Generalized Painlevé-Gullstrand metrics Chun-Yu Lin and Chopin Soo ∗ † Department of Physics, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 70101, Taiwan. AnobstructiontotheimplementationofspatiallyflatPainlevé-Gullstrand(PG)slicingsisdemon- strated,andexplicitlydiscussedforReissner-NordströmandSchwarzschild-anti-deSitterspacetimes. Generalizations of PG slicings which are not spatially flat but which remain regular at the hori- zons are introduced. These metrics can be obtained from standard spherically symmetric metrics by physical Lorentz boosts. With these generalized PG metrics, problematic contributions to the imaginary part of the action in the Parikh-Wilczek derivation of Hawking radiation due to the obstruction can beavoided. PACSnumbers: 04.20.Cv,04.70.Dy Keywords: Painlevé-Gullstrandmetrics,spatialflatness,Hawkingradiation,Parikh-Wilczekmethod 9 I. OVERVIEW 0 0 Painlevé-Gullstrand(PG) coordinates[1, 2] have often been employed to study the physics of black holes. They have 2 the advantage of remaining regular at the horizons, and among the various regular coordinatizations for spherically n symmetric spacetimes, PG coordinates feature spatially flat slicings with interesting physical interpretations (see, for a instance, Ref.[3, 4]). They have also been applied to analyse quantum dynamical black holes[5], and used extensively J in derivations of Hawking radiation as tunneling following the work of Parikh and Wilczek[6]. The existence[7, 8] and 3 uniqueness[9]ofspatiallyflatPGcoordinatesforsphericallysymmetric spacetimeshavealsobeen discussedpreviously. 2 In this brief note we demonstrate an obstruction to the implementation of spatially flat PG slicings. In general the ] vierbein fields for different coordinatizations of a metric are related by local Lorentz transformations, and PG metrics c can be obtained from the standard form of spherically symmetric metrics (Eq.(1) below) by local Lorentz boosts. It is q - oftentakenforgrantedthatspatiallyflatPGcoordinatescanbeachievedforarbitrarysphericallysymmetricspacetimes. r However,the insistence on spatialflatness is an additional requirementwhich can lead to complex PG metric variables g which cannot be attained through physical Lorentz boosts. In the next section, the general condition for real PG [ metric variablesrealizedthroughphysicalLorentzboostsis derived. This allowsa generaldiscussionofthe obstruction 2 to spatially flat slicings which we also illustrate with the explicit examples of Schwarzschild-anti-deSitter(SAdS) and v Reissner-Nordström(RN)metrics. SpatiallyflatrealPGslicingsbecomeproblematicatlargedistancesintheformerand 1 at smalldistances in the latter. GeneralizedPG coordinateswhich remainregularat all distances are then introduced, 6 1 andconstantcurvatureslicingsareexplicitly constructedandillustratedwithSchwarzschild-(anti-)deSitterspacetimes. 2 A generalized PG metric which is valid for RN black hole is also constructed explicitly. . In discussions of black hole evaporation with the Parikh-Wilczek method[6], PG metrics are often employed because 0 they are regular at the horizon through which the tunneling occurs. The tunneling amplitude is associated with the 1 8 imaginarycontributionofthe actionwhichisattributedentirely tothe pole inthe integrand. However,the obstruction 0 tospatiallyflatPGcoordinatescangiverisetoadditionalspuriouscontributionswhichareambiguousandproblematic : bothtothecomputationofthetunnelingrateandtotheuniversalityoftheresultsfordifferentmetrics. Wedemonstrate v i thatthese problemscanbe completely avoidedby using suitably generalizedPGcoordinates,andend with a summary X of the explicit results of the tunneling process for several metrics. We adopt natural units ~=c=1, and k =1. B r a II. GENERALIZED PAINLEVÉ-GULLSTRAND COORDINATES We focus on spherically symmetric metrics in four dimensions for concreteness, although the constructions to be discussedbelowmaybe generalizedtohigherdimensions. Towit,the mostgeneralformofthe metriccanbe expressed as (see, for instance Sec. 11.7 of Ref.