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General Cytology An introduction to functional morphology of the cell EKKEHARD GRUNDMANN General Cytology (\~s~ -).,0 An Introduction to Y \1.0 __ ~ Functional Morphology of the Cell C <\~) ""-- < EKKEHARD GRUNDMANN, M.D. Formerly Head Assistant at the Institute of Pathology, Freiburg University; Professor of Pathology and Director of the Bayer'·Institute of Experimental Pathology, Wuppertal-Elberfcld English translation by DIETER M. KRAMSCH, M.D. Assistant in Medicine, Research Associate and Physician-in-Charge of the Laboratory for Cellular Biology, Department of Atherosclerosis and Hypertension, Boston University Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts EDWARD ARNOLD (PUBLISHERS) LTD. LONDON © Georg Thieme 1966 First English edition 1966 English translation of ALLGEMEINE CYTOLOGIE Published by Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart German edition published 1964 Names that are registered trade marks at the same time arc not especially specified as such. Hence, from the use of the trade mark as the name of a product it cannot be concluded that it is a free brand name, nor does it imply that these products are not patented or registered. Printed in Great Britain by William Clowes and Sons, Limited, London and Beccles Preface This book was originally conceived as an answer to questions. These questions in part resulted from my own efforts to solve limited problems and classify them within General Cytology; in part, they were brought up by attendants to a lecture on problems of general cytology. The field covered by these questions became gradually so extensive that in a few years the outline was drawn for a "General Cytology". It is necessary to mention this evolution of the subject, for it may excuse my venturing to deal alone with the whole research in general cytology. This was not possible without many a restriction in this or that chapter, in which one may therefore miss essential points, nor was it possible without laying the stresses and accents according to my personal opinion. On principle, an attempt has been made to arrange and coordinate the chapters and their con- tents in a clear and logical way, without differing too much from the traditional order. This should enable the reader, as much as possible, to read each section separately and to under- stand it independently from the others; this I tried to facilitate by introducing many cross- references. The book does not pretend to compete with those large surveys in many volumes, which were written by many competent specialists in their particular field. On the contrary, constant references are made to those exhaustive studies, for they give the details which are missing here. Furthermore, the book does not want to cover any problems of special cytology; they are mentioned only when necessary for the general understanding. "General Cytology" is meant to be a common preliminary for those who wish to devote themselves to special ques- tions of cytological research. It is therefore intended as an introduction, where, in conception as well as in description, major importance is given to functional morphology, yet without overlooking, let alone minimizing the connections with biochemistry and cell physiology, which are in many respects the leading sciences today. Each of these disciplines will contri- bute to elucidate the other. Thus it is apparent which types of persons this book intends to address. These are, first of all, other investigatorS, whose interest reaches beyond the limits of their special field in cytological research. The book is also meant to guide the beginner who is concerned with cytology or with any of its problems, at medical school or later. To meet his needs, an ample amount of literature has been cited; for reading a comprehensive survey is no substitute for studying the original report. This should not disconcert the third type of reader for whom this book is meant, that is, all those-and they are becoming rare-who are generally inter- ested in this field. For those in particular I designed the plan of this book and carried it through wherever possible; for, after all, it was on their request that the book was written. Such an extensive fumework, where emphasis is laid on functional morphology, needs manifold support, particularly by illustrations which explain and exemplify the text. I made a generous use of them and I wish to thank all those colleagues, as well as the editors, who vi PREFACE kindly placed original photographs at my disposal and permitted their reproduction in this book. Yet my most special gratitude goes to my teachers: Professor Dr. Franz Biichner, director of the Ludwig-Aschoff Institute, who with constant care guided my whole scientific work; Professor Dr. Hans-Werner Altmann, who stimulated my interest in the subject; and Pro- fessor