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Preview Generalized Edwards thermodynamics and marginal stability in a driven system with dry and viscous friction

Generalized Edwards thermodynamics and marginal stability in a driven system with dry and viscous friction Giacomo Gradenigo1 and Eric Bertin1 1LIPHY, Universit´e Grenoble Alpes and CNRS, F-38000 Grenoble, France (Dated: January 5, 2017) We consider a spring-block model with both dry and viscous frictions, subjected to a periodic driving allowing mechanically stable configurations to be sampled. We show that under strong driving, the scaling of the correlation length with the energy density is incompatible with the prediction of Edwards statistical approach, which assumes a uniform sampling of mechanically 7 stable configurations. A crossover between the Edwards scaling and the non-standard high energy 1 scaling is observed at energy scales that depend on the viscous friction coefficient. Generalizing 0 Edwards thermodynamics, we propose a statistical framework, based on a sampling of marginally 2 stable states, that is able to describe the scaling of the correlation length in the highly viscous n regime. a J 4 Thestatisticaldescriptionofdrivendissipativesystems mean-field [37] or more involved [32] approximations. remains one of the challenging open issues of nonequi- Recently, however, a full treatment of the Edwards ] librium statistical physics. A subclass of these includes h thermodynamics has been performed in a more realistic systems that are periodically driven and relax to a me- c spring-block model with dry friction, showing the build- e chanically stable configuration (MSC) between two driv- up of extended spatial correlations when the strength of m ing phases. Of specific interest are such systems that, the driving is increased [38]. Here, we generalize the - like granular matter, are subject to dry friction, which t above model to include both viscous and dry friction. a generates a huge number of MCSs, that can be charac- The competition between viscous and dry friction has t terized by an extensive entropy. Such systems are thus s been shown to play an essential role in the rheology . relevant candidates for testing generalized forms of sta- t of dense suspensions [39–41], and it is thus of high in- a tistical mechanics. In this spirit, Edwards and cowork- m terest to try to develop theoretical approaches able to ers [1–6] have put forward the simplest generalization take into account both effects. From a conceptual view- - of equilibrium statistical mechanics, by assuming that d point, adding viscous friction is actually a challenging MSCsaresampleduniformly(oraccordingtoaneffective n test of Edwards thermodynamics: since viscous friction o Boltzmannweight),excludingconfigurationsthatarenot affects only relaxation and not MSCs (which are only c mechanically stable. Whether this simple assumption is [ controledbystaticdryfriction),itappearsasakeyingre- valid or not has to be ultimately tested in experiments dient controling the way MSCs are sampled. Hence, any 1 or in numerical simulations, provided a driving protocol significant variation of statistical properties as a func- v is given. Several tests of the Edwards hypothesis have tion of the viscous damping coefficient undoubtly shows 1 been attempted in packings of grains, both experimen- 7 that Edwards assumption fails to describe in a faithful tally[7–10]andnumerically[11–15]. Testshavealsobeen 0 way the properties of the system. Studying this gener- performed in abstract models like spin and lattice gas 1 alized spring-block model, we indeed find strong devia- 0 models [16–21], as well as in glass and spin-glass mod- tions from the predictions of the standard Edwards ap- . els [5, 22–25]. Such tests are performed by comparing 1 proach. ThegoalofthisLetteristopresentanextension 0 the average values of some observables recorded along of the Edwards theory based on a non-uniform