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GENERALIZED FOUNTAIN THEOREM AND APPLICATION TO STRONGLY INDEFINITE SEMILINEAR PROBLEMS 3 1 CYRILJOE¨LBATKAMANDFABRICECOLIN 0 2 Abstract. Byusingthedegreetheoryandtheτ´topologyofKryszewskiand n Szulkin,weestablishaversionoftheFountainTheoremforstronglyindefinite a functionals. Theabstractresultwillbeappliedforstudyingtheexistenceofin- J finitelymanysolutionsoftwostronglyindefinitesemilinearproblemsincluding 9 thesemilinearSchro¨dingerequation. 2 ] P A Introduction . h The Fountain Theorem established by T. Bartsch [1] and M. Willem [25] is a t a powerful tool for studying the existence of infinitely many critical points of some m indefinite functionals, which are symmetric in the sense of admissibility posed by [ Bartsch [1] (see also [7, 25]). This theorem has been used by several authors to study the existence of infinitely many large energy solutions of various semilinear 1 problems, see for instance [1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 25]. We also mention the paper of W. v Zou [12], where a variant Fountain Theorem was established without PS type 8 p q´ 9 assumption. 0 . The aim of this paper is to generalize the Fountain Theorem in order to apply it 7 toawiderclassofindefinitefunctionals,speciallytostronglyindefinitefunctionals; . 1 1 that is functionals of the form φ u 2(cid:10)Lu,u(cid:11) ψ u defined on a Hilbert space p q “ ´ p q 0 X,whereL:X X isaselfadjointoperatorwithnegativeandpositiveeigenspace 3 Ñ both infinite-dimensional. The study of such functionals is motivated by a number 1 of problems from mathematical physic. They arise for example in the study of : v periodic solutions of the one-dimensional wave equation, in the study of periodic i X solutions of Hamiltonian systems, or in the existence theory for systems of elliptic equations. r a . The paper is organized as follows: In the first section, the main abstract results are outlined and future applications are discussed while in section 2, the degree theory of Kryszewski and Szulkin is introduced and a Borsuk-Ulam type theorem for admissible maps is stated. In section 3, we construct a deformation which will be very helpful to establish the new fountain theorem in section 4. Sections 5 and 6 are dedicated to the application of the abstract result to a nonlinear sta- tionary Schr¨odinger equationand to a noncooperative system of elliptic equations, respectively. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary35A15Secondary35J50;35J60. Keywordsandphrases. Fountaintheorem;Kryszewski-Szulkindegree;τ´topology;Strongly indefinitefunctional. ThisworkwasfundedbyanNSERCgrant. 1 2 C.J.BATKAMANDF.COLIN 1. Main Results LetX bearealHilbertspacewithinnerproduct ,norm anddecomposition p¨q }¨} X Y Z, where Y is closed and separable, and Z Re . Define for k 2 and“0 ‘r ρ , “‘8j“0 j ě k k ă ă Y : Y k Re , Z : Re , k “ ‘p‘j“0 jq k “‘8j“k j B : u Y u ρ and N : u Z u r . k k k k k k “ P } }ď “ P } }“ Consider on X Y Z ˇthe τ top(ology introdu ced by Kˇryszewski(and Szulkin ˇ ˇ in [2] (see also [2“5], C‘hapter 6),´and let ϕ : X R be a C1 functional such that ϕ is τ upper semicontinuous, and ∇ϕ is weakÑly sequentiall´y continuous. We are ´ interested in the obtention of critical points of ϕ when