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by  N.A.
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Geamartal Description of Tht. Arti us Ard Proeess er . ‘Weearyars Joykeishoa Pobie ‘Gove. of Wass Hossa! Titeaay GENERAL DESCRIFTION ‘THE APPARATUS axp (Pnocess) 2 ‘MOVEABLE-TYPE: PRINTING, 4 —_— CHAPTER 1. Ty bringing forward 9 work of this natmre, to which the amateur and the inexperienced mndy alike have recourse for iustraction, and to which even the adept may occasionally find it desiechle to refer, itwil be necesenry to desenibe rvery subyect, however minnte injtecl, or remotely conneoted with the Art of Printing. ‘Thove aay bs chsinelised to perare soos of the subjects here treated of, sn considering them but of Ittle moment, will therefore, itis hoped, have the candour hkewise to consider that euch may, ‘to others, appear of the first importexoe; and afr information, of which, had 1t not been hero given, they might have remained totally iguorant, Without farther preamble, I shall therefore ‘begin with describing the materials and process of printing in « ‘goneni mance; deferring, to a subsequent part of the work, a ‘tote techies] exposition of the Art, ‘The exptecrion “ moveable-typs priatiog” impli thet exch letter, with soe few exceptions, ured in this kind of printing, is cast upon e seperate atalk, sbenk, or body. A great mony of cach of tho lettete oF the alphabet, together with points, figures, ‘end other neceasury marks and nigue, all coat in certain propor tions fo each other, with regerd to quantities, 1 called « fount, ‘When a printer receives « fouat from the type-foaunder, be proveeda to dispots of it, ar n past: therecf, into a pair of composing ceate for the Roman, sod a pric for the [talio, increasing the number of i 16 TYPOGRAPHIA: hy Rafe cither according to the weight of th amd the of hands intended to be employed on it Misually, for a 1000 Te. weight, six pairs of Romaa and two of ltalic are deemed sufficient, : * ‘The workmen employed in the Art of Printing are denominated, according to the particular department they éll, Comroerro) and Passsacex. The Compositors are those whose business it is to mange aud dispose the types, or letters, into words, Hines, sentences, pages, and sheets, agreeable to the copy fumished by ‘the author or editor. ‘The Prevamen, strictly speaking, wte the printers, as they take off the impressions on the paper, wer the types have been wrranged by the Compositor. We shall, however, there take them in dur ower of precedence, and Grat describe the oaterials necessary for a Compositor. THE CASES. ‘The Upper Case is divided into forty-nine partitions, all equal sn size, and which are sdapted to receive those parts of the fount least in use, namely, two alphabets of the capital letters, denomi- nated, the one “fall” and the other “ small” capitals: aleo the ‘Agures, accented letters, charastets used us references to nove Kec. The ietlers and figures in this case are disposed alpha- bbetically and numerically. ‘The Lower Case is appropriated to the small lettee, double letters, points, some other marke wsed in printing, the epeces, and the quadrats, The boxes or partitions in thie eage are not, es in that above decoribed, in any regular alphabetical arrangement, nor divided into cells of equal size: but they are in such approxima- tion a6 to be most convenient to the hand of the compositor. Each sort of letter hes a larger or smaller box allotted to it necording as it is knows to be more or less frequently wanted in the language for which it is intended. Thus, the « has the Jargest box; the 9,6, 4, b, i, m,n, 0,156, tu, the spaces, ond the quadrats, bores of the next nize; by f, g, Isl ps Vs Ye boxes half the size of thore used for the last-tentioned sorte s while j, q.x %5:- OL] em, &, doubie letters, Se. &o. here only partitions of a quitter of the size allowed them. But a ‘mote particular description, with the several admeasuretenta, with . COMPOSITION, 0 ‘be given inthe nextchapter. As there in no vinible ante or guid attaohed t the difaent boxes to depote the letters which they severally contin, a stranger to the artis surprised st the dexterity ramifeeted by the compositor in taking out the Jeers an hv ‘waots thom Eom the diffrent comperiments, Upper Care. = : =I [oe Pie | im ‘ml PIC in ‘tors GIGIGIEIl AAI t = im in| lm| fl im ifm AER sy L

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