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Preview general data and .summary salaries and expenses construction of facilities

GENERAL DATA AND .SUMMARY SALARIES AND EXPENSES CONSTRUCTION OF FACILITIES NATIOMAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMMIS'PRATXON FISCAL YEAR 1962 ES!??IMA!I?ES APPROPRIXLTON S m Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year 1961 Fiscal- Year 1960 1961 --:1-96 2 Supplementd l .. . . . -- - fUUUUES AND EXPENSES.. $9i,bO,Ooo $170,760,000 $196 6M, OOO I . RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMEZIT. 347,550,000 621,453,000 $49,000,000 919,539,000 . -- - - 119,,0 75,000 CONSTRUCTION 0% FACILITIES. 84,625,000 122,787, 000 TO'l?A.L.. .. . . .. . . $523,575, 000 $915,000,000 $49,000,00~2$ 1,235,~x>,OoO I- FISCAL YEAR 1962 XSTIMATES APPROPRIATION SUMMAKY Salaries and Research and Constructicn - -- Expensqs Development pf Facilities !llot.al Suppl&ent&L Appropriation. Act 1960; P.L. 86 213.. $gi,400,000 $347,550,000 $84,625,000 $523,575,000 Ap.p roprirrtion .t.r.a.n.s.f.e.r.s.;. .. P L. 86 m:j. -550,000 -14,450,000 +lfj,OOO,OCO- -.- _-s ............ Torta:L., $90,850,000 ~ . , l O O , O O o $99,625,000- -$.-5 23,yJ5,0o(B --- ESCAL mi 1961: - Independent Offi ces Appro priation Act; P.L. 86-626 $170,760,000 $621,453,000 $122,787,OCl0 $915~,c00,000 Appropria-;ion .t.r.a.n.s.f.e.r.s.;. .. --- P. L. 86 ..21:3. - -3,538,000 +3,538,OC:-O --a --I Tc)-;~:L.. ............ $170,760,000 $617,915,000 $126,325 ,OC-I ~ _$915-,0-00 ,o m FISCAL YEAIt 1961: -4- Supplemeri1;a:L estimates. ... --- $49, OOO, 000 -- ---- $CI ,,C) 000,000 FISCAL YEAIt 1962: ........ Regular fitrrtj.mates. $196,686,000 $919,539, 000, $119,075, OCl-O $1,235acx)O OC! I___- NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRAIPION FISCAL YEAR 1962 ESTIMATES SALARIES AND MPENSES sEI1- 1 Personal Services and Benefits Staffing C W s : SE:2- 1 NASA Organization Chart - SE12 2 NASA Headquarters SE:2- 3 Langley Research Center SE2- 4 Ames Research Center s ~ 25- Lewis Research Center s~2-6 Flight Research Center s~2-7 Goddard Space Flight Center s~2-8 Wallops Station SE2-9 Marshdl Space Flight Center SE2-10 Western Operations Office s~3-1 Travel and Transportation of Persons SE4-1 Transportation of Things s~5-1 Rent, Communications, and Utilities s~6-1 Printing and Reproduction s~7-1 Security Investigations s~8-1 Insurance Claims and Indemnities IVATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ATMINISTRATION FISCAL YEAR 1962 ESTIMATES SALARIES AND EXPENSES SUMMARY -pNago e. Object Fis1c9a6l0 Y ear Fis1c9a6l 1Y ear Fis1c9a6l2 -Y e-ar . ,SE1-1 Perso:naJ Services and Benefits. $76,427,501 $11+5,004,600 $161,39(5~,000 SE3-l Travel and. T..r.a.n.s.p.o.r.t.a.t.io..n. .o.f. ... Pe:rso:ns. 2,741,424 6,074, ooo 8,395$ COO ....... SE4-1 Transportation of TNngs. 165,534 568,000 740,000 SE5-l Rent, Crmcations, and Utilities..................... 9,159,642 23,131,400 2'7,3414,000 ...... SE6-1 Printing and Reproduction. 264,718 816,000 1,000,000 ....... SET-l Security bvestigations.. 496,960 1,248,000 l,llfSL, 000 SE8-1 Insurance Claims and - In~~~nities................... 118,761 57,000 uo,0 00 ...................... 'rot&. 89,374,540 1'76,899,000 200,lO(:~,o00 ........ --- .. - Administrative reserve.. 385,000 - -- .. - Unobligated bdance............. 1,475,460 Transferred to Research an.d. ..... --- .. - - Development............ . +550,0-0-0- Less antic ipate 6 reimbursements -6, 524,000 -3,414,000 ..... Total appropriations..... $91,400, ooo &TO, 760, ooo $196,686, ooo ----- _. I_ NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACX JUXTLNISTM~ON FISCAL YEAR 1962 ESTIMATES Number of employees at end of Appropriations Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fisc81 Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Location 1960 1961 1962 19@- 1961 1962 ........... NASA Headquarters.. 589 784 95 1 $6,558,644 $10,913 ,0 00 $13 302,0 00 ktngley Center................ 3,202 3,220 3,330 27,289,979 30,253,O Oo 32,197,ooo Arne8 Center................................ ..... 1,437 1,437 1,437 14,198,029 15 ,5 68,000 16,134,000 I;ewrs Center ................ 2,734 2,741 2,824 24,466,117 26, 554,000 28,284,000 Flight Center. ......... 411 4.19 494 3,084,752 3,919,000 4,268,000 W k d C enter....... 1,265 1,998 2,668 11,399,263 25,794,000 35,6 84,000 ........... Wallops Station.... ............ 229 299 299 1,623,205 2,901,O Oo 3,118,000 Marshall Center... 382 5,511 5 960 427,120 60,105,900 65,319,000 ? Western Office................... .... -3-7- 59 85 327,4--3-1 766,100 1,107, 000 AEC-NASA Muclear Office 4 23 --- 27,O Oo 2ll,,0 00 Life Sciences Station......... 21 51 98,000 476 OOO ........... Total....... 10,286 16,493 18 122 89,374,540 176,899,O Oo 200,100,000 Administrative reserve........ UnobHgated balance........... Transferred to Research and .................. Development e-- Iess anticipated reimburse- --- mmts........................ -6,524,000 -3,414,000 .. Total appropriations. $gi,4oo,ooo $170,760,a x, $196,686 000 AEC - NASA Life NfSA . Langley h es Lewis Flight Goddard Wallops Marshall Western Nuclear Science Headqt rs Center Center Center Center Center Station Center Office Office Facility Total ............ 951 3, 330 1,437 2,824 494 2,668 299 5,960 85 23 51 18,122 Estimated end of year employment.. $8,976,346 $25,301,240 $11,392,000 $22, 592,445 $3,567,139 $22,477,595 $2,014,146 $46,482,024 $748,790 $254,125 $459,285 $144,265,135 ........... 10 Personal services and benefits.. 9,523,000 2'7,507,000 12,327,000 24,704,000 3,788,000 24,150,000 2,608,000 55,298,000 842, 000 204,000 &5,000 161,396, OOC ..... 21 Travel and transportation of persons.. 1,368,000 643,000 160,000 312,000 165,000 2,960,000 go, 000 2,550,000 117,000 5,000 25,000 8,395,000 ............... 22 Transportation of things.... 50,000 12, 000 15,000 25,000 20,000 540,000 5, 50,000 20,000 1,000 2,000 740,000 23 Rent, communications, and utilities: Rent....................................... ........... 120,000 2,18 5,000 1,231,000 900,000 235,000 7,480,000 125,000 Communications................... ................. 400,000 105,000 55,000 100,000 25,000 374,000 80,000 Utilities.......... --- 1,719,000 2,331,000 2,233,000 30,000 140,000 200,000 ................ 24 Frinting and reproduction.. 616,000 26,000 15, ooo 10,000 5, 000 40,000 10,000 .................. 25 Sccuri'iy investigations.. 1,115,000 --- --- --- --- --- --- 42 Insurance claims and indemnities ........... 110,000 --- --- --- --- --- --- ................... Total.. $13,302,000 $32,197,000 $16,134,000 $28,284,000 $4,268,000 $35,684,000 $3,118,000 Anticipated reimbursements.................... -3,414,000 ................... Total appropriation. $196,686,000 NATIONA.& AERONAUTICS AmD SPACE AIMINIS'JBATION 10 PERSONAL SERVICES AND BFNEFITS Fiscal Year Fiscal Yeax Fiscal Year -- Analysis by bcation 1960 1961 1962 NASA HeLtdqu .LLII.ters.................... $9,523 IO()O Langley Cen.ter..................*.... 27,507,000 Ames Center,.......................m.. 12,327,000 Lewis Center......................... 24,704,000 Flight center.....................^.. 