the latter has the following linking geometry sup ϕ u inf ϕ u . uPBBk p qăuPNk p q In order to achieve this goal, we assume that ϕ is invariant under an admissible action of a finite group G (see Definition 6 below), which the antipodal action of Z2 is a particularcase. More precisely,we will introduce the following assumption: A1 AfinitegroupGactsisometricallyandτ-isometricallyonX,andtheaction p q of G on every subspace of X is admissible (in the sense of Definition 6). Roughlyspeaking,theabove-mentionedadmissibilityauthorizesanextensionofthe Borsuk-Ulamtheoremforacertainclassoffunctionsconvenientlycalledσ admissible ´ later in the text. By taking advantage of the notion of admissible group, we show that B and N link in the following sense: If γ : B X is τ continuous and k k k Ñ ´ equivariant, γ id, and every u B has a τ neighborhood N in Y such |BBk “ P k ´ u k that id γ N int B iscontainedinafinite-dimensionalsubspaceofX,then u k p ´ q X p q γ Bk Nk ` . Since in˘our purpose Y canbe infinite-dimensional, the Brouwer p qX ‰H degree which is usually used in the finite-dimensional case will be replaced with the Kry`szewski-Szulkindegree (see Definition 3 below) in th˘e establishment of the abovelinking. Byconstructinganequivariantdeformationwiththeflowofacertain gradient vector field, we finally show that if in addition supϕ u , p qă8 Bk then there is a sequence un X such that p kqĂ ϕ un 0, ϕ un inf sup ϕ un as n , 1p kqÑ p kqÑγPΓkuPBk p kq Ñ8 whereΓ isaclassofmapsγ :B X definedinTheorem11. Theabstractresult k k Ñ will be used to study the existence of infinitely many large energy solutions of the two following strongly indefinite semilinear problems. 1.1. SemilinearSchro¨dingerequation. Forthefirstapplicationweconsiderthe following nonlinear stationary Schr¨odinger equation ∆u V x u f x,u , P p q " ´u H`1 RpNq ,“ p q P p q under the following assumptions: V0 The function V :RN R is continuousand1 periodicin x1,...,xN and0 p q Ñ ´ lies in a gap of the spectrum of ∆ V. ´ ` GENERALIZED FOUNTAIN THEOREM AND APPLICATION 3 f1 The function f : RN R R is continuous and 1 periodic with respect p q ˆ Ñ ´ to each variable x ,j 1,...,N. j “ f2 There is a constant c 0 such that p q ą f x,u c 1 up 1 ´ | p q|ď p `| | q for all x RN and u R, where p 2 for N 1,2 and 2 p 2N N 2 P P ą “ ă ă { ´ if N 3. ě f3 f x,u u uniformly with respect to x as u 0. pf4q Tphereqe“xis˝tps|γ|q 2 such that for all x RN and|u|ÑR 0 p q ą P P zt u 0 γF x,u uf x,u , ă p qď p q u where F x,u : f x,s ds. 0 p q “ p q f5 For all x RN anşd u R, f x, u f x,u . p q P P p ´ q“´ p q The natural energy functional associated to P is given by p q ϕ u : ∇u2 V x u2 F x,u dx, u H1 RN . p q “żRN`| | ` p q ´ p q˘ P p q By V0 the Schr¨odinger operator ∆ V in L2 RN has purely continuous specptruqm, and the space H1 RN ca´n be`deco`mposepd intqo˘H1 RN Y Z such p q p q “ ‘ that the quadratic form u H1 RN ∇u2 V x u2 dx, P p qÞÑżRN`| | ` p q ˘ is negative and positive definite on Y and Z respectively. Both Y and Z are infinite-dimensional, so the functional ϕ is strongly indefinite. This case has been of large interest in the last two decades, existence and multiplicity results have been obtained by different methods, see for instance [2, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]. We prove in this paper that, under the above assumptions, P has infinitely many p q large energy solutions. 