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GENERAL SOLUTIONS OF SUMS OF CONSECUTIVE CUBED INTEGERS EQUAL TO SQUARED INTEGERS 5 1 VLADIMIRPLETSER 0 2 n Abstract. All integer solutions (M,a,c) to the problem of the sums of M a consecutive cubed integers (a+i)3 (a>1, 0≤i≤M−1) equaling squared J integers c2 are found by decomposing the product of the difference and sum of the triangular numbers of (a+M−1) and (a−1) in the product of their 4 greatest common divisor g and remaining square factors δ2 and σ2, yielding 2 c=gδσ. Further, the condition that g must be integer for several particular andgeneralcasesyieldgeneralizedPellequationswhosesolutionsallowtofind ] T allinteger solutions(M,a,c)showingthat thesesolutionsappear recurrently. In particular, it is found that there always exist at least one solution for the N cases of all odd values of M, of all odd integer square values of a, and of all h. evenvaluesofM equaltotwiceanintegersquare. t Keywords: Sums of consecutive cubed integers equal to square integers ; a Quadratic Diophantine equation ; Generalized Pell equation ; Fundamental m solutions;Chebyshevpolynomials [ 1 MSC2010 : 11E25 ; 11D09 ; 33D45 v 8 9 1. Introduction 0 ItisknownsincelongthatthesumofM consecutivecubedpositiveintegersstarting 6 0 from1equalsthesquareofthesumoftheM consecutiveintegers,whichitselfequals . the triangular number of the number of terms M, 1 △M 0 M M 2 M(M +1) 2 5 (1.1) i3 = i = = 2 1 ! 2 △M : Xi=1 Xi=1 (cid:18) (cid:19) v for M Z+. The question whether this remarkable result can be extended to i ∀ ∈ X other integer values of the starting point, i.e. whether the sum of consecutive r cubed positive integers starting from a=1 is also a perfect square a 6 M−1 (1.2) (a+i)3 =c2 i=0 X has been addressedby severalauthorsbut has receivedso far only partialanswers. Withthenotationofthispaper,Lucasstated[15]thattheonlysolutionsforM =5 area=0,1,96and118(missing the solutiona=25,seefurther Table1),andthat there are no other solutions for M = 2 than a = 1. Aubry showed [1] that a solution for M = 3 is a = 23, c = 204, correcting Lucas’ statement that there are no other solution for M = 3 than a = 1. Other historical accounts can be found in [7]. Cassels proved [3] by using the method of finding all integral points on a given curve of genus 1 y2 = 3x x2+2 (with x = a+1, y = c in this paper notations), that the only solutions for M = 3 are a = 1,0,1 and 23. Stroeker (cid:0) (cid:1) − obtained [37] complete solutions for 2 M 50 and M = 98, using estimates of ≤ ≤ 1 GENERAL SOLUTIONS OF SUMS OF CONSECUTIVE CUBED INTEGERS EQUAL TO SQUARED INTEGERS2 lower bound of linear forms in elliptic logarithms to solve elliptic curve equations of the form Y2 = X3 + dX where d = n2 n2 1 /4, X = nx + n(n 1)/2, − − Y = ny (with n = M, x = a, y = c in this paper notations). The method (cid:0) (cid:1) reported, although powerful, appears long and difficult and caused some problems for the cases M = 41 and 44. Stroeker remarked also that M = a = 33 with c = 2079 = 33 63. This is not the single occurrence of M = a, as it occurs also × for M =a=2017,124993,7747521,...