Dr. Hans Marquardt, who supervised my studies and enabled me to gather first-hand experience from his botanic collection. Additional acknowledgements are due to all associates and students for the impetus they gave me with their questions and ideas. Yet, most of all, I want to express my thanks to the group in which my work could grow, all my associates at the Ludwig-Aschoff Institute, my scientific home. They contributed in various ways to the production of this book, passing to me their experience in our daily discussions, or sparing me their time and energy. May I name here first of all Miss Margarete Barner, photographer, Mrs. Irmgard Biihler, secretary, and Miss Inge Motsch, technician. I am particularly grate- ful to the editor, Mr. G. Hauff, for the broad-mindedness he showed concerning the prob- lems arising from the composition of the book and his understanding of its requirements. EKKEHARD GRUND MANN Kirchzarten bei Freiburg i. Br., 22nd of April 1963 Contents Preface . 1. INTRODUCTION The problem of the least unit of life . Morphology and definition of the cell Origin of the first cell Origin of cytology Cytology today 2. THE NUCLEUS Functions of the nucleus The nucleus as repository of the genes and general centre of metabolism Interdependence of nucleus and cytoplasm . Nan-nucleate cells and merotomy experiments Oxidative phosphorylations Glycolysis NAD CDPN) synthesis Phosphate metabolism Metabolism of RNA and protein Review The nucleolus Shape and structure Relation to the chromosomes Composition Significance and function . RNA metabolism. Relation to the cytoplasm Review The nuclear envelope Composition and structure Role of the nuclear envelope in nUcleocytoplasmic transfers Origin of the nuclear envelope Review v 2 6 17 21 25 28 30 32 33 34 35 35 36 4' 42 44 47 49 49-52 56 57 61 64 66 viii CONTENTS The karyoplasm Vital structure and its variability Representation after fixation Persistance of chromosomal individuality Tissue specific structures of the karyoplasm . Sex chromatin N udear inclusion bodies and nuclear viruses Death of the nucleus Review Size, mass and composition of the nucleus Volume . Water content and dry mass Proteins . Desoxyribonucleic acid Ribonucleic acid and other components Review The chromosome Number and size of the chromosomes Constrictions Euchromatin and heterochromatin Fine structure . DNA and gene Mechanism of the gene activity Giant chromosomes Review 3. REPRODUCTION OF NUCLEUS AND CELL Mitosis Cyclic changes in the morphology of the chromosomes Changes in size and mass. Changes in spiralization. Chemical changes. Behaviour of the nucleolus. The problem of the chromosomal matrix. 66 68 72 73 77 80 87 88 89 92 93 96 100 100 101 104 105 108 114 115 118 123 Longitudinal splitting. Review 127-131 Kinetocentres Shapes and fine structure. Interkaryokinetic constancy. Polar Rays. Review 132-138 The spindle The central spindle. The Kinetochores. The chromosomal spindle. Fine structure and composition. Review 139-149 Movements of the chromosomes Prophase. Prometaphase. Metaphase. Anaphase. Telophase. Review 149-165 CONTEN1S ix Cytokinesis InterZQlle structures and phragmoplast. Significance of spindle and kineto- centres. Changes in the cell surface. Review . 166-174 Interphase DNA synthesis. Protein and RNA synthesis, changes in the nuclear volume. Behaviour of the cytoplasm. Respiration and glycolysis. The mitotic cycle and its stimulation. Review 174-188 Meiosis Premeiotic processes . The process of meiosis Syndesis. Nature of the chiasmata Review Disturbances of mitosis and meiosis Interference with interphase Chromosome injury . Spindle disturbances. Mitotic and meiotic disturbances as the origin of human diseases Review Polyploidy and endomitosis Occurrence of polyploidy Polyploidy as a result of abnormal karyokineses Endomitosis Polyteny . Conditions in which endomitosis occurs and its significance Review Amitotic division of the nucleus Definition Evidence of an amitotic nuclear division The process of amitosis Assumptions concerning the mechanism of amitosis Result of an amitotic nuclear division . Conditions of amitosis and their assumed significance Abnormal amitoses-nuclear polymorphism Review 4. THE CYTOPLASM The endoplasmic reticulum Normal representation in the electron microscope Ergastoplasm and its functional and pathological changes Protein synthesis Other functions Review 189 '9' '97 198 200 202 205 209 2II 218 219 221 221 225 226 227 228 228 230 233 235 237 239 240 242 247 249 253 255 x CONTENTS The Golgi apparatus Evidence from light microscopy 256 Evidence from electron microscopy 258 Relationship to secretion 260 Other possible functions 263 Review 264 Cytoplasmic ground substance Normal representation in the electron microscope 266 Intracellular water transport 272 Coagulative necrosis. Reversible increase in denseness of structures. Cyto- plasmic streaming. Amoeboid movement. 