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Generalized mutual informations of quantum critical chains F. C. Alcaraz1 and M. A. Rajabpour2 1 Instituto de F´ısica de S˜ao Carlos, Universidade de S˜ao Paulo, Caixa Postal 369, 13560-970, S˜ao Carlos, SP, Brazil 2 Instituto de F´ısica, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Av. Gal. Milton Tavares de Souza s/n, Gragoat´a, 24210-346, Niter´oi, RJ, Brazil (Dated: April16, 2015) 5 1 Westudythegeneralized mutualinformation I˜n ofthegroundstateofdifferentcritical quantum 0 chains. The generalized mutual information definition that we use is based on the well established 2 conceptoftheR´enyidivergence. Wecalculatethisquantitynumericallyforseveraldistinctquantum r chains having either discrete Z(Q) symmetries (Q-state Potts model with Q = 2,3,4 and Z(Q) p parafermionicmodelswithQ=5,6,7,8andalsoAshkin-Tellermodelwithdifferentanisotropies)or A theU(1)continuoussymmetries(Klein-Gordonfieldtheory,XXZandspin-1Fateev-Zamolodchikov quantum chains with different anisotropies). For the spin chains these calculations were done by 5 expressing the ground-state wavefunctions in two special basis. Our results indicate some general 1 behavior for particular ranges of values of the parameter n that defines I˜n. For a system, with total size L and subsystem sizes ℓ and L−ℓ, the I˜n has a logarithmic leading behavior given h] by c˜4n log(Lπ sin(πLℓ)) where the coefficient c˜n is linearly dependent on the central charge c of the c underlyingconformal field theory (CFT) describing the system’s critical properties. e m PACSnumbers: 11.25.Hf,03.67.Bg,89.70.Cf,75.10.Pq - t a I. INTRODUCTION Recently additional new results concerning the Shan- t s non and R´enyi mutual information in quantum systems . t were obtained, see [19–23]. There are also studies of the a Theentanglemententropy,asatooltodetectandclas- mutualinformationinclassicaltwodimensionalspinsys- m sify quantum phase transitions, has been playing an im- tems [18, 24–28]. It is worth mentioning that the Shan- - portantroleinthelastfifteenyears(see[1]andreferences d nonandR´enyimutualinformationsstudiedinthe above n therein). In one dimension, where most of the critical papers, as will be defined in the next section, are ba- o quantum chains are conformal invariant, the entangle- sis dependent quantities. It is important to distinguish c ment entropy provides a powerful tool to detect, as well them from the more known basis independent quantity, [ to calculate, the centralchargec ofthe underlying CFT. namely, the von Neumann mutual information. For re- 2 For example, for quantum chains, the ground-state en- cent developments on the calculation of the von Neu- v tanglemententropyofasubsystemformedbycontiguous mann mutual information in thermal equilibrium and 2 ℓ sites of an infinite system, with respect to the comple- non-equilibrium systems see [29, 30]. 5 mentary subsystem has the leading behavior S = c lnℓ 3 Most of the results regarding the Shannon and the 8 if the system is critical or S = c logξ, when the sys- 2 3 R´enyi mutual information, except for the case of har- temisnoncriticalwithcorrelationlengthξ [2]. Although 0 monicchains,arebasedonnumericalanalysis,especially there are plenty of proposals to measure this quantity in . for systems with central charge not equal to one. One 1 the lab[3–5]the actualexperiments were outof reachso 0 far. Strictlyspeakingthecentralchargeofquantumspin of the main problems in a possible analytical derivation 5 comes from the presence of a discontinuity at n = 1 of chainshasneverbeenmeasuredexperimentally. Recently 1 the R´enyi mutual information. This discontinuity pre- other quantities, that are also dependent of the central : vents the use of the replica trick, which is normally a v charge has been proposed [6, 7]. Among these proposals i necessary step for the analytical derivation of the Shan- X interesting measures that, from the numerical point of non mutual information. view, are also efficient in detecting the phase transitions r a as well as the universality class of critical behavior, are Inthispaperwewillconsider,formanydifferentquan- the Shannon and R´enyi mutual informations [8–11] (see tum chains, another version of the mutual information, also the related works [12–18]). The R´enyi mutual in- which is also parametrized by a parameter n that re- formation (the exact definition will be given in the next duces at n=1 to the Shannon mutual information. The section)hasaparameternthatrecoverstheShannonmu- motivation for our calculations is two fold. Firstly this tual information at the value n=1. The results derived definition is more appropriate from the point of view of in [8–11] indicate that the Shannon and R´enyi mutual a measure of shared