1.2. Noncooperative elliptic system. As the second application we study the following system: ∆u H x,u,v in Ω, u P1 $ ∆v“ Hvpx,u,vq in Ω, p q & ´u “v 0pon Ωq, “ “ B where Ω is an open bounded%subset of RN. It is well known that P has a 1 p q variational structure, and the associated Euler-Lagrangefunctional is given by 1 1 Φ u,v : ∇v 2 ∇u2 H x,u,v dx u,v H1 Ω . 0 p q “żRN ´2| | ´ 2| | ´ p q¯ P p q BytakingadvantageofthenewFountainTheorem,weobtaininfinitelymanylarge energy solutions of P , provided the following conditions are satisfied: 1 h1 H C1 Ωp Rq R and H x,0,0 0, x Ω. p q P p ˆ ˆ q p q“ @ P h2 c 0 such that p q D ą H x,u,v H x,u,v c 1 up 1 v p 1 , u v ´ ´ | p q|`| p q|ď `| | `| | for all x RN and u,v R, where p 2 for`N 1,2 and 2 p˘ 2N N 2 if P P ą “ ă ă { ´ N 3. ě h3 0 pH x,u,v uHu x,u,v vHv x,u,v , for u,v 0,0 , x Ω. p q ă p qď p q` p q p q‰p q @ P 4 C.J.BATKAMANDF.COLIN h4 H x, u, v H x,u,v , u,v R, x Ω. p q p ´ ´ q“ p q @ P @ P . The solutions of P represent the steady state solutions of reaction-diffusion 1 p q systems which are derived from severalapplications, such as mathematical biology or chemical reactions (see [19] and reference therein). Recently the existence and multiplicity of solutions for noncooperative elliptic systems of the form P have 1 p q beenprovedbyseveralauthors,seeforinstance[3,4,5,6,19]andreferencestherein. 2. Kryszewski-Szulkin degree theory Let H, , beaseparableHilbertspace. Let bj j 0 beatotalorthonormal sequencpe inp¨qH}a¨n}qd let p q ě }u}1 :“ 8 2j11 pu, bjq, uPH. jÿ0 ` ˇ ˇ “ ˇ ˇ We will denote by σ the topology generated by the norm 1. Clearly y 1 y for every y H, and moreover if y is a bounded sequen}ce¨}in H then } } ď} } n P p q σ y y y y. n n á ðñ Ñ Let U be an open bounded subset of H such that U is σ closed. The following ´ definitions are due to Kryszewski and Szulkin (see [25]). Definition 1. A map f : U H is said to be σ-admissible if it meets the two Ñ following conditions. (1) f is σ continuous, ´ (2) each point u U has a σ neighborhood N such that id f N U is u u contained in aPfinite-dime´nsional subspace of H. p ´ qp X q Definition 2. An application h: 0,1 U H is a σ-admissible homotopy if: r sˆ Ñ (a) h 1 0 0,1 U , ´ p qX r sˆB “H (b) h is σ-con`tinuous, ˘ (c) Every t,u 0,1 U hasaσ-neighborhoodN suchthat s h τ,s τ,s t,u N p 0q,P1r Usˆ is contained in a finite-dpimqensional su bs´pacpe ofqH{p. qP t,u p qXpr sˆ q If f is a σ-admissible ma(p such that 0 f U , then f 1 0 is σ closed and ´ consequently,σ compact. Letus considertRhe cpBoveqringoff 1p0qbyse´tsN which ´ u are σ open nei´ghborhoods of u f 1 0 such that id f Np q U is contained ´ u inafi´nite-dimensionalsubspaceoPfH.Spoq,wecanfindpm´poiqnpts u1X, ...,qum f´1 0 such that f 1 0 V : m N U and id f N U is contPainedpinq a finite-dime´nspioqnaĂl subs“paŤcen“F1 ofunHX, k 1,p...