u) = OL(u) + OR(u) reads at n n n order O(p0) in ChPT n−1 O (u) = c L (u)+R (u) + c L (u)L (u)+R (u)R (u) +... , (34) n n n n n,k k n−k k n−k (cid:16) (cid:17) kX=1 (cid:16) (cid:17) where the dots denote terms which do not contribute to two-pion matrix elements to O(p2) accuracy. ThecoefficientsoftheLandRtermsmustbeequalbecauseofparityinvariance. Usingthehermiticity 1Equivalently,one may takethe traces of productsof χR± and Rν1...νk introduced below. 5 and time reversal properties of O (u) following from (21), (22) and the corresponding properties of n L (u) and R (u), one finds n n (c )∗ = −c , (c )∗ = (−1)nc , (35) n n n n (c )∗ = c , (c )∗ = (−1)nc . (36) n,k n,n−k n,k n,k Neglecting terms which do not contribute to two-pion matrix elements one derives for the isoscalar and isovector operators at order O(p0) n/2 Os(u) = a La(u)La (u)+Ra(u)Ra (u) , (n even) (37) n n,k k n−k k n−k kX=1 (cid:16) (cid:17) Oa(u) = ib La(u)+Ra(u) n n,0 n n (cid:16) (cid:17) (n−1)/2 + εabc b Lb(u)Lc (u)+Rb(u)Rc (u) , (n odd) (38) n,k k n−k k n−k kX=1 (cid:16) (cid:17) where La(u) is defined by L (u) = τaLa(u) and Ra(u) in analogy. The expansion coefficients a k k k k n,k and b are linear combinations of the coefficients in (34), n,k a = c +c for k ≥ 1, (39) n,k n,k n,n−k b = i(c −c ) for k ≥ 1, b = −ic . (40) n,k n,k n,n−k n,0 n Because of the symmetry relations (35), (36) one has a = 0 for odd n and b = 0 for even n, n,k n,k and the nonzero coefficients a and b are real. To obtain simple expressions for the form factors n,k n,k AI (t) in (9), we rearrange derivatives and obtain for the isosinglet operator n,k n−2 ↔ ↔ Os(u) = F2 a˜ (iu∂)k La(u)(2iu∂)n−k−2La(u)+Ra(u)(2iu∂)n−k−2Ra(u) (41) n n,k k=X0,2,... (cid:16) (cid:17) ↔ → ← with∂ = 1(∂ −∂). HereweusedLa(u) = (u∂)k−1La(u)andtheabbreviation La(u) = La(u) = uµLa 2 k 1 1 µ and their analogs for the right-handed fields. The coefficients a˜ are linear combinations of the a . n,k n,k Calculating pion matrix elements one gets for the isoscalar form factors AI=0(t) at order O(p0) n,k A(0) = 2n−k a˜ −a˜ , (n and k even, k ≤ n) (42) n,k n,k−2 n,k h i where we set a˜ = a˜ = 0. To ease the notation we have omitted the isospin label, implying here n,n n,−2 and in the following I = 0 if the first index n of a form factor is even, and I = 1 if it is odd. The inverse of (42) reads k n a˜ =− 2m−nA(0) = 2m−nA(0) . (n, m and k even, k ≤ n−2) (43) n,k n,m n,m m=0 m=k+2 X X From (42) we also see that at order O(p0) the sum of the isoscalar form factors with given n vanishes, n 2kA(0) = 0, (n even) (44) n,k k=0,2,... X 6 whichaccordingto(9)givesthesoftpiontheoremHI=0(x,ξ → 1,0) = 0firstderivedin[14]. Recalling our discussion at the end of Section 2, we emphasize at this point that the ChPT equivalent of the twist-two gluon operators has the same form as (41), of course with different matching coefficients. Analogs of (42) to (44) therefore hold for the appropriate moments of the gluon GPD Hg(x,ξ,t). π Rewriting (38) in a form similar to (41) gives for the isovector operator Oa(u) = ˜b (iu∂)n−1Va(u) n n,n−1 n−3 ↔ ↔ + iF2ǫabc ˜b (iu∂)k Lb(u)(2iu∂)n−k−2Lc(u)+Rb(u)(2iu∂)n−k−2Rc(u) , (45) n,k kX=0,2 (cid:16) (cid:17) where the ˜b are linear combinations of the b in (38). Here n,k n,k i Va(u) = uµVa = − F2 La(u)+Ra(u) (46) µ 2 (cid:16) (cid:17) is the isovector vector current already given in (20), which also