information among parts of a sys- informationsofthegroundstateofquantumspinchains, tem, since it has the expected properties. This will be when expressed in some special local basis, similarly as discussed in the Appendix. happens with the Shannon and R´enyi entanglement en- Secondly, this quantity does not show any discontinu- tropy, show a logarithmic behavior with the subsystem’s ity at n = 1, so it might be a good starting point for size whose coefficient depends on the central charge. the analytical calculation of the Shannon mutual infor- 2 mation with some sort of analytical continuation of the thatforbidstheuseoflarge-nanalysistoobtainthemost parametern. Fromnowonwewillcallthisnewquantity interestingcasewheren=1,namelythe standardShan- generalized mutual information. nonmutualinformation. Althoughthe definition(2)has Havingtheabovemotivationsinmindwefirstlycalcu- its own uses it is not the one which normally has been lated numerically (using exact diagonalization) the gen- considered in information sciences. For example I for n eralized mutual information for several critical quantum n = 1 is not necessarily a positive function, a property 6 spin chains. We considered models with Z(Q) symme- that we naturally expect to be hold for the mutual in- trieslikethe Q-statePottsmodesforQ=2,3and4,the formations. In this paper we consider a definition that Z(4) Ashkin-Teller model and the Z(Q) parafermionic is common in information sciences [31]. The generalized models with Q = 5 8. We then calculated the gener- mutualinformationwiththedesiredproperties,asamea- − alizedmutualinformationforquantumcriticalharmonic sure of shared information (see Appendix), is defined as chains(discreteversionofKlein-Gordonfieldtheory)and [31]: also for quantum spin chains with U(1) symmetry like the XXZ andthe spin-1 Fateev-Zamolodchikovquantum 1 pn chains. I˜ (A,A¯)= ln I , (3) Thestructureofthepaperisasfollows: inthenextsec- n n−1 XI pInA−¯1pInA−1 tion we will presentthe essentialdefinitions of the Shan- nonandR´enyimutualinformationsaswellasgeneralized where p and p , as before, are the probabilities that mutual information. In section three we will present the IA IA¯ the subsystems are independently in the configurations numerical results of the generalized mutual information for many different critical quantum spin chains. Finally |IAiand|IA¯ithatformstheconfiguration|Iithatoccurs with probability p . in the last section we present our conclusions. I HereafterLwillrepresentthe sizeofthe wholesystem and ℓ and L ℓ the sizes of the subsystems. With this II. THE GENERALIZED MUTUAL newnotation−onecanwriteI˜ (A,A¯)asI˜ (ℓ,L ℓ). This n n INFORMATIONS: DEFINITIONS definition of the generalized mutual informati−on comes from the natural extension of the relative entropy to the Considerthe normalizedgroundstate eigenfunctionof R´enyicaseandmeasuresthedistanceofthefulldistribu- a quantum spin chain Hamiltonian ψ = a I , ex- tion from the product of two independent distributions. | Gi I I| i pressedinaparticularlocalbasis I = i ,i , ,where In the limit n 1 one easily recovers the Shannon mu- i1,i2,··· are the eigenvalues of so|mie lo|c1al oP2p·e·r·aitors de- tualinformatio→nI˜1(l,L−ℓ)=Sh(ℓ)+Sh(L−ℓ)−Sh(L), fined on the lattice sites. The R´enyi entropy is defined where Sh = − IpIlnpI is the standard Shannon en- as tropy. One of the important properties of I˜ , that is not P n sharedby I , is its nondecreasingbehavior as a function 1 n Sh ( )= ln pn, (1) ofn(seeAppendix). Ourcalculationsforasetofdistinct n X 1 n I − I quantum spin chains will be done numerically, since up X to our knowledgean analyticalmethod to considerthese where p = a 2 is the probability of finding the system I I quantum chains is still missing. | | in the particular configuration given by I . The limit | i n 1 givesus the ShannonentropySh= p lnp . → − I I I Sinceweareconsideringonlylocalbasisitisalwayspos- P sibletodecomposetheconfigurationsasacombinationof theconfigurationsinsideandoutsideofthesubregionsas III. THE GENERALIZED MUTUAL |Ii = |IAIA¯i. One can define the marginal probabilities INFORMATION IN QUANTUM CHAINS as p = p and p = p . IA IA¯ IAIA¯ IA¯ IA IAIA¯ Inapreviouspaper[11]westudiedthenaivedefinition P P In this section we will numerically calculate the of the R´enyi mutual information: ground-state generalized mutual information of two se- I (A,A¯)=Sh (A)+Sh (A¯) Sh (A A¯). (2) riesofcriticalquantumspinchainswithslightlydifferent n n n n − ∪ structure. In the first part we will calculate the general- From now on instead of using p we will use just p . ized mutual information for systems with discrete sym- IAIA¯ I The known results of the R´enyi mutual informations of metries such as the Q-state Potts models with Q = 2,3 quantumcriticalchainsare obtainedby using the defini- and 4, the Ashkin-Teller model and the parafermionic tion(2). Forspecialbasis,usuallytheoneswherepartof Z(Q)-quantumspinchain[33]forthevaluesofQ=5,6,7 the Hamiltonian is diagonal (see [11]), the definition (2) and 8. In the second part we will calculate the general- for the R´enyi mutual information gives us a logarithmic izedmutualinformationforsystemswithU(1)symmetry behavior with the subsystem size, for arbitrary values of such as the Klein-Gordon field theory, the XXZ model n. However,asobservednumericallyforseveralquantum and the Fateev-Zamolodchikov model with different val- chains(see[10,11,13]),itshowsadiscontinuityatn=1, ues of their anisotropy parameters. 