273-2 75 Intercellular water transport 276 Vacuolar degeneration. Vesicular degeneration. Pinocytosis. 277-281 Phagocytosis 286 The 1 ysosomes 290 Deposits . 291 Pigments rich in iron. Cytosomes. Pigments devoid of iron. Hyaline drops. Glycogen and lipids 291-295 Virus replication in the cytoplasm 296 Review 300 Mitochondria Representation in the light microscope 302 Normal representation in the electron microscope 304 Biochemistry and function. 306 Isolation of enzymes by electron microscopy. Biochemical multi-enzyme systems. Morphological evidence of the mitochondrial function 306-3Io Pathological changes Swelling. Biochemical alterations. Other structural alterations and destruc- tions. Problem of regeneration. Review 3I2-32I Plastids Morphology Structure of chloroplasts Composition and function of chloroplasts Chemical structure. Enzymes and photosynthesis. ture . Formation of plastids The plastidorne Review Conclusion References Subject 1ndex . Function and struc- 326-328 331 333 334 334 336 4' 5 I. Introduction "In order to understand the invisible, we must reach as far as possible into the visible" (MAX BECKMAN) The greatest enigmas lie at the border line which separates living from lifeless matter, life from death. It was more than a milliard years ago, probably still in archaezoic times, that life appeared on earth for the first time. The earth was then already very old. Many milliard years before, prodigious energies had concentrated, creating fixed orderly forms: the elements of the periodic system. At the same time, their creation was the origin of the diversity of the matter: gases, liquids, solids, subject to constant dynamic changes, and yet ruled by rigid laws. With the first manifestations of life, this order received a new principle which prevailed tem- porarily over the old laws. Creation gave birth to its first creature. A new mode of existence was created on earth, that of the living being. And death was created at the same time. Death became the order of the inorganic matter, life its temporary transgression. We may assume that this new era had been prepared by many events. New molecules had appeared, arranging themselves into large aggregates, which acquired new properties such as increase of energy or self-reproduction. Then, these systems of molecules must have reached a certain equilibrium, composing themselves into structures which supported one another and set up outward bounds against any disturbance of this state of balance. A new, superior organic unit was born: the living cell. There is much evidence that not just one, but many cells appeared at the same time. However, this is of no particular importance. Life started with the beginning of the cellular order. Thus a limit had been trespassed-the limit between life and death-which, from then OD, was always apt to be trespassed. For the living cell not only maintained the new properties of its molecular aggregates-for example transformation of energy and self- reproduction-but blended them into a superior form of dynamism, in which, by virtue of metabolism, growth and excitability, the individual not only could subsist, but also could, and indeed, had to multiply itself. Life extended itself, acquired new forms, which became more and more differentiated, until it brought forth man. Yet through all these stages, life maintained the ground plan with which it started, i.e., the cellular organization of large molecules. This, indeed, is the earthly characteristic of all living matter. The cell was the first manifestation of life, in the universe as well as in each individual, and its constant reproduction is a constantly recurring transgression of the boundary between the two great arbitrators of all that exists, life and death. This transgression is shrouded in mystery. When we study the living cell~ when we recognize the wonderful harmony of its. inner structure, we penetrate a part of this mystery. Yet we must not forget that we see only with human eyes and measure by human standards, even if we have managed to unveil many of nature's secrets, The picture we form is a human picture of living nature and, moreover, a surface one, since the methods of investigation can only be those of natural science. The very subject of this book is enclosed within these limitations. 