´,m.qpTuhkeXconqtraction and the @ “ excision properties of the Brouwer’s degree imply that deg f ,V F does B V F not depend on the choice of V and F, where deg is the Bropu|weXr’s degXree.q This B leads to the following definition due to Kryszewski and Szulkin: Definition 3 (Kyszewski-Szulkin degree). Let f be a σ-admissible map such that 0 f U . The degree of f is defined by R pB q deg f,U : deg f ,V F , B V F p q “ p | X X q where V and F are defined above. Proposition 4. (i) If y U then deg id y,U 1. P p ´ q“ GENERALIZED FOUNTAIN THEOREM AND APPLICATION 5 (ii) Let f be a σ-admissible map such that 0 f U . If deg f,U 0 then there R pB q p q‰ exists u U such that f u 0. P p q“ (iii) If h is a σ-admissible homotopy, then deg h t, ,U does not depend on the p p ¨q q choice of t. For the proof of Proposition 4, we refer the reader to [25]. The following theorem was inspired by [2] Theorem 2.4 iv . p q Theorem5(Borsuk-Ulamtheoremforadmissiblemaps). LetU beanopenbounded symmetric neighborhood of 0 in H such that U is σ closed. Let f : U H be a σ-admissible odd map. If f U is contained in a pro´per subspace of H, Ñthen there p q exists u0 U such that f u0 0. PB p q“ Proof. Assume by contradiction that f 1 0 U . Since f is odd, we may ´ assume that V is a symmetric (i.e V pVq)X. BLet“FHbe a proper subspace of H ´ “ such that f U F, and let z H F. Define h : 0,1 U H by h t,u : p q Ă P z r sˆ Ñ p q “ f u tz. Onecaneasilyverifythathis aσ-admissiblehomotopy. ByProposition p q´ 4 iii , deg h 0, ,U deg h 1, ,U . The classical Borsuk theorem implies that p q p p ¨q q “ p p ¨q q deg h 0, ,U deg f,U 0, so deg h 1, ,U deg f z,U 0. It then p p ¨q q “ p q ‰ p p ¨q q “ p ´ q ‰ follows from Proposition 4 ii that there exists u0 U such that z f u0 , which is a contradiction since z pHqf U . P “ p q (cid:3) P z p q Now we need to precise what kind of symmetries we will consider in the sequel. WerecallthattheactionofatopologicalgroupGonanormedvectorspace E, p }¨}q is a continuous map G E E, g,u gu, such that: ˆ Ñ p qÞÑ (1) eu u, u E. “ @ P (2) h gu hg u, u E, h,g G. p q“p q @ P @ P (3) The map u gu is linear for every g G. ÞÑ P The action of G is isometric if gu u , u E,g G. A subset F of E is invariant if gF F for every g} }G“. }A}fu@nctPional ϕP: E R is invariant if “ P Ñ ϕ gu ϕ u , for every u E and g G. A map f : X X is equivariant if p q “ p q P P Ñ f gu gf u , for every u E and g G. p q“ p q P P Definition 6. Let G be a finite group acting on H. The action of G is said to be admissibleif u H gu u, g G 0 andeveryσ-admissible andequivariant P “ @ P “t u map f :U H0, whˇere U is an ope(n bounded invariant neighborhood of the origin in H such tÑhat U is ˇσ closed and H0 is a proper subspace of H, has a zero on U. ´ B Example 7. Theorem 5 implies that the antipodal action of Z2 on every separable Hilbert space is admissible. 3. A deformation lemma Let Y be a closed separable subspace of a Hilbert space X endowed with the inner product and the associated norm . Let P : X Y and Q : X Y K p¨q }¨} Ñ Ñ be the orthogonal projections. Let θ be an orthonormal basis of Y. On X we j p q consider a new norm 8 1 u : max Pu, θ , Qu , (1) ~ ~ “ ´jÿ02j`1|p jq| } }¯ “ 6 C.J.BATKAMANDF.COLIN andwedenotebyτ thetopologyandalltopologicalnotionsrelatedtothetopology generated by see [2] or [25] . It is clear that Qu u u . Moreover, ~¨~ } } ď ~ ~ ď } } if un is a bounded`sequence in X˘ then p q τ u u Pu Pu and Qu Qu. n n n Ñ ðñ á Ñ We recall some standard notations: Let S X and ϕ C1 X,R . dist u,S : u S , dist u,S : u S , τ Ă P p q p q “ } ´ } p q “ ~ ´ ~ S : u X dist u,S α , ϕa : u X ϕ u a . α “ P p qď “ P p qď The followinˇg lemma is som(ewhat a combinaˇtion of Lem(ma 3.1 and Lemma 6.8 ˇ ˇ in [25]. Lemma 8 (Deformation lemma). Assume that a finite group G acts isometrically and τ-isometrically on the Hilbert space X. Assume also that ϕ C1 X,R is invariant and τ-upper semicontinuous and ∇ϕ is weakly sequentiallPy conptinuoqus. Let S X be invariant and c R, ǫ,δ 0 such that Ă P ą 8ǫ 1 u ϕ´ c 2ǫ,c 2ǫ S2δ, ϕ1 u . (2) @ P pr ´ ` sqX } p q}ě δ Then there exists η C 0,1 ϕc 2ǫ,X such that: ` P pr sˆ q (i) η t,u u if t 0 or if u ϕ´1 c 2ǫ,c 2ǫ S2δ, p q“ “ R pr ´ ` sqX (ii) η 1,ϕc ǫ S ϕc ǫ, ` ´ (iii) ηp t,u Xu qĂδ u ϕc 2ǫ, t 0,1 , 2 ` (iv) }ϕpη ,uq´is}nďon i@ncrPeasing, @u Pϕrc 2sǫ, ` (v) Epacph¨poqiqnt t,u 0,1 ϕc@2ǫPhas a τ-neighborhood N such that v ` t,u η s,v s,vp NqPr sˆ0,1 ϕc 2ǫ is contained in apfinqite-dimensi on´al t,u ` supbspaqcˇepof qXP, p qXpr sˆ q( ˇ (vi) η is τ-continuous, (vii) η t, is equivariant t 0,1 . p ¨q @ Pr s Proof. Let us define w v : 2 ∇ϕ v ´2∇ϕ v , v ϕ´1 c 2ǫ,c 2ǫ . p q “ } p q} p q @ P r ´ ` s Since ∇ϕ is weakly sequentially continuous, for ev`ery v ϕ 1 c˘ 2ǫ,c 2ǫ ´ there exists a τ-open invariant neighborhood Nv of v suchPthat ∇`rϕ´u ,w v` s1˘ p p q p qq ą u N . Since ϕ is τ-upper semicontinuous, N : ϕ 1 ,c 2ǫ is τ-open. v ´ @ P “ s´8 ` r It follows then that the family ` ˘ r N N c 2ǫ ϕ v c 2ǫ N v “ ´ ď p qď ` Y is a τ-open covering of ϕc` 2ǫ. Sˇˇince ϕc`2ǫ,τ is metr(ic, anrd hence paracompact, thereexistsaτ-locallyfinite τ-opencpoveringMq : M :i I ofϕc 2ǫ finerthan i ` N. Define “ P ( V : M . i “ ďi I P For every i I we have only the possibilities M N for some v or M N. In i v i P Ă Ă the first case we define v : w v and in the second case v : 0. Let λ i I i i i be a τ-Lipschitz continuous“parptitqion of unity subordinated to“M and detfineˇ roPn Vu ˇ h u : λ u v . i i p q “ p q ÿi I P The map h satisfies the following properties (see Lemma 6.7 of [25]): GENERALIZED FOUNTAIN THEOREM AND APPLICATION 7 (a) h is τ-locally Lipschitz continuous and locally Lipschitz continuous, (b) each point u V has a τ-neighborhood V such that h V is contained in u u P p q a finite dimensional subspace of X, (c) ∇ϕ u ,h u 0 u V, (d) pu pϕq1 pcqqě2ǫ,c@ 2Pǫ , ∇ϕ u ,h u 1. ´ @ P r ´ ` s p q p q ą ` ˘ ` ˘ Let us define the equivariant vector field h on V by: 1 r 1 h u : g´ h gu . p q “ G p q | |gÿG r P We claim that h satisfies properties a , b , c and d above. In fact, since ϕ is p q p q p q p q invariant we have r ∇ϕ gu ,v ∇ϕ u ,g 1v g G u,v X. ´ p q “ p q @ P @ P ` ˘ ` ˘ Thus 1 ∇ϕ gu ,h u ∇ϕ u ,g 1h gu ´ p q p q “ G p q p q ` ˘ | |gÿG` ˘ r P 1 ∇ϕ gu ,h gu , “ G p q p q | |gÿG` ˘ P sothathsatisfies c and d . Letu V,foreveryg Gthereexistsaτ neighborhood p q p q P P ´ V of gu suchthat h V is containedin a finite dimensional subspace of X,con- gu gu r p q sequently W : V is a τ neighborhood of u such that h W is contained u gu u “ ´ p q gŤPG r in a finite dimensional subspace of X and then h satisfies b . Finally h obviously p q satisfies a . p q r r Let us define 1 A: ϕ´ c 2ǫ,c 2ǫ S2δ, “ r ´ ` s X ` ˘ 1 B :ϕ c ǫ,c ǫ S , ´ δ “ r ´ ` s X ` ˘ 1 ψ u : dist u,V A dist u,V A dist u,B ´ on V, τ τ τ p q “ ` z ˘” ` z ˘` ` ˘ı and f u : ψ u h u , u V. p q “ p q p q P It is clear that f is τ-locally