3 A. The generalized mutual information in quantum chains with discrete symmetries n=0.5 2.5 n=1 n=4 n=6 Inthissubsectionwewillstudythegeneralizedmutual n=8 information of the ground state of different critical spin 2 chains with Z(Q) discrete symmetries. The results we ~ present were obtained by expressing the ground-state In 1.5 wavefunction in two specific basis where the systems show some universal properties. 1 1.4 n=0.5 n=1 0.5 1.2 n=4 n=6 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 n=8 ln(Lsin(πl/L))/4 1 FIG. 2: The generalized mutual information I˜n(ℓ,L−ℓ) of I~ 0.8 the L=28 sites periodic Ising quantum chain, as a function n of ln(Lsin(πℓ))/4. The ground-state wavefunction is in the L 0.6 basis where the matrices Ri are diagonal (R basis). 0.4 symmetry and a Hamiltonian given by: 0.2 L 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 H = S S3 +S3S +∆S2S2 +R +R3+∆R2 , ln(Lsin(πl/L))/4 − i i+1 i i+1 i i+1 i i i Xi=1(cid:16) (cid:17) (5) FIG. 1: The generalized mutual information I˜n(ℓ,L−ℓ) of whereS andR arethesamematricesintroducedinthe i i the L=28 sites periodic Ising quantum chain, as a function Q=4 Potts model. The model is critical and conformal of ln(Lsin(πℓ))/4. The ground-state wavefunction is in the L invariant for 1< ∆ 1 with the central charge c = 1. basis where thematrices Si are diagonal (S basis). − ≤ It is worth mentioning that at ∆ = 1 we recover the Q=4 Pottsmodelandat∆=0 the modelis equivalent to two decoupled Ising models. In the paper [11] we alreadyshowedthat the Shannon andR´enyimutualinformations,asdefinedin(2),areba- sis dependent. In other words one can get quite distinct 1. The generalized mutual information of the quantum different finite-size scaling behaviors by considering dif- Q-state Potts model and the quantum Ashkin-Teller model ferent basis. Surprisingly in some particular basis, that we called conformal basis, the results shows some uni- versality. For example, the results for the Q-state Potts Our results show that the Q-state Potts model and modelandfortheAshkin-Tellermodelinthebasiswhere the Ashkin-Teller model share a similar behavior. For the matrices R or the matrices S are diagonal are the this reason we discuss them together. The critical Q- i i same, and follow the asymptotic behavior state Potts model in a periodic lattice is defined by the Hamiltonian [32] c L πℓ n I (ℓ,L ℓ)= ln( sin( ))+..., (6) n − 4 π L L Q 1 with − HQ =− (SikSiQ+−1k+Rik), (4) 1, n=1 Xi=1 Xk=1 cn =c n , n>1.5 . (7) (cid:26) n−1 where S and R are Q Q matrices satisfying the fol- i i × We should mention that in [10], based on numerical re- lowing Z(Q) algebra: [R ,R ] = [S ,S ] = [S ,R ] = 0 i j i j i j sults, it was claimed that for n = 1 the coefficient c for i 6= j and SjRj = ei2QπRjSj and RiQ = SiQ = 1. The might not be exactly equal to the central charge. As i1t model has its critical behavior governed by a CFT with was discussedin [10, 11] it is quite likely that I is not a n central charge c =1 6 where √Q =2cos( π ). continuousfunctionaroundn=1 andsoanyattemptto − m(m+1) m+1 The Q = 2 Potts chain is just the standard Ising quan- do the replica trick using this definition of R´enyimutual tum chain. The Ashkin-Teller model has a Z(2) Z(2) information will be useless. This makes the analytical ⊗ 4 calculation a challenge. This is an additional reason to relevant ℓ-dependent terms in (8) for large values examinethe behaviorofI˜ ,besidesbeingthe correctex- of n. n tension, from the point of view of a measure of shared information. Having this in mind we calculated the I˜ n for Q=2,3 and Q=4 Potts chains and for the Ashkin- Q=2 L=30 l=3,...,15 5 Q=3 L=19 l=3,...,9 Teller model in the R and the S basis. We found that in Q=4 L=15 l=4,...,7 some regimes of variation of the parameter n one can fit A-T ∆=0.5 L=15 l=3,...,7 A-T ∆=0 L=15 l=3,...,7 the data nicely to 4 c˜ L πℓ I˜n(ℓ,L−ℓ)= 4n log(π sin(L))+..., (8) ~c/cn3 being c˜ a monotonically nondecreasing function of n, n 2 consistent with what we expect for the mutual informa- tion,sinceitisagoodmeasureofsharedinformation(see the Appendix). 