2 GENERAL CYTOLOGY However, as it is the case with many things that disclose part of their concealed aspects the more we get familiarized with them, so it is with the cell: it may also reveal more than the mere system of its mechanisms. At least it can arouse our admiration and fill us with respect for the daily cycle of its birth, life and death. THE PROBLEM OF THE LEAST UNIT OF LIFE What entitles us to place the cell, as we do, right in the centre of the process of life? Is the cell really the most important and the least unit of living matter? We consider today the discovery of the cellular structure of all plant and animal organisms as the beginning of modern biology. This discovery is associated mainly with the names of Schleiden (1838) and Schwann (1839). All the organisms we know consist of at least one cell, and any larger one" appears as a sum of vital units, each of which bears in itself the complete characteristics of life" (Virchow, r858a). As is the case with the atomic theory in physics and chemistry, this discovery of the past century has given the multiplicity of organisms a common inner bond. All living matter is made of structures which are basically the same. The differences arise on the one hand, from the relationship of the" living particles" to each other, and on the other hand, from the nearly unlimited variety of intracellular architecture. The second major discovery of the past century in this field was the recognition of the fact that cells can only come from cells. We find this acknowledged with great emphasis by K6lliker (1844), and later by Virchow: "Wherever a cell appears, it must have been pre- ceded by another cell" (Virchow, r858a); in other words, as Virchow expressed it in r855 in a remarkable concise formula three years before publication of his Cellularpathologie, "omnis cellula e cellula". Both these assertions, the cellular organization and the cellular origin of all life, were bold, for we must admit today that the evidence on which they were based was most defective. By no means did it justify the broad generalizations made by their authors. We are all the more impressed by the genial intuition that led Virchow, then just 34 years old, to write his "omnis ... ", thus replacing the incomplete specific knowledge of the time by his insight into the interrelations of all living beings. He thereby proved to be a true disciple of the preceding natural philosophy, which his generation claimed to have just overcome. But he was also a typical child of his century, which laid the foundations of our scientific work. Today, we find it much more difficult to discover new relationships and great, clearly outlined theories have become rare among the innumerable and, as yet, unco-ordinated findings. This theory that the cell is the most essential and, also, the smallest unit of life has been fought with great vehemence up to these last years. It has had to defend itself on two opposite fronts; on the one hand, against the concept that superior structural tissue units are of a greater importance than the order of the cell; on the other hand, against the postulation that there exist incomparably smaller units as least living particles. Let us start by considering the main argument of the first school of thought. At first sight, it does seem incongruous that the structural elements of a leaf, for example, should be in any way homologous to those of the human brain. Botany knows at least 4000, zoology far INTRODUCTION 3 more than a million different species of multicellular organisms. Each of these organisms consists of a great number of specifically differentiated tissues, each playing a different part and having a distinctive function. How can such a multiplicity spring from one single principle? Consequently, the pre-eminence of the cell as the "anatomical manifestation of life" (Virchow, r858a) was vehemently contested in favour of multicellular organization units, on the grounds of histology, the science of the tissues. The model for these units appeared to be the central nervous system, where, between the cells, innumerable fine connection fibres could be demonstrated, which grow denser, the greater the central nervous system is developed (e.g., K. Fr. Bauer, 1953; Haugh, 1959). This discovery is to be attributed to Nissl, one of the great neurohistologists and neurocytologists of the past. At first supporting the cell theory, he explored essential details of the nerve cell (Nissl, 1894), but later, in- fluenced by other findings, he abandoned as H obsolete)) the idea of the nerve cell performing primarily the central nervous function. Rather, according to him, the substrate of brain activity was the substance which lay between the cell ganglions in the "nervous grey matter" (Nissl, 1903). Indeed, it was there that, later on, it was possible to stain the remark- able network of fine fibrils, so seeming to abolish the cell's individuality in favour of superior functional units (see, e.g., Stohr, 1941, 1951; K. Fr. Bauer and Miiller, 1959). Therefore Nissl and Bethe (1903) both fought vehemently until their death against the cell theory, the first, as an anatomically orientated investigator, the second, as a physiologist. The criticism based on their position subsisted up to quite recently (K. Fr. Bauer and Miiller, 1959). It served also as a basis for the "Re1ationspathologie" and the "Neuralpathologie" by Ricker (1924), Speransky (1950) and Feyrter (1951), where superiority is also given to the nervous system over the cells. Further: almost in all the other organs, tissue systems could be found, which were morphologically and functionally connected. In the kidneys, each glomerulus constitutes, with its multicellular, differentiated tubule and its collecting tube, a function unit, the nephron. The liver is organized not only morphologically into lobules, but also functionally into multicellular units, the hepatons, which have a synchronous activity. In the lungs, the histological function unit, which serves for respiration, is not the single epithelial cell but the alveolus, bounded by a subepithelial membrane. The protective function of the epidermis is only made possible by the intercellular substance. How, actually, do the extracellular tissue components fit into the cellular theory? What about the fibres, the various basement membranes of endothelia and epithelia, the cartilaginous and osseous structures, are they all dead if the cell is the only one that conveys life (see Cameron, 1952) ? From embryology came another important objection against the primacy of the cell theory. The development of the fertilized egg cell begins in almost all animals and in humans with a division of the egg cell into two halves, followed by a division of those egg cell halves into egg cell quarters etc.: these are the so-caned cleavage divisions. In most insects, this cleavage is, however, merely superficial; in the centre of the yolk, only the nuclei divide themselves, and not the cytoplasm. Therefore, these cells end by having many nuclei within a uniform cytoplasm. A similar process occurs in the embryo sac of many seed plants, where a system develops of many hundred nuclei within a single undivided cytoplasmic area, i.e., within a single cell. Only later does each nucleus get enclosed in its cell. In this specific case, 4 GENERAL CYTOLOGY does the individualization of each particular cell not seem to be a mere supplement to a process of tissue growth, which was already completed before? Yet all these arguments did not succeed in destroying the cell theory. For this theory does not exclude that many cells may associate to form superior functional units. True, it is only through histological organization that the different tissues of a metazoan are morc than just the sum of their components, the different cells; such is also the case with the whole organism, which is certainly more than the sum of its organs. The essential point, however, is that the functions of these superior units:. the so-called histions (tissue units), are exclusively per- formed by the cells. For example, it is the liver cell that fulfils the function of the liver in metabolism and bile secretion. The secretion of excretory or incretory glands occurs ex- clusively in each particular epithelial cell. The histion is a functional community and is, as such, dependent on the function of every single cell. If one transplants a histion onto a culture medium detached from the organism, what will grow is not the tissue unit but the different cells as independent individuals; the histion generally disappears after a short while. Even in those cases where the main function of the particular organ was attributed, up to now, to extracellular membranes-as for example in the lungs or in the kidneys' glomeruli- the importance of the cells which adhere to these membranes has been increasingly recognized with the aid of electron microscopy. The incomplete cleavage division of insect eggs and the polynuclear appearance of the wall that lines the embryo sacs of many seed plants turn out to represent, after more serious consideration, a mere dissociation of processes normally closely connected with each other: nuclear division and cell cleavage. In both cases, the former precedes the latter, and only after a stage of multicellularity does the division of the cell proceed and come to completion. We shall return to this problem when we explain the reproduction of the cell (see p. 166). At any rate, none of these facts contradicts the cell theory. Another argument has now lost its weight. Modern electron microscopy has broken up the syncytial groups of cells, almost without exception, into single cells. Heart muscle, which was considered for a long time as an example of the special part played by a syncytium, is constituted of single cells joined together at the intercalated discs. The network of con- nective tissue fibres or the reticular structures of bone marrow, spleen and lymph nodes are formed by the cells. The intercellular substances of the squamous cell epithelium or the basement membranes of epithelia and endothelia are also, ultimately, condensed material from cells. However, each cell is strictly separated from the other, and no fibre runs through several cells or ends in them. The syncytium