3,7@3?0(>0 Goddard Cen~er.................e...o. 24,150, ooo Wallops Sta,tion.......,..,........... 2,608, ooo Marshall center...............*^..... 55,298, ooo Western Office.................*..... 842?o oo AEC-NASA N'uclear Office..*...*...*... 204,000 - Wfe Science Facility.......,........ 445,000 ........................ Total. $76,427,501 $145,004,600 ~$161,396-,0-0 0 - Analysis by Types of Ccmpensa+iion End of year ellzploS?aent.............., 10,286 16,493 18,122 - 699 330 2. Positi o...........n.......... .sespal _T Average number of positions....,..... =2&2% 16,163 u---g ............... Net cost of positions. $68,911,963 $124,832,400 $139,715., 000 Other ccnnpensation...............,... 2,802,956 10,749, LOO ii,026,, ooo Personnel ibenefits.............,...,, 4,712,582 9,423,100 io, 655., 000 ........................ Total. $"6,42'7,501 $145,004,600 $161,396,000 -e- STAFFING UEVEW The f:iscaJ. year 1962 budget for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration proposes a staffing level of 18,122 employees, an increase o:f' 1,629 ernplqyees over the number estima.ted Tor the current year. The increase is m1-1 distributed among the following NASA installations: NASA Headquastere..,.........,... 167 Langley Research Center........., 110 Lewis Research Center............ 83 Flight Research Center...*e....., 75 Goddard Space Flight Center...... 670 Marshall Space Flight Center..... 449 Life Science Fac.il.it.y.................... ...... Other Offices... 1,629 A talde? summarizing requirements for personal services and benefits at, each NASA, lccation is presented on the next page. Staffing charts for the fiscal yew 1962 may be found in the section beginning with page SlE2-1. flumnary statements for each location follow: NASA Headquarters The required increase for the operation of the NASA Head.clu&trtersi s summarized as follows8 Office of the Administrator.,.............. 30 Office of Advanced Research Programs.....*. 16 Office of Space Flight Programs............ 29 Office of Launch Vehicle Programs.,.....,.. 12 Office of Life Science Programs............ 3 Office of Technical Information and Educational PrOgraJlls........,..~......*.* 18 Office of Business Administration.....,..,. 2 2 "lie staff increases requested for the Office of the Administrator and for the five program offices are required to provide an a.dequate staffing level to plan, coordinate and direct the technical aspects of the NASA program f'unctions and responsibilities. The effective evalxtatdon and appraisal of the agency's operations can only be attained through the continuous review of program requirements and proe;re~~sin, cluding relaked studies on the operational reliability of m.&tjcw developnental and space mission projects. The requested perscamel w i l l provide management with the level of technical capa- bilit,y essential to the proper coonthation of NASA effort with re- 1ated.work of other Governmental agencies and the scientific community. NATIONAL p;EROIiAUTICS AND SPACE ATMINISTRATION FISCAL YEAR 1962 ESTIMATES SUMMARY ANALYSIS OF PERSONAL SERVICES - AEC NASA NASA LangLey Ames Lewis Flight Goddard Marshall Western Nuclear r Headqtrs. Center Center Center Center Center Center Office Office Total 1 Authorized end of year employment.. 602 3,202 1,439 2,734 414 1,265 383 38 --- io, 306 9 --- 5'I 565 3, 1,451 2,734 411 1, ?65 382 37 io, 286 0 LA ctual end of pear ernpl-npect.. i. ~. $5, ?Le, 273 Yd-.L9-9, J3Wn3d , -178- nl* VbI-"n, cJvQIv t -l3,1? ~ VALnun) un -I ?LnJ J_ -IGnJr %*,7 ,"I 0-r2 , C?.I4.