1 4 A-T ∆=0.5 1 2 3 4 n A-T ∆=1 A-T ∆=0 FIG.4: Sameas Fig. 3, butwith theground-statewavefunc- 3 tionsofthequantumspinHamiltoniansexpressedinthebasis Q=2,3 where the matrices Ri are diagonal. The lattice sizes of the modelsareshowninthefigure,aswellasthesubsystemssizes /cn2 Q=2 L=28 ℓ used to estimate c˜n. ~c Q=3 L=19 Q=4 L=15 A-T ∆=0.5 L=14 3. The coefficient of the logarithm c˜ in (8) is a con- A-T ∆=0 L=14 n 1 A-T ∆=0.5 L=13 tinuousmonotonicallynon-decreasingfunctionofn A-T ∆=0 L=13 and it follows the following formula in the S basis: Q=4 L=14 Q=3 L=18 Q=2 L=27 c˜ =cf(n), with f(1)=1, (9) n 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 where c is the central charge and f(n) seems to n be a continuous universal function independent of the model, as we can see in Fig. 3. In the case of FIG. 3: The ratio c˜n/c of the coefficient of the logarithm theAshkin-Tellermodeltheresultsstarttodeviate in the equation (8) and the central charge c for the Q-state Potts model with Q = 2,3 and 4, and for the Ashkin-Teller around n=6 from the ones obtained for the Potts model(A-T)withdifferentanisotropies∆. TheAshkin-Teller models. AswecanseeinFig.3,thedeviationpoint model at the isotropic point (∆ = 1) is equivalent to the 4- is dependent onthe anisotropyparameter∆ ofthe statePottsmodel. Theground-statewavefunctionsareinthe model. basis where theSi matrices are diagonal. The lattice sizes of the models are shown and the coefficients c˜n were estimated 4. Inthe caseofthe Rbasis,asonecanseeinFig.4, by using thesubsystem sizes ℓ=3,5,...,Int[L/2]. equation (9) is still valid for values of n up to 4. ∼ However the function f(n) is distinct from the one Here we summarize the results for the Q-state Potts obtained in the S basis. As shown in Fig. 4, up and Ashkin-Teller quantum chains: to n = 2 the form of the function f(n) seems to be also independent of the model. This figure also 1. The results in general depend on the basis we shows that the Ashkin-Teller model has stronger choose to express the ground-state wavefunction. deviations in this basis, as compared with the re- sultsobtainedintheS basis. Inordertobettersee 2. The generalized mutual information follows (8) in the difference of the coefficients c˜ in the S and R theS andRbasisbutwithdifferentcoefficientsfor n basis, we present in Fig. 5 the data of Figs. 3 and differentbasis. Toillustratethelogarithmicbehav- 4 for the Q=2,3 and 4 state Potts models. ior we show in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 the mutual infor- mationI˜ for the Isingmodel(Q=2)withL=28 5. The coefficient of the logarithm in the S basis al- n sites and ground-state eigenfunctions in the S and ways goes to zero as n 0, differently from the R → R basis, respectively. We see, from these figures, basis where it approaches to a non-trivial number. that for subsystem sizes ℓ 3 we have the loga- Thissimplymeansthatprobablyinthecontinuum ≥ rithmic behavior given by (8) up to n 8 in the limitalltheprobabilitiesintheS basisarepositive ≈ S-basis and n 4 in the R-basis. As we can see but in the R basis some of them are zero. For the ≈ our results does not exclude the existence of some definition of the n=0 case see the Appendix. 5 5 7 Q=2 L=30 R-basis S-basis, l=3,...,14 Q=3 L=19 R-basis 6 S-basis, l=4,...,14 Q=4 L=15 R-basis S-basis, l=5,...,14 4 Q=2 L=28 S-basis R-basis, l=3,...,14 Q=3 L=19 S-basis 5 R-basis, l=4,...,14 Q=4 L=15 S-basis R-basis, l=5,...,14 3 4 ~c/cn ~c/cn3 2 2 1 1 0 0 2 4 6 8 n 1 2 3 4 n FIG. 6: Thevalues of c˜n/c obtained from the dataof Figs. 1 FIG. 5: The values of the ratios c˜n/c of Figs. 3 and 4 for and 2 for the Ising quantum chain with L = 28 sites and the Q =2,3 and 4-state Potts model are shown in the same eigenfunction expressed in S and R basis. figure, for comparison. 2.5 n= 0.5 Our numerical results indicate that c˜ is a continuous n=1 n n=2 function of n around n = 1. This means that I˜n should 2 nn==46 be a continuous function with respect to n and so it is a better candidate to be used in techniques exploring the analytical continuation of the value n, as happens for I~ 1.5 example in the replica trick. However, the appropriate n technique that may be used is still unclear to us. It is important to mention that the results obtained 1 for the ratio c˜ /c in this section (Fig. 3) and in the sub- n sequent ones (Figs. 8, 9, 11 and 13) are based on the linear fit with the ln[Lsin(ℓπ/L)]dependence. These fit- 0.5 tingsweredoneby choosingasetofsubsystemssizes. In 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 all the presented figures we only depict results where a ln(Lsin(πl/L))/4 smallvariationofthe numberofsubsystemsizesgivesus estimated values of c˜n that differs a few percent. As an FIG. 7: The generalized