(see [24, 25]). One of the reasons that these previous attempts to find all solutions (M,a,c) to (1.2) were only partially successful was most likely due to the approach taken to startthesearchforsolutionsforsinglevaluesofM,onebyoneandinanincreasing order of M values. The method proposed in this paper is to tackle the problem in a different way and instead of looking at each individual values of M one by one, to consider the problem in a more global approach by comparing different sets of known solutions, and instead of listing solutions in increasing order of M values, to look at two other parameters, δ and σ, defined further. This new beginning then leads to a more classical approach using general solutions of Pell equations, that allows to find all solutions in (M,a,c) of (1.2) for all possible cases. Note that Pell equations were already used previously by various authors (e.g. Catalan [4,5],Cantor[2],Richaud[34])inthe19thcenturyinattemptstosolvethepresent problem, albeit without reaching a complete resolution of the problem. The approach proposed in this paper includes three steps. Step1inSection2isbasedonthedecompositionoftheproductofthedifference∆ andthe sum Σ ofthe two triangularnumbers of(a+M 1)and (a 1) insimple − − factors,g,δ,σ where g =gcd(∆,Σ), allowingto find generalexpressionsofa andc in function of M,δ and σ that are always solutions of (1.2). In step 2 in Section 3, some conditions on δ and σ are explored to obtain three particular cases of solutions yielding specific expressions of M in function of k, k Z+, including the case of M taking all odd positive integer values. Section 4 ∀ ∈ recalls some basics on Pell equation solutions to introduce the third step. Instep 3 inSection 5,a generalsolutionin (M,a,c) is found for allvalues ofδ and σ,basedonsolutionsofsimpleandgeneralizedPellequationsinvolvingChebyshev polynomials,allowingtofindallthesolutionsin(M,a,c)to(1.2). Asanalternative to step 3, recurrence relations are deduced in Section 6. Section 7 summarizes all findings. Trivial solutions are not considered here. For instance, M 0 is meaningless; for ≤ M = 1, the only solution is obviously a = α2, yielding (M,a,c) = 1,α2,α3 ; therefore,weconsideronlyM >1. Ifa<0,therearenosolutionsifM <(1 2a); (cid:0) − (cid:1) if M = (1 2a), the only solution is (M,a,c) = ((1 2a),a,0); if M > 1 2a, − − − the solutions are (M,a,c) = M,(1 a), 2 2 , i.e. a shift of the − △M+a−1−△(−a) first term from a negative va(cid:16)lue a to a po(cid:16)sitive value (1 a)(cid:17)(cid:17)with a reduction of − the number of terms (M +2a 1). If a = 0 or 1, the classical solutions (1.1) − are (M,a,c) = M,0, 2 or M,1, 2 . Therefore, we limit our search to △M−1 △M solutions for M >1 and a>1. (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) GENERAL SOLUTIONS OF SUMS OF CONSECUTIVE CUBED INTEGERS EQUAL TO SQUARED INTEGERS3 2. Step 1: A General theorem Theorem1. For δ Z+, σ,a,M,c Z+,κ Q+,suchasδ <σ,gcd(δ,σ)=1, ∀ ∈ ∃ ∈ ∈ κ=(σ/δ)>1, M−1 (2.1) (a+i)3 =c2 i=0 X holds if M κ2 1 +1+ M2(κ4 1)+1 (2.2) a = − − 2 (cid:0) (cid:1) p κM (2.3) c = κ2M + M2(κ4 1)+1 2 − Proof. For a,M,c,∆,Σ,g,∆′,Σ(cid:16)′,δ,σ,Cp Z+, i,k Z∗,(cid:17)κ Q+, with M > 1, ∈ ∈ ∈ 0 i M 1, κ=(σ/δ)>1, the sum of cubes of M consecutive integers (a+i) ≤ ≤ − for i=0 to M 1 can be written successively as − M−1 a+M−1 a−1 (2.4) (a+i)3 = i3 i3 − i=0 i=0 i=0 X X X (2.5) = △2a+M−1−△2a−1 (2.6) = ( a+M−1 a−1)( a+M−1+ a−1) △ −△ △ △ (2.7) = (∆)(Σ) where ∆= a+M−1 a−1 and Σ= a+M−1+ a−1, i.e. the difference and the △ −△ △ △ sum of the triangular numbers of (a+M 1) and (a 1), with obviously ∆<Σ, − − that can also be written M 1 (2.8) ∆ = M a+ − 2 (cid:18) (cid:19) M(M 1) (2.9) Σ = a2+a(M 1)+ − − 2 Let g =gcd(∆,Σ), yielding ∆=g∆′ and Σ=gΣ′. For (2.1) to hold, c2 =g2∆′Σ′ ′ ′ and as ∆ and Σ are coprimes and their product must be square, both must be integer squares, i.e. ∆′ =δ2 and Σ′ =σ2, with gcd(δ,σ)=1 and δ <σ, yielding (2.10) c=gδσ From (2.8) and (2.9), one has then respectively 2gδ2 (2.11) 2a+M 1 = − M (2.12) = 4gσ2 (M2 1) − − where the + sign is taken in front of thpe square root in (2.12) as 2a+M > 1. Solving for g yields then M (2.13) g = κ2M + M2(κ4 1)+1 2δ2 − (cid:16) p (cid:17) Replacing in (2.11) or (2.12) yields then directly (2.2) and in (2.10) yields directly (2.3). (cid:3) GENERAL SOLUTIONS OF SUMS OF CONSECUTIVE CUBED INTEGERS EQUAL TO SQUARED INTEGERS4 3. Step 2: Three Particular Solutions and a Generalization For which values of M does (2.1) hold ? Answers can be found for at least three particular cases. Other general approaches are developed further. Table 1 gives for 1 < M 45 and 1 < a < 105, the first values of M,a and ≤ associated ∆,Σ,g,δ,σ and c values. For M and a < 105, there are 892 solutions (M,a,c), given in [26, ?], such that (4.1) holds. One observes very easily that: (i) all odd values of M have at least one entry (in bold in Table 1) with g = 2 (M−1)/2 = M2 1 /4,δ =2M andσ = 2M2 1 ,yieldingc=M M2 1 2M2 1 /2 △ − − − − with a=M3 (3M 1)/2; −(cid:0) −(cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:0) (cid:1) (ii) those odd values of a equal to odd integer squares have at least one entry (e.g. forM =17inTable1)withg =(a 1)/8,δ =(2a 1)andσ =(2a+1),yielding − − c=(a 1) 4a2 1 /8 with M =(√a 1)(2a 1)/2 − − − − (iii) those even values of M equal to twice an integer square have at least one (cid:0) (cid:1) entry (in italics in Table 1) with g = M M2 1 /2, δ = 1, σ = M/2, yielding − c=M M2−1 M/2/2 with a=△M−(cid:0)1. (cid:1) p These three casescanbe generalizedrespectivelyto allodd values ofM,to allodd integer(cid:0)square v(cid:1)aplues of a = (2k+1)2, and to all even values of M equal to twice integer squares in the following Theorem 2. k Z+, δ,σ,M,a,c Z+ such that (2.1) holds : ∀ ∈ ∃ ∈ (i) if σ = δ2 2 /2, with − (cid:0) (cid:1) (3.1) M = (2k+1) (3.2) a = (2k+1)3 (3k+1) − (3M 1) (3.3) = M3 − − 2 (3.4) c = 2k(k+1)(2k+1)(8k(k+1)+1) M M2 1 2M2 1 (3.5) = − − 2 (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:0) (cid:1) (ii) if σ =δ+2, with (3.6) a = (2k+1)2 (3.7) M = k(8k(k+1)+1) (√a 1)(2a 1) (3.8) = − − 2 k(k+1) (3.9) c = 4(2k+1)4 1 2 − (a 1) 4(cid:16)a2 1 (cid:17) (3.10) = − − 8 (cid:0) (cid:1) GENERAL SOLUTIONS OF SUMS OF CONSECUTIVE CUBED INTEGERS EQUAL TO SQUARED INTEGERS5 Table 1. First values of M,a,∆,Σ,g,δ,σ and c for 1 < M 45 ≤ and 1<a<105 M a ∆ Σ g δ σ c 3 23 72 578 2 6 17 204 5 25 135 735 15 3 7 315 5 96 490 9610 10 7 31 2170 5 118 600 14406 6 10 49 2940 7 333 2352 112908 12 14 97 16296 8 28 252 1008 252 1 2 504 9 716 6480 518420 20 18 161 57960 11 1315 14520 1742430 30 22 241 159060 12 14 234 416 26 3 4 312 13 144 1950 22542 78 5 17 6630 13 2178 28392 4769898 42 26 337 368004 15 25 480 1080 120 2 3 720 15 3353 50400 11289656 56 30 449 754320 15 57960 869505 3360173145 105 91 5657 54052635 17 9 289 361 1 17 19 323 17 120 2176 16456 136 4 11 5984 17 4888 83232 23970888 72 34 577 1412496 18 153 2907 26163 2907 1 3 8721 18 680 12393 474113 17 27 167 76653 19 6831 129960 46785690 90 38 721 2465820 21 14 504 686 14 6 7 588 21 144 3234 23826 66 7 19 8778 21 9230 194040 85377710 110 42 881 4070220 23 12133 279312 147476868 132 46 1057 6418104 25 15588 390000 243360156 156 50 1249 9742200 27 19643 530712 386358518 182 54 1457 14319396 28 81 2646 9126 54 7 13 4914 29 24346 706440 593409810 210 58 1681 20474580 31 29745 922560 885657840 240 62 1921 28584480 32 69 2704 7396 4 26 43 4472 32 133 4752 22308 132 6 13 10296 32 496 16368 261888 16368 1 4 65472 33 33 1617 2673 33 7 9 2079 33 35888 1184832 1289097488 272 66 2177 39081504 35 225 8470 58870 70 11 29 22330 35 42823 1499400 1835265906 306 70 2449 52457580 37 50598 1872792 2561979798 342 74 2737 69267996 39 111 5070 17280 30 13 24 9360 39 59261 2311920 3514118780 380 78 3041 90135240 40 3276 131820 10860720 780 13 118 1196520 41 68860 2824080 4744454820 420 82 3361 115752840 42 64 3549 7581 21 13 19 5187 43 79443 3416952 6314527758 462 86 3697 146889204 45 176 8910 39710 110 9 19 18810 45 91058 4098600 8295566906 506 90 4049 184391460 GENERAL SOLUTIONS OF SUMS OF CONSECUTIVE CUBED INTEGERS EQUAL TO SQUARED INTEGERS6 (iii) if δ =1 and σ =k with k >1 and (3.11) M = 2k2 (3.12) a = k2 2k2 1 − M(M 1) (3.13) = (cid:0) − (cid:1) 2 (3.14) c = k3 4k4 1 − M(cid:0)M2 1(cid:1) M (3.15) = − 2 2 (cid:0) (cid:1)r Proof. For k,δ,σ,g,a,M >1,c Z+, q Q+, for (2.1) to hold: ∈ ∈ (i) let σ = δ2 2 /2. Replacing in (2.13) yields − (cid:0) M2(cid:1) δ2 (3.16) g = δ4 4δ2+4+ δ8 8δ6+8δ4+16δ2 2 +16 8δ4 − s − (cid:18)M2 − (cid:19) ! Forthepolynomialinδ underthe squarerootsigntobeasquare,let(δ/M)2 2= − 2, i.e. δ = 2M, yielding δ8 8δ6 + 8δ4 + 32δ2 + 16 = δ4 4δ2 4 2, giving − − − g = M2 δ2 4 /4δ2 = M2 1 /4 where δ was replaced by 2M. As g Z+, M − − (cid:0) (cid:1)∈ cannot be even and must be odd, i.e. M =2k+1 k Z+, yielding g =k(k+1), (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) ∀ ∈ δ = 2M = 2(2k+1), σ = 2M2 1 = 8k(k+1)+1. Replacing in (2.2) and (2.3) − yields directly (3.2) to (3.5). (ii) Let σ =δ+2. Replacing in (2.13) yields M (3.17) g = M(δ+2)2+ M2 (δ+2)4 δ4 +δ4 2δ4 r − ! (cid:16) (cid:17) For the polynomial in δ under the square root sign to be a square, let M = qδ and δ = 8q(q +1)+1 with q Q+. It yields then q2 (δ+2)4 δ4 +δ2 = ∈ − r δ2 4q(δ+1), giving g = q(q+1)/2. As g Z+, q Z+(cid:16)and let q = k,(cid:17)yielding − ∈ ∈ g = , δ = 16 +1, σ = 16 +3, M = kδ = k(16 +1)=(3.7). Replacing k k k k △ △ △ △ in (2.11) and (2.10) yields (3.6) and (3.9). Replacing k in function of a from (3.6) yields also (3.8) and (3.10). (iii) Let δ =1 and σ =k with k >1. Then (2.13) reads M k2M + M2(k4 1)+1 − (3.18) g = (cid:16) p 2 (cid:17) whichtakesintegervaluesifM =2k2,yielding g =k2 4k4 1 =M M2 1 /2. Replacing in (2.11) and (2.10) yields directly (3.12) to (3.15−). − (cid:3) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) The case (i) of Theorem 2 confirms the statement of Stroeker ([37], p. 297) about alloddvalues ofM (in boldin Table 1)havinga solutionto (2.1). The first50000 values of (M,a,c) for this case (i) are given in [28, 29] For the case (ii) of Theorem2, Table 2 givesthe first five values of M,a,g,δ,σ and c. The first 50000 values of (M,a,c) for this case (ii) are given in [30, 31]. Asthereexistothertripletsofvaluesof(M,a,c)suchthat(2.1)holdswithM =kδ forthesamevalueofg =∆ ,thecase(ii)ofTheorem2canbegeneralizedtoother k values of a as follows. Table 3 shows some of these values for 1 k 2 and ≤ ≤ 1<M ,a <105 and indexed by n for increasing values of M . n n n GENERAL SOLUTIONS OF SUMS OF CONSECUTIVE CUBED INTEGERS EQUAL TO SQUARED INTEGERS7 Table 2. Values of M,a,g,δ,σ,c for 1 k 5 for case (ii) of ≤ ≤ Theorem 2 k M a g δ σ c 1 17 9 1 17 19 323 2 98 25 3 49 51 7497 3 291 49 6 97 99 57618 4 644 81 10 161 163 262430 5 1205 121 15 241 241 878445 Table 3. Values of M ,a ,g,δ ,σ ,c for 1 k 2 and 1 < n n n n n ≤ ≤ M ,a <105 n n k n M a g δ σ c n n n n n 1 1 17 9 1 17 19 323 1 2 305 153 1 305 341 104005 1 3 5473 2737 1 5473 6119 33489287 1 4 98209 49105 1 98209 109801 10783446409 2 1 98 25 3 49 51 7497 2 2 4898 1225 3 2449 2549 18727503 It is easily seen from Table 3 that, for each value of k, (3.19) σn δn = σn−1+δn−1 − (3.20) σn+δn = 2(2k+1)2 1 σn−1+ 2(2k+1)2+1 δn−1 − (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) with σ =δ =1, yielding the recurrence relations 0 0 (3.21) δn = 2(2k+1)2δn−1 δn−2 − (3.22) σn = 2(2k+1)2σn−1 σn−2 − i.e. δ andσ fulfill the Diophantine equation (2k(k+1)+1)δ2 2k(k+1)σ2 = n n n− n 1. The generalsolutions of this Diophantine equation can be expressedin function of Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind U (2k+1)2 as n (cid:16) (cid:17) (3.23) δn = Un (2k+1)2 Un−1 (2k+1)2 − (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) (3.24) σn = Un (2k+1)2 +Un−1 (2k+1)2 (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) These results are generalized for all k and n Z+ in the next ∈ GENERAL SOLUTIONS OF SUMS OF CONSECUTIVE CUBED INTEGERS EQUAL TO SQUARED INTEGERS8 Theorem 3. k,n Z+, δ ,σ ,M ,a ,c Z+, M >1, such that (2.1) holds n n n n n n ∀ ∈ ∃ ∈ if σ = δ2 +(δ2 1)/2k(k+1), with n n n− (3.25) p Mn = kδn (3.26) = k Un (2k+1)2 Un−1 (2k+1)2 − δh+1(cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17)i n (3.27) a = n 2 Un (2k+1)2 Un−1 (2k+1)2 +1 − (3.28) = (cid:16) (cid:17) 2 (cid:16) (cid:17) k(k+1)((2k(k+1)+1)δ2 1) (3.29) c = δ n− n n 8 r k(k+1)U (2k+1)2 2n (3.30) = 2(cid:16) (cid:17) Proof. For k,n,δ ,σ ,g,M ,a ,c Z+, M >1, let n n n n n n ∈ σ = δ2 +(δ2 1)/2k(k+1). Replacing in (2.13) yields n n n− p g = Mn (2k(k+1)+1)δn2 −1 M + 2δ4 2k(k+1) n n (cid:18)(cid:18) (cid:19) (2k(k+1)+1)δ2 1 2 (3.31) M2 n− δ4 +δ4 vu n (cid:18) 2k(k+1) (cid:19) − n! n u For the polynomial intδ under the square root sign to be a square,let M =kδ , n n n yielding after simplification g = k(k+1)/2 = . Replacing further in (2.2) k △ and (2.10) yields (3.27) and (3.29). Replacing further δ by (3.23) yields (3.26) n and (3.28). Replacing δ and σ in (2.10) yields (3.30), noting that δ σ = n n n n U2 (2k+1)2 U2 (2k+1)2 =U (2k+1)2 as can be shown by replac- n − n−1 2n ing(cid:16)Un2(x) an(cid:17)d Un2−1(x(cid:16)) in functi(cid:17)on of Ch(cid:16)ebyshev p(cid:17)olynomials of the first kind, respectivelyT (x) andT (x) (see e.g. [36])andsimplifying appropriately. (cid:3) 2n+2 2n For the case (iii) of Theorem 2, the first 50000values of (M,a,c) are given in [32]. Thereexistalsoothertripletsofvaluesof(M,a,c)suchthat(2.1)holdswithδ =1 andσ =k. Table4showssomeofthesevaluesfor1<k 5and1<M ,a <105 n n ≤ and indexed by n for increasing values of M . The generalization of the case (iii) n ofTheorem2toothervaluesofM is includedinafollowingmoregeneraltheorem. This theorem will use the solutions of simple and generalized Pell equations, that are recalled in the next section. 4. Pell equations: A Reminder Pell equations of the general form (4.1) X2 DY2 =N − withX,Y,N ZandsquarefreeD Z+,i.e. √D / Z+,havebeeninvestigatedin ∈ ∈ ∈ various forms since long (see historical accounts in [7, 14, 38, 13]) and are treated in several classical text books (see e.g. [20, 21, 39, 11] and references therein). A simple reminder is given here and further details can be found in the references. GENERAL SOLUTIONS OF SUMS OF CONSECUTIVE CUBED INTEGERS EQUAL TO SQUARED INTEGERS9 Table 4. Values of M ,a ,g ,c with δ =1 and σ =k n n n n for 1<k 5 and 1<M ,a <105 n n ≤ k n M a g c n n n n 2 1 8 28 252 504 2 2 63 217 15624 31248 2 3 496 1705 968440 1936880 2 4 3905 13420 60027660 120055320 3 1 18 153 2907 8721 3 2 323 2737 936054 2808162 3 3 5796 49105 301406490 904219470 4 1 32 496 16368 65472 4 2 1023 15841 16728096 66912384 5 1 50 1225 62475 312375 5 2 2499 61201 156062550 780312750 For N =1, the simple Pell equation reads classically (4.2) X2 DY2 =1 − which has, beside the trivial solution (X ,Y ) = (1,0), a whole infinite branch of 0 0 solutions n Z+ given by ∀ ∈ n n X +√DY + X √DY 1 1 1 1 − (4.3) X = n (cid:16) (cid:17) 2 (cid:16) (cid:17) n n X +√DY X √DY 1 1 1 1 − − (4.4) Y = n (cid:16) (cid:17)2√D(cid:16) (cid:17) where(X ,Y )isthefundamentalsolutionto(4.2),i.e. thesmallestintegersolution 1 1 different fromthe trivialsolution (X >1,Y >0, Z+). Among the five methods 1 1 ∈ listed by Robertson [35] to find the fundamental solution (X ,Y ), the classical 1 1 method based on the continued fraction expansion of the quadratic irrational √D introduced by Lagrange [12] is at the core of several other methods. It can be summarized as follows. One