Lipschitz, τr-continuous, continuous, locally Lipschitz andequivariant. Byassumption 2 , w u δ , whichimplies f u δ onV. For each u ϕc 2ǫ, the Cauchy pproqbl}emp q}ď 4ǫ } p q}ď 4ǫ ` P dµ t,u f µ t,u dt p q“´ p p qq " µ 0,u u p q“ hasauniquesolutionµ ,u definedonR . MoreoverµiscontinuousonR ϕc 2ǫ. ` ` ` p¨ q ˆ Since f u δ , we have for t 0 } p q}ď 4ǫ ě δt µ t,u u . } p q´ }ď 4ǫ 8 C.J.BATKAMANDF.COLIN We also have d d ϕ µ t,u ∇ϕ µ t,u , µ t,u dt p p qq“´ p p qq dt p q¯ ∇ϕ µ t,u ,f µ t,u “´´ p p qq p p q¯ ψ µ t,u ∇ϕ µ t,u ,h µ t,u 0 “´ p p qq´ p p qq p p q¯ď It is easy to verify that if we define η on 0,1 ϕc 2ǫrby η t,u : µ 2ǫt,u , then ` r sˆ p q “ p q i , ii , iii and iv are satisfied. The proof of v and vi is the same as that p q p q p q p q p q p q of b and c in Lemma 6.8 of [25] (with T 2ǫ). Since f is equivariant, vii is a q q “ p q directconsequence ofthe existence andthe uniqueness ofthe solutionof the above Cauchy problem. (cid:3) 4. An infinite-dimensional version of the fountain theorem In the sequel we assume that Z : YK 8 Rej. “ “ jà0 “ We use the following notation: k Y : Y Re , Z : 8 Re , k j k j “ ‘p q “ jà0 jàk “ “ B : u Y u ρ , N : u Z u r where 0 r ρ , k 2. k k k k k k k k “t P || ||ď u “t P || ||“ u ă ă ě We denote P ˇ:X Y and Q :X Z ˇthe orthogonal projections. We define kˇ Ñ k k Ñ kˇ e for j 0,1,...,k e1j :“" θjj k 1 fo“r j k 1, ´ ´ ě ` where θ is the orthonormal basis of Y we chose at the beginning of section 2 . j p q W` e can define a new norm on X by setting ˘ 8 1 ~u~k “max´jÿ02j`1|pPku,e1jq|,||Qk`1u||¯. “ Remark 9. Since a direct calculation shows that 3 u u and u 2k 1 u , u Y , k ` k k ~ ~ ď 2~ ~ ~ ~ď ~ ~ @ P then for every k, the norms and are equivalent on Y . In addition, it is k k ~¨~ ~¨~ easy to show that the projections P are τ-continuous, for every k. k Lemma 10 (Intersection lemma). Under assumption A1 , let γ : Bk X such p q Ñ that (a) γ is equivariant and γ id, |BBk“ (b) γ is τ-continuous, (c) every u int B has a τ-neighborhood N in Y such that id γ N k u k u P p q p ´ q X int B is contained in a finite-dimensional subspace of X. ` k p q Then γ B N˘ . k k p qX ‰H Proof. Let U u B γ u r . Since ρ r and γ 0 0, U is an open k k k k “ t P || p q||ă u ą p q“ bounded and invariant nˇeighborhood of 0 in Yk. It is clear that Bk is τ-closed, so ˇ we deduce from (b) that U is also τ-closed. Consider the equivariant map Pk 1γ :U Yk 1. ´ Ñ ´ GENERALIZED FOUNTAIN THEOREM AND APPLICATION 9 τ τ (i) Pk 1γ is τ-continuous. In fact, if un u, then from b γ un γ u and ´ Ñ p q p q Ñ p q by Remark 9 we have Pk 1 γ un γ u 0 as n . (ii) Letu U. From c u~has´aτp-npeigqhb´orhpooqqd~NÑsuchthÑat8id γ N U u u P p q p ´ qp X qĂ W, where W is a finite-dimensional subspace of X. Let v N U Y u k Yk 1 Rek, then id Pk 1γ v Pk 1 v γ v λekP W XRekĂwhic“h ´ ‘ p ´ ´ qp q “ ´ p ´ p qq` P ` is finite-dimensional. Thus Pk 1γ : U Yk 1 is σ admissible in the sense of Definition 1, where the pair H,´b in sÑectio´n 2 is re´placedby th`e pair Y , e . Since the action of G p jq k p 1jq on Yk` is adm˘issible, there exists u0 U such tha`t Pk 1γ˘˘u0 0. This ends the proof of the lemma since X Yk 1 P BZk. ´ p q “ (cid:3) “ ´ ‘ Theorem 11. Under assumption A1 , let ϕ C1 X,R be invariant and τ-upper semicontinuous such that ∇ϕ is wepaklyqsequenPtiallyp