sampling 7 the dynamics, with the values obtained from the flat av- of MSCs, emphasizing the importance of marginally sta- 1 erage over MSCs. Note that, while the original Edwards : ble states. We show that this extended statistical frame- v construction is based on volume and energy in analogy work is able to capturethe main resultsof the numerical i toequilibriumstatisticalmechanics,anotherformulation X simulations of the spring-block model in the presence of focusing on the stress tensor has also been put forward r viscous friction. a more recently [26–31]. Overall, the Edwards assumption is generally believed to be a reasonable approximation Weconsideramodelrepresentedbyaone-dimensional in most cases [6], even though some departure from the chain of blocks of mass m connected by N harmonic uniformsamplinghavebeenshowninsomeabstractsolv- springs sliding on a horizontal plane [38, 42–46]. Each ablemodels[20,21]. ThecomplexityofEdwardsthermo- particle is subjected both to dry (Coulomb) friction and dynamics then mainly boils down to the computation of to viscous friction. The position of the ith-mass is de- theentropy(orfree-energy)characterizingblockedstates noted as x . When sliding, a block is subjected to a i [32–36]. Ausualwaytotacklethisdifficultcalculationis dissipative force proportional to the dynamic friction co- to resort either to simple abstract models [16–21], or to efficient, f = −µ mgsgn(x˙ ), with g the gravita- i,dry d i tional constant, and to a dissipative force proportional 2 to the viscous friction, f = −γx˙ (the dot denotes i,visc i a time derivative). When a block is at rest, it starts 10 b) movingwhentheappliedforceexceedsthestaticfriction a) ε force, |fi| > µsmg. The elongation of the i-th spring is ε γε) 1 ξ = x −x −l , with l the constant rest length, so λ( i i i−1 0 0 γ that the elastic force on each block reads k(ξi+1 −ξi), 100 0.1 (cid:112) withk thespringstiffness. Taking k/m,gk/mandmg ) as units of time, length and force respectively, we can λε( 10-2 γ ε 10 write the following dimensionless equation of motion: 0.4 0.3 0.2 x¨i =−γx˙i−µdsgn(x˙i)+xi+1+xi−1−2xi+fiext, (1) 10 ε1/2 0.00.51 c) with|ξi+1−ξi+fiext|>µs theconditiontostartmotion. γ0 =.0 01 2ε) 10 ε1/2 We simulated a chain of N +1=4096 blocks with open λγ( boundary conditions taking an identical value of static 0.1 1 10 100 γ ε 1 and dynamic dry friction coefficients, µs = µd. In the 10-2 10-1 γ2 ε 10 following, we do not distinguish between µ and µ , and s d simply denote as µ the dry friction coefficient. FIG.1. a)Correlationlengthλasfunctionoftheaverageen- The “blocked” configurations are those which, in the ergydensityεofthesampledMSCs,fordifferentvaluesofthe absence of external force, are mechanically stable: ∀ i, viscous friction coefficient γ, indicated by different symbols. x˙ =0 and |ξ −ξ |<µ. We then define the following i i+1 i Dashed lines emphasize the linear (λ ∼ ε) and square-root tapping dynamics: the external forces fiext are switched (λ∼√ε)behaviorsreachedforlowandhighenergiesrespec- on in Eq. (1) and act during a given period of time τ, tively. b) First rescaling γλ = F (γε) around the departure 1 after which they are switched off and the system relaxes from the linear regime. c) Second rescaling γλ = F (γ2ε) 2 to a MSC. This procedure, that we call driving cycle, around the onset of the square-root regime. is repeated a large number of times to sample MSCs. The driving protocol consists in pulling a finite fraction of the particles, fixed to ρ = 0.5, with a constant force These behaviors are modified in the presence of viscous F, while keeping fixed the duration τ. Each MSC is friction. Fig.1a)displaysthecorrelationlengthasafunc- characterized by the typical value of the energy stored tion of energy for different values of the viscous friction by the springs ε=(1/2N)(cid:80)N ξ2. coefficient γ. At relatively low energies, all curves have i=1 i a linear behavior as in the absence of viscous friction; In the