computes the rth convergent (p /q ) of the continued r r fraction [α ;α ,...,α ,α ,...] of √D which becomes periodic after the following 0 1 r r+1 term α =2α if √D is a quadratic surd or quadratic irrational(i.e. √D / Z+) r+1 0 ∈ and with α = √D i.e. the greatest integer √D . The terms p and q can be 0 i i ≤ found by the rejcurreknce relations (4.5) pi =αipi−1+pi−2 , qi =αiqi−1+qi−2 with p−2 = 0,p−1 = 1,q−2 = 1,q−1 = 0. The fundamental solution is then (X ,Y )=(p ,q ) if r 1(mod2) or (X ,Y )=(p ,q ) if r 0(mod2). 1 1 r r 1 1 2r+1 2r+1 ≡ ≡ For the general case of N = 1, the generalized Pell equation (4.1) can have either 6 no solution at all, or one or several fundamental solutions (X ,Y ), and all integer 1 1 solutions, if they exist, come on double infinite branches that can be expressed in function of the fundamental solution(s) (X ,Y ) and (X , Y ). Several authors 1 1 1 1 − (see e.g. [12, 6, 20, 19, 35, 16, 17, 11] and references therein) discussedhow to find the fundamental solution(s) of the generalized Pell equation, based on Lagrange’s GENERAL SOLUTIONS OF SUMS OF CONSECUTIVE CUBED INTEGERS EQUAL TO SQUARED INTEGERS10 methodofcontinuedfractionswithvariousmodifications(seee.g. [22]),andfurther how to find additional solutions from the fundamental solution(s). The method indicated by Matthews [17] based on an algorithm by Frattini [8, 9, 10] using Nagell’s bounds [20, 18], will be used further. Noting now (x ,y ) the fundamental solutions of the related simple Pell equation f f (4.3), the other solutions (X ,Y ) can be found from the fundamental solution(s) n n by n (4.6) X +√DY = X +√DY x +√Dy n n 1 1 f f ± (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:16) (cid:17) for a proper choice of sign [35], or by the recurrence relations ± (4.7) Xn = xfXn−1+DyfYn−1 (4.8) Yn = xfYn−1+yfXm−1 that can also be written as (4.9) Xn = 2xfXn−1 Xn−2 − (4.10) Yn = 2xfYn−1 Yn−2 − or in function of Chebyshev’s polynomials of the first kind Tn−1(xf) and of the second kind Un−2(xf) evaluated at xf (see [23]) (4.11) Xn = X1Tn−1(xf)+DY1yfUn−2(xf) (4.12) Yn = X1yfUn−2(xf)+Y1Tn−1(xf) For N = η2 an integer square, the generalized Pell equation (4.1) admits always ′ ′ integer solutions. The variable change (X ,Y ) = ((X/η),(Y/η)) transforms the generalizedPellequationinasimplePellequationX′2 DY′2 =1whichhasinteger ′ ′ − solutions (X ,Y ). The integer solutions to the generalizedPell equation can then n n ′ ′ be found as (X ,Y ) = (ηX ,ηY ), or from ((4.9),(4.10)) with (X ,Y ) = (1,0) n n n n 0 0 and (X ,Y )=(ηx ,ηy ), yielding simply 1 1 f f (4.13) X = ηT (x ) n n f (4.14) Yn = ηyfUn−1(xf) (whichisalsovalidforthesimplePellequation(4.2)withη =1). Notehoweverthat not all solutions in (X,Y) may be found in this way (see e.g.[39]) and, depending on the value of D, other fundamental solutions may exist. 5. Step 3: A More General Approach ThethreecasesofTheorem2cannowbegeneralizedasshowninthenexttheorem, that includes also the general method to find all solutions (M,a,c) such that (2.1) holds.

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