mutual information I˜n(ℓ,L−ℓ) of example we consider the fittings obtained from the data theL=10 sites periodic Z(7)-parafermionic quantumchain, of Figs. 1 and 2 for the Ising model with L = 28 sites as a function of ln(Lsin(πℓ))/4. The ground-statewavefunc- L and ground-stateeigenfunction in the S and R basis,re- tion is in the basis where the Si matrices are diagonal (S spectively. This is shown in Fig. 6. As we can see, while basis). for the S basis the fitting is reasonable up to n = 8 in the R basis we do not have reliable results for n>4. where again S and R are the Q Q matrices that ap- i i × peared in (4). This model is critical and conformal in- variant with a central charge c=2(Q 1)/(Q+2). For − 2. The generalized mutual information in the parafermionic thecasewhereQ=2andQ=3werecovertheIsingand Z(Q)-quantum spin chains 3-statePottsmodel,andforthecasewhereQ=4weob- tain the Ashkin-Teller model with the anisotropy value In this subsection we consider the generalized mutual ∆= √2. WehaveconsideredthemodelswithQ=5,6,7 2 information for some critical spin chains with discrete and 8 and the ground-state wavefunctions expressed in Z(Q)symmetryandcentralchargebiggerthanone. The the S or R basis. The results for the several values of quantumchainsweconsideraretheparafermionicZ(Q)- Q are shown in Figs. 7, 8 and 9. To illustrate the loga- quantumspinchains[33]withHamiltoniangivenby [34, rithmicdependencewiththesubsystemsizeℓweshowin 35] Fig. 7 I˜n(ℓ,L ℓ), as a function of ln(Lsin(πℓ/L))/4 for − theZ(7)parafermionicquantumchainwithL=10sites, with the ground-state wavefunction expressed in the S L Q 1 − H =− (SikSiQ+−1k+Rik)/sin(πk/Q), (10) abraistihsm. Iinc Fcoigesffi.c8ieanntdof9(w8e)swhiotwh tthheercaetniotrc˜anl/cchoafrgtheeclofogr- i=1 k=1 XX 6 the Z(Q)-parafermionic models with ground-state wave- 6 function in the S and R basis, respectively. The max- Z(5) L=13 l=3,...,7 Z(6) L=12 l=3,...,6 imum lattice sizes we used for the Z(Q)-parafermionic 5 Z(7) L=11 l=3,...,5 models are L = 12,11,10 and 9 for Q = 5,6,7 and 8, Z(8) L=10 l=3,...,5 respectively. The results we obtained are very similar to the ones we already discussed in the previous case of 4 the Q-statePottsmodels. Allthefive propertiesthatwe c discussedinthatsubsectionareequallyvalidalsoforthe ~c/n3 Z(Q)-parafermionicmodels. Bycomparingtheresultsof Figs. 8 and 9 with Figs. 3 and 4 we observe that the 2 function f(n) in (9) are quite similar for the two set of models, at least for values of n up to 6. Probably the matching of these curves is not perfec∼t due to the small 1 system sizes we consider, specially for Q>4. 0 1 2 3 4 n 4 FIG.9: Sameas Fig. 8, butwith theground-statewavefunc- tionofthequantumspinHamiltoniansexpressedinthebasis where the matrices Ri are diagonal. The lattice sizes of the 3 models, as well as thesubsystems sizes ℓ used to estimate c˜n are shown. c ~c/n2 1. The generalized mutual information in quantum harmonic chains Q=5 L=12 Q=6 L=11 1 Q=7 L=10 Inthis subsectionwewillfirstconsiderthe generalized Q=8 L=9 mutual information of the ground state of a system of generic coupled harmonic oscillators. Then at the very endwewillconfineourselvestothesimplecasewherewe 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 haveonlythenonzerocouplingsatthenext-nearestsites, n that in the continuum limit gives us the Klein-Gordon FIG. 8: The ratio c˜n/c of the coefficient of the logarithm field theory. in equation (8) and the central charge c for the Z(Q)- ConsidertheHamiltonianofL-coupledharmonicoscil- parafermionic models with Q = 5,6,7 and 8. The ground- lators, with coordinates φ ,...,φ and conjugated mo- 1 L states are in the basis where the Si matrices are diagonal. menta π ,...,π : 1 L The lattice sizes of the models are shown in the figure and thecoefficientsc˜nwereestimatedbyusingthesubsystemsizes ℓ=3,5,...,Int[L/2]. L L 1 1 H= 2 πn2 + 2 φnKnn′φn′ . (11) n=1 n,n′=1 X X The ground state of the above Hamiltonian has the fol- lowing form B. The generalized mutual information of quantum Ψ0 =(detπKL1/2)14e−21<φ|K1/2|φ>. (12) chains with continuous symmetries For the general Hamiltonian (11), one can calculate the two point correlators X = tr (ρ φ φ ) and P = A A i j A In this section we consider the generalized mutual in- tr (ρ π π ) using the K matrix defined in (11). The A i j formation of critical chains having a continuous U(1) squaredrootof this matrix, as wellas its inverse,can be symmetry. We studied a setofcoupled harmonicoscilla- split up up into coordinates of the subsystems A (size ℓ) tors which gives a discrete version of Klein-Gordon field and A¯ (size L ℓ), i. e., theoryaswellasthespin-1/2XXZandthespin-1Fateev- − Zamolodchikovquantumchains. Thelasttwomodelsare K 1/2 = XA XAA¯ , K1/2 = PA PAA¯ . ianntearneisstointrgospiyncteh,altikgeivtehseuAssahkcirnit-iTcaelllelirnme oofdeclo,ntthineyuohuasvlye − (cid:18)XATA¯ XA¯ (cid:19) (cid:18)PATA¯ PA¯ (cid:19) varyingcriticalexponentsbutwithafixedcentralcharge. Here we chose the couplings so that we always keep the equalities PATA¯ = PAA¯ and XATA¯ = XAA¯. The spectra 7 of the matrix 2C = √X P , can be used to calculate where A A the R´enyi entanglement entropy (see [37] and references therein) as T = XAP˜A XAA¯P˜A¯ = 1 XAA¯P˜A¯ . (21) (cid:18)XATA¯P˜A XA¯P˜A¯ (cid:19) (cid:18)XATA¯P˜A 1 (cid:19) 1 1 1 S (ℓ,L ℓ) = tr ln (C+ )n (C )n . There is an important remark that we should mention: n − n 1 2 − − 2 in principle Eq. (20) makes sense only if n+(1 n)T is − (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:21) − a symmetric positive definite matrix. If we start with a In this formulation we only need the correlators inside symmetric positive definite matrix K1/2 this is already the region A. Note that the above quantity is basis in- warrantied for 0 < n < 1 but for n > 1 one needs to dependent and is considered as an usual measure of the check its validity. This will be an important point when quantum entanglement. Here we need to introduce this we study the short-range coupled harmonic oscillators. quantity just for later use. To calculate the generalized Finally one can write mutualinformationforasystemofcoupledharmonicos- cillators one first needs to fix the basis. Here we work I˜ (ℓ,L ℓ)=S (ℓ,L ℓ)+M˜ (ℓ,L ℓ)=S (ℓ,L ℓ) in the position coordinate basis, however all the results n − 2 − n − 2 − 1 athreatvathliedsaalsmoeinisthneotmtorumeeniftuonmebwaosrisk.sOinneasgheonuelrdicnboatiscies −2(n 1)lndet(1−(1−n)2XATA¯P˜AXAA¯P˜A¯) − obtainedthroughcanonicaltransformationsfromthepo- sition or momentum basis. In order to calculate I˜n first where M˜n(ℓ,L−ℓ) is the only n dependent part. We we find p(ΦA) and p(ΦA¯) as tnhoeticseighneroeftthhaetsbeycocnhdantgeirnmg,ni.toe2.,−M˜n we(ℓju,Lst chℓa)ng=e 2 n M˜ (ℓ,L ℓ). − − n detP˜ − − p(ΦA)=s πℓ Ae−ΦAP˜AΦA, (13) n=1.50; L=120 p(ΦA¯)=sdπeLtP˜ℓA¯e−ΦA¯P˜A¯ΦA¯, (14) 0.15 nn==11..2051;; LL==112200 − where P˜A = PA − PAA¯(PA¯)−1PATA¯ and P˜A¯ = PA¯ − ~ 0.1 PATA¯(PA)−1PA¯A. Since φ takes continuum values one Mn needs to considerthe integralversionof the equation(3) as follows: 0.05 1 pn(Φ) I˜ = ln Φ , (15) n n−1 Z D pn−1(ΦA)pn−1(ΦA¯) 0 wherep(Φ)= Ψ 2. PluggingEqs. (12),(13)(14)inthe 0 | | equation (15) and performing the Gaussian integral one -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 can derive the generalized mutual information ln(sin(πl/L)) I˜n = 12ln detdP˜eAtKde12tP˜A¯! FachsIaGain.f1uw0n:ictthiToLnhe=ofse1lcn2o0(nLsdistitenes(r.mπLℓ)in) ftohrepeeqruioadtiiocnq(u2a2n)t,uMm˜nh(ℓa,rLm−onℓi)c, P˜ 0 det nK1/2 (n 1) A 1 ln (cid:18) − − (cid:18) 0 P˜A¯(cid:19)(cid:19). theWrheseunltno→f [81]the second term vanishes and we recover −2(n 1) detK1/2 −     I˜(ℓ,L ℓ)=S (ℓ,L ℓ). (22)   1 2 − −   The following determinant formulas FormasslessKlein-Gordontheorytheaboveresultinone det(P˜A)detPA¯ =detK1/2, (16) dimension gives, as a consequence the well known result det(P˜A¯)detPA =detK1/2, (17) for the R´enyi entanglement entropy [36, 37], detPA¯detK−1/2 =detXA, (18) I˜(ℓ,L ℓ)= 1ln(Lsin(πℓ))+..., (23) 1 detPAdetK−1/2 =detXA¯, (19) − 4 π L where the dots are the subleading terms. Our numerical allow us to write analysesindicatethatforshort-rangequantumharmonic I˜n(ℓ,L ℓ) = S2(ℓ,L ℓ) oscillatorsthe matrix n+(1 n)T is symmetric positive − − − 1 definite up to just n=n =2[42]. The numericalresults lndet(n+(1 n)T), (20) c − 2(n 1) − show that for the values 0<n <2 the equation (8) is a − 8 very good approximation, as we can see for example in wherethe compactificationradiusdepends uponthe val- Fig. 10. The coefficientc˜ of the logarithmic term in (8) ues of ∆, namely: n is obtained from the fitting of the model with L = 120 sites is shown in Fig. 11 and in the range 0.4 < n < 1.6 2 R= arccos∆. (28) surprisingly it follows the simple formula : π r As it is showninFig. 12,in the σz basis,the generalized n 1 mutualinformationI˜ (ℓ,L ℓ)showsthelogarithmicbe- c˜n =f(n)=1+4 − , 0.4<n<1.6 . (24) n − 10 havior given in (8) only for n < 2. This can be simply This is the red line in Fig. 11. At n = 0 we expect understood based on what we observed for the chain of zero mutual information for our system, this means that harmonic oscillators. One can look to the Klein-Gordon basedonthesymmetryn 2 nthecoefficientforn=2 field theory as a non-compactified version of the action should be c˜ = 2. Finally→one−can conclude that for in- (27). Since we showed that in that case the generalized 2 teger values of n=0,1,2 the coefficient of the logarithm mutual information is not defined beyond n = 2 we ex- is pect the same behavior also in the compactified version. Note that in our numericalcalculations one can actually c˜n =f(n)=n, n=0,1,2. (25) derive spurious big numbers for the generalized mutual information even for n > 2, but we expect all of them goto infinity inthe thermodynamiclimit. This behavior seems to be independent of the anisotropyparameter ∆. 