case where only dry friction is present, it has Note that the prefactor is independent of γ. Increasing been shown that correlations of spring elongations, de- the energy, one observes a crossover, with an intermedi- fined as C(r) = (cid:104)ξ ξ (cid:105)/(cid:104)ξ2(cid:105), extend over a correlation ate regime which depends on γ, to a high-energy scaling i+r i √ length which grows linearly with the energy density ε λ(ε) ∼ ε, with here again a prefactor which is inde- [38]. The Edwards approach is able to reproduce this pendent of γ. In between these asymptotic regimes, the scaling of the correlation length with the energy density correlation length λ exhibits a strong dependence on the [38]. The Edwards ansatz for the probability of a config- viscous friction coefficient γ. The dependence on γ can uration C reads P(C) = e−βEdE(C)F(C)/Z, with βEd an berationalizedaccordingtotwodistinctscalingregimes. effective temperature, E(C) the energy of configuration A first regime λ(ε) = γ−1F (γε) [Fig. 1b)] describes the 1 C, and Z a normalization constant. The function F(C) departure from the low-energy linear regime λ(ε) ∼ ε. enforcestheconstraintofmechanicalstability: F(C)=1 A second regime λ(ε) = γ−1F (γ2ε) [Fig. 1c)] describes 2 if C is mechanically stable, and F(C)=0 otherwise. For the convergence to the asymptotic high energy scaling √ the spring-block model, F(C)=(cid:81)N−1Θ(µ−|ξ −ξ |) λ(ε) ∼ ε. In other words, the linear regime λ(ε) ∼ ε i=1 i+1 i [38], with Θ the Heaviside function. By taking the con- is valid √for ε (cid:28) ε∗1 ∼ γ−1, and the square-root regime tinuum limit where the spring index i is replaced by λ(ε) ∼ ε is valid for ε (cid:29) ε∗2 ∼ γ−2. The fact that a continuous variable s so that spring-elongations are the prefactors of the scaling functions F1,2 are γ−1 in represented as the local field ξ(s), the probability of both cases indicate that the correlation length scales as a configuration reads as e−S[ξ], with (as a lowest or- λ∼γ−1 in the whole intermediate regime ε∗1 <ε<ε∗2. der approximation) a Gaussian effective Hamiltionian Another characterization of the behavior of the model S[ξ] = (cid:82) ds[(∂ξ/∂s)2/(4µ2)+β ξ2(s)/2] [38]. Two im- is through the mean-square displacement of the spring Ed portant predictions of this theory are: (i) The linear in- elongation (cid:104)[∆ξ(r)]2(cid:105), which was found to be linear (i.e., creaseofthecorrelationlengthλ(ε)∼εwiththeaverage diffusive), (cid:104)[∆ξ(r)]2(cid:105) ∼ r, when the dynamics involves energyperspring[38];(ii)Thelinearincreaseofthemean only dry friction [Fig. 2a)]. In the presence of a strong square displacement for the spring elongation measured enough viscous friction (or, for a given nonzero γ, at alongthechain, (cid:104)[∆ξ(r)]2(cid:105)∼r, where∆ξ(r)=ξ −ξ . high enough energy), the mean-square displacement is i+r i 3 a) b) a) 100λ = 23 100 30 00..68 µ 34 31 0.4 44 33 10 5656 r 10 3345 r2 ξ-+1i 0 .02 > 76 41 ξi-0.2 2ξ](r) 8977 4572 --00..64 -µ ∆<[ 1 110178 1 5579 -0.8 0 50 100 i 150 200 250 300 1 -ε 128 62 1 100 139 0.8 b) c) 0.1 150 > 0.6 0.01 161 0 .00.11 (el)(el)< f f ij-- 0000 ....02442 λ 10 ε1/2 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 -0.6 r / λ r / λ -0.8 1 0 5 10 15 20 0.1 1 10 100 |i - j| ε FIG. 2. Mean square displacement of springs elongation, FIG.3. a)AtypicalMSCsampledathighenergyinpresence (cid:104)[∆ξ]2(r)(cid:105) = (cid:104)[ξ − ξ ]2(cid:105). a) When only dry friction is of viscous friction. The total force fel = ξ −ξ acting on i+r i i i+1 i present (γ = 0), the mean-square displacement is diffu- each mass is plotted as a function of the mass index (µ = sive, (cid:104)[∆ξ]2(r)(cid:105) ∼ r. b) For strong enough viscous friction, 0.6). b) Correlation of the elastic force f at the end of the i the mean-square displacement is ballistic, (cid:104)[∆ξ]2(r)(cid:105) ∼ r2 driving phase, before relaxation takes place. c) Correlation (γ = 0.3). Data are collapsed by plotting (cid:104)[∆ξ]2(r)(cid:105)/ε as