contqinuous. For k 2, define ě a : sup ϕ u , k “ p q }uu}P“Yρkk b : inf ϕ u , k “}uu}P“Zrkk p q c : inf sup ϕ γ u , k “γPΓkuPBk ` p q˘ where Γ : γ :B X γ is equivariant, τ continuous and γ id. k “! k Ñ ˇ ´ |BBk“ Every u int B ˇhas a τ neighborhood N in Y such that id γ N int B k u k u k P p q ´ p ´ q X p q ` ˘ is contained in a finite-dimensional subspace of X. Futhermore ϕ γ u ϕ u u B . , k p p qqď p q @ P ) and d : sup ϕ u . k “ p q }uu}PďYρkk If d and b a , k k k ă8 ą then c b and, for every ǫ 0, c a 2 , δ 0 and γ Γ such that k k k k k ě Ps p ´ q{ r ą P supϕ γ c ǫ, (3) k ˝ ď ` Bk there exists u X such that P (1) c 2ǫ ϕ u c 2ǫ, k k ´ ď p qď ` (2) dist u, γ B 2δ, k p p qqď (3) ϕ u 8ǫ δ. 1 } p q}ď { Proof. It follows from Lemma 10 that c b . Assume by contradiction that the k k ě thesis is false. We apply Lemma 8 with S : γ B . We may assume that k “ p q c 2ǫ a . (4) k k ´ ą We define on B the map β u : η 1,γ u . We claim that β Γ . k k p q “ p p qq P (i) It follows from 4 and i of the deformation lemma that β id. (ii) Itisclearthatβpisqequivparqiantandτ-continuous,andϕ β u |BBkϕ“u u B . k p p qqď p q@ P 10 C.J.BATKAMANDF.COLIN (iii) Let u int B . Since γ Γ , u has a τ-neighborhood N in Y such that k k u k P p q P id γ Nu int Bk W1,whereW1 isafinite-dimensionalsubspaceofX. p ´ q X p q Ă From v` of the defor˘mation lemma the point 1,γ u has a τ-neighborhood p q p p qq M 1,γ u M1 Mγu such that z η s,z s,z M 1,γ u 0,1 vϕcpk`N2pǫqq(qγis“c1oMntaiˆnedinBa,fiwneithea-dviemei dns´ioβnapvlsubqsˇˇpipdaceγqWP2vofpXγ.vpTqhqηuXs1fp,orγrevvserˆy u ´ γ u k WP1 WX2 whpich ipsqfiqnXite-dimensionpal.´ qp q“p ´ qp q` p q´ p p qqP ` Thus β Γ . k P Now by using 3 and ii of Lemma 8 we obtain p q p q c sup ϕ β u sup ϕ η 1,γ u c ǫ, k k ď p p qq“ p p p qqqď ´ }uu}P“Yρkk }uu}P“Ykρk which contradicts the definition of c . (cid:3) k Theorem 12. Under assumption A1 , let ϕ C1 X,R be invariant and τ-upper semicontinuous such that ∇ϕ is wpeakqly sequePntiaplly coqntinuous. If there exists ρ r 0 such that k k ą ą A2 ak : sup ϕ u 0 and dk : sup ϕ u . p q “ p qď “ p qă8 }uu}P“Yρkk }uu}PďYρkk A3 bk : inf ϕ u , k . p q “ }uu}P“Zrkk p qÑ8 Ñ8 Then there exists a sequence un X such that p kqn Ă ϕ un 0, ϕ un c : inf sup ϕ γ u as n . 1p kqÑ p kqÑ k “γPΓkuPBk ` p q˘ Ñ8 Proof. Choose k sufficiently large and apply the preceding theorem. (cid:3) Recallthatthefunctionalϕsatisfiesthe PS -condition Palais-Smalecondition c p q at level c , if every sequence u X such that ` n p qĂ ˘ ϕ un c and ϕ1 un 0 as n , p qÑ p qÑ Ñ8 has a convergentsubsequence. Corollary 13. Under the assumptions of the preceding theorem, if ϕ satisfies in addition the PS condition for every c 0, then ϕ has an unbounded sequence of c p q ą critical values. In the sequel is the usual norm in Lp. p |¨| 5. Semilinear Schro¨dinger equation In this sectionwe apply our abstracttheoremto the resolutionof the semilinear Schr¨odinger equation ∆u V x u f x,u , " u´ H`1 RNp q. “ p q (5) P p q We define the functional 1 ϕ u : ∇u2 V x u2 dx F x,u dx, u H1 RN . (6) p q “ 2żRN`| | ` p q ˘ ´żRN p q P p q It is well knownthat if ϕ is of classC1 thenits criticalpoints are weaksolutions of (5). Observe also that, due to the periodicity of f and v, if u is a solution of

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