- L $9,569,67 @,&j, 374 $3W,065 --- $74,544,463 784 3,220 1,437 2,741 419 1,998 5,511 59 4 16,493 Estimated end of year employment... 7,383,446 24,316,310 11,312,000 21,798,000 3,098,000 16,537,600 42,340,979 516,400 $39,400 129,5511551 .. Net cost qf permanent positions.. 6,6#+,400 23,751,500 u,V l,5 00 21,330,000 3,083,700 14,886,000 41,072,070 482,000 24,800 124,577,470 All other personal services and benefits..................... 805,600 2,527,500 i,oii,500 2,1go,ooo 510,300 2,998,000 9,720,930 89,900 2,200 20,427,130 Total personal services. a.n.d. ........ . benefits............. $7 ,4 90,000 $26, qg,o oo $12,283,000 $23,520,o oo $3,594,000 $17,884,o oo $50,793,000 $571,900 $27,000 $145,004,600 Within-grade salary advancements... $78,000 $156,780 $80,000 $142,110 $21,915 $180,000 $415,325 $14,000 $165 $1,108,320 --- .................... 167 110 --- 83 75 670 449 26 19 1,629 New positions.. 1,514,900 828,150 652,335 447,224 5,759,995 3,725,720 218,390 214,560 13,605,264 . 951 3,330 1,437 2,824 494 2,668 5,960 85 23 18,122 Estimated end of year employment.. 8,976,346 25,301,240 11,392,000 22,592,445 3,567,139 22,477,595 46,482,024 748,790 254,125 144,265,135 .. . . .. . . .. Deduct regular lapses.. ... 36,351 62,000 53,0-0-0- 90,055 40,239 52,995 220,084 18,400 420 586,765 Deduct new position lapses....... .... 357,995 207,150 163,335 244,000 2,282,200 562,000 27,390 71,625 3,964,895 Deduct within-grade lapses 39,000 78,390 40,000 71,055 10,g oo 90,000 207,600 72 000 80 554,035 Add. terminal leave............... 13,000 25,300 35,000 75,000 6,o oo 12,600 15,660 4,000 --- 186,560 Net lapse deduction................ 420,346 322,240 58, ooo 249,445 289,139 2,412,595 974,024 48,790 72,125 4,919,135 Personnel compensation: ............ PInertmeramneinttt epnot seimtioplnosy.m. en.t..... ............... 8,150506,,00-00-0-0 24,979,0--0--0-- 11,334,--0--0--0 22,343,0--0--0-- 3,278,--0--0--0 20,102655,,00-00-00- 45,50182,,000000 139,324367,, O0O0O0 Temporary employment.. 132,000 132,000 Other Compensation: Overtime and holiday pay.... .. ... .. .. ... . . 165, o-o-o- 579,000 60,000 589,000 260,o oo 2,000,000 6,ioo,ooo 10.178.000 iiigiitwvrii ciiiiereniiai.. --- 4>,u- o-u- ti>, 0-0-0- 65,0-0-0- 1,-0-0-0 60,000 104,0-0-0- 372,000 ARedidmitbiuornsaabl lpe ayd eftoairl ss.e.r v.i. c .e. . a. b. r .o. a. d. 60,000 --- 8,o oo --- --- 29475 ,,00 0000 --- 43451,,000000 Pe=rs<oinn&n el abdenq eufiatnse: rs t.i. li. o. v. x ..l c .e .s ... . . . . 3,aooo --- --- - --- --- r>,u- o-u- --- 45,000 ?L?PLi"- .fe insuIlrcarnr%ce?.-.c..e.s...... .......... 30,0~00- _ 81I7 ,,n"0 Vn0Un0 4I0_I ,,n"0"W 0n 0n 73I ,,U0?".?0V.? 0. 112,,C 0jO0G0 70,000 13i1,, Uo UoCoJ 41532,,O0O0O0 , Health programs.................. 53,000 199,000 go, 000 179 000 27 000 154,000 420,000 1,160,000 Retirement contributions......... 5511 000 i,620,000 725,000 1,445,000 203,000 1,299,000 2: 784,000 8,845,000 Taxes................................ .......... 4,000 2,000 3,000 2,000 4,000 5,000 75,000 97,000 Incentive awards... 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 5,000 31,o oo 43,000 Total, personal services and benefits......................... $9,523,000 $g,5 07,000 $12,327,000 $24,704,000 $3,788,000 $24,150,000 $2,608,O OO $55, 298,000 $842,000 $204,000 $445,000 $161,396,000

Salaries and Research and Constructicn. Expensqs fiscal yetw;; the additional within-grade salary advancements due jn the budget year; and the Goldstone station: ---. Modernization of receiving antenna: It is anticipa,ted that re- search activities programmed for the fiscal year 1961 will result.
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