length λ of spring elongations, a function of the energy ε, a function of the rescaled distance r/λ(ε), with λ(ε) the cor- as obtained from the transfer operator method. A Gaussian relation length. approximation(withstandarddeviationσ=0.5)ofthedelta function has been used. observed to be ballistic, (cid:104)[∆ξ(r)]2(cid:105)∼r2 [Fig. 2b)]. spect to the viscous term −γx˙ . If γ is large enough, i The results obtained in the presence of viscous fric- we may also neglect inertia and use an overdamped dy- tion are clearly not compatible with those predicted in namics. In a continuum limit where the position x (t) i the standard Edwards framework, namely λ(ε) ∼ ε and is replaced by a field x(s,t), where the continuous vari- (cid:104)[∆ξ(r)]2(cid:105) ∼ r. Let us emphasize that the presence of able s generalizes the index i, one obtains the following viscous friction only affects the relaxation process, and early-stage relaxational dynamics, not the definition of MSCs, which depends only on dry friction. The Edwards statistics is thus the same what- ∂x ∂2x γ = . (2) ever the value of the viscous friction coefficient. Hence ∂t ∂s2 the present results call for an alternative ansatz to de- This diffusive dynamics leads to a growth of the correla- scribe the non-uniform sampling of configurations in the √ tionlength(cid:96)(t)ofthefieldx(s)as(cid:96)(t)∼ t. Thispurely presence of strong enough viscous damping. In order to diffusive relaxation stops after a time ∼t , when veloc- determine such an ansatz, we start by examining typi- rel ities have decreased to a point where the viscous friction cal MSCs reached after a viscous relaxation, following a term becomes of the same order as the dry friction one. strong enough driving phase. Fig. 3a) displays the to- For t>t , the dynamics reads tal elastic force fel = ξ − ξ acting on mass i as a rel i i+1 i function of the mass index. Contrary to the dry friction ∂x (cid:18)∂x(cid:19) ∂2x γ =−µsgn + . (3) case where the force spans in an essentially uniform way ∂t ∂t ∂s2 theinterval[−µ,µ](inagreementwithEdwardsassump- tion),theforceisseentotakealmosteverywhereonlythe If the correlation length (cid:96)(trel) reached at the end of the two values fel =±µ [Fig. 3a)]. The typical length of the diffusive relaxation is large enough, the intervals (in s) i ’plateaus’ at values ±µ is of the order of the correlation over which ∂x/∂t has a constant sign remain large in length λ. the subsequent relaxation. In a simplified picture, one may assume that these intervals do not change in time. The emergence of such configurations of the force can Defining χ(s)=sgn[∂x/∂t(s,t )], one has be understood as follows in terms of the relaxation pro- rel cess. At the end of the driving phase, the elastic forces ∂x ∂2x fel acting on different masses are uncorrelated [Fig 3b)]. γ =−µχ(s)+ . (4) i ∂t ∂s2 Assumingastrongdriving, thevelocitiesarelargeinthe initial stage of the relaxation, so that the dry friction The relaxation described by Eq. (4) converges to a MSC term −µsgn(x˙ ) can be neglected in this regime with re- x∗(s)suchthatd2x∗/ds2 =µχ(s). Sincetheelasticforce i 4 fel(s) acting on a mass with index s is given by fel(s)= where Z is a partition function determined by normal- ∂2x/∂s2, weendupwithfel(s)=µχ(s), thusrecovering ization, the typical shape of a configuration of the force shown onNFoitge. 3tha)a.t a piecewise constant force fel(s) implies a Z =(cid:90) dξ1...dξNe−βE2d (cid:80)Ni=1ξi2N(cid:89)−1δ(µ−|ξi+1−ξi|), piecewise linear elongation ξ(s), since dξ/ds = fel(s). i=1 (8) This piecewise linear behavior of the elongation in turn andwhereβ =T−1 isaneffectiveinversetemperature. accountsfortheballisticbehaviorofthemean-squaredis- Ed Ed Note that β is a parameter that can be eliminated placement (cid:104)[∆ξ(r)]2(cid:105) ≈ µ2r2 of the elongation. A sim- Ed at the end of the calculation, reexpressing all quanti- ple scaling argument then allows one to understand in √ ties in terms of the average energy density ε. In the a simple way the origin of the behavior λ ∼ ε of the following, we replace the delta functions in Eq. (8) by correlation length. At large r, (cid:104)[∆ξ(r)]2(cid:105) converges to narrow Gaussian distributions of width σ. Thermody- 2(cid:104)ξ2(cid:105)=4ε. One thus expects (cid:104)[∆ξ(λ)]2(cid:105)≈4ε, which re- namicproperties(freeenergy,averageenergyorentropy) sults, from the ballistic behavior, into λ2 ≈4ε/µ2. Note as well as correlation functions can be determined semi- alsothatonerecoversfromthissimpleargumentthefact √ analyticallyfromEqs.