implies ˜b = 1. For the isovector 1,0 form factors AI=1(t) one derives at O(p0) n,k k A(0) =2n−k ˜b −˜b , ˜b = 2m−nA(0) , (n odd, k even, k ≤ n−1) (47) n,k n,k n,k−2 n,k n,m h i m=X0,2,... where we set ˜b = 0. Note that the isovector analog of (44), n,−2 n−1 2kA(0) = 2n˜b , (n odd) (48) n,k n,n−1 k=0,2,... X does not have a vanishing right-hand side. The coefficient ˜b is however related to another n,n−1 observable, namely the one-pion matrix element of the isovector axial twist-two operator 1 1 ↔ Oa (u) = tr τa OR(u)−OL(u) = q¯uµγ γ (iuD)n−1τaq, (49) 5,n 2 n n 2 µ 5 n (cid:16) (cid:17)o which to leading order of ChPT has the form Oa (u) =˜b (iu∂)n−1Aa(u)+..., (50) 5,n n,n−1 whereAa(u) = uµAa = −1iF2[Ra(u)−La(u)]istheisovector axialcurrentandthedotsdenoteterms µ 2 which do not contribute to the one-pion matrix element to O(p2) accuracy for reasons analogous to those we discussed after (32). One readily finds hπb(p)|Oa (u)|0i = −iδab(pu)nF˜b at order 5,n n,n−1 O(p0). The pion distribution amplitude is defined as 1 dλ eixλ(pu)/2hπb(p)|q¯(−1λu)uµγ γ τaq(1λu)|0i = −iδabF φ (x), (51) 2 2π 2 µ 5 2 π π Z where 1(1+x) is the momentum fraction of the quark in the pion and 1 1 dxφ (x) = 1. Here F 2 2 −1 π π is the physical value of the pion decay constant, given in one-loop ChPT as [17] R m2 m2 m2 F = F 1− log + lr(µ)+O(p4) , (52) π 16π2F2 µ2 F2 4 (cid:16) (cid:17) 7 where µ denotes the renormalization scale and lr(µ) is a renormalized low-energy constant. Taking 4 x-moments of the distributionamplitude, oneobtains thematrix elements of Oa (u), sothat toorder 5,n O(p0) one has 1 1 B d=ef dxxn−1φ (x) =˜b . (n odd) (53) n 2n π n,n−1 Z−1 Combining this with (48) and going from moments to x-space, we obtain the soft pion theorem HI=1(x,ξ → 1,0) = φ (x) from [14]. Let us now consider the order O(p2) corrections to the one-pion π matrix elements. A nonanalytic dependence on the pion mass is generated by one-loop graphs with the insertion of the leading-order operator (50), which according to (32) contains terms with three pion fields. Since for different n the operators in (50) only differ by their coefficients ˜b and the n,n−1 number of overall derivatives u∂, the one-loop corrections of the one-pion matrix elements for all n are universal and hence the same as the corrections to the isovector axial current, given by (52). We can therefore write hπb(p)|Oa (u)|0i = −iδab(pu)nF ˜b +O(m2) (54) 5,n π n,n−1 to order O(p2) accuracy, where the O(m2) terms are generated by tree-level insertions of higher-order terms in the ChPT expansion of Oa (u), which can be constructed in analogy to those in Section 4. 5,n As a consequence, the relation (53) does not receive nonanalytic corrections in the pion mass at next- to-leading order in ChPT, and one has B = ˜b +O(m2) up to terms of order O(p4). Together n n,n−1 with the O(p2) corrections of the form factors AI=1(t), this will allow us to discuss the one-loop n,k corrections to the soft pion theorem in Section 5. We note that to the order given, the bare pion mass m in (52) and (54) can be replaced with its renormalized value m , given by [17] π m2 m2 2m2 m2 = m2 1+ log + lr(µ)+O(p4) . (55) π 32π2F2 µ2 F2 3 (cid:16) (cid:17) Let us finally show that our representations (41) and (45) of the operators Os(u) and Oa(u) in n n ChPT are equivalent to those given in [19] without derivation. There, the matching was done for the nonlocal operators appearing in the definition of GPDs. For the left-handed current we find in our notation 1−γ q¯(−1λu)uµγ 5 q (1λu) j 2 µ 2 i 2 1 1 1−|β| ↔ ≃ F2 dβ dαF(β,α)U† (λ u)(iu∂)U (λ u)+... , (56) 2 ik 1 kj 2 Z−1 Z−1+|β| where λ = −1(β +α)λ and λ = 1(β −α)λ, and where the dots denote terms not contributing to 1 2 2 2 two-pion matrix elements at order O(p2). Due to timereversal invariance thefunction F(β,α) is even in α. Taylor expansion gives the local operators q¯ uµγ 1−γ5 (iuD↔)n−1q (57) j µ i 2 1 n−1 m 1 1−|β| ↔ ≃ F2 dβ dαβn−m−1αmF(β,α) (1iu∂)m U† (iu∂)n−mU +... , 2 n−1 2 ik kj m=X0,2,...(cid:16) (cid:17)Z−1 Z−1+|β| h i where all fields are taken at space-time position zero and the dots have the same meaning as before. ↔ ↔ By repeated use of the identity ∂U = U∂ +UL we can rewrite n−2 ↔ (1u∂)m L(u∂)n−m−2L +O(L3) (n even)  2 ↔ U†(u∂)nU =  m=nX0−,23,...(1u∂)mhL(u↔∂)n−m−2Li+(1u∂)n−1L+O(L3) (n odd) (58) 2 2  m=X0,2,... h i 8 and then project out the isoscalar part for n even and the isovector part for n odd. Repeating the same arguments for the right-handed operators, we recognize precisely the operators that appear in (41) and (45). 4 Tensor operators at order O(p2) The number of independent terms in the ChPT expansion of operators rapidly grows with the order. Henceforth we shall consider only the terms which contribute to two-pion matrix elements at tree- level. Taking into account the discussion in the previous section, one finds that the corrections of order O(p2) to the operators can be cast into the form n/2 1 1 ∆Os(u) = aχtr χL L (u)+χRR (u) + aχ tr L (u)L (u)+R (u)R (u) trχL n 2 n − n − n 2 n,k k n−k k n−k + n o kX=1 n o n/2 1 ρ ρ + ∆a tr L (u)L (u)+R (u)R (u) (59) 2 n,k ρ,k n−k ρ,k n−k kX=0 n o for Os(u) and n (n−1)/2 ∆Oa(u) = ibχ La(u)+Ra(u) trχL +εabc bχ Lb(u)Lc (u)+Rb(u)Rc (u) trχL n n,0 n n + n,k k n−k k n−k + (cid:16) (cid:17) kX=1 (cid:16) (cid:17) (n−1)/2 + εabc ∆b Lb (u)Lρ,c (u)+Rb (u)Rρ,c (u) (60) n,k ρ,k n−k ρ,k n−k kX=0 (cid:16) (cid:17) for Ona(u), where we have introduced Lρ,k(u) = Lρµ1...µkuµ1...uµk and its right-handed counterpart. Using hermiticity and time reversal invariance one can deduce that the coefficients aχ, bχ, aχ , bχ n n n,k n,k and∆a ,∆b arereal. TheorderO(p2)partofatwist-two operatorwhichcontributes totwo-pion n,k n,k matrix elements is hence parameterized by 2([n/2]+1) real constants. Note that the number of the form factors AI (t) in (9) is [n/2]+1. At order O(p2) the form factors thus read n,k AI (t) = A(0) +A(1,m)m2+A(1,t)t+loop contributions, (61) n,k n,k n,k n,k (1,m) (1,t) where all parameters A , A are independent and can be expressed in terms of the coefficients n,k n,k aχ, bχ etc. in (59) and (60). n n 5 One-loop contributions To calculate the two-pion matrix element of the operator Os(u)+∆Os(u) or Oa(u)+∆Oa(u) one n n n n has to take into account loop contributions. The diagrams to be calculated are drawn in Fig. 1. The technique of such calculations in ChPT is well elaborated, so we omit the details and directly give our results. Introducing the notation La(λu) = uµLa(λu) and its analog for the right-handed fields µ one gets m2−2t hπb(p′)|Lc(λ u)Lc(λ u)|πa(p)i1 loop = −δab Γ(ǫ) 1 2 32π2F4 −ǫ 1 4m2−(1−α2)t ×ξ2(Pu)2eiξ(Pu)(λ1+λ2) dαeiαξ(Pu)(λ1−λ2)(1−α2) (62) Z−1 " 16πµ2 # 9

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