1.6 Thecoefficientofthelogarithmin(8)forn<2isagain 1.4 given by (9), as we can see in Fig. 13, with a function f(n) which fits to the results of the harmonic chain per- 1.2 fectly. We also considered the results in the case where ~ the groundstate wavefunctionis expressedin the σx ba- c n 1 sis and, except around n = 1, the equation (8) is not a goodapproximation. The secondU(1)-symmetric model 0.8 3 0.6 n=0.5 L=28 n-0.5 L=30 0.4 n=1 L=28 2.5 n=1 L=30 n=1.5 L=28 0 0.5 1 1.5 n=1.5 L=30 n n=2 L=28 n=2 L=30 2 ~ FIG.11: Thecoefficient of thelogarithm c˜n in theequation In σ, S basis (8). The lattice size L = 120 and the coefficients c˜n were z z estimated by using the subsystem sizes ℓ = 3,5,...,Int[L/2]. 1.5 The red line is given by Eq. (24). 1 2. The generalized mutual information of quantum spin chains with continuous symmetries 0.3 0.4 ln0(.5Lsin(π0l./6L))/4 0.7 0.8 The Hamiltonian of the XXZ chain is defined as FIG.12: The generalized mutualinformation I˜n(ℓ,L−ℓ)of theperiodicXXZquantumchainwithanisotropy∆=−1/2, L H = (σxσx +σyσy +∆σzσz ), (26) asafunctionofln(sin(πLℓ))/4. Theground-statewavefunction XXZ − j j+1 j j+1 j j+1 is in thebasis where theσiz matrices arediagonal (σz basis). i=1 X The results are for lattice sizes L = 28 and L= 30 and give where σx, σy and σz are spin-1 Pauli matrices and ∆ an idea of thefinite-size corrections. 2 is an anisotropy. The model is critical and conformal invariant for 1 ∆<1 with a constant central charge we considered is the spin-1 Fateev-Zamolodchikovquan- c=1,givingu−sa≤goodexampletotesttheuniversalityof tum chain whose Hamiltonian is given by [38] our results with respect to the change of the anisotropy. L Twhitehlocneng-tdraisltachnacergceritcic=alfl1udcteuscartiiboendsabryeraulceodmbpyaactCifiFeTd HFZ = ǫ {σi−(σiz)2−2(cosγ−1)(σi⊥σiz +σizσi⊥) i=1 boson whose action is given by X 2sin2γ(σz (σz)2+2(S2)2) , (29) 1 − i − i i } S = 8π d2x(▽φ)2, φ≡φ+2πR, (27) where S~ = (Sx,Sy,Sz) are spin-1 SU(2) matrices, σiz = Z 9 SzSz and S~ S~ = σ +σz. The model is antiferro- parafermionic model with Q = 5,6,7 and 8) or a U(1) i i+1 i i+1 i⊥ i magnetic for ǫ = +1 and ferromagnetic for ǫ = 1. It symmetry (XXZ quantum chain and the spin-1 Fateev- has a line of critical points (0 γ π) with a−quite Zamolodchikov model). We also considered the discrete ≤ ≤ 2 distinct behavior in the antiferromagnetic (ǫ = +1) and version of the Klein-Gordon field theory given by a set ferromagnetic (ǫ = 1) cases. The antiferromagnetic of coupled harmonic oscillators. In this case we have − version of the model is governed by a CFT with central a continuum Hilbert space. We observed that by ex- charge c = 3 [39] while the ferromagnetic one is ruled pressing the ground-state wavefunctions in general ba- 2 by a c =1 CFT [40]. We calculated I˜ (ℓ,L ℓ) in both sis the obtained results are distinct. However, similarly n critical regimes where c = 1 and c = 3, an−d for differ- as happens for the quantity In given in (2) (see [11]), 2 ent values of the anisotropy. We found a very similar ourresultsonsomespecialbasisrevealsomegeneralfea- pattern as that of the XXZ quantum chain, as can be tures. These basis are the ones where the S or R oper- seen in Fig. 13. The equation (8) is valid for values of ators are diagonal, for the models with Z(Q) symmetry n < 2 and the coefficient of the logarithm follows (9) or the ones where σz or Sz are diagonal for the mod- with a function f(n) which is quite similar to the one els with U(1) symmetry. In a continuum field theory we found for the quantum harmonic oscillators and the description of these quantum chains these basis are ex- XXZ chain. This shows an interesting universal pattern pected to be associated to the boundaries that do not for critical chains with continuous U(1) symmetry. destroy the conformal invariance of the bulk underly- ing Euclidean conformal field theory, and for this rea- 3.5 son we call them conformal basis [11]. Our results indi- xxz (c=1) ∆=0 L=30 catethatinthesespecialbasisthemutualinformationI˜n 3 xxz (c=1) ∆=-1/2 L=30 has the same kind of leading behavior with the subsys- F-Z (c=1) γ=π/3 L=20 F-Z (c=1) γ=π/4 L=20 temsizeℓaswehaveinthe R´enyientanglemententropy, 2.5 F-Z (c=3/2) γ=π/3 L=18 namely I˜ (ℓ,L ℓ) c˜n ln(Lsin(πℓ)), with a function F-Z (c=3/2) γ=π/4 L=18 n − ∼ 4 π L H-O L=120 c˜n = cf(n), with f(1) = 1. Differently from the R´enyi ~c/cn 2 σz, Sz basis iesntuannivgelermsaeln(tfoerntarnoypymwohdeerleatnhdeaenqyuibvaalseins)tifnuntchteiocnasfe(no)f 