[10]) ds2 = N(R,T)dT2+f 1(R,T)dR2+R2dΩ2. (1) − − To transform to generalizedPG coordinates, we introduce the PG time through1 dt =dT +βdr, and define Lg(r) P ≡ R(r) with realpositive constantlength L. dt =dT +βdr, anddefine Lg(r) R(r) with realpositive constantlength P ≡ ∗Electronicaddress: [email protected] †Electronicaddress: [email protected] 1 For dtP time to remain a perfect differential even in the time-dependent case, an integrating factor should be included so that dtP = eI(r,T)[dT +β(r,T)dr],togetherwiththerequirement∂reI =∂T(eIβ)whichuniquelyspecifieseI(r,T) givenitsinitialvalue. Themetric is still of the form in(2), but with dtP 7→e−IdtP. This does not effect the expression of β and the rapidityof the Lorentz boost to be discussedlateron. L. It follows that ds2 =−Ndt2P +2βNdtPdr+ L2f−1g′2−β2N dr2+L2g2(r)dΩ2. By choosing β = L(Nf)−21 g′2−p(cid:0)f with g′(r) ≡ dgd(cid:1)(rr), the 3-metric on constant-tP hypersurfaces will take the form L2 pdr2+g2(r)dΩ2 ; and the 4-metric can thus be written as p (cid:0) ds2 = −Nf−(cid:1)1g′2p−1dt2P +p g′−1dR+dtPN21f−21p−1 g′2−pf 2+R2dΩ2 = −Nf−1g′2p−1dt2P +p(cid:16)Ldr+dtPN12f−21p−1 gp′2−pf 2+(cid:17)L2g2(r)dΩ2 (2) (cid:16) p (cid:17) ItcanbeverifiedthatthevierbeinfieldsofthisPGmetricisrelatedtothoseofthestandardform(1)byalocalLorentz boost with rapidity ξ given by tanhξ = g 1 g2 pf for f,N 0, and tanhξ = g / g2 pf for f,N 0. For ′− ′ − ≥ ′ ′ − ≤ asymptotically flat space-times, the constant p parametrizes a family of foliation wherein p = 1 v2 characterizes the freely falling observer’s initial velocity atpinfinity[3, 11]. In particular with p = 0 anpd g = 1−the∞metric reduces ′ to the usual Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates2 : ds2 =−Ndt2P +2N12f−21dtPdR+R2dΩ2. Unplike the standard form which has dT dT symmetry, the PG metric is not invariant under dt dt [12]. P P 7→− 7→− It is usually assumed that spherically symmetric metrics can always be put into the PG form with spatially flat slicings (with R =g(r) =r and p =1), but our construction above shows that there is actually an obstruction which L prevents this implementation. The criterion for obtaining real PG metric variables is (g2 pf) 0 R. (3) ′ − ≥ ∀ As mentioned earlier, this is also precisely the condition that the PG metric can be obtained from the standard form through physical Lorentz boosts. To discuss both the obstruction and the extensions to generalized PG coordinates explicitly, we henceforth consider thecasep=1inthissection. Byletting R =g(r) r,sinr or sinhr,andthusg (r)=√1 kL 2R2withk =0, 1,we L ≡ ′ − − ± obtainconstant-t hypersurfaceswhichcorrespondrespectivelytoslicingswithflat,ellipticandhyperbolic3-geometries. P In particular, for Schwarzschild-(anti-)deSitter metrics, N = f = 1 2GM ΛR2; and the resultant PG metrics are − R − 3 then 2 ds2 =− 1−kL−2R2 dt2P +" 1−kL−2R2 −1/2dR+dtPs2GRM +(cid:18)Λ3 − Lk2(cid:19)R2# +R2dΩ2. (4) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) These have constant curvature 3-metrics L2 dr2+g2(r)dΩ2 with Ricci scalar 3R = 6k/L2. The usual spatially flat PG metric for Schwarzschild black hole coincides with Λ = k = 0, and the criterion (g2 f) = 2GM 0 (cid:0) (cid:1) ′ − R ≥ clearly holds. However with non-vanishing, in particular negative, cosmological constant Λ < 0, we observe that (g2 f) = 2GM + Λ k R2 < 0 for R > R = 3 6GM if we insist on having spatially flat k = 0 slicings. Thus ′ − R 3 − L2 c Λ − thereisanexplicitobstructionwhichpreventsusfromqachievingspatiallyflatPGcoordinatesthroughphysicalLorentz (cid:0) (cid:1) boosts. This naturally leads to generalized PG metrics which are not necessarily spatially flat but remain regular at the horizon(s). PG coordinates with non-vanishing constant curvature 3-metrics are the obvious candidates to consider. To wit, our construction above is already adapted to this analysis. For Schwarzschild-(anti-)deSitter metrics, the criterion (g2 f) = 2GM + Λ k R2 0 can be guaranteed for all R iff Λ k . This means that for the case ′ − R 3 − L2 ≥ 3 ≥ L2 of Λ 0 spatially flat (k = 0) slicings can be attained, but for the anti-deSitter case, hyperbolic (k = 1) 3-geometry ≥ (cid:0) (cid:1) − is needed. Note that for Λ > 0, all spatial topologies k = 0, 1 are allowed, but for k = 1 the range of R is governed by R2 = sinr 1, yielding R L which can be as large as p±ossible since L is an arbitrary parameter which does not L2 ≤ ≤ affect the 4-metric. Generalizationto PG coordinatesbeyond constantcurvature slicings may alsobe requiredwhen more generic spher- ically symmetric metrics are taken into account. In particular, despite the attempt to construct flat slicings in [13], the same obstruction appears near the singularity of the RN metric. Using our construction above, but now with g(r)=√r2 L 2O2 and f =1 2GM + Q2 for RN metric, the resultant metric from Eq.(2) is then − − − R R2 2 O2 R 2GM O2 Q2 ds2 = 1+ dt2 + dR+dt + − +R2dΩ2, (5) −(cid:18) R2(cid:19) P √R2+O2 Pr R R2 ! 2 ActuallytheKruskalextensionofthestandardSchwarzschildmetric,coveringbothblackandwhiteholes,mustincludePGtimecoordi- nates dT ±f−1dRwithbothsigns,theEddington-Finkelsteincoordinates (p=0)thusonlycovershalfoftheKruskalextension(see, for instance, Sec.5.5ofRef.[12]). whereinO=0correspondstospatiallyflatslicingswhichfail tosatisfythecriterion(g2 f)= 2GM Q2 0andgive ′ − R −R2 ≥ risetocomplexPGcoordinatesforR<R Q2 . This“defect”wasconsideredtobeanassetofthePGformalism[4] c ≡ 2GM signaling the presence of unphysical negative interior mass M(r) within R (see for instance the discussion in Sec. 31.6 c of Ref.[11]). But it is possible to avoid complex PG coordinates if we give up spatially flat slicings. To wit, we observe that the our criterion (3) here is 2GRM + O2R−2Q2 ≥ 0, which holds if we choose O2 > Q2. This implies the constant-tP hypersurfaces (which are regular R > 0) are no longer flat; but they can be characterized by the eigenvalues of the 3-dimensionalRiccitensorwhicha∀reλ=(0,0,2O2)indicatingthatthesehypersurfacesaredeviationsfromflatslicings R4 due to the parameter O. In general, given f, an appropriate choice of g can be chosen to obtain the corresponding trouble-free PG coordinates which however do not always result in spatial flatness. III. HAWKING RADIATION AS TUNNELING PG metrics, which have the advantage of being regularat the horizon,have also been employedto study the physics of black hole evaporation. In their seminal work, Parikh and Wilczek[6] derived Hawking radiation as a tunneling process. Subsequently the method was generalized to cases with non-vanishing cosmological constant[14, 15, 16]. In what follows, we briefly recap the analysis with our generalized PG coordinates, and illustrate how ambiguities and difficulties which arise from the obstruction discussed earlier can be avoided by adopting our generalized PG metrics. Hawking radiation is treated as tunneling across the horizon from initial position R to R of massless semiclassical i f s-wave emission carrying total positive energy ω, and the black hole with initial mass parameter M shrinks by an amount ω in the process thereby maintaining energy conservation. The metric satisfying Einstein’s equations is taken to be (2) with N(R) = f(R); and the outgoing particles follow the null geodesic R˙ dR = p 1g g g2 pf . ≡ dtP − ′ ′− ′ − The decay rate comes from the imaginary part of the particle action which is associated with[6, 15](cid:16) p (cid:17) Rf Rf pR Rf H0−ω dH I = p dR= dp dR = dR. R R R˙ ZRi ZRi (cid:18)Z0 (cid:19) ZRi ZH0 In the last step, the Hamilton’s equation, dH = R˙, for the semiclassical process is invoked. Switching the order of dpR R integration, together with dH = dω, yields (cid:12) − (cid:12) (cid:12) ω Rf dR I = R˙ (−dω′) Z0 ZRi ω Rf g + g2 pf = ′ ′ − dR( dω′), g f − Z0 ZRi p′ wherein f in the integrand is evaluated at M ω ; and the pole is located at the horizon through which the tunneling ′ − occurs i.e. at R with f(R ) = 