(7)and(8),byevaluatingthepar- that λ/ ε is independent of γ in this regime. titionfunctionZ usingatransferoperatorrepresentation The fact that λ ∼ γ−1 in the intermediate scaling [38], Z =Tr(TN), where the linear operator T acts on a regime [Fig. 1] can be understood as follows. As argued (cid:82) function φ as T[φ](x) = dyT(x,y)φ(y), with T(x,y) a above, the overdamped relaxation yields a correlation of symmetricL2kernel. ToevaluateZ asdefinedinEq.(8), the elastic force field. In contrast, an underdamped re- we use the kernel laxation yields essentially no correlation of the elastic force, in agreement with the dry friction case. The early T(x,y)=e−βE4d(x2+y2)−[µ2−(x−y)2]2/(2σ2). (9) stage of the relaxation is described by a linear equation, more conveniently expressed in Fourier space, introduc- Note that we have used here periodic boundary condi- ing xˆ(q,t)=(cid:82) dsx(s,t)eiqs, tions, which does not affect the results in the thermody- namiclimit. ThepropertiesofthekernelT(x,y)guaran- ∂2xˆ ∂xˆ +γ +q2xˆ=0. (5) teestheexistenceofanorthonormalsetofeigenvectorsof ∂t2 ∂t T,whichcanbenumericallydiagonalized. Followingthis The solution of this equation takes the form, for q (cid:28)γ, approachwehavecheckedthatourresultsdonotdepend xˆ(q,t)≈X (q)e−tq2/γ +X (q)e−t(γ−q2/γ) (6) on the value of the parameter σ in the large TEd limit. 1 2 The two-point correlation function C(r) = (cid:104)ξ ξ (cid:105)/(cid:104)ξ2(cid:105) i+r i whereX (q)arerelatedtotheinitialconditions. When canbenumericallydeterminedwithinthetransferopera- 1,2 γislarge(overdampedlimit),thefirstterminther.h.s.of torformalismfromtheeigenvectorsofT,andfromitthe Eq.(6)dominatesthedynamics. Forsmallervaluesofγ, correlation length λ(ε) is obtained (technical details on the second term comes into play, accounting for inertial the transfer operator method can be found in the Sup- effects. The crossover between these two regimes is ob- plemental Material of [38]). Extracting the correlation tained by balancing the decay rates, q2/γ ∼ (γ−q2/γ). length from C(r) for different values of the energy ε, we √ Taking q ∼ λ−1 as the relevant wavenumber, one ob- recover the behavior λ ∼ ε [Fig. 3c)]. Note that the tainsthatthecrossoverbetweeninertialandoverdamped prefactor is independent of γ, since γ does not appear in regimes is reached for λ∼γ−1. This result is consistent Eq. (7). with the numerical results reported in Fig. 1, provided The above results suggest to consider, beyond the one identifies the inertial and overdamped regimes with presentspecificmodel, thefollowingprescriptionforsys- √ the scaling regimes λ∼ε and λ∼ ε respectively. Note tems subjected to both dry and viscous frictions. Me- that the existence of γ-independent regimes λ ∼ ε and chanical stability, as resulting from dry friction, is ex- √ λ∼ ε and of an intermediate regime where λ∼γ−1 is pressed by inequalities involving the dry friction coeffi- enough to account for the two scalings described by the cient. We call marginally stable the configurations such functions F [Fig. 1b) and c)]. that these inequalities are satisfied as equalities. A gen- 1,2 Togobeyondscalingarguments,weproposeanansatz eral formulation of the ansatz (7) is that marginally sta- generalizing the standard Edwards assumption of uni- ble configurations are sampled with a Boltzmann weight, form sampling of MSCs. 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