1.5 I˜ ourresultsindicatethatthefunctionf(n)dependson n thespecialbasischosentoexpresstheground-stateeigen- 1 function of the particular model. For the set of Z(Q)- symmetric models we considered the function f(n), for 0.5 n<4,althoughdifferentfortheS andRbasisaresimilar as the ones of the Q-state Potts chain (Q = 2,3,4) and 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 n the parafermionic Z(Q) quantum chains (Q = 5,6,7,8). In the case of the Ashkin-Teller model our results indi- FIG. 13: The ratio c˜n/c of the coefficient of the logarithm catethatf(n),forn>2,alsodependsontheanisotropy in equation (8) with the central charge c for the XXZ and ∆ of the model. On the other hand the models with for the spin-1 Fateev-Zamolodchikov quantum chains (F-Z). continuum symmetry showeda similar behavior only for The XXZ (Fateev-Zamolodchikov) ground-state wavefunc- z z n < 2. For n > 2 we have strong evidences that most tion are in the σ (S ) basis. The results for the XXZ are for the anisotropies ∆ = 0,−1/2 and in the case of probably the generalized mutual information is not de- the Fateev-Zamolodchikov model their are for the couplings fined. It is quite interesting that in these cases one can γ =π/3,π/4. The lattice sizes of the models are shown and understand most of the results by just studying simple thecoefficientsc˜nwereestimatedbyusingthesubsystemsizes short-range coupled harmonic oscillators. ℓ=4,5,...,L/2. In order to conclude we should mention that an ana- lyticalapproachfortheShannonentropyortheShannon mutualinformation(I or I˜ in(2) and(3)) is a theoret- IV. CONCLUSIONS 1 1 icalchallenge. The analyticalmethods to treat this kind ofproblemnormallyusesomesortofanalyticalcontinua- In this paper we calculated the generalized mutual tion,intheparametern,liketheusualreplicatrick. The information I˜n(ℓ,L ℓ), as defined in (3), for quan- results we present showing the continuity of I˜ around − n tum chains describing the dynamics ofquantum systems n = 1, differently from what happens with I , indicate n with continuous or discrete degrees of freedom. Most of that I˜ is probably more appropriate for an analytical n our analysis was purely numerical due to the absence, treatment. at the moment, of suitable analytical methods to treat this problem. We considered several integrable quan- tum spin chains. These quantum chains either have Acknowledgments This workwassupported in partby a Z(Q) symmetry (like the Q-state Potts model with FAPESPandCNPq(Brazilianagencies). WethankJ.A. Q= 2,3 and 4, the Ashkin-Teller model, and the Z(Q)- Hoyos,R. PereiraandV.Pasquierforuseful discussions. 10 V. APPENDIX: THE RELATIVE ENTROPY Ithasthefollowingproperties: forn>0wehaveD (p n AND THE RE´NYI DIVERGENCE q) = 0 and if p = q then we have D (p q) = 0. Thke n 6 k especial case n 1 gives the usual relative entropy. We → In this appendix we review the definitions of the rela- also define the n=0 case by: tiveentropyanditsgeneralization: theR´enyidivergence. The relative entropy is defined as the expectation of the difference between the logarithm of the two distribution D (p q)= lnq(ip >0). (33) 0 i k − | of probabilities p and q, from the point of view of the distribution p, i. e., It is worth mentioning that using the above definition p i D(pkq)=Xi piln qi. (30) qDi0>(p0kalqs)oipsin>ot0zheorlodse.xcept when for all i’s for which It can be considered as a measure of the difference be- Another important property is the following (see [41] tween the two distributions p and q. Although it is not and references therein): asymmetricquantityithelps us todefine the mutualin- formationofthesubsetsX ansY ofthesystemasfollows Theorem: the R´enyi divergence is a continuous and nondecreasing function of the parameter n. I(X,Y)=D(p(X,Y) p(X)p(Y)). (31) k Comparing (32) with (31) and (30) the natural defini- In words, the mutual information between two parts of tion of the generalized mutual information is a system is just the relative entropy between the distri- bution probability for the whole system andthe product of the probability distributions of the different parts. It I˜ (X,Y)=D (p(X,Y) p(X)p(Y)). (34) n n tells how much the different parts are correlated. The k naturalgeneralizationoftherelativeentropyistheR´enyi divergence and can be defined (see [31] for example), as The above definition is different from I (ℓ,L), as given n by (2), andhas been frequently usedin different areasof 1 Dn(pkq)= n 1ln pniqi1−n. (32) information science. − i X [1] L. Amico,R. Fazio, A. Osterloh, and V. Vedral, Rev. [17] J.Um,H.ParkandH.Hinrichsen,J.Stat.Mech.(2012) Mod. Phys. 80, 517 (2008); K. Modi, A. Brodutch, H. P10026 Cable, T. Paterek, and V. Vedral, Rev. Mod. 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