of the human trophoblast, which does not seem to show any cell boundaries, is less a syncytium than a plasmodium, resulting from nuclear divisions without cell divisions (Bargmann and Knopp, I959a). Electron microscopy, whose present fixation technique is particularly suited to demonstrate membranes, has thereby succeeded in demonstrating the individuality of the single cell, mainly in the centra} nervous system; the innumerable connections in Nissl's "nervous grey matter" have turned out to be fine cytoplasmic processes, which adhere to the neighbouring cells by small terminal knobs, but do not extend into them (Luse, 1956). In all of these so- called synapses, the neighbouring cells are strictly separated, albeit they constitute special functional junctions (Palay, 1956). The neuron theory, according to which the nervous tissue consists of many separate units, which each have nucleus, cytoplasm and processes (Cajal, INTRODUCTION 5 1935), is "but a particular case of the cell theory" (Spatz, 1952). The cell theory itself is more than a classification theory or a mere working hypothesis. It is the very structural principle which unites all tissues. This had been postulated by Leydig (r857) already one year before Virchow published his Cellularpathologie, and it is today more valid than ever. Now what about the lower limit, leading down to the subcellular dimension? Are there really no other smaller units oflife than the cell, and can a cell really only derive from another cell? This question did not cease to preoccupy Virchow. Twenty-two years after the publica- tion of the Cellularpathologie, he wrote: "The last word has still to be said concerning life units and we must always be prepared to replace the cell by simpler units, as soon as we are convinced of their existence" (Virchow, 1880). Is this the case today? The triumphant theory of the atomic structure of all matter, which places its units far below the limits of visibility, had such an influence that, already at the end of the 19th century, the cell seemed simply not small enough to be that last unit of life. Great is the number of authors who believed they had found the subcellular Jife units (ref. see Cameron, 1952). Among them, Richard Altmann was the most authoritative, with his theory of the "elementary corpuscles" published in 1894 (essentially identical with his" granule theory"). Less well-known was Wiesner (1892), who gave his mysterious, smallest subcellular units the name of " protomeres ". This expression was taken over later by Heidenhain (1907,1923). He needed such a term, for the cell was, in his mind, "only a certain form of the life sub- stance, consisting of living matter". Nor did Heidenhain believe that" the body of superior organisms represents a mere society of cells"; rather, he saw in them an "association of diversified structural elements (cells, muscle fibres, bundles of connective tissue, intercellular substances)", which, ultimately, are all made of proto meres. The "protomere theory" had many disciples over several decades (e.g., Hueck, 1926). Today, such conceptions are still far from obsolete. They are frequently based on the fact that the cell contains self-reproducing elements, such as the chromosomes or the plastids- for example in the chromosomes certain molecules_, the desoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)~ are necessary for the self-reproduction of the cell. These, with some restrictions, are representa- tive of the gene substance which, according to the results of genetics, is transmitted un- changed, from cell to cell (see p. II4). Would it not be logical to see in those molecules the least unit of life? This is confirmed by the findings of microbiology. Pure bacterial DNA is effective as a transforming factor, which changes the cell type; such is the case, for example, with pneumo- coccus, the typical bacterial agent of pneumonia (Avery et a/., I944). Another fact leads to the same conclusion: many viruses, for example bacteriophages, contain DNA as the essen- tial infectious component, with which they transform the metabolism of the host cell and utilize it for their own purposes (see p. 82). Indeed, have not the viruses already been dis- covered as being an infinitely smaller vital unit than the cell ? Today the answer to all these questions is clearly no. True, the homology of the cell's own DNA and the virus DNA exists beyond doubt. True, the identity of gene and DNA has been proved to a large extent. Yet a gene only "lives" in co-operation with other structures within a whole cell. All structures need, for their" living", the intact cell. This is also true of the viruses. A virus alone is deprived of life, i.e., it has no metabolism of its own, no transformation of energy, no excitability. The virus needs a living cell, to enter into its

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