0. The integral over R is defined by deforming the contour to go through an h h |M ω′ infinitesimal semicircle R=R +−ǫeiθ around the pole3, and its imaginary part is then h Rf g + g2 pf π g +ǫeiθ∂ g + g2 pf +ǫeiθ∂ (2g pf) Im dR ′ ′ − = lim dθǫeiθ ′ R ′ ′ − R ′− (6) ZRi pg′f ǫ→0Z2π g′f +ǫpeiθ(∂Rg′f +g′∂Rf) (cid:12)(cid:12)Rh(ω′) (cid:12) 2π (cid:12) = , (cid:12) − ∂ f(R) R (cid:12)Rh(ω′) (cid:12) (cid:12) provided g2 pf remains real (which is the s(cid:12)ame as criterion (3)). The final result ′ − p ω 2π ImI = dω (7) ′ ∂ f(R) Z0 R (cid:12)Rh(ω′) (cid:12) (cid:12) governingthedecayrateis,re(cid:12)markably,independentofg(r),andhencethesameforallourgeneralizedPGcoordinates discussed earlier. In Ref.[17] it was shown that ImI is independent of the coordinates chosen as long as the metric is regular at the horizon. However,this proof still assumes the imaginary part of the action can be attributed entirely to the deformed contour around the pole. For PG coordinates, the result would be different and problematic due to the spurious contributions from the failure of (3) if spatially flat PG slicings are insisted upon. In particular, (6) will then acquireanadditionalspuriouscontributionfromtheimaginarypartoftheCauchyprincipalvalueIm Rf √1−fdR . P Ri f To take the the RN metric as an explicit example: if we define γ 1 Q2 with 0 γ 1 ensurin(cid:16)g tRhe existence(cid:17)of ≡ − (GM)2 ≤ ≤ 3 Apositivedecayrateisassociatedwithclockwisetraversalofthesemicircleinthecontour[6]. an outer horizon,it can seen that Rh Rc =GM(√γ γ) can be arbitrarily small (albeit for rather extreme values of − − M and Q) and thus the tunneling regionwill involve values of R<R for which spatially flat PG coordinatesbecomes c problematic4. Similarly,with the SAdS metric,R = 2 sinh 1arcsinh 3GM√ Λ , andR R canalsobe small h √ Λ 3 − c− h enough to create difficulties and ambiguities in the com−putation of ImI for spatially flat PG slicings. These problems (cid:2) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:3) can be avoided altogether by adopting our generalizedPG metrics which are not spatially flat in general but chosen to ensure the physical requirement g2 pf remains real. ′ − The change of the Bekenstein-Hawkingentropy from∆S = 2ImI yields, at the lowestorder,the temperature from the firstlawTeff.∆S =−ω whichpagreeswith the Hawkingtem−perature[18]TH ≡ 2κπ = 41π ∂Rf|Rh; but deviationsfrom pure thermal physics indicated by higher order corrections in ImI of (7) are displayed in the table below. Schwarzschild Reissner-Nordström Schwarzschild (anti-)deSitter f =1 2GM f =1 2GM + Q2 f =1 2GM ΛR2 − R − R R2 − R − 3 2dImI 8πG(M ω) 2π“G(M−ω)+√G2(M−ω)2−Q2”2 8πΛ−1/2sin[13arcsin(3G(M−ω)√Λ)] dω − √G2(M−ω)2−Q2 −1+2cos[32arcsin(3G(M−ω)√Λ)] TableI:Inthetable,valuesof dImI forvarioussphericallysymmetricspacetimesareshownfortunnelingthroughtheouterhorizon dω of RN metric, and through the black hole horizon for the others. For the SAdS case, the expression √Λ should be understood asi√ Λ, andtheresultsarecompatible with thosefor thecase of 4+1 dimensionsin Ref.[14]. ForpureSchwarzschild and RN − metrics, the results agree with Ref.[6]. Note also that ∆S = 2ImI as evaluated from (7) coincides with thecomputation from thearea law ∆S = ∆A = π∆R2h. − 4G G Acknowledgments This work has been supported in part by funds from the National Science Council of Taiwan under Grant No. NSC95-2112-M-006-011-MY3,and by the National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Taiwan. [1] Gullstrand A Allgemeine Lösung des statischen Einkörperproblems in der Einsteinschen Gravitationstheorie Arkiv. Mat. Astron. Fys. 16 1 [2] Painlevé P La mécanique classique et la théorie de la relativité C. R. Acad.Sci. (Paris) 173 677 [3] Martel K and Poisson E Regular coordinate systems for Schwarzschild and other spherical spacetimes Am. J. Phys. 69 476 (gr-qc/0001069) [4] Hamilton A J S and Lisle J P The river model of black holes Amer. J. 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